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United States means "Opportunity," 39, 421

Virginia, Washington in Continental Congress

   See also Agriculture, America, Army, Banks,

  (1774), 141

     Battles, Canals, Census, Cities, Civil Serv-

   declares itself independent (1776), 58, 150

     ice, Commerce, Congress, Constitutions,

   Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown (1781), 167

     Debt, Education, Exports, Forests, Geog-

   secedes from the Union (1861), 284

     raphy, Gifts, Immigration, Inventions,

   western Virginia refuses to secede, 284

     Labor, Land, Laws, Literature, Manufac-

   state of West Virginia formed (1863), 284

     tures, Money, Navy, Negroes, Nullifica-

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798-1799),

     tion, Pensions, Political Parties, Population,


     Presidents, Railways, Reconstruction, Re-

Virginia Dare, birth of, 30

     ligion, Representation, Resources, Reve-

Voltaire on Penn's treaty, 104 (note)

     nue, Secession, Slavery, States, Suffrage,

Volunteers in war for the Union (1861), 283, 293

     Tariff, Territory, Treaties, "Trusts," Union,

   in war with Spain (1908), 374

     Wars, Wealth

   See also Army and Wars

University, Harvard, founded (1636), 75-76. See

Vote, your, 370, 403. See also Suffrage

  Colleges, Education, Gifts, Schools

Voyages, early, to America (see map), 29

Utah, settled by Mormons (1847), 242

   Leif Ericson's (1000), 2-3

   prosperity of, 242

   Columbus' (1492), 10, 12

   woman suffrage in, 360

   Cabot's (1497), 15, 16

   See also Mormons and Salt Lake City

   Vespucci's 1499-1503), 16

   Magellan's, around the globe (1519-1522), 18

Valley Forge, Washington at (Revolution), 159

   Drake's, around the globe (1577-1580), 28

   sufferings at (Revolution), 161

   the Mayflower (1620), 69-70

Van Buren, Martin, life of, 239 (note)

   first steamer to Europe (1819), 198

   presidency of, 239

   United States battle ships around the world

Van Rensselaer (van ren'se-lar) estates, New

     (1907), 360, 400-401

   York, 6.

Van Rensselaer and the anti-renters, 246

Waldseemüller's (valt'za-mul-ler) map (1507), 19

Venango (ve-nan'go), 117


Venezuela {ven-e-zwellah) boundary question

Wall Street, money center of America, 63, 369,

   (1895, 1896), 365


Vera Cruz (ver'ah krooz), 254

Wampum, Indian (colonial period), 34, 35

Vermont, 82

   belt given to Penn, 34

   "Green Mountain Boys" of (Revolution), 144,

Wars (colonial period), French and Spanish,


   Florida (1565), 26

   See also Ethan Allen and General Stark

   colonists with Indians (1626), 71

Verrazano's (ver-atz-ah'no) expedition (1524), 22

   colonists with Pequots (1637), 85


   Dutch with Swedes (1654), 97

Vespucci's, Amerigo (a-ma-ree'go ves-poot'che),

   English with Dutch (1664), 64

  voyages (1499-1503), 16

   colonists with "King Philip" (1675), 79, 87

   America named for him (1507), 16


Veto, the President's, 331 (note)

   colonists with Indians (1676), 56, 57

Vetoes, presidential, 230 (and note), 331 (and

   colonists with French and Indians (1689-

  note), 347

     1763), 114-124

Vicksburg, siege of (Civil War), 307. See also

   "King William's War" (1689), 114


   "Queen Anne's War" (1702), 115

Vigilance Committee in California, 257

   "King George's War" (1744), 115

Vinland discovered (1000), 3

   Georgia with Spaniards (1750), 108

Virginia, Raleigh sends expedition to (1584), 28

   "French and Indian War" (1754), 116

   named by Queen Elizabeth, 28

   results of wars with French and Indians

   Raleigh attempts to colonize (1585), 28

     (1689-1763), 123

   his second attempt (1587), 30

   Pontiac's conspiracy (1763), 122

   first white child born in, 30

Wars (Revolution) (1775-1785), 142. See also

   desire of the English to go to, 41

  Battles and Revolution

   charter of Virginia Company (1606), 44-45

Wars (since the Revolution to 1865), with Indians

   extent of, 44

  (1791-1795), 183

   form of government of, 44

   with France (1798), 188

   permanent settlement of (1607), 45

   with Tripoli (1801), 193

   settlers lived out of common stock, 45

   with Tecumseh (1811), 200

   grants of lands in, 48

   with England (1812-1814), 201, 208, 209

   cultivation of tobacco begins (1612), 48

   causes of War of 1812, 201

   representative assembly established (1619), 50

   results of War of 1812, 208

   slavery begins in (1619), 52

   with Creek Indians (1814), 205

   women sent out to, 52

   first Seminole War (1818), 210

   white apprentices in, 53

   "Black Hawk War" (1832), 236

   convicts sent to, 54

   second Seminole War (1835), 236

   Cavaliers in, 55

   Mexican War (1846-1849), 252

   Navigation Laws in (1660), 55

   cause of the Mexican War, 252 (and note)

   given to Arlington and Culpepper (1673), 56

   results of Mexican War, 255

   Indian war in (1676), 57

   Civil War (1861-1865), 281

   Bacon's Rebellion (1676), 57

   cause of the Civil War, 277, 279, 301

   Jamestown burned (1676), 57

   first gun in the war, 282

   Patrick Henry's speech (1765), 137

   rising of the North, 283



Wars (since the Revolution to 1865), first blood

Washington, George, and Benjamin Franklin, 161

  shed in the Civil War, 283

   sufferings of army at Valley Forge, 161

   North and South in the, 284, 326

   and Lafayette, 157

   Union plan for, 289

   wins battle of Monmouth (1778), 162

   McClellan organizes Union army, 289

   rebukes the traitorous Lee, 162

   how money was raised for, 285, 288, 326

   and Arnold's treason (1790), 165

   navy in the, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 296, 312,

   terrible winter at Morristown, 165


   Morris helps again with money, 168

   blockade in the, 289, 318

   wins the great victory of Yorktown (1781),

   number of men engaged in, 325 (note)


   loss of life in, 325

   "The World's Upside Down", 169

   cost of the war, 325, 326, 335

   end of the Revolutionary War (1781), 169

   end of the war, 324, 325

   in the Constitutional Convention (1787), 173

   what the war settled, 330

   elected President (1788), 177

   grand review at close of war, 329

   inaugurated in New York (1789), 178

   disbanding the army of the, 328, 329

   forms his cabinet, 178

   See also Army, Battles, Blockade, Farragut,

   Proclamation of Neutrality (1793), 182

     Grant, Johnston, Lee, McClellan, Navy,

   signs Jay's Treaty with England (1795), 187

     Sherman, Thomas

   abused by certain newspapers, 187

Wars (from 1865 to present time), with Modoc

   his farewell address (1797), 187

  Indians (1872), 344

   his death (1799), 189, 190

   with Sioux (soo) Indians (1876), 344

Washington, D. C. (1800), 177, 192

   with Spain (1898), 374

   captured by British (1814), 20

   cause of war with Spain, 373-374

   partly burned by British (1814), 205, 209

   money raised for, 374

   review of Union armies in (1865), 329

   loss of life in, 383

   Library of Congress in, 368

   navy in, 376, 377, 388

   great Meeting or Conference in (1821), 435

   "Red Cross" work in, 383

Wayne, General (Revolution), 164

   every battle an American victory, 255, 378

   in Ohio, war with Indians (1791-1795), 183

   results of the war, 38-383

Wealth of the United States, 387-388, 403-404

   Union and Confederate veterans in, 383

   natural riches of the United States, 31, 317

   new territory acquired by the war, 380

   efforts to conserve the natural, 31, 397

   See, in general, Wars, Amy, Battles, Navy,

   use of, for the public good, 388

     Peace, Territory, Treaties

   See also Gifts

Wars, enormous cost of, 398 (and note), 406, 416

"We are coming, Father Abraham," song,

   General Grant's condemnation of the Mexi-

"We cross the prairies," song, 266

     can War, 255 (note)

   Weather, effect of, in war, 297, 316

   sometimes unavoidable, 140, 141, 193, 279

Weather Bureau established (1870), 341

   efforts to diminish number of, 398, 406, 431

   servies rendered by the, 341

   the Great War, 411, 412-432

Webster, Daniel, life of, 83 (note), 232 (note)

   where our men fought, 429

   denounces the "spoils system," 228

   See also Arbitration, Disputes, and Peace

   address at Bunker Hill (1825), 218 (and note)

Washington, George, early life of, 118 (note)

   replies to Calhoun, 232

   descent of, 55

   replies to Hayne (1830-1833), 232, 330

   cuts his name on Natural Bridge, 118

   denounces talk about secession, 232

   sent with message to the French (1753), 118

   upholds the Union, 232, 330

   his interest in the West, 18, 119

   our debt to, 232, 2.34

   accompanies Braddock's expedition (1755),

   Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842), 246


   supports compromise measures (1850), 260

   builds Fort Necessity, 119

   supports Fugitive-Slave Law (1850), 260 (and

   is driven out by the French, 119


   helps take Fort Duquesne (1758), 121

   denounced by John Quincy Adams, 260

   member of First Continental Congress (1774),

   defended by Horace Greeley, 260


   his death, 262

   commander of the Continental army (1775),

Webster's, Noah, dictionary, 238 (and note)

     144, 146

Wells, Dr. Horace, 248 (note)

   raises flag at Cambridge (1775), 159 (note)

Wesley, John, in Georgia (colonial period), 107

   what he said of independence, 149

West, Spanish explorations in, 23-25

   drives the British out of Boston (1776), 148

   Coronado's expedition (1540), 24-25

   at New York City, 153, 154

   De Soto discovers the Mississippi (1541), 24

   saves Putnam's army, 154

   French Catholic missionaries in the (1615-

   retreats northward, 154

     1669), 109

   and the false-hearted Lee, -54, -55

   Joliet an Marquette on the Mississippi

   retreats across New Jersey, 155

     (1673), 109

   crosses the Delaware, 155

   Father Hennepin in the (1680), 112

   recrosses the Delaware, 155

   La Salle's expedition (1680-1682), 112

   gains the battle of Trenton (1776), 7 55

   LaSalle claims Louisiana(1682), 112

   Morris raises money for (1777), 156

   French build forts in the, 110, 113, 117

   gains the victory of Princeton (1777), 157

   Pittsburg the "Gateway of the West," 117,

   worries General Howe, 159


   at Brandywine Creek, 159

   French fight to hold the, 119, 120, 121

   at Germantown, 159

   Ohio Company and the, 117

   retreats to Valley Forge, 159

   Washington's interest in the, 118



West, condition of the, in 1763, 124

Wilderness of the West, 124, 183, 192, 195, 242,

   the wilderness of the, 124, 183, 192, 195, 242,

   279, 339

     279, 339

Wilderness, battles of the, 310. See also Battles

   the Wilderness Road in the, 183

"Wilderness Road," 183. See also Roads

   in the Revolution, 162

Wilkes (wilks) (Union navy), 290

   George Rogers Clark's victories in, 163

Will, Jonathan Edwards on the, 131

   early emigration to the, 183

Willamette (wi-lam'et) Valley, 251

   Daniel Boone in the 83

William and Mary College (1693), 75

   Ordinance for Northwest Territory (1787),

Williams, Roger, banished (1635), 74

     170, 172, 211

   belief in "soul liberty," 74

   Indian wars in Ohio, 183

   founds Providence (1636), 94

   settlements made in Ohio, 183

   establishes entire religious liberty, 95

   purchase of Louisiana Territory (1803), 193

   secures a charter for Rhode Island, 95

   desire to reach the, 215

Wilmot Proviso (pro-vi'zo) and slavery (1848), 259

   the steamboat and the, 198, 234

Wilson, Woodrow, life of, 408 (note); elected

   the National Road and the, 215, 216

   President, 407, 412

   the Erie Canal and the, 221, 222

Winslow, Captain (Union navy), 3 12

   rapid growth of the, 216, 234, 236, 237,

Winter quarters or Washington, 157, 161, 165


Winthrop, Governor (colonial period), 72 (and

   immigration and the, 243, 244, 339


   Oregon added to the (1846), 251, 252

Wireless telegraph, 248, 393. See also Telegraph

   Mormons emigrate to Utah (1847), 242

Wireless telephone, 343. See also Telephone

   Mexican land cessions in the (1848), 255

Wirz (Virtz), 325 (note)

   westward movement of population (1790-

Witchcraft, the Salem (1692), 80

     1910), 180

Wolfe (wolf), General, takes Quebec (1759), 121

   emigration to California (1849), 256, 257

Woman suffrage, 360, 435

   effect of agricultural machinery on the, 264,

Women sent to Virginia (Colonial period), 52


   and the Revolution, 166

   general growth of the, 278, 279, 338, 339, 365,

   and the Civil War, 326

     384-385, 394

   and war with Spain, 3 83 (and note)

   effect of railways on the, 338

   and "Red Cross" work, 383

   effect of liberal land laws on the, 339

   occupations open to, 360

   the "New West," 365

   education of, 360

   great farms in the, 264, 339, 384, 385

   woman suffrage, 360, 435

   irrigation in the, 242, 384 (note), 385, 397

   in Wyoming, 360

   exhibitions in the, 363, 384, 393, 394

Woods or forests, preservation of, 395-387, 397.

   See also Agriculture, Cities, Crops, Emigra-

  See also Forests and Tree Planting

     tion, Farms, Indian Wars, Kansas, Land,

Woolen mills, 208

     Mines, Railways, Slavery, Territories

Worcester (woos'ter), 172

West Indies, why so named, 12

"World power," the United States a, 381

   commerce with the, 135

World's airs or exhibitions, 263, 342, 363, 393-

   purchase of islands in (1917), 412

  394, 412. See also Exhibitions

West Virginia, 284, 287

"World's Upside Down" (British tune), 169

Western Union Telegraph, 357

Worship, freedom of, 95. See also Religious Lib-

Wheat crops, great, 385


Wheelwright, Rev. John, 82

Writs of Assistance (colonial period), 135, 137

Whigs, origin of the (1834), 238

Wyoming, massacre of (Revolution), 163

   advocate United States Bank, 238, 245

Wyoming and woman suffrage, 360


   and women in legislature, 360

   Henry Clay, leader of the, 238

   "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" (1840), 245

"X. Y. Z. Papers," the (1797), 189

   elect Harrison and Tyler (1840), 245

   their political principles, 245 (note)

Yale University founded (1701), 75

   compared with the Democrats, 245 (note)

"Yankee Doodle" (Revolution), 143

   elect Taylor President (1848), 258 (note)

Yeardley (yeerd'ley), Governor, 50

   and Fugitive-Slave Law of 1850, 262 (note)

"Yes, we'll rally round the flag," song, 308

   death of the party (1852), 262 (note)

York, the Duke of, seizes New Netherland (1664),

Whisky Rebellion (1794), 186


White apprentices (colonial period), 53

   seizes New Amsterdam (1664), 63

"White Apron Brigade" (colonial period), 57

   names New York, 64

Whitefield (whit'field), Rev. George, 107

   seizes Delaware, 97

   upholds slavery, jog

   Yorktown taken (1781), 169. See also Battles

Whitman, Dr., and Oregon, 250, 251

Yosemite (yo-sem'i-tee), 396

Whitney, Eli, invents cotton gin (1793), 184

Young, Brigham, and the Mormons, 242. See

Whittier, the poet, 238

  also Mormons

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