General Index


~ A ~

ABBOTT, E. S., 612                              Anderson H. P., 366 
Abbott, Dr. L. J., 614                          Anderson, Ole, 360 
Abbott, O. A., 585, 634                         Andrews, E., B., 708 
Abolition bill, see Bills                       Andrews, H. C., 611 
Abrams, Henry, 203                              Andrews, W. E., 628, 639 
Adair, William, 579                             Andrus, E. H., 597 
Adam, Rev. M., 773                              Annexation, 273, 279, 284 
Adams, C. E., 635                               Anti-prohibition convention, see Convention 
Adams, Rev. E., 766                             Anti-slavery feeling, 114, 301, 449 
Adams, John Quincy, 103, 104, 113, 115          Aoway river. 29 
Admission of Nebraska, see Nebraska             Appleget, Thomas, 610 
Adobe-town, 406                                 Appomattox, 145 
Adriance, Rev. J., 801                          Apportionment census, see Census 
Adventists, 506                                 Apportionment law, see Laws 
Advertiser, the, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 444        Appropriation bills, see Bills 
Agee, A. N., 604                                Arbitration of labor, see Labor 
Agricultural College, see University of         Arbor Day, 425, 672 
   Nebraska                                     Archaeology, 7 
Agriculture, 263, 421                           Architecture, Indian, 28 
Aitchison, C. D., 24                            Arikara tribe, see Indians, Tribes 
Ak-Sar-Ben, 693, 701, 702, 838                  Arikaree falls, 2, 3 
Alabama, 120                                    Arkansas, 98, 111, 112, 120, 137 
Albemarle county, see County                    Arkansas river, 94, 110 
Aldrich, C. A., 646. 649, 696, 698              Armstrong, A. T., 632 
Alexander, S. J., 603                           Armstrong, Colonel George, 326 
Alfalfa, 661                                    Armstrong, Mrs. Julia E., 326 
Allen, Captain James, 139                       Arnold, Rev. J., 752 
Allen, J. C., 620, 631, 633                     Arny, Judge, W. F. M., 285 
Allen, T., 149                                  Arrow, the, 147, 149, 195, 196, 435 
Allen, W. V., 615, 630, 641                     Arthur county, see County 
Alley, Rev. F., 813                             Ash Creek, 65, 68 
Alley, Mrs. N. B., 733                          Ash Hollow, 66, 68, 399 
Alliance Potash Co., 842                        Ashby, D. C., 585 
Allis, Mrs. E., 812                             Ashley, General, W. H., 395, 585, 593, 596 
Allis, Rev. Samuel, 55, 422, 812                Ashton, F. W., 645 
Allison, W. B., 385                             Ashton, William, 411 
Ambrose, G. W., 582                             Aspinwall Journal, 444 
Amendments, see Constitution                    Astor, J. J., 46, 85 
American citizens, see Citizens                 Astor, W. B., 85 
American flag, 109                              Astoria, founding, 47 
American Fur Company, 55, 57, 74, 76, 86        Asylum, see Hospital for the Insane 
American Home Missionary Society, 813           Asylum for Blind, 574 
American Potash Co., 842                        Atchison, Senator, 120, 121, 131 
Amerind, 8                                      Atchison, Kansas, 81, 84 
Ames, Fisher, 120                               Atchison Globe, 445 
Ames, J. H., 428, 595, 614, 636                 Atkinson, Colonel Henry, 48, 384 
Ames Monument, 484                              Aughey, Samuel, 14, 787, 788 
Ames, Oakes, 467                                Augur, General, 688 
Amiens, Treaty of, 102                          Auker, Rev. C., 764 
Amsberry, D. M., 705, 709                       Aurora Branch railroad, 677 
Amsbury, 796                                    Austin, S., 746, 747 
Anderson, A. F., 760                            Austin, W. H., 824 
Anderson, A. M., 765                            Australian ballot, 615, 618, 622 
Anderson, Rev. A. M., 757, 758, 759, 764        Aylsworth, Mrs. M., 733 
Anderson, H. C., 203                            Aylsworth, W. P., 494, 734, 735 
~ B ~
BABBITT, A. W., 401, 439                        Black, Governor S. W., 273, 274, 293, 296,  
Bad Lands, 3, 6. 74                                297, 308, 317, 403, 452, 694 
Bailey, G. E., 13                               Black Hills, 73 
Baird, J. T., 736, 737                          Blackbird's grave, 42 
Baker, B. S., 635                               Blackburn, W. S., 444 
Balcombe, A. D., 369, 433, 440                  Blackmail, E. E., 24 
Baldwin, C. A., 603                             Blaine, J. G., 385, 503, 607 
Baldwin, W. A.. 728, 733                        Blair, Montgomery, 429 
Ballard, J. R., 616                             Blake, G. W., 618 
Ballard, S. M., 193                             Blakely, William, 614 
Raltzly, Rev. O. D., 790                        Blanchard, G. F., 588 
Bancroft, C. H., 707                            Blayney, Rev. F. S., 740 
Bancroft, H. H., 39                             Block House, 403 
Bane, M. M., 271                                Blue Ridge mountains, 98 
Bank-Guaranty law, 646                          Bobal, Father, 727 
Banks, 217, 218, 228, 237, 238, 603, 635,       Boernebladet, 764 
   675, 700                                     Bohemian Mission, 726 
Banner county, see County                       Bohler, Rev. J., 753 
Baptist Church, 703                             Boies, H. E., 626 
   Convention of, 703, 704, 706                 Bonacum, Rev. T., 727 
   First Church, Omaha, 705                     Bone dry law, see Prohibition 
   First Neb. Assn., 705                        Bonneville, Captain, 50, 64, 65, 72, 76,  
   Foreign missions, 707                           407, 430 
   Golden Jubilee, 705                          Borenvenen, 759 
   Missionaries, 707                            Boulware, John, 210 
Barbed wire, duty on, 606                       Boutwell, G. S., 382, 385 
Barbour, E. H., 4                               Bowen, J. S., 242, 347, 349 
Barcelona, C. de, 723                           Bowen, L. L., 210 
Barker, L. O., 585                              Bower, 731 
Barnard, E. H., 380                             Bowlby, C. J., 604 
Barnd, John, 603                                Bowman, Bishop T., 784, 804 
Barnes, J. B., 697                              Box Butte county, see County 
Barnum, G. C., 359, 361                         Boyd, C. L., 779 
Barrett, F. M., 445                             Boyd, J. E., 93, 414, 597, 604, 605, 608,  
Barrett, S. L., 593                                618, 624, 627, 628, 630, 701 
Barrow, R., 730, 731, 732, 733                  Boyd, J. F., 644 
Barrowman, Lee, 437                             Boyer Lake, 142 
Barrows, B. H., 441                             Boyle, Rev. P. J., 727 
Bartle. Rev. T., 727                            Bracket, A. B., 411 
Bartley, A., 804                                Bradford, Judge A. A., 202, 205, 217 
Bartley, J. S., 642                             Bradford, Dr. Henry, 437 
Barton, G. C., 485                              Bradley, Associate Justice, 151, 156, 694 
Barton, J. T., 283                              Bragg, Edward, 579 
Bates, Frederick, acting governor, 110          Brandeis, G., 839 
Bates House, 29                                 Bratt, J. P., 388, 691 
Batie, John, 616                                Braun, Rev. J. B., 750, 753 
Batten, S. L., 709, 792                         Brewer, D. J., 640 
Batty, R. A., 597, 608, 625, 636                Bridenthal, Luke, 636 
Bauman, Otto, 636                               Briggs, Clinton, 578, 583, 588 
Beacon Hill, 72,                                Briggs, J. S., 442 
Bear, Alexander, 579, 582, 588, 593, 597        Briscoe, J. X., 732 
Beaton, C. D., 839                              Broad Axe, the, 445 
Beattie, J. A., 732, 734                        Broadfuhrer, Rev. J. C., 790 
Beatty, John, 603                               Broady, J. H., 624, 638 
Beauchamp, Major, 57                            Brogan, F. A., 624 
Beck, W. B., 241, 594                           Brommer, Rev. C. F., 774 
Becker, Rev. C. H., 774                         Brooke, Dr. J. R., 361 
Becker, J. P., 322                              Brooks, D. C., 441 
Beckman, Fred, 650                              Brooks, G. A., 607 
Bedell, B., 709                                 Brooks, J. W., 489 
Bedford, T. W., 367                             Brooks, Samuel, 445 
Bell, Thomas, 603                               Bross, Rev. H., 809, 815, 828 
Belle Fontaine, 44                              Brower, J. V., 40 
Bellevue, 35, 47, 75, 76, 86, 128, 148, 149,    Brown, A. V., 135 
   154, 155, 174, 186, 433, 703, 705            Brown, C. H., 339, 348, 537, 594, 597,  
Bellevue College, 501, 740                         604, 609, 627 
Bellevue Gazette, 232, 241                      Brown, Mrs. C. I., 358 
Bellevue Mission, 198, 736, 739                 Brown, E. G., 398 
Bellows Falls, 92                               Brown, G. A., 578 
Bells Station, 730                              Brown, G. L., 590 
Belt, W. B. T., 839                             Brown, H. J., 440 
Bennett, H. P., 128, 173, 203, 220, 221,        Brown, John. 459, 460 
   261                                          Brown, Norris, 644 
Bennett, Isaiah H., 169                         Brown, Richard, 255, 729 
Benson, E. T., 140                              Brown, Samuel, 129 
Bentley, C. E., 638, 709                        Brown, W. A., 438 
Benton, A. R., 523, 731                         Brown, W. D., 277 
Benton, E. H., 593                              Brown county, see County 
Benton, Colonel T. H., 50, 52, 115, 131,        Browne, Dr. Joseph, 110 
   620, 633                                     Brownell Hall, 515, 766, 767 
Berge, G. W., 642, 644                          Browning, O. H., 489 
Bernecker, O. E., 774                           Brownville, 75 
Berry, F., 705                                  Bryam, Charles, 650 
Bessey, C. E., 15                               Bryan, W. J., 592, 614, 618, 620 624, 626,  
Bethany, 733                                       630, 634, 636, 641, 647, 649, 675, 693 
Betts, G. F., 632, 633                          Bryant, D. C., 722 
Beutler, Jacob, 439                             Bryant, Edwin, 68, 69, 74 
Bibb, R. S., 638                                Buchanan, President, 52, 134, 270, 271 
Biddle, Thomas, 53                              Buchanan, W., 742 
Biederman, Rev. R., 774                         Buck, J. F., 214 
Big Blue river, 64                              Buckalew, C. R., 382 
Big Elk, Omaha chief, 139                       Buckingham, E., 839, 843 
Big Spring, 731                                 Bucks Bend, 90 
Bigelow, G. E., 612                             Buell, H. A. 445 
Bigler, John, 636                               Buell, Rev. S. H., 829 
Billingsley, L. W., 592                         Buetow, Rev. A. G. R., 763, 788 
Billman, Rev. I. C., 763                        Buenger, Rev. J., 773 
Bills                                           Buffalo Bill, 86, 431 
   Abolition of slavery, 306, 453               Buffalo county, see County 
   Act in 1860, 332                             Buffalos, the, 431 
   Appropriation bills, 581                     Bull Bear, 36 
   Bill No. 353, 118                            Bull Moose, 650 
   Bill of 1844, 135                            Bull of the Woods, 91 
   Bill of 1848, The, 136                       Bulletin, the, 444. 706 
   Bill of rights, 110, 582                     Bunnell, T. A., 594 
   Bland bill, 592                              Burbank J. E., 445 
   Capital removal, 241, 649                    Burch, H., 795, 798 
   Census act of 1856, 207                      Bureau of Labor, see Labor 
   Colorado, 387                                Burke, John, 383 
   Convict labor, 594                           Burkett, E. J., 641, 646, 649 
   Dodge bill, 112, 121, 136                    Burkley, F. J., 442 
   Douglas bill, 123, 128, 135                  Burks, J. M., 604 
   Hatch, 611                                   Burlington and Missouri railroad, 90, 95,  
   Homestead, 297, 329                             349, 677 
   Kansas-Nebraska, 111, 112, 115, 117,         Burnham, Leavitt, 609 
      123, 125, 127, 130, 131                   Burr, Aaron, 110 
   Morrill, 354                                 Burrows, Jay, 603, 615 
   Nebraska bills, 12, 145                      Burstrom, Rev. J., 784 
   Newberry, The, 623, 624, 627, 629            Burt, Dr. Armistead, 143, 146, 149, 152,  
   Pacific railway, 329                            169 
   Passenger fare, 645                          Burt county, see County 
   Richardson, the, 112, 117, 135, 136          Burtch, S. F., 305 
   To remove race distinctions, 455             Bush, J. E., 635 
   Union Pacific, 327                           Bushnell, H. M., 843 
Bills, C. J., 691                               Buss. Rev. W. H., 845 
Bingham, J. A., 385                             Butler, Governor David, 88, 337, 419, 428,  
Birkhauser, P. W., 594                             526, 536, 537, 540, 542, 587, 612, 689 
Birnbach, Rev. A.. 717                          Butler, Rev. G. I., 778 
Bisbee, Rev. C. C., 813                         Butler, General W. O., 143, 159 
Bishop, A. S., 203                              Butterfield Mail Company, 81 
Bittenbender, Mrs. Ida M., 625                  Buzzell, O. A., 709 
Bixler, J. W., 614                              Byers, W. N., 149, 446 
Black C. F., 839                                Byrne, Rev. W., 727 
Black Jeremiah, 429
~ C ~
CABANNE, J. P., 55, 57, 60                      Congregational Record, 828 
Cadman, John, 90                                Congressional campaigns of 1860-1862, 297 
Cady, A. E., 612, 627, 634, 638, 642            Conkling, Judge Alfred, 293 
Caffrey, Major, 443                             Conkling, Dr. J. R., 292 
Caldwell, J. L., 609                            Conkling, Mrs. Jennie Hanscom, 292 
Caldwell, W. P., 746, 747                       Conkling, Roscoe, 293 
Calhoun, John, surveyor-general, 188            Connell, W. J., 593, 619 
Calhoun, S. H., 582, 583, 585, 596, 597,        Conner, A. H., 578, 604 
   610                                          Connor, General P. E., 94, 583 
California, 65, 78. 83, 115, 116, 118           Conservative, the, 62 
Calkins, E. A., 634                             Constitution, the, 100, 104, 105, 108, 329,  
Calvin. I., 749                                    351. 352, 526, 579, 580, 694, 696 
Camp Clarke, 14, 73                             Constitutional amendments, 378, 645, 646 
Camp Floyd, 83                                  Conventions, 
Camp Mackenzie, 693                                Anti-prohibition, 603 
Cannon, Rev. F., 716, 725                          Constitutional convention, 281, 284, 329,  
Capitol building, 171. 172, 207, 237, 239,         333, 526, 547, 553, 578 
   595, 605,606, 609                               Democratic conventions, 133, 255, 299,  
Capitol controversy. 143, 154. 159, 162,              335, 337, 343, 344, 359, 582, 593, 596,  
   163, 174, 186, 213, 227, 332                       597, 600, 604, 607, 612, 614, 618, 624,  
Capitol grounds, 613                                  625, 627, 634, 644, 645 
Capitol, location of, 154, 155, 171, 212,          Farmers and Mechanics convention of  
   213, 241                                           protest, 563 
Capitol removal, 227, 529, 559, 587, 588           Grasshopper convention, 671 
Capitol removal bills, see Bills                   Greenback convention, 594, 603 
Capitol square, Omaha, 239                         Labor convention, 614 
Carberg, Peter, 603                                People's independent party for 1892, 615,  
Carlisle, Alexander, 91                               616, 624, 625, 626, 627, 635, 636 
Carlisle, James, 91                                Philadelphia national convention, 371 
Carlyle, G. H., 415                                Prohibition convention, 604 
Carns, E. C., 598                                  Republican conventions, 253, 287, 297,  
Carpenter, D. W., 442                                 343, 583, 590, 595, 600, 603, 606, 607,  
Carpet-bag system, 152                                609, 610, 611, 612, 614, 618, 624, 625,  
Carrigan, John, 312                                   627, 634, 635, 643, 645 
Carroll, J., 723                                   Territorial union, 369 
Carruthers, J. W., 703                             Whig state convention, 114 
Carson, F. A., 708                              Converse, J. A., 683 
Carson, J. D., 636                              Cook, Captain, 129 
Carson, J. L., 596                              Cooke, D. W., 636 
Carson, Kit, 50, 86                             Cooley, T. M., 100 
Carson City, 83                                 Coon, R. R., 703. 706 
Cartlidge, E. J., 811                           Cooper, J. F., 1, 2, 4 
Case, M. B., 203                                Corn area, 660 
Casper, C. D., 632                              Cornish, A. J., 639, 694, 700 
Cass County Sentinel, 446                       Coronado, 26, 38, 39, 422, 713 
Cass, Lewis, 154                                Correll, E. M., 628 
Cassell, J. N., 368                             Correll, L. J., 731 
Castetter, Abram, 446                           Cotner University, 493, 733, 734 
Castor, Tobias, 582, 608, 634                   Cottongin, invention of, 112 
Catholic Church, 703                            Cottonwood Springs, 84, 92, 724 
   Diocese, 721                                 Council Bluffs, 35, 75, 84, 87, 92, 93, 96,  
   Missions, 725, 727                              128, 142, 395, 405 
   Orders of, 716, 728                          Council Bluffs and St. Joseph railroad, 94 
   Second Parish, 726                           Counties, 
   Vicariate, 713, 723                             Albemarle county, 98 
Cavanaugh, Rev. J., 724                            Arthur county, 611 
Census, 110, 160, 201, 219, 307, 585, 589,         Banner county, 613 
   590, 610, 611                                   Box Butte county. 613 
Chadron Academy, 824                               Brown county, 605 
Chambers, S. A., 283                               Buffalo county, 94, 290 
Chandler, E. B., 337                               Cherry county, 605 
Chapin, W. F., 367                                 Custer county, 605 
Chapman, B. B., 168, 199, 219, 433, 439            Deuel county, 613 
Chapman, E. H., 619                                Grant county, 611, 613 
Chase C. S., 585, 605                              Hall county, 290 
Chase, S. P., 115                                  Hayes county, 605 
Cherry county, see County                          Hooker county, 613 
Cherry Creek, 94                                   Jefferson county, 65 
Cheyenne Indians, see Indians                      Kimball county, 613 
Chicago and Northwestern railroad, 88, 95,         Knox county, 605 
   381, 682                                        Loup county, 605 
Chicago and Rock Island railroad, 145              Perkins county, 613 
Childs, Captain E. P., 412                         Rock county, 613 
Chimney Rock, 65, 71, 73, 74, 75, 430, 723         Sarpy county, 128 
Chinn, C. B., 203                                  Scotts Bluff county, 613, 664 
Chippewas, the, see Indians                        Sioux county, 605 
Chivington, J. M., 795, 796, 799                   Thomas county, 611, 613 
Christensen, Rev. G. B., 759                       Thurston county, 613 
Christian Science, 693, 696, 700, 833-838          Wheeler county, 605 
Christian Woman's Board of Missions, 733        Counties, boundaries of, 211 
Chronicle, The, 438                             Counties, names of, 211 
Church, J. S., 443                              Counties, new, 231 
Church of Christ (Disciples), 703, 728, 730     Counties, organization of, 263, 381 
   Educational Work, 733                        County commissioner system, 207, 209 
   First Church, 730                            County officers, 209 
   Missions, 734                                County option, 647, 649 
   Second Church, 731                           County superintendents, 237 
   Women's Missionary Society, 735              Courier-Journal, 389 
   Young People's Society, 735                  Court House Rock, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75 
Churches, 703                                   Courtney, D. G., 609 
Cisco, J. J., 473                               Courts. territorial, 200 
Cities, incorporation of, 231                   Cow island, 49 
Citizenship, 195                                Cowgill, W. H., 645 
Civil service, 592                              Cowin, J. C., 585, 604, 605 
Civil war, 81, 100, 106, 129, 145, 318, 411     Cox, J. D., 690 
Claim laws, 189                                 Craig, James, 255 
Claims clubs, 171, 189, 191                     Craig. R. A., 442 
Clancy, William, 154                            Cramb, J. O., 620 
Clark, E. H., 384                               Crane, Rev. H. A., 804 
Clark, Rev. F. J., 817                          Crawford, J. C., 587, 593, 604, 625, 636 
Clark, H. T., 73, 445, 501, 603, 610, 740       Credit Mobilier speculation, 349, 474, 482,  
Clark, Loren, 589, 604                             483 
Clark, P. H., 640                               Creighton, C. F., 805 
Clark, Mrs. Phoebe, 385                         Creighton, C. H., 597 
Clark, S. H. H., 491                            Creighton, Edward, 84, 93, 95, 415, 492,  
Clark, Judge William, 109                          719 
Clarkson, Bishop, 765, 770, 771                 Creighton, J. A., 493, 608, 719, 720, 721 
Clausen, C. I., 756                             Creighton, James, 603, 719 
Clifton, 731                                    Creighton, Mary Lucretia, 492, 493, 719 
Climate, 4, 13, 14                              Creighton, Sarah Emily, 493 
Clowry, R. C., 93                               Creighton Medical College, 721 
Coal, 426                                       Creighton Memorial Hospital, 722 
Cobb, Amasa, 583, 587, 588, 592, 595.           Creighton University, 492, 718, 719, 721 
   624, 625, 696, 697                           Creighton University Student Societies,721 
Cobbey, J. E., 634                              Crissman, G. T., 737 
Cody, W. F., 83, 558                            Crites, A. W., 609 
Colaneri, Rev. A. M., 713                       Crone, R. B., 745 
Colby, General L. W., 601                       Crooks, Rev. I., 805, 
Coleman, J. W., 318                             Crooks, Ramsey, 46 
Coleman, Nancy Jane, 319                        Crounse, Lorenzo, 361, 371, 428, 585, 588,  
Colhapp, J. L., 443                                609, 627, 630, 635, 695, 696, 698 
College View, 508                               Crow Dog, 36 
Collegiate Institute, 193                       Croxton, J. H., 283 
Collins, G. W., 541, 597                        Cudney, A. J., 778 
Collins. I., 794                                Cuffy, J. A., 594 
Colorado, 94, 98, 122, 392                      Cullen, Rev. T., 727 
Colson, S. B., 272                              Cultivator, The, 444 
Columbia, District of, 116, 145                 Culver, E. E., 692, 693 
Columbia river, 46, 64, 75, 76                  Culver, J. H., 692, 693 
Columbus, 88, 93                                Cuming, T. B., 87, 150, 153, 157, 166,  
Columbus Ferry Company, 93                         183, 186, 223, 247, 248, 446, 715, 803 
Comanches, see Indians                          Cuming City Star, 446 
Commission government, 649                      Cummins, S. H., 593 
Common carriers. liability of, 606              Cunningham, E. E., 444, 540 
Commonwealth, the, 438                          Currency, 624 
Concord coaches, 81                             Currens, J. B., 738 
Congdon, J. H., 491                             Curtis, Major, H. Z., 440 
Congregational Church, 703, 810, 811, 813,      Curtis, Colonel, S. R., 129, 193, 465 
   816, 827                                     Custer, General, 686, 689 
Congregational Home Mission Society, 818        Cutler's Park, 140 
Congregational News, 816
~ D ~
DAHLMAN, J. C., 646, 648, 649                   Dick, Rev. J. S., 829 
Daily, S. G., 281, 285, 303, 314, 327, 450      Dieckman, Rev. F., 749, 750, 751 
Daily press, 438                                Dietrich, Governor C. H., 641, 642 
Daily St. Joseph Gazette, 459, 460              Dietz, G., 839 
Daily State Democrat, 596                       Dietz, J. F., 616 
Daily State Journal, 593                        Dillon, Sidney, 467 
Daily Telegraph, 440                            Dinmock, Rev. S. R., 818 
Dakota City, 96                                 Dinsmore, J. B., 598, 603, 610 
Dakota City Herald, 29                          Direct Primary Law, 700 
Dakotas, the, 122, 123, 392                     Dix, J. A., 473, 475 
Dale, W. F., 635                                Doane College, 495, 820 
D'Allemand, A., 616, 624                        Doane, G. W., 233, 261, 598, 612, 631,  
Danes, 755, 760                                    633 
Daniels, E. R., 607                             Doane, Thomas, 496 
Dannevirke, 756                                 Dodge bill, see Bills 
Dansk Lutheran Kirkebald, 759                   Dodge, General G. M., 62, 488 
Dansk Luthersk Kirkeblad, 764                   Dodge, Colonel Henry, 50, 130 
Danskeren, 757, 759                             Dodge, N. P., 148, 208 
Danskern, 764                                   Dolezal, Frank, 648 
Davis, Alexander, 149                           Dominican Sisters, 728 
Davis, Dr. B. B., 611                           Donahue, Patrick, 203 
Davis, David, 429                               Donnelly, James, 603 
Davis, F. M., 585                               Donnelly, Rev. T., 727 
Davis, G. T. M., 349                            Doolittle, J. R., 376, 382, 587 
Davis, Garrett, 382                             Doolittle, Milton, 636 
Davis, J. W., 593                               Dorf, Rev. R. R., 764 
Davis, Jefferson, 116, 400                      Dorgan, W. H., 631, 632 
Davis, Rev. H. T., 796                          Dorsey, A, J., 795 
Davis, O. F., 287, 490                          Dorsey, C. G., 367 
Dawes, H. L., 308, 385                          Dorsey, G. W. E., 603, 604, 607, 609, 619 
Dawes, J. W., 590, 592, 595, 597, 603,          Dosh, Rev. J. M., 746 
   604, 608, 610                                Douglas, S. A., 112, 116, 129, 135, 235,  
Dawson, Jacob, 283                                 467, 694 
Dawson's Mills, 725                             Doward, Z. O., 733 
Dean, J. R., 694, 698                           Dowling, Rev. M. P., 720 
Decatur, Stephen, 59, 161, 169, 180, 198        Downing, O. H., 270 
Dech, W. H., 616                                Downs, O. H., 149 
Decker, J. H., 163, 235                         Downs, Lieutenant-Colonel H. P., 169, 210,  
Declaration of Independence, 98, 100               319 
Delano, Columbus, 385                           Doyle, E. R., 155, 167 
Democrat of Dakota City, 424                    Doyle, James, 146 
Democrat of Omaha, 441                          Dred Scott case, 100, 126, 453 
Democratic party, 114, 130, 255, 287, 344,      Dresser, Rev. A., 814, 815, 824 
   375, 594, 642                                Drips, Andrew, 60, 723 
Democratic Times, 446                           Drouths, 671 
DeMorin, Edward, 410                            Druse, O. M., 444 
Denton, W. A., 729                              Dry farming, 664 
DePuy, H. W., 287                               Dryden, J. N., 639 
Der Lutheren, 773                               Duffie, E. R., 638, 736 
DeSmet, P. J., 75, 76, 86, 87, 398. 420,        Dunbar, John, 294, 736 
   432, 723, 724                                Duncan, D. R., 734 
DeSoto Pilot, 232, 446                          Dundy, Elmer, 259, 260, 534, 571, 694 
Detroit Free Press, 434                         Dungan, D. R., 729, 730, 731, 732, 734 
De Unges Blad, 764                              Dungan, W. A., 406, 632 
De Unges Vew, 759                               Durant, Dr. T. C., 88, 467, 472, 473 
Deutsche Zeitung, 438                           Duryea, Rev. J. T., 817 
Devos, P., 724                                  Dye, C. H., 824 
DeWitt, Major F. J., 30                         Dysart, William, 628 
Dey, P. A., 474, 477                            Dyson, Joseph, 168, 188
~ E ~
EAGER, F. D., 639, 691                          Epworth League, 781 
Early J. I., 337, 345, 446                      Equal pay for both sexes, 603, 627 
Edgerton, J. W., 612, 616, 624                  Erb, E., 731, 732 
Education, compulsory, 548                      Erickson, C. M., 735 
Egbert, A. A., 490                              Erlach, Rev. P. J., 726, 727 
Eh-na-ma-ni, A., 827                            Estabrook, Attorney-General, 156, 245 
Eight-hour law, 616, 624                        Estabrook, Experience, 151, 288, 349, 544,  
Eight-o'clock closing law, 646, 647                549 
Elder, S. M., 620, 623                          Evangelical Lutheran Church, 785, 786 
Election precincts, 143, 154, 157               Educational work, 791, 792 
Elections, 143, 167, 187, 304, 363, 578,           German synod, 790 
   585, 588, 639, 649, 650                         Home missions, 791 
Electoral vote, 587, 588                           Orphan Home, 792 
Elkhorn and Missouri Valley railway, 682           Nebraska Synod, 788, 790 
Elkhorn ferry, 92                                  Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 773 
Elkhorn river, 76, 92, 93, 140                     First Convention, 774 
Elkhorn valley, 402                                First Synod, 773 
Elliot, General, 411                               Hospitals, 777 
Ely, Rosalie L., 394                               Orphanage, 776 
Emigrants, 93, 140, 437                            Schools, 775, 776 
Emonds, 215, 724                                   Seminary, 775 
Employers' Liability Law, 700                      War activities, 777 
Enactments, legislative, 187, 262, 296, 594     Evangelical Lutheran Teachers' Seminary  
England, Paren, 583                                (normal), 509 
Environment, physical, 1                        Evans, C. P., 729 
Episcopal Church, 703, 765                      Evans, John, 201, 499, 803 
   Cathedral, 769                               Evans, J. H., 639 
   Cathedral System, 768, 771                   Evening Dispatch, 441 
   Diocese of Nebraska, 769, 770                Expeditions, 2, 24, 37, 46, 48, 50, 60, 61,  
   Educational work, 767                           64, 431 
   First Parish, 765                            Explorers and explorations, 24, 46 
~ F ~
FAHY, PATRICK, 608                                 Fort Benton, 85 
Fair, First territorial, 263, 273, 275, 277        Fort Bridges, 80 
Fairbrother, G. W., 443, 444                       Fort Calhoun, 42, 53 
Fairfield College, 733                             Fort Clark, 110 
Falls City, 444                                    Fort Des Moines, 405 
Falls of North Loup river, 7                       Fort Dodge, 398 
Farm conditions, 662                               Fort Grattan, 77 
Farmers' Alliance, 603, 615, 616, 621, 673         Fort Heiman, 411 
Fauna, 21                                          Fort Kearney, 66, 79, 81, 83, 88, 93, 94,  
Federal lands, 609                                    96, 142, 196, 401, 406, 407, 420, 724 
Feed yards, 654, 655                               Fort Laramie, 65, 67, 76, 79, 80, 142,  
Felton, G. A., 632                                    398, 417 
Ferguson, Chief Justice Fenner, 146, 150,          Fort Leavenworth, 48, 63, 66, 75, 78, 79,  
   156, 170, 173, 273, 296, 439, 694                  81, 86, 89, 92, 122, 139 
Fetterman, Colonel, 687                            Fort Lisa, 53 
Ficklin, B. F., 82                                 Fort McPherson, 416, 687 
Fiegenbaum, Rev. H., 782                           Fort Recovery, 395 
Field, A. W., 609, 629, 640                        Fort Ridgley, 96 
Fifield, L. B., 607, 818                           Fort Ripley, 398 
Filson, W. N., 745                                 Fort Sanders, 490 
Financial conditions, 212, 226, 295, 341,          Fort Sedgwick, 687 
   541                                             Fort Snelling, 405 
Fire commission, 646                               Fort Union, 86 
First territorial fair, see Fair, first            Fort Vancouver, 64 
    territorial                                    Fort Yuma, 81 
Fish commission, 594                            Foster, L. S., 382 
Fisher, Mrs. E., 733                            Foust, Rev. D. S., 750 
Fisher, Rev. F. H., 751                         Fowler, Bishop, 499, 804 
Fitzgerald, Rev. J. B., 727                     Franciscans, 716, 721, 727, 728 
Fitzgerald, John, 623                           Franke, Rev. F. P., 753 
Fleming, N. K., 684                             Franklin Academy, 823 
Fleming, W. C., 450                             Free silver, 585, 592, 615, 618, 624, 628 
Flint implements, 9                             Free trade, 606 
Flora, the, 15                                  Free transportation, 642 
Florence, 75, 87, 139, 223, 241, 243, 279       Freight rates, 606, 610, 611, 616, 618, 624,  
Florence Courier, 441                              629, 645 
Floyd, J. B., 401                               Freighting, 91, 95, 603 
Floyd, Sergeant Charles, 44, 45                 Fremont, General J. C., 407 
Floyd monument, 45                              Fremont, 65, 75, 76 
Fogelstrom, Rev. E. A., 765                     Fremont, J. C., 51, 52, 62 
Folda, Frank, 597                               French, Rev. H. O., 816 
Folsom, B. R., 175                              Frese, Rev. A. W., 773 
Folsom, N. R., 174, 177                         Frey, J. E., 382 
Fontenelle, Henry, 33, 54                       Frick, J. E., 634 
Fontenelle, Logan, 37, 54                       Frincke, Rev. L., 776 
Fontenelle, Lucien, 60, 76                      Frontier Guardian, 35 
Foote, Dr. D. A.. 805                           Frost, G. W., 441 
Forestry, 672                                   Fuller, D. H., 334 
Forney, J. W., 309                              Fur trade, 24 
Fort, J. L., 796                                Furnas, R. W., 30, 227, 229, 230, 242,  
Fortifications, 406                                253, 255, 267, 277, 283, 404, 410, 433,  
Forts,                                             443, 444, 539, 557, 560, 561 
   Fort Atkinson, 42, 394
~ G ~
GAFFIN, J. N., 628, 636, 639                    Gorton, P., 795 
Gage, Rev. W. D., 175, 793, 794                 Goudy, A. K., 620 
Gaines, General E. P., 405                      Gould, C. H., 592 
Gale, Dr. John, 57                              Gould, Jay, 467 
Galey, S. B., 592, 593                          Gould, N., 736 
Gallagher, C. V., 594, 627, 634                 Governors, see individual names 
Gannett, J. W., 596                             Goyer, Alfred D., 191 
Gannon, M. V., 618, 625                         Graef, Rev. P. 776 
Gantt, Daniel, 592, 696                         Graham, Rev. E. B., 754 
Garber, Governor Silas, 559, 563, 576, 587,     Graham, J. M., 379 
   595                                          Graham, Thomas, 598 
Gardner, J. F., 585                             Grand Canyon, 38 
Garfield, James A., 385                         Grand Island, 64, 65, 140, 141, 290 
Gaston, George B., 458                          Grand Island College, 504, 709, 710 
Gates Academy, 823                              Grande Ronde River, 75 
Gates, Rev. H. N., 816                          Granges, 673, 674 
Gaylord, M. C., 190                             Grant county, see County 
Gaylord, Rev. R., 810, 811, 816                 Grant, General H. S., 686 
Geological survey, 427                          Grasses, 17 
Geology of Nebraska, 4                          Grasshoppers, 425, 426, 574, 589, 590,  
George, Rev. J., 748                               595, 609, 667, 670, 815 
Gere, C. H., 419, 563, 584, 585, 590, 592,      Grattan, J. L., 399 
   596, 603, 604, 608, 610, 624, 640            Graves, Rev. A. R., 771 
Gering, M. W., 627                              Gray, Captain, 46 
German Lutheran Seminary, 764                   Great Britain, 99, 101, 102, 119, 141 
German Methodist Episcopal Church, 703          Great falls of Missouri river, 96 
Gerrard, Leander, 610                           Great medical road, 76 
Gerry, Elbridge, 105                            Great Salt Lake, 66 
Gibbs, I. L., 175, 203, 376                     Grebe, Henry, 585, 604 
Gibson, John, 109                               Green, Barton, 146 
Gibson, Thomas, 596                             Green, J. T., 428 
Giddings, Joshua, 118                           Greenback party, 585, 593 
Giddings, N. B., 168                            Greenbacks, fusion with democrats, 594 
Gifford, Dr. H., 805                            Greene, W. L., 630, 633, 636, 638 
Gilbert, C. F., 645                             Greenmiller, Rev. F., 752 
Gilbert, J. W., 362                             Greenwald, D., 752 
Gilchrist, Rev. A., 753                         Greer, R. R., 623 
Giles, Elijah, 445                              Gregory, Rev. L., 817, 818 
Gilkison, J. R., 593                            Greib, Rev. H. C., 753 
Gillespie, John, 353, 361, 371, 542             Gretna Church, 717 
Gillis, Major, 413                              Gresham law, operation of, 218 
Gilmore, A. H., 254                             Griffin, Judge John, 109 
Giltner, Rev. H. M., 203, 205, 736, 737         Griggs, N. K., 603 
Giltner, Mrs. H. M., 742                        Grimm, J. H., 594 
Girls' Industrial School, 623                   Groat, G. W., 313 
Glauber, Rev. G. J., 727                        Groenmiller, Rev. J. S., 762, 787 
Globe-Journal, 445                              Gruber, Rev. T., 774 
Glassbrenner. J. J., 747                        Guam, 98 
Gold standard, 566                              Gulf of Mexico, 15 
Goff, D. R., 703                                Gurley, W. F., 442 
Goode, Rev. W. H.. 793, 794, 798                Guthrie, Abelard, 125, 127 
Goodrich, C. S., 440                            Gwin, Senator W. M., 82 
Goodrich, St. John, 345, 359, 585               Gwyer, W. A., 465, 583
~ H ~
HACKER, J. H., 294                              Hendricks, T. A., 255, 273, 382, 608 
Hacker, T. C., 443, 444                         Henn, Bernhart, 130, 131, 146 
Hadley, E. A., 624                              Henniger, S. F., 624 
Hail, W. D., 448                                Henry, R. H., 206 
Hainer, E. J., 638                              Henzel, J. A., 438 
Hale, J. P., 115                                Hepburn, G. W., 439 
Hale, R. S., 385                                Hepner, Major George, 161, 169 
Hall, A., 258, 694                              Herald, the, 88, 95, 270 
Hall, C. L., 639                                Hergeseimer, C. A., 445 
Hall, E. W., 703                                Herring, Rev. H. C., 817 
Hall, F. M., 641                                Herron, Rev. C., 746 
Hall, S. E., 485                                Hervey, G. W., 444 
Hall, T. F., 312                                Hess, E. W., 614 
Hall, W. P., 117                                Hewitt, J. R., 587 
Hallett, Samuel, 472                            Hiatt, J. M., 607 
Hamer, F. G., 606, 694                          Hickey, I., 703 
Hamilton, Captain, 418                          Higgins, J. G., 608 
Hamilton, Rev. William, 169, 170, 177, 736      Hilgendorf, Rev. J., 774 
Hammann, Rev. A.. 752                           Hill, G. A., 445 
Hammond, C. G., 491                             Hill, G. W., 443 
Hammond, R. L., 638, 843                        Hill, J. E., 620, 631, 633 
Hanford, Rev. S. I., 829                        Hilton, J. W., 734 
Hanna, M. A., 643                               Hindley, Rev. G., 824 
Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, 88, 349,      Hinman, B. I., 578, 608 
   680                                          Hinshaw, E. H., 644 
Hansberry, T. K., 731                           Hitchcock, G. M., 442, 579, 583, 588, 641,  
Hanscom, A. J., 191, 473                           644, 645, 647. 649, 676, 843 
Hansen, C. X., 759                              Hitchcock, P. W., 338, 340, 447, 541, 566,  
Hansen, Rev. H., 757, 760                          571, 588 
Hanson, J., 781                                 Hoagland, T., 797 
Harden, E. H., 156                              Hoar, E. R., 429 
Harden, E. R., associate justice, 151, 694      Hoecken, Father Christian, 86, 87, 723, 724 
Harding, A. J., 369                             Holcomb, S. A., 210, 635, 636, 640, 696 
Harding. N. S., 330                             Holdrege, George, 678 
Hardy, H. W., 592                               Holladay, Dr. A. S., 410, 444 
Hare, Bishop, 767                               Hollenbeck, C., 697 
Hare, T. B., 203, 204                           Hollister, A. W., 161, 169, 174 
Hargraves, Henry, 605                           Hollister, G. H., 169 
Harlan, N. V., 610, 619                         Holloway, C. T., 198 
Harman, F. A., 583                              Holly, C. F., 255 
Harmer, F. S., 697                              Holmes, C. A., 579, 585, 597 
Harms, Rev. C., 781, 782                        Holmes, E. P., 607 
Harman, A. D., 735                              Home Missionary, 810 
Harney, General W. S., 399, 400, 403, 408,      Homesteads, 264, 377, 574 
   412                                          Hoover, Dr. Jerome, 203 
Harris, F. L., 611                              Hopkins, Andrew, 428 
Harrison, Rev. C. S., 814, 824                  Hopkins J. H. 429 
Harrison, T. O. C., 634, 696, 697               Hord Alkali Products Co., 841 
Harrison, Governor W. H., 109, 696              Hord, H., 841 
Harsha, W. W., 740                              Hord, T. B., 653 
Hart, D., 794                                   Horse creek, 67 
Hartig, Rev. E., 725, 726, 727                  Hosford, W. D., 839 
Hartley, J. W., 623                             Hospital for the Insane, 546, 611, 629, 631,  
Harvey, A. F., 433, 442                            633 
Harvey, H. L., 442                              House of representatives, see Legislature 
Harvey, W. E., 347                              Houston, H. A., 438 
Harwood, N. S., 592, 607, 625                   Howard, Colonel B., 146 
Hascall, I. S., 371, 582, 583                   Howard, Edgar, 642 
Hastings, 705                                   Howe, Church, 587, 588, 606, 609, 613,  
Hastings, G. H., 620, 631, 633                     614, 617, 627, 628 
Hastings, W. G., 618, 642, 698, 708             Howe, E. W., 445 
Hastings College, 501, 740, 743, 744, 745,      Howe J. D., 593, 598 
   746                                          Howell, R. B., 650 
Hathaway, H. D., 446                            Hoxie, H. M., 474, 491 
Havorka, Rev. I., 727                           Hubbell, O. C., 733 
Hawes, P. O., 614                               Huber, Rev. E., 787 
Hawke, Nuckolls & Company, 90                   Huff, William, 491 
Hawley, R. A., 638                              Huffaker, T. S., 62 
Hay, John, 102                                  Hughes, T. B., 707 
Hayden, D. T., 594                              Hughes, W. H. S., 415 
Hayden, F. V., 427                              Hulhorst, Rev. F., 749, 750 
Hayes county, see County                        Hull,, M. J., 603, 607 
Hayes, J. R., 627                               Hummon, Rev. J. E., 790 
Hayward, M. L., 592, 595, 609, 634, 640         Humphrey, A. R., 620, 631, 633 
Hazen, General, 88                              Humphrey, G. M., 604 
Hazlett, A. W., 609                             Hungerford, E. M., 579 
Heath, E. L., 635                               Hunt, W. P., 47 
Heath, General H. H., 347, 440                  Huntington, D. W. C., 498, 805, 808 
Heaton, Rev. I. E., 810, 811                    Huntsman's Echo, 26, 94, 413, 423, 425,  
Heaton, Mrs. M. H., 819                            432 
Heck, Jacob, 314                                Hurford, O. P., 93, 415 
Hedstrom, O. G., 783                            Hurlbert, Rev. E. H., 813 
Heiner, Rev. H., 792                            Hyde, Orson, 35, 142 
Hendershot, J., 731
~ I ~
IDAHO, 64, 106, 392                                Omahas, 26, 29, 31, 36, 119, 398 
Iffert, Rev. C., 750, 752                          Otoes, 29, 35, 36, 42, 44, 119, 398 
Illinois, 110, 117, 118, 120, 137                  Ottawas, 33 
Immanuel Deaconess, 765                            Pawnees, 26. 27, 31, 35, 62, 63, 78, 119,  
Immanuel Hospital, 765                                396, 398, 609 
Immanuel Orphan Home, 765                          Pita-how-e-rat, 27 
Immigration, 541, 558, 589, 737                    Poncas, 29, 35, 36, 393, 605 
Impeachment of state officers, 590, 615,           Pottowatamie, 33 
   630, 633                                        Santee, 31 
Income taxation, 624                               Saskatchewan, 31 
Incorporation laws, 171, 192                       Shawnees, the Ohio and Missouri, 119 
Independence Day, 171, 197                         Shoshones, 32 
Independence, Declaration of, 98                   Sioux, 32 
Independence landing, 64                           Siowan, 27 
Independence Rock, 76                              Sisseton, 31 
Indian affairs, 10, 11, 26, 28, 38, 39, 96         Skidi, 26 
   118, 196, 273, 340, 343, 394, 404, 408,         Tapages, 63 
   410, 419, 422, 576, 590, 609, 622, 677,         Teton, 31 
   680, 686, 689                                   Wichitas, 26 
Indian chiefs, 30, 36, 37, 46, 687, 689            Winnebagos, 28, 30, 31, 33 
Indian schools, 33, 434                            Yanktons, 31, 44 
Indians, Tribes,                                Indiana, 108, 109, 120 
   Algonkin, 31                                 Ingalls, J. L., 445 
   Arapahoes, 31                                Ingersoll, E. P., 603, 604 
   Arikara, 26, 46, 64, 395, 402                Insane asylum, see Hospital for the Insane 
   Arkansas, 32                                 Institute for Feeble-minded, 632 
   Black Hills, 31                              Interest rates, 188, 302 
   Blackfeet, 31                                Inter-marriage law, 210 
   Brulé, 31                                    Inter-State Christian Herald, 706 
   Cheyenne, 31, 689                            Inter-state Commerce Commission, 610 
   Chippewas, 33, 398                           Iowa, 83, 98, 110, 117, 118, 120, 129,  
   Chouis, 7, 27                                   132, 135 
   Comanches, 32, 119                           Ireland, F. P., 593, 597, 624, 627 
   Crows, 31                                    Ireland, Rev. J., 727 
   Dakotas, 31                                  Irish home rule, 610 
   Grand Pawnees, 63                            Irish, O. H., 287, 375, 433, 435, 527 
   Iowa, 29                                     Irish Catholic Colonization Society, 716 
   Kickapoos, 110                               Irrigation, 614, 659, 664, 701 
   Kit-ke-haki, 27                              Irvine, F., 698 
   Mandans, 27, 29                              Irving, Washington, 1, 2, 4, 47, 65, 197 
   Minnetaree, 31                               Irwin, J. D., 445 
   Missouri, 29, 42, 44                         Irwin, W. J., 603 
   Nemaha, 31                                   Izard, J. S., 201, 202, 222, 231, 233 
   Ogalalla, 31                                 Izard, Mark W., 151, 156, 184
~ J ~
JACKSON, A. H., 335, 439                        Johnson, G. W., 597 
Jackson, J., 703                                Johnson, H. D., 127, 129, 168, 205, 441 
Jackson, J. A., 193                             Johnson, Harrison, 191 
Jackson, S. J., 338                             Johnson, J. E., 433, 435 
Jackson, S. N., 438                             Johnson, J. P., 188, 279 
Jackson, Zaremba, 446                           Johnson, P. C., 801, 802 
Jackson's Hole, 64                              Johnson, Reverdy, 382, 387 
James, F. B., 824                               Johnson, Rev. Thomas. 128 
James, W. H., 328, 544, 605                     Johnston, General A. S., 80 
Jamison, S. R., 445                             Johnston, G. W., 608 
Jay, John, 102                                  Jones, A. D., 149, 171, 190, 217 
Jeffcoat, John, 639                             Jones, J. D., 205 
Jefferson, Thomas, 46, 98, 101, 102, 104,       Jones, J. M., 585 
   106, 108, 109, 112, 113                      Jones, L. B., 703 
Jefferson county, see County                    Jones, W. A., 635 
Jeffries, L. D., 445                            Jones, W. O., 748 
Jenkins, D. C., 419                             Jones, W. R., 146 
Jenkins, D. E., 515                             Jones, W. W. W., 597 
Jennette, Rev. J., 727                          Jones, Russell and Company, 94 
Jennings, W. H., 642                            Joslin, G. A., 514 
Jensen, John, 607                               Journal Territorial Council, 424 
Jesse, Rev. F. W. C., 776                       Judges, 581 
Jessen, P., 843                                 Judicial districts, 151, 211, 580, 605 
Jesuits, 716, 720, 723                          Judicial system organization, 171, 694 
Johnson, Andrew, 343, 440                       Judson, F. W., 839 
Johnson, Eric, 628                              Julesburg, 67, 82, 84 
Johnson, E. W., 746, 747                        Julian, A. R., 801 
Johnson, F. B., 441                             Junction City, 39

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