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Annals of County Organization

specifications for building Court House, and drawing form for County Bonds, reported progress, and asked further time to make his report, which was granted.

The bills of R. W. Corson election service $4.00 and P. McKenner $2.00 for election service was allowed and warrants to be issued on the treasury.

On motion of Mr. Becher, resolved that the Court House for Platte County is hereby located upon Columbia Square in the Town of Columbus on condition that the town of Columbus shall make to the County of Platte a good and sufficient deed for said square.

On motion, resolved that a plat of Columbia Square be prepared by F. G. Becher, and one by John Rickly with the assistance of the county surveyor, and present them at the next regular meeting.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

    C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held July 1st 1867.

Board met. Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Mr. Davis.

Minutes read and approved.

The plan for constructing a court house and for county bonds was submitted and on motion of Mr. Davis the consideration of said matter was postponed until a special meeting to be held on next Monday.

The petition of W. S. Abbott and others was laid over until the next meeting.

The bill of Isaac Fosgate, election service $4.00 and of Horace Hurlburt $2.00, election service, were allowed and orders to be drawn on the Treasury.

J. W. Witchey, supervisor of Butler road district, presented his settlement showing the amount due him of $15.00 which was allowed to be paid by order on the road fund of Butler district. The Board, then, on motion of Mr. Davis proceeded to levy the following taxes for the year 1867.

Territorial General Fund, two and a half (2 1/2) mills on the dollar.
Territorial Sinking Fund, two (2) mills on the dollar.
Territorial School Fund, two (2) mills on the dollar.
County General Fund, four mills on the dollar.
County Sinking Fund, one mill on the dollar.
County School Fund, one mill on the dollar.
County Building Fund, three () mills on the dollar.
Poll Tax, one dollar.
Land Road Tax, five (5) dollars on one hundred and sixty acres.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

    C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Platte County held in Columbus on the 8th day of July A.D. 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Messrs. Becher and Davis.

The petition of certain citizens of Butler precinct in regard to a change in the boundaries of said precinct was postponed until the next regular meeting.

The bill of John Rickly for $20.00 for articles. furnished the poor on the order of H. J. Hudson, J. P., was received and an order to be drawn in his farm for $15.00, the last item of $5.00 having been furnished since the date of Esq. Hudson's report, to be acted upon at the October meeting.

The bill of John Rickly for $5.00 for cash paid for copy of a law passed at the last session of the legislature of Nebraska relative to Columbia Square was allowed.

The Bill of O. T. B. Williams was laid over until the next regular meeting.

Esq. Hudson reported to the Board the case of John W. Taylor which had come under his observation as Overseer of the Poor, and upon his recommendation, the sum of $40.00 was appropriated to the overseer of of the poor to enable him to send him to Omaha for medical advice.

On motion of Mr. Becher, it was ordered that the clerk procure the necessary books for the issuing of county bonds for the building of a court house and jail.

On motion of Mr. Davis, the draft of the court house was enlarged so as to be 43 feet by 52 feet. The walls: to be twenty inches in thickness up to the second story, from there up, to be sixteen inches; stairs to be inside of building, six feet wide; lower story to be ten feet, upper story thirteen feet high.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the form of County bonds: prepared by the county attorney was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Davis, Mr. Speice was appointed to prepare a place and specifications for court house and to receive for his services $50.00.

On motion of Mr. Davis, the Board adjourned.

    C. B. Stillman SpacerJohn Kelly
SpacerCo. Clerk


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held August 15th 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present Mr. Becher.

Minutes read and approved.

The county clerk presented forty-three wolf scalps: which were ordered to be destroyed.

Will B. Dale was released from his security on the bond of Augustus Miller.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the office of constable held by F. M. Ives was declared vacant, his surety having been released, on the 15th of April, and he having been notified to furnish additional security, and having failed to do so.

Augustus Miller's bond as justice of the peace was approved as it now stands with V. Kummer and Michael Weaver as surities.

On motion of Mr. Becher, an election was ordered to be held on the second Tuesday in October next for

The History of Platte County Nebraska

the election of one county commissioner, one probate judge, one sheriff, one coroner, one county clerk, one county surveyor, one county treasurer, and one prosecuting attorney and for each precinct two justices of the peace, and two constables, one assessor, one road supervisor, three judges and two clerks of election.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the county clerk was instructed to write to the secretary of state requesting that an election be called on the second Tuesday of October for electing one representative for Platte county to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of John E. Kelly from the county.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the Co. clerk was ordered to have 200 blank election notices printed.

On motion, the Board adjourned.


Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held September 16th, 1867.

Board met. Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Mr. Kelly and Davis.

Minutes read and approved.

The bill of A. J. Skinner for $2.00, election service; James McAllister, election service and mileage $3.60; Platte Valley journal $.5o for printing. The bill of O. T. B. Williams for $17.25 for services as Pros. Atty. also $25.00 for advertising delinquent tax list. The bills incurred by John W. Taylor amounting in all to $154.25 were allowed to be paid in county orders. The bill of C. A. Speice for $50.00 for preparing specifications for court house, was allowed.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, resolved that warrants be drawn on the treasury for the amount.

The commissioners then proceeded to prepare a list of sixty names from which to draw the requisite number to serve as grand and petit jurors.
The Board then adjourned.


The following resolution was omitted in the proper place in the minutes of the meeting held Sept. 16th 1867.

On motion of Mr. Davis, resolved that the draft and specifications for court house made by C. A. Speice be accepted and an order drawn on the treasury for $50.00 in payment for said work.

    C. B. Stillman
SpacerCo. Clerk


Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Platte County held October 7, 1867.

Mr. Kelly in the chair. Present, Messrs. Becher and Davis. Minutes read and approved after amending.

The petition of certain citizens of Butler precinct was taken up and indefinitely postponed.

The petition of Daniel Hashberger, Henry Rolfer and others for the location of a new road was laid over until next meeting, petitioners not having complied with Sec. 19, 20 and 22 of Road Law.

The county treasurer delivered his annual report of the financial situation of the county, embracing also the whole amount of taxes paid since the organization of the county, and on motion of Mr. Becher, the report was accepted, and the county warrants were destroyed, also the sinking fund warrants, and the treasurer's certificates. John Kelly $35.20, commissioner's service; Joseph Gardner $17.00, for election and registry service; Wm. Davis $25.00, commissioners service; James Jones $2.00 election service; F. G. Becher, commissioner's service $30.00, all of the bills in the report of H. J. Hudson, overseer of the poor; C. B. Stillman salary and Co. clerk $550.00, C. B. Stillman for stationery etc. $12.00.

On motion of Mr. Becher, warrants to be drawn for the above amounts. On motion of Mr. Becher, O. T. B. Williams was allowed $10.00 for ballance (sic) of services as prosecuting attorney.

On motion of Mr. Kelly, the county clerk, have the bonds prepared for the officer's to be elected at the next election. On motion of Mr. Davis, Com. Becher was appointed a committee to have the bridges on the West Point road burned around, or brought away, and also to have the bridge on the Big Slough burned around.

On motion, Board adjourned.

SpacerC. B. Stillman
SpacerCo. Clerk


Special Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held October 19th 1867

Corns. Becher in the chair.

Present. Comrs. Davis, and Smith.

Minutes read and approved.

The account of J. W. Early $1.50 for hauling benches to court room; John Browner, sheriff's fees $7.25; Henry J. Hudson, rent for jury room $2.00; James Jones, cleaning court room $2.00; V. Kummer, rent of court room $10.00; Joseph Gerrard, election service $4.00; C. A. Speice for preparing bonds $20.00; D. Hashberger, election service $4.00; D. Hashberger, election service $4.00; A. Miller, witness fees Dist. Court and mileage $1.60; Daniel Hashberger $2.00; election service, R. S. Cook, election service $3.40; D. Hashberger, commissioner's service $15.40. John Browner, sheriff's fees $60.80.

On motion of Mr. Davis, county warrants to be issued for the above amounts. Bill of Wm. Draper $1.50 for hauling benches from court room.

The bonds of E. W. Toncray, probate judge; V. Kummer county treasurer; S. S. Cook, constable; E. A. Gerrard precinct assessor; Chas. A. Speice, precinct assessor; James H. Galley, coroner; Henry J. Hudson, justice of the peace; C. D. Clother, sheriff; Augustus Miller, justice of the peace; Jacob Guter, road supervisor; W. T. Galloway, constable; Robt. W. Corson, justice of the peace; James McAllister, justice of the peace were approved.

The bills of John Hunter $4.00 and James Jones $6.00 for services as bailiffs allowed.

The bond of William Davis, supervisor of Buchanan precinct, was approved.

On motion, the thanks of the Board were presented

Annals of County Organization

Mr. Kelly for the faithful manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office of commissioner.

On motion, the board adjourned.

Attest. SpacerF. G. Becher,
SpacerHy. J. HudsonSpacerChairman
SpacerCounty Clerk


Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held Nov. 30th 1867.

Co. Becher in the chair. Present, commissioner S. C. Smith.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

On motion of Mr. Becher, the probate judge be allowed 40 dollars per annum and the clerk instructed to issue an order in proportion to said amount.

On motion of S. C. Smith, the bill of Augustus Miller for costs, State vs. P. Murray referred to the county attorney

On motion, the petition of D. Hashberger and others indefinitely postponed.

On motion the clerk was instructed to correspond with the Sec. of State upon the subject of railroad connections.

On motion the petitions of Butler precinct were rejected.

The report of supervisor for the Columbus precinct laid over till next meeting to be completed.

On motion, John Gellispe (sic) for school land road $3.70 C. B. Stillman for stationery for use of district court $10.55; I. N. Taylor fees in district court as district-clerk $43.45. F. G. Becher, election judge $2.00, J. B. Kelly $6.00 for election clerk; F. A. Hoffmin (sic) $24.00 as register; S. C. Smith $20.00 as register; Jos. McAllister, judge of election $2.00; J. J. Pollock, clerk of election $2.00.

The bills of the grand and petit jurors were allowed. Orders for the above bills were allowed and ordered orders drawn. On motion A. J. Arnold was allowed $20.00 for burning around bridges on the road to West Point.
On motion, I. N. Taylor was appointed as school examiner for the term of 2 years.

On motion, the clerk was instructed to give the clothes of John Taylor to John Barrow.

On motion J. C. Smith and J. P. Becker be a committee to examine plan of court house and make any necessary alterations and report at the next meeting of the board.

The tax list for 1867 was presented by the county clerk and upon motion of Com. Becher, it was signed and ordered to be delivered to the county treasurer.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerHy. j. Hudson, Clerk SpacerFrancis G. Becher,


Regular meeting of the board of commissioners held Jany. 6th, 1868.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Clerk called the roll; present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Report of supervisor for Columbus precinct accepted and order drawn for amount due the supervisor on the road fund of Columbus precinct $54.62.

Petition for county road from a point on the Genoa road to Shell Creek laid over for bond.

Report of county attorney on bill of costs of justice Miller, State v. Murray acted on. Report accepted, and bill rejected. Communication of O. T. B. Williams against A. Miller for extortion land over complaint of John Rickly against Augustus Miller having been convicted of perjury in the state of Ohio. A. Miller was ordered to appear before the commissioners on the 3rd day of February at 2 o'clock P.M. An order for $ 11..23 out of the general fund be allowed John Browner for surplus overpaid in tax for 1866 caused by error in assessment roll.

Motion to adjourn till 9 o'clock A.M. tomorrow.

January 7th 1868 10 o'clock A.M.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called, present, F. G. Becher and S. C. Smith, clerk H. J. Hudson.

Minutes of yesterday proceedings were read.

Com. Becher called up the petition for a county road to Shell Creek from the Genoa road Petition, accepted. Bond filed and John Haney appointed commissioner to locate and survey said road.

Motion of Mr. Becher that the action of the board in the case of Augustus Miller be reconsidered and that Augustus Miller be cited to appear before the commissioners to answer the complaint of John Rickly, appearance ordered at 2 o'clock P.M. on Saturday the 11th day of January 1868. Bill of John Browner, Sheriff for rent $15.00 for a pauper allowed on report of Overseer for quarter ending Dec. 31st '67. Bill of H. J. Hudson for services as clerk of the board, quarter ending Dec. 31st '67 $25.00; Expressage and stationery $8.50; bill of John Kelly for services as judge of election $6.00; order in favor of A. Miller $4.40 by error in allowance of witness fees in Dist. court.

Motion that the road supervisor of Columbus precinct be authorised to procure one stringer to repair bridge across Shell Creek and that the same be paid out of the road fund belonging to the Columbus precinct.

17 wolf scalps were presented and ordered to he destroyed.

After a lengthy discussion of the court house, on motion of Mr. Becher that the county attorney prepare specifications and notice for bids and proposals to build the court house and that the clerk advertise the same in the Herald and report published at Omaha.

The clerk was instructed to procure from the state auditor the list of lands entered in Platte county during the year 1867 and if possible to obtain a complete list of all the lands entered in the county of Platte since its organization.

The clerk was authorised to notify and request the

The History of Platte County Nebraska

attendance of the assessors at the next meeting of the board.

Motion to adjourn till Saturday the 11th inst. at 10 o'clock A.M.

SpacerHenry J. Hudson. SpacerFrancis G. Becher
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on Saturday, the 11th day of January,

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present. F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Hudson clerk.

Minutes were amended and approved.

Petitions of citizens of the West 1/2 of township 16 and 17 Range 1 West lying between the north bank of the Platte river and the south bank of the Loup Fork be taken off the Columbus precinct and attached to Butler precinct. Resolution that all the above described townships be hereby and hereafter attached to Butler precinct for all purposes and that the polls be held at the house of Michael Smith. Report of the county attorney on the legality of the vote cast for or against the loan, as provided in Sec. 6 of an act to authorize the county Com. of Platte county to build a court house and jail was read.

Motion by F. G. Becher that the report of the attorney be accepted and placed on file. Motion the following appointments were made assessors, Butler precinct C. N. Abbit; Centre Dav. Anderson; Buchanan, Isaac Albertson.

Supervisors Butler precinct, M. Smith; Monroe, R. S. Cook; Centre, D. Vanhuson; Justices of the peace, Butler precinct, Joseph Gardner and D. C. Stewart; Monroe, Joseph Gerrard. Constables, Butler precinct of J. O. Blodgget (sic) and J. W. Davis; Centre, Levi Eby; Buchanan, James Hashberger.

The Com. issued instructions to the assessors with reference to personal property and real estate.

The clerk was ordered to furnish blanks and a list of lands entered in each precinct together with a copy of the rates of assessment to each assessor.

The case of A. Miller was called up when the parties being present. L. Gerrard on behalf of the defendant, said attorney claimed a special appearance only and asked for a dismissal of the complaint on insufficiency of complaint and summons as required by the statutes.

On motion of Com. Becher the case was dismissed at the cost of the Plaintiff.

A. Miller by his attorney, tendered his resignation as justice of the peace to take effect on the 1st day of Feb. 1868.

Moved that the resignation of A. Miller be accepted.

On motion, the supervisor of Columbus precinct be ordered to call out the necessary labor to repair the bridge on Mill Creek forthwith.

On motion, the clerk was ordered to advertise proposals for building the court house, said proposals to be received until the 22nd day of February 1868.

On motion to adjourn till the 1st Monday in February.

SpacerHy. J. Hudson SpacerF. G. Beebe
SpacerCounty Clerk SpacerChairman


At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on the 24th day of Feb. 1868

Commissioner Becher in the Chair.

Present, Com. Davis and S. C. Smith and Hudson, clerk. Roll called.

Minutes read and amended and approved.

Communication from C. A. Speice announcing the expiration of his term of appointment as county attorney and soliciting a re-appointment was ordered to be filed.

The following bills were allowed. A. J. Skinner, clerk of election $2.00; Hudson, expressage on books $7.00; C. B. Stillman, stationery $6.15; F. G. Becher, one log $5.00; J. A. Stoddard, judge of election $4.00; C. A. Speice, services as attorney to Feb 2nd. 1868 $56.25; Hudson, tax list for 1867 $81.00

Motion of F. G. Becher, warrants to be drawn on general fund except $5.00 for log to be drawn on Columbus precinct wood fund.

Report of commissioner Haney for locating and survey of road from Columbus to north line of Platte county by way of Shell Creek.

Motion, of S. C. Smith that the report be accepted and bill of survey or for $20.00 be allowed out of the general road fund.

Motion of Wm. Davis that John Haney be allowed $15.00 for service as road commissioner to be drawn on the general road fund.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the time for receiving bid for building court house be extended till the 4th day of April. Motion that the opinion of counsel be obtained on the legality of deeding portions of the Columbia square.

Motion to adjourn till 9 o'clock tomorrow, at 9 o'clock A.M. of the 25th Feb. pursuant to adjournment the board met.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called.

Present, S. C. Smith, Wm. Davis and Hudson, clerk.

The reading of yesterday's minutes were postponed for approval.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the questions as drafted by the clerk with reference to the legality of the vote taken empowering the commissioners to build a court house and with reference to their right to convey lots to individuals to build upon the public square and that said questions be submitted to E. Estabrook for his legal opinion upon the same.

Motion of Wm. Davis that an appropriation not exceeding 40 dollars be made for said legal opinion.

The clerk was instructed to insert in the specifications for building the court house the time when said court

Annals of County Organization

house should be completed and that 1st day of Jany. 1869 be the limitation.

Motion of S. C. Smith that Augustus Miller, late J. P., be ordered to deliver his docket and all papers pertaining to his late office forthwith to H. J. Hudson acting justice of Columbus precinct.

SpacerF. G. Becher,
Adjourned: SpacerChairman
SpacerAttest. H. J. Hudson
SpacerCounty Clerk


At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held March 5th 1868.

Commissioner Becher in the chair.

Roll called: Present S. C. Smith and Wm. Davis, Hudson clerk.

Minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.

Motion of S. C. Smith, communication of E. Estabrook requiring $100.00 for legal opinion submitted, was placed on file.

Motion of Wm. Davis', application of C. A. Speice for re-appointment as county attorney placed in file. Motion of S. C. Smith, petition of H. J. Hudson asking for increase of salary to $300. laid over till next meeting for consideration.

Motion of Wm. Davis, E. A. Gerrard, I. N. Taylor and J. P. Maple be appointed appraisers for school lands in the county of Platte.

The clerk was instructed to obtain abstracts of all entries of lands both homestead and pre-emption, up to the 1st day of March 1868. The assessors were instructed "all improvements on farms in excess of $1,000. to be assessed in accordance with your duties as provided by law."

Motion of S. C. Smith that the questions submitted to E.. Estabrook be amended and his legal opinion be obtained upon the same and that he be allowed $100 dollars as set forth in his communication.
The commissioners then proceeded to select sixty names to be sent to the district clerk for drawing jurors therefrom for the next term of the district court to be held on the 2nd Monday in April 1868.

Board adjourned.

Attest: SpacerFrancis G. Becher
SpacerHy. J. Hudson SpacerChairman
SpacerCounty Clerk


At a regular meeting of the Board of Com., held on the 6th day of April 1868.

Com: F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called.

Present, F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis S. C. Smith and J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The question of increasing the salary of the clerk was brought up and upon motion of S. C. Smith that the clerk receive the amount of 100 dollars per annum salary for services as clerk of the Board, and that ° addition, he be allowed all fees as fixed by the statutes for his services. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Davis, the clerk was instructed to make requisition upon the Sec. of State for 20 copies of the revised statutes communication from Joseph Gardner, overseer of the poor for Butler precinct was read and the clerk instructed to prepare bond for the maintenance of Ann Lermett compensation at $2.50 per week.

Communication of State Auditor to assess the property of the U. P. R. R. in Platte county read.

Motion of F. G. Becher, the clerk was ordered to make the assessment, and that he be allowed the same pay as the assessors for similar services.

Resignation of W. T. Galloway, constable, was presented and accepted.

Communication of E. Estabrook was read and on motion was accepted and filed. Petition from citizens of Centre precinct asking to be attached to No. 1 district. Motion of S. C. Smith laid over till next meeting.

Petition of citizens from Monroe precinct asking the relocation of a county road commencing at Monroe was placed on file.

Bills of Isaac Albertson for services as precinct assessor for Buchanan precinct $21.00 and of David Anderson for Centre precinct $24.00 and of Chs. A. Speice for Columbus precinct $93.00, audited and allowed.

P. Graves judge of election $2.00; John Gillispie, auditor of registration records $9.50.

Bills of J. H. Galley, coroner for services $12.55 allowed; C. B. Stillman, surgical examination $10.00; Jurors on inquest of child of Josephine Wilson $19.80; constables fees $1.80; Bill of Mills & Co. for records and stationery amounting to $110.50 allowed.

Motion of F. G. Becher the clerk was instructed to invite proposals and plans to build a bridge across the Shell Creek on the road located from Columbus to Elk Horn, not to exceed $500.00 in construction said bids to be received till 1st day of June 1868.

Clerk was instructed to obtain a diagram of the military road as located by the U. S. in Platte County.

Motion of S. C. Smith, C. A. Gerrard was appointed to view the road to be relocated in Monroe precinct to Genoa, and that said location be without cost to the county.

Motion of Wm. Davis that proposals and plans for building a bridge across the slough on the Military road near the house of Mr. Alex Albertson said bridge not to exceed $200.00 and bids to be received till the 1st day of June 1868.

Commissioner Becher counted 42 wolf scalps and ordered them destroyed.

Motion of Com. Becher that we open the bids for building the court house. Amended by S. C. Smith that the board adjourn till 7 o'clock P.M.

Pursuant to adjournment, the board met when a very spirited discussion on the subject of building the court house was participated in by the Board and by John Rickly, C. H. Whaley, G. C. Barnum and others pertaining to its location on Columbia square. Motion of

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