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The History of Platte County Nebraska

sented through their clerk, F. G. Becher, Esqr., asking permission to use the Court Room for council purposes.

Ordered that leave be granted to use the same.

The following bills were audited and allowed: Jas, E. North $80.00 for blankets for use of jail; Friedline washing for jail $1.00; John Haney, judge of election 2 years $4.00, services for-Lost Creek precinct, judges and clerks $10.00; C. A. Speice for defending prisoner A. L. Stowe $30.00; J. O. Shannon ser. as school superintendent $30.00; J. W. Early ser. as register Lost Creek Precinct $21.00; W. T. Strother ser. as register Monroe Precinct $23.80; G. E. Willard, judge of election Monroe Precinct $2.00; Dr. Polly ser. as physician to prisoner $2.00; A. J. Arnold, sheriff for boarding and guarding Thos. Russell $105.70 for boarding Ann Lermett $21.25; M. K. Turner for printing and advertising $114.92; Guy C. Barnum team and ser. as Road Com. $6.50; Sam. C. Smith do do $6.50; G. W. Galley, ser. as Road Com. $3.40; John Strasser witness $3.90.

Ordered that warrants be drawn on the respective funds for the several amounts.

The clerk was ordered to cancel road order No. 1 for $644.16 and issue the same in smaller amounts.

Isaac Shivers Jr. was appointed justice of the Peace and Thomas H. Welch, Constable, for the Monroe Precinct till the next general election for county officers.

Ordered that I. N. Taylor be allowed $75.00 per annum salary as probate judge.

Ordered that the Supervisor for Columbus Precinct open the County Road running east to the boundary line of the county commencing on 8th street as per resolution of Board passed May 10th 1869.

Ordered that the county surveyor stake out the above road.

Motion of Com. Galley that the fitting up of the Court Room be accepted and an order drawn for the amount on the Court House Fund.

Ordered that the clerk procure some cast iron spittoons for the offices in court house.

Motion to adjourn till Tuesday the 15th day of November A.D. 1870.

Attest: SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman
SpacerCo. Clerk


At an adjourned meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the Court House on the 15th day of November 1870.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

There being no report from the superintendent of the bridges being constructed and no business being presented requiring the action of the Board, it adjourned till the next regular meeting to he held on Monday the 5th day of December 1870.

Attest: SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman
SpacerCo. Clerk


At a regular meeting of the board of County Commissioners held in the court house on the 5th day of December A.D. 1870.

G. C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meetings were read and approved.

Tax list for the year 1870 was presented by the Co. Clerk and upon motion of G. C. Barnum was accepted and signed and ordered to be delivered to the county treasurer for collection.

Communication of Wm. Gerhold was read announcing to the Commissioners that his contract for building 3 bridges on Shell Creek was finished. Clerk ordered to notify the superintendent on motion of G. C. Barnum that an order be drawn on the General Bridge Fund for the sum of $984.18, nine-hundred and eighty-four and 18/100 dollars, and taking the following receipt subject to any deductions that may be found necessary upon the report of the superintendent. Barnum and Early 'aye,' Galley 'no.'

Columbus, NebSpacer.
December 7th, 1870.

Received of the commissioners of Platte County the sum of nine-hundred-eighty-four and 18/100 being in full of all demands of my contract for the construction of 3 bridges on Shell Creek subject to inspection and report of the superintendent.

Wm. Gerhol

Communication of attorney Gerrard to whom was referred the matter in controversy between John Rickly and Jacob Ernst, road supervisor, was read and after a full canvass of the entire matter, the attorney's report was ordered filed and considered by the board if John Rickly was dissatisfied with the action of the road supervisor, his remedy must be with the supervisor and not the Board.

Petition of citizens from Shell Creek asking the appointment of 2 justices of the Peace and a constable when it was ordered that Michael Maher and Walter Lawrance be appointed justices and Jesse Kelly and Calvin F. Shaffer, constables for Shell Creek precinct till the next general county election.

Petition of citizens from Monroe precinct asking the opening of a road from Columbus was referred back for proper notice of the same.

Report of appraisers J. W. Witchey, John M. Kelly and James H. Galley appointed to appraise the damages claimed by Hy. Carrig, David Carrig and P. Gleason by the locating of county road through their lands was read and ordered filed, said damages were assessed at 40 dollars to Henry Carrig and no award of damage to David Carrig and P. Gleason. It was also recommended that Edward Haves be awarded 40 dollars damage, he having sustained the same amount of damage as Hy. Carrig, but had not claimed any damage of the county Bill amounting to 12 dollars was allowed out of the Road Fund.

Annals of County Organization

Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock A.M. in the morning.

Roll called. Full Board present.

Report of Engineer Handy, superintendent of the construction of Platte river bridge was read as follows:

Columbus, Neb. Dec. 6th 1870.

To the Commissioners of Platte County.
Gentlemen :

I have inspected and measured the Platte River Bridge built by Wells French & Co., contractors, and have accepted the same from said contractors as complete under their contract with your Board and render herewith final account as follows.

Amount due Wells French & Co. 1713 - 6 in. at $10.40 per foot $17,820.40

Less amount paid to date 15,271.47

Bal. due contractors. $ 2,548.93

your obt. svt. Spacer
H. P. Handy

Motion of G. W. Galley that the report be accepted and an order drawn for the amount due the contractors; Galley and Early voting 'aye' and Barnum 'no.'

The following receipt was taken.

Columbus, Nebraska Dec. 6th 1870


Received of the Board of County Commissioners, twenty-five-hundred and forty eight 93/100 dollars in full for all demands against them as contractors for Platte River Bridge in Platte County, Nebraska.

Wells French & Co.
per H. P. Handy

Motion of Com. Galley the use of the court room was granted to the Columbus Debating Society.


Adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock A.M. in the morning.

Roll called. Full board present.

Motion of Com. Galley, the report of the county treasurer was received and ordered on file, and that an order be drawn on the General Bridge Fund for $220.67 due the treasurer for money advanced to payment on bridge bonds due last July.

The following amount of county warrants viz. $5,148.92 were cancelled and destroyed in the presence of the Board.

Report of J. E. North, commissioner appointed to locate and survey county road from south end of the 'OUP Fork Bridge thence west along the bank of the river to the west boundary of the county was accepted and road declared located. Bill for survey $28.00 dollars allowed also the bill of I. N. Taylor for services on same road in former survey $26.00.

Report of M. Keller, road supervisor, for Butler precinct Was accepted and bill for $37.00 allowed and bill for lumber $19.60 for bridge in Butler precinct. Orders drawn on precinct fund.

Report of Jacob Ernst, road supervisor for Columbus Precinct was accepted and bill of $384.63 allowed, as per report, also bills of J. B. Wells $69.96 and Hy. Wellman $12.00 orders drawn on precinct and General Road Funds,

L. Gerrard $50.00 6 mo. salary as attorney to Dec. 1st 1870; M. Keller, judge of election $4.60; J. O. Shannon $21.65 fees in justice Court; V. Kummer $50.00 making annual report; S. C. Smith $70.70 ser. as Co. Com.; G. C. Barnum $62.30 ser. as Co. Com. to Dec. 31st; G. W. Galley, ser. $57.80 to Dec. 31st; J. W. Early $24.00 ser. to same date; H. J. Hudson $100.00 ser. as Clerk, ending Dec. 31st; Acres Blackmer & Co., stationery $70.40; H. J. Hudson, Esq., sev. in Dist. Court $44.80; H. Hurlburt, judge of election, $2.00; Wm. Thompson $8.00 hauling coal; D. A. Willard, judge of election $6.00; E. W. Toncray $4.00 for posts for coal house and horse rack; F. G. Becher $5.00 for lumber; J. Schlosser $6.00 labor on coal house, etc. $1.00; J. O. Shannon $3.00 ser. as overseer; James Hudson, $2.00 boarding pauper, Chas. Brindly $5.00 for digging pauper's graves; A. Friedline $30.00 care of jail for the month of Nov.; $36.00 boarding Ann Lermett; $34.50 boarding Ben Stowe and others; A. J. Arnold $42.00 for guarding paupers, etc.

Ordered that warrants. be drawn for the several amounts not in excess of the amount levied for 1870.

Motion Com. Barnum, L. Gerrard was employed as attorney for the Board for one year at the sum of $100.00 per annum.

Motion of Com. Galley; I. N. Taylor was allowed to procure suitable furniture for the Judge of Probate's office.

The following official bonds were accepted and approved.

Alphonse Heintz, Orlando Rose, W. T. Strother, Chris Meedel as Precinct Assessors.

W. T. Strother, William Ripp, Monty Keller and Jacob Ernst as Road Supervisors.

Isaac Shivers Jr., justice of the peace and John H. Welch, constable for Monroe Precinct.

The clerk was ordered to attend to the following matters.

To notify the section- boss of the U. P. R. R. that a crossing must be put in on the line of the new Co. road on the west bank of the Loup Fork.

Also to make settlement with J. O. Shannon for lumber belonging to the County used by himself for his private use.

Also to settle with J. P. Becker for the use of the county pile driver used by him.

Also to advertise in Platte journal for bids and proposals to take up and replace the Loup Fork Bridge.

15 wolf scalps were counted and ordered destroyed.

Motion to adjourn till January 3rd 1871.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Regular meeting was held at the court house on Tuesday, January 4th 1871.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk. Minutes read and approved.

Petition for opening a road in Monroe precinct was referred back again for proper correction and completion of bond. Communication from J. O. Shannon in regard to pest house was read and ordered to be filed.

Motion made that Mr. Chas. Brindley be employed to burn around the pest house so as to secure it from Prairie fires. Motion made by Com. Early that the county charge William Gerhold but $18 for use of pile driver on Shell Creek bridges and all previous resolutions in regard to same be and are hereby rescinded.

Motion made by Com. Galley, Wm. Gerhold be allowed $40 for moving material for Shell Creek bridge to a place near J. Scully where said bridge is now located and built.

Motion, Com. Galley, Jacob Ernst the roads supervisor of Coulmbus (sic) precinct be hereby ordered to examine the three Shell Creek bridges built by Wm. Gerhold and report on same at the next meeting. Report of overseer of the poor for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1870 was read and ordered to be filed.

Report of janitor of the court house calling attention of the board on the supply of coal, was read and ordered to be filed.

The coroner made his report on the inquest held on the body of a negro found on R. R. track and following bills were allowed and audited as approved by the coroner. Bill of James Bell $11.00; making coffin; Chas. Wake $3.00 digging grave; J. O. Shannan, F. P. Fields, N. G. Bonesteel, J. H. Bowman, R. Compton, J. Hudson $1.00 each as juror fees; Daniel Foley $5.00 hauling body to town for inquest; S. A. Bonesteel $13.25, coroner's fees; A. W. Lawrence $3.00, assistance rendered; A. J. Arnold $2.80, sheriff fees. -
Adjourned then to meet at 9 o'clock A. M. next day.

Roll called. Present G. C. Barnum in-the chair, Com. Galley and Early, F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

The following bills were presented, allowed and audited:

Abram Friedline $ 11.25 Boarding prisoners
Abram Friedline 30.00 Guarding jail
Abram Friedline 1.25 Boarding prisoners
M. K. Turner & Co. 61.20 Bal. on printers bill.
F. G. Becher 115.00, Tax list duplicate
Jacob Schlosser 4.00 Carpenter, work
Peter Klauteki 4.60 Witness fees in Dist. Ct.
N. G. Bonesteel 21.00 Registrar Columbus Precinct
Dr. E. Hohen 10.00 Post mortem examination
Acres Blackmer & Co. 48.45 Blank books
Sinking fund 73.46 Bill of V. Kummer and J. O. Shannon
Acres Blackman & Co. 15.00 Blank books

Following bills were audited and allowed out of the sinking fund.

J. O. Shannon $3.96 postage; V. Kummer money advanced and postage.

Petition of M. Weaver and others for location of a road north of Columbus intersecting a road on section line between 17, and 18, T 17, R 1 E was accepted together with the bond and John M. Kelly appointed as Commissioner to locate the same as petitioned for. Petition of John Haney and J. H. Galley for location of a road from the half section corner on the east line of Sec. 36, T 17, R1 running west to Columbus was accepted together with the bond and James E. North appointed as Commissioner to view and locate the same respecting the wishes of the settlers along said road as petitioned for.

Petition of L. M. Beebe and others for location of a county road from S. W. corner of S E 1/4 of N E 1/4 Sec. 3, T 1, R 1 W to north end of Platte river bridge was accepted together with the bond, and on motion of Commissioner Barnum, the board of Commissioners meet here on Friday next and proceed to view and locate or change the road and decide on said petition at their next meeting.

Bonds of Walter Lawrence, Justice of the Peace, Shell Creek precinct and bond of M. Maher, Justice of the Peace Shell Creek precinct and bond of C. F. Schaffer, constable, Shell Creek precinct, were presented and approved by the chairman.

Motion by Corn. Early proposals for taking up and replacing Loup Fork bridge be now opened.

Bid of J. C. Tiffany and J. Wellman $66.00
Bid of Kelly and Wilson 750.00
Bid of F. G. Becher 910.00
Bid of L. M. Beebe 600.00
Bid of Henry Wellman 849.00

Motion of Com. Galley the bids be accepted and the awarding of contract be postponed until next meeting.

Motion of Com. Galley, the Clerk is hereby instructed to inquire of the Treasurer if there are any funds on hand to purchase coal for the use of offices at the Court House and if so, to make the purchase of one carload.

No other business, it was agreed to adjourn until Saturday January 7, 1871.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board.


A special meeting was held at the court house on Saturday, January 7, 1871.

G. C. Barnum in the chair. Roll called, present G. C.. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

The object of the meeting being to receive the report of the road supervisor on the condition of the Shell Creek bridges built by Wm. Gerhold and on the fulfillment of his contract and also to award the contract for taking up and replacing Loup -Fork bridge. The reading of the minutes were deferred until next meeting.

Jacob Ernst, as examiner of the bridges, made his report on the inspection and examination of the Shell


Annals of County Organization

Creek bridges built by Wm. Gerhold, contractor, and on motion it was accepted and ordered to be filed.

Motion made by Com. Galley that whereas Wm. Gerhold has a claim of $26 for repairing Co. pile driver and whereas it was agreed to charge said Wm. Gerhold $18 for the use of said pile driver, therefore be it resolved that we rescind the charge of $18 and not allow the claim of $26. Mr. Gerhold being present, agreed to confirm said resolution.

On motion of Com. Galley, the Shell Creek bridges built by Wm. Gerhold be accepted.

Motion by Com. Barnum the clerk be hereby instructed to correspond with H. P. Handy Esq., late superintendent of bridges and now at Grand Island and inquire what estimates he made on 12 and 16 foot aprons for Shell Creek bridge, what proportion or difference in price there would be between the long and short aprons.

Motion made by Com. Galley that the Clerk is hereby ordered to settle with Wm. Gerhold, contractor, for Shell Creek bridges, for building said bridges and aprons for the same. The apron 16 feet long at $80.40 each and for the 12 foot aprons at the price estimated and recommended by H. P. Handy, superintendent, as per above or foregoing resolutions.

Motion made that the Clerk is instructed to issue warrants to said Wm. Gerhold for balance due him according to resolution passed at a meeting held November 1st 1870.

The letting of contract for taking up and replacing Loup Fork bridge was discussed and after long debate and explanations, it was finally resolved; that the road supervisor of District No. 1 be ordered to take up said bridge and secure the material whenever he deemed it necessary to do so. The bids for taking up and re-placing said bridge were therefore all rejected. The board took up the road petition for a road petitioned for by L. M. Beebe and others from S W corner of S E 1/4 of N. E 1/4 Sec. 35, T 17, R 1 W to north end of Platte river bridge, and the Commissioners themselves having viewed the proposed route as agreed at their last meeting: it was resolved that said road was not deemed as necessary and therefore the petition and bond referred back to the parties. -

Petition of L. Platt and others for the location of a road from Columbus to Genoa same having been referred back to petitioner for proper bond was accepted, together with bond completed and on motion E. W. Toncray was appointed Commissioner to view and locate said road. On motion, Com. Early, the clerk be instructed to apportion the Monroe precinct road fund between the Monroe Precinct and Shell Creek precinct established since the last assessment was made and instruct the Co. Treasurer to pay over the so apportioned fund to the proper road supervisors of said precincts or districts upon the orders or subject 0 order of the Board of Co. Commissioners.

The following bills approved by supervisor of District No. (Shell Creek) were presented, audited and allowed out of Shell Creek Precinct road fund. Bill of J. P. Becker for scrapers $40.00; Wm. Gerhold for lumber $8.00.

Motion made, the clerk to issue order for the same.

The Co. Superintendent of schools appeared and made his grievances known that his present salary was not sufficient to do the business in proper manner thereupon Com. Barnum made a motion that the Superintendent of Schools be allowed $. pr. day when visiting schools and $3 pr. day for office business.

No other business being before the Board, it was agreed to adjourn.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board.


A special meeting as per 'call issued by County Clerk was held at the court house on Thursday, January 19, 1871.

Roll called. Present, Com. G. W. Galley and J. W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Mr. Galley as chairman pro tern.

The object of the meeting being to make provisions to procure fuel for use of court house and to provide for extra piles for Loup Fork Bridge in case that such may be rented in consequence of the breaking. up of the ice in the river. The reading of the minutes was deferred until next regular meeting.

The matter to purchase fuel being discussed. A motion was made that whereas there being no fund in the treasury to purchase coal and whereas F. G. Becher proposes to furnish wood for the sum of $10 per cord to be paid for ice county orders, said wood to be sawed and split ready for use. Bill all Mch. 8, 1871. Therefore be it resolved that we purchase of F. G. Becher eight cords wood to be used by and distributed to the following offices. For the office of County Treasurer, one cord; for the office of Superintendent of Schools, one cord; for the office of County Clerk, two cords and for the janitor of court house and for the jail, four cords, Agreed.

The Probate judge being present made a proposition to purchase fuel for his office himself and present his bill for said fuel actually used at some future time.

Motion of Com. Galley, said proposition be accepted.

Motion of Com. Early, the Clerk be instructed to have dampers put in the stove pipes for each stove.

The road supervisor of District No. 1 appeared and suggested, to make provisions for few extra piles for use of Loup Fork Bridge for the extension of said bridge and to have some Join hand in case the ice should take some of the piles but of the bridge.

On motion of Com. Galley, the Clerk be , instructed to purchase six extra piles and also the requisite number, as wanted by road supervisor for the extension. of said bridge. Said piles to, be delivered at the bridge where ever called for by the road supervisor and the cost not to exceed $4.75 each. Motion was made the Clerk be ordered to correspond with our representatives in the Legislature with the view to have a bill drawn up and passed for the power of bonding the debt of our county.

No other business, it was agreed to adjourn.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Regular monthly meeting held on Monday, February 6th, 1871.

Roll called. G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Minutes of previous meetings read and approved.

Motion made by Com. Early to take up the revenue business and defer all other until tomorrow, Tuesday, February 8, 1871. Agreed.

The Clerk was thereupon ordered to furnish blanks to the precinct assessors and also abstracts of entered lands in each precinct. The Commissioners ordered the Clerk to furnish to the assessors the following instructions in making assessment for the year 1871.

All lands in Township 16, 1, 18 Range one East and West at six dollars per acre. All lands in Township 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 in Range 2, 3, and 4 West at $5 pr. acre. All lands in Townships 19 and 20 in Range 1 East and West at $5. pr. acre. Timbered lands from $8 to $15 pr. acre according to quality and to be estimated by the assessor. Assessors also instructed, where timber is scattered and owned by parties having prairie land adjoining (example on Shell Creek) to inquire what number of acres the timber would cover, assess the valuation thereof and add the amount to some quarter section where prairie lands are assessed in same price.

Horses first class from
$100 to $150
Horses 2nd class from
75 to 90
Horses 3rd class from
25 to 50
Colts from
15 to 50
50 to 150
Cattle work, from
75 to $125
Neat from
10 to 40
Calves under one year exempt
Swine pr. hundred three dollars.
Chickens exempt.

The assessors are also instructed to enter upon each assessment blanks the number of the school district in which the party listing the property is living in, also if residing upon a homestead or preemption claim to give the description of such land and mark it as such, either homestead or preemption filing on the assessment blank.
Motion clerk be directed to procure abstracts from the U. S. lands office of land entered in year 1870, abstract from U. P. R. R. land dep. for land transferred and sold.

Motion made the Clerk is directed to make requisition upon the state auditor for all necessary blanks for the assessments and all other necessary books for the use of the county as furnished by the State.

Adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow.


Met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Guy C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early.

Correspondence of Mr. L. Olmsted, pastor of M. E. church, asking for the use of the court room was read, ordered to be filed and on motion of Com. Early that Mr. L. Olrnsted be allowed to use the court room occasionally for church services only and when not needed or wanted for other purposes. Com. Early and Galley voting 'yea' and Com. Barnum voting 'no'.

Communication of H. P. Handy, Supt. of Bridges was read and filed and on motion of Com. Galley, Wm. Gerhold be allowed pay for 12 foot apron according to the report on estimate made by Mr. H. P. Handy.

Report of John M. Kelly as commissioner to locate a county road running north from Columbus was presented, accepted and placed on file.

Bill of J. McGinnis, glazing $3.00
Bill of Chas. Brindley, securing pest house
Bill of J. M. Kelly, road commissioner
Bill of I. N. Taylor, surveyor
Bill of I. N. Taylor, chainman
Bill of J. M. Kelly, chainman
Bill of Chas. Hughes, ax man
Bill of Abraham Friedlin, guarding jail

were audited and allowed.

Bill of Chas. Ziegler, as clerk of election, for $2 Was laid over.

Motion made, the Co. Road law out by Road Com. John M. Kelly, as per report be and is hereby declared a Co. Road and ordered to be spread on the Road Record.

On motion, the clerk is hereby directed to notify Jos. Gardner, justice of the peace in Butler precinct, to make inquiries in regard to a family living in his district represented as pauper, their condition and wants and upon treatment of their children, and report at next meeting of the Board.

On motion of Com. Barnum, the county of Platte hire the pile driver and horsepower (as it now is) to parties whomsoever may have the contract for piling on the bridge across south channel of Platte in Polk county at the rate of 50c per pile; said parties to furnish their own ropes and tackling and also be subject to order of this Board upon one days notice to return the same at the court house in Columbus.

Motion made the roads supervisor of Dist. No. 1 be ordered to inspect the pile driver as to its condition before it is taken away and also when it is returned, and report if said driver were returned in as good order as when taken away, usual wear and tear excepted. Agreed.

The Clerk of the town Council of the town of Columbus appeared and submitted a request of the town Council that whereas the town of Columbus is entitled to the poll tax, paid in the County Treasury by the citizens of the town of Columbus for the year 1869 and 1870 and said County Treasury having no authority to refund said poll tax, the Board of commisioners (sic) are hereby requested to issue an order to the County Treasurer to pay said poll tax due to the town of Columbus collected by him and also furnish the town Treasurer with a list of delinquest (sic) tax payers of said tax.

Motion made the Clerk be hereby ordered to draw up a list or make abstract of tax lists of parties living in the town of Columbus and order the Co. Treasurer

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