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The History of Platte County Nebraska

judges office referred for approval to I. N. Taylor and to make report by the next meeting.

Motion of Com. Early, Orloff Larson was appointed Road Supervisor for Monroe Precinct. Strother resigned.

Motion of Com. Galley the treasurer was authorized to procure a safe for the use of his office.

Clerk was ordered to have the attorneys enclosure in court room enlarged and to remove the seats from petit jurors box and substitute chairs.

Motion of Com. Galley that the board adjourn its meetings to every alternate Tuesday until otherwise ordered from this date.

Motion to adjourn till Monday the 9th day of July at 10 o'clock A.M.


At an adjourned meeting of the board of County Commissioners held July 10th 1871, Geo. W. Galley was in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Report of Hy. Wellman appointed to view the bridges on the Shell Creek at Gleasons and Ahrens' made his report and upon motion of J. W. Early was adopted and the Clerk ordered to advertise for bids to repair said bridges in accordance with said report.

Motion of Com. Galley, Hy. Wellman was appointed to inspect the Looking Glass where the Columbus and Genoa road cross said creek and report upon the character of bridge necessary and probability of construction and report at the next meeting of the Board.

Motion of Com. Galley, Hy. Wellman be and is hereby authorized to screw up the Platte River bridge when he shall deem the time most suitable at a compensation of $4.00 dollars per day also to employ the
labor required by him, and to obtain wrenchs (sic) to secure said bridge.

Adjourned till the 18th day of July 1871 at 10 o'clock A.M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house on the 18th day of July 1871 at 10 o'clock A.M.

G. C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Bids for repairing the Shell Creek bridges as per advertisement were ordered to be opened.

The clerk announced only one bid offered found to be from Hy. Wellman for the sum of $175.00 for the two bridges.

Motion of Com. Galley, the contract to repair the bridges on Shell Creek at Gleasons and Ahrens' be

awarded to Hy. Wellman and that a bond be executed for the sum of $350.00 for the faithful performance of said contract, the payment for said contract to be paid out of the Columbus & Shell Creek precinct fund equally.

Motion of Com, Galley that no road supervisor i

Platte County be allowed to work out the road tax of any non-resident, but that said land tax be Collected by the treasurer as all other taxes are collected.

Clerk was ordered to advertise for proposals to build a bridge across the Looking Glass creek on the Columbus and Genoa road near the reservation in Sec. 5, T 17 R 3 W, said proposals to be received till 10 o'clock A. M. on the 15th day of August 1871.

The following bills were allowed out of the General Fund.

Wilson & Kelly, desk for probate judge's office was

discounted 15 per cent. Amount allowed


John Browner, judge of election


C. B. Stillman, medicines furnished for poor


I. N. Taylor, 6 mos. sal. Prob. judge.


Out of General R. Fund, Wm. Gerhold bal. due

on bridges.


Ordered that warrants be drawn for the respective amounts.

Motion of Com. Early, the Clerk was ordered to invite proposals till the first day of August next for the medical attendance upon county poor and furnishing medicines for the same.

Motion to adjourn till the 1st day of August 1871 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board


At a regular meeting of the board of the Commissioners held in the Court House on the 1st day of August 1871.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Bids for medical attendance upon the poor of Platte County were opened and the following bids were read:

Dr. E. Hohen, attendance and medicine $250.00
Dr. S. A. Bonesteel, attendance and medicine $250.00

Motion of Com. Galley, the proposal of Dr. E. Hohen be accepted and that he be allowed in addition thereto, 5 cents per mile, circular mileage, for attendance upon all cases outside the corporate limits of the town of Columbus. Said salary to be paid in quarterly installments said contract to be in full force for the term of one year from this date. Barnum and Galley "Aye" and Early "No".

A remonstrance signed by 36 persons against the location of a county road from the Platte River to Loup Fork in Butler precinct on 1/2 sec. line between, Sections 18 and 19, T 16, R 2 west, was presented. The whole matter was indefinitely postponed.

Petition of Hy. Ripp, Alphonse Heintz and others was referred back to plainly indicate the course of the road asked for by section lines.

Communications of the following named persons

Annals of County Organization

claiming damage from the county by the location of the n road were read and placed on file.

Jackson Stewart 1/2 of SW 1/4, Sec. 32, T 17, R 1 west damages claimed


G. W. Stewart W 1/2 of SE 1/4 and W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec. 32, T17, R 1 west damages claimed


H. C. Bean, E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec. 34, Tx7, R 1 west, damages claimed


Petition of John Eusden and others asking for change of stations 18 and 19 on the Lost Creek road was presented and all the parties interested being present the Clerk was ordered to make the change asked for in the petition and the road so embraced in the said petition was declared vacated.

Report of John G. Routson, commissioner appointed to locate the county road in Shell Creek precinct to be known as the Nicholson Road was received and approved, and Clerk ordered to record the same in Road Record.

Report of the Commissioners, J. O. Shannon and Lewis Warren appointed by the Legislature to locate and establish a State Road from Columbus in Platte County, Nebraska to Yankton in Dakota Territory was read and Clerk ordered to file so much thereof as pertained to this county. Platte Cos. proportion of expenses to locate said road $258.29.

Report of Hy. Wellman that the two bridges on Shell Creek that were awarded to him to repair were completed and upon motion of Com. Barnum, E. W. Toncray was appointed to inspect the same.

Motion of Com. Galley, J. O. Shannon, overseer of the poor, was ordered to make an investigation of the case of Mahlon Butcher and obtain all the information relative to his being a resident of Merrick county, Nebraska.
The Clerk was ordered to add 20 per cent to all bills for lumber, spikes etc., paid for by road supervisor, Jacob Ernst, for the repairing of the Loup Fork bridge.

The following bills were allowed.

Shell Creek precinct road fund:
J. G. Routson ser. as Com. and surveying $8.00
Wm. Pinson, chainman 2.00
General Road Fund
Paul Hoppen, labor on Platte River bridge etc. 30.00
Joseph Schlosser, labor on Platte river bridge etc. 28.75
Hy. Wellman, labor on Platte River bridge etc 42.00
Hy. Wellman, inspecting bridges on Shell Creek and team 7.00
Hy. Wellman, inspecting bridges on Looking
Glass and Wurdeman's Creeks bridges 9.00
Hy. Wellman, team hauling tools to repair bridges. 9.00
J O. Shannon, ser. as Com. & surveyor on State road 72.00
Louis Warren, ser. as Com. & team on State road 60.29
Ths. Barry, chainman on State Road 21.50
Joe Strother, chainman, assistant to Shannon State Road 21.50
P. Baker, Moundman, on State Road 21.50
F. Bertschy, Axman, assistant to Shannon on State Road 21.50
H. Rice, Teamster on State Road 30.00
Smith and Henderson, lettering stakes 10.00
General Fund
C. Meedel ser. as assessor for Butler precinct $33.00
Platte journal office printing and advertising 51.22
J. O. Shannon labor on jail 6.00
J. O. Shannon, state vs. Justice fees 6.05
H. T. Spoerry, State vs. Mary Bremer, interpreter 1.00
G. C. Barnum, extra services as Co. Com. 22.50
H. J. Hudson, making lists for supervisors 10.00
John Rickly, goods for Butcher, pauper 7.45

Motion to adjourn till Aug. 15th at 10 o'clock A. M.

14 wolf scalps counted and destroyed.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman, pro tem.


Regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the Court House on the 15th day of August 1871.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The bids for building a bridge across Looking Glass Creek were opened and the following proposals were read:

Wm. Gerhold $12.50 per lineal foot. Cash.

Hy. Wellman $13.50 or $540. in warrants on the road and bridge fund.

Motion of Com. Galley the bid of Hy. Wellman be accepted and the contract for building said bridge be awarded to him. Hy. Wellman to give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars and said bridge to be completed by the 15th day of October 1871.

Report of E. W. Toncray, commissioner appointed to inspect Shell Creek bridges, reported that Hy. Wellman contractor, had finished his contract in a substantial manner and according to plan and specifications.

Motion of J. W. Early the report be accepted and Hy. Wellman be paid as per contract.

Motion of Com. Galley that the investigation by J. O. Shannon in the ease of Mahlon B. Butcher, pauper of Merrick Co. be recalled and that no further action be taken till otherwise ordered.

The following bills were allowed:


Poor fund:

John Rickly, supplies for poor


E. V. Clark, supplies for poor


General Fund:

M. Keller, ser. as judge of election, Butler Pre.


Mills & Co., books and stationery


Wm. Hoeffelman, 4 wrenches


E. W. Toncray, inspecting bridges



The History of Platte County Nebraska

bridge on the Columbus and Stanton Road was laid over till next meeting

Bond of Orloff Larson, road supervisor, for Monroe precinct was approved.

The clerk reported the resignation of Walter Lawerence, Esqr., justice of the peace, for Shell Creek Precinct. Accepted by the Commissioners.

35 wolf scalps were counted and destroyed and 1 gopher scalp.

Motion to adjourn till the 5th of September 1871 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board


At a meeting of the County Commissioners held in the court house on Tuesday, the 5th day of September 5871, Guy C. Barnum was in the chair.

Roll was called. Present, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H., j. Hudson, Co. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Bond of Hy. Wellman was approved.

Communication of Wurdeman and others to build a bridge in Sec. 10, T 19, R 1 east was placed on file.

Motion of Com. Galley that the Clerk be ordered to duplicate Co. Order No. 111 issued September 1870 $6.75, said original order having been lost or destroyed.

Petition of John Walker and 45 others asking for the setting off of the following boundaries to be known as Walker precinct was read and filed and petition granted as follows: "The north half of townships 19, Range 3 and 4 West and all of township 20, Range 3 and 4 West to be known as Walker precinct, and that elections be held at the house of Mr. James Walker.

Petition of George W. Brown and others, accompanied with notice and bond, asking for the location of a county road as follows, commencing at the N. W. corner of the town of Columbus at 15th Street and running thence east to the section line between sections 20 and 21, T 17, Range one east. Thence North to the township line between 17 and 18. Thence east to the county line of Platte county thence north on
said county line to Shell Creek.

James E. North was appointed to view and locate said road.

The following bills were allowed.

General Fund
A. Friedline for filling bed ticks
Smith & Henderson, glazing
J. CD. Shannon, ser. in case of M. Butcher $8.15
S. H. Lang, delinquent tax lists
Acres Blackmer & Co., Deed Record F. $26.80

Poor Fund
John Rickly, wood for pauper, blizzard
Coon Darling, hauling wood

The following receipt was offered by the clerk in settlement in full with H. Weilman.

Columbus, Nebraska August 19th 1871.

Received of the county clerk, H. J. Hudson, the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars being in full payment as per contract to repair bridges On Shell Creek at Gleason's and Ahrens' farms.
$175.00 SpacerH. Wellman.

The following appointments were made for Walker precinct: Judges of election, John M. Walker, Matt Farrell, James Collins; Clerks of election, Pat Ducey and M. Morrisey.

The following appointments were made for Bismark precinct.

For judge of election, Andrew Mathias, Hy. Lusche, Chs. Reinke; Clerks of election, Hy. Rickert, Benjamin Speelman.

The clerk was ordered to issue proclamation for a special election to be held the 19th day of September for the purpose of adopting or rejecting the New Constitution of the State of Nebraska, also for a general election to be held on the 10th day of October for the election of county and precinct officers as provided by law.

The commissioners also selected 60 names from the qualified electors of the county of Platte for the selection of grand and petit jurors for the October term.

A communication from Wm. Gerhold was received and placed on file.

Motion of Com. Galley, the clerk was authorized to procure 3 ballot boxes for the new precincts.

Motion to adjourn till Tuesday the 19th day of September A. D. 1871.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house on the 19th day of September 1871.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Guy C. Barnum, Geo. W. Galley, and H. J. Hudson, Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Bill of Hy. Wellman for plans and specifications for Looking Glass bridge was indefinitely postponed.

Petition of M. Keller and others for the discontinuance of a road and remonstrances against the location of same was laid over till next meeting by request of the interested parties.

Petition of Hy. Ripp and others for location of two roads in Shell Creek precinct was laid over till next meeting and the clerk ordered to prepare a plat of roads in the precinct and indicate the roads now asked for.

The following bills were audited and allowed:

General Fund


H. J. Hudson for articles furnished court house


H. J. Hudson, extra services issuing certificates 4.50


J. O. Shannon, services as school superintendent till September 15th.


J. O. Shannon, ser. as J. P. State vs. J. H. Needham


J. O. Shannon, ser. as J. P. State vs. H. Ahrens et. al.



Annals of County Organization

The clerk was ordered to purchase a clock for the use 0 the county clerk's office also a chandelier not to exceed $12.00 in warrants.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, the clerk was ordered to build a coal house suitable for the wants of the court house.

Motion of Com. G. W. Galley, the clerk was ordered to have the court house square cleaned up and to have the holes filled at an expense not to exceed $25.00 dollars.

The Clerk was ordered to obtain two notice boards for the Platte river bridge.

Motion to adjourn till the 3rd day of October 1871.

Attest:SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerChairman of the Board
SpacerCo. Clerk


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house on Tuesday the 3rd day of October 1871.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early.

Minutes of last meeting were dispensed reading till next meeting.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that E. W. Toncray be appointed to inspect the bridge across Looking Glass creek in Sec. 5, T 17, R 3 W.

Motion of G. W. Galley the clerk is hereby ordered to get the court house lot broke, not to exceed four dollars per acre.

Motion to adjourn till Saturday next, the 7th inst. at 2 o'clock P. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerG. C. Barnum
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman of the Board


At an adjourned meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house, October the 7th 1871.

Guy C. Barnum in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, John W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meetings were read and approved.
Petition of M. Keller and others asking for the change of location of a portion of the road known as the Jackson road on the west side of the Loup Fork, also a remonstrance against any change in said road Was read and duly considered. Parties on both sides were present.

Motion of Com. Galley, the prayer of petitioners for a change of location be granted and that so much of the road be abandoned as set forth in said petition and that a commissioner be appointed to view the said proPosed change provided the petitioners pay the expenses of said change and damages, said road being less than miles in length.

Motion to adjourn till next regular meeting to be held October 17th 1871.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house October 17th 1871.

Com. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, J. W. Early, Guy C. Barnum. and H. J. Hudson, clerk. Commissioner Barnum, having been re-elected for a term of 3 years, took his seat as, the junior member of the Board.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Communication of J. O. Blodgett claiming $100.00 damage for removal of road was laid over.

Communication of grand jury recommending more secure hinges on jail doors was read and ordered filed. and Sheriff ordered to have the jail doors secured.

Communication of superintendent of public schools was read and filed. Upon motion of Com. Barnum, the superintendent was ordered to obtain a suitable desk and permanent record for his office.

Communication of E. W. Toncray upon the Looking Glass creek bridge was read.

Report adopted and clerk ordered to draw warrants in payment of said bridge as per contract with Hy. Wellman.

Communication of Peter Murie claiming 200 dollars damage for injury sustained by said Murie by reason of the location of the state road from Columbus to Yankton.

Motion of Com. Barnum that Peter Murie be allowed $100.00 damage. Carried.

Motion of G. W. Galley that John G. Routson be appointed commissioner to view and locate the two roads as petitioned for by Wm. Ripp and others and that section lines be followed in all cases unless other-wise impracticable.

Motion of Com. Barnum, John G. Routson was appointed a commissioner to view and locate the road as petitioned for by H. N. Lawson and others.

The following bills were allowed out of the General Fund.

Wm. Hoeffelman, blacksmithing
Sutton & Winterbotham, chandelier
V. Kummer, sinking fund
Guy C. Barnum, 7 days $3.20 ser. as coms.
J. W. Early, 8 days $4.00 ser. as coms.
Geo. W. Galley, 8 days $3.40 ser. as coms.
H. J. Hudson ser. as clerk
J. W. Early, ser. as register for election, Sep & Oct.
Ben Spielman, ser. as Reg. for Bismark, Sep. & Oct.
Wm. Thompson, hauling dirt to court yard
Charles Brindly, labor on hauling dirt to court yard
C. Brindley, grave digging for pauper
C. H. Stanley, painting signs for bridge on Platte
J. O. Blodgett, ser. as Register, Sep. & Oct. Butler precinct.
J. Schlosser, work in court room
Hy. Gass , 3 ballot boxes & 2 notice boards
A. J. Arnold, ser. as sheriff. J. P. and P. juror.


The History of Platte County Nebraska

A. J. Arnold, State vs. Ahrens 12.20
A. J. Arnold, State vs. Lutjeiharms 6.00
A. J. Arnold, State vs. Walters 3.00
Witness fees for grand jury 14.80
Fees for ser. as petit jurors, Oct. term '71 130.90
Fees for ser. as grand jurors, Oct. term '71 66.80
Fees for ser. as bailiffs, Oct. term '71 8.40
Fees for clerk & judges of election Sep. 19th, 1871 76.50
Fees for clerk & judges of election Oct. 10th, 1871 86.50
E. W. Toncray ser. as bridge inspector 10.00

On motion, the Clerk was ordered to draw warrants for the above bills on the General Fund.

The bonds of John G. Higgins, probate judge; George Lehman sheriff, James E. North and J. A. Platte, justices for Columbus Precinct, were accepted and approved and ordered stamped.

Motion of Com. Barnum that Ch. A. Speice give an opinion legally upon the following questions.

Can a resident agent be permitted to work out the land tax of a non-resident? And can his agency be construed to come within the meaning of the first paragraph of Sec. 8, Chap. 47, entitled roads Revised Statutes, Page 344.

There being no other business, the Board adjourned to meet on the 7th day of November 1871 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerChairman Board of Coms.


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house on the 7th day of November 1871.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair. Roll called. Present, Guy C. Barnum, H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes were read and approved.

Receipt of Hy. Wellman was presented and ordered filed and spread upon record.

Columbus, Nebraska October 28th 1871.

Received of H. J. Hudson, county clerk, the sum of five hundred and forty dollars (540.00) being payment in full for contract building bridge across Looking Glass Creek in Sec. 5, T17, R West in Platte County, Nebraska.

H. Wellmann

Communication of Peter Murie accepting. $100.00 allowed him as damage by the location of State Road through his land was read.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, the Clerk was ordered to draw warrant for the same.

Com: of C. A. Speice, Esqr. Attorney to whom was referred the question of agents working out non-resident's taxes was read and ordered filed, and road supervisors were ordered to permit the agent of any. nonresident to work out the road tax of said non-resident when required so to do by the road supervisor. This resolution not to be construed to permit road supervisors to work out non-resident's Road Tax.

Com. of H. P. Handy enclosing bill of Wells French & Co. for lumber furnished Jacob Ernst for ice breaker on Platte river bridge read and ordered filed.

Com, of committee appointed at a meeting of the citizens of Columbus to prepare a proposition to vote bonds to the Midland P---- was read recommending that no election be called to vote any additional bonds other than those already voted

Motion of Com. Barnum that the report be filed and the recommendation be adopted.

Report of Jas. E. North, road commissioner., appointed to view and locate a road from N. E. corner of the town of Columbus to the east line of the county was accepted and ordered recorded. Bill allowed.

Report of J. E. North, overseer of the Poor, to November 7th 1871 accepted and bills allowed.

The following bills were allowed from General Fund.

Wells French & Co., timber for ice breaker
Turner & Hulst lumber for side walk
Turner & Hulst lumber for coal house
W. C. Sutton, nails etc., for coal house
James E. Cady, labor for coal house
Wm. Thompson, breaking c. h. lot
P. G. Bonesteel, ser. as register, Columbus Pre.
C. A. Speice, ser. as attorney
H. J. Hudson, fees as clerk of Dist. Court
H. J. Hudson, fees issuing election certificate
J. H. Welch, judge of election
A. Mathias, judge of election
W. B. Dale, desk for Supt. of Pub. Inst.

Poor Fund
Dr. E. Hohen, 3 mos. ser. as Co. Physician
James Walker, ser. reg. Walker pre.
L. Whaley, clothing for A. Bell (pauper)
J. P. Becker, groceries. J. Murie
J. Rickly, supplies for poor & court house
J. Rickly, dry goods for J. Murie
P. Murray, herding
Ann Freston, supplies for family
John Gap, pants and vests

Columbus Road Fund
Peter Murie, damage by locating St. Rd.
J. B. North, ser. survey road and team
Schuyler, C. Clark, chainman

Shell Creek Road Fund
Willm. Ripp. ser. as Rd. supervisor Nov. 7th

Monroe Road Fund
Turner & Hulst lumber for bridge

Adjourned till 10 o'clock A. M. in the morning.


Wednesday, 10 o'clock A. M., Nov. 8th, 1871. Board met pursuant to adjournment.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, Guy C. Barnum, and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Clerk was ordered to request Hy. Wellman to complete the screwing up of the Platte river bridge as the supervisor reports a number of bolts loose that must have escaped attention when said bridge was repaired by Hy. Wellman.

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