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Picture or adEDWARD ROYSE.

   EDWARD ROYSE, one of the state bank examiners, was born in Iowa, March 1, 1858, coming to Nebraska from that state in October, 1878. He was married March 2, 1880, to Miss Addie Gates. They have two children. Mr. Royse resides in Broken Bow, where he has been mayor for two terms; was deputy commissioner of public lands and buildings 1895 and 96. He is a banker and abstracter of titles.

Picture or adL. A. WILLIAMS.

   L. A. WILLIAMS, of Blair, Neb., Present clerk of the state printing board, was born In Middleton, Wis., November 24, 1869, coming from that state in 1891 and settling in Blair, Washington county, where he is now editor and proprietor of the Blair Pilot. The efficient work done by the press bureau was far-reaching in its effects, and did much to swing Nebraska back into the Republican sisterhood of states. Much of the credit for this effective work is due to Mr. Williams as manager of the bureau.


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Picture or ad A. R. KEIM.

   A. R. KEIM, assistant secretary of the senate during the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature, was born in Pennsylvania, February 22, 1859, and came to Nebraska in the year 1871. He resides in Richardson county, is an attorney, and has been county Judge of that county, was assistant secretary of the Nebraska senate during the sessions of 1895 and 1899.

Picture or adROLF JOHNSON.

   ROLF JOHNSON, second assistant secretary of the senate during the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature, was born in Chicago, March 6, 1856, and came to Nebraska in the year 1876. He is a bookkeeper by occupation, and has been deputy county clerk and deputy sheriff of Phelps county.


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Picture or ad WILBUR F. BRYANT.

   WILBUR F. BRYANT, deputy reporter of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, was born at Dalton, N. H., March 21, 1851, coming to this state from Mississippi in the year 1876. He was married in 1881 to Kate Saunders. They have two girls and one boy. Mr. Bryant has been county attorney of Cedar county, county judge of Cuming county; was district attorney of the sixth district, deputy insurance commissioner, and colonel of the Nebraska state militia.

Picture or adJ. B. SEDGWICK.

   J. B. SEDGWICK, custodian of the senate during the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature, was born at Waterford, Erie county, Pennsylvania, and came to Nebraska from Michigan in 1878. He resides in Omaha, has a wife and three children, and is a carpenter by trade.


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Picture or ad JOSEPH HELMKAMP.

   JOSEPH HELMKAMP, door-keeper of the senate during the twenty-seventh session of the Nebraska Legislature, was born in Germany, in November, 1839 and came to Nebraska from Rome, Ga. Mr. Helmkamp resides at Taylor, Neb., is married, and has a family of three children; was county treasurer of Loup county.

Picture or adC. E. WATSON.

   C. E. WATSON, the new deputy labor commissioner of Nebraska, is thirty-four years old. He was born in Clay county, Indiana. At the age of twelve he moved with his parents to Terra Haute, where he went to public school for three years. He came to Omaha in 1882 and served for a time as check clerk at the Millard hotel. He then began an apprenticeship as horseshoer in the shop of his brother, W. A. Watson, where he worked continuously up to the time of his appointment. C. E. Watson has been a member of organized labor for years, actively engaged at his trade.


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