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America in 1849. He was director of the Metropolitan Utilities District from the time of its creation in 1903 to 1910; president of the Packers National Bank of South Omaha, and director of the Merchants National Bank of Omaha; was a freighter between Omaha and Denver before the days of the railroad; and was a contractor who supplied all the United States army posts in western Nebraska and Wyoming with hay and wood. He died at Omaha, October 15, 1910.

His mother, who was born in Ireland, was the first pupil at the old Catholic Convent at Nebraska City, and settled with her parents in Nemaha County in 1855 when that county was practically unsettled. She died at Omaha, December 18, 1923.

Mr. Coad was graduated from the grade schools at Omaha in 1903, and in 1907 was graduated from the high school department of Creighton University. He was awarded his A. B. degree at the University of Nebraska, 1911; and received the LL. B. at Columbia Law School at Columbia University, New York City, 1913. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. During his high school days he was captain of the football team.

He is secretary of the Coad Real Estate Company; is secretary of the Clark Land & Development Company; is director of the Maple Grove Land & Livestock Company; Argonant Real Estate Company, a subsidiary of General Motors; and is attorney for the Packers National Bank of Omaha, and for the Nebraska division of General Motors.

Mr. Coad was elected to a six year term as director of the Metropolitan Utilities District of Omaha, January 1, 1931, succeeding his brother, William J. Coad, who had served as a director since 1913. In 1922 he served as vice chairman of the Democratic Central Committee.

He was united in marriage February 17, 1920, at New York City, to Laura Lyttleton Callahan. Mrs. Coad is a daughter of a prominent physician and surgeon at Staten Island, New York. They have two children: Laura L., born October 2, 1923; and Adeline V., born October 28, 1925.

During the World War Mr. Coad was first lieutenant of the air service from May 12, 1917, to December 12, 1918. He is first vice-commander of the American Legion in Douglas County; was one of the organizers of this body in Omaha and in Nebraska; and attended the caucus which organized the American Legion in St. Louis in 1919.

He is a member of the Omaha Bar Association and the Nebraska State Bar Association. In 1925 he served as president of the United Improvement Club of Omaha. He is a member of St. Margaret Mary's Church at Omaha. He is a member of the Parent Teachers' Association and the Nebraskana Society. Residence: Omaha.

Frank Jefferson Coates

One of Nebraska's pioneer bankers and executives is Frank Jefferson Coates who has been a resident of this state for over 60 years. He was born at Boscobel, Wisconsin, January 16, 1868, the son of Francis Jefferson Coates and Rachel Susanna (Drew) Coates. His father, a farmer and a Civil War veteran, 7th Wisconsin Infantry, died at Dorchester, Nebraska, January 20, 1880.

Mr. Coates attended school at Boscobel, Wisconsin, and at Dorchester. He is president of the Grand Island National Bank, the Dolan Fruit Company, and is director in the Ulry Talbert Company. He holds membership in The Nebraskana Society, is affiliated with the First Presbyterian Church of Grand Island, and is a 32nd degree Mason. He is a member of the Sons of Veterans of which he has been state commander.

Mr. Coates was united in marriage to Mary Mattes on October 12, 1887. There are four children, George Francis, Mercer Mattes, Lucile Marie, and Evelyn Ruth. Of his marriage to Harriet Evelyn Ferris the following children were born: Stanley Ferris; and Donald Robert. Mr. Coates likes to golf. Residence: Grand Island.

Frank Emerson Coatsworth

Frank E. Coatsworth was born at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 18, 1878, the son of John Taylor and Rebecca (Reid) Coatsworth. His father, who was born at Toronto, September 12, 1851, of English descent, is a contractor. His mother was born near Barrie, Ontario, Canada, September 19, 1851; she is of Scotch-Irish descent.

Mr. Coatsworth received his education in the public schools of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska; was president of his freshman class in high school; and was a member of the Demosthenian Debating Society at Omaha High School. He has lived in Nebraska since 1883 and is now president of the Queen Incubator Company of Lincoln, Nebraska. He has. written several magazine articles on business management.

His marriage to Maude Carolyn Brooks was solemnized at Mitchellville, Polk County, Iowa, August 7, 1902. Mrs. Coatsworth was born at Clarion, Wright County, Iowa, November 30, 1880. Their two children are: Reed Hamilton, born November 5, 1906, who married Geraldine Jones; and Franklyn Bard, born April 3, 1915. Reed Hamilton is executive and manager of the Queen Incubator Company of Lincoln.

Mr. Coatsworth is president of The Incubators Manufacturers Association of America; was president of the Rotary Club 1924-25; is past president of the Hiram Club; Lincoln chapter of the Isaak Walton League, and of the Rotary Club. He is a member of the Elks Lodge Number 39 of Lincoln; and holds membership in the Scottish Rite and York Rite Masonic Lodge. His social clubs are the University Club and the Lincoln Country Club. Residence: Lincoln.

Robert LeRoy Cochran

Robert LeRoy Cochran, state engineer and secretary of the Department of Public Works, was born at Avoca, Nebraska, January 28, 1886. He is the son of Charles A. and Jane (Wilkinson) Cochran, the former born at Galena, Illinois, September 18, 1848. A farmer of Scotch-Irish descent, he died at Brady, Nebraska, December 7, 1914. Jane, his wife, was a native of Illinois of English descent.

Mr. Cochran attended Brady High School from which he was graduated in 1906. In 1910 he received his B. Sc. in C. E. from the University of Nebraska. From 1911-15 he was county engineer of Lincoln County, and from 1915 to 1917 was state bridge inspector and deputy state engineer. Enlisting in 1917 he was stationed at Fort Snelling and Fort Monroe three months, and served overseas with the rank of first lieutenant and captain of artillery. At the present time he is a member of the Officers Reserve Corps wih (sic) the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Upon his discharge he became state engineer in 1923, which position he still holds. His memberships include the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Engineer's Club of Lincoln, the Chamber of Commerce, American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is a former member of the Rotary and Lions Clubs, and is a Mason, Knight Templar, member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine, and the Elks. He likes hiking and enjoys reading and working on his lawn and garden.

On March 18, 1919, he was married to Aileen Gantt at North Platte. Mrs. Cochran was born there on November 4, 1888. They have two children, Mary Aileen, born December 25, 1922, and Robert LeRoy, born August 16, 1924. Residence: Lincoln.

George Edwin Codington

Born in Tulala, Illinois, December 1, 1868, George E. Codington has been a resident of Nebraska more than forty years. His father, Joseph W. Codington was born in Illinois in 1840. A farmer, he was of English descent, and was active in his church and community. Together with his wife, Charlotte (Jones) Codington, he came to

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Nebraska in 1888, bringing his family with him. Charlotte Codington was a native of Ohio, and of Irish parentage. She died at Auburn in 1913. Joseph W. Codington died at Auburn in 1903.

George Codington attended the country and village schools in and near Tulala, and after coming to Nebraska completed a business course at Cotner University. By training and heridity a farmer, he has always been interested in the upbuilding of the community. He is a Democrat and served as Nemaha county treasurer from 1900-04. His marriage to Mamie Idella Dixon was solemnized at Falls City, June 5, 1901. Mrs. Codington is descended on the maternal side from early Dutch settlers in Pennsylvania. She is active in the community and is a member of the Woman's Club, and holds office in the Order of Eastern Star. Both she and Mr. Codington are members of the First Church of Christ, in which he has been a deacon for many years. Their only daughter, Ruth, was born March 8, 1902. She attended William Woods Girls' School at Fulton, Missouri, and is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. She is a member of Phi Mu, the P. E. O. Sisterhood and the Daughters of the American Revolution. Prior to her marriage to Joseph M. Alden of York she taught French and English five years. There is one son, John Codington Alden.

During his business career Mr. Codington has been active in the promotion and advancement of the interests of the city. He was for twenty years manager of the Auburn Telephone Company, which was later merged with the Lincoln Telephone Company, and is still a director of that organization. For six years he was president of the Nemaha County Bank, and for the past seven or eight years he has been a member of the Auburn Building and Loan Association. In addition he has extensive farming interests.

A member of the Nebraska Council of Defense during the World War, Mr. Codington was active in the various loan drives and in Red Cross work. For twelve years he served as member of the school board, and has always been active in the Boy Scout organization. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and was its president two years. He is also a Kiwanian and Woodman of the World. Residence: Auburn.

Harry B. Coffee

Harry B. Coffee, real estate and insurance man, was born in Sioux County, Nebraska, March 16, 1890, son of Samuel Buffington and Elizabeth (Tisdale) Coffee. His ancestry is Scotch-Irish, a grandfather having been a colonel in the Confederate army during the Civil War.

Mr. Coffee attended public and high schools and was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1913 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. He is at the present time managing extensive real estate holdings, is the president of the Coffee Cattle Company, a $100,000.00 corporation. He is a member of the Rotary Club, the Elks and the Masons. During the late war he held the rank of second lieutenant in the air service. His favorite sport is traveling. Residence: Chadron.

Rex Tisdale Coffee

Rex Tisdaie Coffee, a stockman, was born at Georgetown, Texas, February 27, 1892, son of Samuel Buffington and Mary Elizabeth (Tisdale) Coffee.

The father, a stockman of Irish descent, was descended from General Coffee, defender of New Orleans and Atlanta. He died at Harrison, Nebraska, October 1, 1900. His wife, Mary Elizabeth Tisdale, is living.

Mr. Coffee was graduated from Chadron High School iii 1911, and received the Bachelor of Science degree from Chadron State College. During 1911 and 1912, he attend the University of Nebraska. One of the best athletes in northwestern Nebraska, Mr. Coffee was active in athletics, both in college and in high school. He received a football letter three years at Chadron, a letter in track one year, and three letters in basketball.

In 1915, he acquired 1800 acres of unimproved land, and today has 2800 acres of land, all well improved. He has 300 acres in alfalfa, 200 acres in farm ground, and has a herd of 300 head of cattle, all registered.

On June 15, 1918, he was married to Ermine Carmean at Chadron. She was born at Fairfax, Missouri, November 17, 1895. They have two children, Jeane, born March 1, 1921; and Rex T. Jr., born March 28, 1923.

Mr. Coffee is a Democrat. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Chamber of Commerce, the Masons, and the school board, of which he is a director. He is a member of the Harrison Country Club. His favorite sport is baseball. Residence: Harrison.

Harry Joseph Coffin

Born at Boston, Massachusetts, January 11, 1860, Harry Joseph Coffin, who is now retired, was for many years active in the lumber business in Nebraska.

He is the son of Henry Joseph and Harriet Frances (Merriam) Coffin, the former born at Columbia Falls, Maine, July 7, 1830. Henry J. Coffin was a wood carver and furniture manufacturer of the old school, who designed piano legs and lyres for pedals, and was the winner of several prizes when wood carving was in vogue. In his Boston shop in 1870 he employed about thirty persons. Of English ancestry, he was a descendant of Tristram Coffin.

Harriet Frances Merriam was born at Boston, February 21, 1835, and was descended from English settlers who were continental soldiers, living at Merriam Corners, between Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, in 1770. She died at Burwell, Nebraska, October 2, 1928, while her husband died on September 2, 1894.

Harry Joseph Coffin attended primary and grammar school, and West Roxbury High School at Jamaica Plains. Later he was a student at Chauncey Hall in Boston.

Coming to Nebraska nearly fifty-four years ago, he first was a piano tuner. From 1877, until 1892, he engaged in farming and thereafter was a lumber dealer thirty years. During part of that time he also engaged in the mercantile business under the names of Bunnell and Coffin and the Burwell Mercantile Company.

An independent Republican, Mr. Coffin served as justice of the peace in 1889, school director in 1890, county commissioner in 1892, and from 1919 to 1925, was a member of the school board. He also served three terms as a member of the town board.

At the present time Mr. Coffin is a director of the First State Bank of Burwell. While in school in 1875, he was a member of the Boston High School regiment, and during the World War was chairman of the Garfield County Council of Defense and chairman of the Victory loan. He is affiliated with the Congregational Church, the Wranglers Club, the Odd Fellows and the Masons. In the archives of the family at Nantucket, Massachusetts, is a letter written by Benjamin Franklin, addressed to his kinfolks, the Coffins.

On May 1, 1893, Mr. Coffin was married to Mary Halloran at Inman, Nebraska. Mrs. Coffin, who was born at Rockford, Iowa, October 29, 1866, is half Irish and half English. She was a teacher in the public schools for eight years prior to her marriage.

Mrs. Coffin is eligible to the Women's Relief Corps, her father having served as a Union soldier in the Civil War. She is a member of the Order of Eastern Star, the Rebekas, the Congregational Church, and is a former member of the Carnegie Library board. She is past president of the Burwell Women's Club.

There are three children living, Frances, born August 13, 1895, who married Frank Earnest DeLashmutt; Olive, born November 2, 1898, who married Ralph Leo Walker; and Margaret, born November 25, 1900. Henry, born

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November 25, 1900, died April 14, 1901. Frances and Olive were teachers prior to marriage. Margaret, who taught for a time is now in business college. Residence: Burwell. (Photograph in Album).

Berta Coffman

Berta Coffman was born in Winnisheik County, Iowa, April 14, 1872, the daughter of Lewis and Ruthey (Farnham) Grandy. Her father, who was a farmer, was born in Canada, June 6, 1836, and died at Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska, January 5, 1903; his parents came to this country in 1872. Her mother, a descendant of John Quincy Adams, was born at East Liberty, Ohio, April 29, 1846, and died at Fairbury, Jefferson County, Nebraska, October 27, 1930.

Mrs. Coffman was graduated from the Fairbury High School in 1889, and for many years has been prominent in civic and social affairs in Jefferson County. She is the author of various songs, poems, and plays used in local community work, and is a member of the Fairbury Methodist Episcopal Church. She is a member of the Woman's Club, is ex-president of the local Red Cross, and is a member of the Nebraskana Society. At various times she has superintended the woman's division in county fair work. She is independent, politically.

Her marriage to Milton Abraham Coffman was solemnized at Fairbury, November 9, 1892. Mr. Coffman, who is a farmer and stockman, was born at Palmyra, Warren County, Iowa, September 15, 1868. To their marriage three children were born: Helen, born September 8, 1893, who is a candy jobber; Milton, born March 11, 1903, who married Charlotte Gantz; and Lucille, born May 27, 1908. Milton is a sheep rancher; he is baritone soloist for several musical organizations at Casper, Wyoming. Lucille is a school teacher and soloist of note. Residence: Fairbury.

Frank Cohee

Born at Beemer, Nebraska, December 1, 1887, Frank Cohee is the son of Cornelius Alexander and Minerva Frances (Cannon) Cohee. His father, who was a farmer, was born in Indiana, in October, 1838, and died at Beemer, January 20, 1921; he served with the 10th Illinois Cavalry for over four years during the Civil War as sergeant, scout, and dispatch carrier. His mother, whose ancestry was Welch, was born in Menard County, Illinois, in 1849, and died at Beemer, Nebraska, July 22, 1909; she was a cousin of the founder of the Grand Army of the Republic, and her father was a cousin of the noted Uncle Joe Cannon.

Mr. Cohee was graduated from the Beemer High School and for a number of years has been a farmer near Elgin. He is a director in the Elgin Creamery Association, is affiliated with the Methodist Church of Elgin, and holds membership in the Masons and Order of Eastern Star. He is a member of the Home Guards, is active in Red Cross and relief affairs, and holds membership in the Nebraskana Society.

His marriage to Sadie Elizabeth Ayr took place at Lyons, Nebraska, December 17, 1913. Mrs. Cohee, who was a teacher, was born of Irish and Dutch parentage at Lyons, October 20, 1887, and died at Beemer, December 15, 1915. One daughter was born to them: Evelyn, December 15, 1915, who is a student in the Elgin High School. Mr. Cohee was married to Luella Henrietta Herrmann at West Point, Nebraska, September 12, 1923. She was a commercial teacher and stenographer prior to her marriage. Residence: Elgin.

Walter Coker

Walter Coker, general merchant at Sutherland, was born at Montfort, Wisconsin, October 17, 1871, son of John and Adelaide (Calame) Coker.

His father, born in Cornwall, England, October 29, 1829, died at Sutherland, September 17, 1914. He was a farmer and stockman. His wife, Adelaide, was born at Aniton, Wisconsin, February 14, 1840, and died at Sutherland, April 29, 1920. Her father, Peter Calame, was born in France, and her mother, Sarah Lamb (Calame) in County Down, Ireland.

Mr. Coker attended North Platte High School, and worked as a cow hand from 1890 until 1896 for the John Bratt ranch. From that time until 1900, he was employed by a government contractor delivering beef cattle to the Sioux Indians at Pine Ridge, and Rosebud reservations of South Dakota. In 1900 he went into the hay business, buying and selling until 1913 when he opened the general merchandise store under the name of E. & W. Coker at Sutherland, and continued in this business until April, 1931, at which time Mr. Coker purchased the interest of Ed Coker, and since then he has operated the store under the name of Cokers Store.

On December 27, 1899, he was married to Eva Leuella Peyton at Gordon, Nebraska. Mrs. Coker was born at Walker, Iowa, May 13, 1879, and before her marriage was a school teacher in Cherry County. She came from Walker, Iowa, with her parents who homesteaded south of Chadron, in 1885. There are two children, Mainard, born November 13, 1901, who works in the store with his father; and Lucille, born May 13, 1908, who was a graduate of the University of Nebraska in the class of 1930, is a members of Alpha Phi Sorority, and is completing her second term teaching the high school at Dalton.

Mr. Coker has resided in Nebraska since 1885. He is a member of the Sutherland Presbyterian Church, and the Sutherland Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Residence: Sutherland.

William Odin Colburn

William Orlin Colburn has been a distinguished physician at Lincoln, Nebraska, since 1904. He was born at Warren, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, August 5, 1880, the son of William Robinson and Ruth (Broadley) Colburn. His father, who was a hardware merchant, was born at Champion, New York, May 6, 1833, and died at Waterloo, Blackhawk County, Iowa, May 1, 1914. He was a first lieutenant in the Civil War. His ancestry was Scotch.

His mother was born at White Pigeon, Michigan, July 15, 1837, and died at Waterloo, September 17, 1917. She was of English descent.

Dr. Colburn was graduated from the Dexter High School at Dexter, Iowa, in 1893, and in 1897 was graduated from Dexter Normal School. He was a student at the University of Iowa, 1900-02, and was awarded his M.. D. degree at Northwestern University Medical College where he was graduated in 1904.

He was admitted to the practice of medicine at Lincoln, September, 1904. From 1904 to 1915 he was engaged in general medical practice and since 1915 he has been a specialist in pediatrics. He is the founder and chief physician of the Lincoln Children's Clinic. He is the author of numerous articles appearing annually in the Nebraska State Medical Journal.

He was married to Ethel Reighter at Kansas City, Missouri, October 18, 1905. Mrs. Colburn was born at Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa, January 27, 1879. They have one daughter: Carolyn, born October 15, 1924.

Dr. Colburn is a member of the following professional organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics; American Medical Association; Central States Pediatric Society; Nebraska State Medical Society; and Lancaster Medical Society. He is a member of the Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce at Lincoln. He is a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of Lincoln Lodge Number 19, Lincoln Consistory, Valley of Lincoln, Orient of Nebraska, and Scottish Rite. He holds membership in the Young Men's Christian Association and the First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln. He is a Republican, and his hobby is travel. Residence: Lincoln.

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Demmitt C. Cole

Demmitt C. Cole, prominent banker of Polk County, Nebraska, has lived in this state for over 54 years and has been active in the educational and business affairs of his county. He was born at Rising City, Butler County, Nebraska, June 9, 1874, the son of Lorenzo Dow and Julia Matilda (Lemon) Cole. His father, who was a farmer in Butler County for many years, was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, February 22, 1847, and died at Surprise, Nebraska, November 1, 1920. His mother was born in Indiana, June 24, 1853, and died at Rising City, May 9, 1915.

Mr. Cole was a student at the David City High school and later attended Bryant Normal at Stromsburg, Nebraska. From 1892 to 1901 he taught in country and city schools, and from 1901 to 1904 he served as county superintendent of schools in Polk County. For the next three years he was engaged in farming; in 1909 he organized the Shelby State Bank, serving as cashier for thirteen years. He is now president of the bank and is serving as president of the State Bank of Surprise.

He was united in marriage with Maude Edna Lott, July 21, 1896, at Rising City. To this marriage four children were born: Otis D., born April 24, 1906; Richard M., born December 29, 1909, who married Leah Watkins; Lester D., born May 7, 1911; and Leonard L., born January 26, 1917. Otis, Richard, and Lester are all university graduates.

Mr. Cole is affiliated with the Methodist Church of Shelby, and holds membership in the Red Cross, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Nebraskans Society. Residence: Shelby.

Harold Sterigere Cole

Harold Sterigere Cole was born at Oakdale, Nebraska, April 2, 1891. Willis Woodington Cole, his father, who was born at Towanda, Pennsylvania, September 10, 1858, was a registered pharmacist and served as postmaster, state drug inspector, and state representative: he died at Lincoln, Nebraska, January 10, 1926. Charlotte Rena Shenefelt, his mother, who is prominent in club affairs, music and dramatics, was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1869. Her parents were farmers.

Mr. Cole was graduated from the Neligh High School in 1908 and from 1908 to 1911 was a student at Nebraska Wesleyan University where he received college letters in baseball and football. He was employed as sub-railway mail clerk for a short time, was assistant postmaster at Neligh for three years, engaged in professional baseball for a time, and since the World War has been a rural mail carrier. He served as private and as corporal in Company D, 341st Machine Gun Battalion in the St. Mihiel and Mouse Argonne engagements during the war, and since 1930 has been commander of the Neligh post of the American Legion.

He is interested in football, baseball, and other sports but is no longer active as a player; he has helped coach, various football teams and was manager and coach of the state champion baseball team of the American Legion Juniors for 1931. He is a member of the Neligh Volunteer Fire Department. Politically he is a Republican.

On November 23, 1922, Mr. Cole was married to Mirtle lona Elliot Bolton, at Fullerton, Nebraska. Mrs. Cole, whose ancestry is Scotch-Dutch, was born at Oresham, Nebraska, February 16, 1888. An infant daughter born to them August 2, 1925, died at birth. They have an adopted son, Eugene Willis, born April 21, 1927. Time following children are Mrs. Cole's by a former marriage; Eva Nancy Bolton; Jeanette Gertrude Bolton; and James Bolton. Residence: Neligh.

Leon Minor Cole

Leon Minor Cole, county clerk of Arthur County, was born at Strang, Fillmore County, Nebraska, September 5, 1903, son of Delbert Dean and Anna Mary (Eck) Cole. The father was born in Nuckolls County, Nebraska, June 11, 1880, and is a banker at Keystone. Nebraska. His mother was born in Pennsylvania, November 14, 1881.

Mr. Cole attended public and high school in Arthur County, and from 1922 until November, 1929, was editor of the Arthur Enterprise. At the present time he is county clerk of Arthur County.

He is married to Ruth Elizabeth Wilson who was born at Red Cloud, March 6, 1908. They have one daughter, Shirley Ann, born July 16, 1929.

Mr. Cole is a member of the Odd Fellows and the Nebraskana Society. He enjoys baseball, while his hobby is reading. Residence: Arthur.

Maynard Copeland Cole

Maynard C. Cole was born at East Norton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, October 5, 1877. His father, Ansel Orlester Cole, who was born at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, April 12, 1853, was secretary of the M. A. Disbrow and Company for many years, and was factory superintendent of this company at Lyons, Iowa, at one time; he is descended from Captain Simeon Cole; the Cole family came from the Isle of Wight, Wales, to America early in the 16th century.

His mother, Martha Louise (Copeland) Cole, who was born at Norton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, June 15, 1857, was a direct descendant of John Alden and Captain Miles Standish. She attended Wheaton College at Norton, and was a talented musician; she died early in her married life, April 16, 1884, at Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Mr. Cole was graduated from the high school at Clinton, Iowa, June, 1896, and in 1900, received the B. S. degree from Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois. He was a member of the glee club and the University Quartette, and was awarded Phi Beta Kappa honors. He served as secretary of Beta Theta Pi, 1898-1899.

In 1900 he entered the employ of M. A. Disbrow and Company. He is now secretary and assistant treasurer of this organization, which is a woodworking industry.

His marriage to Florence Edith Moody was solemnized at Omaha April 15, 1903. Mrs. Cole, who was born at Bellows Falls, Vermont, December 23, 1878, is descended from a long line of illustrious ancestors, among them: Richard Trent, first governor of Connecticut; and Sir Robert Whitney, who in turn was descended from William the Conqueror. Three children were born to them: Helen Copeland, born December 29, 1905; Gertrude Sager, born May 28, 1907, who died March 16, 1924; and Florence Moody, born December 3, 1912, who died of injuries received in the tornado of 1913, April 16, 1913. Helen was graduated from Northwestern University in 1928, and is now on the staff of that institution as assistant to the personnel director.

Mr. Cole served as captain in Liberty loan drives during the late war. He is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and is secretary of the Nebraska Society of Mayflower Descendants. He is a member of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce; the Parent Teachers Association; the Red Cross; The Nebraskana Society; and the local Young Men's Christian Association. He is a member of the University Club. He is a member of the Episcopal Church and is secretary of the Vestry of Trinity Cathedral. He likes golf, baseball, football, and hiking. He has lived in Omaha for the past 30 years. He is a Republican. Residence: Omaha.

Raymond Voorhis Cole

Raymond Voorhis Cole, funeral director, was born at Troy, New York, March 12, 1869, and came to Nebraska in 1895. He is the son of Thomas and Polly (Raymond) Cole, the former of whom is a descendant of John Jacob

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