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MIDDLETON, J. J., born Feb. 14, 1829,
died Dec. 20, 1911
ANN, his wife, born Aug. 30, 1829
MORRILL, J. W. Co. G, 3rd Iowa Inf.
LOVERIDGE, MORN, 1849-1915
PETTIGREW, JAMES M., born Oct. 13, 1827, died July 24, 1872
PAGELS, ANNA, wife of J. R. Pagels, 1842-1880
REYNOLDS, HERMAN M., born Sullivan Co. [N. Y.] April 15, 1832, died April 26, 1875
ROPER, ROSALIE C. [or G.], wife of Fordyce Roper, died July 22, 1858, aged 28 years
Sept. 18, 1823, died April 23, 1897
of James Reed, born April 2, 1830, died June 18, 1895
RANDALL, POLLY SHERWOOD, born April 6, 1843, died Dec. 4, 1903
B., died June 6, 1878, aet. 67
died Jan. 13, 1895, aged 82
T., Oct. 6, 1844, died March 18, 1917. Co. D, 6th U. S. Cav.
SARAH C., his wife, born July 13, 1848,
died Oct. 12, 1919.
born Feb. 20, 1815, died June 16, 1900
Oct. 12, 1840, died March 19, 1901
MARY, wife of I. Staples, born Aug. 18,
1845, died Oct. 19, 1895
born Sept. 10, 1810, died Aug. 9, 1885, aged 74 yrs., 10 mos., 29
WILLIAMS, born Feb. 28, 1814, died Oct. 10,
1885, aged 71 yrs. 7 mos. 12 days
SHAFER, PETER, born June 13, 1819, d. Jan. 24, 1903
SCHMUCK, JOHN, b. Feb. 27, 1834, died Aug. 25, 1916
SGOBY, W. H. Co. H, 95th Ohio Inf.
SHERLING, JOACHIM, died June 14, 1887, aet. 77 yrs., 9 mos., 28 days
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SWETT, B. D., died Nov. 9,1879, aged 59.
Co. E, 6th Wis. Inf.
MARY M., wife of L. M. Swett, died March 1,
1908, aet. 54 yrs., 11 mos., 20 days
SMITH, JOHN C., died Sept. 6, 1871, aet. 37
Contributed by Mrs. R. J. Kilpatrick, Beatrice, Nebr.
Will of Abraham Van Arsdalen (1st), which was recorded May 9, 1753. Signed April 4, 1753. Children mentioned:
IsaacProvision was also made for a child unborn.
Property of Samuel B. Van Arsdale.
Bought at his mothers vendue. Jan. 12, 1847.
Abraham A. Van Arsdalen b. May 4, 1788.
Eligah Beekman, b. March 9, 1788.
Abraham Van Arsdale, b. Dec. 2, 1750, d. April 10, 1821.
Our son Abraham Van Arsdale, m. Catherin Polhamus, Oct. 7, 1832.
Our son Peter B. Van Arsdale, m. Cristean Van de vere, Oct. 7, 1833.
Abraham, July 10, 1810
Peter Beekman, Aug. 20, 1812.
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Samuel Beekman, b. ------ d. Sept. 21,
Alice Quick, b. d. May 16, 1852.
Abraham A. Van Arsdale, d. July 3, 1869.
Samuel Beekman Van Arsdale, d. Dec. 1893.
My father Abraham Van Arsdale, b. 1750, d.
Abraham A. Van Arsdale, d. June 22, 1836.
My mother Elizabeth (Beekman) Van Arsdale, d.
May 20, 1847 aged 59 years 2 mo. 17 da.
I, Abraham A. Van Arsdale, m. Elje Beekman,
Sept. 17, 1809.
Our son William Van Arsdale, m. Joana Bergen
Sep. 1, 1836.
Garret Haats, m. Catherine Ann, Feb. 8
Abraham Quick, m. Elsey (Alice) Van Arsdale,
Jan. 13, 1841.
The first wife of Abraham Van Arsdalen was
Elsey Baird dau. of |
{ |
Alexander Baird (Beerd) of N. J. |
Abraham, 1772, d. in infancy
Abraham, 1773.
Elizabeth, 1777.
Elsey, 1780-1797.
Joseph Skillman.
Catherine, 1783.
Abraham, 1788-1836, m. Elizabeth Beekman.
Mary, --------------, m. George Keshaw.
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In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Van Arsdol of the Town of Aurelius, County of Cayuga and State of New York, being not well in bodily health but of perfect understanding, considering the uncertain continuance of life, and the certainty of Death, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:
First and principally I commit my soul to God my Creator, hoping thro' the merits of Jesus Christ the Redeemer of Souls to obtain a pardon of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life; and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently burried; and as to the worldly estate and goods with which God has blessed me I dispose of in manner and form following, viz:
Imprimus. It is my will and desire that all my legal debts and funeral charges be paid out of the same, and that the residue and remainder be distributed in manner and form following, viz:
First I give and bequeath to my kind and loving wife, Letty; one new Beuro together with one bed and beding and the appurtenances to the same likewise all her wearing apparel and a necessary support out of my devised estate.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my Son Garret forty Dollars current money of the State of New York over and above either of my heirs.
Thirdly. As to the residue and remainder of my Real and personal estate, it is my wish and desire that it be equally divided between my heirs share and share alike.
Fourthly. My real estate I leave to the discretion of my Executor either to sell or reserve the same as they may consider the most advantageous to my aforesaid heirs and legatees.
Lastly, I constitute and appoint my beloved sons, Garret Van Arsdol and Peter Van Arsdol Executors to this my last
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In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen.
Jacob Van Arsdol [Seal]
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above Testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in his presence:
Margaret Post
SIMON JANSEN1 VAN ARSDALEN married Peternelle Claesen Wyckoff. Children:
1. GeertjeThere may have been other daughters but no other sons. (It has been claimed by some writers that the Simonsen family in America had its origin from the Van Arsdale family. The writer has no proof for such a statement. If a son or sons of Simon Jansen dropped the surname, Van Arsdalen, this might be possible but we do know the entire Van Arsdale family in America descended from Cornelius and Jan who did continue to bear the surname.)
CORNELIUS2 VAN ARSDALEN married (1st) March 16, 1687, Aeltje Kouwenhoven. One child:
1. JannetjeHe married (2nd) May 2, 1691, Marretje Dirkse, who is usually given as an Ammerman by most writers. I have no proof as to the surname before her marriage, so omit it. Children:
2. Dirck
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Cornelius made a will April 25, 1738, which was probated April 19, 1745, in Kings county, N. Y. * He mentioned his wife Maritie and all of the above ten children.
JACOBUS3 VAN ARSDALEN married Alida Hoagland, daughter of Harmanus Hoagland and Adrianna Stoothoff of Flatbush. Children:
1. Harmanus, baptised June 21, 1745, at Harlingen, N.J.This couple probably had other children but the writer has thus far been unable to find baptismal records of any others than the two mentioned above. I do have data regarding a Cornelius who was undoubtedly a son of this couple.
The above Jacobus was probably the Jacobus Van Arsdalen who contributed six pounds sterling to the building of the new church at Harlingen, N. J., in 1749-50. He is also probably the Jacobus who contributed seven pounds toward the building of Neshanic, N. J., church in 1761 and another three pounds in 1772.
JACOB4 VAN ARSDALEN married Alida Van Arsdalen (for the lineage of Alida see further). Children:
1. Jacob, baptised Oct. 13, 1776, at Harlingen, N. J.
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Contributed by Mrs. S. D. Kilpatrick, Beatrice Net,
ANDREW1 CALHOUN was born of Scotch parents March 27, 1764, in the parish of Ray, County Donegal, Ireland. He died April 14, 1842, at Concord, N. H. He married March 15, 1795, at Boston, Mass., Martha Chamberlain, born Feb. 20, 1770, at Chelmsford, Mass., and died Dec. 19, 1830, at Canajoharie, N. Y. Children:
1. William Barron2 Calhoun, b. Dec. 29, 1785, Boston, Mass., d. Nov. 8, 1865, Springfield, Mass., m. May 11,2. Charles2 Calhoun, b. June 24, 1797, Boston,
Mass., d. Sept. 12, 1869, at Nebraska City, Nebraska
m. Oct. 14, 1824, Woburn, Mass., Almira
Stevens, b. Nov. 15, 1798, Burlington Mass., d. Feb. 15,
Nebraska City, Nebraska.
3. Andrew Hamilton2 Calhoun, b. March 30, 1799,
Boston, Mass., d. Dec. 17, 1874, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
m. (1) Aug. 14, 1822, Canajoharie, N. Y.,
Maria Yates, who died Oct. 15, 1849, at Oswego, N. Y.;
m. (2) May 20, 1850, at Albany, N. Y.,
Catherine Dickie.
4. Susan2 Calhoun, b. Oct. 17, 1800, Boston,
Mass., d. March 10, 1883, at Decatur, Alabama, m. June 20,
1823, Canajoharie, N. Y., Samuel C. Frey, b.
Feb. 10, 1799, Canajobarie, N. Y., d. Feb. 24,1877,
Decature, Alabama.
5. HENRY2 CALHOUN, b. Oct. 26, 1802, Boston, Mass. d. May 6, 1867,
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6. Simeon Howard2 Calhoun, b. Aug. 15, 1804,
Boston, Mass., d. Dec. 14, 1876, Buffalo, N. Y., m. Sept.
1848, Braintree, Mass., Emily P. Reynolds, b.
Nov. 14, 1824, Longmeadow, Mass., d. Nov. 4, 1908, Adams,
Natal, South Africa.
7. John2 Calhoun, b. Oct. 14, 1806, Boston,
Mass., d. Oct, 12, 1859, St Joseph, Missouri, m. Dec. 29, 1831,
Creek, Sangamon county, Ill., Sarah Cutter,
b. Aug. 24, 1812, Cincinnati, Ohio, d. June 12, 12, 1897,
Leavenworth, Kansas.
8. James2 Calhoun, b. Oct, 22, 1808. d. April 10,
1864, Cincinnati, Ohio, m. Aug. 29, 1844, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Charlotte Sanxey, b. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb.
24, 1822; d. July 23, 1893, Springfield, Mo.
9. Martha2 Calhoun, b. Nov. 3, 1813, Boston, Mass., d. Feb. 17, 1888, Chelmsford, Mass.
Contributed by Mrs. R. J. Kilpatrick, Beatrice, Nebr.
John Saunders and family left Madison County, Kentucky, on Monday 24th July a. d., arrived at home, Big Springs, Buchanan county, Mo., Monday the 7th August 1843, all safe and well. God be thanked.
John Saunders and Nancy Ratcliffe were married May 2nd, 1816.
Martha Ann Saunders and Andrew T. Jenkins were married Nov. 26th, 1840.
William R. Saunders and Arthusa Courtney were married December 7th, 1843.
William Graves and Edney Saunders were married March 19th, 1846.
Elizabeth Saunders and Stephen Jester were married March 19th, 1846.
James H. Saunders and Emma D. Ray were married Nov, 25th, 1851.
Alfred Michau and Nancy J. Saunders were married March 13th, 1851.
John Saunders and Mrs. Elizabeth A. Saunders were married
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John Saunders and Mrs. Elvira Bates were married June 1st, 1865.
William R. Saunders was born January 21st, 1818.
Thomas Saunders was born May 25th, 1820.
Martha Ann Saunders was born May 15th, 1822.
James H. Saunders was born May 6th, 1824.
Betsey W. Saunders was born April 23, 1826.
Edney Francis Saunders was born April 22, 1829.
Nancy Jane Saunders was born December 15, 1830.
John Saunders was born November 26th, 1832.
Richard Saunders was born March 21, 1835.
Robert Saunders was born June 12, 1837.
Edney Francis Saunders was born October 30th, 1844.
John W. Graves was born June 27th, 1847.
Nancy O. Graves was born February 12, 1849.
Isabel Graves was born April 7, 1850.
John Michau was born February 26, 1852.
Pernecy Saunders was born September 15th, 1849.
Rebecca Ann Saunders was born Dec. 20, 1850.
Orrie R. Saunders was born Aug. 22, 1855.
Isabel Michau was born Aug. 20, 1854.
John Saunders was born Sep. 10, 1797.
Nancy Saunders was born Jan. 6th, 1798.
James Andrew Jester was born Nov. 29, 1846.
Martha Francis Jester was born Nov. 11, 1848.
Laura Jester was born March 14, 1850.
John Jester was born March 31, 1852.
Thomas Saunders died Jan. 27, 1834.
Nancy Saunders died Sep. 5, 1853.
Isabel Michau died Sep. 19, 1855.
John Saunders died October 10, 1870.
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Eliza A. Saunders was born April 23, 1809, and died Feb'y 19th, 1865.
R. R. Saunders, son of John Saunders and Elvira Saunders, was born April 12, 1866, and died April 22, 1866, aged ten days.
Dates furnished by Richard Saunders, Kansas City, Mo.
State of Missouri |
}ss |
Contributed by Mrs. C. S. Paine, Lincoln, Nebr.
SHAW, b. April 21, 1818, d. Oct. 14,
wife, b. Oct. 30, 1821, d. Nov. 12, 1901.
MRS. JENNIE POWELL. consort of Col. Miles Powell, d. Oct. 17, 1801, in the 70th yr. of her age.
When you my friends are passing byMRS. ELIZABETH BAKER, wife of Mr. Francis Baker, died Nov. 22, 1791, in the 38th year of her age.
"Be it remembered that four infants of the deceased are buried near this grave."In memory of MRS. BETTY EDDY, who died June 1st, 1827, aged 58 years. This tombstone was erected by her order for herself and first husband, D. Powell.
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Affliction fore long time I boreSacred to the memory of three children of Rev. Mr. DANIEL and SARAH COLLINS, died 1777.
In memory of LYDIA, wife of THOMAS MARTIN, JR., who died Dec. 26, 1858, aged 75 years, 4 months.
She was a tender mother hereContributed by Mrs. S. D. Kilpatrick, Beatrice, Neb.
WEYERSHAUSER.--"Genealogical and Historical Record of the Ancestral Descendants of Franz Weyershauser of Ebsdorf, Kries, Marburg, Hesse," compiled and arranged by Nelson C. Weiersheiser. In this work each of the six original branches of the family is carried through the generations to 1923. An introduction gives the antecedents of the Weyershauser family in Hesse.
SPICER.--"History of the Descendants of Peter Spicer, a Landholder in New London, Connecticut, as early as 1666, and Others of the Name," compiled by Mrs. Susan Spicer Meech and Mrs. Susan Billings Meech, and published by the Stanhope Press, Boston. This extensive work in two volumes contains much. historical data on the English ancestry of the family as well as genealogies of its various branches and the allied families: Allyn, Amos, Ames, Bill, Billings, Brown, Busicot, Chapman, Geer, Gager, Fish, Hawley, Hovey, Jones, Latham, Lee, Meech, Mortimore, Newton, Park, Pride, Roath,
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To Contributors. In sending material to this department, please observe the following rules:
1. All queries and answers must be signed with the full name and address.
2. In answering queries give the date of the magazine, the number of the query and the signature.
3. Answers should contain proof of information given. Correspondents are requested to accompany each separate query with a two-cent stamp.
49. Nichols. James NichoIs, b. 10-28-1688 at Reading. Wanted: name and ancestry of his wife. Mrs. C. R. P.
50. Richardson. Wanted: the ancestry of Asa Richardson of Vermont and his wife Tamer Bronson, who were the parents of William Richardson, born 1773, died 1855, and who married Jane Schermerhorn, born 1778, died 1857, daughter of Wm. Shermerhorn (Pa.) and Jane Cook. Wm. and Jane Schermerhorn had 14 children: Asa, Elizabeth, [Betsy], Eleanor [Laner], Matthew, William, Tamer, Zadoc Squire William, Jane, Mary, Fanny, Mark, Luke, John and Samuel. E. G. R.
51. Whitney. Wanted: the ancestry of Hannah and Luther Whitney of Vermont. Hannah Whitney was married twice, but always went by the name of Whitney. Her first husband was a Whitney, and her maiden name was Whitney, also. Her father fought in the War of the Revolution, and one of her husbands in the War of 1812. Hannah Whitney was born in 1776, in Vermont, and died in Toledo, Ohio, and was buried there. Was past 98 years of age when she died. Emily Jane Whitney, daughter of Hannah and Luther Whitney, was born in 1822 in New York state, and died 1862 at Niles, Mich., and is buried at South Bend, Indiana. She was married about 1836 to Sylvanus Graves Gaylord, whose parents were
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52. Thompson. Wanted: the ancestry of Martha Thompson, who married Eleazer 3 Gaylord (Walter 2, William 1) August 11, 1686, probably at Windsor, Conn. Eleazer Gaylord was born March 7, 1662. E. G. R.
53. Butler. Wanted: the ancestry of Betsey [Elizabeth] Butler, born October 10, 1785, died October 8, 1825, who was the first wife of Thomas 7 Gaylord (Jonathan 6, Samuel 5, Samuel 4, Eleazer 3, Walter 2, William 1) of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. E. G. R.
54. Davis. Wanted: the parentage, Revolutionary descent, etc., of Fielding Davis, born Apr. 17, 1794, died 1850, married about 1817 Mildred -----. Supposed to be a descendant of James C. and Mary Elizabeth (Carter) Davis of "Broadfield," Spottsylvania, Va., married 1738, among whose descendants the baptismal name of Fielding is used very frequently. Their children, probably born in Kentucky, were: Elliott B., born 1818, of Cascade, Ia.; Albert G., born 1820; Eles S., born 1822; William B., born 1824; Rebecca C., born 1826, married John Sowerwine of Indiana; Jesse Moore, born 1829, died 1857 in Nodaway county, Mo., married Rose Delong; and Samuel B., born 1832. Some of their sons lived in Green county, Indiana, before emigrating to Dubuque and Cascade, Ia., and they may have removed there from Kentucky, also. Would like to correspond with persons descended from Fielding Davis or his brothers or sisters.
M. N. L.
Let the Nebraska Genealogical Society advise you in regard to completing your family lineage, copying your genealogical records, filling out your application blanks in all patriotic societies, etc. ![]() |
Genealogist 1525 North LaSalle st. Chicago Ancestries traced, application papers prepared for membership in any society, and family histories and charts compiled. Special attention given to eases involving legal action-such as proofs of heirship, investigation of titles to property on the basis of true heirship, etc. Have you seen the new Genealogical Questionaire? It is invaluable for securing and collating information in difficult cases. Send for one. Price25 cents postpaid. Rates in quantities. |