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Annals of County Organization

At a regular meeting of the board of Co. Commissioners held in the court house, Sep. 6th 1870.

Sam. C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Minutes of last meetings were read and approved.

Communication from John Rickly withdrawing his name as security on bond of A. J. Arnold, Sheriff, was read and ordered to be filed.

Petition for a change of name from Lost Creek to Shell Creek Precinct was read and filed.

Communication from James Scully in regard to same subject was laid over for future reference.

Petition from J. Burroughs and others asking for a change in location for County Bridge between Sec. 13 and 14 as ordered located last meeting was read and filed.

Motion of Corn. Barnum that said change be made as requested and the Superintendent is hereby instructed to make the necessary survey and locate the same at the point designated in said petition.

Petition of Henry Carrig for damages in the amount of 3000 dollars occasioned by the locating a county road through his lands was laid over.

Motion of Com. Smith said petition be laid over for consideration until the next meeting of the Board.

Motion of Com. Smith, the place for holding elections in Lost Creek Precinct be at the School House near Patrick Gleasons.

Names of H. Compton and J. A. Baker were added to the bond of A. J. Arnold, Sheriff, and approved by the chairman of the Board.

Motion of Com. Galley, the clerk was ordered to call an election for State and County officers as required by law.

Also that an election be ordered for the issuing of County Bonds to the amount of $200,000 dollars and that the following resolutions be spread upon the commissioners record.

Resolved that, whereas, it is proposed that Platte County shall issue one hundred thousand dollars in County bonds for the purpose of aiding to construct a railroad bridge across the Platte river in the county of Platte and State of Nebraska said bonds to be issued and dated on the first day of July next succeeding their issue arid payable twenty-five years from the date thereof and that they bear interest at ten per cent per annum from date of bond interest payable annually on the first day of July of each year, and whereas it is proposed to levy a special tax of one mill on the dollar of valuation on all taxable property in said county for the purpose of Paying the interest and principal on said bonds and to be levied and collected for the term of twenty-five years next after issuing of said bonds and to continue till said bonds are due and payable, said monies so raised to be a special fund to be used only in the manner and for the purposes herein named and set forth, said bonds when issued to be donated to the first railroad company constructing a bridge across the Platte river in Platte county and running its road into and building a depot within the incorporate limits of the town of Columbus: And it is further provided that said company so constructing a railroad bridge across the Platte river in Platte County and receiving Platte County bond therefore, shall permit any and all other roads desiring to use said bridge to do so upon a just and fair compensation not exceeding one-half the value of the bonds so donated by Platte County to said railroad company first completing said bridge, said bonds to be issued upon the completion of said Platte river railroad bridge and the road crossing thereon, running into and within the corporate limits of the town of Columbus, said bridge to be completed within two years from date of this resolution.
And, whereas, it is required by law that all propositions to issue bonds and levy a special tax for the payment of such bonds as above proposed be submitted to a vote of the legal voters of said county.

Therefore, it is ordered that the question of issuing bonds be submitted to the people at the next regular election to be held in the county on the 11th day of October, next A.D. 1870.

The manner of submitting and voting on said question shall be as follows: Those voting in favor of the issue of bonds and levy of said special tax for the purposes as above set forth shall write or print on their ballots. "For the special Railroad Bridge Bond Tax."

Those voting against said proposition to issue bonds and levy said tax shall write or print on their ballots. "Against the special Railroad Bridge Bond Tax."

And it is further ordered that the County Clerk of said county issue notice of said call and attach a copy of this resolution and order thereto and post the same according to law.

By order of the County Commissioners, Columbus, Nebraska. September 6th 1870.

And be it Further Resolved, that whereas it is proposed that the county of Platte do issue- one hundred thousand dollars in county bonds to aid in- the construction of the Nemaha Valley, Lincoln and Loup Fork Railroad, said bonds to be dated on the first day of July next succeeding their issue, that said bonds be payable thirty years from their date and bear interest at ten per cent per annum from date, interest payable annually on the first day of July of each year, and whereas it is proposed to levy a special tax of one-half mill on the dollar of valuation on all taxable property in said county of Platte for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds and to be levied annually and collected for the term of thirty years next after the issuing of said bonds.

And it is further proposed to levy a special tax on all taxable property in said county of one-half mill on the dollar of valuation for the purpose of paying the principal of said bonds, said tax to be levied and collected for the term of thirty years till said bonds are due and payable.

Said monies so raised to be a special fund to be used only in the manner and for the purposes as herein set

The History of Platte County Nebraska

forth and said bonds when issued to be donated by Platte County to the Nemaha Valley, Lincoln and Loup Fork Railroad upon the following conditions: Provided that the grading be commenced within one year and the road finished and in running order through the county of Platte within two years from the date of this resolution, and it is further provided that if said road is not completed within two years as above set forth said bonds to be forfeited and revert back to the county of Platte.

The company to receive $2,000 in bonds for every mile graded and completed with necessary culverts upon the completion of sections of five miles within the county of Platte, the balance of the bonds to be paid to the company upon the completion of the road in running order to the town of Columbus within its corporate limits.

But the company is to give a sufficient guarantee of the final completion of the said road to the county Commissioners before any part of the bonds for grading is issued to it.

And whereas it is required by law that all propositions to issue bonds and levy a special tax for the payment of such bonds as above proposed be submitted to a Vote of the legal voters of the county.

Therefore, it is ordered that the question of issuing bonds be submitted to the people at the next regular election to be held in the county on the 11th day of October next A.D. 1870.

The manner of submitting and voting on said question shall be as follows: those voting in favor of the issue of bonds and levy of said special tax for the purposes as above set forth shall write or print on their ballots.

"For the special Railroad Bond Tax."

Those voting against said proposition to issue bonds and levy said tax shall write or print on their ballots.

“Against the special Railroad Bond Tax."

And it is further ordered that the County Clerk of said county issue notice of said call and attach a copy of this resolution and order attached thereto and post the same according to law.

By order of the County Commissioners.

Columbus, Nebraska, September 6th 1870.

Adjourned till Tuesday, September 20th 1870.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerSam. C. Smith,
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Co. Com. held on the 20th day of September 1870 in the Court House.

Sam. C. Smith in the chair.

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes were read and approved.

Motion of Com. Barnum that the petition for damages claimed by H. Carrig be laid over and that I. N. Taylor, Esqr. examine the proposed road as marked out by Hy. Carrig and if practicable to obtain the signatures of all the parties concerned that the right of way be granted.

Motion of Com. Galley that the agreement entered into for final settlement between the counties of Platte and Colfax be spread upon the records of the Com. Court.

Motion to adjourn till tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock AM.

Board met pursuant to adjournment on Wednesday the 21st. Roll called. Full board.

A list of' sixty names were selected from the registration returns for the juries both grand and petit for the October term ensuing and delivered to the Clerk of the District Court.

The Clerk was ordered to spread upon the records the following resolution and receipt.

Resolved that whereas at a special election held on the 1st day of March A.D. 1870, the Co. Com. were authorized to issue $25,000 in county bonds payable in 20 years for the purpose of creating a "General Bridge Fund," that said bonds 50 in number of $5.00. each being duly executed were sold to the 1st National Bank of Omaha at 8 cents on the dollar, bearing interest at 10 per cent per annum from the 1st day of July A.D. 1870. The following receipt was taken, acknowledging the purchase and delivery of the same.

Omaha, Neb. Sept. 15th 1870.

To the County Commissioners of Platte County, Nebraska.


S. C. Smith, Esqr. this day delivered to me twenty-five thousand dollars of the bonds of your county to be disposed of and accounted for in compliance with arrangements; made by Leander Gerrard, Esqr., in behalf of Platte Co.

A. Kountz, Cashier.

Report of I. N. Taylor, Commissioner, appointed to locate a county road to Stanton Co., commencing at the S. E. corner of Sec. 19, T 18, R 1 east and a road commencing at Ahrens Bridge in Sec. 23, T 18, R 1 east were accepted and adopted while the report of the road commencing at the south end of the Loup Fork Bridge was not accepted.

Motion of Corn. Barnum, the bills incurred in locating the roads accepted be allowed and orders drawn on the Columbus Road Fund.

The following accounts were audited and allowed on the general fund.

L. Gerrard, serv. as Register $12.00; Chris. Meedel, ser. as Assesssor $63.00; ser. as judge of Elec. $4.00; M. Weaver, desk and book case, $47.70; Joseph Schlosser, labor on Court H. $4.00; W. B. Doddridge, Telegraphing $6.75; Bonesteel Brs. $2.10 supplies for jail ; J. D. Brewer $6.550 work at Court Room and Clerk of election; S. C. Smith, register fees for $17.00; V. Kummer, Delinquent List $30.00; M. Ziegler work on out house,

Annals of County Organization

carpenter $30.75; Chs. Wakes digging vault, etc. $8.00; Jacob Gerber, witness fees $4.00; H. J. Hudson, fees $62.85; Gallus Guegg, 3 tables, $18.00; G. C. Barnum expenses to Colfax Co. $5.90; F. G. Becher, lumber for bridge, pest house. and out house $150.87; Miller & Richardson, books and blanks for Co. and Dist. Clerks office $89.75; A. J. Arnold, bed ticks $5.00; On "Court House Fund," Wm. Hoeffelman, 6 iron gratings for cells and hinges for jail door, $70.00; "On General Bridge Fund," S. C. Smith's expenses to Omaha to deposit Co. bonds $16.80; Omaha Republican Adver. $38.00; Herald, adver, $38.00; H. J. Hudson, singing co. Bonds, $25.00.

Ordered that warrants be drawn for the above amounts 00 the several funds.

Motion of Com. Galley, the following persons were appointed as judges and Clerks of election in Lost Creek precinct:

Wm. Dykes, Jas. Scully, Daniel Kinsey, judges; J. W. Lentz, Calvin Schaffer, clerks.

The Clerk was ordered to obtain stoves for the offices and Court Room in the Court House, also to obtain a carload of coal.

Motion the clerk get the lumber belonging to the county now in possession of J. O. Shannan and have a coal house constructed. *

Motion of Corn. Galley, the Clerk was ordered to obtain regulations for the jail at the next term of the Dist. Court.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, the appointment of I. N. Taylor to examine road located through the farm of H. Carrig be revoked and that the Board of Co. Com. examine the same in person.

Attest. SpacerSamI. C. Smith
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerCounty Com.

* Ordered that J. P. Becker have the use of the county pile driver upon the same terms as the said Becker receives for the use of his own pile driver now in use at the Platte River Bridge.

Agreement Between Platte & Cofax Counties

This agreement made and entered into this Third day of August A.D. 1870, by and between the County Commissioners of Platte County for and in behalf of said County of Platte, party of the first part and the County Commissioners of Colfax County, for and in behalf of said County of Colfax, party of the second part.

Witnesseth that whereas at the 4th session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska held at Lincoln City m said State in the year 1869 an act was passed dividing the said County of Platte and making a new County, now Colfax County, and whereas at said session of said Legislature an act was passed entitled "an act supplemental to an act to divide said county of Platte," and whereas it was provided by said supplemental act that the indebtedness of the then County of Platte should e assumed by the two counties of Platte and Colfax in proportion to the amount of taxable property in each of said counties in the year 1868, and that all money then at the time of the passage of said act in the treasury of Platte County should be divided between said counties of Platte and Colfax in proportion to the amount of taxable property in each county, and whereas it has been ascertained that the taxable property of Platte County in the year 1868 was in proportion to the taxable property of Colfax county as 9 is to 7, that is to say that 9/16 of all the taxable property for the year 1868 in Platte county was in what is now Platte County and 7/16 of the taxable property in Platte County in 1868 was in what is now Colfax County and whereas it is now further provided by said supplemental act that said indebtedness should be certified by the Commissioners of Platte County to the Commissioners of Colfax County make the necessary levy to meet the same and whereas it is now desirable that said settlement be completed.

It is hereby agreed by the undersigned in the above settlement that the same shall be and is hereby settled on the following basis: That is to say that Colfax County is to pay to Platte County its proportionment of the indebtedness of Platte County at the time said act of 1869 aforesaid was passed. It has been ascertained that there is due Platte County from Colfax County on a final settlement of the indebtedness on the Court House fund and building fund, the sum of five-thousand two-hundred and twenty-three dollars and 48/100, which amount, when paid, releases Colfax County from all liability whatsoever on said funds. That said Colfax County assumes the full amount of $5,223 48/100 of indebtedness and agrees to pay the same in full, said sum aforesaid includes and is a final settlement of the Court House and building fund between said counties. Colfax County agrees to pay said sum aforesaid with interest from the 1st day of January 1870 at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid; said sum to be due and payable in eight years from the 1st day of July 1870 the interest to be due and payable on the 1st day of January of each year. Said County of Colfax reserves the right to pay said amount at any time when it sees proper to do so, before the same becomes due. That there is due the County of Colfax from the County of Platte on different funds the following respective amounts on final settlement of said funds to wit: On county sinking fund six dollars and 43/100. On road fund, Buchanan precinct, one hundred and seventy-nine dollars & 79/100. On road fund, Centre precinct, three hundred and ninety-six dollars & 79/100. On general road fund, eighty-one dollars and 41/100. On Dist. school fund, two hundred and sixty-six dollars. On State school fund, one hundred and forty-four and 86/100. There is due Platte County from Colfax Co., in General Fund on final settlement, the sum of eleven hundred and twenty-four dollars & 81/100, the total amount due Colfax County from Platte County in different funds amounts to ten hundred and seventy-five & 28/TOO dollars. Amount due Platte County from Colfax County on County General Fund amounts to eleven hundred and twenty-four dollars & 81/100. Deducting the amount due Colfax County from the amount due Platte County leaves a balance due Platte County

The History of Platte County Nebraska

on a grand winding up of the different funds except Court House and building funds the sum of forty-nine 57/100 dollars which amount the Board of Commissioners of Colfax County agree to pass an order allowing said amount which amount is to be paid as soon as this settlement is effected.

And it is further ascertained that on the books of the State Treasurer and State Auditor of the State of Nebraska the County of Platte is charged:

On State Gen. Fund the sum of $820.96
On State Sinking Fund the sum of 424.72
On State School Fund the sum of $616.85

which said amount should be credited to the County of Platte for the year 1868, on said books and charged to the County of Colfax and the county of Colfax hereby agree to have the said amounts above written credited to the County of Platte and charged to the County of Colfax for the year 1868, the same to be due and payable within ten days from the signing of this contract and it is hereby expressly agreed by the County of Colfax that the said County will make immediate provision for the payment to Platte County of the amount due Platte County on Court House and building fund as above written, and in the manner, and time as above written; And it is further expressly agreed by the parties hereto that they will each do and perform the several portions of this agreement in good faith and in the manner and at the time above specified. This contract shall be binding on the said counties of Platte and Colfax forever and shall be accepted by said counties as a full and final settlement of all matters of difference now existing between said counties arising out of or by reason of the division of Platte County and the creation of Colfax County. That this agreement shall be entered in full in the Records of the County Commissioners Courts of Platte and Colfax counties.

Signed the day and year above written.

G. C. Barnum ) Commissioners
Sam. C. Smith ) of Platte County
George W. Galley ) Nebraska.
David Anderson ) Commissioners
Fred Stevens ) of Colfax County
J. P. Maple ) Nebraska.

I, H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk in and for the County of Platte, do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the original agreement now on file in my office.

Attest: SpacerH. J. Hudson
SpacerCo. Clerk
SpacerPlatte Co.
(SEAL) SpacerNebraska.

(SEAL) Signed in presence of H. J. Hudson, County Clerk of Platte County. J. W. F. Williams, County Clerk of Colfax County.


At a regular meeting of the Board of Com. held in the Court House on Tuesday the 4th day of October 1870.

Sam. C. Smith in the chair.

The History of Platte County, Nebraska

Roll called. Present, S. C. Smith, G. C. Barnum G. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes read and approved.

The matter of damage claimed by Hy. Carrig was laid over, the Com, not being able to examine the land in consequence of continued rains.

Correspondence from Insurance Agents relative to insuring Court House was laid over.

Motion of Com. Barnum that all the propositions to insure be laid over till next regular meeting.

Report of H. P. Handy, Esqr. Superintendent of Bridges, now in course of construction in Platte County was on

Motion of Com. Barnum, accepted and placed on file.

Motion of Com. Galley that the time of fifteen days extension of Wells French & Cos. contract be granted.

The following bills were allowed on the General Fund: H. P. Coolidge $13.30, sundry tin ware for jail; L. Gerrard ser. as Special Attorney in care of Platte and Colfax, $150.00; H. N. Lathrop $10.00 for painting pest house; D. Anderson $24.00, painting desks and book cases in Treasurer, Clerk and Probate offices; C. D. Clother $16.50 for team and hire conveying Superintendent to Shell Creek bridges; H. J. Hudson $100.00 serv. as Clerk of Com. Board quarter ending Sep. 30th; Acres Blackmer & Co. $94.50 Books and Blanks for use of County; V. Kummer $150.00 preparing statements and making final settlement between the Counties of Platte and Colfax $159.29 for stationery, postage and other expenditures for the year ending Oct. 1st 1870; and $192.00 for coal, clerk's desk and firewood for use of Court House.

Out of Court House Fund, H. P. Coolidge $48.40 for pump and sink.

Out of General Bridge Fund, H. P. Handy $234.00,

balance on salary as bridge superintendent; S. C. Smith $10.00 services in signing Bridge Fund Bonds.

Motion that orders for the above amounts be drawn on the several funds. 11

Motion to adjourn till Tuesday the 18th day of October at 2 P.M.

Attest: SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman of the Board
SpacerCo. Clerk Spacerpro tern.


At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held in the Court House on the 8th day of October 1870. Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Correspondence from A. J. Arnold, sheriff, asking for $480.00 per annum compensation for jailor (sic), and one-half the amount charged by Platte County for keeping prisoners from other counties was laid over and on motion of Corn. Galley, the clerk was ordered to correspond with Douglas Co. on the subject.

Petition of Brendt Eisenhour and others for relocation of road on the West side of Loup Fork was accepted,

Annals of County Organization

placed on file together with bond and on motion of Barnum, James E. North was appointed Corn to view and locate said road as petitioned for.

Jail Report of Grand jury was read and placed on file and Clerk ordered to procure an Earth Closet for the use of jail as reported in said jail Report.

Bill of Jerome McGinnis for fitting blinds for Probate Judge's office $12.00 was allowed.

Wm. Gerhold contractor of Shell Creek Bridges presented a verbal report that aprons for said bridges should be provided for before the bridges were completed.

Motion of Com. Galley the Clerk was ordered to request of Superintendent Handy an estimate for material and probable cost of construction.

Motion to adjourn till Nov. 1st.

Attest: SpacerGeorge W. Galley.
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman of the Board
SpacerCo. Clerk Spacerpro tern.


At a regular meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held Nov. 1st 1870.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called, present, G. W. Galley, S. C. Smith and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

J. W. Early, Com. elect from the 2nd District, presented his bond approved and duly qualified, took his seat in the Board, and Com. S. C. Smith retiring. G. C. Barnum arriving, took the chair as the senior member of the Board.

Estimate of H. P. Handy for aprons to the Shell Creek Bridges was read and Wm. Gerhold, the contractor, was authorized to construct the same where necessary at $80.40 each payable one 1/2 out of the Precinct Road Funds and one 1/2 out of the General Road Fund.

Correspondence from Dodge and Douglas counties upon the subject of receiving prisoners from other counties was read and placed on file.

Motion of Com. Galley that the Sheriff receive all benefits arising from care of prisoners from other counties and that no charge for keeping and guarding the same be made upon Platte County. It was also moved that the Sheriff be allowed $30.00 per month for the services of a jailor from this date.

Commissioners reported having viewed the road as asked for by H. Carrig and Clark Cooncey and located the same, and appointed I. N. Taylor to stake off the same

Report of I. N. Taylor that he had staked out the road on the north side of Shell Creek running through the lands of H. Carrig and Clark Cooncey and found the road to be the same as located and surveyed by Com, Becher on June the 6th 1870.

Ordered that the road as now surveyed and staked by I. N. Taylor be declared accepted and bill for $10.00 be allowed.

The following Claims of Damages by the locating theabove ordered road were presented: Henry Carrig $3,000; David Carrig $1,000; Pat Gleason $1,000.

Henry Carrig also claimed $500.00 damage for a road running through his lands located on the south side of Shell Creek.

The above claims were read and ordered filed and on motion of Com. Galley, J. W. Witchey, John Kelly and James H. Galley were appointed to appraise the damages sustained by the above named claimants, the Commissioners believing said claims to be exorbitant.

Communication of John Rickly --- Jacob Ernst, road supervisor of Columbus Precinct, cutting timber from the said John Rickly's lands was referred to the County Attorney.

Motion of Com. Galley that Lost Creek Precinct be changed to that of Shell Creek, was carried and the change so ordered.

The Clerk presented the canvass of the votes cast at an election held on the 11th day of October A.D. 1870 for the purpose of authorizing the Commissioners to issue bonds for railroad and railroad bridge purposes was read and ordered spread upon the records.

Columbus, Neb. Oct. 14th 1870.

State of Nebraska ) ss
Platte County )

We certify that we have canvassed the election returns of the Precincts of Butler, Monroe, Lost Creek and Columbus of an election held on the 11th day of October 2870 and find the following number of votes were cast.

For the special "Railroad Bond Tax" Two hundred and 74 votes.

Against the special "Railroad Bond Tax" (8) votes.

For the special "Railroad Bridge Bond Tax" Two hundred and 74 votes.

Against the special "Railroad Bridge Bond Tax" (8) votes.

We hereby certify the above to be a true and correct canvass of all the votes polled at the above election.

SpacerH, J. Hudson, Co. Clerk
Per: F. G. BecherSpacer G. C. Barnum ) householders
SpacerDep. Clerk. SpacerJ. B. Wells.

October 14th 1870

Report of J. O. Shannon upon pauper, Edward Kelly read and filed, and bills for same allowed with corrections made.

Report of Coroner Bonesteel in case of Michael Dooley read and filed, and bills allowed.

Report of Co. Clerk on bridge fund read and filed.

Motion to adjourn till 9 o'clock A.M. tomorrow.


Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, present.

Communication from the Town Council was pre-

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