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emnized at Ord, June 19, 1907. Mrs. Bradt, whose ancestory is Norwegian, was born at Creston, Iowa, December 16, 1884. They have three children: Evelyn, born January 21, 1908, who married Lores McMindes; Frances, born August 25, 1909 and Ruth, born August 26, 1911. Ruth and Frances are stenographers. Mr. Bradt is active an Politics and is a progressive Democrat. Residence: Ord.

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Carmen Brady

Carmen Brady, daughter of Dwight Albert and Florence Cornelia (Shafer) Jones, was born at Milford, Nebraska, March 1, 1889. Her father, who was born at Fowler Ohio, March 1, 1852, is a stockman. Her mother was born at Cortland, Ohio, April 12, 1856.

Mrs. Brady attended the rural school of District No. 76 in Seward County until 1903, Pleasant Dale High School, 1904, and Nebraska Wesleyan Academy 1905-08, graduating in 1908. In 1913 she took special work at the University of Colorado. After teaching in the rural schools of Seward County two years she taught the primary room of the Denton grade school two years, 1910-11; and was married to Clarence Carlos Brady at Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, May, 21, 1914. She was divorced from him in 1926. There is one daughter, Dorothy, born July 29, 1918, who is a student at the Malcolm Studio of Expression at Lincoln.

At the present time Mrs. Brady is looking after the business interests of her father who is a retired farmer and stockman. A Republican, she has served on election boards, as a committeewoman and as census enumerator. She is the author of several poems and songs used in school and community activities. A leader in educational work, she is at the present time a member and president of both the Parent-Teachers' Association and the Board of Education. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and of the church board and the Ladies' Aid Society. She is affiliated with the Southeast Seward County Home Circle Club, of which she was secretary two years, 1922-23. She is fond of writing poetry, and growing flowers, and is a member of The Nebraskana Society. Residence: Denton. (Photograph in Album).

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Frank John Brady

A leading business executive of Atkinson, Nebraska, is Frank John Brady, who is manager of a coal, grain, and hay business in that community. He was born at Atkinson, September 15, 1894, the son of John Franklin and Ella (Shaw) Brady, the former a rancher and business man, who was born at Kankakee, Illinois, October 20, 1857, of French and Irish parents. His father, who was in the coal and grain business for a number of years, died at Atkinson, September 1, 1931. His mother, whose ancestry was Irish, was born at Joliet, Illinois, April 14, 1864.

Mr. Brady was graduated from the Atkinson High School in 1914, and from 1914 to 1917 and in 1920 he was a student at the University of Nebraska where he was a member of Alpha Sigma Phi. He worked in a bank for a time, was purchasing agent for the Game, Forestation & Parks Commission, and is now manager of the J. F. Brady Company at Atkinson.

He served as vice president of the Nebraska Division of the Izaak Walton League, 1924, was state president, 1925-29, served as a member of the National Executive Committee in 1926, and was national director of that organization, 1925 to 1931. He is a member of the Atkinson Commercial Club, the Booster Club, Lions Club, and the Atkinson Country Club. Mr. Brady is a Scottish Rite Mason, is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, and holds membership in the American Legion of which he was adjutant in 1920 and in 1931. He is interested in football, golfing, fishing, and hunting.

During the World War be served as ordnance sergeant, and Participated in the engagements at Champagne-Marne, Meuse-Argonne, Aisne-Marne, and St. Mihiel, with the American Expeditionary Forces. A Republican, he was once a candidate for the state senate.

On July 12, 1930, he was married at Red Oak, Iowa, to Louella Theolyn Olson who was born of Norwegian parents at Rudd, Iowa, January 24, 1903. Residence; Atkinson. (Photograph on Page 148).

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Thomas Edmund Brady

Thomas Edmund Brady, lawyer, was born in Cayuga County, New York, January 29, 1871, and since 1906 has been a resident of Nebraska. His father, John Brady, was born in Prescott, Canada, January 29, 1827, and came to New York, in 1847. He was a farmer, a soldier and sailor. He died at Dunlap, Iowa, November 1, 1905. He married Mary Welch, a native of Waterford, Ireland. Mrs. Brady died at Dunlap, March 4, 1897.

Upon his graduation from Dunlap High School in 1891, Thomas E. Brady entered the State University of Iowa, where he received his LL. B. in June, 1897. Since that time he has been actively engaged in the practice of law.

His marriage to Pearl Evangeline Randall was solemnized at Dunlap, June 23, 1897. Mrs. Brady was born at Pomeroy, Iowa, February 24, 1872, and is of American descent for several generations. She is state inspector of labor for Nebraska. There is one son, Richard Randall, born July 15, 1900. He is married to Patti Atkisson, and is engaged in the practice of medicine at Livingston, Montana.

Mr. Brady is a Republican. During the World War he was secretary of draft board number four of Douglas County. He is affiliated with the First Central Congregational Church. He is a member of the Sons of Union Veterans, the Nebraska State Bar Association, the Omaha-Douglas County Bar Association, The Nebraskana Society, and of the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors of America. Residence: Omaha.

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Robert Lee Bragg

Born at Hinton, West Virginia, November 16, 1867, Robert Lee Bragg has been a resident of Nebraska for forty-nine years. He is the son of John Hudson and Caroline (Hopkins) Bragg, the former a farmer of French descent, who is deceased. Caroline Hopkins was born in Pipertown, West Virginia, and died at Elwood, on September 10, 1909.

Educated in country schools, Robert Lee Bragg has been prominent in the affairs of his community almost ever since. As a young man he learned the barber's trade, which he is still following. He is now serving his twentieth year as chairman of the county board, and is in his fourteenth year as sheriff of Gosper County.

During the World War period he served as chairman of the war board, and was appointed clerk of the board at the close of the war. He was also active in loan drives and Red Cross work. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and for forty-one years has been an Odd Fellow. He is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Epworth League, the Commercial Club and The Nebraskana Society. He enjoys football and hiking, and his hobby is music.

On September 20, 1895, Mr. Bragg was married to Nettle Margaret Moore at Montrose, Colorado. She was born at Dorchester, Nebraska, on September 15, 1876, the daughter of J. J. and Margaret Moore. To them eight children were born, one of whom died in infancy. The others are: William Lee, born October 4, 1896; Ivan, born September 10, 1899, died December 15, 1919; Beulah, born February 11, 1901; Helen, born March 15, 1903; Louis, born September 4, 1905; Earl, born May 3, 1907; and Francis, born October 5, 1912. William Lee works on the railroad, while Lewis and Earl are teaching in high school. Beulah is married to William McKenzie, and Helen to Ben Houlden. Residence: Elwood.

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Barnett Lincoln


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