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130 | The History of Platte County Nebraska |
Mr. Becher to open the bids was seconded by Wm. Davis and carried unanimous.
The bid of John H. Green of Omaha was opened and amount of bid $21737.00. The bid of J. P. Becker of Columbus was opened and amount of bid $18,000.00
Motion of S. C. Smith, the proposal of J. P. Becker be considered and that the bids be issued and offered for sale. Carried.
Motion to adjourn till the 20th day of April 1868.
Board adjourned.
Attest. F. G. Becher
H. J. Hudson Chairman
County Clerk
Meeting of the Board of Equalization of Platte County begun and held April 20th, 21st and 22nd A.D. 1868.
First day April 20th.
Co. Commissioners met as Board of equalization as provided by law and organized board: Present, Com. F. G. Becher and Wm. Davis. Com. Becher made a motion that the No. of cattle and value of same as assessed to him be transferred to John Miller. Mr. Miller appeared and acknowledged said transfer and Co. clerk ordered to make the change.
No further business appearing, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning.
Second day April 21st
Board of equalization met pursuant to adjournment. Present Com. Becher and Davis.
On motion of Com. Becher that the lands assessed to A. J. Arnold described as Lot 1, Sec. 23, T 19, R 2 west, and lots 2, 4, , 6 Sec. 24, T 17, R 2 W to be stricken off Butler precinct and added to Monroe precinct where it belongs.
On motion of Com. Becher that all the Prairie lands in T17, R1W be assessed at the same rate as prairie lands in T 17, R1 east and that the Co. clerk be ordered to make the corrections also that the SE 1/4 of Sec. 12, T 17, R1W belonging to J. P. Becher being omitted the clerk be ordered to add the same to the roll of Columbus precinct.
On motion of Com. Davis, it was ordered that the clerk in making out the tax list where in the total amount odd cents occur omit them of less than fifty cents and if fifty or more, count them as a dollar and correct the assessment roll accordingly. Also that the Co. clerk shall in making out the tax list for the year when a fraction occurs in the number of acres exceeding 50/100 calculate the same as one full acre, and whenever said fraction is less, omit it altogether. Carried.
The Co. treasurer gave notice that Sec. 28, Ti8, N. R4 east is owned entirely by Millard & Caldwell and only one quarter sec. assessed, it was ordered that the balance of said Sec. be added to the roll of Buchanan precinct and at same rate as other lands in said precinct. Carried.
No further business appearing, the Board adjourned until tomorrow morning.
Third day April 22nd.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present, Com. Becher, Davis and Smith.
On motion of Com. Davis that lot 1, Sec 17, T 17, R4 east be assessed at $580.00, and correction made on roll of Buchanan precinct said land being principally timber and not assessed accordingly.
Commissioner then revised the list of town lots in Columbus and agreed upon the following changes and the clerk ordered to make the corrections.
Lots in Blk 37 to Blk 45 assessed at $15.00
Lots in Blk 46 to Blk 54 assessed at $25.00
Lots in Blk 55 to Blk. 62 upper tier $40.00
Lots in Blk 55 to Blk 62 upper tier $60.00
Lots in Blk. 63 to Blk. 70 $30.00 upper tier
Lots in Blk. 63 to Blk. 70 40.00 lower tier
Lots in Blk. 71 to Blk. 79 40.00 upper tier
Lots in Blk. 71 to Blk. 79 lower tiersame preparations where R. R. track cuts the lots.
Block 80 to 272 as corrected on the assessment roll by the commissioners excluding the following which are to be assessed at following rates.
Lot 8 Blk. 115 $ 425.00
Lot 3 x 4 Blk. 143 300.00
Lot 3 x 4 Blk. 147 750.00
Lot 1 x 2 Blk. 148 2,000.00
Lot 8 Blk. 149 750.00
Lot W 1/3 6 Blk. 166 425.00
Lot E 1/3 3 Blk. 182 250.00
Lot 1 x 2 Blk. 183 2,000.00
Lot 3 x 4 Blk. 183 1,200.00
On motion, the house of Wm. Hoolahem be assessed at $250.00.
No other business being before the Board, it adjourned, to hold a special meeting.
H. J. Hudson,
County Clerk
At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held April 22nd 1868.
Chairman called the Board to order.
Present. Com. F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis and S. C. Smith, H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The petition of citizens of Centre precinct asking to be attached to No. 1 district was called up and on motion of S. C. Smith was laid on the table.
Communication of Register of Land office was read, and clerk instructed to write to General Thayer, U.S.A. asking him to obtain from the War Department a diagram of the military survey through Platte County as located by the United States in 1858.
Communication of J. F. Richmond containing proposals to build court house for $32,000 was laid on the table.
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Petition of citizens of Butler precinct asking that Mr. Keller be required to open the county road.
Motion of Co. Davis the road supervisor of Butler precinct be instructed to notify M. Keller to open said road.
The county clerk made oral report that he had assessed the property of the U. P. R. R. in Platte county and returned the same to the State Auditor.
The bill of I. N. Taylor for clerk's fees in District Court $9.00, certified lists of juror's, grand and petit, and witnesses for May term 1868. Allowed, and filed.
The county clerk was instructed to procure 500 blank court house bonds of Mills & Co., Des Moines, Iowa.
The question of location of the court house was called up and after some discussion. Resolved that the court house and jail be and is hereby located in Columbia square in the town of Columbus, and that the town council assume $3700.00 of County Bonds and interest thereon, that the town council give a bond for the same and warrantee deed for one 1/4 of said square and that said 1/4 be located in the centre of said Columbia square and that the Bond and deed be executed and delivered to the county commissioners at their next meeting; F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis and S. C. Smith voting unanimously.
The consideration of the contract for building the court house was postponed till the next meeting of the Board. The contractor, J. P. Becker being absent.
The consideration of appointing an inspector of the building of the court house was also laid over till next meeting.
Motion to adjourn
Attest. F. G. Becher
H. J. Hudson Chairman
County Clerk
At a called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held on the 1st day of June 1868.
F. G. Becher, chairman, called the Board to order.
Roll called: Present, F. G. Becher and Wm. Davis, H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Motion of F. G. Becher that the petition of citizens of Centre precinct asking to be attached to No. 1 District be indefinitely postponed. Motion the proposals of John Green and J. F. Richmond to build the court house and jail be indefinitely postponed.
Motion that the clerk notify the road supervisor of Butler precinct to have the obstructions removed and the road near the home of M. Keller opened to the lawful width and make report of his doings at the next meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
Motion of Wm. Davis that the contract be closed with J. P. Becker for the building of the court house and jail in accordance with his proposal to build said Court house for the sum of $18,000.00, and that J. P. Becker take the court house bonds to the amount of a00000 at 9 on the dollar and negotiate the same, that said bonds be issued and dated on the 1st day of July next, also that an order be drawn on the treasurer for any monies that may be in the treasury belonging to the county building fund, retaining sufficient to meet the interest on bonds, same falling due on Jany. 1st 1869.
Motion that F. G. Becher and the clerk have the contract and the bond of the contractor drawn up.
Resolution presented by the Mayor asking that the location of the court house be changed. Filed.
Motion of F. G. Becher that the location of the court house be changed from the centre to the S. E. 1/4 of said Columbia square. Carried.
The following bills were audited and allowed. Rep: Office for advertising court house $27.00; Sheriff's fees and expenses of court for May term 1868 $71.15; Hudson for services assessing U. P. R. R. $9.00; bills State v H. Gardner $8.65; State v. W. T. Calloway $1.50; State v. Hy. and D. Carrig $29.10; A. T. Lea for attendance and nursing Frank Adamson, pauper, $16.00; bill of N. C. Abbott laid over.
There being no proposals to build bridges as advertised across the Shell Creek on the road from Columbus to Elk Horn and across the slough near the house of Alex Albertson in Buchanan precinct, the commissioners examined two plans submitted by F. M. Darling and J. P. Becker for a bridge across the Shell Creek were placed on file.
Motion the report of. F. G. Becher on examination of bridges on the road from Columbus to West Point be accepted.
Motion the clerk was ordered to extend the time for proposal to build bridge in Buchanan precinct.
The report of the appraisers of the school lands was laid over.
Motion to adjourn.
Attest. F. G. Becher
Hy. J. Hudson Chairman
At a regular Meeting of the County Commissioners held in the office of the county clerk on the 6th day of July 1868.
F. G. Becher in the chair.
The chairman called the meeting to order.
Roll called, F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis, S. C. Smith, present, and H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting were read amended and approved.
Communication of Gen. J. M. Thayer furnishing diagram of Military road as laid out by the U. S. in 1857.
Motion of Mr. Becher ordered filed.
Communication of E. Estabrook placed on file. Communication of auditor of state containing the amount of tax assessed for state purposes for 1868 placed on file.
Motion of Wm. Davis that the chairman of the Board be authorized to execute all leases for school lands upon the compliance with the law.
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Communication of I. N. Taylor to build a bridge across Shell Creek was placed on file.
Petition of citizens asking for the appointment of Augustus Miller as justice of the peace. "No action taken."
Petition of a large number of the citizens asking that a free bridge be established across the Loup Fork and an election held on the question immediately.
Motion of F. G. Becher that the prayer of the petitioners be granted and that an election in accordance therewith be ordered. "No. second".
Motion of Wm. Davis that said election be postponed till the next general election. Carried.
The above petition was withdrawn at the request of C. D. Clother and Guy C. Barnum, the presentors (sic).
The following reports were read and accepted and ordered filed.
H. J. Hudson overseer for Columbus precinct.
Joseph Gardner overseer for Butler precinct.
Jacob Furman road supervisor 1867 Butler precinct.
Michael Smith road supervisor on opening road in Butler precinct.
Motion to adjourn till 7 o'clock A.M. in the morning.
Board met pursuant to adjournment.
F. G. Becher in the chair.
Roll called F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis, S. C. Smith present and H. J. Hudson, clerk.
The following bills were audited and allowed.
Miller & Carpenter $23.00 ad: Court House proposals; Mills & Co., books for the district court and county clerk and lithographed county bonds $251.00; M. Ryan $2.00, clerk of election; H. J. Hudson, 6 mos. service as clerk $50.00; Assessing real estate of U. P. R. R. $3.00; Wm. Davis $40.00; S. C. Smith $45.00; F. G. Becher $36.00; I. N. Taylor for board of pauper and nurse $11.00; M. Weaver coffin for Frank Adamson $13.00; M. Weaver service as judge of election $2.00; E. Estabrook, legal advise on court house bill $100.00; F. G. Becher services inspecting bridges on the West Point road $20.00.
Motion of S. C. Smith that I. N. Taylor be allowed $30.00 for labor and material for a low bridge across Shell Creek near the road to Elk Horn.
Motion of S. C. Smith the following amounts for taxes were levied for 1868.
State General Fund 2 mills on the dollar.
State School Fund one and a half mills on the dollar.
State Sinking Fund one mill on the dollar.
County General Fund four mills on the dollar. County Sinking Fund one mill on the dollar
County Building Fund, three mills on the dollar County School Fund, one mill on the dollar.
Poll Tax, one dollar for poll. Land Tax, three dollars per quarter section.
Motion of Wm. Davis that the report of the appraisers of the school lands be laid over till a more accurate owning of the timber in Sec. 16, T 17, R 4. east can be made.
Motion that the contract and bond of the contractor for building the court house be ready for approval on the 13th day of July 1868.
Motion to adjourn.
Attest. F. G. Becher
H. J. Hudson Chairman
County Clerk
At a Meeting of the County Commissioners held in the county clerk's office on the 13th day of July A.D. 1868.
F. G. Becher in the chair, meeting called to order.
Roll called. F. G. Becher, Wm. Davis, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, clerk, present.
Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.
Contract and bond of the contractor for the building of the court house read and approved and placed on file.
Bond and Deed from the town of Columbus to the County of Platte approved and ordered on file and Deed to be recorded.
The following accounts were audited and allowed: Joseph Gardner for support of pauper $18.50; Joseph Gardner for labor on road in Butler precinct for 1867 $26.00 to be paid out of Butler precinct road fund; Lt. A. D. Balcombe $4.50 for paper with printed heads for County Treasurer; C. H. Whaley $2.50 for drawing up contract for court house; H. J. Hudson $16.40 for postage and expressage; State v. Jones Hudson, justice fees $3.25; A. J. Arnold, sheriff's fees $10.40.
Motion of F. G. Becher, orders to be drawn for all bills audited and allowed up to date.
Motion of Wm. Davis that Leander Gerrard be appointed county attorney at the rate of $75.00 per annum.
Motion of S. C. Smith that the county commissioners hold its regular sessions on the first Monday in every month until otherwise ordered.
Adjourned till the 3rd day of August 1868.
Attest. F. G. Becher
H. J. Hudson Chairman
County Clerk
At a regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held in the clerk's office on the 3rd day of August 1868.
The chairman called the board to order.
Roll called. F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith present and H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Motion of S. C. Smith the clerk was ordered to obtain 100 court house bonds, 48 copies to be bound and the balance loose, as per corrected form.
Communication of L. Gerrard, Esq. declining the appointment as county attorney placed on file.
Communication of J. M. Woolworth claiming fees for advice laid over.
Petition of citizens asking the appointment of H. N. Lathrop as justice of peace in Columbus precinct to
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fill the unexpired term of Augustus Miller resigned. Accepted and filed.
L. C. Smith offered a proposition for the consideration of the Loup Fork Bridge Co., to lease the right 0f way for the term of one year to all the citizens of the county.
Bill of C. N. Abbott for services as precinct assessor for 868 in Butler precinct $15.00 allowed and warrant ordered drawn for the amount.
Motion of S. C. Smith that H. N. Lathrop be appointed justice of the peace for Columbus precinct.
Motion of F. G. Becher that the foundations of the court house be changed so as to dispense with the oak plank and substitute therefore 3 set offs of brick work.
Motion of S. C. Smith that the court house front west. Laid over.
Motion of F. G. Becher county order No. 50 for the amount of $30.00 in favor of I. N. Taylor be cancelled and destroyed, said I. N. Taylor having authorized thesame.
Motion to adjourn.
Hy. J. Hudson F. G. Becher
County ClerkChairman
At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the office of the county clerk on the 7th day of Sept. 1868
F. G. Becher in the chair.
Roll called. Present: F. G. Becher and S. C. Smith, H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Motion of F. G. Becher, the claim of J. M. Woolworth was indefinitely laid over.
The consideration of leasing the Loup Fork Bridge was called up and discussed and laid over.
Motion of S. C. Smith to front court house west was called up and carried.
Communication of W. T. Calloway asking an appointment to inspect mason work of the court house, placed on file.
Co. Clerk reported court house bonds ready.
The following bills were allowed: C. B. Stillman, stationery $52.95; A. D. Balcombe to printing and binding court house bonds $19.00; C. B. Stillman medical service for F. Adams, pauper $6.50; C. A. Speice for desk use of treasurer's office S 15.00 W. B. DaIle. 2 Pairs of blankets for use of jail $36.00.
Bill of H. Feaster $40.50 for medical attendance and nursing Ann Lermett, pauper, during confinement was ordered to be referred to J. A. Stoddard, overseer of the poor in Centre precinct for certificate.
Motion of S. C. Smith that $25.00 be allowed for superintending the foundations of the court house and that James Brown and John Browner be appointed to inspect the same. Carried.
On motion of F. G. Becher, an election was ordered to be held on the second Tuesday in October next and that at notices be issued for the following: Governor, Sec. of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Attorney for 3rd District, one Congressman and one State Senator, one representative, one commissioner for the 1st District, also one assessor, one supervisor, 3 judges and 2 clerks of election in each precinct of the county.
The commissioners prepared a list of sixty names from which to draw the names for grand and petit jurors for the October Term.
Motion to adjourn, carried.
H. J. Hudson F. G. Becher
County ClerkChairman
At a regular meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held in the office of the county clerk on the 5th day of October 1868.
Francis G. Becher in the chair.
Board called to order. Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher and Wm. Davis.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Communication from Geo. W. Stevens upon school matters were read and approved.
Communication from Geo. W. Stevens upon school matters were read and on motion.
The treasurer be requested to retain all monies belonging to school fund until further orders from Co. Board.
Petition of citizens asking for a bridge across the Shell Creek at a point known as the West Point road laid over till next meeting.
On motion of Wm. Davis, the bills of A. J. Arnold, Dep. Sheriff for boarding and guarding prisoners amounting to $148.90 be allowed and orders drawn for the amount.
Election for presidential electors was called.
Treasurer's report was allowed to lay over till next meeting.
Motion to adjourn carried.
H. J. Hudson F. G. Becher
County ClerkChairman
At a regular meeting of the board of County Commissioners held in the office of the county clerk on the 2nd day of Nov. 1868.
F. G. Becher in the chair.
Board called to order; roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Fred Stevens and H. J. Hudson, county clerk.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Petition of Geo. W. Stevens laid over at the last meeting was called up, read and considered and on motion of Fred Stevens, was laid on the table for future consideration.
Petition of citizens asking for a bridge across Shell Creek on West Point road laid over at last meeting was called up and upon motion of S. C. Smith was indefinitely postponed.
Communication of John Browner, one of the inspectors of foundation of the court house recommending the substitution of rock instead of brick for said foundations was read and placed on file.
Communication of Richardson & Briggs on official
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bonds record and printing, the same placed on file and clerk instructed to procure bonds and record.
Petition of citizens presented by S. C. Smith asking the appointment of Augustus Miller, justice of the peace was on motion of S. C. Smith said petition be considered. Rejected. Becher & Stevens voting No.
Motion of S. C. Smith that the place for holding elections in Monroe precinct be changed from the house of Joseph Gerrard to the school house near to the house of Sam C. Smith.
The following bills were allowed. Henry Feaster for keeping and nursing pauper $25.00; L. Gerrard, services as registrar for Columbus precinct $26.00; V. Kummer for revenue stamps $32.00; Stationery $21.35; Delinquent tax list $16.00; A. J. Skinner, clerk of election, $2.00; Jas. McAllister, judge of election and conveying returns $4.00; F. G. Becker, clerk $2.00.
The bills of Dr. Hohen for post mortem examination of Frank Adamson pauper rejected; Dr. Bonesteel for attendance on pauper Edwards; M. Smith for use of room for holding election.
The bills of H. P. Coolidge and A. J. Arnold, Dep. Sheriff were laid over till next meeting.
Motion of Com. Stevens orders to be drawn for the bill audited and allowed.
Treasurer's report laid over till next meeting.
Motion to adjourn.
Attest: F. G. Becher, Chairman.
H. J. Hudson
County Clerk
At a regular meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held in the county clerk's office on the 7th day of December 1868.
F. G. Becher in the chair.
There being no quorum present, no business was transacted, and the board adjourned till 7 o'clock P.M., at which time F. G. Becher in the chair.
Board called to order.
Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
Motion of F. G. Becher, the regular order of business was suspended.
The tax list for 1868 was presented by the county clerk and upon motion of Co. Becher, it was accepted and signed and ordered to be delivered to the county treasurer.
Motion of S. C. Smith, Joseph Gerrard and J. W. Early were appointed justices of the peace for Monroe Precinct and A. J. Hoge as supervisor.
Motion of S. C. Smith, Mr. Becher was appointed a committee to examine and audit the treasurers report and settle the same.
Motion of S. C. Smith, Leander Gerrard was appointed county attorney and that he receive $100.00 per annum for his services to counsel the Board and defend any suits that may be maintained against the county. Said appointment to continue one year from date.
Motion of F. G. Becher the treasurer was ordered to procure 40 dollars worth of revenue stamps for official bonds.
Motion of S. C. Smith, the clerk was ordered to correspond with the commissioners of Dodge County upon what terms and rates prisoners from Platte Co. will be taken charge of till otherwise ordered.
Motion to adjourn till Monday the 21st inst.
H. J. Hudson F. G. Becher
County ClerkChairman
At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Commissioners held Dec. 21st, 1868,
F. G. Becher in the chair. Board called to order.
Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and Fred Stevens, H. J. Hudson, clerk.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Communication of L. Gerrard accepting the appointment of county attorney was placed on file.
Report of Com. Becher appointed to audit and settle Treasurer's report asked further time.
Report of R. S. Cook, supervisor for Monroe precinct accepted and allowed an order to be drawn for $70.00 on the Monroe precinct road fund.
Report of Geo. Lawrence, supervisor, for Centre precinct returned for explanation:
Report of Jacob Guter, supervisor for Columbus precinct, accepted and allowed. An order drawn on the Columbus precinct road fund for $22.00.
The following bills were allowed. Geo. Lawrence services as register for Centre precinct & clerk of election for 1867 and 1868 $47.00. State v. Wm. Gipson $22.85; State v. Hashberger $11.; H. Hurlburt $4.00, judge of election; H. J. Hudson, fees for sundry services to Oct. 1st '68 $62.45; Joseph Gardner, register for Butler precinct $24.00; L. Gerrard, register for Columbus precinct $12.00; S. C. Smith, register for Monroe precinct $29.00; James Jones, judge of election $2.00; Isaac Posegate, clerk of election $2.00; Dr. Bonesteel, bill for attendance on prisoner $17.00; Richardson and Briggs for record and blanks $39.00; D. Vanhousen, Clk. Elec. $2.00; Jesse B. Kelly, judge election $5.60; N. H. Barton, Clk. of Elect. Monroe. $3.90; Joseph Gerrard, Clk. of Elec. Monroe $2.00; R. L. Cook, judge of election Monroe $4.00; James Scully, judge of elect. Monroe $2.00; N. H. Barton, clerk election $2.00; Ch. Ziegler, clerk Elec. Monroe $2.00; Sheriff's fees for court Oct. term $33.20; Sheriff's bill for boarding and guarding prisoners to date $67.50; H. J. Hudson, expressage $1.50. Bill for services as Bailiffs laid over.
Motion of F. Stevens, order be drawn for the above bills as audited.
The following bonds were accepted and approved, Michael Weaver assesssor, George Lawrence, supervisor; Joseph Gardner, supervisor; Jacob Ernst, supervi-
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