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Annals of County Organization

motion that Jacob Ernst be appointed road supervisor for Columbus precinct.

Motion of S. C. Smith that so much of Monroe precinct lying south of the south bank of the Loup Fork river be attached to Butler precinct.

The clerk was ordered to attach stamps to all the official bonds approved and that the treasurer procure the necessary amount for the same.

The clerk was ordered to have the county safe removed into the court house when notified by the contractor that he is ready to receive it.

The clerk was ordered to obtain 5 cords of seasoned wood at cash price and draw on the sinking fund for the amount.

Ordered that the pile driver ropes and all tackling belonging thereto be purchased of the bridge contractors for the use of the county and that the price of $325.00 be allowed for the same to be paid out of the general fund after the assessment for 1870 is made.


SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith,
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held Jany. 4th, 1870 in the Co. Clerk's office.

Sam C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, co. clerk.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, the clerk was ordered to take an inventory of all the tackling and ropes belonging to the pile driver together with all the materials bought of Arnold and Reimer. The clerk was further ordered to have the same removed into one of the cells in the court house jail and deliver them into the keeping of the sheriff taking his receipt therefore.

Report of G. C. Barnum asking further time to prepare plan and specifications for bridge is requested at last meeting was allowed.

The report of 5. C. Smith appointed to prepare the pro rata share of indebtedness of Colfax Co. to the county of Platte and certify the same was accepted and ordered spread upon the minutes: as follows: To the County Commissioners of Colfax County, Nebraska.

In accordance with Section 5 of an "Act supplemental to an act to establish to and define the boundaries of the county f Colfax approved the 15th day of February 1869 regarding the county commissioners of Platte County to ascertain the pro rata share of indebtedness.

We the county commissioners of Platte Co. hereby certify the following as the pro rata share to be assumed by the county of Colfax.

Total amount of principal
$ 7225.09
Total amount of interest
Total indebtedness
Annual amount to be paid)
the County of Platte for 8)

I hereby certify that the foregoing statement of indebtedness of Colfax County to the County of Platte is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Sam C. Smith

Chairman of the board of County Commissioners of Platte Co. Nebr.

     H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk


Report of E. W. Toncray, superintendent of court house and jail read and filed.

Report of Co. clerk of settlement in full for the construction of the bridges across Shell Creek and Loup Fork river exhibiting receipts from Wm. Gerhold for Shell Creek bridges for the sum of ($1800.00) and from

A. J. Arnold and F. Reimer for the Loup Fork bridge for the sum of ($7000.00) ordered accepted.

Ordered that ten dollars be drawn on the sinking fund for the removal of the safe to the court house in favor of J. B. Senecal.

Petition of citizens asking for a bridge across Shell Creek on the county line read and ordered to be filed.

The following bills were audited and allowed: H. J. Hudson ser: as clerk and rent for the month of Dec. $40.00; stove pipe and zinc $4.80; G. C. Barnum ser. as Com. to Dec. 31st $26.40; Geo. W. Galley to same date $6.60; Sam C. Smith to same date and extra service $66.30; V. Kummer for preparing reports of delinquent taxes from 1860 to 1868 inclusive. $80.00; G. B. Barnum for hauling manure to L. F. B. $5.00
Ordered that Co. warrants be drawn on the general fund for the above amounts.

Ordered that the sum of $86.64 be drawn out of general fund payable to the sinking fund in favor of V. Kummer for cash paid for stationery express charges and stamps to Dec. 31st 1869.

The following orders were issued to the road supervisor of the Columbus precint (sic).

Resolved that the charge and care of the Loup Fork bridge be under the control of said supervisor and that he erect a sign board at each end of the bridge with the following notices painted thereon.

"All persons riding or, driving across this bridge faster than a walk shall be fined ten dollars."

"All persons positively forbid to drag logs across this bridge under a penalty of twenty five dollars."

The clerk was ordered to prepare lists of real estate and personal property for the supervisors in the several precincts, also lists for the assessors in their respective precincts.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, M. Smith was appointed road supervisor for Butler precinct and his bond approved.

Adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.


Board met pursuant to adjournment:

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and the clerk.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Reading of yesterday's minutes dispensed with.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that F. G. Becher be appointed assessor for Columbus precinct.

Motion that the Co. clerk refer the bills of the sheriff A. J. Arnold back for correction in accordance with the recommendation of the county attorney.

Motion of Geo. W. Galley that Guy C. Barnum notify the road supervisor when the Loup Fork bridge shall be taken up and replaced.

The commissioners having invited proposals and bids to take up and replace the Loup Fork bridge several bids having been delivered to the clerk on motion of Sam C. Smith that said be be opened and considered.

Jacob Ernst bid
Hy. Wellman bid
J. B. Beebe bid
L. M. Beebe bid

Motion of S. C. Smith that the bid of J. B. Beebe be accepted for the sum of $450.00 to be paid out of the general road fund and orders to be dated July 1st, 1870 .

Motion of G. C. Barnum that the bond for $3000. and the contract be drawn up by the Co. attorney.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith,
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a special meeting of Co. Commissioners held Tuesday, January 25, 1870.

President, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, F. G. Becher, dep. clerk.

G. C. Barnum in the chair pro tem.

Reading of minutes dispensed with until next regular meeting.

Mr. G. C. Barnum as committee on plans and specifications for a bridge across Shell Creek, asked time to report at next meeting. Granted. The board of commissioners then signed contract for taking up Loup Fork bridge. Bond of J. B. Beebe was accepted and approved. Petition of 109 citizens praying for a call of election for the purpose of issuing twenty-five thousand dollars in Co. bonds was presented and ordered to be filed.

On motion of Com. G. W. Galley, the following was carried. Be it resolved that a special election be held thirty days from date for the purpose of raising and issuing $25000.00 in Co. bonds payable in 20 years with accrued interest at 10% per annum to he apportioned and used as much thereof as may be deemed necessary in building the following bridges:

One bridge across the Platte river at or near the 6th principal meridian.

One bridge across Shell Creek in or about township 18, R 2 west.

One bridge across Looking Glass creek on the county road running from Columbus to Genoa.

One bridge across Shell Creek at or near the 6th principal meridian and

One bridge across a creek usually called Loseke Creek in Section 2, Township 18, Range 1 East,

Motion by G. C. Barnum.

The Co. attorney is hereby ordered to prepare without delay a form of mode of submitting the questions to a vote according to Section, 19, 21, 22, 23 of chapter IX, revised statutes. Carried.

Thereupon the following resolutions were adopted and ordered to be posted according to law:

Whereas, it is proposed that Platte county shall issue twenty-five thousand dollars in county bonds, said bonds to be issued and dated on the first day of July A. D. 1870 and be payable twenty years from date thereof, and that said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from said first day of July 1870, said interest to be payable annually and both the principal and interest to be payable at the office of the county treasurer of said Platte county or at the First National Bank of Omaha, Neb., that said bonds be sold by the commissioners of Platte County and the money received therefore to be for the purpose of creating a general bridge fund for said county, said general bridge fund shall be used for the purpose of erecting building and keeping in repair wagon road bridges in said county and shall be expended by the Co. commissioners of said county for said purposes in such manner as they shall from time to time direct.

It is proposed further that an annual tax of three mills on the dollar be levied and collected on all taxable property real and personal in Platte county for the term of twenty years commencing in the year 1870 that the monies collected from said tax shall be known as the general bridge fund and shall be paid into said fund and shall be expended as follows:

First for the payment of the annual interest on said bonds. Second for the payment of the principal of said bonds. Third for the building and repairing of wagon road bridges in Platte county, Nebraska, said tax shall be known as the general bridge fund tax and whereas it is proposed that the local voters of Platte county do vote for or against the creating of said general bridge fund and the levy of said tax of three mills on the dollar for the general bridge fund tax.

Therefore, it is ordered that on the first day of March 1870, a special election be held in said county at the usual places of holding elections and that at said elections all persons that are legally qualified to vote in said county and that are in favor of issuing of said bonds, the creating of said special tax to be levied collected and expended as above written shall write or print on their ballots "General Bridge Fund and Special Tax" "Yes" and all those opposed to said bridge funds and tax as above written shall write or print on their ballots "General Bridge Fund and Special Tax".

By order of the commissioners of said county done at Columbus, Platte county on the 28th day of January 1870.

H. J. Hudson, Co. clerk
by: F. G. Becher, Dep.

No other business being before the board, it was agreed to adjourn.

H. J. Hudson, clerk
by: F. G. Becher, Dep. SpacerSam C. Smith.

Annals of County Organization

At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners Held Feb. 1st 1870, in the Court House.

S. C. Smith in the chair. Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.

Minutes. of last two meetings (a regular and special meeting) were read and approved.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that John Held and W. Wetterer be allowed to use the pile driver and tackling belonging to the County of Platte, they agreeing to become responsible for any or all damage that may occur (if any).

Communication from state auditor instructing to assess all property at full value was placed on file.

Report of G. C. Barnum submitting plan of bridge and specifications on Mill Creek was accepted and placed on file.

The following accounts were audited and allowed A. J. Arnold, sheriff's bill for keeping and guarding William Oregon, prisoner $138.75; W. B. Dale for blankets for jail $12.00; C. B. Stiliman, stationery $20.20; S. Lang, making duplicate delinquent tax lists $100.00; Mills & Co. for county books etc. $85.90; H. J. Hudson, 1 mo. salary for Jany. $25.00.

Bonds of F. G. Becher, assessor for Columbus precinct and M. Smith supervisor for Butler precinct were approved.

Adjourned till 9 o'clock tomorrow.


Met pursuant to adjournment.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

The clerk was ordered to request state treasurer to pay no funds to Colfax county until he was notified that a settlement had been made with Platte county assuming their share of indebtedness incurred by the disjunction of Colfax from Platte county.

Motion of G. W. Galley that A. Mathias be allowed $25.00 for the use of his bridge by the settlers.

The Com. ordered the clerk to furnish to the assessors the following instructions in making assessments for the year 1870.

All lands in townships 16, 17 and 18. Ranges 1 east and west $6.00 per acre. All lands in townships 165 17 and 18. Range 2 west $5.00 per acre. All lands in townships 17, 18, 19 and 20 in ranges 3 and 4 west, $3.00 per acre. All lands in townships 19 and 20 in ranges 1 and 2 111 the county $300 per acre.

Horses 1st class from
100 to. 150 dollars
Horses 2nd class from
75 to 90 dollars
Horses 3rd class from
25 to 50 dollars
Colts from
15 to 50 dollars
Mules and asses from
50 to 150 dollars
Cattle work from
75 to 125 dollars
Cattle neat from
10 to 40 dollars
Calves under 1 year old exempt.
Sheep per head $1.50
Swine per hundred lbs. $5.00.
Chickens exempt.

On motion of Guy C. Barnum, the clerk was ordered to make requisition upon the state auditor for all necessary blanks for the assessments and all other necessary books for the use of the county as furnished by the state.

The clerk was ordered to obtain lists of all lands subject to taxation during the year 1869. Also all lands transferred by sale or otherwise by the U. P. R. R. Co.

Motion of G. W. Galley the clerk was ordered to close a contract with George Barnum to build a bridge across Mill Creek and 3 sluices or culverts for the sum of $125.00 to be paid out of the Columbus precinct road fund said bridge and culverts to be built in accordance with plan and specifications now on file as furnished by commissioner Barnum.

20 wolf scalps were counted and destroyed.

Motion to adjourn till Monday the 7th day of March 1870 at 2 o'clock.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSamual C. Smith,
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Com. Held in the Court House, Columbus, March 7th, 1870, S. C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Contract between Co. Com. and Geo. Barnum for building bridge and 3 sluices on Mill Creek was approved.

Communication of county clerk showing the result of special election was read and ordered to be spread on the record.

We the undersigned householders having canvassed the returns of a special election held in Platte County, Nebraska on the 1st day of March A. D. 1870 to determine the question allowing the county commissioners to issue county bonds to the amount of $25,000 dollars for the purpose of creating a "general bridge fund and special tax" do hereby certify that the following is the result of said canvass.

"For the general bridge fund and special tax" one hundred and fifty two (152) votes.

"Against the general bridge fund and special tax" Twenty six (26) votes

Certified by us.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerWill. B. Dale Spacerhouseholders
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerE. W. Toncray

Communication of H. P. Handy proposing to furnish plans for bridge for the Platte river were placed on file.

Communication of David Anderson to paint the outside of the court house was placed on file.

Motion of S. C. Smith that V. Kummer, treasurer and Leander Gerrard, attorney, be appointed a committee to settle and close up all unadjusted matters

The History of Platte County Nebraska

between Platte and Colfax counties of a financial character arising from and growing out of the division of Platte County and the creating of the county of Colfax.

Correspondence between Colfax and Platte counties by the clerks thereof pertaining to one Anna Lermett, pauper, was placed on file.

Motion of G. W. Galley, the clerk was authorized to procure a suitable copying press for the clerk's office.

Communication of school superintendent requesting a supply of stationery was read and the clerk ordered to procure the same.

Motion of G. W. Galley, the propositions of H. P. Handy was received and the clerk ordered to advertise in the Omaha Daily papers inviting other plans and estimates for a bridge across the Platte river at or near the 6th principal meridian.

Two petitions from citizens asking for the location of county roads were referred back in order to enable the petitioners to comply with the law by posting proper notices and filing bond.

"Petition for the formation of a new precinct was granted to be known as the Shell Creek precinct with the boundaries as follows: To commence at the point where the township line between Range 2 and 3 west strikes the Loup Fork of the Platte, thence north in said township line between Range 2 and 3 west to the county line thence east on county line to the 6th principal meridian thence south on said meridian to the north line of township 17, Range N 1 west thence west on said township line to where said line intersects with township line between Range 1 and 2 west thence south on said line to the Loup Fork thence by the north bank of said Loup Fork to the place of beginning, said precinct to be known as Lost Creek precinct."
Report of court house superintendent recommending the painting of the court house on its outside was placed on file.

Motion to adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

The Co. Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment at 10 o'clock A. M.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

It was ordered that the assessors, assess the towns of Oida and Jackson as town property.

The following bills were audited and allowed: J. Gerrard clerk of election $2.00; J. Myers, judge of election $2.00; W. T. Strothers, judge of election $2.00; N. H. Barton, clerk of election and making returns $6.00 all from Monroe precinct for special election March 1st 1870.

Motion of S. C. Smith that G. W. Galley confer with John Rickly Esqr. and ascertain upon what terms he can negotiate the county bonds for creating the bridge fund.

The commissioners held interviews with the contractor of the court house and the superintendent upon the necessity of substituting grating of iron over the cell doors instead of transoms as set forth in the specifications also as to the necessity of painting the outside brick work of the court house but no action was taken.

Motion to adjourn.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith,
SpacerCo. ClerkSpacerChairman


Regular Meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners was held on Tuesday, April 5th at the Co. Clerk's office.

Present, Com. S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

Correspondence of Co. clerk of Dodge Co. was read, ordered to be filed and on motion of G. C. Barnum, the Co. clerk is hereby ordered to notify said clerk of Dodge county in regard to pauper Anna Lermett that said person is not a resident of Platte county and therefore not accountable for any expense incurred.

Two petitions in regard or praying for road along the north side and one along the south side of Shell Creek west of the meridian were read and ordered to be filed. Petition for a bridge across Shell Creek on section line between 23 and 24 west of meridian was read and on motion of G. W. Galley laid over until next meeting. Petition from citizens of Columbus and Platte county to bridge the big slough north of Columbus was read and ordered to be filed.

Report of J. O. Shannon as overseer of the poor was read and on motion of Com. Galley said report be laid over until next meeting for further consideration.

The following bills and accounts were allowed and audited.

Bill of I. O. Blodgett, clerk of election $2.00; bill of J. O. Shannon, postage $5.54; bill of Miller and Richardson, printing $17.50; bill of H. Hurlburt, election service $4.00; bill of F. G. Becher, tax list 1869 $110.00. The following bill was allowed and audited and an order drawn for same on the Butler precinct road fund in favor of J. W. Witchey service as road commissioner $60.00.

Report of J. W. Witchey on Co. road was read and on motion of Com. Barnum said report be accepted and filed and the road so located and surveyed as per report be hereby declared a county road and ordered to be recorded as such on road record. Bond of petitioners for roads along Shell Creek west of the meridian was presented and approved and ordered to be filed. Motion of Mr. Barnum, F. G. Becher be appointed as commissioner to view and locate said road, if practicable, according to petition.

Motion of Com. Barnum, the road supervisor of Columbus precinct, is hereby ordered to build a bridge across the big slough north of Columbus on section line running north and south between 16 and 17, town 57, R 1 east without delay and hand in his report soon as possible, upon which the commissioners proceeded to open the bridge plans for Platte river bridge as per advertisement.

Annals of County Organization

After discussing considerable length of time on the subject, it was agreed to adjourn until next day at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson
By: F. G. Becher, Dep.


Board of Comissioners (sic) Met Pursuant to Adjourned Wednesday, April 6th 1870.

Present, Full board and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

The bridge plans of following bidders were taken up and argued and debated on plan of Davis and Brewer.
Spacer" SpacerButterfield and Becker
SpacerBoyd and Creighton
SpacerH. P. Handy

No decision could be made upon the feasibility of the different plans, it was agreed to adjourn until Saturday, April 9, 1870

H. J. Hudson, clerkSpacer
by: F. G. Becher, Dep.


Adjourned Meeting of the Commissioners was Held on Saturday, April 9, 1870.

Present. Com. S. C. Smith in the chair. Com. G. C. Barnum and Geo. W. Galley.

Reading of the minutes was dispensed with until next meeting.

Motion was made to proceed to consider the merits of the different plans and proposals on Platte river bridge. Carried.

Mr. H. P. Handy

Mr. L. Butterfield

Mr. J. P. Becker Wm. Boyd each of them made a few remarks and explained their proposed plans and after discussing the subject by the commissioner, Mr. Geo. W. Galley made a motion that the plan No. for the Platte river bridge of Mr. H. P. Handy be adopted. Mr. Galley and Smith voting in the affirmative, Mr. Barnum in the negative, after which the board adjourned to meet again at 8 o'clock P.M.

H. J. Hudson,

By: F. G. Becher, Dep

Board met at 8 o'clock P.M.

Present, full board.

Mr. H. p. Handy presented his guarantee signed by J. B. Wells and A. J. Arnold for the construction of the Platte river bridge according to Plan No. 2, adopted, that in case bid is made for less amount than estimated at by said H. P. Handy. Approved. No further business, the board adjourned till Wednesday, April 13th 1870.

H. J. Hudson, clerkSpacer
Sam C. Smith, chairman

By: F. G. Becher, Dep.


Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners Was Held on Wednesday, April 13, 1870. full board.

F. G. Becher, clerk pro tern. Mines of Previous meetings were read and approved.

Application was made by H. M. Barnes and others of Union Creek settlement for the use of the pile driver belonging to the county of Platte for the purpose of aiding in building a bridge across Union Creek.

Motion made by Mr. Galley. That Platte Co. hereby give their consent to loan the pile driver to said parties gratis sometimes during next month, provided H. M. Barnes and others from Union Creek repair the said pile driver, put it in a safe condition and be responsible for same and return it in good order. Adopted.

Motion made to adjourn agreed until next Wednesday, April 20, 1870

H. J. Hudson, clerkSpacer Sam C. Smith
By: F. G. Becher, Dep. SpacerChairman


Meeting of the Board of Equalization of Platte County began and held April 18, 19 and 20th A. D. 1870.

First day April 18, 1870

Co. Commissioners met as Board of Equalization as provided by law and organized said board.

Present, Com. G. W. Galley, G. C. Barnum, F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

There being no complaints made or preesnted (sic), the Board adjourned until the next day.

Second day April 19, 1870.

Co. Commissioners met and organized as Board of Equalization.

Present, Com. S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum and Geo. W. Galley, F. G. Becher, clerk.

The board made the following change equalized in Butler precinct.

J. Gardner price of neat cattle be increased to $16.00 per head.

Geo. Berney price of neat cattle be increased to $20.00 per head.

V. Kummer price of neat cattle be increased to $23.00 per head.

Cris. Mahler price of neat cattle be increased to $20.00 per head.

Peter Martz price of neat cattle be increased to $20.00 per head.

Christ Meedle price of neat cattle be increased to $20.00 per head.

Mike Smith price of neat cattle be increased to $20.00 per head.

No other complaints or changes being made, the board adjourned until next day.

Third day April 20, 1870.

Board of Equalization met at 9 A.M. present Com. S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum and Geo. K. Galley, F. G. Becher, clerk.

No person appeared to complain or make any changes and every part of assessment roll being to the satis-
faction of the board, it was agreed to adjourn sine die.

H. J. Hudson, clerk SpacerSamuel C. Smith
By: F. G. Becher, Dep. SpacerChairman

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