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Abstract by Raymond E. Dale, A. B., Lincoln Nebraska.

  These items were taken from a file of Cist's Weekly Advertiser, published at Cincinnati, Ohio. This file, now in the newspaper collection of the Nebraska State Historical Society, extends from April 5, 1847 (Vol. I, No. 3), to June 8, 1848 (Vol. II, No. 12).

  1847, Apr. 12. - "On Tuesday morning, by the Rev. Dr. Aydelotte, Mr. James R. Smith, firm of Smith & Nixon, to Elizabeth Amelia [Nixon], daughter of Wm. Nixon, Esq., all of Cincinnati."

  "On Sunday morning, the 4th inst., of Bronchitis, Dr. Noah Worcester, in the 36th year of his age."

  "On Sunday evening, Elizabeth M. J. [Nourse], in the 4th year of her age, only daughter of C. E. and Elizabeth Nourse."

  "On Wednesday, about 2 o'clock, Luke Dignan, of consumption, aged 60 years."

  "On Saturday evening, 3rd inst., after a lingering illness, Rachel H. Carrel, in the 22d year of her age."

  "At 8 o'clock, on Tuesday evening, Augustus Benoit [Peters], son of W. C. Peters, aged 12 years and 3 months."

  "On the 10th inst., Mr. A. D. Silvey, of Chillicothe, in the 24th year of his age, at the Dennison House in this city, after an illness of several weeks."

  1847, Apr. 19 - "We find an account of a horrible murder which took place in Russellville (Ky.], on Sunday night the 4th inst., published in the Herald of the 7th. Dr. James W. Wilson, an estimable citizen, whilst asleep in his office, was murdered in a most shocking manner." . . .

  "About five o'clock yesterday afternoon, a difficulty occurred on Cheapside, near Higgins' grocery store, between Mr. Charles S. Boswell and Mr. Richard Morrison, both young men of our city, in which several shots from revolving pistols were exchanged, and which we regret to add terminated in the death of Mr. Boswell."-Lexington Observer.

  "While several persons were engaged on Saturday evening last, in firing a cannon in the upper portion of the city, in honor of the victory of Buena Vista, and the capture of Vera Cruz and San Juan d'Ulloa, a premature explosion took place which horribly mutilated and injured a young man named Baptist Irvine. Irvine died on Sunday evening, at 5 o'clock." - Louisville Courier.

  1847, May 10. - "Dr. B. A. Parnell, well known in this city as a lecturer on Phrenology, Human Magnetism, etc., died suddenly at Manchester, Michigan, on the 27th ult."

  "Joseph Olds, Esq., President of the Bank of Circleville, died, at that place on the 27th ultimo, aged about 52 years."

  1847, May 17. - "At his residence in this city, on Sunday morning last, John Nelson, in the 85th year of his age. Mr. Nelson was a veteran of the Revolution," . . .

  "On Thursday evening, 6th inst., in Covington, Ky., by Rev. H. H. Kaveanaugh, David B. Birney, of the firm of Birney & Co., Cincinnati, to Miss Anna B. Case, daughter of Reuben Case, of Covington, Ky."

  "On the 9th of May, at 7 o'clock, by Rev. N. L. Rice, Mr. James R. Miller to Miss Sarah Boute, all of Cincinnati."

  "On Thursday, 6th inst., by the Rev. James H. Perkins, Mr. U. P. James to Miss Olive H. Wood, all of this city."


  "On the 29th ult., by the Rev. J. W. Weakly, Dr. Wm. B. Munday, Dayton, to Miss Lorana A. Holcomb, of this city."

  On the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Weakly, Mr. John Burns to Miss Jane Todd, both of this city."

  "On the 9th inst., by Rev. J. W. Weakley, Mr. George Smith to Miss Mary Byare, both of this city."

  "On the 12th inst., by Rev. William H. Harrison, Wm. E. Robinson to Julia M. Epply, all of this city."

  "On Wednesday, the 12th inst., by Rev. Win. H. Fyffe, Mr. Nelson B. Hays, of Guernsey county, Ohio, to Miss Rachel Ann Blackiston, daughter of Win. Blackiston of this county."

  "On the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Bliss, Mr. Hamilton Cummings, of this city, to Miss Emily C. Odger, niece of Joseph Andrew of Covington, Ky."

  "At Matamoras, Mexico, on the 30th ult., by Rev. McElroy, Jno. N. Cummings, of New Orleans, La., to Miss Olive S. Chapin, of Cincinnati, 0."

  "On the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Shepardson, Mr. Robert Thomas to Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney."

  "On the 12th inst., by Rev. Abel C. Thomas, Mr. Elias Longley to Miss Elizabeth Margaret Vater."

  "On the 13th inst., by the same, Mr. Sherman Knowlton to Miss Dorcas Manahan."

  "On the same day, by the same, Mr. Charles A. Wright to Miss Paulina Doerrer."

  "On the 13th inst., by Rev. Win. H. Fyffe, Mr. Jas. H. Baldwin to Miss Rhoda Spencer, both of this city."

  "On Thursday evening, May 13th, in the town of Carthage, Hamilton county, Ohio, by Elder William P. Stratton, Mr. John Bonnell to Miss Sarah Emily Benedict, of Carthage.

  "On Tuesday, the 11th inst., at 9 1/2 o'clock, P. M., Jane Findlay [Whiteman], wife of Lewis Whiteman, of this city, in the 43d year of her age.". . .

  "On the 12th inst., of consumption, Mrs. Elizabeth T. Lindsay, consort of J. Y. Lindsay, in the 44th year of her age."

  "On the 10th inst., Mr. Jno. D. Douglass."

  1847, June 29. - "On Thursday, the 17th inst., at Belleview, Boone Co., Ky., Col. Silas Dinsmore, in the 81st year of his age." He was collector of the Port of Mobile in 1822.

  "A middle aged gentleman by the name of J. W. Milne, from Lowell, Mass., cut his throat about noon on Saturday, on board the St. Louis. . . He was buried in this city yesterday after a coroner's inquest was held. . . ."-Plaindealer.

  "Isaac D. McDowell, John James McDowell, Charles McDowell, and Amanda Virginia McDowell, infants, residing in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, and heirs at law of Benjamin Drake McDowell, deceased, will take notice - that at the May term, 1846, of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio, Daniel Drake, Executor of the last will and testament of Benjamin Drake, late of Hamilton, deceased, filed in said court this bill in Chancery (the substance and objects of which are herein below set out), against Samuel W. Smith, and Mary Caroline Smith, his wife - late Mary Caroline Woolley - Lydia Woolley, Benjamin Drake McDowell, an Infant, living in the state of Missouri, James P. Campbell, and Harriet E. Campbell, his wife, Alexander H. McGuffey, and Elizabeth M. McGuffey, his wife, Win. M. Conkling, and Elizabeth D. Conkling, his wife, late Elizabeth D. Glenn, and Win. R. Morris;" .. . . . .


Compiled by Vera F. Rasmussen, Omaha, Nebr., assisted by Mary Clark.
[Continued from Vol. XII, p. 11.]
(original text is single spaced)

Samuel A. Orchard(a) - Eliza A. Crawford - Jan. 3, 1866.

Daniel Williamson - Julia Bell - Jan. 5, 1866.

Adolphus Burmester - Mary R. Wehrer - Jan. 8, 1866.

Daniel MacKinerney - Margret Welsh - Jan. 6, 1866.

Peter Mattingly - Margret A. Cassady - Jan. 6, 1866.

Patrick Garvey - Mary Ryan - Jan. 10, 1866.

Abel J. Sand, Decatur, Burt Co., Nebr. - Ellen Andrews, Decatur, Burt Co., Nebr. - Jan. 20, 1866.

George Davidson, Fort Kearney, Nebr. - Jenette N. Smith, Zanesville, 0. - Jan. 19, 1866.

Harrison M. Hunter - Margaretta Sill - Jan. 26, 1866.

James B. Callahan - Catherine Duffan - Feb. 13, 1866.

William Chambers - Sarah Garvey - Feb. 18, 1866.

Edward K. Valentine(b) - Frances A. Crawford - Feb. 26, 1866.

Edward Shoebridge - Mary Mickle - Feb. 26, 1866.

Philipps von Windheim(c) - Emma Stang - Mar. 5, 1866.

John Rekinger, 25 yrs. - Lucy Smith, 26 yrs - Mar. 3, 1866.

George W. Marshall - Sarah J. Thompson - Mar. 8, 1866.

Frank J. Range - Carrie E. Younger - Mar. 10, 1866.

William Preston(d) - Emily Victoria Orchard - Mar. 28, 1866.

Samuel Hackman - Jane E. Jardine - Mar. 12, 1866.

Lawrence Mitchell - Mary Rice - Mar. 31, 1866.

Edward Taylor, 22 yrs., Sandy Hills, N. Y. - Sarah A. Welliver, 18 yrs., Rock Bluffs, Nebr.
       - Apr. 5, 1866.

Carl Walton (colored) - Emma Alton (colored) - Apr. 8, 1866.

Richard Birt - Libbie Davis - Apr. 11, 1866.

Horatio L. Seward, 32 yrs. - Ella A. Buddington, 22 yrs. - Apr. 23, 1866.

Patrick Tomney - Elizabeth A. Buston - Jan. 30, 1866.

Larson Lund, 24 yrs. - Catherine Lund, 18 yrs. - Apr. 28, 1866.

George W. Wilbur - Mary J. Reeves - Apr. 28, 1866.

Jeremiah C. Wilcox - Reslia Saunders - Apr. 25, 1866.

Edward B. Kepler - Kate Martin, Belleview, Nebr. - Apr. 30, 1866.

Michael Steiner - Susan F. Robertson - May 1, 1866.

William A. Wickliffe - Margaret Hunt - May 7, 1866.

John W. Denton - Martha G. Williams - May 23,1866.

William W. Gee, Omaha, Nebr. - Phebe Hayes, Des Moines, Ia. - May 26,

Frederick Dellone(e) - Jennietta Heany - May 26, 1866.

       1866 (sic).

Albert Nast, Virginia City, Mont. - Cressintia Wasserman, Omaha, Nebr. - May 31, 1866.

Joseph Fox(f) - Hannah Clarke - May 31, 1866.

     (a) Samuel A. Orchard, born at Livonia, Washington Co., Ind., Sept. 20, 1835; moved to Nebraska in 1855. - A. T. Andreas, History of Nebraska, p. 788.
     (b) Edward Kimball Valentine, son of Jones and Leah C. (Watts) Valentine, was born June 1, 1843, at Keosauqua, Van Buren Co., Ia. He was a member of Congress three terms. -- Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, pp. 388-390.
     (c) Philian von Windheim was born, May 18, 1826, in the Kingdom of Hanover, Germany. He came to America in 1851 and to Omaha in 1857. - A. T. Andreas, History of Nebraska, p. 802.
     (d) William Preston, born Nov. 20, 1834, in England, came to America in 1851 and settled at Omaha in 1856. His wife was a daughter of A. R. Orchard. - Ibid, p. 791.
     (e) Frederick Dellone was born, 1838, in York Co., Penna., and came to Nebraska in 1860. - Ibid, p. 765.
     (f) Joseph Fox, a farmer near Omaha, was born in County Yorkshire, England, in 1820. He came to America in 1848 and to Omaha in 1856. Mrs. Hannah Clarke was his second wife. - Ibid, p. 808.


Aaron Wilson, Logan Co., O. - Margaret O'Linger, Burt Co., Nebr .- May 30, 1866.

Edrick L. Eaton,(g) Council Bluffs, Ia - Emma Salveter, St. Louis, Mo. - May 30, 1866.

John Higgins - Thompsien Murphy - June 6, 1866.

Addison R. Smith - Mary M. Thomas - June 24, 1866.

George M. Bailey, U. S. Army - Emma J. McLaughlin, Denver, Colo. - June 14, 1866.

G. W. Donaldson - Ellen Pancoast - July 1, 1866.

Abram Rosenberry(h) - Minnie Wright - June 30, 1866.

Joel A. Griffen(i) - Calinda A. Parker - June 30, 1866.

George J. Reeves - Victoria Wilborn - July 5, 1866.

Jacob Wagner, Muscatine, Ia. - Emeline J. Bower, Douglas Co., Nebr. - July 5, 1866.

Albert H. Taber, Florence, Nebr - Parasetta Guill, Florence, Nebr. - July 14, 1866.

James Hensman - Ellen Fox - July 25, 1866.

William Seekkotter - Mary Mulhed - Aug. 4, 1866.

Louis F. Ruf - Emma Walker - Aug. 3,1866.

William H. Lower, Omaha, Nebr. - Anna E. Wickershaw, Philadelphia, Penna. - Aug. 15, 1866.

Lewis S. Stanfield - Martha McCracken - Aug. 22, 1866.

James H. Curry - Sarah Esty - Aug. 23, 1866.

John H. Williams - Martha Jackson - Aug. 22, 1866.

William Osborn - Elizabeth Wysel - Aug. 25, 1866.

Soren Jansen - Anna C. Peterson - Aug. 27, 1866.

James O'Sullivan - Ellen Brennan - Sept. 4, 1866.

Enoch M. Shipley - Nancy M. Swigart - Sept. 8, 1866.

Henry Lausent, 31 yrs. - Margaret Stemmer, 21 yrs. - Sept. 25, 1866.

George Hale, 41 yrs., Cincinnati, O. - Elizabeth C. Spencer, about 30 years - Sept. 28, 1866.

John Lewis, 23 yrs. - Taressa Schaunburg, 18 yrs. - Sept. 27, 1866.

John Connor - Julia Walsh - Sept. 26, 1866.

John W. Lytte - Anna B. La Follett - Oct. 3, 1866.

Michael Cushing - Kate Murry - Oct. 4, 1866.

Theodore E. Richardson, 25 yrs. - Adeline Hill, 18 yrs. - Oct. 19, 1866.

John I. Redick,(j) 37 yrs - Mary A. E. May, 19 yrs. - Oct. 4, 1866.

Edwin J. Clark, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Kate J. Dennis, Omaha, Nebr. - Oct. 9, 1866.

Richard M. Galbreath, Platteville, Wis. - Jennie E. Mann, Platteville, Wis. - Oct. 8, 1866.

Thomas A. Smith, 33 yrs. - Mariah Gorham, 30 yrs. - Oct. 16, 1866.

William Coburn, 23 yrs. - Savannah S. Nealy, 21 yrs. - Oct. 27, 1866.

James Steele - Elizabeth Hensman - Oct. 30, 1866.

David Warren, 24 yrs. - Sarah Hanger, 17 yrs. - Oct. 29, 1866.

Charles A. Maxwell, Colorado Territory - Julia M. Locke, Wisconsin - Nov. 1, 1866.

Lyman W. Sessions - Catherine Remmington - Nov. 3, 1866.

Thomas O'Neil - Winnifred Collins (alias Gramley) - Nov. 6, 1866.

     (g) Edric L. Eaton, born May 31, 1836, in Franklin Co., Vt., first came to Nebraska in 1857. His wife was born in St. Louis, Mo. - Ibid, p. 767
     (h) Abraham Rosenberg, born 1843, in Franklin Co., Pa., came to Nebraska in 1864. - Ibid, p. 794.
     (i) Joel A. Griffen was the son of Joel T. and Juliette (Cobb) Griffen and come to Douglas Co., Nebr., in 1856. -- Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, I, p. 359.
     (j) John Irwin Redick, born July 29, 1928, (sic) near Wooster, 0., was the son of John H. and Eliza (Forbes) Redick. He settled at Omaha in 1856. This was his second wife. - Ibid. I, p. 489.


Henry Clausen, 28 yrs. - Mary A. Anthonessen, 23 yrs. - Nov. 5, 1866.

Frank M. King, 25 yrs. - Margaret R. Forgey, 20 yrs. - Nov. 22, 1866.

George Wise, 22 yrs. - Mary A. J. Durant, 19 yrs. - Nov. 15, 1866.

Leuman H. Webster, 23 yrs .- Nellie Lewis, 22 yrs. - Nov. 17, 1866.

Frederick Lauber, 33 yrs. - Louisa Schmold, 23 yrs. - Nov. 28, 1866.

John O'Brien - Catherine Sweeney - Nov. 24, 1866.

Joseph Frenzer - Elizabeth Bremen - Nov. 21, 1866.

Perry Simpson, 25 yrs. - Nancy Frances, 26 yrs. - Nov. 25, 1866.

August Raasch, 22 yrs. - Alice K. Brown, 19 yrs. - Dec. 6, 1866.

James I. Paul, 27 yrs. - Anna L. Robinson, 27 yrs. - Dec. 10, 1866.

Daniel Jarard, 31 yrs. - Mariah Minner, 26 yrs. - Dec. 13, 1866.

George W. Clifford, 29 yrs. - Elizabeth Wooding, 28 yrs. - Dec. 13, 1866.

Augustus Donecker, 21 yrs. - Sarah Buchanan, 21 yrs. - Dec. 15, 1866.

Daniel Whitney, 32 yrs. - Mary A. Perrins, 26 yrs. - Dec. 17, 1866.

Henry Hutchins, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Ellen Mowhinia, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Dec. 18, 1866.

William Litus (colored) - Sarah Kelley (colored) - Dec. 18, 1866.

William M. Spiker, 22 yrs. - Malinda Barnes, 19 yrs. - Dec. 22, 1866.

A. L. Wilson, 32 yrs. - Sarah K. Adair, 20 yrs. - Dec. 22, 1866.

Charles Hitchcock, 24 yrs. - Mariah L. Williams, 27 yrs. - Nov. 30, 1866.

Arthur Turner (colored) - Sarah Todd (colored,) - Dec. 26, 1866.

Charles H. Hammond, 30 yrs. - Lucinda Banks, 23 yrs. - Dec. 29, 1866.



  If there are any direct or collateral descendants in Nebraska or elsewhere of Thomas (1) Drake of Weymouth, Mass., Elizabeth (Drake) Hamlin of Boston, Mass., or Joan (Drake) Randall of Weymouth, Mass., please communicate with me. I am anxious to prove the parentage of these three Drake ancestors, supposedly the immigrant ancestors before 1654. No definite proof has ever, to my knowledge, been established that these three were children of William and Margaret (Westofer) Drake of Yardbury, Colyton Parish, Devonshire, England.

E. Howard Drake, 8214 R Street,
Lincoln, Nebraska.




The Nebraska Genealogical Society gratefully acknowledges contributions to the publication fund during the present year from the following societies:

Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims in Nebraska, for 1933                    $30.00
Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims in Nebraska, for 1934                     30.00
Nebraska Mayflower Society, for 1934                                                  25.00

This financial assistance came at a time when it was very much needed, as the number of pages published this year testify.

A greatly increased publication fund and an endowment fund are very real needs, if the Society is to carry on its purpose to make available our Nebraska source material. Are we willing to do for our posterity what has been done for us in New England and other parts of the east?

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