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OLLibrary, Journals
James Raines, b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
T. S. Gaskill (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
John Johnson, b. in Tenn., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.
Broad Cole(f), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John R. Johnson, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21
Seth Johnson, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
John Greene, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
James Taylor, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John Hail, b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 5 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
James Sharp, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m.
und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
J. Hamilton, b. in Ky., physician; 1 m. 21 up.
James Chandler, b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16.
[p. 1] Robert A. Collins (a),
b. in Ky., carpenter; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Jeremiah Bunker, b. in N. J., farmer; 1 m. 21
[p. 2] John Shur, b. in Germany, farmer;
2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
G. Brown, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
H. M. Brown, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
J. C. Brocias, b. in Md., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John. Murray(a)(g), b. in Tenn., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Alvars [?] Murray(a)(g), b. in
Mo., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Joshua Murray(a)(g), b. in Mo., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Thomas Patterson(h), b. in Pa., surveyor;
2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Benedict Spiers(a), b. in Germany,
miller; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
John Smith, b. in Germany, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Augustus Harkins, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
William Frans(a)(i), b. in Ky.
[?], carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Jackson Rakes, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
[p. 3] Thomas Pierce, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.
George Atkinson, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
George W. Thompson, b. in 0., carpenter; 1 m. 21
James Tidwell, b. in S. C., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(f) Brand Cole, b. Sept. 20,
1824, Pickaway Co., 0., was the son of Shadrack Cole and grandson
of Brand Cole, both born in Maryland. He married Harriett Bruner
in Ohio, 1853, and settled near Plattsmouth in the fall of 1854. -
Morton-Watkins, 1, p. 361. See also Chapman, pp. 1013-5.
(g) Jonathan Murray, b. in Tenn., was the son of
Joshua Murray, a native of Ky. He married Elizabeth, daughter of
Michael and Margaret (Ledgerwood) Berger and located in Moniteau
Co., Mo. Alvars and Joshua Murray were his sons. - Chapman, pp.
968-9, 1297. See also Plattsmouth Journal, Jan. 22,
(h) Col. Thomas Patterson was a native of
Washington Co., Pa. - Morton-Watkins, I, p. 272.
(i) William Frans, b. Mar. 1, 1831, Meade Co.,
Ky., was the son of Tazwell Frans, a native of Va. He grew up in
Buchanan Co., Mo., and enlisted in the army at the time of the
Mexican War, most of his service being in Nebraska. He married
Rebecca, daughter of Benedict and Ruphena (Rife) Spiers and
settled in Cass Co., 1854. - Chapman, pp. 1061-3.
Abraham Towner(a), b. in Pa.,
clergyman; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John L. Ballard, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
John Clemmon(l), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
William Young(j), b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
William Laird, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up,
Wm. M. Wily (a), b. in Va.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Louis H. Young, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John Carroll, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 5 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
A. C. Towner, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Thomas B. Ashley (a), b. in Va., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
Isaac H. Alexander, b. in Md., joiner; 1 m. 21
Harvy McCowen, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Martin Neff (a), b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
John Gillmore(k), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
John Swap (a), b. in Germany, blacksmith;
2 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
[p. 5.1 Joseph Lousignost, b. in 0., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Abel Crabtree(l), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Robt. I. Palmer, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
William Elington (a), b. in Ky., farmer;
1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 3 1. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
James Gardner, b. in Va., teacher; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
[blank] Griskill, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; I f. und. 16.
Milton Morris (a), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und.
Elza Martin, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
William H. Davis (a), b. in Tenn.,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 4 f.
und. 16.
William Pamer, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 4 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
[p. 3.] David Halfakre, b. in Tenn.,
carpenter; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. und. 16.
John L. Lawson, b. in S. C., physician; 1 m. 21
James Carlisle., b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Mary Redman, b. in Ky., farmer; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f.
16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Thomas Thompson (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Jacob Gish, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
(j) William Young, b.
Aug. 25, 1808, Floyd Co., Ky., moved to Platte Co., Mo., in 1837,
and to Nodaway Co., Mo., in 1842. He came to Cass Co. in Nov. 1854
and brought his family in Mar. 1855. He was twice married. -
Andreas, History of Nebraska, p. 519.
(k) John Gilmore, b. Nov. 12, 1824, Highland
Co., 0., son of Andrew and Jane (Work) Gilmore, settled in Cass
Co., 1853. - Chapman, pp. 1256-7.
(1) Abel Crabtree, b. May 6, 1821, Jackson Co.,
0., son of James W. and Sarah (Graham) Crabtree, married, July 9,
1848, Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. John and Ruth (Peterson)
Clemmons, and accompanied his father-in-law to Cass Co. in 1854. -
Chapman, pp. 825-6, 1190-1.
Bela White, b. in Mass., merchant; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 f. 16 up.
J. Mc F. Haygood(m), b. in Ky., ferryman; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Benjamin Williams, b. in Md., blacksmith; 3 m. 21 up.;
1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
George H. Winders(a), b. in Ind., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
George Fimple, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
[p. 3.] Levi Wilson, b. in Ind., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
J. S. Griffeth (a), b. in Ky., shingle
maker; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
V. G. Perkins, b. in N. Y., merchant; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
David E. Goodwin (a), b. in Tenn., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
James D. Guzzle, b. in Mo., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
f. 16 up.
J. C. Rakes (a), b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
William Door, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
P. Thimple, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Benjamin Albin, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Augustus Case, b. in N. C., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Hugh Simmons, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
up.; 2 f. und. 16.
John Garrison, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Thomas, Nickolls(a), b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Joseph Vanhorn(n), b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
James Jones, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
John Price, b. in Tenn., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
David Stewart, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
William Rector, b. in Tenn., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
J. M. McCoy, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
P. J. Smith, b. in Md., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 5 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
[p. 4.] James Tyson, b. in N. Y., farmer;
2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
John F. Buck(o), b. in N. Y., farmer; 2 m.
21 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Franklin McCall (a), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und.
M. B. Case, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
David C. Brannon(a), b. in 0., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
H. C. Wolf (p), b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Charles C. Clouser, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16 up.
John Murray, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 1 f. und. 16.
S. M. Kirkpatrick(q), b. in 0., farmer; 4
m. 21 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(m) John M. Hagood, b. in Ky. about 1812,
came to Cass Co. in Oct. 1854. He m. Nov. 8, 1856, Mary C. Brown.
- Watkins, I, p. 277.
(n) Joseph Van Horn came from Green Co., 0., and
was a member of the Fourth Territorial Legislature - lbid, I, p.
(o) John Foster Buck, b. May 31, 1815, near
Auburn, N. Y., son of Aholiab and Annis (Drake) Buck, m. Nov. 5,
1839, Mary M. Schryder. He came to Cass Co. from Peoria Co., Ill.,
in May 1855. - Watkins, I, pp. 277-8.
[p. 5.] H. C. Ashley, b. in Vt.,
farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und.
J. R. Miligan, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Peter Clowser, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Fulton Bryon, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
James Bryon, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
John Kanabe(r), b. in Germany, farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
Mary Brannon, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 f.
16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Mathew Hughs, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 3 m.
und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
C. W. Colblert, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
William Collbert, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
George W. Moore, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
Thos. W. Barnes(a), b. in Ky., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Levi Walker(s), b. in Ky., farmer; 2 m.
21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und. 16.
Thos. M. Hamner, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
f. 16 up.
Williamson Mafield, b. in Ind., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.;
1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
This record, on a folded sheet of paper, stained and yellow
with age, was found in an old Bible which probably belonged to
Rocina Gleason, wife of Robert Lyon, of Jefferson County, New
York. It is now in possession of Albert Chase, Loup City,
Nebraska. All except the last entry are written in a woman's hand,
very small.
Don. C. Holly Married Mar 23rd - 18 [?]
Sally Draper
Don C. Holly [June 8], 1822, to Rocina Holly
Robert Lyon Married Rocina Holly - Aug 5th - 1830
Joseph B. Wilcox Married Dec 28 - 1841 Sally M. Holly
Henry G. Lyon Married Sept 8 - 1853 Mary E. Fitzsimmons
Don C. Holly born Sept 3rd 1786
Sally Draper born July 2nd 1790
Rocina Gleason born Dec 17th 1798
Robert Lyon born Feb. 23 - 1803
Lucinda Rosalye Holly born Feb - 18 - 1815
Joseph Draper Holly born Oct 17 - 1817
Sally Marie Holly born July 4 - 1823
Ch ---- [?] Alphonso Holly born June 6 - 1825
Henry Lyon born - May 12 - 1831
Joseph Bed --- [?] Lyon & Eunice Bedora Lyon born Aug
11 - 1836
Sally Holly died Jan 11 - 1819
Don Carlos Holly died Aug 28 - 1829
Rocina Lyon died - Nov. 26 - 1857
(p) Henry Clay Wolph, b. May 7,
1823, Richland Co., 0., son of John and Mary (Crum) Wolph, came to
Cass Co. in May 1854. - Chapman, pp. 1219-21.
( q) Samuel M. Kirkpatrick, b. Aug. 31, 1815,
Adams Co., 0., came to Cass Co., June 1855. He was often a member
of the legislature and was a member of two constitutional
conventions. He married twice. - Andreas, p. 522.
(r) John Christian Knabe,
b. Oct. 1, 1824, Flemberg, Holstein, Germany, came to America in
1852 and to Cass Co 1855. He m., Nov. 22, 1857, Miss Anna Lohse.
- Weeping Water Republican, Aug. 22, 1903; Dec. 17, 1903.
See also Chapman, p. 1291.
Index to the Will Books and Intestate
Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1729-1850. Compiled
and published by Eleanore Jane Fulton and Barbara Kendig Mylin,
1936, Lancaster, Penna., 145 pages. Price, $2.00.
Genealogically Lancaster County is one of the most
important counties in Pennsylvania. This publication contains the
index of 110 pages In double column followed by a complete
bibliography of Lancaster County containing 26 pages. There is
also an historical introduction of 9 pages. More than 100 surnames
are found with 20 or more probate records each, the following
surnames having 150 or more records; Baer (Bare, Bear), Brenneman,
Brown, Brubacher (Brubaker), Carpenter, Eshleman, Evans, Good,
Graff, Groff, Herr, Hershey, Hess, Hoffman, Huber (Hoover),
Kauffman, Kendig, Long, Meyer (Myer), Miller, Moore, Shenck
(Shenk), Smith, Weaver, Wilson and Witmer. This book Is
fundamental in the study of Lancaster County families.
Marriage Records of Callaway County, Missouri,
1821-1871. Compiled and published by Adah R. Ferguson (Mrs.
Arthur D.), genealogist, 1936, Fulton, Mo. Mimeographed, 115 pages
+ index of women 22 pages
+ preface 3 pages. Price, $3.00.
Callaway County is in the eastern part of the
state, bordering the Missouri River on the north, the first
settlement being made at Cote San Dessein before 1800. For fifty
years the Missouri River was the greatest highway of travel west
of the Mississippi. Great numbers of families from the Ohio Valley
and farther southeast, seeking homes in the West, stopped in the
river counties of Missouri from 5 to 20 years. This is a splendid
contribution to the documents of family history, and we hope that
the number of such volumes may be speedily increased, especially
from counties lying along the highways of migration.
Mrs. C. A. Reynolds
First Vice President
Mrs. W. J. Byer
Second Vice President
Mrs. W. S. Whitten
Recording Secretary
Mrs. Jiles W. Haney
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. 0. W. Olsen
Mrs. Newell H. Barnes
Mrs. C. S. Paine
Mrs. Irene Courtnay
Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, 1938
Gilbert H. Doane, 1938
Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, 1939
Mrs. Newell H. Barnes, 1939
Mrs. Lila Woodruff, 1939
Mr. Carl Gray
Mrs. Lila Woodruff
Mrs. W. S. Whitten
Mrs. T. S. Allen
Mrs. N. H. Barnes
Mrs. C. H. Jenkins
Miss Ida Robbins
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Ted & Carole Miller