Lane, James H., elected U. S. senator, ...... 423
Langrishe, Jack, of Denver ............. 170, 230
Laporte station ........................ 224, 349
--name changed from Colona to .............. 349
--rapid decline of ......................... 350
--Slade on the stage-coach at .............. 350
--early history of ......................... 350
--a "home" station .................... 350, 351
Laramie Crook station (Frogtown) ............ 197
Laramie Plains .............................. 359
Latham, Senator, thanks Mormons ............. 321
Latham station, Colo ................ 52, 93, 224
--some early history ....................... 319
--named after Senator Latham ............... 320
--junction of stage routes ................. 321
--branch line from, to Denver ......... 321, 323
--great flood in South Platte at ........... 324
--altitude 4000 feet ....................... 328
--mail office an arsenal ................... 333
--great excitement at ...................... 333
--military company organized at ............ 333
--model eating-house ....................... 337
--arrival of delayed mail .................. 341
--a battery stationed at ................... 342
--during Indian excitement ................. 346
--stage route changed ...................... 348
--in early days ............................ 588
Latter-day saints ........................... 191
Lawson, L. M. ............................... 447
Lawrence Jeffersonian ........................ xi
Leavenworth newspapers ....................... xi
Leav. & P. P. Ex ..... 19, 27, 153, 158, 163, 188
LeCompton constitution, election day, ....... 519
Lee county, Virginia ........................ 526
Lehmer, Frank E. telegraph operator, ........ 134
Lemmon, Jim ................................. 201
Letson, Frank H. ............................ 469
Letson, Wm. W., messenger ...... xi, 80, 467, 469
Letter mail by Pony express ................. 117
Lewis and Clarke ......................... 18, 27
Lewis, Doctor ............................... 185
Lewis, E. .................................... 80
Liberty Farm ........................... 113, 128
--celebration of Fourth of July at ......... 606
--Indian butcheries at ..................... 353
--Indian massacre at ....................... 255
--abandoned ................................ 256
Lice, as against fleas ...................... 604
Liebman, Mr .................................. 59
Likins, W. R., agent ........................ 466
Limestone, branch of the .................... 302
Lincoln, Abraham ....................... 111, 424
--congratulations by telegraph ............. 137
--first visit to Kansas .................... 410
--inaugural speech ......................... 117
--saluted by acting governor of Utah, ...... 137
Lincoln, Kan ................................ 195
Little, E. C., describes encounter .......... 147
Little Blue river .................. 23, 113, 134
--map of "The Narrows" ..................... 364
Little Rock, Ark. ............................ 10
"Little Yank," pony express rider ...... 127, 131
Little & Hanks., mail contractors .......... 1, 6
Living Springs station ................. 135, 382
Lloyd, George M. .................... 76, 80, 471
Lockwood, Alfred ............................ 466
Locomotives, first ones brought West, ....... 413
Lodge Pole creek. ................. 113, 264, 350
Log Chain station ...................... 113, 193
London ...................................... 124
Lone Tree station . .................... 202, 256
Long, Major .............................. 18, 27
Long, Maj. Stephen H. .................. 225, 517
Long's Peak, mentioned ...................... 162
"Long Slim" (C. Lewis), stage-driver, ....... 274
Lookout ..................................... 407
Loomis, Abner ................................ 80
Los Angeles .................................. 15
Lost in a blizzard .......................... 316
Louisa Springs .............................. 398
Louisiana Purchase ........................... 18
Louisville, Kan . ...................... 155, 416
Loup Fork ................................... 125
Lone Tree station, Neb ...................... 370
Lowe, H. B., stage-driver .............. 272, 277
Lowe, Howard .......... ..................... 574
Lowe, "Old Man" ........................ 414, 416
Lowe, Percival G., frontiersman .......... x, 263
Lucas, Hank. stage-driver ................... 272
Lynchburg, Va. .............................. 130
McAfee, James, stage-driver ................. 407
McCall J. G., pony express rider ............ 131
McCandless gang of outlaws ............. 129, 148
McCausland, A. J. ........................... 284
McChesney, John W. ........................... xi
McClelland, William, messenger .......... 80, 466
McClelland, W. C. ........................... 558
McClelland & Spotswood ...................... 570
McClosky, James ............................. 517
McCreary, Oscar ............................. 574
McCune Kan. ................................. 353
McCutcheon, Dave, driver .......... 272, 325, 326
McDonald, Jas., rider, driver, .... 128, 131, 272
McDougall, senator from California .......... 321
McGaa, Jack, a son born to .................. 170
McGraw, W. M. F., mail contractor, ....... 2, 445
McIlvain, W. S., agent ............. 76, 322, 548
McIlvain, Mrs. W. S. ........................ 335
McKee, D. H., stage-driver .................. 272
McMakin, A. C. .......................... xi, 310
McMannys, Pete, stage-driver ................ 272
McMaster, John B. ........................... 594
McNasser, Col. James ........................ 232
McNaughton, Jim, pony rider ................. 131
McNeil, Arch, stage-driver .................. 272
Magic city of the plains .................... 152
Magill, James S., of Marysville ......... xi, 528
Magnetic telegraph .......................... 119
Mahin, Rev. Milton, of Atchison ............. 411
Mail-bags rifled by Indians ................. 362
Mail, Denver's early Eastern . .............. 179
Mail, forty-one sacks sent east ............. 341
Mail robbery at Whisky Run .................. 563
Mail and Breeze, quoted ...................... 36
Majors, Alexander .............. x, 106, 124, 163
--memorial in Colorado capitol ............. 158
--sketch of his life ................... 455-458
Maloney, Dan., stage-driver ................. 407
Manhattan, Kan .............................. 155
Manville, Charles, stage-driver ........ 272, 298
Marsh, Roy D. ................................. x
Marshall county, Kansas ..................... 517
--court-houses ............................. 518
Marshall, Gen. Frank J. ...... 199, 518, 526, 534
Marshall, Mrs. Mary ......................... 518
Marshall Pass ............................... 101
Martin, Bob, rider and driver ..... 131, 272, 284
Martin, J. A., governor ....... 189 409, 412, 428
Marysville, Kan ............... 28, 113, 198, 323
--first train from St. Jos ................. 414
--named after Mrs. Mary Marshall ........... 517
--in early days ............................ 519
--Holladay has a grudge against ............ 520
--difficulty in getting early mail ......... 520
--Gen. F. J. Marsball's residence .......... 520
--ferry-boat on the Blue ................... 521
--authorities and stage men clash .......... 523
Massasoit House, Atchison ......... 408, 424, 513
Massey, Dave, stage-driver .................. 272
May, Boone ................................... 60
May, Colonel ................................ 240
Mayfield, John N., Messenger ................. 80
Maynadier's treaty, interpretation of ....... 515
Meals on the "Overland" .............. 42, 87, 95
Mears, Otto ................................. 101
Meeker, N. C., of the Greeley Tribune, ...... 352
Meeting an ugly looking enemy ............... 253
Meinhart, E. M., stage-driver ............... 272
Memphis, Tenn ............................ 10, 51