Carlyle, Henry ................ xi, 312, 359, 466
--miraculous escape of ..................... 356
--manager of freighting firm ............... 358
Carpenter, L. F. ............................ 284
Carr, R. P., stage-driver ................... 272
Carr, Wm. pony express rider ................ 131
Carrigan, Wm., Pony express rider. .......... 131
Carrigan, Billy, stage-driver ............... 272
Carrington, Colonel ......................... 243
Carruth, A. G. ............................... ix
Carson City ....................... 113,1121, 123
-- mail-pouches for .................... 52, 588
Carson, Frank, stage-driver ................. 272
Carson, Kit ....................... 150, 456, 572
Carson river ................................ 130
Carter, Judge W. A ........................... 77
Castle Rock ................................. 407
Castle Rock creek ........................... 398
Cates, Bill, pony express rider ........ 128, 131
Catholic Tribune, St. Joseph ................ 447
Cavalry, escorts the mail ................... 342
--at O'Fallon's Bluffs ..................... 375
--the Third Wisconsin ...................... 523
Centennial Exposition ....................... 347
Centoria, name changed ...................... 236
--sod building at .......................... 241
Central California overland route, ....... 22, 42
Central City ........................... 181, 309
Central Pacific R. R., building of, .... 138, 140
Central Star of Empire newspaper, ........ x, 258
Century Magazine .............................. x
Chalk Bluff ............................ 398, 407
Challiss, L. C. ............................. 431
Chamberlain, Rev. Mr ........................ 566
Champion, the Atchison ...................... 598
Chapman's creek ............................. 398
Chase, Gideon O, ....................... 409, 428
Cheevers, Tom, stage-driver ................. 272
Cherokee City post-office ................... 350
Cherokee trail .......................... 92, 350
Cherry Creek gold diggings ........ 149, 151, 307
--great flood in ........................... 164
--Cherry Creek Pioneer ..................... 172
Cherry Valley ............................... 398
Cheyenne agency ............................. 354
Cheyenne Indians .......... 25, 33, 123, 236, 255
Cheyenne and Sioux war ...................... 497
Cheyenne Wells .............................. 398
Chicago ................................ 118, 130
Chicago Times ............................ 1, 260
Chimney Rock ...................... 113, 127, 587
China and England, war of ................... 124
Chin-music, bombarding with string of, ...... 514
Chivington, Col. J. M. ...................... 353
Choctaw Nation ............................... 14
Chorponing, W. G. ............................ 40
Chorpening, George .......................... 607
Cincinnati Commercial ....................... 156
Cincinnati Times ............................ 260
Clampitt, John M. ............................. x
Clardy, Joshua E. ........................... 528
Clark, Ad., engineer on H. & St. J. R. R., ... 42
Clark, Charles, stage-driver ................ 407
Clark, Geo. T. .............................. 399
Clark, Jimmy, pony express rider, ...... 128, 131
Clark, John H. ................ xi, 198, 264, 587
Clark, Lenore ................................ ix
Clark, P. B. ................................ 593
Clark, Tom .................................. 597
Clark, Gruber & Co., bankers ................ 230
Clarke, Joe ................................. 144
Clarke, J. R., stage-driver ................. 407
Clement, Stephen, messenger .................. 80
Cleveland "Jayhawker" .................. 411, 413
Cliff, Charles, pony express rider .......... 131
Cliff, Gus., pony express rider ............. 131
Clinton House, Indianola .................... 394
Coast Stage Company ......................... 291
Coburn, Paul ................................ 435
Cochran, A. P. .............................. 298
Cochran, Chas. F., senator .................. 298
Cochran, W.A., stage driver ........ xi, 272, 298
Cock, Geo. E. ............................... 404
Coe, Earl B. .................................. x
Coe, Phil., a frontier desperado ............ 147
C. O. C. & P. P. Express ........... 41, 414, 446
--bought by Holladay ........................ 70
--advertisement of ......................... 107
--express charges by ....................... 163
--dispatches carried by .................... 172
Cody, Col. W. F ........ x, 33, 34, 131, 272, 572
---pony express rider ...................... 129
--commands a band of scouts ................ 501
--Wild West, show .......................... 583
Coffee, one dollar per pound ................ 322
Cold Springs tragedy ......................... 60
--station and coaches ...................... 375
Cole, A. S., messenger ...................... 400
Coleclesser, Austin ......................... 574
Colfax, Hon. Schuyler ....................... 608
College students ............................ 511
Collier, Shade, stage-driver ................ 272
Collins, John, stage-driver ................. 272
Collins, Lieutenant ......................... 389
Colona, first town in north Colorado ........ 349
Colorado ............................... 123, 135
--last trip to Denver ...................... 382
--first census taken of .................... 161
--early history of ......................... 161
--"100-days-ers"-- Captain Morgan .......... 340
--pioneers, tribute to ..................... 175
--provisions scarce in ..................... 337
--staging in .......................... 101, 570
Colorado Central railroad ................... 181
Comanches ................................... 123
Commerce on the Platte paralyzed ............ 371
Commonwealth, Denver ........................ 231
Comstock, Bill, scout .................. 354, 456
Comstock mines ............................... 51
Comstock's ranch ............................ 364
Concord stage-coaches ................... 57, 514
--history of ................................ 58
Cone, John P. ................................ xi
Conkling, Roscoe, visits Denver ............. 168
Connell Creek ............................... 398
Connelley, Wm. E. ..................... viii, 451
Cooke, Lieutenant Colonel ................... 477
Cooke, Col. Philip St. George ............... 607
Coon Creek .................................. 398
Corbett, Billy, stage-driver ................ 272
Corn dodgers ................................ 416
Cornforth boys, merchant .................... 230
Coronado ................................. 17, 18
Cosmopolitan, The ............................. x
Cottonwood Springs, ..... 113, 127, 134, 208, 310
--delayed mail and passengers leave, ....... 374
--way pouch for ............................. 52
--ludicrous scene at ........................ 89
--logs hauled from .......................... 94
--first building erected, etc. ............. 499
Cottrill, W. H., superintendent ............. 167
Council Bluffs ............................... 18
Council Grove ................................. 4
Court-house Rock ....................... 113, 587
Craig, D., stage-driver ................ 272, 407
Craig station ............................... 207
Craig, Gen. James ........................... 361
Crall, Jesse ................................ 431
Crane & Co ................................... xi
Crawford, D. C. ............................. 572
Creighton, Edward ...................... 133, 473
Creighton, Mr., agent ........................ 76
Cripple Creek, early staging in ............. 571
Crook, General ............................... 60
Crockett, Davy .............................. 543
"Cross-eyed John", stage-driver ............. 273
Cummings, Enoch ............... xi, 272, 280, 523
--in an Indian fight ....................... 367
Curtis, Bob, stage-driver ................... 272
Custer, Gen. Geo. A ......................... 312