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Annals of County Organization

to confirm with the above request and report as soon as practicable of the amount paid over.

27 wolf scalps and 4 wild cat's scalps were counted and destroyed.

No other business, the Board adjourned.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman of the Board

Regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held on Tuesday, March 7, 1871. Roll called. G. C. BarIUm, Geo. W. Galley and J. W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

G. C. Barnum in the chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and there being no objections, said were approved.

A petition numerously signed by citizens of Townships 18, 19, 20 and Range 1 East was read praying for the establishment of a new precinct embracing the above named townships to be called Bismark, and on motion of Com. Barnum, the petition be granted and said precinct be hereby known and declared as such to take effect from and after Aug. 1st 1871.

Report of Jos. Gardner overseer of the poor for Butler precinct was read and accepted and ordered to be filed and following bills connected with it hereby audited and allowed out of poor fund.

J. Rickly $10.15
Jos. Gardner $10.00

Report of road supervisor of Dist. 1 on the, taking up of Loup Fork bridge was read and accepted and following bills incurred by taking up said bridge were audited and allowed.

Rud. Marti $11.00
N. Blaser $15.00
Will Ernst $12.00
Jacob Ernst, Super. $73.00

Motion made that the road supervisor of Dist. No. 1 be instructed to proceed forth with to replace the Loup Fork bridge, there being no further danger from the ice.
Adjourned then until 10 o'clock tomorrow, Wednesday, March 8, 1871.

Met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early, F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Communication of H. P. Handy relative to an appropriation of $200 for the purpose of aiding to resist an injunction of O. & N. W. R. R. Co., against the bill Passed at this session of the legislature paying interest on bridge bond was read and on motion of Com. Galley, it be laid over until more information can be obtained in regard to it.

The following bills were audited and allowed.

Chas. Ziegler, Clerk of Election
$ 2.00
F. B. Becher, Dep. Clerk service
J. Rickly, clothing for paupers
J. Rickly, sundries for School Supt.
F. G. Becher, wood
A. C. Friedline, janitor's salary for month Feb.
A. C. Friedline, boarding prisoners

Road Commissioners Report on location of Columbus and Colfax road was presented and examined and on motion of Com. Early said report be laid over for correction,

Road Commissioner's Report on location of a part of Columbus and Genoa road as petitioned for, was presented and accepted.

On motion of Com. Galley, said road was reported on and surveyed and according to field notes be and is hereby declared a county road and the Clerk instructed to place same on Road Record.

Following bills in locating said road were audited and allowed and ordered to be paid out the Monroe precinct road fund.

E. W. Toncray, commissioner
E. W. Toncray, use of team
I. N. Taylor, surveyor and chainman
J. W. Early, chainman

F. G. Becher reported having procured extra piles and the road supervisor recommending that said piles would have to be of extra length, the Commissioners increased the price of said piles from $4.75 to 5.25 each.

Motion made the Clerk be ordered to have the wood removed in treasurer's office to a closet under the stair in the court house and have the treasurer's office cleaned out and placed in order. Motion made by Corn. Early that whereas serious and several complaints having been made against the janitor of the court house for negligence and non-attendance to his business, be it resolved that the salary of said janitor of court house and jail shall be reduced to $15 per month from and after the 1st of April 1871.

49 wolf scalps and eight wild cat scalps were counted and destroyed.

No other business, the Board adjourned.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman of the Board


Regular meeting of the Commissioners was held Tuesday, April 4th 1871.

Present, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and J. W. Early, and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Road report on Columbus and Colfax road was taken up. Jas. E. North, commissioner, appointed to view and locate said road was present, made the correction found necessary and on motion of Com. Galley said report be accepted and the road so located and laid out be and is hereby declared a County Road and ordered to be spread and recorded on road record as such.

Bills as follows in connection of laying out said road were credited and allowed to be paid out of the Columbus precinct fund,

J. E. North for viewing $5.00
J. E. North for surveying and team 7.00
Luther North, chainman 2.00
Samuel Galley, chainman 2.00

Communication of H. P. Handy on appropriation of $200 for expense in aiding the discontinuing of N. &

The History of Platte County Nebraska

N. W. R. R. against selection of lands- used for purpose of paying interest on bridge bond was called up and on motion, the same was indefinitely postponed not deeming any necessity for same.

Motion to adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock A. M.


Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, Com. G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Report of J. O. Shannon as overseer of the poor was read, accepted and ordered to be filed.

Following bills out of said report were audited and allowed out of the poor fund.

J. O. Shannon for muslin etc.
$ 8.00
J. O. Shannon, 4 days attendance to poor

Report of Jacob Ernst, supervisor of roads in Columbus precinct on replacing bridge across Loup Fork was read and ordered to be filed and the bills accounted for in said report were audited and allowed to be paid out of the Columbus precinct road fund.

Report of W. Ripp, road supervisor of Shell Creek precinct was read and ordered to be filed and bill of John Williams $8.00 and W. Ripp as supervisor, $32.50 were audited and allowed out of Monroe precinct fund.

The following accounts were then audited and allowed out of the poor fund.

J. Rickly clothing
$ 4.50
J. P. Becker groceries
J. Rickly wood
Arnold Jaeggi nursing sick
August Gogoll do
James Guthrie do
A. Friedline washing etc.
John Rickly groceries
A. Friedline nursing sick


The following accounts were audited and allowed to be paid out of the general fund.

A. Friedline boarding
J. P. Becker hardware
J. Rickly dry goods
J. Rickly wood
Wm. T. Strother assessors fees
Monroe Precinct
J. Rickly groceries
Geo. W. Stewart clerk of election
A. Friedline janitor fees


The following bills were examined and on motion laid over for action until next regular meeting.

J. J. Blodgett for witness fees
$ 4.60
A. J. Arnold state vs. D. Williams
A. J. Arnold state vs. Abel Coffey
A. J. Arnold state vs. Didricks
A. J. Arnold state vs. Senecae
A. J. Arnold state vs. E. N. Jones
A. J. Arnold state vs. Brandt
A. J. Arnold A. Newman vs. state

Motion was then made that August Gogoll be employed to attend as nurse for Mahlon Butcher now sick in jail and be allowed at the rate of $3 per night, and Arnold Jaeggi be employed at $2.50 per day to attend same purpose.

Petition of J. W. Early and J. H. Watts and others praying for the location of a road commencing at a point on Looking Glass Creek where the section line between 6 and 7, T 15, R 1 west crosses said Creek and running thence in an easterly course on the most practicable route to the northwest corner of Sec. 6, T17, R 1 west, then south to intersection of Columbus and Genoa Road was read and the necessary bond by law required presented and motion of Com. Galley said petition be granted and Jas. E. North appointed as Commissioner to view and locate the same with instructions to follow section lines as much as possible.

Another petition for county road together with necessary bond was presented praying for the establishment of a new county road to be called Jackson road, also a petition for the location of a new road together with the bond required, was presented and read, said road to be called Townline road and parties interested on both sides or interested in the location of said roads being present explaining the advantages and disadvantages of said roads, it was finally resolved by motion of Com. Early that John M. Kelly be appointed commissioner to view said road and report at next regular meeting as to result of practicability and necessity of same, or either of them. Carried.

The election for Constitutional Convention as provided by law was ordered to be called by county clerk.
Motion was then made that the election polls at following precincts be established from this date and the old places held as election polls in said precincts be discontinued:

In Columbus precinct at the court house

In Shell Creek precinct at the Lost Creek school house

In Butler Precinct at Chris. Meedel

In Monroe Precinct at school house

In Bismark Precinct at school house No. 2

Motion made, the Co. Clerk is hereby ordered to purchase two cords wood for use at court house.

Motion made the Co. Clerk is hereby instructed to notify the authorities of Merrick county that sufficient proof has been furnished that a pauper, Mahlon Butcher, lying sick in the jail of this county belongs to said Merrick county and that said Merrick county make provisions for the paying of expenses incurred through said pauper, Mahlon Butcher. Agreed.

23 wolf scalps and 2 wild cat scalps were counted and destroyed.

No other business on hand, it was agreed by motion to adjourn to meet again as board of Commissioners, on Tuesday, April 18th, and as Board of Equalization on Monday, April 17, 1871. Agreed.

F. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman


Meeting of the Board of Equalization, Platte County, began and held April 17, 18 and 1, A.D. 1871.

First day, April 17, 1871.

Co. Commissioners met as a Board of Equalization as provided by law and organized said Board.

Annals of County Organization

Present, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, Co. Clerk.

There being no complaints made or presented, the Board adjourned till the morning at 10 o'clock of the 18th of April 1871.

Second day, April 18, 1871.

Board met. All the Commissioners present.

The following changes were made.

Monroe Precinct: James Walker remitter per
Spacerproperty $329.00
L. W. Platte remitted on real
estate 200.00

Columbus precinct: The following deductions were made in the assessments both real and personal.

Mrs. Arthur merchandise
$ 300.00
Ann Freston per property
neat cattle
Guy C. Barnum on neat cattle
F. G. Becher on per: prop.
Hy. Wellman lots 1 & 2
block C in Columbus
John Rickly lots 11 & 12
block C in Columbus
John Rickly lots 1 & 2
block 183 in Columbus
L. M. Beebe add to neat cattle  

The following increase was ordered to be added to the several parcels of land as hereafter described.

N 1/2 of Sec. 1, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 10 dollars per acre.
S 1/2 of Sec. 17, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 15 dollars per acre
N 1/2 of Sec. 18, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 10 dollars per acre
S 1/2 of Sec. 18, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 15 dollars per acre
N 1/2 of Sec. 19, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 25 dollars per acre
SE 1/4 of Sec. 20, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 15 dollars per acre
NW 1/4 of Sec. 20, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 25 dollar per acre
N E 1/4 of Sec. 20, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 15 dollars per acre
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 21, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 10 dollars per acre
N W 1/4 of Sec. 28, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to 10 dollars per acre
W 1/4 of Sec. 28, T 17, R 1 E, from 6 to 10 dollars per acre
N E 1/4 of Sec. 29, T 17, R 1 E from 6 to x dollars per acre
N 1/2 of S E 1/4 of Sec. 29, T 17, R 1 E, from 6 to 15 dollars per acre
Columbus out lots, R E from 6 to 15 dollars per acre

Becher and Becker deduct on Ferry ground Spacer$20.00

There being no more business before the Board, adjourned till 10 o'clock in the morning of the 19th of April 1871.

Third day, April 19th, 1871

Board met and organized at 10 o'clock A. M., all the commissioners being present.

The following persons were ordered to be exempt for timber planted in the several amounts to their names credited.

Arnold, A. J. Forest 4 acres
Barnum, G. C. Forest 6 acres
Barnum, G. C. Fruit 1 acre F
Bean, Henry Forest 10 acre
Benson, Alson Forest 1 acre
Browner, John Forest 1 acres
Becker, J. P. Forest 4 acres
Galley, G. W. Forest 1 acre
Gardner, Jos. Forest 7 acres
Henggler, Franz Forest 6 acres
Jones, James Sr. Forest 1 acre H
Kummer, V. Forest 10 acres
Louis, Jacob Forest 5 acres
Mathias, A. Forest 1 acre
Murie, P. Forest 1 acre
Murray, Patrick Forest 15 acres
Martz, P. J. Forest 3 acres
Rickly, John Forest 3 acres
Rosenberger, Gunther Forest 3 acres H
Senecal, J. B. Forest 8 acres
Witchey, J. W. Forest 6 acres
Witchey, J. W. Forest 2 acres Ft.
Abbott, W. S. Forest 7 acres
Abbott, Chs. Forest 5 acres

There being no other corrections and the assessment rolls being fully examined by the Board of Equalization, the Clerk was instructed to make the tax list for the year 1871 from the rolls as corrected.
Motion that this Board adjourn. Sine die.

SpacerF. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman


The Board of Co. Com. met on the 18th day of April pursuant to adjournment at the request of the Secy. of the S. C. and Columbus R. R. Co.

Roll called. Present. G. C. Barnum, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Motion of J. W. Early, the reading of the minutes of last meeting was deferred till the regular meeting in May.

There being no propositions nor representatives of the S. C. & C. R. R. Co. before the board for their action.

Motion of G. W. Galley, the Board adjourned till its next regular meeting on the 2nd day of May 1871.

SpacerF. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman


At a regular meeting of the Board of Co. Commissioners held in the Court House on the 2nd day of May, A.D. 1871.

Com. Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meetings were read and amended as

The History of Platte County Nebraska

to bills of John Rickly allowed last meeting. The clerk was ordered to inquire the amount of percentage added to his bills.

Communication of auditor Gillispie filed and clerk ordered to procure the necessary books for tax lists and duplicate and all necessary books for the treasurer's office for the ensuing year.

Remonstrance from citizens in Butler precinct against the locating of a road to be known as the "Jackson Road" filed.

Report of J. E. North, commissioner, appointed to locate Lost Creek road was accepted and ordered to be declared a public road and spread upon the Road Record

The following bills were allowed out of the Monroe Road Fund.

J. W., Early chainman
$ 4.00
J. E., North self and team 2 days
J. H. Watts Chainman
J. G. Routson axman

Lease of school lands to J. H. and Smith Needham were transferred to Nelson Millett and ordered accepted by the County Commissioners.

Bills incurred in the care of Mahlon Butcher, pauper, deceased, late of Merrick county were ordered to be laid over till Merrick county could be consulted with upon the matter.

Motion to adjourn till tomorrow at 10 o'clock A. M.


Wednesday, May 3rd 1871, 10 o'clock A. M.

Roll called full board present.

The following bills were allowed out of the General fund.

J. Strother, clerk of election
$ .2.00
Sutton & Winterbotham, lounge for jail
A. Friedline, salary as janitor for April
A. Friedline, boarding

prisoners & paupers for April

A. Friedline, washing for jail
O. Rosse, assessor for Columbus precinct
A. Heintz, assessor for Shell Creek precinct
J. W. Early, see as requested, special election
F. G. Becher, wood for jail
John Rickly, oil and sundries for Butcher

Motion of G. W. Galley, the salary of janitor for the care of court house and jail be discontinued till otherwise ordered.;

Motion of J. W. Early that H. J. Hudson be appointed justice of the peace for the Columbus precinct. Carried.

The 1 Clerk was ordered to issue license to John Strasser to sell liquors for one year.

The Clerk was ordered to instruct the overseers to designate the name of all persons upon all bills together with the amount furnished upon orders to all paupers.

22 wolf scalps and 10 wild cats were counted and ordered destroyed.

Adjourned till next regular meeting on June 6th, 1871.

SpacerF. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman of the Board


At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the court house on the 6th day of June A. D. 1871.

Com. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Guy. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley and J. W. Early. F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Communication of H. J. Hudson on the bills of John Rickly read and action deferred till next regular meeting.

Communication of John Barrow on damages caused by location of Colfax and Columbus road was read and on motion of Com. Early, was laid over indefinitely.

Motion to adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Board of commissioners met pursuant to adjournment on the 7th day of June. Present, full board. Clerk absent. Com. Early acted as Clerk pro tern.

Report of Jacob Ernst, road supervisor was read and following bills allowed.

H. P. Coolidge, hardware
$ 9.00
Turner & Hulst lumber
R. Marti labor
M. O'Donnell labor
N. Schneider labor
Paid for hauling
Paid John Rickly
Jacob Ernst 41/2 days work 3/00
Jacob Ernst, 3 days work
Platte Bridge 3/00
Deducted 50/ per day from

J. Ernst claim

Allowed amount paid and due J. Ernst

A. Jaeggi

G. Eisenhauer, labor
M. Gusomper, J. Ernst
Poor fund
E. J. Baker & Co., supplies for

pauper "Blizzard"


General Fund.

The following bills were allowed.

J. B. Kelley, judge of election Shell Creek
R. Pinson, judge of election Shell Creek
P. Murphy, judge of election Shell Creek
J. Conway, clerk of election Shell Creek
Wm. Bloedern, clerk of election Shell Creek
$ 2.00
J. O. Blodgett, clerk of election, Butler precinct
G. W. Stewart, clerk of election, Butler precinct
N. G. Bonesteel, ser. as Registrar for

Columbus precinct

Acres Blackmer & Co.
Becher, wood for pauper $7.00,

Dup. Tax list $120.

A. Friedline, boarding prisoners
W. T. Strother, Register 3 days Monroe precinct.

Petition of J. H. Watts and others for county in T 17, R 2 west to be known as the Nicholson road

Annals of County Organization

was read and on motion of Com. Barnum, J. G. Routson was appointed to view said road and report if practicable.

Motion of G. W. Galley that the clerk notify supervisor of Columbus precinct to put up notices on each end of the Platte river bridge and impose a fine of not less than $10.00 for anyone riding or driving faster than a walk over said bridge.

Motion of Com. Galley, the treasurer was requested to furnish A. J. Arnold the sum of 40 dollars for the purpose of taking James Murie to Lincoln to the hospital.

Motion to adjourn till the first Tuesday in July next.

SpacerF. G. Becher SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerDep. Clerk.Spacer Chairman of the Board


At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held O the 3rd day of July 1871 for the purpose of levying tax for the year 1871.

Com. Barnum in the chair. No quorum being present, the Board adjourned to meet on the 5th.

Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, J. Early and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The following taxes were levied for the year 1871.


State Tax

General fund 2 1/2 mills
Sinking fund 1 mill
School fund 2. Mills
Normal School fund 1/2 mill

County Tax

General fund 4 mills
Poor fund 2 mills
Sinking fund 1/2 mill
Court house fund 3 mills
Bridge fund 3 mills

Poll tax $2.00, Land tax $4.00 per 1/4 section, dogs $1.00, Sluts $2.00.

Motion of Com. Early the petition of John Barrow for damage by locating Colfax and Columbus County Road was reconsidered and in view of the testimony and facts in the case upon a rehearing, the claim of 25 dollars was allowed.

Motion of Com. Galley, the bills of John Rickly aid over for correction were allowed.

Motion of Com. Early, the bill of Dr. Hohen for services attending P. Shea, together with all the bills claimed in the case, State of Neb. vs. P. Shea be indefinitely Postponed.

Communication of H. Compton withdrawing his name as surety from bond of sheriff was filed and Clerk ordered to notify the Sheriff to procure other securities.

Communication of Supervisor Ripp was filed declaring the bridge at Gleasons on Shell Creek dangerous.

Hy. Wellman was appointed to examine said bridge-also one other at Ahrens crossing and report on Monday the 10th day of July.

Adjourned till the morning at 9 o'clock.

Met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Present full board.

Petition of Western U. Tel. Company read praying reduction of excessive tax was filed and clerk ordered to remit said amount and draw order for the same on General Fund for:

Petition of Boyer & Strasser asking remission of excessive tax was allowed and clerk ordered to draw order for the amount on General fund $48.35.

Petition of Wurdeman and others asking for a bridge in Sec. 10, T 19, R 1 east filed and Hy. Wellman appointed to view the location and report as to practicability.

Petition of Ripp and others asking for the opening of two county roads in T 18, R 1 W, was referred back for correction.

Petition of P. Wheeler and others from Platte River to Loup Fork was laid over and parties interested notified to appear at the next regular meeting to be held August 1st.

Report of J. M. Kelly, commissioner to locate Jackson Road was filed and accepted.

Bill allowed out of Butler road fund $24.25. J. M. Kelly $10.00; J. E. North $44.25.

Report of overseer for Columbus precinct read and following bills allowed out of poor fund.

J. P. Becker, supplies for poor
E. J. Baker & Co., supplies for poor
S. J. Marmoy, supplies for poor

Motion of Com. Early that widow Freston be allowed $25.00 out of the poor fund quarterly.

Report of Superintendent of Public Schools was read and bill for services from Nov. 1st to June 30th allowed. $190.50.
The following bills were allowed on General Fund.

G. C. Barnum, ser. as Com. from Jany. 1st

to June 30th 6 days and mileage

$ 52.80
G. W. Galley, ser. as Com. from Jany. 1st

to June 30th 18 days

J. W. Early, ser. as Com. from Jany. 1st

to June 30th, 18 days

H. J. Hudson, ser. as Clerk 6 mos.
L. Gerrard, ser. Co. attorney, 3 mos.
B. Loebs, judge of election
L. H. Lang, clerk of election
J. O. Shannon, postage and expr. for

Sup. office.

H. J. Hudson, postage and expr. for

Sup. office

Wm. Hoeffelman, blacksmithing
Jacob Schlosser, repairing chairs

Clerk was ordered to levy a tax on Dist. No. 1 for the payment of $200 apportionment due District 53 as per report of Sup. of Schools. Also to levy all the assessments as made by the several school districts in the county.

Bill of Kelly & Wilson for making desk for probate

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