NEGenWeb Project
Resource Center
OLLibrary, Journals
Vol. XXI
No. 1
Edited by RAYMOND E.
Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
Continued from Vol. XX, p. 32.
[p. 129] Nancy Orndorff, 60, Ga.; Ellen,
18, Ga.
J. D. Browning, 46, Va.; wife, Martha D. Browning, 44, Va.;
children, Eliza J., 20, Va.; Susannah, 18,
Va.; Franklin Mc., 17, Va.; Charles E., 10, Mo.;
Henry Clay, 7, Mo.
Henry Davis (a), 31, Ind.; Emily Davis, 27,
Ind.; daughters, Margaret, 5, Neb.; Clara, 3, Neb.; living in
family, Margaret McColloch, 49, Ind.
Jacob Klepser (b), 56, Germany; wife, Elizabeth
Klepser, 52, N. J.; dau., Sarah L., 15, Ind.
Robt. Reddish, 30, Ky.; wife, Anne E. Reddish, 26, Mo.;
sons, Wm. F., 6, Mo.; Frank T., 4, Mo.; living
with family, ------ Jones; Rose Reddish, 7,
Wm. H. Fenley, 42, Ky.; wife, Elizabeth Fenley, 36,
Ky.; children, Mary E., 16, Mo.; Cora A., 12, Mo.;
Virgil F., 9, Mo.; Haidee F. (F), 8, Mo.; Minnie
S., 6, Mo.; [p 130] Richard T., 3, Mo.; Geo. L. and
6 mo., Neb., twins.
Bryant Brinton, 37, Tenn.
0. P. Mason (c), 36; N. Y.; wife, Mary J. Mason,
26, Me.; daughters, Jessie, 5, Neb.; Grace A., 1, Neb.;
probably living in family, Rachel
[Mason?], 18, Ind.
Mrs. ------ Crawford, 35, Scotland; dau., Mary,
Geo. Whitaker, 22, Canada.
(a) Rev. Henry T. Davis of the M. E.
Church was born at Springfield, 0., July 29, 1833; was in
California with his brother Albert Davis from 1850 to 1852; began
to preach in 1855; married Miss Emily McCulloch, Sept. 17, 1857;
moved to Bellevue, Neb., July 1858; lived at Nebraska City,
1861-8. - Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, II, p.
(b) Jacob Klepser, b. Oct. 7. 1807, Wurtemburg,
Germany, son of Andrew and Hannah (Mutzer) Klepser, came to
Philadelphia with his parents on Oct. 1817. He was a farmer and
harness maker. He married, March 1833, Montgomery Co., 0., Miss
Elizabeth, daughter of Tunis Van Clefe, a native of N. J. The
family came to Cass Co. in July 1856 and removed to Nebraska City
in 1865. - Chapman Bros., Portrait and Biographical Album of
Otoe and Cass Counties, pp. 336-7.
(c) Oliver Perry Mason, b. May 13, 1829, Brookfield,
N. Y., son of Levi and Polly (Pierce) Mason, married Mary J.,
daughter of Sanford and Hannah B. Turner. They came to Nebraska
City in 1855. Mrs. Mason died in 1874. Mr. Mason was a member of
the legislature several times, a member of the constitutional
convention of 1875, and chief justice of the state supreme court.
- Morton- Watkins, I, pp. 272-3.
Sarah Lauer, 53, England; sons, J. D., 27,
N. Y.; Henry, 22, N. Y.; Lewis C., 17, N. Y .
Hiram Hathaway(d), 29, 0.; wife, Anna
Hathaway, 25, N. Y.; sons, Chas. C., 4, Neb.; Fred H., 2, Neb
Isabell S. Rawley, 40, England; children, Mary, 10,
England; Joseph, 8, England; John, 6, Neb.; Jas., 3,
Neb.; Byram, 2, Neb.
Loiza Goodlett, 64, Va.
Avins Goodetoe (M), 20, Mo.; Loiza, 18, Mo.; Robt. E., 13,
[p. 131] Mary H. Elliott, 33, Ky.; children,
Missouri E., 13, Mo.; Harriet, 9, Mo.; Thos. B., 6, Mo.
Ambrose Murry, 37, Ky.; wife, Elizabeth Murry, 28,
Ky.; children, Mary E., 6, Mo.; Wm. E., 6 mo., Neb.
Jas. Crawford [?], 50, Ireland; wife, Mary, 50,
Ireland; probably living with this family, Michael Carrol, 6,
Jno. W. Owen, 39, Tenn.; wife, Margaret L. Owen, 34,
Tenn.; children, Amanda P., 14, Mo.; Narcissa, 10,
Mo.; Wm. B., 6, Mo.; Melinda W., 3, Mo.; Robert
E. L., 9 mo., Mo.
Jas. Plummer, 45, Ky.; wife, Minerva Plummer, 31,
Va.; children, Mary, 6, Mo.; Robert, 6, Mo.; Emily J.,
4, Mo.; Martha, 2, Mo.
Jas. Shewell, 64, 0.; Camantha, 36, 0.; Henry, 20,
Nancy Bruns, 40, Va.; children, Richard, 10, Mo.;
Martha J., 7, Mo.; [p. 132] Augustus, 5, Ia.
Lorenzo Schut, 48, Germany.
Wm. J. Shackelford, 37, Mo.; wife, Amanda
Shackelford, 35, Mo.; sons, Dorsey, 11, Mo.; Edwin, 9,
Mo.; Walter, 6, Mo.
Ellis Harden, 32, Ind.; wife, Malvina Harden, 27,
Ky.; children, Nancy K., 6, Mo.; Rich'd C., 4, Mo.
Jno. S. Darley, 51, Scotland; wife, Jannett Darley,
52, Scotland; children, Amelia, 27, Mo.; Alexander, 25,
Mo.; Isabella R., 22, Mo.; Geo., 16, Mo.;
probably living in family, Amelia Darley, 60, Scotland;
Rodger, 3, Neb.
Jno. F. Darley (e), 28, Mo.; wife, Barbary
Darley, 25, Scotland; dau., Anna, 3, Neb.; Jennett, 1, Neb.;
probably living in family, Jane Snitet, 27,
Wm. Wall (f), 29, Mo.; wife, Sally B. Wall, 22,
Mo.; children, Samuel, 5, Mo.; Anna, 3, Mo.
Geo. W. Gibson, 27, Mo.; wife, Clarissa Gibson, 19,
Pa.; [p. 133] dau., Nancy A., 1, Neb.
Wm. Overton, 28, Va.; wife, Sarah R., 20, Mo.; dau.,
Ella L., 1, Mo.
Jno. Bryant, 52, Me.; wife, Mary Bryant, 50, Me.; children,
Dan'l, 23, Me.; Jno. S., 22, Me.; Mary E.,
21, Me.; Frances (F), 17, Me.; Rodney, 20, Me.;
Sibbila, 14, Ill.; Holland, 12, Ill.; Dallas, 9, Ill.; Celia
6, Mo.
Thos. Chivington, 24, Mo.; wife, Sarah N., 23, N.
Y.; children, Walter, 3, Neb.; Lulu, 6 mo., Neb.;
probably living in family, Emma Pearce,
13. Neb.; Nancy Roberts, 17, Mo.
Roberta Hall, 35, Va.; children, Ella, 15, 0.;
Frank, 8, Neb.
Anna Dobson, 19, Ireland.
Wm. Walker, 53, Ky.; Wm. J., 20, Mo.
(d) Hiram D. Hathaway came to Nebraska
City from Council Bluffs, Ia., in 1859. He married at Nebraska
City 1860. In 1865 he went to Plattsmouth and founded the Nebraska
Herald. In 1872 he moved to Lincoln, becoming half owner of the
State Journal. In 1894 he moved to Denver, Colo. - Nebraska City
News, 1905 Dec. 5, p. 1 (3)
(e) John T. Darley was a builder and contractor,
moving to Denver, Colo., about 1875. He and his wife and one
daughter lost their lives in the great Galveston storm of 1900. -
Ibid, 1900 Sept. 12.
(f) Record repeated.
D. W. Walker, 28, Mo.; wife, Sarah Walker,
25, Ky.; children, Wm., 7, Mo.; [p. 134] Columbus, 5,
Fannie, 2, Mo.
Elizabeth Walker, 58, Ky.
Sarah Duncan, 23, Mo.; Wm. F., 11, Mo.; Joseph M.,
8, Mo.; Geo., 6, Mo.
W. E. Hill, 38, N. Y.; Mary A., 31, N. Y.
C. C. Hall, 45, Ky.; wife, Nancy Hail, 41, Mo.;
children, Reuben, 15, Mo.; Frances (F), 13, Mo.; Benj.,
11, Mo.; Jno., 9, Mo.; Wm., 7, Mo.; Josephine,
5, Mo.; Martha, 3, Mo.; Emma, 6 mo., Mo.
Avanilda Martin (F), 21, Mo.; Jane, 18, Mo.
A. Lindsay, 29, Scotland; wife, Janet Lindsay, 30,
Scotland; dau., Rosella, 7, Mo.
Z. Kirk, 31, England.
Wm. Oliver, 28, Mo.
R. E. Douglas, 29, Mo.
------ Jones, 32, Mo.
Wm. B. Hail (g), 54, Va.; wife, Elizabeth Hail,
54, Va.; [p. 135] children, S. F., 29, Va.; Alverda (F),
Va.; W. S., 18, Va.; Taylor, 15, Va.; Stephen,
12, Va.
Jas. Miller (h), 26, Mo.; wife, Celia Miller,
25, Va.
Waller Wisdom, 24, Ia.; wife, Henrietta Wisdom, 24, Ia.;
dau., Bell, 1, Neb.
N. Bell, 26, Ia.; Susan, 26, Ia.; Ann, 22, Ia.;
Jane, 20, Ia.
Jas. Adkins, 34, Ky.; wife, Collistia P. Adkins, 34,
Ill.; children, Edwin R., 13, Mo.; Eugene R., 11, Mo.;
Franklin R., 9, Mo.; Virginia C., 7, Mo.; Hellen
C., 5, Mo.; Joel M., 3, Mo., probably living in family,
Maggie Adkins, 20, Ill.
Boswell Jones, 26, Ky.; wife, Frances Jones, 19,
H. M. Hook, 34, Pa.; wife, Jennie Hook, 30, Pa.;
children, Harrie, 3, Neb.; Anattie, 1, Neb.; probably living
in family, Anna M. Butter, 6, Neb.
[p. 136] Rebecca Lyon, 57, Pa.
Talbert Ashton(i), 43, 0.; wife, Angeline
Ashton, 40, 0.; sons. Benj. D., 17, 0.; James, 4, Neb.
B. B. Cramer(j), 66, N. J.; Sarah E.
Cramer, 11, 0.
Jas. N. Tait(k), 47, Mass.; wife, Rachel
Tait, 42, 0.; children, Benj. D., 21, 0.; Joseph E., 18, 0.; Mary
13, 0.
Martellas Boulware, 23, Ky.; wife, Susan Boulware,
24, Mo.; dau., Parmelia, 3 mo., Neb.
Perry Shelton, 21, Mo.; wife, Mary H. Shelton, 23,
Ky.; dau., Anna B., 2, Mo.
John Hughes, 49, Ill.; wife, Percilla Hughes, 44,
Ind.; children, Wilson, 24, Mo., "Deformed by Rheumatism";
John W., 18, Mo.; Martha J., 12, Ia.; Marion
(M), 7, Neb.; Orville, 5, Neb.
(g) Listed in the Otoe Co. census,
(h) James S. Miller married, Mar. 25, 1865, at
Nebraska City, Miss Celia Hail, h. Grayson Co., Va., daughter of
Wm. B. Hail. - Nebraska City News, 1901 Feb. 11, P. S.
(i) Talbot Ashton died in Otoe Co., Apr. 19, 1898
survived by two sons. - Ibid. 1898 Apr. 22, p. 1 (3). Talbert
Ashton was a partner of James N. Tait in the mercantile business
at Nebraska City from 1858 to 1865. - Chapman, p. 312.
(j) Benjamin D. Cramer, b. Oct. 16, 1799, Monmouth
Co., N. J., son of Samuel and Rachel (Doughty) Cramer, moved with
his parents to Brown Co., 0., in 1816. He married Calista,
daughter of Ephraim and Dorothy (Lampkin) Granger, who was born in
Seneca Co., N. Y. In 1862 he came to Nebraska City to make his
home with his daughter, Mrs. Tait. - Chapman, p. 312.
(k) James N. Tait. b. Dec. 19, 1816, Springfield,
Mass., was the son of Joseph D. Tait, a native of Scotland. He
married Rachel Cramer, b. Jan. 2, 1823, Brown Co., 0. He moved to
Nemaha Co. in May 1858 and to Nebraska City that fall. - Chapman,
pp. 311-2.
W. W. Jasper, 29, Ky.; Andrew, 27, Mo.
Wm. Steward, 22, Ky.
J. W. Butts, 22, Mo.
0. H. Clifford(g), 53, Vt.; [p. 137] wife,
E. J. Clifford, 43, Ky.; Henry C., 30, Ind.; Motterna, 21,
Jno. M., 26, Mo.
Martha Smoke, 29, Ky.; children, Sally B., 11, Va.;
J. Wm. H., 9, Mo.; Albert, 8, Mo.; Orlando, 3, Neb.
Caroline Sawyers, 24, Ky.
Wm. M. Spring, 38, N. Y., transient.
Thos. Agan, 49, Ireland; wife, Julia Agan, 42,
Patrick Moneghen, 45, Ireland; wife, Bridget
Moneghan, 40, Ireland; son, Thos., 3, Ia.
Caroline Coffman, 26, Germany; children, John H., 8,
Mo.; Mary R., 6, Neb.; Joseph H., 4, Neb.;
Angeline R., 1, Neb.
Wm. Moran, 29, Ireland; wife, Katherine Moran, 29,
Ireland; daughters, Mary J., 8, Neb.; EIIen J., 7, Neb.;
Katy, 5, Neb.; Isadore, 3, Neb.
G. P. Hawkins, 31, Mo.; wife, Mary J. Hawkins, 22,
Mo.; daughters, Florida, 2, Mo.; [p. 138] infant,
15 days, Neb.
Gabriel Johnston, 61, Ky.; wife, Elizabeth Johnston,
54, N. C.; Gabriel, 15, Mo.; Puss, 10, Mo.; Rich'd
M., 8, Mo.; Martha V. Johnston, 28, Mo.; Mary
E., 28, Mo.; Lutitia (F), 4, Mo.; G. W. (M), 26, Mo.;
Frances (F), 21, Mo.
E. R. Glasby, 58, Md.; wife, Irene G., 24, 0.;
children, Marietta, 12, Ia.; Millard F., 6, Ia.; Geo. B. McC.,
3, Ia.
Rich. Brock, 23, Tenn.; Deborah, 28, Mo.; Robert, 9,
Mo.; Albert, 7, Mo.; Bennona, 4, Mo.
W. N. Walker, 29, Canada; wife, Hannah, 27, Pa.;
children, Mary E., 8, Ia.; [p. 139] Stephen J., 6,
Wm. C., 3, Neb.; Walter C., 3 mo., Neb.
W. H. Sone, 49, Pa.; wife, Ann R., 48, Va.;
children, Sarah F., 26, 0.; Jas. K., 17, 0.; Liza J., 15, 0.;
Chas. F., 9, 0.
T. J. McClennan, 37, Ky.; wife, Henrietta McClennan,
28, Mo.; children, Robt. W., 4, Mo.; Dickey B.,
3, Mo.; Geo. B., 6 mo., Mo.; Alice, 12, Ky.
Elizabeth Smith, 75, Va.
David Hughes, 40, Ill.; Precilla, 30, Ill.
Wm. Henry, 26, Mo.; John, 17, Mo.; Lemuel, 14, Mo.;
Margaret E., 8, Neb.; Jas. M., 3, Neb.
Margaret Gilaspy, 52, Ky.; Jas. M., 20, Mo.;
probably living in family, Wm. Hughes, 8, Mo.; Jas.
Hughes, 10, Mo.
Calvin Chapman, 21, 0.; wife, Harriet Chapman, 18,
Phebe Devore, 51, Pa.
[p. 138] Mary Ridenaw, 23, Mo.; daughters,
Lerena K., 5, Ark.; Mary J., 2, Mo.
Lucy Ann Ridenaw, 45, Ky., colored family; children,
John, 27, Mo.; Eliza J., 23, Mo.; Sarah, 16, Mo.;
Ellie, 9, Mo.; Mary, 17, Mo.
Nathan Franklin, 27, Mo., colored.
Joseph Brower, 53, Ky., colored family; Clara, 32,
Ky.; Ben, 5, Mo.
Sarah C. King, 45, Md.; Levina, 21, Ill.
J. G. Crockett, 21, Tenn.; W. L. Crockett, 48,
Tenn., probably the father; L. A. Crockett, 47, Tenn.,
probably the mother.
J. A. Horn, 34, Ky.; Ada, 18, Tenn.
Joseph Sands(l), 54, Germany; children,
Theresa, 12, Mo.; Joseph, 10, Mo.; Freed, 8, Mo.; Philomel, 6, Mo.
(l) Joseph Sand, b. in Bavaria,
Germany, Mar. 9, 1811, came to America about 1838. He was a
blacksmith and farmer. He moved to Otoe Co. in 1860. His wife,
Mary Anna Bach, a native of Bavaria, died in 1862. - Ibid, p.
R. W. Barret, 33, Tenn.; wife, Julia E.
Barret, 32, Mo.; children, John W., 9, Mo.; Mary, 6, Mo.; Wm.,
Mo.; [p. 139] Robt., 2, Mo.; infant son,
1 mo., Neb.
McCager Golden, 32, Va.; wife, Anna C. Golden, 29,
Mo.; children, Eliza J., 12, Mo.; Greenville R., 9,
Mo.; Wm. E., 5, Mo.; Virgina B., 1, Neb.
Maria R. Gimason, 63, Ky.; Thos., 31, Mo.; Sarah,
29, Mo.; Wm. R., 9, Mo.; Jas. A., 6, Mo.; Sterling,
3, Mo.
J. W. Modie, 58, Va.; wife, Agnes Modie, 53,
Eliza Modie, 35, Mo., colored; daughters, Littie,
12, Mo.; Josephine, 5, Mo.
A. S. Keeves, 35, Va.
Jno. Oatsman, 28, Ky.
Wm. Heert, 25, Mo.
Jno. A. Ward, 26, Mo.; wife, Susan Ward, 23, Mo.;
son, Jas. F., 2, Mo.
John Turner, 29, Mo.; wife, Vica Turner, 25, Mo.;
children, Maria A., 4, Mo.; Jas. J., 2, Mo.
Geo. Turner, 20, Mo.
[p. 140] Sam'l Fulton, 24, Pa.; Matilda, 18,
Pa.; Zillah, 26, Pa.; Hugh, 3, Pa.; Wm., 1, Pa.
Wm. Fulton, 27, Pa.; Nancy L., 24, Mo.; Emeline, 20, Pa.;
Matilda, 57, Scotland; Geo., 1, Neb.; Hugh,
21, Pa.
Robt. Hawk, 39, 0.; wife, Elizabeth A. Hawk, 31,
Germany; children, Wm., 13, Mo.; Ella, 6, Neb.; Lula,
2, Neb.
Meno Hemen, 48, Germany; Wm., 17, Mo.
Nancy Brashn, 26, 0.
Mary Gasman, 17, 0.
Jas. Martin, 38, Conn.; wife, Mary Martin, 26,
J. M. Knight, 26, Pa.; wife, Agnes C. Knight, 19,
S. Wilcox, 55, Vt.; Etta, 17, N. Y.
Katherine McCallam, 40, Canada; children, Geo., 22,
Canada; Edward, 20, Mich.; Jessee, 16, Mich.;
[p. 141] Washington, 14, Canada;
relationship uncertain, Daniel McCallam, 48, Scotland.
Isaac Shackman, 25, Germany; David, 30, Germany.
Robt. W. Gribble, 54, Tenn.; wife, Sarah Gribble,
53, S. C.; children, Elvira, 30, N. C.; Jas. 28, S. C.;
Mary A., 22, Ga.; Anderson L., 19, Tenn.;
Margaret, 14, Mo.
Josiah McKee, 27, 0.; wife, Martha A. McKee, 26, N.
C.; children, Sam'l S., 6, Mo.; Sarah E. E. A., 4,
Mo.; Wm. R., 2, Mo.
D. J. Pence, 39, Mo.; wife, Margaret E. Pence, 35,
Mo.; children, Anna J., 11, Mo.; Samuel, 9. Kans.;
Martha F., 5, Mo.; Rutha, 3, Mo.
Mary Ford, 70, Ireland; Andrew, 26, Ireland.
Mary Morning, 23, Ireland.
Pat Mourning, 24, N.Y.
Dolly Carl, 67, Ky.; children, Cordelia, 31, Mo.;
Albert, 27, Mo.; Sephronia, 20, Mo.
[p. 142] Calvin S. Cameron, 50, Tenn.; wife,
Ann Cameron, 40, Tenn.; children, Frank, 23, Mo.;
Amanda, 21, Mo.; Alfred, 17, Mo.; Frances (F),
16, Mo.; Perry, 13, Mo.; Emma, 9, Mo.
E. W. Jones, 35, Mo., transient family; wife,
Margaret Jones, 27, Mo.; sons, Wm., 7, Mo.; Presley, 5, Mo.
Wm. R. Kear, 48, 0.; wife, Anna Kear, 52, 0.;
children, Jas. W., 27, 0., a transient; Susan E., 14, 0.;
Cyntha A., 11, Ia.; And'w J., 6, Ia.; Wm. T., 3,
Jno. L. Jackson, 29, Ky.; wife, Sarah Jackson, 29,
Mo.; children, Martin W., 4, Mo.; Henry M., 2, Mo.;
Mary K., 6 mo., Mo.
Martin Jackson, 71, Ky.
Martin P. Jackson, 36, Ky.; wife, Susan J. Jackson,
34, Mo.; sons, Joseph A., 11, Mo.; Robt. P., 1 Mo.
John Cliser.
[p. 143] Wm. Nash, 27, Mo.; wife, Mary
J. Nash, 25, Ky.; children, Amanda, 6, Mo.; Thos. L., 2, Mo.
W. Nash, 29, Mo.
Elizabeth Brock, 42, Mo.; children, Eliza J., 15,
Mo.; Jas. L., 12, Mo.; Frances L. (F), 5, Mo.
Jno. H. Brickens, 22, Mo.; Sarah L., 17, Ky.; Thos. J.,
18, Mo.
J. W. Potter, 30, Mo.; wife, Loiza Potter, 30, Mo.;
children, John L., 11, Mo.; Richard, 9, Mo.; Hezekiah,
7, Mo.; Laura B., 4, Mo.
M. Inyard, 27, Mo.; wife, Jane Inyard, 18, Ky.
John Ball, 39, Ireland; wife, Margaret Ball, 39,
Ireland; children, Eliza, 9, Neb.; Jas., 4, Neb.; Ann, 2,
Jno. Ball, 21, Ireland.
A. Street, 45, Ill.; wife, Amelia Street, 40, Mass.;
children, Volney, 17, Kans.; Walter, 15, Ia.; [p. 144]
E., 9, Mo.; Alexander, 6, Mo.; George, 4,
Irena Shewell, 50, 0. (inserted at top of page.)
A. W. Street, 32, Wis.; wife, Mary A. Street, 30,
La.; dau., Lucy C., 6, Neb.
Emily Pile, 20, Wis.
B. W. Evans, 52, Va.; wife, Mary A. Evans, 35, Ind.;
children, Eddie, 9, Mo.; Ella, 6, Mo.; Ida, 4, Mo.
Jas. Hill, 29, Mo.; wife, Amanda Hill, 21, Mo.; dau., Oliva,
1, Mo.
Richard Clevinger, 27, Mo.; wife, Nancy Clevinger,
22, Mo.; dau., Elizabeth, 2, Mo.
Jas. Hankins, 24, Mo., transient.
And'w Cleavenger, 20, Mo., transient.
John Hill, 19, Mo., transient.
Wm. Cleavinger, 17, Mo., transient.
Elizabeth Dodson, 55, 0.; Levi, 28, Ind.; Wesley M.,
13, Ia.
E. W. Botsford, 30, 0.; wife, Eliza Botsford, 25,
0.; son, Edward H., 3, Neb.; probably living in family,
Anson H. Botsford, 17, 0.
Henry Shewell, 61, 0.
Nebraska City, population, 4361.
[p. 1] A. K. White, 30, Md.; wife, Frances
White, 21, Ill.
Jos Bennett, 34, N. H.; Mary S., 32, N. H.; David,
59, N. H.
Thos. F. Harry, 32, 0.; wife, Mary Ann Harry, 30,
0.; dau., M. Eva, 4, 0.
Jas. Chase, 40, N. Y.; wife, Electa Chase, 34, 0.;
children, A. J. (F), 0., 16; F. D. (M), 0., 14; Caroline,
11, 0.
H[enry] J. Davis (m), 36, Va.; wife,
I[rena] F. Davis, 27, Ill.
I. W. Barnhill, 36, Ill.; wife, M. R. Barnhill, 27,
Ind.; children, I. V. (F), Neb., 6; B. J. (M), 4, Neb.; I. G.
(M.), 1, Neb.
J. F. Clare, 28, Ky.; wife, Sarah Clare, 27, Ky.;
children, M. E. (F.), 7, Ky.; M. A. (F), 5, Mo.; J. F. (M.),
2, Mo.
E. H. Davis, 52, Va.; wife, P. Davis, 55, N. C.;
children, B. Z. (F.), 23, Mo.; M. A. (F.), 19, Mo.; B. P.
(M.), 15, Mo.; [p. 2] S. P. (F), 13,
Mo.; T. F. (M.), 7, Mo.
W. R. Davis, 21, Mo.; wife, M. J. Davis, 20, Mo.;
dau., E. N., 1, Neb.
Daniel Tassey, 31, Mo.; N. E. (F.), 80, Va.; Robt.,
9, Mo.; Jas., 1, Mo.
(m) Henry J. Davis, b. Dec. 21, 1828,
Monongalia Co., (W.) Va., son of William and Sarah (Pride) Davis,
came to Nebraska City in Aug. 1857. He married, secondly, May 28,
1861, Miss Irena Barnhill, b. Apr. 14, 1837, Wayne Co., Ill. -
lbid, p. 1081.
S. A. Cox, 33, Va.; wife, C. A. Cox, 33, Va.;
children, Mary, 7, 0.; Harry, 5, Ia.; Allice, 3, Neb.
A. C. Reed, 39, 0.; Sarah, 20, 0.; Chas., 10, 0.; J.
Z. (F.), 6, 0.; R. A. (F.), 5, Neb.; H. E. (F.), 3, Neb.
R. Forbes, 48, N. Y.; wife, Eliza Forbes, 34, N. Y.;
children, W. H. (M.), 12, Mo.; J. Harris, 10, Mo.;
Allice, 9, Mo.; Mary, 7, Mo.; R. W. (M.), 6,
S. R. Cox, 59, Ky.; wife, S. D. Cox, 43, Mo.; children, B.
F. (M.), 19, Mo.; [p. 3] W. B. (M.), 15, Mo.;
P. R. (F.), 12, Mo.; T. M. (M.), 10, Mo.; L. E.
(F.), 7, Mo.; R. E. (M.), 4, Mo.; Viola, 1, Neb.
Sarah Gerling, 55, Ky.; J. W. (M.), 26, Ky.; J. H.
(M.), 23, Ky.; Sarah, 16, Mo.; D. S. (F.), Mo.
D. Swigart, 53, 0.; wife, E. Swigart, 32, Ky.;
daughters, S. R., 11, Mo.; M. E., 9, Mo.; F. C., 7, Mo.;
M. A., 3, Mo.
H. R. Hargus (F.), 49, Ky.; S. A. (F.), 17, Ia.; E. B.
(F.), 14, Ia.; Jas. T., 10, Neb.; probably living in
family, B. F. Hughes (M.), 12, Pa.; E. J. Watton
(F.), 21, Ind.; Wm. S. McCarthy, 2, Neb.; W. B.
Hargus (M.), 23, Ind.; Catherine Hargus, 18,
W. F. Wilson, (M.), 24, Ind.
Nancy Ping, 77, Ind.
Isaac Miller, 41, Pa.
[p. 4] Chas. Dalaney, 30, 0.; wife, Eunice
Dalaney, 20, Mo.; sons, W. F. M., 3, Mo.; H. A., 1, Neb.
Mason Crouch (g), 30, Pa.
J[acob] W. Waldsmith (n), 30
Pa.; wife, E[lizabeth] Waldsmith, 21, Ill.; son, Leslie,
4, Neb.
W. D. Gregory, 37, 0.; D. (F.), 26, 0.; R. (F.), 18,
Ill.; K. A. (F.), 9, Ia.; Ida M., 7, Neb.; D. W. (M.),
6, Neb.; Geo. F., 1, Neb.
Wm. H. Morehead, 27, Ky.; M. E. (F.), 19, Mo.
W. W. Hurst (g), 42, Va.; wife, N. M. Hurst, 42,
Tenn.; children, L. A. (F.), 16, Ia.; P. J. (F.), 11, Ia.;
Laura, 9, Neb.; John, 1, Neb.
T. H. Harper, 37, Tenn.; wife, E. Harper, 25, Tenn.;
children Sarah E., 8, Mo.; M. A. (F.), 6, Mo.; P. F.
(F.), 5, Mo.; M. E. (F.), 4, Mo.; M. C. (F.), 2.
Mo.; W. T. (M.), 1, Mo.
[p. 5.] James Bishop, 63, C. T. (?); wife,
Mary A. Bishop, 38, Va.; children, F. A. (F.), 16, Ky.; W. Z.
(M.), 132 Ky.; M. A. (F.), 11, Ky.
Wm. Brink, 45, Mo.; wife, Cynthia Brink, 38, N. C.;
children, G. W. (M.), 11, Mo.; N. E. (F.), 8, Mo.;
E. J. (M.), 6, Mo.; N. J. (M.), 3, Mo.
N. T. Napoleon, 34, France; Elizabeth, 17, Ky.
Hiram Hurst(g)(o), 44, Tenn.; wife,
Elizabeth Hurst, 40, Ky., children, James H., 19, Mo.;
W[illiam] H.,
17, Ia.; Sarah J., 14, Ia.; T[homas] J.,
12, Ia.; I[saac] N., 10, Ia.; I[sabell] E.. 5,
Neb.; M[artha] M.,
3, Neb.
Joseph Barkhurst, 29, 0.; wife, E. Barkhurst, 30, 0.;
children, J. S. P. (F.), 9, 0.; J. M. (M.), 7, 0.; A. T.
(F.), 5, Mo.; J. T. (M.), 3, Neb.; J. (F.), 1,
[p. 6] J. Q. Cummings, 46, Va.; wife, Sarah
Cummings, 42, 0.; children, W. H. (M)., 18, 0.; A. A. (M.),
15, 0.; Mary A., 12, Ia.; S. M. (F.), 9, Ia.; J.
M. (F.), 4, Ia.; probably living in family, A. J. Shane (F.),
23, 0.
(n) Jacob W. Waldsmith, b. Apr. 20,
1835, Juniata Co., Pa., son of John Waldsmith, came to Nebraska
City in Oct. 1857. He married, Apr. 1860, Elizabeth, daughter of
Thomas and Hannah (Dixon) Faunce. - Ibid, p. 317.
(o) Hiram Hurst, b. Mar. 1, 1821, Claiborne Co.,
Tenn., son of Joseph and Rhoda (McNew) Hurst, settled in Wyoming
Pct. in 1855. His first wife was Elizabeth Todd. - Ibid, p.
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