MR. BION COLE is an excellent sample of
exemplary men who have earned prominent recognition through
energy and push characteristic of noble instincts and due
regard to application in the pursuit of opportunities placed
at his command. Mr. Cole is forty-three years old and a
"Hoosier" by birth. He is what might be termed a strictly
self-made man. Having lost his father In the Civil War, was
compelled to make his own way, and not having the means to
obtain a college education, chose as his profession
newspaper work, entering the office of the Goshen, Ind.,
Times as an apprentice, and served in that capacity four
Mr. Cole has done duty on the leading
papers of the West, namely, Burlington Hawkeye, Denver News
and Tribune, and Kansas City Journal, and hob-nobbed in
those cities with such satellites as Will Vischer, O. H.
Rothaker, Gene Field, and others who held high cards in the
grand carnival of newspaper men.
Twelve years ago he engaged himself as
traveling representative for the Western Newspaper Union,
and in that position was brought in close touch with the
fraternity in Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Utah, Colorado,
Nebraska, and the territories, - therefore, holds in
pleasant memory vast acquaintance among the craft. After a
probation of ten years, his employers assigned him the
management of their business at Lincoln, and that his
calling was not a guess as to his ability as a manager. It
is but proper to say the Western Newspaper Union's Lincoln
office does more business than any one of the many other
branch houses of the company, size considered.