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1917 until 1919 he served in the United States Navy with the rank of Chief Petty Officer.

He is a member of the American Legion, the First Presbyterian Church, and the Odd Fellows, and at the present time is serving as president of the Hershey Community Club. He enjoys golf and football while his hobby is fishing.

On October 29, 1919, he was married to Laura E. Jenkins at Hershey. Mrs. Bales was born at Shenandoah, Iowa, November 25, 1897, and is of English descent.

They have one daughter, Wilma, born March 2, 1928. Residence: Hershey.

William Balfour

A native of Danzig, Germany, William Balfour was born April 5, 1845. His father, James Balfour, was a Scotchman, who married Matilda Von Gralath, and who migrated to America with his son in the early 1800's.

Matilda Balfour was a native of Germany, who died in Edinburgh, in November, 1850, while enroute to America.

Mr. Balfour has as interesting war record. He and his father enlisted for service with the Union Army in the Civil War in the fall of 1861. His father's regiment was the 45th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and he held the rank of first lieutenant in Company I of that regiment. His father was wounded at the battle of Fort Donnelson, Tennessee, on February 13, 1862, and again on April 7, 1862, at which time he suffered the loss of his right arm at the shoulder. At the same time William was given a sick furlough and reached their home in Illinois, on May 20, 1862, where his father died. William Balfour was then discharged because of ill health, and later entered the Illinois Soldiers' College.

In 1867, Mr. Balfour migrated west, and purchased a plot of land about thirteen miles northwest from the present site of Nebraska City. He has been a farmer all his life, and well and favorably known throughout the entire community. In 1876, he married Ella Elbina Hughes, whose family were settlers in Pennsylvania. She was born in Otoe County, February 16, 1858, and died on the homestead August 15, 1901. There are nine children, the youngest and the oldest of whom are girls. They are as follows: Myrtle E., born September 13, 1877, who married F. L. Cross, living at Brush, Colorado; Levi C., born June 20, 1879, who died January 17, 1924; Marvin W., born July 10, 1881, who married Libbie Clark and are residing at Caldwell, Idaho; George S., born August 1, 1883, who is living at Oakland, California; Carl, born July 23, 1886, who married Amelia Nutzman living at Nehawka; Max E., born February 8, 1888, married Ruth Hinton, now living at Venice, California; Ernest, born March 18, 1889, died June 3, 1891; Ivan J., born April 19, 1891, who married Eunice Ferguson now living at Union, Nebraska; Ella, born January 26, 1895, who married John A. Kearney, and is now dead.

While he has never taken an active part in politics, Mr. Balfour is affiliated with the Republican party. He has always been a member of the Nebraska City Post No. 24 of the Grand Army of the Republic, and has held the office of post commander and junior vice-president.

During late years he has played the violin over the radio, and has played in many fiddler's contests, but because of two paralytic strokes he is not as active as he would like to be, in spite of his advanced years. Residence: Nebraska City.

Ira R. Ball

Born at Connersville, Indiana, October 12, 1859, Ira R. Ball has resided in Nebraska for the past thirty-seven years. He is the son of Elkanah and Elizabeth A. (Ream) Ball, the former a farmer and a veteran of the Civil War. Elkanah Ball was a native of Tennessee, born May 8, 1825, who served with the 26th Indiana Infantry, and died at Milton, Indiana, May 25, 1906. He was of Irish descent. His wife, born in Pennsylvania, March 14, 1818, died at Milton, March 28, 1877.

Ira R. Ball attended public school, and on December 22, 1891, was married to Florence Fountain at Anderson, Indiana. Mrs. Ball was born there on August 12, 1870, of English ancestry. To them were born three children, Ora W., born June 11, 1893, who married Floy Edna Dake; Lottie Ann, born October 17, 1895, who married Charles W. Shreve; and Farrie Iris, born November 4, 1899, who married Ernest Zalman.

Mr. Ball is engaged in the dairy business at the present time. In the World War period he was a participant in all civilian drives, and wartime projects. He is a member of the sons of Veterans of the Civil War, is affiliated wth (sic) the First Christian Church of Hastings, and was recently elected to the Nebraskana Society. Residence: Hastings.

Alberta Ballard

Alberta Ballard, known to her many friends as Bert, was born in Marion County, Iowa, January 10, 1870. She is the daughter of Alexander and Rebecca Burress (Sumner) Ballard, the former of whom was a native of Virginia. Alexander Ballard, a blacksmith, was born in Grayson County, Virginia, October 10, 1828. He came to Iowa, and later to Nebraska, and died at Fairbury, September 25, 1916. Rebecca, his wife, was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, April 20, 1836, and died at Fairbury, September 25, 1913. During her lifetime she was a member of and an ardent worker in the Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Miss Ballard, who received her education in the public schools of Knoxville, Iowa, and Diller, Nebraska, has been a resident of the state nearly forty-eight years. Formerly a teacher, she has been associated with the Fairbury Post Office since March 11, 1899, and for some time has been assistant Postmaster.

She is a Republican, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Order of Eastern Star, and The Nebraskana Society. Residence: Fairbury.

Carl H. Ballard

Carl H. Ballard, physician and surgeon, was born at Esterville, Iowa, February 5, 1877, son of Ezra Hardin and Amanda F. (Kirkpatrick) Ballard, both of whom are deceased.

Dr. Ballard received his education in the public schools of Esterville, and was graduated from high school in 1895. He attended the University of Michigan from which he received his Doctor of Medicine degree, and thereafter served an internship of two years in a hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thereafter for a period of one year he was in practice at Three Rivers, Michigan, and in 1903 came to Nebraska where he has since been engaged in practice.

Since 1912, Dr. Ballard has confined his practice exclusively to x-ray. He has served as a member of the staff of the University Hospital, the Swedish Mission Hospital, and Wise Memorial Hospital, and has been associate professor of roentgenology at the University of Nebraska.

Dr. Ballard was married to Ora May Babcock of Three Rivers, Michigan, on April 29, 1903. She is a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendents, and is a direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden. There are four children: Janet Barbara, Clay Hardin, Bruce Babette, Bonnie Nadine. Residence: Omaha.

Grace Ballard

A distinguished woman lawyer of Nebraska, Grace Ballard was born in Washington County, August 12, 1877, and has lived in this state most of her life. Her father, Martin Ballard, who was born in Grayson County, Kentucky, November 6, 1824, and died at Chadron, Nebraska, February 7, 1889, was a leading lawyer of Blair, Nebraska. He served as county attorney of Dawes

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County, and was engaged in practice at Blair from 1877 to 1885. Her mother, Sarah Darinda (Strong) Ballard, was born at Batemantown, Ohio, November 17, 1840. She was descended from Elms Rano and David Keyes who assisted in establishing American independence; they were natives of New Hampshire and Vermont.

Miss Ballard was graduated from Blair High School, received her degree at Dana College in 1904, and from 1911 to 1914 was a student at the University of Nebraska College of Law where she was president of the senior class, 1913-14. She was engaged in secretarial work for the Bell Telephone Company at Omaha, 1907-10, and for the Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, 1911-14. In 1915 she took a prominent part in the Woman's Suffrage campaign in Pennsylvania and New York, in 1916 carried on the same work in Iowa and Nebraska, beginning the practice of law in 1918.

As a Republican and one of the few women lawyers of Nebraska Miss Ballard has taken an active part in the political life of her state. She served as county attorney of Washington County in 1918-22, and since 1922 has been secretary of the Republican county central committee.

Miss Ballard is a member of the Order of Eastern Star, former chairman of the local Red Cross at Blair, and holds membership in the Methodist Church. She is affiliated with the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Daughters of Founders and Patriots, and the Nebraskana Society. Residence: Blair. (Photograph in Album).

Warren Robert Baller

Born at Trenton, Nebraska, June 19, 1900, Warren Robert Baller is the son of Albert Ernest and Mary Louise (Taylor) Baller. His father, who is employed at the University of Nebraska Agronomy Farm, was born at Bloomington, Illinois, April 22, 1868. His mother, who is employed at the Nebraska State Home For Dependent Children, was born at Bedford, Iowa, March 16, 1872.

Mr. Baller attended the rural schools of Saline County and in May, 1919, was graduated from the high school at DeWitt, Nebraska. He received the A. B. degree at York College, 1923, and the A. M. degree at the University of Nebraska, 1927. He was valedictorian of his senior class in high school, was president of the college Young Men's Christian Association, was active in debating, and received letters in football and track. During the terms of 1927 and 1930, he specialized in psychology, studying at the University of Colorado and Columbia University.

He was an instructor in York Business College, 1921-23, served as principal of the high school at Callaway, Nebraska, and was superintendent of schools at Cheney, Nebraska, 1925-27. At this time he is head of the department of psychology at York College. He is an occasional director of Boy's Work at Young Men's Christian Association conferences, is a member of the board of directors of that organization at York, and holds membership in the York Business Men's Club.

Mr. Baller is a member of the Nebraska Conference of the United Brethren Board of Education, and in president of the York College Alumni Association. His fraternity is Pi Gamma Mu.

He is a class A official in the Nebraska High School Athletic Association; his favorite sports are fishing and golfing. On December 25, 1924, Mr. Baller was united in marriage with Grace Marie Evans at Aurora, Nebraska. Mrs. Baller, who was born at Aurora, January 26, 1903, was graduated from York College and took graduate work at the University of Colorado. At this time she is a part-time English teacher in the high school and college at York. Residence: York.

Oliver Daniel Baltzly

One of Omaha's best known and most loved clergymen is Reverend Oliver D. Baltzly, recently retired as pastor of Kountze Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church. Dr. Baltzly, who is reputed to be the best known Lutheran pastor in America, has during the past nineteen and a half years increased the Kountze Memorial Church to the largest Lutheran church in America. Under his pastorate the church has received 6736 members and had an enrollment of 806 in the 1931 confirmation class, surpassing any enrollment of Lutheran churches in this country.

Dr. Baltzly was born on a farm near Ponca, Nebraska October 14, 1871. His father, Simon Peter Baltzly, was born near New Philadelphia, Ohio, November 16, 1829. He was a farmer, active in Republican politics, of Swiss descent. His great grandfather, Peter Baltzly, was brought to America as a baby with three brothers, in 1756, and all served in the American Revolution. Simon Baltzly married Elizabeth Stough, born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1834. She was of German descent, her family having settled in America in pre-Revolutionary days.

Educated in the country schools of Dixon County, Dr. Baltzly was graduated from Ponca High School in 1888 with the grade of 98 plus. From June, 1888, to April, 1889, he attended Fremont Normal School. Entering Wittenberg College at Springfield, Ohio, in September, 1889, he received his A. B. from that institution in June, 1893. In September of that year he entered the Mt. Airy Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. In 1901 he was awarded a Ph. D. from Wittenberg College, and in 1912, a D. D. He received an A. B. and an A. M. from Hanna Divinity School in June, 1896, and an LL. D. from Midland College at Fremont, in 1921.

Among the various pastorates he has held in his earlier life are the following: assistant pastor to Dr. Weber at Sunbury, Pennsylvania, summer of 1894; assistant pastor Fifth Lutheran Church July 1, 1895-July 1, 1896; pastor Fifth Lutheran Church, Springfield, Ohio, July 1, 1896-December 1, 1899; pastor St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Mansfield, Ohio, December 1, 1899-June 1, 1911.

On June 1, 1911, he was made pastor of Kountze Memorial Evangelical Lutheran Church at Omaha, and in 1931 was forced to resign his active pastorate because of impaired health. His resignation took effect August 31, 1931. In recognition of his outstanding service to Kountze Memorial Church, the congregation at a congregational meeting on December 9, 1930, unanimously elected Dr. Baltzly pastor emeritus of the church for life.

On June 11, 1896, Dr. Baltzly was united in marriage to Iva A. Taylor, at Gallon, Ohio. Mrs. Baltzly was born at Gallon, November 19, 1873. They have one daughter, Olive, born September 29, 1897, who was graduated from Wittenberg College in 1919.

Dr. Baltzly has always been active in welfare and social work in the community. He was a member of the board of directors of Wittenberg College from 1902 to 1910, and of the Omaha Library Board from 1924-30. An author of religious works, perhaps his best known are Death Pot in Christian Science (now in its third edition); Catechetical Evangelization (266 pages, now in its second edition); and The Morning Order of Worship Made Plain for the Pew.

Dr. Baltzly is a missionary in spirit, and his church has established four missions in the city, one of which has become a vigorous self-supporting congregation--the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, at 24th and Larimore Streets. The other three missions are at 19th and Castellar, 42nd and Bancroft, and 60th and Walnut Streets. All are housed in excellent buildings, which are paid for.

Dr. Baltzly is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and of the Omaha Athletic Club. Residence: Omaha.

John Raymond Bancroft

Born at Barney, Madison County, Iowa, June 27, 1890, John Raymond Bancroft is the son of George Bradley and Hattie Almyra (Sheldon) Bancroft. His father, a clergyman, was born in Lincolnshire, England

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June 19, 1863, and in 1884 came to the United States. His mother, born at Laurel, Maryland, March 8, 1867, died at Lincoln, Nebraska, July 8, 1930. She was of early American stock, her father a veteran of the Civil War.

Dr. Bancroft attended the public schools of Beaver Crossing and Nelson, Nebraska, and Nelson High School. In 1919 he was graduated from the Kirksville (Missouri) College of osteopathy and Surgery, and in 1918 was president of his class. Since 1919 he has been actively engaged in the practice of osteopathy at Hebron. He holds membership in the American, and Nebraska State Osteopathic Associations, and the American Osteopathic society of proctology.

On September 8, 1916, Dr. Bancroft was united in marriage to Lillian Minnie Kaiser at Lincoln. Mrs. Bancroft, who is of German descent, was born at Preston, Nebraska, July 15, 1893. There are three children, Eunice Lorine, born March 27, 1918; Frances Elizabeth, September 16, 1920; and George Raymond, born January 31, 1923. The Bancrofts are justly proud of their fine family.

Dr. Bancroft is a Republican. He is affiliated with the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Hebron, and is a member of The Nebraskana Society, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce and the Kiwanis Club. Residence: Hebron.

William Bryan Bang

William Bryan Bang, son of Michael Christian and Maren (Anderson) Bang, was born in Minden, April 19, 1892. His father was born in Thisted, Denmark, October 5, 1849, and farmed until his retirement in 1916. He came to America in 1872, and helped materially in the development of Kearney County. His wife, Maren, was born in Thisted County, Denmark, December 18, 1856.

Upon leaving rural school in May, 1906, Mr. Bang engaged in farming. He was married on May 31, 1916, to Frieda Louise Berndt at Minden. Mrs. Bang was born in Holstein, May 11, 1892. They have three children, Robert, born July 21, 1918; Elaine, born January 17, 1920; and Willa Jean, born April 4, 1930.

Mr. Bang is a Democrat. He was active in liberty loan and Red Cross drives during the World War, is a member of the United Presbyterian Church, the Nebraskana Society, the Parent Teachers Association (1931-1932), and of the school board (chairman 1930). His hobby is reading. Residence: Minden.

Joseph Frank Bange

Joseph Frank Bange, son of August and Thresa (Schungle) Bange, was born in Medebach, Kreis Brilon, Westphalia, Germany, April 3, 1862. His father was born in Medebach in 1832, a miller and soldier, and died there in 1882. His mother was born in Dreislar, Germany, in 1820, and died at Medebach in 1886.

Educated in the public schools of Medebach, Germany, Mr. Bange specialized in the study of art. After coming to America he studied embalming in Des Moines, and for many years has been engaged as a mortician and furniture dealer in Hartington.

He was married to Mary Josephine Heimes at Hartington on November 21, 1893. Mrs. Bange, who was born at Hartington, assists her husband in his work. There were nine children born to this marriage, seven of whom are living: Alphons, born January 11, 1895, died March 14, 1926; Pauline, born July 16, 1896, married Robert E. Brown; Thresa, born July 14, 1898, married Joseph Obert; August, born November 11, 1900, died February 22, 1904; Leone, born February 17, 1903, married Alfred E. Lee; Brigetta, born October 11, 1908; Cecelia, born August 6, 1910; Marie, born October 19, 1912; and Bernadette, born December 31, 1913.

A Democrat, he has served as county coroner a number of years, and is a member of the Knights of Columbus of which he is trustee and former director. He is affiliated with Holy Trinity Catholic Church, and is a member of the Commercial Club and the Nebraska Funeral Directors Association. He enjoys hunting, leading and target shooting. Residence: Hartington.

Arville Grant Banks

Born at Salem, Indiana, February 5, 1868, Arville Grant Banks is the son of George W. and Wealthy (Gilstrap) Banks. The father was born at Salem, March 10, 1828, and died there on June 10, 1869. His wife, born at Salem, January 12, 1839, died at Alma, Nebraska, February 14, 1916. George W. Banks was a farmer whose ancestors came from Vermont, while his wife's family settled early in Ohio.

Arville Grant Banks attended rural school in Indiana and in Seward County, Nebraska, was graduated from high school at Milford in 1889 and taught rural school for a short period.

For five years he operated a general merchandise store at Trumbull, and after his marriage farmed there and in Harlan County twenty-five years. On March 14, 1899, he was united in marriage to Sara Elsie Schlacter at Pleasant Dale. Mrs. Banks was born at Peoria, Illinois, December 27, 1879, of German and French descent.

There are five children, Vera Irene, born July 31, 1900, who married John F. Clouse; Miles Standish, born January 30, 1902, who married Myrl E. Hardin; Dorothy, born June 10, 1908, who is unmarried; Robert A., born September 14, 1913; and Betty, born May 8, 1920. The four oldest were graduated from Alma High School, Vera and Dorothy have taught in Douglas County, Vera seven years and Dorothy four. Miles was graduated from the State University and is now a practicing dentist in Fairbury. Robert attends Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Mr. Banks is a Republican. He is manager and director of the Equity Elevator, and secretary-treasurer and director of the Co-operative Oil Company. At different periods he has been a member of city and rural school boards. He is a member of the Lions Club, the Masons and the Red Cross, and is affiliated with the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Alma. Residence: Ewing.


Marie Louisa Banks

Maria Louisa Banks was born April 28, 1859, the daughter of John Nelson and Clara Gustava (Anderson) Nelson. Her father, who was born in Sweden and died there in 1867, was a salesman. Her mother was born in Sweden, August 16, 1824, and died at Erhard, Minnesota, in November, 1904.

Mrs. Banks received her education in the public schools of Sweden, and for the past 37 years has lived at Wausa, Nebraska, where she is a successful farmer and president of the Commercial State Bank. She is a member of the Red Cross, the Nebraskana Society, and the Methodist Episcopal Aid Society. Her hobby is reading.

On January 2, 1882, she was married to A. H. Banks at Rockport, Missouri. Mr. Banks, who was a farmer, stockraiser, and banker, was born at Halmstead, Sweden, February 9, 1854, and died at Wausa, May 18, 1931. Nine children were born to them, six sons who are farmers and three daughters who are homemakers and teachers. One daughter is librarian at Wausa at this time. Residence: Wausa.

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William Benton Banning

William B. Banning was born September 18, 1869, at Wyoming, Otoe County, Nebraska, the son of William Henry and Eliza Ann (Wilson) Banning. His father was born of English and Swedish parentage at New Lon-

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