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The History of Platte County Nebraska

objecting to the appraiser. E. A. Gerrard appointed at the last meting of the Co. Commissioners.

Motion that as the plan proposed by C. A. Speice for the Loup Fork bridge was adjudged the best he was requested to prepare estimate for building said bridge with the privilege of using so much of the materials belonging to Becher and Becker as may be suitable.

Adjourned till Monday the 31st day of May 1869.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At an Adjourned Meeting of the County Com. held in the Office of the Co. Clerk, May 31st 1869.

F. G. Becher in the Chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last two meetings were read and approved.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the plans of bridges as presented by C. A. Speice and J. P. Becker be accepted and that bids for building the same be advertised for until Monday June 7th, 1869, 2 thirds of the contract price to be paid in cash and the balance of one third in county orders, the contractor to have the privilege of using so much of the materials of the Old Bridge subject to the approval of the Co. Commissioners.

The following bills were audited and allowed. Joseph Strother, clerk of election $2.00; A. J. Arnold services as sheriff in district court in the April Term 1869 $20.60; O. Rose, bailiff $4.00; A. Miller, bailiff $2.00; Ch. Whaley, bailiff and wood $3.00; orders ordered issued for the above amounts.

Motion to adjourn.

Attest. H. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a regular Meeting of the County Commissioners of Platte County held in the (Office of the County Clerk on Monday, June 7th, 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, county clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Communication of A. D.. Balcombe on the subject of tax lists was placed on file.

Report of Jacob Ernst, James Scully and J. W. Witchey, commissioners appointed to locate county road from east boundary line of county and across the Loup fork river to the northeast corner of section 36, T. 17, R 1 west was accepted and placed on file.

Petition of citizens of the county asking the location of a county road commending at the N. E. corner of Sec. 36, T 17, R1 west, to the 1/4 sec. corner in the centre of Sec. 35, thence west to the centre of Sec. 34, T 17, R 1 west, thence south to the fourth standard parallel thence west on the fourth standard parallel to a point near the residence of Mr. J. W. Witchey from whence a road is now located to the western boundary of Platte Co.

Accepted and placed on file upon filing required bond to be approved by the chairman of the board.

The following bills were allowed and audited: Lists of jurors for Oct. term 1869 as certified by district clerk. H. J. Hudson for rent of Com. room and fees for services $31.50; bills of Com. for locating Co. road $12.75 to be paid out of general road fund; C. B. Stiliman stationery for dist. court $7.85.

Orders ordered drawn for the above amount.

W. B. Dale was appointed to view the proposed county road as petitioned for west of the Loup Fork and report upon its practicability and amount of damage if any be claimed.

The bids and proposals for building the bridges across the Loup Fork and Shell Creek were upon motion of S. C. Smith opened when the following bids were read: A. J. Arnold for Loup Fork bridge $7,000; Wm. Gerhold for bridges on Shell Creek $900. each; Fred Reimer for bridges on Shell Creek $975. each; C. A. Speice for all three bridges $9,450, one across Loup Fork and 2 across Shell Creek.

The Board adjourned till 9 o'clock A.M. Tuesday the 8th of June to enable the bidders to consider the terms of payment before the awarding of contracts, it appearing the bonds would not realize the 2 thirds cash as per advertisement.


Tuesday June 8th 1869, pursuant to adjournment the Board met.

Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum.

Motion of Guy C. Barnum that the appointment of W. B. Dale as road commissioner is hereby rescinded and that the board of county commissioners themselves view and locate road on the West side of the Loup Fork.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that the contract for building the Loup Fork bridge be awarded to A. J. Arnold and F. Reimer for the sum of $7,000; payment as follows: one third of the contract price upon the approval of bond for the faithful performance of contract, one third when the piles are driven and capped ready for the superstructure, the balance upon acceptance of the bridge by the county commissioners, time of contract for completion of bridge 90 days from the signing of contract and approval of bond.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that the contract for building 2 bridges across Shell Creek be awarded to Wm. Gerhold for the sum of $1,800, payment to be made as follows: one third of the contract price upon the approval of bond, one third upon the completion of the bridge to he built upon the land of Patrick Gleason, the balance upon the acceptance of both bridges by the county commissioners. Time of contract for the completion of both said bridges 60 days.

Ordered that the Co. clerk notify the Co. attorney, L. Gerrard to prepare contracts in accordance with the above agreements, also that he furnish forthwith form for county bonds for "special bridge fund", and advertisement for sale of said bonds.

Adjourned till Saturday the 12th day of June 1869.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman

Annals of County Organization

At an adjourned meeting of the County Com. held June 12th 1869 in the office of the Co. Clerk.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, Sam. C. Smith, Guy c. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Board adjourned to view and locate the county road west of the Loup Fork.

Commissioners reported that the county road petitioned for by citizens west of Loup Fork be located as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of Sec. 36, T 17, R. 1 west following the north line of the section, thence 80 rods on north line of Sec. 35, thence south 1/2 mile thence west to centre of Sec. 35 and 34, thence south to the 4th standard parallel, thence west on said 4th standard parallel to a point near the residence of W. Witchey from whence a road is now located to the western boundary of Platte Co.

Motion of S. C. Smith that L. Gerrard offer the county bonds for building bridges in Platte County for sale at 85 cents on the dollar.

Motion to adjourn to the next regular meeting.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners Held in the County Clerk's Office July 5th 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and amended upon motion of S. C. Smith that the road located on the north and west lines of G. C. Barnum's farm be all taken from the land owned by G. C. Barnum.

Correspondence of state auditor informing the Co. Com. the rates of assessment for the state for 1869 was placed on file.

Communication of the Co. clerk was put on file and on motion of G. C. Barnum that the clerk be allowed 75 dollars salary for the ensuing quarter.

Communication of Co. School superintendent making appointment for school district No. 9 was placed on file.

Compensation for services by the Co. school superintendent was upon motion of F. G. Becher $3.00 per day and mileage to and from the school houses in the respective districts and that each district be visited twice in each year.

The following bills were audited and allowed Joseph
Gardner ser. as register April 1869 $9.00; C. A. Speice or plan of Loup Fork bridge $25.00; A. J. Arnold for notifying coroner of Butler of the finding the body of E. McMurty $10.00; L. Gerrard ser. as register in April 1869 $12.00; J. H. Galley expenses coroner's jury on a e body of James Freston $21.30; L. Gerrard services as County attorney 6 mos. $50.00; E. W. Toncray salary probate judge 6 mos. $20.00; S. C. Smith ser. as register Apl. 1869, $12.00; H. J. Hudson rent $16.50; quarters salary $25.00; F. G. Becher ser. as com. $24.00 signing 399 warrants $33.90; G. C. Barnum $28.80; S. C. Smith $35.00; J. B. Chase services and materials for maps, Co. school sup. $33.50; Mary E. Flowers for boarding pauper $34.00; J. O. Thomas, judge of election $2.00; Also the following bills allowed from the general road fund: J. E. North ser. surveying and plats $8.00; G. C. Barnum, road Com. $3.00; S. C. Smith road Com. $3.00; F. G. Becher road Com. $3.00.

Orders for the above amounts were ordered drawn.

Motion of S. C. Smith the following assessments were levied for taxes for 1869, the state assessment as per statement of state auditor.

General state fund, lands and other property
2 mills
State Sinking fund, lands and other property
1 mill
State School fund, lands and other property
1 mill
State University
1 mill
County General Fund
6 mills
County Sinking Fund
1 mill
County Building Fund
3 mills
County Bridge Fund
1 mill
Poll Tax
2 dollars per poll
Dog Tax
1 dollar each
Land Tax per 1/4 Sec.

The clerk was ordered to write to the state auditor and inquire about the difference as ordered by State Board between lands and personal property and U. P. R. R.

The clerk was ordered to call special election for the purpose of raising $50,000 by issuing Co. bonds redeem-. able not less than 10 years or more than 20 years from date of issue.

Adjourned to meet tomorrow at 2 o'clock P. M.


Pursuant to adjournment, the board met at the office of the County Clerk at 2 o'clock P.M. on the 6th day of July 1869.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk.

The clerk was ordered to communicate with the authorities of Butler Co. and present Sheriff's bill for notifying Coroner of Butler Co. of the finding of the body of Edward McMurty late of Butler Co.

The Board proceeded to the consideration of the contracts for building the bridges across Shell Creek and Loup Fork. The county attorney L. Gerrard not having succeeded in negotiating the bridge bonds, the contractors proposed to take the bonds themselves.

On motion of Guy C. Barnum the Co. attorney was instructed to draw up the contracts as follows upon signing of contract for Loup Fork bridge with A. J. Arnold and Fred Reimer and for the bridges across Shell Creek with Wm. Gerhold, each to receive their proportion of "Bridge Bonds" at eighty-five cents on the dollar and upon the completion of the bridges, and their acceptance by the board of commissioners the balance due on said contracts equivalent to two-thirds cash to be paid in orders on road fund at ninety cents, and one-third in county orders at face.

The History of Platte County Nebraska


It was further ordered that the chairman and clerk approve bonds and sign the contracts and at the next regular meeting of the board all the commissioners attach their signatures to said contracts.


SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Called Meeting of the County Commissioners Held in the Co. Clerk's Office July 13th 1869.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, CO. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Clerk was instructed to write to the Herald Office and have bridge bonds made payable at 1st Nat. Bank of Omaha and date of issue July 1st and have the same printed.

Contract for building Loup Fork bridge was this day entered into and signed by A. J. Arnold and F. Reimer, contractors and by the board of commissioners on behalf of Platte Co. bonds to be issued upon approval of Bond of contractors.

Motion of S. C. Smith that the call for issuing R. R. bonds at the last meeting be rescinded and the following be substituted.

That a special election be called 30 days from issuing notice for the following purpose to empower the Co. Com. to issue bonds to the amount of $80,000 dollars redeemable in twenty years to be given to the first R. R. running into the corporate limits of the town of Columbus and constructing and equiping (sic) 10 miles of road forming out from said town.

Also ordered that Co. attorney prepare notice for said election.

Motion to adjourn.

Attest. H. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the County Clerk's Office August 2nd 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read, amended and approved.

Motion of S. C. Smith that all previous action by this Board relative to issuing R. R. Bonds by Platte county,the same be, and is hereby rescinded and made null and void and that the following resolution be spread upon the records.

Resolved that whereas it is proposed that the county of Platte do issue eighty thousand (80,000) dollars in county bonds to aid in the construction of the Sioux City and Columbus railroad that said bonds be payable twenty years from their date and bear interest at six per cent per annum from date of bond interest payable annually on the first day of July of each year and whereas it is proposed to levy a special tax of one half mill on the dollar of valuation on all taxable property in said county for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds arid to be levied and collected for the term of twenty years next after the issuing of said bonds and it is further proposed to levy a special tax on all taxable property in said county of one mill on the dollar of valuation for the purpose of paying the principal of said bonds, said tax to be levied and collected for the term of ten (10) years to commence ten (10) years from the date of issue of said bonds and to continue till said bonds are due, said monies so raised to be a special fund to be used only in the manner and for the purposes as herein set forth and said bonds when issued to be donated by Platte county to the Sioux City and Columbus Railroad Company. Provided the said Sioux City and Columbus R. R. Co. shall within one year from this date construct ten (10) miles of railroad in Platte County connecting with the Union Pacific R. R. within the corporate limits of the town of Columbus in Platte County and running out ten miles from said town and provided further said road shall be constructed in accordance with Sec. (1) of an Act entitled an Act to dispose of the public lands granted to the State of Nebraska for works of public improvements approved Feb. 15th 1869. That said bonds be issued and dated on the first day of July next, succeeding the completion of said ten miles of Railroad and whereas it is required by law that all propositions to issue bonds and levy a special tax for the payment of such bonds as above proposed be submitted to a vote of the legal voters of the county.

Therefore it is ordered that a special election be held in Platte county at the usual places of holding elections in said county for the purpose of voting for or against said proposition as above set forth.

That the polls of such election be opened at nine o'clock A.M. of said day and closed at six o'clock P.M. of said day. The manner of submitting and voting on said question shall be as follows: Those voting in favor of the issue of bonds and levy of said special tax for the purposes as above set forth shall write or print on their ballots:

"For the special Railroad Bond Tax."

Those voting against said proposition to issue bonds and levy said tax shall write or print on their ballots:

"Against the special Railroad Bond Tax"

and it is further ordered that the county clerk of said county issue a call for said special election and attach a copy of this resolution and order thereto and post the same according to law.

Columbus, Nebraska Aug. 2nd, 1869.

Correspondence of auditor of State filed and clerk ordered to make corrections in State Tax in accordance therewith and that the levy made for county school fund be rescinded and that in accordance with the laws as passed by the last legislature the tax be increased to two dollars per poll and that the land tax be increased to 4 dollars per 1/4 section.

The contract with Wm. Gerhold for building 2 bridges across Shell Creek were signed and placed on file.

Annals of County Organization

The clerk was ordered to have new bonds for building the bridges printed to be dated as per amended minutes dated July 1st.

The report of W. D. Davis, overseer for Butler precinct was laid over till regular time for making said report.

The following bills were audited and allowed: Lewis Warren for attendance and board of pauper, Frank Foster $25.50 J. O. Sherman for same $13.25; Dr. E. Hohen for examination of dead body of James Frestone at coroner's inquest $10.00; H. J. Hudson, salary one month $25.00, rent of office and express charges $16.50.

Orders for the above amounts were ordered to be drawn.

The clerk was instructed to find out how much money there was in the treasurer's hands belonging to the Columbus precinct road fund.

C. A. Speice was appointed to inspect the building of the Loup Fork bridge and to receive $25.00 for said duty.

Ordered that the chairman and the county clerk execute the county bonds for the building bridges and approve contractors bonds taking their receipts for the amount paid in bonds on account of contracts.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer F. G. Becher
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Com. held in the Clerk's Office, September 6th 1869.

F. G. Becher in the chair.

Roll called. Present, F. G. Becher, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.

Co. clerk read result of canvass of special election for Railroad Bonds to Sioux City and Columbus R. R. ordered spread upon the commissioners record.

Office of County Clerk Platte Co.
Columbus, Neb. Sep. 2nd 1869.

To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners.

I hereby certify that upon making canvass of the 'Returns" of a special election held Aug. 31st 1869 for the purpose of voting upon "Special Railroad Bond Tax," I find the following results.

"For the special railroad Bond Tax"
128 votes
Against Special Railroad Bond Tax"
2 votes

(SEAL) SpacerH. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk

Resignation of F. G. Becher as Co. Commissioner was accepted to take effect after the proceedings of this session.

The following bills were audited and allowed. R. W. Corson services as judge and making return of election Oct. 11th 1869 $6.20; F. G. Becher, clerk of election Aug. 31st $2.00; N. H. Barton, clerk of election and making return Aug. 31st $6.00; F. Reimer, telegraphing on acct. of county $1.50; V. Kummer, duplicate tax list 1868 $90.00 for revenue stamps for bridge bonds $1.00; H. J.. Hudson for rent, salary and expressage $50.75.

Ordered that orders be drawn for the above amounts.

Report of E. W. Toncray upon progress and construction of court house and jail placed on file.

Motion of Guy C. Barnum that C. A. Speice be appointed inspector of bridges now in course of construction across Shell Creek and that he be allowed $25.00 compensation for his services.

The commissioners selected the names of 60 persons for grand and petit jurors for the October term of the District Court.

The clerk was ordered to issue notice of election to be held October 12 1 869 for the following named officers: viz. One Co. Commissioner, probate judge, sheriff, coroner, treasurer, Co. Clerk, surveyor, school superintendent, also 2 justices of the peace, 2 constables, 3 judges of election, 2 clerks of election, one assessor and one road supervisor for each precinct.

Ordered that an appropriation of one hundred dollars be made for the purchase of a general map of the county, and an index of all lands entered in the county.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith, Chairman
SpacerCo. Clerk


At a Special Meeting of the Co. Commissioners Held in the Office of the County Clerk on the 14th day of September 1869.

Samuel C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, Co. clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The business for consideration by the board of commissioners as per special call of the county clerk was called up when it was found not necessary to take any action upon the same.

The contractor for building Loup Fork bridge suggested the raising of the bridge 20 inches higher than the present plan, it was considered unnecessary and ordered to build to original plan and specifications as set forth in the written contract.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith,
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Com. of Platte Co. Held on the 6th day of December 1869 in the county clerk's office.

Samuel C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Communications from Sumner & Co. governor Butler were placed on file.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Petitions of citizens from the 3rd district asking for county road commencing at the N.E. corner of Sec. 36, T17, R1 west be opened for travel was placed on file.

Petition of citizens from Monroe precinct asking for restoration of herd law approved Feb. 1867 was referred back to the signers.

Petition of citizens from Butler precinct asking for relocation of county road near Prairie having necessary bond attached was placed on file.

Report of Joseph Gardner, supervisor for Butler precinct for the year 1869 was accepted and order for the amount of $17.00 ordered drawn on the Butler precinct road fund.

Report of Jacob Ernst, Supervisor of Columbus precinct for the year 1869 was accepted and order for the sum of $118. ordered drawn on the Columbus road fund.

Report of the superintendent of the court house was read and placed on file.

Report of W. D. Davis, overseer for Butler precinct was corrected and the following amounts allowed: from General Fund Dr. Hohen, attendance on A. Lermett's child $17.00; Mr. Barnet, coffin $3.00; Mrs. Blaser nurse $10.00; H. Ludwig use of team $5.00; W. D. Davis services at funeral $6.00; Stauffer & Strasser $2.40.

Report of E. W. Toncray, overseer for Columbus precinct was accepted and the following bills allowed: for Franz Bacheil, pauper; John Rickly for groceries and fuel $26.00; Dr. Hohen $22.00; M. Weaver, coffin $12.00.

Frank Foster, pauper; J. P. Becker, goods etc. $70.00; W. B. Dale $20.00; Louis Warren, nurse $10.00; Mrs. Ann Freston $110.00; C. B. Stillman, med. att. $50.00; Dr. Hohen, med. att. $5.00; expenses sending pauper to Grundy Co.; Mr. J. O. Shannon $21,50; Frank North $25.00; John Rickly $25.00; Jacob Ernst $18.00; James North $12.00; Chas. Bremer $12.00; L. Gerrard $25.00; John Compton $12.00; V. Kummer $18.00; J. B. Wells $12.00; C. B. Stillman $18.00; Dale & Co., blanket $6.25.

Report of V. Kummer, treasurer, was received and placed on file. The following amounts of Co. warrants viz. $2374.96 was cancelled and destroyed.

Reports of Chas. A. Speice upon the construction of the Loup Fork bridge and the Shell Creek bridges were, upon motion of Guy C. Barnum, adopted and the bridges as completed were accepted and the clerk was ordered to draw the orders due the contractors upon the road and general fund as per contract taking therefore in full of all demands against the county of Platte.

The following bills were audited and allowed: J. O. Blodgett, clerk of 3 elections $6.00; F. G. Becher, clerk of election $2.00 ser. Co. Com. $15.00; making original tax list for 1869 $120.00; L. Gerrard, registration fees $36.00; H. J. Hudson, salary and fees for Sep. $70.25; D. G. Stewart, Clk. 3 'elections $6.00; J. B. Chase, ser. school supert. $25.85; Sam. C. Smith, register fees $34.00; judge of election $2.00; H. J. Hudson, sal. and rent for Oct. $53.50; C. W. Toncray on acct. of ser. as sup. court house $125.00; sal. as prob. judge 6 mos. $20.00; Joseph Strothers, judge of elec. $2.00. C. H. Zeigler, clerk elec. $2.00; A. J. Arnold, ser. dist. court $27.80; F. G. Becher, ex. serv. $10.30; Joseph Gardner, reg. Butler pre. $7.00; H. J. Hudson, sal. and rent for Nov. $40.00; M. Keller, judge of 3 elections and returns $8.60; C. H. Ziegler, elec. returns $2.00; H. J. Hudson, ser. clerk Dist. Court $21.95; R. S. Cook, judge of elec. $4.00; James Scully, judge of elections $2.00; J. Gellispie, 5 reg. books $15.00; John Browner, judge of 3 elections $6.00; L. Gerrard sal. as Co. attorney 6 mos. $50.00; C. A. Speice, Ser. as bridge inspector $50.00; Miller and Richardson, Prin. Bonds etc. $42.85.

Orders were ordered to be drawn for all the above bills of net in excess of levy for 1869.

The certified lists of the grand and petit jurors for Oct. term were allowed and filed.

The chairman of the board approved all the official bonds on file of the following officers to wit: I. N. Taylor, probate judge; A. J. Arnold, sheriff; S. A. Bonesteel, coroner; Rudolf Kummer, Co. surveyor; J. O. Shannon, justice of the peace for Col. precinct; J. W. Early and N. H. Barton, justices Monroe precinct; Joseph Strother, assessor; Joseph Gardner, justice Butler precinct; H. C. Ludwig constable; C. Meedel, assessor.

The tax list for 1869 was presented by the Co. clerk and upon motion of Guy C. Barnum, it was accepted and signed and ordered to be delivered to the county treasurer.

Motion to adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A full board being present. Resumed business.

Motion that Guy C. Barnum prepare plan and specifications for bridge and culverts on the new county road commencing at the N. E. corner of Sec. 36, T 17, R 1 west and that the clerk advertise five days for bids and proposals for the same.

Motion that L. Gerrard be appointed Co. attorney for the term of one year upon the same conditions as last year.

Motion of G. W. Galley that the amount of 10 dollars be the limit allowed for coffins for adult paupers.

Motion of G. C. Barnum. J. W. Witchey was appointed commissioner to relocate county road near Prairie Creek in Butler precinct as petitioned for by J. Gardner and others.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that Sam. C. Smith make the pro rata indebtedness of Colfax Co. and certify the same to the county commissioners of Colfax as provided by' the legislature.

Motion of G. W. Galley that the regular meetings of this board be changed from the first Monday to the first Tuesday in each month.

Motion that Wm. Gerhold be appointed constable for Columbus precinct. Bond presented and approved.

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