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Annals of County Organization

issued for costs in the case of The Territory of Nebraska vs. Charles Saunders to the parties entitled thereto as found in Probate Law Book Page 10.

Robert Moorland presented his account against the county for services as prosecuting attorney which was disallowed, and on motion of Mr. Kelly, he was allowed twenty eight dollars in full for his services as such officer to date, and a warrant to be issued on the treasury for the amount, also the bill of Jacob King $2.00 for election services was allowed, and a warrant ordered to be issued.

On motion the board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held April 3rd 1865 at Columbus, N.T.

Mr. Speice in the chair.

Present Messrs. Kelly and Toncray. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.

The bill of Woolworth & Colt for $6.10 for stationery for Co. clerks office was allowed to be paid by order on the county sinking fund. The bills of Thomas P. Loshbaugh for $4.05 for services as special constable in the Saunders Case and Joseph Gerrard for $1.40 for witness fees in the same case, which accounts had been omitted in making up the bill of costs in said case were allowed. The bill of G. C. Barnum for bringing Laws and journals from Omaha in 1864 was allowed $1.50.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved that county orders be issued for the above amts. George W. Galley, Supervisor of Columbus road district, presented his semi-annual settlement showing a balance due him of $59.72 which was ordered to be filed, and an order to be issued to him on the road fund of said district.

Henry Platts, supervisor, of Monroe district presented his semi-annual settlement showing a balance on hand of $3.57 which was ordered to be placed on file.

E. W. Toncray, supervisor of Buchanan road district presented his semi-annual settlement showing a balance on hand of $124.42, which was ordered to be placed on file.

On motion of Mr. Toncray. Ordered, that license be issued to Francis G. Becher and Joseph B. Beebe to keep a ferry on the Loup Fork River for the term of five years, at the rate of twenty five dollars per year, the privilege to commence at the upper extremity of the Elk Horn and Loup Fork Ferry Companys privilege, and to extend from such point five miles up said Loup Fork River following the meanderings of the stream, he said yearly license shall be paid on or before the first day of July of each year, for the term as above stated, or this charter shall be forfeited.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that Henry J. Hudson, Esq. be authorized to purchase a docket for his use, the price not to exceed $10.00. On motion the board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


A Special Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners of Platte County held at the county clerk's office in Columbus, April 20th 1865 at 10 o'clock A.M.

Mr. Speice in the chair.

Present Messrs. Kelly and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved.

The bill of V. Kummer for $10.89 for stationery for treasurer's office was allowed to be paid by order of the county sinking fund. The bill of Joseph Gerrard for assessing Monroe precinct etc., for $10.40 was allowed. The bill of Leander Gerrard for $2.00 for attendance before the district court as witness and petit juror was allowed. The bill of E. W. Toncray for $53.00 for assessing Buchanan precinct in 1865 was allowed, also J. N. Taylor's for $52.95, for assessing. The bill of T. Donthett for making abstract of list of entered lands for 1864 was allowed to be paid out of the county sinking fund.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that the county clerk be ordered to procure of the territorial auditor. 125 pages each tax list and duplicate

525 pages each treasurer's cash book 125 pages each treasurer's sales book 125 pages each treasurer's warrant book and such other revenue and school blanks as are necessary. Co. orders to be issued to E. W. Toncray, Joseph Gerrard and Leander Gerrard for the accounts allowed them.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that a license issued on the sixth day of July 1863 to John Rickly to keep a ferry across the Loup Fork river found on page 130 of this book, be, and the same is hereby revoked and repealed, to take effect when the time for which he has already paid shall have expired.

Vincent Kummer, county treasurer, presented his semi-annual settlement which was accepted, and $115.97, in orders on the county sinking fund were presented and destroyed.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman Co. Comms.


The County Board of Equalization of Platte County, N. T., commenced its session on the third Monday of April A.D. 1865.

April 17th, 1865, 10 o'clock A.M. Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Kelly and Toncray.

F. A. Hoffman was called and claims to the amount of $900. disclosed in his favor, which he claimed was secured by mortgage in part in the state of Wisconsin, and was therefore real estate, and as such was not taxable in this territory. The above explanation was considered satisfactory and no additions made therefor.

John Rickly also called and interrogated in reference to his return of capital employed in manufacturers, which was explained by him as follows. The saw logs on the mill ground are not all his property, and those that are his were procured on his own lands, and the amount returned as above was paid in getting the logs to the mill yard. Explanation deemed satisfactory and no change made. His capital employed in merchandise, returned $1800, he considered correct, no alteration

The History of Platte County Nebraska

made. Steam engine and saw not entered being omitted by the assessor for which shall be entered $500.00 to lots 1 and 2 Blk. 183 in Columbus making $3000.00 instead of $2500.00.

The name of Reuben Hunt to be entered on the poll list of Columbus precinct.


Second days session April 18th 1865,

Board met at ten o'clock A.M. Present Messrs. Speice, Kelly and Toncray. No complaints entered.

Third days session, April 19, 1865. Board met at ten o'clock A.M.

Present: Messrs. Speice, Kelly and Toncray. Add $500.00 to the valuation of lots , 6, 7 and 8 Blk. 165 making $3000.00 instead of $2500.00.

To the SW 1/4 Sec. 29, T. 18, R , East in the name of Augustus Forkel add $80.00 making $560.00 instead of $480.00. Add to lots and 6 BIk 168 in Columbus $200.00 making $800 instead of $600. On lot 6, BIk 167 in Columbus reduce $100. making $700. instead of $800.

Lot 4, Sec. 31, T 17, R 1 E, Wm. Draper 14 50/100 acres alter making $43.50 instead of $116.

Lot 1 Sec. , T 16, R 1 E 44 42/100 acres, J. Rickly make $133.26 instead of $444.20.

Lot 8, Sec. 1, T 16, R 1 E 65 50/100 acres John Haney make $655 instead of $524, and alteration marked x.

Lots 7 & 8 Sec. 34, T 17, R 1 E, James Haney make $200 instead of $153.90.

SW 1/4, NE 1/4, and NW 1/4, SE1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4, NW

1/4, Sec. 29. T 17, R1E, Geo. M. Mills make $400 instead of $300.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman Co. Comms.


Regular Term of the Court of County Commissioners held at the office of county clerk on Monday July 3rd, 1865.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Kelly and Toncray. Minutes read and amended.

The account of John Kelly for services as Co. Commissioner for three months $21.00 was allowed. Also, that of C. B. Stillman for services as county clerk for nine months from Oct. 1st 1864 to July 1st 1865 $75.00.

The bill of Quartus B. Skinner for assessing Centre precinct in 1865 was allowed for $16.00 the charge for one day in returning Enumeration Returns not being allowed.

The bill of D. Hashberger for three settlements with the county treasurer $3.00 was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that county orders be issued for the above amounts.

The bills of Q. B. Skinner for one days service as judge of election, and of Jos. Skinner, A. J. Skinner as clerk of election, F. B. Skinner as clerk of election, and Joseph Skinner as judge of election in 1,864, were laid over until the next meeting. Applications were received from Dodge and Bunker, Joseph Gardner, Henry Rolfer, Joseph Russell, and Calvin Clough for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, which was granted, and the clerk ordered to issue such licenses, when the bonds are properly filed, with stamps affixed, and at least two good securities.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that the following taxes be levied upon the real and personal estate of Platte county to wit.

For territorial taxes according to the instructions of the territorial Board of Equalization.

On Lands and Town Lots.

Territorial General Fund Tax, two and a half (2 1/2) mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial Sinking Fund Tax, one and a half (1 1/2) mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial School Fund Tax, two mills (2) on the dollar valuation.

On All Other Property

Territorial General Fund Tax, two and a half (2 1/2) mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial Sinking Fund Tax, one and a half (1 1/2) mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial School Fund, two (2) mills on the dollar valuation.

County Taxes

Poll Tax One dollar ($1.00)

Road Tax per 1/4 section three dollars ($3.00).

County Sinking Fund Tax, one (1) mill on the dollar valuation.

County Building Fund, Two (2) mills on the dollar valuation.

General Fund including support of poor, three () mills on the dollar valuation.

County School Tax, one (1) mill on the dollar valuation.

Jacob Ernst made application to be released from the Bond of Vincent Kummer, county treasurer. The chairman was directed to examine and see that everything is straight, and accept new security when presented.
On motion, the board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCounty Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held at the County Clerk's Office in Columbus on Saturday, September 2nd, 1865.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present Mr. Kelly.

Minutes of preceding meeting read and approved.

A letter from Hon. Geo. L. Miller to John Rickly in relation to the improvement of roads in the counties of Douglas, Dodge and Platte was read and ordered filed.

The bill of Q. B. Skinner for election services $2.00, Jos. Skinner for election services $2.00, A. J. Skinner, election services $2.00 in 1863, and in 1864, $2.00, F. B.

Annals of County Organization

Skinner, election services $2.00, J. N. Taylor for one day correcting assessment roll $2.00

On motion, resolved that warrants be issued for the above amounts.

The bills of Henry J. Hudson for $7.50 for cash paid for a justice's Docket, and that of C. B. Stillman, for $9.61, for cash paid for repairing seal and for books and stamps was allowed, and both accounts ordered to be paid by warrants on the county sinking fund.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that the county clerk be ordered to call an election on the tenth day of October A.D. 1865, for one representative, one probate judge, one sheriff, one county clerk, one county commissioner, one prosecuting attorney, one Co. surveyor, one coroner, one county treasurer, and for each precinct one road supervisor, one precinct assessor, two justices of the peace, two constables, three judges of election and two clerks of election.
On motion, board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held Sept. 23rd 1865.

Board met at the Office of the Co. Clerk in Columbus.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Kelly and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved.

The bill of R. Moorland for $70.00 for services as prosecuting attorney to date was allowed. The bill of Mr. Weaver for $1.00 for bringing laws from Omaha was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that the county clerk be ordered to put up notices for the reception by the county commissioners of sealed proposals for the erection of three bridges in Platte county on the West Point road, said proposals to be opened at the first meeting of the commissioners after the general election (the clerk to fix the time of holding said meeting in the notice).

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved. That a copy of the Road Law shall be sent to the supervisor of Buchanan precinct with instructions to fix the military bridge over Shell Creek.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held October 2nd 1865.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Kelly and Toncray. Minutes read and approved.

Joseph Russell, supervisor of Centre road district, presented his account to April 21st 1865 showing a balance due here of $15.50, which was received and ordered to be filed. The bill of Esq. Hudson for costs in the case of the Territory vs. Clark Councey for $7.90, also the Territory vs. H. M. Brown for $37.20 were allowed, and warrants to be drawn in favor of the proper persons.

The bill of E. W. Toncray for C. A. Speice for $21.50, and John Kelly for $10.20 for commissioner's services to date were allowed, and warrants to be drawn in their favor for these amounts.

Vincent Kummer, Co. treasurer, presented his semi-annual settlement which was received and ordered to be filed.

Also Mr. Kummer presented to the Board $354.91, in cancelled warrants on which $25.03 interest had been paid, which were destroyed.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved that $20.00 be appropriated out of the county road fund to Monroe road district for the repair of the Looking Glass bridge, and that the clerk be instructed to issue an order to the supervisor of said district for that amount.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held Oct. 28th 1865.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Mr. Kelly.

Minutes read and approved.

The account of C. H. Whaley for $2.00 for services as judge of election in 1865, Joseph Gerrard $2.00, John Kelly $2.00, E. A. Gerrard $4.80, Henry Platts $2.00, Jesse B. Kelly $2.00, all for election services in 1865 in Monroe precinct were allowed and warrants to be drawn on the treasury for these amounts.

On motion of Mr. Kelly license to sell liquors was granted to Daniel Hashberger on condition that he shall file his petition and bond, according to law, and when so filed the clerk shall issue license. John Kelly presented a certificate from Henry Platts Supervisor of Monroe District setting forth that forty-five dollars had been expended by him in the repair of the Looking Glass bridge and on motion, the order passed at last meeting to him for $20.00 for that purpose was issued to John Kelly.

Satisfactory evidence being presented to the commissioners that Francis Henggeler and others had in the absence of a road supervisor for Columbus district repaired the Shell Creek bridge north of Columbus, and the following persons having been reported to have performed the amount of work set forth, it was ordered that the next supervisor be allowed to issue receipts to them for the work as follows.

Francis Henggeler 7 days
E. Ahrens 2 days
Henry Rickert 2 days
Charles Reinke 2 days
John Held 8 days
Wm. Wetter 9 days
M. Erb 1 day
John Will 3 days
M. Marohn 4 days
Herman Loseke 2 days


The History of Platte County Nebraska

The bonds of John Browner, sheriff; Henry Platts, constable; and Vincent Kummer, county treasurer were approved.

Charles Brindley tendered his resignation as constable, which was accepted.

On motion, resolved, that Henry J. Hudson be authorized to purchase a criminal docket not to exceed $10.00.
On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held November 13th 1865.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present: Messrs. Kelly and Toncray.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

On motion, the bonds of the following officers were approved.

Isaac Albertson, probate judge; Robert Moorland, prosecuting attorney; Isaac Albertson, precinct assessor for Buchanan precinct; Henry J. Hudson for justice of the peace.

The bill of G. W. Stevens for one days service as judge of election in Columbus precinct October 10th 1865 $2.00 was allowed.

On motion resolved, that the county clerk be instructed to advertise for sealed proposals for the erection of a bridge across Shell Creek on the Military Road in Buchanan precinct, proposals to be opened at the regular term in January, 1866.

On motion, resolved, that the county clerk be instructed to issue an order to the county treasurer to furnish each county and precinct officer with a $1.00 internal revenue stamp for their official bonds.

On motion resolved that the county clerk be instructed to issue an order on the county road fund in favor of John Kelly for $25.00.

On motion, C. A. Speice was instructed to enter into contract with J. D. Neligh for the erection of the three bridges on the road from Columbus to West Point.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held January 1st 1866.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Toncray and Kelly.

Minutes read and approved.

The bill of R. Moorland for services as prosecuting attorney for $84.00, after deducting $17.00 making the amount $67.00 allowed.

The bill of C. B. Stillman for $50.00 for salary as county clerk was allowed. On motion of Mr. Kelly, ordered that county orders be drawn for the above amounts.

The bill of Moses Welch for repairing chains broken in repairing the Shell Creek bridge, was rejected.

Proposal was received for building a bridge across Shell Creek on the Military Road from Nelson Toncray proposing to build said bridge for $400, which was accepted, and the county clerk ordered to enter into contract with Mr. Toncray for building said bridges.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that the county clerk be instructed to advertise for proposals for erecting three bridges across the streams on the West Point road, bids to be opened on the 13th of January 1866 by the chairman and clerk, and the result to be communicated by them to the other commissioners, and if approved by one or both of them, contract to be entered into immediately thereafter with the party whose bid shall be accepted.

On motion, resolved, that the clerk be ordered to advertise the sale of the military bridge across Shell Creek, sealed proposals to be received by the county clerk on the 13th of January, the bridge to remain until, and be removed when Nelson Toncray shall so order.

The Bond of Joseph Gardner as justice of the peace was approved.

On motion, resolved, that John Rickly be appointed justice of the peace, and Joseph Roberts constable for Columbus precinct, also the bond of Joseph Gerrard for justice of the peace, was approved.

On motion, resolved that the chairman be authorized to draw up and have executed the contract with Nelson Toncray.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

C. A. Speice


Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held April 2nd, 1866.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present. Messrs. Kelly and Toncray.

Minutes read and amended.

Mr. Speice presented the following report which was received and adopted.

To the Board of Co. Commissioners Platte County Nebraska.

Gentlemen: Having been authorized by you to enter into contract with Nelson Toncray by article of agreement and bond for the construction of bridge across Shell Creek in Buchanan precinct I would submit the following. I have drawn up the said contract and bond, and they have been signed by the contractors. Mr. N. Toncray also giving security for the completion by bond as the said papers on file will show. The contract was signed by E. W. Toncray and myself as commissioners. I would further state that the county clerk along with myself opened the proposals for the construction of the three bridges on the West Point road, and finding Mr. L. M. Beebe to be the lowest bidder viz. $1300.00, and having also transmitted to Mr. Kelly and Mr. Toncray for their approval the said proposal, it was approved by Mr. Toncray, the said proposal meeting with my approval, I entered into contract by article of agreement and bond with Mr. Beebe for the erection

Annals of County Organization

0f the said bridges for the sum of $1300.00. I also herewith submit a letter received from J. D. Nelleigh bearing date December 4, A.D. 1865, which I received on the 28th day of February 1866. You will remember that I was authorized to enter into a correspondence with Mr. Nelleigh in reference to the West Point bridges, that was in Nov. 1865; the delay of the letter through being a loss to the county of about $500.00 which was beyond my control, all of which is respectfully submitted.

C. A. Speice.

The bill of Henry J. Hudson, J. P. for costs in the suits of the Ter. vs. Sherman Brown and the ter. vs. John Stewart amounting to $10.40 was allowed and $5.00.

The account of John Browner for costs in several criminal cases amounting to $30.50 was allowed.

The account of C. H. Whaley for boarding prisoners for $36.00 was allowed.

The bill of C. B. Stillman for making tax list for 1865 amounting to $97.35 was allowed.

The bill of Joseph Russell, for election services, amount $4.00 was allowed. The account of E. W. Toncray for services as county commissioner amount $13.60 was allowed.

The account presented by Henry J. Hudson showing costs due sundry parties in the suits of the Ter. vs. Wolfel & Becker, and the Ter. vs. D. Hashberger and others was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that county orders be issued for the above amounts.

The bill of Stillman & Garwood for paper furnished assessor, and for a revenue stamp amounting to $2.75 was allowed to be paid out of Co. sinking fund.

The bill of C. F. Gather for a blank book for the Co. surveyor, amount $4.80 was allowed to be paid by order on the county sinking fund.

The bill of H. J. Hudson for a docket $6.50 was allowed.

The bill of A. D. McAusland $20.00 for fuel for district court and $ .50 for freight was allowed.

The account of J. S. Taylor and McClure for $53.70 was allowed with the exception of the items of Feb 21st '862 and Feb. 14th 1864 which the clerk has receipts on file for, was allowed leaving the amount $38.70.

On motion, it was ordered that the foregoing accounts be paid by orders on the county sinking fund.

The settlement of Henry Platts, supervisor of Monroe district was received showing a balance due the district of $ .52.

The settlement of Joseph Russell, supervisor of Centre district was received showing a balance due him of $61.14, for which he was ordered to receive an order on the road fund of his district.

The settlement of Wm. Draper, supervisor showing a balance due him from Columbus district of $7.00 Was received, and was ordered to be paid by order on that district.

On motion of Mr. Toncray it was ordered that an order be issued to L. M. Beebe for $300.00 as part payment for the construction of three bridges on the West Point Road.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that the county clerk be authorized to procure the necessary blanks for the ensuing year.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved, that the clerk be authorized to procure a docket for a justice of the peace in Monroe precinct. A petition was received from citizens of Butler precinct asking for an appropriation for covering or planking a bridge on Prairie Creek, and the clerk was authorized to give the supervisor of Butler precinct an order on the county road fund, sufficient to buy the plank.

Mr. Toncray then tendered his resignation as county commissioner, which was accepted, and on motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that the thanks of the members of this board be tendered to Mr. Toncray for the punctuality and ability with which he has so long discharged his duties as a member of the Board.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held July 2nd 1866.

Mr. Speice in the chair.

Present. Mr. Kelly.

The minutes read and approved.

Mr. Speice of the committee to inspect the bridges on the West Point road reported that he had performed that duty, and recommended that the bridges be accepted and the contractor paid.

Report received and adopted and the committee discharged.

The account of T. B. Skinner, $24.00 for assessing

Centre precinct; William Draper assessing Columbus precinct $90.00; J. Gardner $2.00 for election service; Isaac Albertson $19.50 for assessing Buchanan precinct; C. B. Stillman $50.00 for six months service as Co. clerk; John Kelly $2.00 services as judge of election June 2, 1866; Jesse B. Kelly $2.00 services as judge of election. Co. orders to be issued for the above amounts. The bill of V. Kummer for $29.05 for cash paid for stationery, etc., Stillman and Garwood $14.15 were allowed to he paid by order of the sinking fund also the bill of Joseph Gardner for $3.00 for docket and stamp.

The bill of R. Moorland for services as prosecuting attorney, and the bill brought in by C. B. Stillman, clerk of the district court for fees for sundry parties was laid over until next meeting.

The license of Henry Rolfer to sell spirituous liquors to be allowed when he presents his bond, the clerk then to issue license.

The board then proceeded to levy the following taxes for the year 1866.

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