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Annals of County Organization

sor; O. N. Abbott, assessor; Joseph Gerrard, justice of the peace F. C. Frye, assessor. Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a regular meeting of the County Commissioners held in the office of the County Clerk on the 4th day of January 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, F. Stevens and H. J. Hudson, county clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

F. G. Becher reported progress in the preparing of treasurer's report and auditing his accounts, further time extended to make a full report.

Report of Geo. Lawrence, supervisor for Centre precinct accepted an order for $25.00 on the Centre precinct road fund. Allowed.

Resignation of H. J. Hudson, justice of the peace in Columbus precinct to take place on the 1st day of Feby. 1869, placed on file.

Petition of citizens from Butler precinct asking the appointment of W. D. Davis, justice of the peace and H. C. Ludwig, constable. Placed on file.

Report of school land appraises accepted and filed.

The following bills were allowed:

F. G. Becher for extra services as chairman of the board $30.30; F. G. Becher for making out court house bonds $25.00; F. G. Becher ser. as Com $24.00; F. Stevens ser. as Com. $12.20; S. C. Smith serv. as Com. $35.00; S. C. Smith; judge of election $2.00; H. J. Hudson for services as clerk, 6 months $50.00; H. J. Hudson fees $6.25 and postage stamps $3.00; C. Meedel ser. judge of election and making returns $6.70; M. Smith serv. judge of election and making returns $6.70; A. J. Skinner clerk of Elec. $2.00; James McAllister ser. as judge of Elec. and making returns $4.00; A. Miller, witness $2.00; John Gillispie for registration record $19.00; Bill of school land appraisal $90.00; H. P. Cooledge for stove for court room $25.00.
Report of M. Smith, supervisor for Butler precinct allowed and order for $11.00 on the Butler precinct road fund.

An order to J. P. Becker for $6.50 in revenue stamps to be obtained of the treasurer.

Motion to adjourn till 9 o'clock A.M. tomorrow morning.

Jany. 5th 1869, 9 o'clock A.M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present. F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called. F G. Becher, S. C. Smith, F. Stevens and H. J. Hudson, clerk. The regular order of business was resumed

Motion of Fred Stevens that advertisements be issued the Fremont Tribune inviting proposals to build 2 ridges across the Shell Creek according to plan and specifications on file in the clerk's office payment to be made in orders on general road fund to be issued July 1st 1869. Bridges to be finished two months from time of letting contract.

Motion of F. G. Becher, W. D. Davis was appointed, justice of the peace and H. C. Ludwig, constable in Butler precinct until the next general election for county and precinct offices.

42 wolf scalps were counted and ordered destroyed.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Called Meeting of the Co. Commissioners held Jany 26th 1869, F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called. F. G. Becher, Fred Stevens - present and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were laid over till regular meeting.

The chairman suggested that there be some action with reference to our county boundaries as an effort was being made to detach the eastern portion.

On motion of Mr. Stevens the clerk was ordered to instruct the county attorney to guard the interest of Platte County and to defeat any project to divide our county if any such measure should be presented to the legislature.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners Held in the Office of the County Clerk on the 1st day of February 1869; Commissioner Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, F. Stevens and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meetings were read and approved.

Motion of S. C. Smith, the clerk was instructed to obtain the necessary blank tax lists and duplicates for the use of the county for the ensuing year 1869.

Communication from Dodge Co. commissioner fixing rate at $4.00 per day for boarding prisoners for Platte county ordered filed.

Petition from school board of Butler precinct authorizing the reduction of district ten to five mills on the dollar a tax of 25 mills having been levied by mistake. The clerk was instructed to notify O. F. Davis, the agent for the U. P. R. R. of said reduction.

Petition of citizens from Butler precinct asking for a special election for the purchase of Loup Fork bridge placed on file.

Petitions of citizens asking the locating of a county road through the county from the east boundary together with bond was placed on file.

Report of F. G. Becher on treasurer's report recommended that all the reports of V. Kummer, treasurer,. be placed on file.

The following bills were allowed: One years salary

The History of Platte County Nebraska

to 1st day of November 868 for probate judge $40.00; sev. as judge of election $2.00; Fremont tribune for ad. for bridges $4.00; M. Keller, judge of election $2.00; H. J. Hudson, recording court house bonds $25.50.

Bill of W. C. Sutton returned for proper certificate.
*see note at the end of the minutes.

Adjourned till 9 o'clock in the morning.

Motion that orders be drawn for the above bills as allowed.

Met pursuant to adjournment at 9 o'clock A.M.

F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Fred Stevens and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

The appointment of commissioner for the locating of county road was taken up and the following were appointed, Isaac Albertson, S. E. Cushing and Jacob Ernst.

Motion to instruct commissioners to run the road on section lines as near as practicable and that the county surveyor be employed.

Motion of F. Stevens that Isaac Albertson be appointed to superintend the building of the court house and that he be allowed a salary of $250.00 for his services to superintend said building until completed.

Motion the superintendent shall be required to give a bond of $2,000.00 for the faithful performance of his duty and that he make a monthly report to the commissioners.

Motion that the treasurer is herby ordered to pay the annual interest each year due Jany 1st on county bonds at Omaha National Bank for building court house.

Motion the clerk was ordered to furnish the assessors the necessary blanks for assessments also with lists of lands entered and that all lands and personal property be assessed on the basis of 1868. 25 wolf scalps were counted and ordered to be destroyed.

Motion to adjourn

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman

* Omitted in the regular place.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the following bonds be approved. A. J. Skinner and Joseph Strother, assessors; John W. Early and Wm. D. Davis as justice of the peace; H. C. Ludwig as constable; A. J. Hoge as supervisor.


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners Held in the County Clerk's Office March 1st 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present. F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Resignation of H. J. Hudson as justice of the peace was called up and accepted.

There being no bond filed by the superintendent for the court house, a communication declining the appointment, the clerk was ordered to write for an answer from him.

The following bills were audited and allowed: j. Rickly for lantern and chain for use of Sheriff $4.50; A. J. Arnold for guarding and boarding a prisoner from Buchanan precinct $56.50; C. B. Stiliman for stationery $16.35; H. J. Hudson, fees for recording bonds and issuing certificates $4.00; for making abstract for use of representative Speice $3.00; for making lists of supervisors and for the assessors $40.00; for making original tax list for 1868 $90.00; Peter Myers, witness, Oct. 1867, $5.50; Will B. Dale for 6 office chairs for Commissioner's room $18.00.

Ordered that orders be drawn for the amounts.

Motion that James Scully be appointed road commissioner in the stead of Isaac Albertson who became disqualified to act in consequence of his becoming a resident of Colfax County.

Motion of F. G. Becher that E. W. Toncray be appointed justice of the peace in Columbus precinct to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of H. J. Hudson.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the store room of H. J. Hudson be rented from the 1st day of March for the use of the commissioners and the county clerk at a rental of $15.00 per month.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the clerk procure a suitable desk for the county clerk's office also 3 ballot boxes for the use of the precincts.

The commissioners selected from the qualified voters 6o names as grand and petit jurors for the next term of the district court.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a called meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Co. Clerk's office March the 15th 1869, F. G. Becher in the chair.

No quorum being present, the Board adjourned till the 16th at 1 o'clock P.M.

March 16th, 1 o'clock P.M., pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Coms. met in the Co. Clerks office.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present. F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, Co. clerk.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Motion of S. C. Smith that no more school land be leased until a copy of the law pertaining to the school lands be obtained.

Correspondence from judge Albertson accepting the appointment of Superintendent of court house placed on file. Letters from Dewey Trimble & Co., Behm Wilson & Co. on subject of desk for clerk's office and ballot boxes were placed on file.

Certified copy of "Act" creating Colfax county and supplemental bill placed on file.

Proposition from Becher & Becker offering one 1/2 interest in the Loup Fork Bridge and ferry company was placed on file.

Annals of County Organization

The following bills were credited and allowed. Fred Stevens service as commissioner $21.30; M. Weaver, judge of election Nov. 3rd $2.00; John M. Paine clerk of election, May and Oct. '67 and Nov. , '68 $6.00; F. E. Frye, clerk of election May and Oct. '67 and Oct. and Nov. 3 '68, $8.00; F. G. Becher making abstracts of lands of U. P. R. R. for use of assessor $4.00; I. N. Taylor for township map, T 16, R2W, $3.00; T. P. Kennard for certified copy "Act" creating Colfax Co. $5.00.

Orders ordered drawn for the above bills.

The clerk was ordered to notify Wm. Draper to deliver to Jacob Ernst, road supervisor, any laws, revised statutes or tests pertaining to his office as late road supervisor for Columbus precinct.

Bond of E. W. Toncray, justice of the peace, was filed and approved.

Bill of A. J. Arnold for guarding and boarding prisoner, John Loeffler, was ordered referred to the county attorney with instruction to investigate, the claim and if necessary to institute proceedings for the recovery of the same.

Motion to adjourn till 8 o'clock in the morning.


March 17th, 8 o'clock A.M., board met pursuant to adjournment.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.

Motion of F. G. Becher that F. A. Hoffman be authorized to use his discretion in purchasing the safes and desks to be sold at public auction in Omaha by the Secy. of State on the 24th inst. that said purchase must not exceed $600.00, being the amount in the county sinking fund, as compensation for his trouble, his fare to and from Omaha to be defrayed by the county.

Motion of F. G. Becher, the clerk was ordered to procure 3 ballot boxes at $5.00 each as offered by Behm Wilson & Co. of Omaha.

The commissioners then redistricted the county as follows: 1st district beginning at the N. E. corner of the county following the north line 9 miles to the centre of range one west thence south to the bank of the Loup Fork following the south bank of the Loup and Platte rivers to its intersection of the east boundary.

2nd district is bounded as follows all the territory lying in the west half of range 1 west, range 2, 3 and 4 west to the Pawnee Reserve bounded on the north by the north line of the county and on the south by the South bank of the Loup Fork river.

3rd district is composed of all the land belonging to Platte county lying between the Platte and the Loup Fork river from its east to its west boundary.

Ordered that an election for one Co. Com. for the 3rd district be held on the 27th day of April 1869 and at the Co. Clerk issue notices for the same.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the clerk be ordered to call an election to be held on the 27th day of April 1869 for the purpose of voting for or against the Co. Commissioners making a loan of six thousand dollars or the following purposes viz. "A general bridge fund" and that the county attorney prepare the notice for said election as required by the statutes.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the office of the county clerk April 5th 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present F. G. Becher and S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read, corrected and approved.

Communication of Behm Wilson & Co. on subject of ballot boxes filed.

Communication of auditor on Western Telegraph Company assessment placed on file and the clerk ordered to inform the auditors errors in returning the portion of Telegraph line in Colfax County.

Petition of citizens from Shell Creek asking for location of bridge in the N. E. 1/4 of Sec. 23, T 18, R1 east and establishing a county road to said bridge was placed on file together with bond.

The following bills were allowed: J. A. Brown, judge of election, Oct. 13th and Nov. 3, 1868 $6.00; Behm Wilson & Co. Ballot boxes $16.65; W. C. Sutton, judge of election Oct. 13th 1868 $2.00; O. A. Abbott and S. L. Holman for services in defending James Jones, prisoner, each $20.00.

Ordered that orders be drawn for the above amounts.

Motion of S. C. Smith, H. N. Lathrop was appointed school superintendent for Platte county until the next general election for county officers.

Motion of F. G. Becher that the appointment of Isaac Albertson, superintendent of building court house, be revoked, the said Albertson having failed to file his bond and that E. W. Toncray receive the appointment of superintendent subject to the same conditions and amount of bond.

Motion of F. G. Becher, J. H. Galley was appointed commisisoner (sic) to view and locate county road and bridge in accordance with petition of settlers in township 18, range 1 east.

Ordered that the county treasurer prepare reports of the indebtedness prorated of the respective counties of Platte and Colfax in accordance with Sec. 3 of supplemental act defining the boundaries of Colfax Co. and have said reports ready by the 1st day of August 1869. Ordered that C. B. Stillman, late county clerk of Platte county, make up and complete the delinquent tax lists during his term of office and any other unfinished official business pertaining to his office.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the chairman and clerk draw an order on the general fund for the removal and freight of safe belonging to the county, and that the clerk procure all necessary help to deliver it in the county clerk's office.

Ordered that the clerk call the attention of the over

The History of Platte County Nebraska

seer of the poor to the case of Franz Bacheil, as an object needing help and assistance.

33 wolf scalps counted and destroyed.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


Meeting of the Board of Equalization of Platte County began and held April 19th, 20th and 21st A.D. 1869.

First day April 19th

Co. Commissioners met as a board of equalization as provided by laws and organized board.

Present, F. G. Becher and H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk, said board continued in session.

Tuesday, April 20th

There being no business presented, adjourned.

Wednesday, April 21st

There being no complaints of over assessments, the Co. Commissioners, F. G. Becher and Sam. C. Smith reviewed the assessment rolls from the precincts equalized and changed the following in:

Monroe Precinct.

Kelly, John. Lots I, 2, 3 and 4, Sections 7 and 8 T 17, R2 west from $474.00 to $540.00

Whaley, Charles A. W. 1/2 of SE1/4, Sec. and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 8, T 17, R 2 west from $530.00 to $620.00.

J. H. Needham, undivided 1/2 lots, 3, 4, and 5, Sec. 14 T 17, range 2 west from $237.00 to $398.00.

Patrick Murray, undivided 1/2 lots 3, 4, and 5, Sec. 14, T 17, R 2 west from $237.00 to $398.00

A. J. Arnold, lot 1. Sec. 23 and lots 2, 4, 5 and 6, Sec. 24, T 17, R 2 west from $475.00 to $680.00.

Columbus Precinct

Block 100 in Columbus change to $100 each lot.
Block 102 in Columbus change to $90 each lot.
Michael Dineen, personal property add $100.00
John Dineen, personal property add $50.00
John Haney, personal property add $50.00
Charles Morse, personal property add $100.00
John Miller, personal property add $600.00
Henry Rickert, personal property add $50.00
Ch. Reinke, personal property add $50.00
Guy C. Barnum, personal property add $1,000.00
Jacob Ernst, personal property add $400.00
J. H. Galley, personal property add $600.00

There being no other business for the consideration of the Board.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCounty ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Co. Commissioners held in the office of the Co. Clerk, May 3rd, 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair. Roll called; present, F. G. Becher and S. C. Smith.

Guy C. Barnum presented his credentials as the newly elected Co. Commissioner from the 3rd district and took his seat as a member of the board.

Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of S. C. Smith, the clause ordering Co. treasurer to prepare reports in regard to Colfax Co. be so amended as to read and have said reports ready and complete by the 1st day of August 1869.

The minutes read, as amended, stand approved.

Communication of Co. Clerk announcing the canvass of special election on bridge fund and Co. commissioner for 3rd district was read and placed on file.

The following accounts were audited and allowed:

H. J. Hudson 1/4's salary to April 1st $25.00; to rent of office 2 mos. $30.00; to postage, fees and expressage $12.00; C. N. Abbott, clerk of election $2.00; witness fees $5.40; services as assessor for Butler precinct $19.50; Jos. Strother services as assessor for Monroe precinct $24.00; M. Weaver, serv. as assessor for Columbus precinct $78.00; S. C. Smith serv. as register $14.00; C. W. Toncray, judge of election, $2.00; H. Hurlburt, judge of election $2.00; Joseph Gerrard, judge of election $2.00; S. C. Smith, judge of election $2.00; Wm. Davis, serv. Co. Com. $10.00; serv. as register $39.00; F. G. Becher serv. Co. Com. $33.00; S. C. Smith Co. Com. $40.00; to 3rd day of May included.

Motion orders drawn for the above amounts.

Bill on account of safe was audited and an order on the general fund in favor of sinking fund was ordered to be drawn.

H. N. Lathrop, appointed County superintendent of County Schools, at the last meeting, declined to accept the appointment. On motion Rev. James B. Chase, Jr. was appointed to fill the office.

Motion of S. C. Smith, F. G. Becher was appointed to take the census for Platte county.

Bond of E. W. Toncray as superintendent of court house was presented and approved and ordered on file.

19 wolf scalps counted and ordered to be destroyed.

Motion by S. C. Smith that we advertise for plans and specifications for bridges across Loup Fork and Shell Creek until Monday, May 10th 1869.

Motion by G. C. Barnum that the Co. Clerk correspond with the authorities of Colfax Co. with a view to building a bridge on Shell Creek on the county line and that Co. clerk attend to getting a deed for right of way through P. Gleason's land for the building of a bridge in T. 18, R 1 West.

Motion that the school lands be offered for lease and that the resolution passed March 16th 1869, suspending the leasing of school lands be rescinded.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At an adjourned Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the county clerk's office on the 10th day of May 1869.

Annals of County Organization

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The following bills were examined and audited. Bill 0f j. Gardner for services as register was laid over and the clerk instructed to ask an explanation; bill of Herald office for ballots $4.00 allowed. Warrant ordered drawn.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that J. W. Witchey be appointed road com. to act in the stead of S. C. Cushing and that the following instructions be issued to said road com. that they proceed at once to locate the county road for which they were appointed beginning at the post cornering on Sections 19 and 30, T 17, Range 2 east and sections 24 and 25, T 17, range 1 east, following said line to Columbus, thence from Columbus across the Loup Fork at or near the old bridge and strike the N. E. corner of Sec. 36, T 17, R 1 west and from said point all section lines running West are declared public roads as provided by law.

The clerk was ordered to correspond with Colfax Co. requesting a conference on Tuesday the 18th at Schuyler, to take into consideration matters of importance to both the counties of Platte and Colfax.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, plans and bids with sealed proposals for building 2 bridges across Shell Creek and 1 bridge across the Loup Fork were to be advertised till Wednesday, the 19th day of May at noon.

County attorney was ordered to prepare form of bonds for bridge fund and advertisement for sale of the same.
Motion to adjourn till the 19th day of May 1869.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At an adjourned meeting of the Co. Com. held in the office of the Co. clerk, May 19th 1869, F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called; present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, Co. clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Report of Jacob Ernst, James Scully and J. W. Witchey, road commissioners, appointed to locate county road from east line of the county and to locate bridge across the Loup Fork. Accepted and placed on file.

The following bills were audited and allowed.

E. W. Arnold, clerk of election $2.00; R. S. Cook, judge of election $2.00.

Orders ordered drawn for above amounts.

Motion that county licenses for the sale of malt and spirituous liquor be 50 dollars per annum.

81 wolf scalps were counted and ordered to be destroyed

Communication from P. Gleason tendering the right ° Way for bridge and county roads through his land "Poll the conditions that the Co. Com. put up a gate the said bridge was placed on file.

The commissioners of Platte Co. in conference with the Com. of Colfax Co. agreed to defer action upon letting contract for bridge across Shell Creek on or near the east line of the county until their next regular meeting to give the Com. of Colfax Co. an opportunity to consult with the citizens upon the propriety of locating a bridge on the county line and to offer time for other bids for building said bridge by bidders from Colfax.

The commissioners then proceeded to open the proposals for building bridges across the Loup Fork and across Shell Creek in T 18, Range 1 West, further action in the consideration of the bids and proposals was deferred till Saturday the 22nd day of May.

28 wolf scalps counted and destroyed.


SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At an adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners held May 22nd 1869 in the office of the County Clerk.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Petition of Stauffer and Strasser for license to sell liquors for one year at Jackson. Filed.

The following bills were audited and allowed F. G. Becher for telegram to Colfax Co. $1.00; Wm. Davis and L. P. Kinney expense from Colfax Co. to Platte Co. $5.00 each; Bills of grand and petit jurors for April term as returned by clerk of district court. Orders ordered drawn for above.

Ordered that license be issued to Stauffer and Strasser

upon complying with the statutes regulating the sale of malt and spirituous liquors.

Report of James H. Galley, commissioner to locate bridge in Sec. 23, T 18, R 1 east and west thereto was laid over and bill allowed orders for amount $18.00 to be drawn on general road fund.

Consideration of the bridge across the Loup Fork and Shell Creek was called up upon motion of Guy C. Barnum, E. W. Toncray was appointed to appraise the piles in the river and C. A. Gerrard to appraise lumber and other material belonging to Becher and Becker on the part of the Co. Commissioners.

Motion to adjourn till Mon. May 24th, 1869 at 9 o'clock A.M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At an adjourned meeting of the Co. Commissioners Held on the 24th day of May 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher and Guy C. Barnum.

The subject of the appraisement of materials belonging to Becher and Becker was called up, J. P. Becker

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