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OLLibrary, Journals
Vol. XV
No. 1
Edited by RAYMOND E.
Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
I. Matthew1 Woodruff was born in England
about 1612,(a) and came early to Boston, Massachusetts.
In 1640 or 1641 he settled at Farmington, Connecticut, where he
was one of the original proprietors. He was made a freeman in
1657, and became a member of the church, March 1, 1672. His wife
was Hannah, but where he married her is not known. It is claimed
that they were married in England, but they might have been
married at Farmington. She was admitted to the church in
Farmington, April 2, 1654, and survived his death.(b)
Matthew Woodruff was a man of considerable wealth for his time and
left an estate of £250. A large portion of this property was
bequeathed to his youngest son Samuel, at that time 21 years of
age and unmarried, on condition that he take care of his mother.
Matthew Woodruff's will, noncupative, is dated September 6, 1682,
and was probated December 14 following.(c)
Children of Matthew1 and Hannah
i. John, b. 1643; d. May
1692; wife, Sarah; freeman at Farmington, 1671.
2. ii. Matthew, b. 1646; bapt. May 16, 1658.
iii. Hannah, b. Oct. 1648; m. Capt. Richard
Seymour, son of Richard and Mercy
(Ruscoe) Seymour; d.
1711 or 1712.
(a) This genealogy, compiled by the Editor, is
based on the research of Susan Woodruff Abbott (Mrs. M. W.),
Milford, Conn., and of Mrs. Lila Woodruff, Lincoln, Nebr. It is
published as a memorial to Eugene B. Woodruff (1850-1924), late
the husband of Mrs. Lila Woodruff.
(b) Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine,
Vol. XXII, p. 54.
(c) Early Connecticut Probate Records - Hartford
District, Vol. IV, 1677-1687, pp. 60,101.
Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1651; m. John Broughton, son of John and
Hannah (Bascom)
Broughton of
Northampton, Mass.
v. Mary, bapt. Nov. 4, 1654; d. young.
vi. Samuel, b. Aug. 26, 1661; d. Jan. 8, 1742; m.
Rebecca Clark, daughter of John and
Rebecca (Marvin)
II. Matthew2 Woodruff
(Matthew1) was born at Farmington,
Connecticut, in 1646, where his baptismal record is found. He
settled at Milford, where he married, June 16, 1668,(d)
Mary Plumbe, daughter of Robert Plumbe, and was made a freeman
there, May 11, 1671.(e) About
1673 he returned to Farmington, where his first wife probably
died, and he married, secondly, 1686, Sarah North, daughter of
John and Mary (Bird) North, who was born at Farmington, December
23, 1653. He died in November, 1691, and she died before February
2, next following, at which time an inventory of her estate was
Children of Matthew2 and Mary (Plumbe)
i. Matthew, b. Feb.
8, 1668/9; d. May 10, 1751, Farmington, Conn.; m., 1st, Sept.
1694, Elizabeth
Baldwin; m., 2nd, June 10, 1730, Mrs. Martha (Boyce) North,
Thomas North.
ii. Mary, b. Dec. 27, 1670,
Milford, Conn.;(d) d. Sept. 27, 1713; m. Henry
3. iii. John, b. Feb. 1 (or 5), 1672/3, Milford,
iv. Sarah, b. Feb. 1674 (or 5?),
Farmington, Conn.
v. Samuel, b. 1677; d. Nov.
27, 1732; m. Mary Judd.
vi. Elizabeth, b. 1679; m. John
Shepherd, Westfield, Mass.
vii. Hannah, b. 1681.
Children of Matthew2 and Sarah (North) Woodruff:
viii. Nathaniel, b. May 16, 1686/7, Farmington, Conn; m.
July 16, 1709, Thankful Wright;
d. Nov.
13, 1758, Litchfield, Conn.
ix. Joseph, b. May 19, 1689,
Farmington, Conn.; m. Oct. 1717, Esther Brown;
d. Jan.
23, 1737, Farmington, Conn.
III. John3 Woodruff (Matthew2-1)
was born at Milford Connecticut, February 1 (or 5), 1672/3. After
the death of his father and mother he returned to Milford,
probably to make his home with his mother's family, and there he
married, December 22, 1698, Mary Platt, daughter of Joseph and
Mary (Kellogg) Platt, the ceremony being performed by Governor
Treat. In 1699 he was admitted to the church at Milford and there
all his children were born. On November 7, 1702, John Woodruff
bought land at Milford, being the first Woodruff to buy land in
the town. He was a cordwainer by trade, a captain in the militia
and in 1712-13 was on the list of Patentees. He died at Milford,
July 23, 1726, his widow surviving him forty years.
Children of John3 and Mary (Platt)
i. Mary, b. Mar. 3, 1699/1700; m.
Thomas Buckingham,
ii. Sarah, b. Dec. 20, 1701; m. Joseph Hull.
(d) American Genealogist, Vol. IX, pp. 108,
(e) Connecticut Records, 1665- , p. 155.
(f) Early Connecticut Probate Records, Vol. V,
pp. 38, 43, 56, 120.
4. iii. John, b. Dec. 20, 1701.
iv. Joseph, b. Feb. 18, 1704/5; d.
Jan. 20, 1766, Milford, Conn.; m. Jan. 22,1729,
v. Susanah, b. May 3, 1707;
d. Dec. 11, 1742; m. Dec. 15, 1725, Thomas Clark.
vi. Anna, b. Feb. 25, 1708/9; d.
vii. Ann, b. Mar. 2, 1711; d. Feb. 27,
1787; m. Aug. 7, 1729, Andrew Tuttle.
IV. John4 Woodruff (John3,
Matthew2-1) was born May 26, 1703, at Milford,
Connecticut, and lived there all his life. He married, first,
about 1726, Hannah Andrew, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Treat)
Andrew, granddaughter of Governor Treat, and secondly, about 1741,
Sarah Baldwin, daughter of Thomas and Jerusha (Clark) Baldwin. In
1734 he was admitted to the First Church at Milford and in 1750 he
was made captain of the militia. John Woodruff owned considerable
land in Oxford, at that time a parish of the town of Derby,
besides tracts in other parts of Connecticut. He died February 3,
1768, and his prosperity is indicated by the inventory of his
estate, £2443 (g).
Children of John and Hannah (Andrew) Woodruff:
i. Hannah, b. about
1727; m. Stephen Platt; settled in Woodbury, Conn.
ii. John, b. 1729; d.
Sept. 22, 1799; in. Mar. 13, 1757, Hannah Lambert; settled
6. iii. Samuel, b. about 1731.
iv. David, b. 1733; d. Dec. 31,
1786 (or 1787); m. Esther Clark; settled at Oxford, Conn.
v. Abigail, b. Feb.
12, 1738; m. July 6, 1758, Fitch Kimberly.
Children of John and Sarah (Baldwin) Woodruff:
vi. Enoch, b. Mar. 1742; d.
Mar. 5, 1786; m. Mary Treat; lived in Milford.
vii. Matthew, b. Dec. 18, 1743;
d. July 15, 1824; m. 1st, Esther Bull, 2nd, Rebecca Smith;
in North Milford which became the town of
viii. Isaac, b. Apr. 20,
1746/7; d. Mar. 31, 1782; m. Sarah Clark; settled in Watertown,
ix. Sarah, bapt. June
4, 1748; d. 1818; m. Jonah Newton.
x. Susannah, bapt.
July 27, 1750; d. Feb. 5, 1821; m. Nov. 23, 1876, Moses Hine;
settled in
xi. Jonah, b. Dec. 1,
1755; d. May 15, 1832; m. July 30, 1877, Mable Adams.
xii. Benjamin, bapt. 1760;
d. Nov. 18, 1781; wife Mary; no children.
xiii. Jerusha, m. David Mulford of New
Haven, Conn.
V. Samuel5 Woodruff
Matthew2-1) was born about 1731 and was
baptised at the First Church at Milford, May 18, 1735, the same
day as his sister Hannah and his brothers, John
(g) The baptisms of the
first ten children are in the records of the Milford First Church,
1735- 1750. There is a break in the record from May 31, 1752, to
March 1, 1767. In the probate record the only document now on file
is the inventory. However, the Baldwin Genealogy, by Charles A.
Baldwin, M. A., (p. 53), gives a synopsis of the will of Capt.
John Woodruff of Milford, dated Apr. 3, 1767, proved 3rd
Monday of March 1768; children, John Woodruff, eldest son; Samuel,
2nd; Enoch; Matthew; Isaac; wife, Sarah; children again, Jonah;
Benjamin; Hannah, wife of Stephen Platt; Abigail, wife of "Fich
Kimberly"; Sarah Woodruff; Susannah Woodruff; Jerusha Woodruff.
The son David is not mentioned in this abstract, but his name
might have been in the original document.
and David (h). He
married, probably in 1751, Anne Nettleton, daughter of Nathan and
Susanna (Plumb) Nettleton of Milford. By 1757 he had settled in
the town of Oxford, Connecticut, for on December 25 of that year
he and his wife were admitted to the church there and on that day
their three oldest sons were baptised. Here he lived until 1772
when he removed to Litchfield. Samuel Woodruff was injured July
17, 1772, while driving his team from Oxford to Litchfield to take
part in a house raising, and died a few hours later.
Children of Samuel and Anne (Nettleton) Woodruff:
i. Anne, b. 1751 or
1752; m. Aug. 11, 1768, Jeremiah Riggs (b. July 1, 1750).
ii. Samuel, b. about 1753; m.
----- Blanchard.
iii. Nathan, b. about 17515; m. Sarah
or Charity -----; settled at Livonia, N. Y., 1801.
iv. Philosebius (called Philo),
b. about 1757; m. Hulda Orton, Nov. 3, 1779, Litchfield,
6. v. Andrew, b. June 11, 1758; bapt. Oxford, Conn.,
Feb. 18, 1759.
vi. John, bapt. Dec. 11, 1761;
died 1825, Torrington, Conn.; m. Sally E. DeForest.
vii. Levi, m. Hannah Selkrigg.
viii. Simeon, d. Aug. 28, 1839; m. 1817 Polly
ix. Elisha.
x. Susana (or Susan Andrew), b.
1769; d. 1828; m. Solomon Woodruff; settled at Livonia,
xi. Martha (called Patty), m. Dr.
VI. Andrew6 Woodruff
(Samuel5John 4-3
Matthew2-1) Was born at Oxford, Connecticut,
June 11, 1758. He married at Litchfield, May 19,1777, Miranda
Orton, daughter of Samuel and Ruth (Mason) Orton. They lived many
years at Litchfield(i) where all their children were
born, but in 1805 they joined the migration to central New York
and settled at Triangle, Broome County, where Miranda died Oct.
27, 1831. Andrew Woodruff spent his declining years at Livonia,
where many of his relatives had settled when they left
Connecticut. There he died August 20, 1846.
Children of Andrew and Miranda (Orton) Woodruff:
i. Asenath, b. June
11, 1778; m. Daniel Marsh, Dec 23, 1798.
ii. Olive, b. Dec. 9, 1779; m.
Stephen Sanford, Jan. 20, 1799; d. 1861 Livonia, N. Y.
(h) Attention is called to the correction made
in the line of Samuel Woodruff. The 2nd bequest in the will of
Capt. John Woodruff stated; "I give and bequeath . . . . unto my
second son Samuel besides what 1 have already given him, 50 acres
of land lying in Waterbury bounds, joining the land that was Capt.
Buckinghams." This land was in that part called Oxford and was
near the Waterbury boundary. Samuel settled there and lived until
1772, when he removed to Litchfield. The church records at Oxford,
Connecticut, give:
Samuel and wife Ann are received into
the Oxford Congregational Church, Dec. 25, 1757. (p. 11)
Samuel, Nathan, and Philosebius, baptised Dec. 25, 1757. (p.
June 7, 1772, Samuel and wife Anne recommended to the church in
Litchfield, South Farms. (p. 14)
(i) An Andrew Woodruff is given as
serving in the Revolution from Litchfield, Connecticut. Apparently
this was the only Andrew Woodruff near Litchfield of an age to
serve in the Revolution.
iii. Ruth (twin), b. July 12, 1781; m.
David Gibbs, twin of Benjamin; d. 1842.
iv. Rhoda (twin), b.
July 12, 1781; m. Benjamin Gibbs, twin of David; d. 1880.
Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1785; m. Lydia Barnes, daughter of Enos and
Lucy (Woodruff)
d. Oct. 30, 1877, Albion, Ind.
vi. Andrew, b.
Oct. 9,1787; m. Rebecca Barnes; removed to Albion, Ind.; d.
Aug. 17, 1849.
vii. Elisha, b. May 2,
1789; d. May 7, 1869; m. Phebe Sturtevant; lived at Granby,
viii. Miranda, b. Sept. 15,
1790; d. 1879, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; m. Nov. 3, 1807, Orrin
ix. Luman, b.
Sept. 17, 1794; d. June 1855; lived at Granby, 0.
x. Fanny, b.
Dec. 2, 1795; m. Erastus Norton; d. Hadley, Ill.
xi. Lewis
Harlow, b. Feb. 25, 1798; m. Mar. 21, 1830, Almeda Hutchinson;
d. June 25,
xii. Jeremiah, b. Mar. 17,
1800; d. Lansing, Ia., July 8, 1868; Presbyterian minister;
1st, Nancy Spencer; 2nd, Clarissa Thompson.
xiii. Huldah
Irene, b. Aug. 12, 1801; d. Oct. 15, 1877; m. Lyman
7. xiv. William, b. June 3, 1803.
VII. William7 Woodruff
(Andrew6 Samuel5 John
4-3Matthew2-1) was born at
Triangle, New York, June 3, 1803, the youngest of fourteen
children. He married, October 20, 1824, Jerusha Owen, daughter of
Solomon and Sylvia, (Cook) Owen. They lived for some time at
Triangle, but on May 1, 1839, he received a grant of land in Saint
Joseph County, Michigan, where he soon settled. William Woodruff
died at Three Rivers, Michigan, March 9, 1858, and his widow
Jerusha, August 30, 1861.
Children of William7 and Jerusha (Owen)
i. Catherine B., b. Nov. 4,
1825; d. Mar. 14, 1911; m. Daniel C. Briggs, of Park, St.
Co., Mich.;
settled at Glenwood, Ia., 1855.
ii. Susan M., b. Feb. 25, 1827; d.
Jan. 20, 1913; m. Dr. John T. Keables, Nov. 2, 1847.
iii. Joseph C., b. Feb. 9, 1829; d.
Oct. 5, 1856; a cripple from birth.
iv. Mary Ann, b. Nov. 14, 1830 d. Jan.
25,1885; m. Anson W. Briggs.
v. Marcia Belinda, b. May 20, 1834; d.
June 7, 1916; m. Ezra Bradford.
vi. Sarah Arminty, b. Apr. 9, 1837; d. Oct.
22, 1917; m. Asaph Woodruff.
vii. William Owen, b. Aug. 16, 1838,
Flowerfleld, Mich.; d. Mar. 9, 1840.
viii. Louise Emma, b. Dec. 5, 1840; d. Sept. 24, 1864; a
Civil War nurse.
ix. Rosalia, b. Oct. 15, 1842; d. Nov. 8,
1898; m. Montgomery Shepard, Decatur, Mich.
x. William J., b. Apr. 4, 1844;
d. Sept. 18, 1862; a soldier in the Civil War.
xi. Jerusha Owen, b. Apr. 16, 1846; d.
Mar. 20, 1928; m. Henry C. Matran.
xii. Eugene B., b. Feb. 26,1850; d. May 31, 1924;
lived at Glenwood, Ia.; m. 1st, June 3, 1879,
Mattie B.
Bosbyshell; m., 2nd, Aug. 21, 1901, Lila C. Hurlbut.
In the Name of God, Amen I Samuel
Woodruff of Litchfield in the County of Litchfield -- Being of
Sound Mind and Memory Calling to mind that it is appointed to all
Men once to Die I have therefore made & Ordained this my last
Will and Testament Thereby revoking all others In the first
place recommending my Soul into the hands of God who gave it and
my Body to the Dust in a decent & Christian Burial Disposing
of the Worldly Estate wherewith Legaly possest After my just
Debts and Funeral Expenses are paid In manner and form as
followeth -- Imprimis To my dearly beloved Wife Anne Woodruff I
give & bequeeth the use & improvement of One third of my
Real and Personal Estate during the term of her Natural Life ----
Moreover I give and bequeeth to her the full Sum of Fifty Pounds
Lawfull Money's Value of my Estate to be her own forever -- Item
To my Eldest Son Samll I give and bequeeth Twenty Pounds
Lawful Money's worth of my Estate over and above his equal
proportion with the rest of his Brethern -- The residue of
my Real and Personal Estate to be divided equally amongst my Eight
Sons namely Samll, Nathan, Philosebus, Andrew, John, Levi, Simeon,
& Elisha. They paying out a Legacy to my Daughters Susa
Andrews & Patty eqal in Value to what I gave my Eldest
Daughter Annie when they come of the Age of Eighteen Years or on
the Day of their Marriage as they shall Chuse Item I do
hereby Ordain & appoint my Dearly beloved Wife Anne Woodruff
and my Eldest ;Son Samll Sole & joint Executors of this my
last Will and Testament ----
In Witness whereof I have herewith Set my hand &
Seal this 17th Day of July AD 1772
Signed & Seald in the presence of
Seth Bird
Hosea Hulbert
Seth farnam
Samal Woodruff
This enumeration was signed, under oath, October
10, 1855, by James D. White.
[p. 1] Gardner Powers(a), b.
in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f.
und. 16.
Joseph Wood, b. in France, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
William Jackson, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
f. und. 16.
James Oneal(a)(b), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Samuel Brown b. in Ill., shoemaker; 1 m. 21 up.; 3
m. und. 16; 3 f. und. 16.
John Jackson, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.;
1 f. und. 16.
Moses R. Jackson, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
W. T. Craig, b. in Pa., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Luke Wiles(a), b. in N. C., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(a) Listed in the 1854 Census for Third
District (Cass Co.). - Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical
Record, Vol. XIII, pp. 19-22.
(b) James O'Neill, b. Sept. 24, 1815,
Hocking Co., 0., was the son of James O'Neill, a native of
Ireland. He married, Hocking Co., 0., Rachel, daughter of Hugh and
Rachel (Gillen) Avery, b. Oct. 27, 1824, Belmont Co., 0. They
settled in Iowa in 1848. His mother, a native of Scotland, died at
Plattsmouth. - Chapman, 0 toe and Cass Counties, pp.
Stephen Wiles (a), b. in Ind.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Levi G. Todd (a), b. in N. Y., farmer; 2
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Edwin Morse, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Jackson Todd, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Lafayette Todd, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Wilcher Cardwell (a), b. in Ky., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Jonathan Carnes (a), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
John Hantley, b. in Mich., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
George Storey, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
James R. Humble, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2
m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Charles Bealy, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Allen Watson, b. in N. C., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m.
und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
James Gordon, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.
Henry Watson (a), b. in N. C., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
John Watson (a), b. in Tenn., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
William Stephens (a), b. in Ind.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Samuel Hahn (a), b. in 0.,
plasterer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16 up.
Martin Keplinger (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John Slain (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Andrew Slain (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
W. W. Gullion(c), b. in Ind., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
W. H. Shaffer (a), b. in Ky., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
[p. 2] Joseph Rolls, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.;
4 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
John Simpson (a), b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Loyd Lucas, b. in 0., carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.
Ewing Sharp (a), b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.
J. C. Hammon (a), b. in Ala., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
William Garrison(d), b. in N. Y.,
merchant; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
G. F. Parman, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.;
1 f. und. 16.
W. Micklewait (a), b. in England,
ferryman; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Elias Gibbs (a), b. in N. Y., farmer; 2
m. 21 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
James A. Cardwell(e), b. in Tenn.,
farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(c) William W. Gullion
came to Cass Co. in June 1854 with his brother-in-law, William H.
Shaffer. - Ibid, pp. 1170-1.
(d) William Garrison, b. in N. Y was a
pioneer of St. Joseph Co., Mich., and came to Cass Co., in Mar.
1855. - Ibid, pp. 1054-5. William Garrison and William M.
Slaughter kept a store in a two story log house, both families
living in the building. - Plattsmouth Journal, Sept. 4,
(e) James A. Cardwell settled on Camp
Creek, Lancaster Co., near the present village of Waverly in 1857.
- Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, II, p. 10. He
was a member of the Third Territorial Legislature, the first from
Lancaster Co.
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