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Annals of County Organization

clerk was ordered to notify. M. Keller and others to have their bond of indemnity against damage by location of road petitioned for by said Keller to be filed n the clerk's office on the 1st day of December 1871, o o'clock A. M.

Motion of Com. Barnum, the sheriff procure a suitable desk for his office and some shackles for the jailer's use, Also the school superintendent is authorized to purchase a desk of W. B. Dale for 50 dollars payable out of the general fund.

Report of William Ripp, road supervisor for Shell creek precinct was read and bill allowed.

The clerk was ordered to obtain six copies of revised statutes for the use of the new precincts.

Bonds of W. D. Davis, Ed, Ahrens and Andrew Walker, justices of the Peace; Mahlon Clother, constable; F. G. Becher and James Walker, assessors; Patrick Ducey, Wm. Ripp, Jacob Ernst, supervisors; Chs. B. Stillman, coroner and John G. Routson, surveyor, were accepted and approved.

The commissioners took up the report of the county treasurer and county clerk and compared the cancelled orders with the warrant book.

Motion to adjourn till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock A. M.

Board met pursuant to adjournment, Thursday 9th day of November 1871.

Roll called, present, Geo. W. Galley, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Board resumed the comparing cancelled. warrants on General, Poor and Road Funds and after, carefully comparing the same, the following were destroyed, in the presence of the Board of, County Commissioners.

General Fund
Poor Fund
Road Fund

Motion of Com. Galley, the clerk was instructed to call in all county warrants issued in 1858 to '866 inclusive, the same to be presented at the treasurer's office for redemption on or before Oct. 1st 1872, after which date all said warrants will be barred and the interest stopped.

Motion of Com. Barnum, the treasure's report was ordered published in the Platte journal not to exceed in cost $50.00

Motion to adjourn till Tuesday, the 21st day of November 1871 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley, chairman
SpacerClerk SpacerBoard County Commissioners

At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house oh the 21st day of November A. D. 1871.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present G. C. Barnum, John W. Early, H. J: Hudson, Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Motion of G. W. Galley, the clerk was ordered to purchase two copies of Revised statutes of C. F. Cottin of Omaha at 10 dollars each cash.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, the clerk was ordered to publish Treasurer's Report in Platte journal one month for $25.00.

Petition of J. B. Kelly and others asking for the location of a road from NW corner of Sec. 31, T 18, R 2 west, running east on section line to intersect state same in Sec. 26, T 18, R 2 west, was allowed and John G. Routson appointed to view and locate the same.

Petition of John Lentz and others asking for a change in location of a portion of Looking Glass Road by vacation of portion of said road and an extension of same in Sec. 26, T 18, R 2 west, was allowed and John G. Routson appointed to view and locate the same.

Petition of John M. Wolf and others asking for a road commencing at southwest corner of Sec. 32, T 19, R 2 west running north on section line to the north boundary line of Platte County, read and filed, and John G. Routson appointed to view and locate the same.

Report of John G. Routson appointed to view and locate the following roads was made and accepted and bills allowed. Excelsior road from Shell Creek to State Road in township 18, R one west, amount of bill $12.00. Also high ridge road from northwest corner of See. 34, T 18, R 1 west to intersect county road, T 18 R 1 east, amount of bill $10.00; also north Looking Glass from 1/2 section corner between and 6, T 17, R west north of township line between T 18 & 19, R west, amount of bill $18.00.

The following bills were allowed:

General Fund.
Wm. Thompson, hauling coal, 2 carloads
Hy. Lusche, judge of election, Bismark
John Rickly, wood, coal, oil etc. for C. House
V. Kummer, cash advanced for coal for C. House
F. Fields, fees and board of pauper

Poor Fund
John Rickly, supplies and wood for Blizzard
Monroe Road Fund
John G. Routson, survey & team.
Wm. Routson, chainman
D. Kinsey, chainman
J. N. Lawson, axman

Shell Creek Rd. Fund
J. G. Routson, survey and team
Wm. Ripp, chainman
Lorinzo D. Clark, chainman
Wm. Routson, axman

Bond of Chris. Meedel, assessor for Butler, precinct was approved.

There being no other business, motion to adjourn till the 1st day of December A. D. 1871.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley, chairman
SpacerClerk SpacerBoard County Commissioners

The History of Platte County Nebraska

At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the court house on the 1st day of Dec. 1871. George W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, J. W. Early, G. C. Barnum, and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The tax list for the year 1871 was presented by the county clerk when upon motion of Com. Early, the same was accepted and signed and ordered to be delivered to the County Treasurer for collection.

Petition of Andreas Mathias and others asking for a road commencing at the northeast corner of Sec. 19, T 18, R 1 east running east to county road leading to Ahrens bridge was filed and John G. Routson appointed commissioner to view and locate the same.

Report of Orloff Larsen, supervisor for Monroe Precinct (Dist. No. 2) was accepted and bill for services allowed $29.75.

Report of Maurice Keller, Supervisor in Butler precinct (No. 3 district) was accepted and bill for services allowed $32.50; and materials etc. furnished $43.74.

The following bills were audited and allowed.

General Fund
J. N. Lawson ser. as register Monroe
J. N. Lawson, judge of election
Omaha Herald office printing blanks
J. A. Platte making tax list (original)
Geo. Lehman, sheriff fees, State v. A. J. Stevens
M. E. Clother, constable, State v. A. J. Stevens
J. A. Platt, justice fees, State v. A. J. Stevens

Road Fund Monroe Precinct.
Orloff Larsen, ser. as supervisor

Road Fund, Butler Precinct.
M. Keller, ser. as supervisor
Materials furnished as per bills

Motion of Com. Barnum, the treasurer be authorized to strike off from tax lists for the years 1860 to 1864 inclusive, the delinquents amounting to 47.97
and cr. himself with the same.

Bonds of H. C. Ludwig, supervisor for Butler Precinct, Andrew Mathias, Supervisor for Bismark Precinct and Benjamin Spielman, assessor for Bismark was filed and approved.

There being no further business, the Board adjourned till the 19th day of December A. D. 1871 at 10 o'clock A. M.


SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley,
SpacerClerk SpacerChairman


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held December 19th 1871 in the court house, G. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, John W. Early, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, county clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Report of James E. North, overseer for the month of November 1871, accepted and bills allowed.

Report of Jacob Ernst, road supervisor for Columbus precinct, District No. 1 was read and approved and bills allowed.

The following bonds were approved: Joseph H. Watts, justice of peace and Wm. Routson, constable for Shell Creek precinct; John N. Lawson, justice of the peace and H. N. Barton, assessor for Monroe precinct

The following bills were allowed, having been audited and found correct.

General Fund.
Geo. W. Galley ser. as Com. to Dec. 31 @ 3.40, 10 days $50.10
Guy C. Barnum, ser. as Com. to Dec. 31 @ 3.20, 9 days 36.10
John W. Early, ser. as Com. to Dec. 31 @ 4.00, 6 days 24.00
H. J. Hudson, 1 yr. salary to Dec. 31 & extra services 111.10
J. E. North, J. P. State vs. Egli 2.90
Geo. Lehman, sheriff, State vs. Egli 11.30
Chs. Brindley ser. cutting wood, P. House work at court house 10.00
Chs. Brindley, digging grave for Bush $3.00 and for infant $2.00 5.00
M. Morrisey, returns of election Sept. Walker Prec. 3.70
Miller & Richardson, Deed Records 56.00

Poor Fund
John Rickly supplies for poor as per O. Report 30.65
John Rickly discount on bills for Oct. & Nov. on $104.00 10.40
O. P. Reed, hauling goods for poor 1.50
Ch. A. Speice, wood for poor 7.00
J. P. Becker, groceries for poor 7.00
James Warner, hauling wood 2 loads 4.00
J. E. North, cash advanced and team 5.10

Columbus Road Fund
Jacob Ernst ser. as Road Supervisor, see report 115.50
Jacob Ernst see bills, matrials (sic) furnished 181.56
Jacob Ernst, labor on L. F. & P. R. bridges 161.77
Use of pile driver to Colfax Co. $8.00 153.77

Motion of Com. Early that the Platte Co. Agricultural Society be permitted to use the court room to hold their public meetings every 4th Saturday commencing, Dec. 23rd. 1871 until otherwise ordered.

There being no further business, the board adjourned to meet Jany. 2nd 1872.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley,
SpacerClerk SpacerChairman


At a regular meeting of the Board held in the court house January second 1872, Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, John w. Early, G. C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Motion of Com. Barnum that judge John G. Higgins Judge of probate, be and is hereby authorized to pro-

Annals of County Organization

cure a suitable book and record all the original marriage licenses that may be on file in the judge of probate's office and unrecorded.

Communication from the auditor relative to blanks for assessments was placed on file and clerk ordered to procure the number needed for the assessors in the county.

Communication of judge Curinse of 3 judicial district containing rules for the regulation of the jail was placed on file and on motion of Com. Barnum, the clerk was ordered to procure printed copies for the use of the Sheriff.

Petition of James Walker and others asking the appointment of Michael Mason as constable for Walker precinct filed and on motion of Com. Early, M. Mason was appointed constable for Walker precinct till the next regular election.

Petition of D. G. Stewart and others for the location of a road commencing at a point on north line of Sec. 4, T 16, R 1 west, about 12 chains east of the 1/4 sec. corner on said line running thence west to intersection of U. P. R. R. thence along south side of U. P. R. R. to a point in the town of Jackson near the centre of Sec. 1, T 16, R 2, thence across the R. R. to the north side and we further petition that the Jackson road be abandoned from the centre of section 34, T 17, R 1 west to the town of Jackson.

Motion of Com. Galley, H. P. Coolidge be appointed to view the aforesaid road. Galley and Early voting 'aye', Barnum voting 'no'.

Petition of citizens from Shell Creek precinct asking the appointment of Michael Maher as a justice of the peace in said precinct was read and on motion of G. C. Barnum that Michael Maher be appointed as justice of the peace in Shell Creek Precinct. Galley and Barnum voting 'aye', Early voting 'no'.

Report of J. E. North, Overseer in Columbus precinct, was read, filed and bills allowed.

Motion of Com. Barnum that Jacob Ernst, road supervisor in Columbus precinct, take up the Loup Fork bridge when the same shall be necessary and that $4.00 per day be allowed the supervisor for superintending the taking up of the bridge.

The following bills were allowed, having been audited and found correct.

General Fund
J. O. Shannon, surveying court house lot
S. J. Edwards, witness. State vs. Diedricks

Poor Fund
E. V. Clark, boarding Babbit family
J. Tiffany, wood for Blizzard
J. Rickly, wood for McNew and Schutzi
C. Bremer, wood for Babbitt
J. P. Becker, meat etc. Babbitt
James Ryan, 1 mo. rent for house (Babbitt)
H. P. Coolidge, 1 mo. rent for cook stove

There being no further business, the Board adjourned till the '6th day of January 1873 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley,
SpacerClerk Spacer Chairman Board Commissioners


Regular meeting of the board of county commissioners was held at the court house, January 16th 1872.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, John W. Early and F. G. Becher, Dep. Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The following bills were audited, corrected and allowed out of the General fund.

Mills & Co. Stationery and books
C. B. Stillman, sundry merchandise
W. S. Campbell, white washing
Geo. Lehman, weather strip.
Michael Rott, witness, State vs. Klentschi
F. G. Becher, witness State vs. Diedricks
Edward H. Baker, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
Chas. Mehrberger, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
Mrs. Chas. Mehrberger, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
John W. Early, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
Mrs. J. W. Early, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
Mr. I. Wachutza, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
O. P. Reed, witness State vs. Diedricks and mileage
Sinking fund for express charges
Bill of F. Field painting coal shed issued.

Out of Poor Fund.

Bill of F. Field, boarding the poor, issued.

Bond of Michael Maher as justice of the peace for Shell Creek was presented and approved, after which the Board adjourned to meet on Monday, February 5th, 1872

F. G. Becher George W. Galley, Chairman

Dep. Clerk Board of Commissioners


Regular meeting of the Board of county commissioners held at the court house on Monday the 5th day of February A. D. 1872.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, John W. Early, G. C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Motion of Com. Early, the revenue be taken up and general business be deferred till tomorrow, Feb. 6th 1872.

The Clerk was thereupon ordered to furnish the precinct assessors with the necessary blanks also abstracts of all entered lands in each precinct, also to furnish the following instructions.

All lands in Townships 16, 17 and 18, range one east and west, six dollars per acre.

All lands in Townships 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in ranges 2, 3, and 4 west $5 per acre

The History of Platte County Nebraska

All lands in Township 19 and 20, range one east and west $5 per acre.

All other prairie lands to be assessed at the same price as adjudged by the board of equalization last April 1871.

Timber lands from 8 to 5 dollars per acre according to quality to be estimated by the assessor, and where timber is scattered and owned by parties having prarie lands adjoining to inquire what number of acres the timber would cover, assess the valuation thereof, and add the amount to the same quarter section of prairie annexed.

Horses 1st class $75.00 to $125.00
Horses 2nd class 50.00 to 65.00
Horses 3rd class 25.00 to 40.00
Colts from 10.00 to 40.00
Mules 40.00 to 125.00
Cattle work 50.00 to 100.00
Cattle neat 10.00 to 30.00
Calves under one year old exempt.
Chickens exempt
Swine per hundred pounds $2.00, Polls $2.00
Land tax $4.00 per 1/4 sec.; Dogs $1.00.


Adjourned to meet in the morning at 10 o'clock A. M.

Tuesday, Feb. 6th 1872, 10 o'clock A. M.

Com. Galley in the chair. Roll called. Present, full board.

Communication of I. N. Taylor asking the Board of County Coms. to appropriate $10.00 for the purpose of furnishing pamphlets and maps for the purpose of inducing immigrants to locate in the county of Platte, read and placed on file.

Com. from treasurer of Lincoln Co. read and filed and clerk ordered to inform Lincoln Co. authorities that the Com. of Platte Co. do not feel warranted to engage in litigation with the U. P. R. R. Co. at present.

Com. of E. C. Pusey, Co. Com., of Sarpy County asking for information relative to salary paid to the Co. Clerk and amount allowed for the making of tax list and duplicate was referred to county clerk to answer.
Com. of the Clerk presenting the Act for the extension of time for the payment of interest on notes for the purchase of school lands.

Petition of citizens from Monroe precinct asking for the appointment of Antony Swearson as constable for said precinct. Motion of Com. Barnum that said Antony Swearson be appointed constable.

Petition of O. E. Stearns and others asking for a county road from N E corner Sec. 50, R 1 west, T 20, thence south on section line to SE corner of Sec. 17, thence the most direct and practicable route to intersect Co. road in Sec. 20, T 19, R 1 west, was read and filed.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, John G. Routson was appointed to locate the aforesaid road.

Report of J. E. North, overseer of the Poor, for the month of January, read and bills allowed.

The following bills were allowed:

General Fund
H. P. Coolidge, supplies for C. H. and jail
Geo. W. White, State v. Egli, witness
C. N. Abbott, State v. Egli, witness
J. G. Higgins, quarter salary, Pr. judge Feb. 1.
J. G. Higgins, recording 60 marriage licenses.
C. A. Speice, desk for sheriff

Poor Fund
Dr. E. Hohen, 3 mos. salary, county Physician
Rickly, John, goods for poor
Becker, J. P., supplies J. Murie August 7 1869 to August 12, 1870
Frank North, wood for Blizzard
F. G. Becher, wood for M. McCall
H. Wellman, boarding M. McCall
Becker, J. P., groceries for McCall $4.25 and Schutzie $3.20
O. P. Reed. Hauling M. McCall's goods
V. Kummer, cash advanced
J. O. Shannon, services helping McCall.

Motion of Guy C. Barnum that from 40 to 50 dollars be appropriated out of the General Fund to Joseph Burroughs to bore for coal in Platte county, the apparatus to be returned to the county after the same has been used by said Burroughs, he to receive a fair compensation for his time in having the same made. Mr. Dale of the late firm of Dale & Co., appeared on behalf of his late partner John Rickly, Esqr., asking for a reduction of tax for 1870, it being claimed by J. Rickly that their merchandise had been listed by both of the partners; the commissioners compared the assessment for 1870 with the assessments of previous years and thereupon it was moved by Com. Early that the assessment remain as found upon the tax list and the treasurer sustained in his effort to collect the same. Carried.

Motion of Com. Early that an appropriation of $150 dollars out of the general fund be made to I. N. Taylor for the purposes of immigration and that the pamphlets be submitted to the Board for their inspection and approval before the same be issued for distribution. Early and Galley 'aye', Barnum 'no'.

46 wolf scalps and 9 wild cats were counted and destroyed.

The Clerk was ordered to obtain five tons of coal for the court house.

Motion to adjourn till the 20th day of February, A. D. 1872 at 10 o'clock A. M.

Attest SpacerGeorge W. Galley,
SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer Chairman Board
SpacerClerk Spacerof Commissioners


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the Court House, February 20th 1872.

Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, J. W. Early, Guy

C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were corrected and approved.

Annals of County Organization

Communication of Davenport and Madison was read requesting information when any bridges were to be built, was placed on file.

Motion o Com. Early that the County Physician be requested to make a monthly report to the Board of Co. Commissioners.

Motion of Com. Early, H. P. Coolidge be requested to view and report upon the Loup Fork and Jackson Road by the next meeting, if possible.

The following bills were allowed:

General Fund.
V. Kummer, cash advanced for coal
V. Kummer, cash advanced for expressage
V. Kummer, cash advanced to Acres Blackmer
V. Kummer for removing safe $28.65

and brickwork $11.25

Leander Gerrard, attorney fee for opinion

Poor Fund.
Ch. Brindly, digging grave for Davidson
John Rickly, supplies for Davidson

27 wolf, 6 wild cat and 47 gopher scalps were counted and destroyed.

Motion to adjourn till March 5th 1872.

Attest SpacerGeorge W. Galley,
SpacerH. J. Hudson Spacer Chairman Board Commissioners


At a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held in the court house on the 5th day of March 1872. Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Com. of O. E. Steams on subject of repairs needed near the Gleason bridge on Shell Creek was read and referred to Supervisor Ripp with instruction to repair the same forthwith.

Com. of Davenport and Madison on iron bridges was ordered filed.

Com. of H. P. Coolidge with-drawing his name as bondsman on George Lehman's bond as sheriff. Filed.

Motion of Com. Galley that the sheriff be informed of said action and that he procure two good and responsible free holders in the place of A. J. Stevens and H. P. Coolidge.

Petition of Barclay Jones and others asking for a County road from reservation line between Sections 7 and 18, T 17, R 3 west running east to intersect the County road on 1/ sec. line.

Motion, Com. Galley that John G. Routson be apPointed to locate said road.

Petition of 100 citizens asking that an election be ordered authorizing the county commissioners to issue 75,000 dollars in County Bonds for the purpose of building a permanent bridge across the Loup Fork river and at least two bridges on the upper Shell Creek was read and ordered to be placed on file.

Motion of Com. Early, the Clerk is hereby ordered to prepare the necessary resolution and issue the proper notice for said election to be held on the 9th day of April 1872.

Report of I. N. Taylor submitting a proof of immigration pamphlet and map was read and examined and approved and ordered to be printed as per former resolution.

Report of James E. North, Overseer for Columbus Precinct, was read and bills allowed with instructions to refuse any further aid to Mr. McNew.

Report of County Physician to March 1st read and ordered filed.

Report of Jacob Ernst upon the taking up of the Loup Fork Bridge was read. Bills allowed.

Motion of Com. Early, the clerk was ordered to procure the lumber necessary for laying sidewalk on the west front of the court house yard, also to obtain posts and lumber to fence in the square and have the ground plowed, ready for planting trees on Arbor Day the 10th of April 1872.

Motion of Com. Galley that Jacob Ernst, road supervisor of Columbus precinct, procure a suitable boat to work at the Loup Fork bridge and that he also obtain the planks necessary to put the bridge in a state of repair, suitable for travel.

Report of H. P. Coolidge, commissioner appointed to view and locate the Jackson road as petitioned for by M. Keller, D. G. Stewart and others, was read recommending the survey of said road and the abandonment of road as now located and in accordance with said report, Com. Galley moved its adoption and that James B. North, Esqr. be appointed t6 survey and plat the same.

Adjourned to meet tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock A. M.


Met pursuant to adjournment. Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, John W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

The following bills were audited and allowed, and warrants ordered to be drawn from the respective funds.

General Fund.
H. P. Coolidge, Steel and rope for boring apparatus
E. V. Clark, board for Burroughs
Turner and Hulst, lumber for Burroughs
Nelson Millet, prof: services to procure safe T.Off.
Henry Gass repairing safe for clerk's office
Henry Gass, book case for clerk's office
John Schlosser, platform Treas: safe
V. Kummer making school dis: appor:
Clother and Son, team, hire for prisoners
Geo. Lehman sheriff's fees. State v. J. Walker
J. E. North, justice fees, State v. J Walker
Gregory Moylan, witness, State v. J. Walker
Michael Morrisey, witness, State v. J. Walker


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