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The History of Platte County Nebraska

On lands and town lots.

Territorial general fund tax 2 1/2 mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial sinking fund tax 1 1/2 mills on the dollar 'valuation.

Territorial school fund tax, 2 mills on the dollar valuation.

On All Other Property.

Territorial general fund tax, 2 1/2 mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial sinking fund tax, 1 1/2 mills on the dollar valuation.

Territorial school fund tax, 2 mills on the dollar valuation.

County Taxes

Poll tax of one dollar.

Road tax of three dollars on each quarter section of land.

County general fund including support of the poor, three (3) mills on the dollar.

County sinking fund tax, one mill on the dollar valuation.

County building fund, two (2) mills on the dollar valuation.

County school tax, one mill on the dollar valuation.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerC. A. Speice
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman County Coms.


Special meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held September 1st, 1866.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Messrs. Kelly and Hashberger.

Minutes read and approved.

The account of Q. B. Skinner $4.00 for election service, also the report of C. B. Stillman, clerk of district court, showing the amount due certain persons for services at the May term of 1866; A. J. Skinner $4.00 election service; F. B. Skinner election service $4.00; Joseph Skinner, election service $4.00; Horace Hurlburt one days service judge of election $2.00;

C. A. Speice for inspecting West Point and Shell Creek Bridges $12.00, were allowed.

On motion of Mr. Hashberger, orders were to be issued on the county funds.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that an order be issued to L. M. Beebe on the county road fund collected previous to July 1st, 1866, for $200.00 also one for $350, on the county road tax levied for 1866.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, O. T. B. Williams, Esq., was appointed school examiner for Platte County for two years.

On motion, resolved that an election be held in Platte county on Tuesday, the ninth day of October, A.D. 1866, for the following officers to wit.

One delegate in congress.

One councilman for the district composed of the counties of Platte, Hall, Merrick, Buffalo, Kearney and Lincoln.

One representative for the counties of Platte, Merrick, Hall, and Buffalo.

One representative for Platte county.

One commissioner for district No.

One commissioner for district No. 2.

One precinct assessor and one road supervisor for each precinct.

On motion, Board adjourned until seven o'clock P.M. C. A. Speice, Chairman

Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held October 1st 1866.

Mr. Speice in the chair. Present, Mr. Kelly.

Minutes read, amended and approved.

The bill of John Kelly for services as Co. Commissioner up to date and including this meeting was allowed $33.20. The bill of C. A. Speice for $19.00 for services to date as Co. Commissioner, including this meeting was allowed.

The bill of H. J. Hudson for costs in the case of the Ter. vs. Geo. W. and Nick Bennett was allowed.

The bill of Kummer and Galley for $3.25. L. M. Beebe Becker and Wolfel $19.69 for provisions furnished Mrs. Crawford, a pauper family, were allowed.

The bills presented by H. J. Hudson, J. P., for fees to various parties in the case of the Territory vs. Joseph McCarty, was allowed.

V. Kummer Co. treasurer presented his report showing the condition of the various funds showing of county fund.

County building fund in treasury
County sinking fund in treasury

On motion of Mr. Kelly, it was ordered that an order be drawn on the county road fund in favor of L. M. Beebe for $450.00 in full payment of bridge contract.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, C. A. Speice was authorized to employ some person to secure the West Point bridges against fire.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved, that after settling with the Co. treasurer, and finding a balance due him of $235.14, and he having paid cash out of the general fund into the county building fund that there be issued to him on the county sinking fund an order for $235.14.

On motion, the board adjourned.

C. A. Speice
SpacerChairman Co. Com.


Special Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Platte County held November 17th i866.

Annals of County Organization

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present Comms. Becher and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved.

The report of C. A. Speice, who was appointed a committee to employ some person to secure the West point bridges against fire, who reported that he had employed James S. Gilmore to perform said service for $25.00, and recommending that an order be drawn for that amount. Report accepted.

The bill of M. Cummings for $2.00, E. W. Toncray $4.10, Horace Hurlburt $2.00, J. N. Taylor $2.00, J. H. Galley $2.00, W. T. Strother $2.00, Jesse B. Kelly $2.00, Henry Platts $2.00, Joseph Gerrard $2.00, John Kelly $2.00 for election services.

The bill of Peter Welch for 3 days service as Baliff $4.50, and the bill of John Rickly for provisions furnished for poor $8.30 were allowed to be paid by order on the general funds.

The bill of C. B. Stiliman for stationery and printing was allowed to be paid out of the county sinking fund $15.00.

On motion of Mr. Toncray. Resolved, that the salary of prosecuting attorney shall be $75.00 per annum.

The bill of John Rickly and J. N. Taylor was laid over.

The bonds of O. T. B. Williams, prosecuting attorney; C. A. Speice, precinct assessor; James A. Stoddard, justice of the peace; Jacob Turman, road supervisor; Isaac Albertson, precinct assessor were approved, also Wm. T. Strothers, precinct assessor.

On motion, board adjourned to the 30th day of November A.D. 1866.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held Nov. 30th 1866.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present Mr. Becher and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved.

The bonds of E. W. Arnold, assessor, Butler precinct; R. W. Corson, justice of the peace; and Wm. Davis, supervisor were approved.

The tax list for the year 1866 was presented by the county clerk, and on motion of F. G. Becher it was signed and ordered to he delivered to the county treasurer.

On motion, the board adjourned until next regular day.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Term of the Court of Co. Commissioners held January 7th 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present Messrs. Becher and Toncray. Minutes read and approved.

The accounts of M. Weaver $4.00 for election service; John Rickly for election service and settling as Tp. treasurer $5.00; M. Smith, election service $6.00; C. H. Whaley for boarding prisoners $4.50; J. Browner, sheriff fees Dist. Court $13.10; C. Clough $2.00 election service; Jesse Kelly $2.00 election service; Geo. Walters, election service $2.00; G. W. Stevens $4.00 election service; F. B. Skinner, election service and mileage $4.00; the account of H. J. Hudson for fees in certain cases $38.65.

Co. orders to be issued for the above amt.

The petition of certain citizens for the location of a road to Shell Creek was laid over until next meeting. The report of Jesse B. Kelly, supervisor of Monroe road district was received, showing a balance due the district of $4.25.

The bill of O. T. B. Williams for fees in criminal cases $8.87 and $3.25 was allowed.

County order to be issued to C. A. Speice for $25.00 for money paid in burning around West Point bridges.

The county clerk was instructed to notify J. M. B. Vandevert to present his settlement at the next meeting.

On motion of Mr. Becher, Joseph Gardner was appointed justice of the peace for Butler precinct.

On motion, Mr. Becher, Augustus Miller was appointed justice of the peace for Columbus precinct.

On motion, F. M. Ives was appointed constable for Columbus precinct.

On motion of Mr. Becker, the co. clerk was instructed to order of the territorial auditor, the abstract of lands entered at the land office for the year 1866, and 1000 assessment blanks.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, the clerk was ordered to notify the precinct assessors to meet at the Co. clerk's office on the 2d day of February next.

On motion, T. B. Skinner was appointed precinct assessor for Centre precinct.

On motion of Mr. Becher, it was resolved that a county attorney be employed for Platte county at the next meeting.

On motion, the board of F. M. Ives, constable for Columbus precinct was approved, also that of Augustus Miller, J. P. -

On motion, the Board adjourned until 2nd day of February 1867.

John Kelly   


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held February 2nd 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Mr. Becher.

Minutes read and approved.

On motion of Mr. Becher, C. A. Speice, Esq., be and hereby is, appointed county attorney for the term of one year at a compensation of seventy-five dollars a year, and that he be required to take an oath previous to entering upon the duties of his office similar to the other county officers.

J. M. B. Vandevert, supervisor of Buchanan road

The History of Platte County Nebraska

district, presented his annual settlement showing a balance due the district of $76.59, which was accepted.

The account of H. J. Hudson for fees in the case of Olive A. Stevens and P. E. Rice, was allowed.

The bill of I. N. Taylor $4.00 was rejected.

The bill of O. T. B. Williams for $20.00 for printing, was allowed.

The bill of C. B. Stillman $50.00 was allowed for salary as Co. Clerk from June 1st 1866 to Jan. 1st 1867. The bill of O. T. B. Williams for fees as Pros. Atty. $18.75 was allowed in full to date. The bill of C. B. Stillman for $4.87 for books, etc., furnished justice of the peace was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Becher, resolved that Co. orders be issued for the above amount.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the Co. clerk was ordered to procure stamps and affix them to all county orders.

The petition for the location of a road to Shell Creek was indefinitely postponed.

The bonds of Quartus B. Skinner, precinct assessor, and Joseph Gardner, justice of the peace, were approved.

On motion, the Co. clerk was instructed to ascertain at what rate he can get five ballot boxes made for the use of the county and report at next meeting.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held April 1st 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Messrs. Becher and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved with the exception of the resolution of Mr. Becher instructing the clerk to affix stamps to all county orders, which were ordered to be exchanged.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the clerk was ordered to write to the agent of the U. P. R. R. Co. requesting them to list the road bed, water tanks, station houses, etc., and also write to the state auditor as to what action should be taken in relation to the Western Union Telegraph Co.

The county clerk made a report on the subject of ballot boxes, and asked for further time, which was granted.

On motion of Mr. Becher, resolved that the resolution passed November 17, 1866 granting a salary of $75.00 per year to the prosecuting attorney be and is hereby repealed.

The bill of F. G. Becher for $15.00 for services as commissioner to date, and including this meeting was allowed. Also a bill for $2.00 for cash paid for telegraphing on county business. The bill of E. W. Arnold for assessing Butler precinct was laid over. The bill of

Joseph Gerrard for assessing Monroe precinct in 1866 was allowed for $8.00 at the rate of $2.00 per day.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved that Co. orders be issued for the above amounts.

The report of Wm. Draper, supervisor of Columbus road district, was allowed showing a balance due him of $20.00, which was ordered to be paid out of the road fund of Columbus District.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, resolved that the county clerk be instructed to give notice of an election to be held on the 22nd day of April A.D. 1867 for the purpose of voting for or against the commissioners making a loan of sixteen-thousand dollars for the purpose of building a court house and jail. Voters in favor of the loan will vote For the Loan, those opposed, Against the Loan.

The petition of Michael Maher and others asking that Sec. 24, Town 18, R2 west be attached to Columbus precinct was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, Richard Slewk was appointed supervisor of Monroe road district.

On motion, the Board adjourned to the third Monday in April next.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held April 15th 1867.

Board met. Mr. Kelly in the chair.

Present, Messrs. Becher and Toncray.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the Board adjourned to the 17th day of April next.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Meeting of the Board of Equalization of Platte County began and held April 15th, 16th and 17th A.D. 1867.

First day April 15th

County commissioners met as Board of Equalization as provided by law and organized Board of Equalization. Present, Cmrs. Kelly, Becher and Toncray.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, it was ordered that the wood assessed as merchandise to D. Anderson, George Lawrence and Levi Eby be stricken off the assessment roll of Centre precinct.

No further business appearing, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning.

Second day April 16th

Board of Equalization met pursuant to adjournment. Present Comrs. Kelly, Becher and Toncray.

On motion of Mr. Becher, it was ordered that all the lands lying in Township 16, N, Ranges 1, 2, and 3 West of sixth principal meridian which are islands in the Platte river be stricken off the assessment roll of Butler precinct, said lands belonging to Polk county according to an act of the legislative assembly approved Jan. 10th 1862, and assessed in Platte county by mistake.
Annals of County Organization

on motion of Coms. Becher, it was ordered that all lands being in Township 16, Ranges 1, 2 and 3 West 0f the sixth principal meridian which were assessed in Columbus precinct, shall be stricken off the roll of said precint (sic) and added to the roll of Butler precinct where they lawfully belong, also that island No. 4, Sec. 9, Town. 16, R1W be omitted from the roll of Columbus precinct as it has been assessed in two different precincts.

On motion of Corns. Becher, it was ordered that the county clerk shall, in making out the tax list, where in the total amount odd cents occur, omit them if less than fifty, and if fifty or more, count them as a dollar, and correct the assessment rolls accordingly, also, that the county clerk shall in making out the tax list for this year when a fraction occurrs (sic) in the number of acres exceeding 50/100, calculate the same as one full acre, and whenever said fraction is less, omit it altogether.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, it was ordered that the value of the prairie land in Sec. 35, T17, R2W assessed to Patrick Murray and J. H. Needham be changed from $6.00 to $3.00 per acre as other prairie lands are assessed.

Third day April 17th

Board met. Present. Comrs. Kelly, Becher and Toncray.

John Rickly appeared before the Board and made complaint under oath in regard to lands assessed in Town 16, R1E.

Board finally agreed and made following changes to wit.

Lot 1, Sec. , T 16, R1E reduced to $4.00 per acre. Lot 6, Sec. 2, T 16, R1E reduced to $1.00 per acre.

And increased on Lot 4, and S 1/2 of Lot , Sec. 2, Ti6, R1,E, (sic) and assess same at $10.00 per acre and change on W. part of Lot 8, Sec. 1, T 16, R1 E, from assessed value of $500.00 to $684.00, also reduced N 1/2 Lot 5, Sec. 2, T 16, R1,E, from $25.00 to $20.00 per acre.
Mr. J. Rickly and Com. Becher also complained under oath in regard to assessment of Lots in the town of Columbus.

Board agrees on the following changes.

E 44 ft., Lot 1, Blk. 182 be assessed at $1,000.00
Lot 1 and 2, B 183 be assessed at $2,000.00.
Lots 5, 6, and 8, B 166 and 167 be assessed at $150.00 each
Lot 4, Block 182 be assessed at $150.00
W 22 ft., Lot 1, Blk. 182 be deducted $100.00 from present assessment.
E 22 ft., Lot 3, Blk 182 be deducted $100.00
Lots & 8 BIk. 96 be assessed at $75.00
Lots 6 & BIk. 96 be assessed at $70.00
Lots 5, 6 & 7 Blk. 86 be assessed at $100.00
Lots 8 BIk. 86 be assessed at $125.00
Lots 8 Blk. 87 be assessed at $125.00
Lots 5, 6, & 7 Blk. 87 be assessed at $100.00
Lots I & 4, Blk. 117 be assessed at $125.00.
Lots 2 & 3, Blk. 117 be assessed at $100.00
Lots 1 & 4, Blk. 118 be assessed at $125.00.
Lots 2 & 3, Blk. 118 be assessed at $100.00.
Lots 1 & 4, BIk. 119 be assessed at $125.00.
Lots 2 & 3, BIk. 119 be assessed at $100.00.
Lots 5 & 6, Blk. 55 be assessed at $15.00.

the two last lots not being church property are therefore taxable.

Lots 5, 6, 7, & 8 Blks. 56, 57, 58 and 59 to be assessed at $40.00. Block 60 to be assessed at $40.00
Lot 4 Blk. 178 to be assessed at $100.00
Lot 1, 3, & 4. Blk 180 to be assessed at $100.00
E 33 ft., Lot 2, Blk 180 to be assessed at $50.00
Lot I, 3, & 4. Blk. 180 to be assessed at $100.00

Quartus B. Skinner appeared before the board and made complaint under oath that his land in Lots 2 & 3, Sec. 34, T 17, R 2 E. was washed away principally by flood in Platte river, and on motion of Mr. Toncray, said lands were assessed at fifty cents per acre.

On motion of Mr. Toncray, Mr. M. Keller's name and assessment were stricken off entirely from Buchanan precinct he being assessed for the same property in Butler precinct caused by his removing during the time the assessment was made from Buchanan to Butler precinct.

John Miller appeared before the Board and made complaint under oath that he was assessed on the same property twice in lands and money, and the Board being satisfied of the correctness of his representations on motion of Com. Becher $1000.00 was stricken off his assessment.

On motion the Board adjourned.

C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk.


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held April 17th 1867.

Pursuant to adjournment the Board of County Commissioners met on the 17th day of April A. D. 1867.

Coms. Kelly in the chair. Present. Comrs. Becher and Toncray.

Minutes read and approved.

The county clerk's committee on ballot boxes continued.

The bill of John Browner for $25.00 for Sheriff's fees; N. Toncray for services as Co. commissioner $32.00; and for election services $2.00; C. B. Stillman, Co. clerk, for making tax list $147.00; John Kelly $32.40 for services as Co. commissioner to date; V. Kummer $39.50 for printing tax receipts etc.; Bill of Q. B. Skinner for $24.00 for assessing Centre precinct allowed less $8.00 overpaid last year, making $16.00 for services as judge of election, Oct. 1866 $2.00; bill of Isaac Albertson, assessor of Buchanan precinct, allowed less $6.50 overpaid last year making $26.50; bill of E. W. Arnold, $15.00, for assessing Butler precinct 1867 allowed; bill of C. A. Speice for $81.00 for assessing Columbus precinct 1867 allowed.

On motion of Mr. Toncray ordered that warrants be drawn for the above accounts.

The bond of R. S. Cook, supervisor of Monroe road district was approved and clerk ordered to put on stamp.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

The petition of Morris Keller and other was laid over until next meeting.

Charles Bremer personally appeared and requested to be released as surety for F. M. Ives, which request was granted, the clerk to notify Mr. Ives to procure new security on his office will be declared vacant.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

   C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held May 2nd 1867.

Board met.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present. Com. Becher.

The petition of Morris Keller and others was laid over until next meeting.

The county clerk reported that he had as yet been unable to obtain any propositions from carpenters in regard to making ballot boxes.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the county clerk was ordered to procure five ballot boxes for the several precincts, the cost of each box not to exceed $5.00. Said boxes to be made of walnut.

The Platte county court house bill which had been received by the clerk from the Secretary of State was read, and the secretary's bill of $3.00 for certified copy was allowed and ordered to be paid by county order.

The resignation of Nelson Toncray, county commissioner was received and accepted. On motion of Mr. Becher, the clerk was ordered to give notice of the reception of proposals for the building of a bridge across the slough on the Shell Creek road. Said proposals to be handed in before the first day of June next.

On motion of Mr. Becher, it was ordered that an election be held on the 25th day of May next, for the election of one county commissioner. C. A. Speice was appointed a committee to prepare specifications for the bridges to be put in on the Shell Creek road.

The bill of C. A. Speice for one quarter's salary as county attorney $18.75 was allowed.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

John Kelly,   


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held June 1st, 1867.

Board met.

Mr. Kelly in the chair.

Present, Com. Becher.

Minutes read, amended and approved.

The petition of Morris Keller and others laid over until next regular meeting.

The report of C. A. Speice on Shell Creek bridge was read and accepted and he was discharged as such committee.

The bill of Sam'l. S. Cook, election service, allowed $3.40; bill of C. A. Speice for examining Shell Creek and preparing drawings and specifications $10.00;

James McAllister, township treasurer, $1.00; Wm. T. Strother $18.00 assessing Monroe precinct; S. D. Rich $4.00, election service.

On motion of Mr. Becher, county orders to be issued for the above amounts.

The Co. clerk presented 49 wolf scalps which were examined and allowed to be thrown away.

The bid of C. A. Speice for $225.00 for building a bridge across the slough north of Columbus, being the lowest bid was accepted, and he was requested to be ready to enter into bond at the next meeting.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the resolution to lay over the petition of Morris Keller and others was reconsidered and the matter taken up and it was ordered: That all of Township 16 N of Range One West which is lying between the Loup Fork and Platte river be attached to Columbus precinct.

Wm. Draper, supervisor of Columbus road district, made a report stating that he had entered into contract with Guy C. Barnum to put up the bridge on Mill Creek which was taken away by the late floods for $150.00 and that said work was completed and recommended that the amount be paid.

On motion of Mr. Becher, ordered that a warrant be drawn on the District road fund for $150.00 for that purpose.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the chairman was instructed to appoint a committee to prepare contract and bond with C. A. Speice in erecting bridge over the Big Slough and approve the same.

Chairman appointed F. G. Becher said committee.

On motion, resolved that Com. Becher be appointed a committee to have specifications drawn, and a plan for a Court House 40 X 50 feet, and the county attorney to prepare the form for county bonds for the building of a court house.

Adjourned for two weeks.

    C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk


Adjourned Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held June 15th, 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair.

Present, Comrs. Becher and Davis.

Minutes read and approved.

Com. Becher presented report in regard to preparing bond for C. A. Speice in constructing a bridge across the slough on the Columbus and Shell Creek Road reported that he had entered into bond in behalf of the county with Mr. Speice and approved the surities, and also that he had examined the bridge and recommended that it be accepted and the contractor paid by order on the road fund of Columbus district.

On motion of Coms. Davis, the report of Mr. Becher was accepted and adopted and the clerk ordered to draw an order on the road fund of Columbus district for $225.00 in payment for the erection of said bridge.

Mr. Becher, of the committee, appointed to have

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