K ~
KAHSE, REV. W. T., 791 Killian, E. A., 62
Kaley, C. W., 639 Kimball, Ella Saunders, 140
Kaley, H. S., 346 Kimball, H. C., 140, 141
Kane, F. K., 142 Kimball, T. L., 491
Kane, T. L., 142 Kimball, T. M., 583
Kanne, Rev. K., 752 Kimball county, see County
Kansas, annexation to, 273 King, Jacob, 176
Kansas and Missouri rivers, 136 King, Rufus, 101
Kansas and Nebraska Territories, 127, 129 King, Rev. W. D., 829
Kansas City, 64, 84 Kinkaid act, 662
Kansas river, the, 64, 94 Kinkaid, M. P., 644
Kansas-Nebraska bill, 694 Kinney, John, 605
Kansas-Nebraska campaign, 116, 117 Kinney, L. B., 198
Kansas-Nebraska iniquity, 134 Kinney, W. S., 692, 693
Kansas-Nebraska sovereignty, 126 Kirk, A. D., 203, 445
Kearney, General, 139 Kirkow, Gus, 603
Kearney stage, 89 Kirkpatrick, S. M., 201, 205
Keckley, C. K., 616 Kirtley, T. J., 603
Keeler, J. J., 604 Knapp, Dr. W. M., 633
Keeling, W. W., 283 Kneeval's land claims, 606
Keith, M. C., 585 Knight, J. L. H., 614
Kelley, William, 72, 79 Knox county see County
Kelly, Rev. W., 716, 726 Koch, Rev. C. F., 790
Kellogg, W., 354, 694 Koehler, Rev. W., 752
Kellogg, W. P., 315, 694 Koenig, H. A., 310
Kellom, John H., 238, 287 Kosters, A., 256
Kem, O. M., 614, 619, 620, 628, 637 Kosters, Magdalena, 256
Kemper, Bishop, 766 Koulmen, Rev. P., 726
Kendall, A. G., 597 Kountze, Augustus, 371, 349, 473
Kendall, N. B., 683 Kountze, Herman, 676, 719
Kennard, T. P., 361, 446 Kuecele, Rev. F., 774
Kennard claims, 567 Kuegele, Rev. F., 774
Kennedy, Rev. A. M., 727 Kueppenbender, Rev. B., 727
Kennedy, B. E. B., 331, 349, 359, 473 Kuhl, John, 648
Kennedy, J. F., 197 Kuhlman. Rev. J. F., 762, 763, 786, 788,
Kenower, G. F., 639 791
Keokuk Dispatch, 150 Kuhn, Rev. O., 752
Kermot, W. J., 703 Kuhns, Rev. H. W., 761, 785, 787
Kern, Rev. J., 774 Kuhns, Rev. L. M., 763
Kerr, D. R., D.D., 502, 736, 740, 743 Knotty, J. B., 178
Kilgore, R. M., 778 Kuony, Regina, 178
L ~
LA BARGE, CAPTAIN JOSEPH, 86 Liberty and St. Joseph railroad, 89
Labor, 607, 611, 612, 613, 627 Lincoln, 95, 125, 475, 531, 539. 818
Ladd's artillery, 88 Lincoln, Abraham, 84, 344, 443, 473, 605,
La Flesche, Joseph, 400 609
La Flesche, Mary, 400 Lincoln and Northwestern railroad, 679
Laird, James, 593, 597, 604, 609, 610 Lincoln Car, 487
Lake, G. B., 329, 349, 428, 588, 590, 695, Lincoln Daily Call, 622
696 Lincoln Daily Star, 641
Lake, O. F., 174 Lincoln Diocese. 703, 722, 723
Lake Bemidji, 107 Lincoln Globe, 591
Lake of Woods, 107 Lincoln Medical College, 734
Lamb, E. I., 746 Lindley. David, 131, 149, 155
Lambert, W. C., 51 Linn, J., 784
Lambertson, G. M., 592. 641, 708 Liquor question, 187, 262, 539, 613, 614,
Lampe, Rev. J. J.. 746 645, 648, 650, 697; see also Prohibition
Land, 190, 191, 253, 255, 257, 273, 302, Lisa Manuel de, 46, 52, 53, 56, 59
329, 331, 341, 428, 429, 580, 590, 594, Little, Rev. C.. 814
603, 606, 608, 616 Little,. W. A., 339, 696
Land offices, 232, 367, 541 Little Bad Lands, 3
Lane, G. B., 611 Little Bighorn battle, 687
Lane, Jim, 414 Little Bighorn river, 37
Langdon, C. S.. 443, 444 Little Blue, 64, 65, 67, 75
Langer, Rev. C. F., 781 Little Creek, 67
Laramie, 83 Little Globe, 445
Laramie river, 75 Little Lutheran, 759
Laramie Peak, 74 Little Nemaha, 90
Larimer, A. V.. 473 Little Sioux, 86
Larne, Tip, 605 Litton, C. B., 689
Latimer, William, Sr., 203 Live stock, 655, 656, 658
Latta, J. A., 88 Livingston, Colonel, 94, 99, 101, 414
Latta, J. F. , 645 Loan's brigade, 411
Latta, W. S., 734 Lobinger, C. S.. 698
Latter Day Saints, see Mormons Lockwood, W. F., 694
Laursen, Rev. L. A., 759 Lodge Pole creek, 67
Lawrence Republican, 284 Logan, R., 746
Laws, 171, 186, 205, 331, 349, 589, 594 Lone Tree and Plum creek, 415
Laws, G. L., 618 Lonergan, Rev. J., 726
L'eau-qui-court, 88 Long, Major S. H., 49, 63, 65, 421, 422
Leavenworth, Colonel, 87 Loomis, G. L., 645
Leavenworth, General Henry, 395 Louisiana, 44, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106,
Leavenworth, Lieutenant-Colonel, 395 114, 120. 135, 137
Leavenworth Herald, 282 Louisiana Purchase, 35, 99, 100, 103, 106,
Leavenworth road, 90 107, 114, 121, 136, 137
Leavitt, J. A., 708 Loup county, see County
Lee Daniel, 76 Loup ford, 140
Lee, Jason, 76 Loup Fork, 88, 92, 93
Lee, William, 605 Loup river, 63
Leese, William, 616, 627, 632, 633 Lowe, Enos, 193, 411
Leimer, Rev. M., 773 Lowe, Jesse, 157, 159, 240
Leist, J. G., 782 Lowe. W. W., 411
Legislature, 88, 104, 106, 114, 116, 120, Lowrie, Rev. M. B., 745, 746
121, 124, 145, 171, 173, 175, 177, 194, Loyalist, 707
201, 203, 217, 220, 223, 227, 235, 239, Lucas, J. B. C., I 10
253, 254, 257, 259, 262, 293, 297, 306, Ludden, L. P., 623, 791
320, 329, 339, 340, 347, 359, 363, 364, Lumber supply, 424
376, 391, 447, 533, 552, 581, 587, 589, Luther college, 512
594, 598, 600, 605, 610, 620, 628, 638, Lutheran Church, 703, 761
641, 644, 645, 648, 650, 693 Educational work, 263
Lenker, Rev. J. N., 791 First building, 762, 765
Lemon, T. B., 797, 800, 801 Immigrant Missionary Society, 765
Leroy, 65 Organized, 762
Letton. C. B., 694 Orphan Home, 764
Leuthaeuser, Rev. A., 765 Seminary, 764
Lewis, Meriwether, 41 Synods, 763, 764, 765
Lewis and Clark, 35, 40, 41, 43, 110 Lyanna, L. E., 443
Ley, Lewis, 594 Lyman, Amasa, 140
M ~
MACCOLL, JOHN H., 589, 610, 618, 635, Meyer, Rev. J., 774
638 Meyer, Louis, 623
McAllister, Wm., 597 Meyers, S., 778
McBride, J. C., 444 Mickey, J. H., 642
McCabe, J. W., 579 Midland, 753
McCague, Rev. F., 753 Midland College, 791
McCann, D. J., 369, 438 Midland Pacific railroad, 683
M'Carthy, Rev. P. F., 711, 727 Miege, J. B., 723, 724
McClay, J. H., 692, 693 Mile creek, 84
McCleery, Mrs. J. S., 733 Miles, Colonel, 89
McClure, E. A., 440 Miles, S. B., 583
McConihe, General John, 413 Milford Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, see
McConnell, J. L., 592 Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
McConnell, Robert, 491 Military affairs, 297
McCormick, C. H., 458, 743 Military bonds, 349
McCraig, R. N., 803 Military expeditions, 396
McCready, Rev. R. T.. 733 Military history, territorial, 394
McCreeley, Joseph, 593 Military organization, first, 210
McCullough, Thomas, 438 Military post, second, 407
McDonald, Charles, 216 Military roads, 262
McFadden, Captain Joseph, 412 Militia, see Nebraska Militia
McGirr, 698 Millard, Alfred, 442
McIntosh, H. F., 444 Millard, Ezra, 95
McKay, Alexander, 47 Millard, J. H., 604, 605, 641, 644
McKeighan, W. A., 619, 620, 628 Miller, A. C., 703
McKenna, W. S., 614 Miller, Dr. G. L., 191, 196, 203, 217, 416,
McKenzie, J. M., 518, 670 425, 447, 535, 582, 590, 593
McLaughlin, Mrs. A. P., 806 Miller, J., 694
McLellan, Robert, 46 Miller, J. G., 608
McLennan, William, 233, 236 Miller, Colonel Lorin, 284
McLoughlin, Rev. M. O., 728 Miller, Matt, 612, 636
McMahan, Father, 717 Miller, Richard, 579
McManigal, John, 608 Miller, W. H., 438, 443
McMeans, J. A., 594 Miller's Hollow, 142
McMurphy, J. A., 446 Mills, W., 705, 707
McNeely, H. G., 203 Milwaukee and Mississippi railroad, 145
McNeely, Hugh, 446 Minard, J. R., 795
McPherson, Dr. John, 303, 443 Miner, I. W., 441
McPherson, Smith, 639 Minnesota, 98, 118, 392
McShane, J. A., 442, 612, 614, 636, 720, Missionaries, 725, 727, 729, 736, 738, 753,
721 827
Madeley, C. H., 603 Missions, 727, 729, 730, 736, 751, 757,
Magoon, C. E., 618 763, 765, 766, 769, 781, 791, 794, 799,
Maha village, 42 815, 827
Mahoney, T. J., 625, 634 Mississippi, 103, 112, 120
Mail rates, 94 Mississippi river, 102, 107
Mail service, 194 Mississippi valley, 1
Majors, Alexander, 80, 81, 89, 90 Missouri, 98, 110, 114, 118, 120
Majors, T. J., 518, 585, 592, 597, 618, Missouri Compromise, 112, 115,120, 122,
620, 627, 630, 635, 637 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 133, 145
Malcolm, Dr. A. B., 169 Missouri Fur Company, 47, 48, 54, 55, 57
Mallaieu, J. T., 607 Missouri Pacific railroad, 683
Mallet Brothers, expedition of, 40 Missouri posts, 64
Manderson, General C. F., 579, 583, 588, Missouri river, 64, 76, 85, 94, 96, 111, 123,
603, 604, 614 136
Mann, J. H., 444 Missouri River and Platte Valley railroad,
Manners, C. A., 428 194
Manufactures, 665 Missouri river steamboats, 58
Manypenny, G. W., 157 Missouri Valley, 698
Mapes, W. S., 691 Mitchell, Rev. C. A., 746
Marcos de Niza, 37 Mitchell, D. D., 398
Marpiya Luta, 36 Mitchell, J. C., 167, 180, 181, 441
Marple, C. H., 624 Mitchell's pass, 73
Marquette, D., 793, 799, 803 Mob violence, 447, 600
Marquett, T. M., 235, 261, 282, 339, 369, Modesitt, C., 841
445, 449, 526, 530, 535, 537, 592 Moffatt, D. H., 561, 563
Marriage act, 210 Monell, Dr. G. C., 438, 440, 473
Marshall, A. B.. D.D., 504, 746 Monetary theory, 586
Martin, Euclid, 625, 634, 636 Monterey, 731
Martin, E. L., 445 Monroe, A. A., 635
Martin, Frank, 610 Monroe, President, 99, 100, 102, 114, 115,
Martin, Franklin, 578 119
Martin, G. G., 698 Montana, 96, 98, 122, 392
Mai tin, G. W., 623. 801 Montgomery, C. S., 634
Martin, Colonel H. L., 255 Montgomery, General Milton M., 583, 610
Marvin, G. P., 608, 636 Monument marking, 274, 275
Marvin, J. J., 445 Moore, Eugene, 639
Mason, O. P., 260, 271, 347, 415, 429, Moore, R. E., 641
551, 553, 571, 611, 693, 696 Moore, Dr. S. V.. 603, 604
Massachusetts, 98, 105, 106 Morehead, J. H., 649, 650
Massock, Rev. S. C., 766 Morer, Captain S. H., 94
Mastin, C. A., 801 Morgan, B. T. C., 491
Mather, C. L., 445, 579 Morgan, E. D., 382
Maurepas lake, 106, 107 Morgan. T. J., 708
Maxfield, Rev. J. D., 797. 803 Mormons, 67, 93, 138, 139, 140, 142, 279,
Maxwell, Samuel, 611, 612, 634, 635, 638, 724
695, 697 Morrill, C. H., 614
May, Rev. D. H. 795 Morris, Bishop, 797
May, George, 347 Morris, Gouverneur, 105
May, Rev. J., 781 Morris, W. H., 585, 624
Mayares, Spanish lieutenant, 46 Morrissey, A. M., 694, 695
Mayberry, C. M., 616 Morrissey, Frank, 442
Mead, F. J., 583, 593 Morrissey, Jelin, 587
Medary, Governor, 285, 286 Morrison, Rev. M., 753
Medill, Commissioner, 119 Morse, J. W., 485
Megeath, J. G., 347, 593 Morton, J. Sterling, 62, 95, 163, 166, 203,
Meiklejohn, G. D., 610, 611, 613 215, 217, 263, 265, 297, 299, 302, 313,
Mengarini, Father, 723 315, 317, 318, 428, 535, 590, 593, 603,
Mentzer, J. M., 441 605, 608, 614, 624, 627, 628, 630, 672
Mercer, D. H., 641 Morton, O. C., 91
Mercer, S. D., 618, 627 Morton, O. P., 590, 592
Meridian, guide, 189 Morton, Thomas, 163, 437
Merrick, A. W., 446 Mosher, C. W., 623, 631, 632, 635
Merrill, Rev. J. W., 707 Mosquito creek, 198
Merrill, Rev. Moses, 55, 57, 60 Mothers' Jewels' Home, 806
Merrill, Rev. O. W., 815 Mouer, J. R., 748
Merrill, Rev. S. P., 55 Mud Springs, 67
Merritt, E. L., 442 Muir, R. V., 443
Methodist educational affairs, 499 Mulford, H. B., 691
Methodist Episcopal Church, 793 Mullis, J., 729
Educational work, 803, 904 Munger, W. H., 604, 608
First church building, 800 Munhall, T. M., 796
First conference, 797 Municipal charters, 193
German branch, 780, 781 Munson, Rev. P., 785
Hospital, 805 Murphy, Rev. C. G., 829
North Conference, 902 Murphy, Frank, 371
Orphanage, 806 Murphy, Michael, 155
Swedish branch, 781 Murray, C. A., 63
Mexico, 38, 106, 110, 115 Murray, Patrick, 414
N ~
NANCE, ALBINUS, 592, 600, 606 Nebraska territory, 116, 122, 127, 135, 392,
Napoleon Bonaparte, 98, 99, 102, 103, 106 694
Nash, Captain E. R., 412 Nebraska University, at Fontenelle, 193, 820
Nason, W. N., 623 Nebraska Visitor, 706
Nast, Rev. W., 780 Nebraska Wesleyan University, 801, 805,
National cemetery, Fort McPherson, 416 808
National Potash Co., 842 Negro question, 344, 354, 359, 376, 394,
Nebraska, admission, 126, 145, 376, 381, 539; see also Slavery
393 Nemaha City, 90, 444
Nebraska Advertiser, 447 Nemaha University, 211
Nebraska boundaries, 112, 116, 135, 392, Nemaha valley, 423
393 Nemaha Valley Journal, 44
Nebraska Central College, 512, 803 Nettleton, D. M., 616
Nebraska Christian Missionary Convention, Neville, K., 694
731 Neville, William, 609
Nebraska Christian Missionary Society, 731 Newcomb, W. T., 733
Nebraska City, 75, 81, 84, 85, 89, 90, 92, Newberry freight law, 635
93, 94, 96, 705, 730 Newell, J. D., 709
Nebraska City National Bank 605 New Eldorado, 38
Nebraska City News, 22, 88, 96, 167, 257, New England, 104, 106, 113, 117
433, 438, 439 New Galicia, 38
Nebraska City Press, 94, 433, 438, 444, New Mexico, 64, 114, 116, 118, 136
446, 689 New Orleans, 79, 83, 98, 99, 101, 103,
Nebraska Classis, 749 109, 141
Nebraska College, 767, 771 Newspapers, see individual names
Nebraska Conference, 747 New York, 85, 88, 98
Nebraska Enquirer, 446 New York Herald, 129
Nebraska Farmer, 444 New York Times, 218
Nebraska government, 109, 119, 127 Nichols, Joseph 491
Nebraska Industrial Home, 611 Nickerson, O. G., 439
Nebraska Medical Society, 193 Nielsen, H. S., 759
Nebraska militia, 156, 319, 411, 618, 627, Niobrara river, 5
640, 693, 708, 709 Norris, G. W., 644, 647
Nebraska Palladium, 147, 149, 160, 163, North, Captain F. J., 412, 418
195, 433, 434, 439 North, J. E., 593, 603, 608, 610
Nebraska Pioneer, 446 North Fork river, 88
Nebraska Plan, 707 North Loup river, 7
Nebraska Potash Works, 842 North Platte, 88, 92, 95, 159
Nebraska Register, 445 Northern Pacific railroad, 85
Nebraska Republican, 440 Northwest Territory, 110, 120, 136
Nebraska resources, 651, 657, 665 Norton, D. S., 382
Nebraska Sanitarium, College View, 509, Norval, T. L., 614, 695, 697
779 Nuckolls, Houston, 449
Nebraska State Board of Pharmacy, 611 Nuckolls, S. F., 215, 282
Nebraska State Journal, 446, 591, 604, 622, Nye, Caroline M., 266
640, 689 Nye, Frederick, 441
Nebraska Statesman, 361 Nye, Ray, 607
Nebraska, strategic location, 666 Nye, Theron, 266, 588
O ~
O'BRIEN, REV. P. N., 727 Omaha Daily Republican, 92, 417, 440, 607,
O'Connor, Rev. J., 713, 715, 719, 721, 727 615, 617
Occupation Tax, 646 Omaha high school, 539, 687
O'Day, Thomas, 609, 611, 612 Omaha missionary station, 196
Odd Fellows Order, 211 Omaha Nebraskian, 89, 92, 94, 218, 417,
Ode to Nebraska, 845 424, 433, 439
O'Fallon, Benjamin, 395 Omaha Seminary, 503, 745
O'Fallon's Bluff, 84 Omaha World-Herald, 442, 622, 624, 637,
Offut, Charles, 625, 626 687
Ogden, Charles, 625 Ong, Judge, 634
O'Gorman, Rev. J. M., 713, 715, 725, 727 Opdyke, George, 473
Ohio State Journal, 147, 441 Orchardist, 444, 445
Oklahoma, 31, 98 Ordinance of 1787, 109, 118, 120, 123,
Oldham, W. D., 636 136, 137
Olive, I. P., 605 Oregon, 78, 106, 115, 118, 392, 646
Ollis, J. A., 650 Oregon trail, 48, 50, 64, 67, 73, 75, 78,
Omaha, 73, 75, 83, 88, 96, 130, 147, 151, 399, 724
191, 611, 613. 693, 696, 810, 830-833 Orr, Rev. P. M., 751
Omaha Arrow, 89, 435 Osage Indians, 110, 111, 119, 127
Omaha Bee, 441, 578, 589, 603, 604, 607, Osborn, J. W., 705
615, 619. 621, 628, 630, 635, 638, 644 Osborn, L. W., 611
Omaha bridge, 490 Oschger, W., 735
Omaha City Times, 92, 439 Overland mail, 80, 416
Omaha Daily Herald, 95, 442, 578, 662, 690 Overland stage, 62, 80, 95
P ~
PACE, L. C., 592, 596, 603 Plattsmouth Jeffersonian, 445
Pacific Fur Company, 46, 47 Point, Father, 724
Pacific telegraph, 416 Points, J. J., 603
Pacific wagon roads 97 Police commission, 613
Packard, Rev. N. L., 829 Political conditions. 201, 202, 213, 221,
Packing house products, 657 223, 228, 232, 253, 259, 287, 289, 293,
Padilla, John de, 711, 713 299, 301, 303, 309, 329, 332, 333, 337,
Paddock, A. S., 318, 339, 376, 411, 456, 343, 347, 351, 354, 369, 374, 381, 439,
457, 571, 630 447, 451, 556, 578, 583, 590, 598, 636,
Paddock, J. W., 191, 203, 235, 446 642
Paine, B. L., 619 Political journals, 219
Paine, Phelps, 579 Political parties, 533, 551, 572, 599, 603,
Palladium, see Nebraska Palladium 647
Palmer, Rev. E. S., 817 Politicians, 133, 357
Palmer, Joel, 65, 67 Pollard, E. M., 644, 645
Palmer, L. B., 619 Pollard, Isaac, 10
Palmerton, Benjamin, 593 Pomeroy, General, S. C., 285
Panhandle, 698 Poncas, see Indians
Papillion creek 140 Pond, E. R., 827
Parish, J. E., 446 Pony express, 62, 82, 84, 94
Parker, G. W., 39 Pool, C. W., 646, 648
Parker, Samuel, 69, 76 Poor, H. V., 473
Parkman, Francis, 62, 65, 78 Pope, C. J., 705
Parriott,W. C., 698 Pope, Major-General John 52, 404, 411, 686
Parrott, M. J., 285 Poppleton, A. J., 88, 159, 172, 203, 448,
Patrick, J. H., 276 473, 608, 614, 698
Patrick, M. T., 411 Population, 585, 587
Patterson, D. C., 597 Populist party, 540, 603, 615, 634, 697
Patterson, Rachel, 77 Porter, Captain C. F., 411, 414
Patterson, Thomas, 210 Porter, J. R., 371, 417
Pattison, J. W., 218, 435, 436 Porter, N. S., 369
Pawnees, See Indians Porter, W. F., 622
Peabody, J. A., 292 Post, A. M., 624, 639, 696, 697
Peabody, Mrs. Jennie Yates, 292 Post, G. W., 607
Pearman, Major J. W., 408, 605 Postal telegraph and savings banks, 627
Peck, J. P., 246 Potash industry, 693, 702, 705, 839
Peckham, Mary, 256 Pottawattomie, 128
Peckham, Perry M., 256 Potter, W. M., 441
Peet, Rev. E. W., 766 Poultry raising, 662
Penalvert, L., 723 Pound, Laura B., 373
Pendleton, G. H., 308, 309, 311 Pound, R., 698
Pendleton Messenger, 143 Pound, S. B., 372, 630, 633
Penitentiary, 211, 546, 559, 576, 631, 633 Powell. Major, 417
Pentland, A. W., 309, 311 Powers, Isaac, 607
People's Press 433 437, 445 Powers, J. H., 615, 616, 619, 627, 630
Perkins county, see County Poynter, W. A., 609, 624, 627, 635, 640,
Perry, D. B., 496, 821 641
Peru Times, the, 444 Prairie du Chien treaty, 273
Pesson, Rev. H., 793 Pratt, Orson, 140
Phelps, Rev. S., 745 Pratt, P. P., 141
Philippines, 98, 105, 387, 640, 693 Preparatory institute, 211
Philpott, J. E., 428 Presbyterian Church, 703, 736
Phoenix Park, 72 Christian Edeavor Society, 743
Pierce, C. W., 155, 203 College, 740
Pierce, President Franklin, 124, 143, 145, Missionary Society, 742
694 Missions, 736, 738
Pierce, N. O., 445 Presbyteries, 739,
Pierce, W. L., 620 Synod organized, 737, 739
Pierre, 85 Theological Seminary, 741
Pigeon creek, 198 Presbyterian mission at Bellevue, 182, 703,
Pike, Lieutenant Z. M., 27, 44 46 705
Pike's Peak, 75, 81, 84, 90, 93, 94 Press, see Nebraska City Press
Pike's Peak express, 81, 83 Presson, Colonel, 88
Pilcher, Major Joshua, 54, 59, 86, 395 Pressor, Rev. H., 794
Pile, J. M., 520 Prey, J. W., 428
Pine Ridge, 3, 17, 36, 689 Price, S. B., 438
Pioneer railway, 465 Pritchard, M., 796
Pirtle, C. H., 618, 624 Pritchett, G. E., 593, 597, 610, 612
Placerville, Cal., 81, 83 Prohibition, 187, 306, 604, 607, 622, 647,
Platt, L. W., 458 650, 697. See also Liquor Question
Platt, Rev. M. F., 813 Promontory Point, 490
Platte river, 64, 75, 88, 94, 117, 377 Prouty, L. B., 445
Platte valley, 87, 130, 194 Pryor, Ensign Nathaniel, 46
Platte Valley Herald, 445 Public Lands and buildings, board of, 581
Platte Valley Times, 445 Pulitzer, Joseph, 644
Plattsmouth, 75, 88, 196, 729
Q ~
QUINCY, JOSIAH, 106 Quinn, Rev. L. J., 727
Quincy & Alton railroad, 677 Quivera, 711, 713
R ~
RAGAN, J. F., 635 Richardson, Rev. C. H., 824
Railroads, 62, 145, 465, 491, 607, 629, Richardson, J. W., 447
677, 680 Richardson, Lyman, 190, 442
Assessments, 576 Richardson, O. D., 181, 191, 205, 816
Bonds, 470, 471 Richardson, W. A., 117, 234, 307
Commission, see Railway commission Rice, A. E., 824
Construction, 151, 677, 680, 681 Rickley, John, 337
Government ownership of, 615, 616, 624 Riden, M. W., 175
Kings, 484, 548 Ridgled, F. H. 746
Legislation, 538, 548, 557, 569, 574, 589, Riggs, Rev. A. L., .826, 827
623, 652 Ring, Rufus, 113
Names of, see individual names of Ringland, W. F., 743
railroads Rio Roxo or Red river, 106
Passes 604, 606, 607. 616, 618, 639, 641 RitchieJoseph, 585
Politics, 598 Rittenhouse, A. J., 608
Rates, 589, 593, 603, 606, 611, 618, 622, River navigation, 62, 85
624, 627 Roads,
Stations and naming, 622 Military, 88
Valuation, 643 Old Fort Kearney, 406
Railway commission. 603, 613, 697, 650 Territorial, 263
Rainfall, 14, 661, 671 Roberts, Dr. G. H., 585, 611
Ramey, W. N., 734 Roberts, Rev. J. J., 8,04
Randolph, John, 114 Robertson, N. C., 737
Rankin, B. P., 201, 221, 264, 450 Robertson, Seth, 428
Ransom, F. T., 638 Robertson, T. H., 371, 433
Rassmussen, P. J., 760 Robertson, W. H., 596
Raymond, I. M., 613 Robidoux, Joseph, 72, 404
Reavis, Isham, 370 Robinson, J. S., 641
Red River, 106 Rock, Carboniferous, 4
Redick, J. I., 363, 592, 604 Rock, Cretaceous, 5
Redick, W. A., 841 Rock Bluffs City, 359, 446, 729
Reed, S. B., 491 Rock county, see County.
Reese, M. B., 606, 607, 614, 618, 624, Rock Island railroad, 677, 683
634, 645, 695, 697 Rockefeller gifts, 643
Reese, Rev. W. S., 748 Rocky mountains, 118, 136
Reeves, M. S., 283 Roeder, Rev. A., 762
Reformed Church in the United States, 703, Rogers, E. H., 337
749 Rogers, Manley, 312
Early Congregations, 752 Rogers, S. E., 191, 423
Horne Missions, 750, 752 Rogers, W. R., 149
Nebraska Classis, 749 Roggen, E. P., 428
Rural Churches, 752 Rolfe, D. P., 636
Synod of Northwest, 749 Rolfe, R. M., 326
Reiley, Austin, 632 Rooker, W. V., 442
Reinbolt, H., 841 Roosevelt, Theodore, 650, 694
Relief commission, 623, 629 Root, Allen, 446, 585, 596, 619, 696
Remington, William, 350 Root, J. L., 697
Remington, Mrs. William, 350 Rose, A. M., 163
Republican, see Weekly Republican Rose, W. B., 694, 696, 697
Republican party, 134, 261, 291, 302, 318, Rose, Rev. W. W., 817
344, 415, 603, 642 Rosewater, Edward, 441, 566, 589, 590,
Republican river, 5 592, 603, 610, 618, 625, 635, 641, 644,
Resumption act, 593 676
Revenue law, 231, 269 Rothacker, O. H., 441
Reynolds, D. B., 603 Rounds, S. P., Sr., 441
Reynolds, M. W., 274, 433, 439, 454 Rouse, G. L., 639, 642
Rhodes, C. J., 731 Rouse, Rev. F. T., 817
Rhullier, Rev. E., 727 Royce, C. C., 27
Richards. Lucius D., 612, 614, 618, 619, Rule, 445
625, 655 Russell, W. H., 83
Richards, Willard, 140, 141 Ryan, T. J., 683
Richardson, A. T., 62
S ~
SACRED HEART, LADIES OF, 716 Sites, Colonel George, 87
Safford, Jacob, 154 Sivonson, Rev. O., 784
Sage, Rufus, 62 Slaughter, B. D., 625, 635
St. Augustine, 107 Slaughter, W. B., 98
St. Benedict's Church, 725 Slavery, 105, 106, 112, 115, 123, 126, 143,
St. Deroin, 731 280, 290, 301, 341, 449, 451, 452, 454,
St. Domingo, 103 455, 458, 459; see also Negro question
St. Francis, Order of, 716 Slicker, J. M., 611
St. James Hall, 767 Slocumb law, 599, 648
St. John Nepomuco, 728 Smails, N. W., 593, 597
St. Joseph, 66, 75, 81, 83, 88, 93, 94 Smith, Adam, 414
St. Joseph & Denver R. R. company, 606 Smith, A. J., 593
St. Joseph & Des Moines railroad company, Smith, C. B., 149, 155, 201
679 Smith, E. P., 634, 636
St. Joseph to Albany railroad, 679 Smith, G. A., 140
St. Louis, 65, 83, 85, 87, 93 Smith, Hoke, 635
St. Mary, 86 Smith, Hyrum, 138
St. Mary's Gazette, 129 Smith, Joseph, 138
St. Patrick's Church, 718 Smith, L. W., 795
St. Paul & Missouri River railroad, 682 Smith, W. M., 795
Salt, 426, 427, 428, 430, 537, 539 Smutney, Rev. F., 727
Salt Creek valley, 427 Smythe, C. J., 634, 639
Salt Lake, 80, 83, 94 Snake river, 75
Salt Lake City, 81, 84, 140 Snell, N. Z., 632
San Francisco, 81, 83, 84 Snider, S. M., 748
Sandstone Bluffs, 74 Snort, daily, 444
Santa Fe trail, 48, 63, 64 Snowden, Rechel, 16
Santee Mission, 827 Snowden, W. P., 165
Santee Normal Training School, 825, 827 Snyder, Webster, 491
Santo Domingo, 99, 100, 105 Social life and character, 394, 421
Sarpy, J. B., 56 Soldiers' & Sailors' Home, Milford, 640
Sarpy, P. A., 51, 56, 57, 86, 148 Solitary tower, 67, 69
Sarpy County, see County Sorenson, John, 441
Sarpy's ferry, 139 South Carolina, 98, 143, 145
Saulsbury, Wiillard, 382 South Pass route, 129
Saunders, Alvin, 301, 318, 526, 571, 583, South Platte Catholicism, 703, 722
588, 604, 605, 676, 730 South, Platte river, 64, 65
Saunders. C. L., 839 Spain, 101, 103, 106, 677, 690, 692
Savage, E. P., 642 Spanish, the, 37, 99, 103, 108, 110
Savage, J. W., 579, 587, 588, 604, 607 Speice, C. A., 312, 604
Sawyer, A. J., 596, 612, 623, 625 Spurlock, B., 806, 807
Saxon, John, 596 Spurlock, Mrs. I., 806, 807
Scanlan. Rev. T., 724 Staats Zeitung, 438
Scannell, Rev. R., 713, 716 Stansbury, Howard, 66, 72, 74, 79, 80, 431
Schell, R. A., 734 Staples, J. A., 707
Schmalz, Rev. J., 752, 753 Stark, W. F., 638
Schmeck, Rev. A., 749 State banking board, 638
Schneider, E. F., 440 State capitol, see Capitol
Scholtz, B., 781 State Historical Society, 605
Schools, 779 State institutions, 631
School funds, 627, 632 State Normal Schools,
School lands, see Land Chadron, 520
School law, 209 Kearney, 519
Schuelke, A., 774 Peru, 518
Scientific American, 96 Wayne, 520
Scofield, B., 582 State officers, 359, 580
Scott, T. A., 467 State organization, 533, 534
Scotts Bluff, 65, 72, 75 State Register, 442
Scotts Bluff county, see Counties State University, see University of Nebraska
Seaton, J. S., 344 Statehood question, 296, 297, 331, 349,
Secession in 1860, 112 351, 359, 361, 363
Sedgwick, S. H., 645, 694, 696, 700 Statutes, 349, 700
Seesko, Rev. F., 774 Stauffer, Rev. T. F., 751
Semi-Centennial, 706, 708, 843 Steam wagon line, 96
Seminar, botanical, 16 Steele City, 75
Senate, see Legislature Steinert, Rev. J. G., 752
Sergeants Bluff, 86 Steinhart, John 294
Session laws. 186 Stephens, A. H., 220
Settlements, first, 24 Steubi, Rev. E. C., 752
Seven Day Adventists, 703, 778 Stevens, Thaddeus, 385
Seward, W. H., 440, 473 Stevens, T. E., 841
Sexton, T. L., 737 Stevenson, Rev. R. M., 740
Seymour, Silas, 475, 476 Stevenson, T. B., 411
Shallenberger, A. C., 641, 644, 645 Stewart, John, 439
Shallenberger, Governor, 646 Stewart, Rev. J. D., 815, 825,
Sharp, E. S. 203 Stickel, J. H., 604, 605, 609
Sharp, J. L., 128, 155, 169, 172, 180, 205 Stock yards, 649, 652, 653, 655
Sharp, W. E., 842 Stoddard, Captain Amos, 109
Shawnees, see Indians Stone, G. A., 594
Shedd, Lieutenant-Gov. H. H., 598, .609 Stone age material, 8
Sheep, 654, 656 Stotsenburg, J. M., 691, 693
Sheldon, G. L., 642. 643 Stout, W. H. B., 594, 606, 607, 609, 632
Sheldon, Lawson, 422 Stowell, Rev. A. D., 816
Shelley, Dr. B. Y., 167 Stowell, Martin, 444
Shenk, Rev. J. W., 804 Streeter, J. E.., 380
Shepard, W. H., 746 Streeter, Rienzi, 380
Scherck, Rev. C. R.. 792 Stretch, W. S., 444
Sherfey, C. W., 445 Strickland, J. B., 439
Sheridan, J. A., 628 Strickland, S. A., 161, 191
Sherman, C. W., 440 Strode, J. B., 638
Sherman, J. H., 382, 433, 439 Stuart, David, 47
Sherman, General W. T., 404, 686 Stuart, Robert, 47, 48
Sherrill, Rev. A. T., 814, 815, 817 Sturdevant, P. D., 603, 604, 607, 636
Shervin, J. E., 618 Sturger, C. W., 359, 361
Shinn, M. F., 196, 795, 803 Suffrage qualifications, 112, 457
Shinn's ferry, 93 Sugar beets, 658
Shoemaker, I., 191 Sugar bounty law, 613, 614, 622, 627, 637,
Shoemaker, W. S., 636 638
Show, J. H., 841 Sullenberger, O. P., 594
Shrader, A. B.. 790 Sullivan, J. J., 639, 696
Shumway, H. B., 624 Sullivan, P. C., 203, 446
Sickler, T. E., 491 Sully, General Alfred, 404
Sierre Leone, 112 Summers, Dr. J., Sr., 277
Silver dollars, coinage of, 592 Sumner, Charles, 376, 382
Simeon, Rev. J., 727 Supreme court, 579, 581, 613, 694
Simons, George, 92 Supreme court commission, 698, 700
Simons, Norton, 92 Sutherland, George, 505, 706, 712
Simpson, Colonel J. H., 465. 477, 480 Sutherland, J. R., 616
Simpson University (early Wesleyan, Sutherland, R. D., 638
Omaha), 193, 211, 497, 803 Sutton, 750
Simpson, W., 793 Sutton, A. L., 650
Single Collection Agency, 707 Sutton, H. T., 644
Singleton, General, 270, 449 Swan, Rev. O. J., 784
Sioux City, 92 Swanson, Rev. O., 784
Sioux county, see County Swedish Settlers, 783
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 7 Sweesy, W. F., 377
Sioux Indians, see Indians Sweet, Franklin, 342
Sisters of Charity, 728 Sweetwater, 75
Sisters of Good Shepard, 716 Swezey, G. D., 13
Sisters of Holy Child of Jesus, 728 Swihart, Rev. I., 729
Sisters of Loretto, 728 Swing, Rev. A. T., 819
Sisters of Mercy, 716 Swingli, U., 749
Sisters of Notre Dame. 728 Swiss, 752
Sisters of Precious Blood, 728 Sydenham, M. H., 84
Sisters of St. Benedict, 728 Symmer, F. W., 155
Sisters of St. Francis, 716
T ~
TABITHA HOME, 792 Thompson, R. B., 632
Taffe, John, 278, 369, 433, 440, 441, 539, Thompson, S. R., 13, 585
566, 591 Thompson, W. H., 620, 627, 636, 639, 644
Taft, William Howard, 650 Thorne, James, 439
Tafte, W. F., 645 Thaw, Mrs. William, 503
Taggart, J. M., 244, 703, 705 Thayer, General J. M., 88, 190. 210, 319,
Talbot, A. R., 640 403, 409, 419, 541, 571, 573, 604, 613,
Talbot Hall, 767 617, 618, 628, 619, 701
Talbot, Rev. J. C., 766 Thummel, G. H., 624, 634
Talbot, R. C., 579 Thurber, H. P., 210
Talleyrand, 99, 101, 103 Thurston, J. M., 583, 593, 597, 607, 630,
Taney, Chief Justice, 108 637
Tanner, J., 718 Thurston county, see County
Tariff, 607, 609, 612, 616, 618, 624 Tibbets, G. W., 646
Taxes, 198, 327, 335, 610, 613 Tibbles, T. H., 402
Taylor, Bayard, 79 Tibbles, Yosette La Flesche, 402
Taylor, E. B., 433, 440, 527, 537 Tichenor, A. C., 428
Taylor, Rev. E. C., 813 Tiegenbaum, H., 782
Taylor, Elisha, 644 Tilden, S. J., 583, 608
Taylor, F. C. 824 Times, 445
Taylor, Rev. G. E., 815 Tipton, T. W., 88, 339, 378, 537, 597, 604
Taylor, John, 112, 141 Toadstool park, 6
Taylor, J. P., 684 Todd, Levi, 603
Taylor, J. W., 703, 795 Tolls, 606
Taylor, W. H., 259, 283 Tower, L. H., 606
Tekamah, 196 Towns, naming of, 196
Telegraph company, Missouri & Western, Townsend, A. H., 445
84, 93 Township organization, 605
Telegraph, government ownership of, 616, Tracy, E. H., 691
624 Traders, early, 24, 723
Territorial agricultural and mechanical fair, Trading post, old, 86
see Fair, first territorial Train, G. F., 88, 349, 359, 465, 472, 473
Territorial assembly, officers of, 376, 729 Transcontinental railway, 85
Territorial court, 694 Trans-Mississippi exposition, 675
Territorial debt, 331 Transportation, board of, 611
Territorial fair, see Fair, first territorial Travel and transportation, early, 62
Territorial legislature, 381 Treaty of 1783, 394
Territorial library, 423 Trecy, Rev. J., 724
Territorial organization, 147 Trees and tree planting, 16, 425, 672
Territorial school commissioner, 297 Trinity Theological Seminary, 758
Thanksgiving day, 155, 198, 434 Trumbull, Lyman, 382
Thirty-two mile creek, 415 Tucker, G. P., 225
Thomas, A. O., 519, 650 , 843 Tucker, Nancy J., 224
Thomas, C. B., 441 Turk, J. C., 446
Thomas, E. D., 703 Turman, Z. B., 796
Thomas, E. W., 359 Turner, A. F., 745
Thomas county, see County Turner, M. K., 603, 604
Thompson, B. B., 180 Turtle Hill, 96
Thompson, D. E., 640, 641, 693 Tuttle, Rev. J. E., 819
Thompson, Edward, 499. 803 Tuttle, S. J., 579
Thompson, J. D. N., 205, 255 Tyson, F. W., 709
Thompson, J. M., 615 Tzschuck, Bruno, 321, 563, 578
U ~
ULIELER, JOSEPH, 380 Organized, 757
Underground railroad, 458 Publishing house, 759
Union College, 506, 507, 779, 780 Theological Seminary, 758
Union Pacific railroad. 62, 81, 82, 87, 88, Danish Lutheran, 759
95, 129, 182, 198 349, 377, 378, 465, 473, United Presbyterian Church, 703, 753, 754
480, 481, 485, 491, 527, 613, 684, 686 U. S. senators, popular election of, 618,
Union republican party, 337. 347, 361 624, 627, 632
United Brethren Church, 703, 746 U. S. surveys, 171, 188, 273
Educational Work, 748 University of Nebraska, 495, 521, 524, 538,
Organized, 747 579, 581, 609, 611, 636, 650, 664
Nebraska Conference. 747 University of Omaha, 514
Young Peoples Society, 748 Upjohn, Dr. L. N., 277
United Danish Evangelical Church, 754, 756 Utah, 76, 90, 118, 122, 125, 392
V ~
VALENTINE, E. K., 592, 597, 604, 607 Vermillion, 67
Vallandigham, C. L., 308 Vifquain, Victor, 298, 299, 418, 597, 692,
Vallery, Jacob, Sr., 578 693
Van Camp, I., 731 Vigis, P. S., 759
Vanderburgh, Judge Henry, 109 Vincennes, 109
Vandervoort, Paul, 630 Virginia 98, 104, 112
Vandeventes, George, 369 Vogg, Father, 725
Van Reuth, Floris, 337 Volcano in Nebraska, 44
Van Vliet, Captain Stuart, 401 Von Forell, E., 639
Van Wyck, C. H., 578, 583, 598, 604, 610, Voorhees, D. W., 308, 309, 311, 314, 590
616, 619, 627
W ~
WADE, B. F., 382 Wheeler, D. H., 336
Wait, Addison, 648 Wheeler, J. H., 683
Wakeley, Eleazer, 262, 318, 429, 596, 612, Wheeler, R. L., 501
630, 694 Wheeler county, see County
Walford, W. W., 314 White, Captain A. C., 411
Walker, William, 124, 126 White, Rev. A. G., 799, 800
Wall, Aaron, 612 White, F. E., 620
Wallace, Rev. J. V., 719 White, Major J. D., 189
Wallace, General Lew, 409 Whitefield, N. B., 326
Wallichs, John, 597 Whitehead, James, 628
Wallingford, A. J., 418 Whitman, Marcus, 76
Walther, Rev. C. F., 773 Whitmore, Frank, 653
Wantossa, the steamer, 92 Whitmore, William, 653
Warbonnet canyon, 3 Whitted, R. B., 149, 190
Ware, F. W., 804 Whitworth, Lord, 101
Warfield, Rev. F. A., 817 Wight, Rev. E. V., 741, 745
Warner, J. F., 604 Wilcox, J. C., 441
Warren, Bishop, 804 Wilcox, W. H., 605
Warren, E. F., 606 Wild Cat mountain, 75
Warren, Marvin, 585 Wilder, William, 414
Washburn, William, 369 Wiles, Captain Isaac, 411
Washington College, 211 Wilkinson, General James, 44, 109, 110
Washington County Sun, 446 Willard, Mrs. C., 733
Washington monument, 599 Williams, Rev. A. L., 772
Waterman, Herman, 314 Williams, J. A., 645
Waters, W. H. H., 337, 438 Williams, J. L., 193, 476
Watkins, Albert, 77, 625 Williams, J. M. S., 349
Watson, Grove, 490 Williams, R. S., 458
Watson, J. C., 613 Williamson, Rev. J., 753
Watterson, Henry, 389 Williamson, Rev. J. P., 827
Wattles, G. W., 676, 766, 843 Wilmot Proviso, 116, 123
Wattles, S. H., 410 Wilson, A. G., 585, 746
Waugh, Samuel, 585 Wilson, J. S., 273
Weather bureau. 13 Wilson, Woodrow, 650, 694, 843
Weaver, A. J., 604, 610 Wiltse, Senator, 646
Weaver, J. D., 839 Wind river, 64
Webb, J. N., 704 Winegar, R., 446
Webster, Daniel, 114, 116, 124, 125 Winnebagos, see Indians
Webster, E. D., 433, 625 Wirth, A., 725
Webster, J. L., 578, 624, 625, 629, 643, Wisconsin, 118, 120, 123, 137
647, 844 Wise, B. T., 411
Webster, T. C., 801 Wiseman, Henson, 407
Webster, W. H., 593 Wolbach, S. N., 627, 636
Weekly Republican, Omaha, 93, 96, 374, Wolfe, J. V., 616, 627
690 Wolff, Rev. J., 763
Weeping Water, 10 Woman suffrage, 549, 574, 604, 627
Weeping Water Academy, 824 Woman's associate charities, 611
Welch, Frank, 595 Wood, J. M., 175
Welch, James, 300 Wood River Center, 94
Weller, Rev. G., 764 Woodruff, Wilford, 140
Wellington, 79 Woodston, S. H., 80
Wells Fargo & Co., 88 Woodward, J. H., 596
Wesleyan University, 497 Woodward, W. H. , 632
West, G. W., 636 Woolworth, J. M., 87, 154, 192, 248, 252,
West Indies, 105 352, 389, 557, 607, 698
Western Bugle, 129 Workingmen's Compensation Law, 700
Western Baptist, 706 World-Herald, see Omaha World-Herald
Western Potash Co., 842 World War, 846-853
Western Stage Company, 82, 94 Worthington, Bishop, 770, 771, 772
Western Stockman, 444 Worthington Military Academy, 772
Western Theological Seminary, 792 Wright, John, 71, 77, 274
Westport, 64 Wright, W. F., 616
Wharton, L. B., 703 Wright, William, 149
Wharton, Captain W. H., 400 Wyandotte, Otoe county, 126, 142
Wharton, Major, 396 Wyeth, Captain Nathaniel J., 50, 64
Wheat area, 660 Wyman, W. W., 226
Whedon, C. O., 593, 641, 642 Wyoming, 98, 137, 392
Wheel Plan, 707 Wyoming Telescope, 437, 438
Y ~
YARGER, REV. H. L., 791 Yost, C. E., 340, 441
Yates, Richard, 473 Young, Brigham, 139, 141, 401, 473
Yellowstone, the steamer, 83 Young, Charles, 439
Yellowstone river, 76 Young, Harriet P. W., 140
York Business College, 748 Young, L. D., 140
York College, 511, 748 Yutan, 750
York Seminary, 499, 803
Z ~
ZAUGG, REV. F. S., 750 Zentmeyer, Miles, 582, 585, 608, 611