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ALVIN D. SPENCER.ALVIN D. SPENCER, a Republican, elected from Gage and Saline counties, the thirty-third representative district, was born in Jo Davis county, Illinois, and now resides at Barneston, Gage county, where he is cashier of the Bank of Barneston. He was married January 25,1893, to Emma G. Glover. Both Mr. and Mrs. Spencer formerly resided in Lincoln. Mr. Spencer has held the office of school board trustee and member of the village council of Barneston. |
JOHN C. SPRECHER.JOHN C. SPRECHER, representative from the twenty-sixth district, Colfax county, was born in Ohio in 1864, coming to Nebraska with his parents in 1871, who settled on a homestead in Colfax county. He attended the country and public schools, began teaching country school at the age of sixteen years; five years later was principal of one of the ward schools in Schuyler. In 1886 he founded the Schuyler Quill and ran the paper as an independent Republican. In 1890, he espoused the Farmer's Alliance cause, and later joined the Populist movement. He served in the Nebraska senate in the session of 1895, from the twelfth district. |
HENRY STEINMEYER.HENRY STEINMEYER, of Gage county, one of the thirty-second representative, districts' solid three Republican members, is a German, having been born in Germany, May 17, 1853; came to Nebraska In the year 1866, from Ohio, and located on the farm where he still resides. He was married in the year 1875 to Ellen Unland, and they have a family of three boys and four girls. Clatonia, Gage county, is his present address, where he is engaged as a grain dealer. |
H. M. STOCKWELL.H. M. STOCKWELL, representative from the twenty-first district, Antelope county, was elected by the Fusion forces of that district. He was born January 28, 1858, at Nelson, Ohio, leaving that state in 1886 to locate in Nebraska. Was married in the year 1889. His wife died in 1893, and he remarried in December, 1896. Mr. Stockwell is interested in the live stock business, also in the implement business with the firm of Stockwell and Chase, in the town of Clearwater, Antelope county. He has hold the office of justice of the peace and has been member of the town council for seven years. |
DANIEL SWANSON.DANIEL SWANSON, of Dodge county, is the Republican member of the house of representatives from the fourteenth district, and was born in Sweden, May 1, 1857, locating in this state from Connecticut in 1878. He was married to Matilda Streed of Wahoo, Neb., in 1883, and they have three boys. He resides in the city of Fremont, Dodge county, and is an accountant by occupation; has never held any public office, before being elected to the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature. Mr. Swanson was appointed Chief Oil Inspector under Governor Dietrich and the appointment met with general approval. |
JAMES W. TANNER.JAMES W. TANNER is a Democrat and the float representative from Platte and Nance counties, the twenty-fifth district. He was born at Nevoda, Iowa, December 28, 1858, and came from Atchison, Kan. in October, 1885; was married December 29, 1885, and has no children. Mr. Tanner resides in Fullerton, Nance county, where he publishes a democratic newspaper. He has been member of the city council and mayor of his home town. This is his second term as member of the Nebraska Legislature, having served during the twenty-sixth session, where he was recognized as a leader on the democratic side of the house. |
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