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FRANK McCARTNEY.FRANK McCARTNEY, Nebraska's Deputy Secretary of State, was born in Jefferson county, Indiana, and removed to Nebraska with his parents, when but an infant, in the year 1857. He was married to Miss Ida P. Brown; has no children. Mr. McCartney was engaged in the insurance and abstracting business before receiving the appointment to his present position. He was county clerk of Otoe county from January 7, 1886, to January 7, 1892, and has always affiliated with the Republican party. |
NORRIS BROWN.NORRIS BROWN, Deputy Attorney General of Nebraska, is from Kearney, Buffalo county, where he has resided for several years, engaged in the practice of law. He was born May 2, 1863, in Jackson county, Iowa; was married in October, 1885, to Miss Lulu Beeler. They have two children. Mr. Brown was county attorney of Buffalo county from 1892 to 1896; was a candidate for Congress on the Republican ticket from the sixth congressional district two years ago, making a gallant fight against heavy odds. |
H. M. EASTON.H. M. EASTON, Deputy Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, of Nebraska, was born July 16, 1867, in Indiana, removing from that state to Nebraska with his parents in the year 1879. He worked on his father's farm and attended school until sixteen years of age, when he began teaching in the public schools. He is a graduate of Salina Normal and University of Kansas, taught in the public school of Davenport, Neb., for several years, then accepted the position of assistant cashier of the state bank of that town. Was afterwards called to the Fremont Normal school as teacher of science, and had taught about five years, when appointed to his present position. Was married to Louise C. Smith in December, 1899. They have one son, born January 3, 1901. He has never been a candidate for a public office, but has always been an active worker in the Republican party. During the last campaign he was quite active on the stump in Dodge county. His bank training will be of great value to him in his present position. |
JASPER L. McBRIEN.JASPER L. McBRIEN, Deputy State Superintendent of Nebraska, was born March 19, 1867, in Newton county, Missouri, coming to Nebraska in the year 1879. He received a thorough common school and collegiate education, was county superintendent of Johnson county for two terms, and Dean of Orleans Academy from 1893 to 1897. Mr. McBrien was married December 29, 1891, to Eva Forbes. They have three children. He Is an active worker in the Republican ranks, the son of a veteran, his father having given four years of his life to the Union cause. |
GEORGE ANTHES.GEORGE ANTHES, the present Deputy State Auditor of Nebraska, was born in Germany, October 30, 1856, coming to this state from Philadelphia, January 3, 1878. Mr. Anthes, resides in Omaha and has a wife and three children. He entered the public service in the spring of 1888, serving two years in the county clerk's office; was then appointed to a position in the county treasurer's office; was promoted from time to time until he was made deputy treasurer of Douglas county, January 4, 1900. On the 29th of October, 1895, a number of the leading Germans founded the German Republican Club of Douglas county, and Mr. Anthes was chosen the first president of this organization, and held that honor for two years. This club has now grown into an organization numbering 670 members, and Is a powerful factor in Douglas county political circles. |
E. G. HEILMAN.E. G. HEILMAN, Deputy State Treasurer of Nebraska, was born in Jefferson county, Wisconsin, October 29, 1846, coming to Nebraska from that state in the year 1871. He was married in November, 1873, to Mary E. Heckendorf. They have six children, two boys and four girls. Mr. Heilman has resided in Madison county ever since coming to the state, and was county clerk of that county from 1894 to 1900. |
ROBERT J. CLANCEY.ROBERT J. CLANCEY, chief clerk of the executive department, was born at Cottage Grove, Wis., April 11, 1861, coming to this state in the year 1886. Mr. Clancey is probably one of the best known and capable newspaper men in this state. With a brilliant intellect, polished by a thorough school and collegiate education, he has long held a distinguished position in the ranks of western Journalism. As managing editor and as an editorial writer he has won many graceful tributes from others high up in the profession. He was married October 10, 1898, to Mary E. Thompson of Houston, Texas, and his permanent residence is in Omaha, where he owns a neat little home. |
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