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HUGH McCARGAR.HUGH McCARGAR is the Republican state senator from the twenty-second district, Saline county, was born in Canada in 1850, and came to this state from Dane county, Wisconsin, in the year 1878. He was married in November, 1877, to Olive E. Draper. Mr. McCargar resides in Crete, Saline county, where he is engaged in the implement. business. He was a member of the state senate during the twenty-sixth session of the Nebraska Legislature, where he was classed as one of the strong members. |
G. W. MEREDITH.G. W. MEREDITH, M. D., from Saunders and Sarpy counties, the fifth senatorial district, was born in Bloomingsburg, Fulton county, Ind., July 11, 1851, and came from that state to Nebraska in the year 1882, locating at Ashland, Saunders county, where he has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine ever since. He is married and has a family of four girls and three boys; has been practicing physician and surgeon for twenty-seven years. Mr. Meredith is a Democrat, but was elected by the Fusion of reform forces in his senatorial district. He has never before aspired to a political office, but has always taken a deep interest in affairs pertaining to government. |
JAMES E. MILLER.JAMES E. MILLER is the Peoples' Independent Party state senator from the sixteenth district, comprising Buffalo and Sherman counties. He was born May 28, 1837, in the state of Pennsylvania, and came to Nebraska from Iowa in October, 1873; is married, and has a family of five sons and two daughters. He is engaged in farming, and present address is Majors, Buffalo county. Mr. Miller was a member of the state senate during the twenty-sixth session of the Nebraska Legislature, and was a recognized leader among the fusion forces of that body. |
W. H. NEWELL.W. H. NEWELL, member of the state senate from Cass county, the fourth district, is a Republican and was born in the state of Pennsylvania, December 3, 1837, coming to Nebraska, March 2, 1870. He resides in Plattsmouth, where he is engaged in the cattle business, is married, and has six children. Has been county judge and county treasurer of Cass county and mayor of the city of Plattsmouth. Mr. Newell is serving his second consecutive term in the state senate, having been elected to the twenty-sixth session of the Nebraska Legislature, where he was recognized as one of the substantial and able men on the Republican side. He served during the Civil War, enlisting in Co. F, 91st Ohio Volunteers.. |
ANDREW R. OLESON.ANDREW R. OLESON, Republican member of the state senate from Cuming and Burt counties, the seventh district, was born September 26, 1868, and came from Sweden to Nebraska. He was married May 10, 1900, to Helen C. Mansfield; resides in Wisner, Cuming county, and is engaged in the practice of law. Was county attorney of Cuming county in the years 1895 and 1896. |
RICHARD O'NEILL.RICHARD O'NEILL, one of the Republicans elected to the state senate from Lancaster county, the twentieth district, was born in Ontario, Canada, and came to this state from Iowa. He is married and has two sons, Ward and Richard. Mr. O'Neill resides in the city of Lincoln where he is engaged in the jewelry business. This is his first legislative experience, in fact, never having held any office until elected to the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature. |
ELBRIDGE D. OWENS.ELBRIDGE D. OWENS, state senator from the thirtieth district, represents the largest constituency of any member of the senate. He is a Republican and resides in Cozad, Dawson county. Mr. Owens was born November 9, 1859, and came from the state of Indiana to Nebraska, is married and engaged in the practice of law in his home town. This is his second term as member of the state senate from his district, having served during the twenty-sixth session of the Nebraska Legislature. During his first term he took a deep interest in irrigation and stock matters, in fact all things in which his district was directly affected, and won for himself a warm place in the hearts of the people of his district. |
JOSEPH L. PASCHAL.JOSEPH L. PASCHAL, Democratic state senator from the counties of Platte and Colfax, the twelfth district, was born July 30, 1863, and came from Pittsburg, Pa., to Nebraska. He is married and has a family of five children, lives in Columbus, where he is editor of a newspaper. Mr. Paschal has never been an office holder, this, the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature being his first public office and first legislative experience. |
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