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The History of Platte County Nebraska

Poor Fund
Hy. Gass 1 coffin for Davidson
O. P. Reed, hauling pauper to grave yard
Geo. Lehman, ser. at funeral
Frank-Fields, board, John Harris, 15 days.
Frank Fields, board, Wm. Davidson, 15 days
Frank Fields, washing bedding and clothing for jail
H. Wellman, milk for Davidson
Michael Rott, moving, Wm. Davidson
Hugh Cornpton, books for A. Bell
J. Rickly, 2 overshirts, A. Bell
J. P. Becker, groceries for McNew $10.00, Blizzard $6
Frank North $5.00, P. Murray $4.00, Blizzard
V. Kummer, safe for treasurer's office

General Road and Bridge Fund
For labor in taking up Loup Fork Bridge each 2 1/4 days.

Chris Geisen


Nick Blaser team


Chris. Boss


A. Schoot


M. Regan team


John Schutze


Philip Krzycki team


Martin Browiak


F. B. Tschudi


John Miller team


D. O'Brien


W. Schonenberg


Columbus Road Fund
Jacob Ernst, labor on L. F. bridge
H. P. Coolidge ser. as R. Commissioner

On motion of Com. Early, the further consideration of the subject of issuing bonds for the purpose of building bridges in the county was called up, and the following resolution was offered and carried.

Resolved that a special election be held in Platte county on the 9th day of April A. D. 1872 for the purpose of issuing seventy-five thousand dollars in county bonds payable in thirty years from date of issue bearing an annual interest at 10 per cent per annum to be apportioned & used so much thereof as may be deemed necessary in building the following bridges.

One permanent bridge across the Loup Fork at or near the town of Columbus.

One bridge across Wurdemann Creek

One Bridge across Tracy Creek.

One Bridge across Looking Glass Creek and at least two other bridges on Upper Shell Creek.

The following resolution was adopted and ordered to be published according to law:

Whereas it is proposed that Platte County shall issue seventy-five-thousand (75,000) dollars in county bonds, said bonds to be issued and dated on the first day of July A. D. 1872, and be payable thirty years from date thereof and that, said bonds shall draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum. from said first day of July 1872, said interest to be paid annually and both the principal and the interest to be payable at the office of the treasurer of said Platte County or the first National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska, that said bonds be sold by the county commissioners of Platte county, and the money received therefore, to be for the purpose of building a permanent bridge across Loup Fork river at or near the Town of Columbus: One bridge across Wurdemann Creek, one bridge across Tracy Creek, One bridge across Looking Glass Creek, and at least two other bridges on Upper Shell Creek in the county of Platte and State of Nebraska. And shall be expended by the county commissioners of said county for said purposes in such manner as they shall from time to time direct.

It is further proposed to levy an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest and principal, not to exceed six mills on the dollar of valuation, to be levied and collected on all taxable property, real and personal in Platte county for the term of thirty years commencing in the year 1872 that the monies collected from said tax shall be known as the "Special Bridge Fund" and shall be paid into said fund and expended as follows.

"First for the payment of the annual interest on said Bonds." "Second, for the payment of the principal of said bonds."

And whereas it is proposed that the legal voters of Platte county do vote for or against the creating of said "Special Bridge Fund" and the levy of said tax.

Therefore, it is ordered that on the 9th day of April 1872, a special election be held in said county at the usual places of holding elections, and that at said election all persons that are legally qualified to vote in said county and that are in favor of issuing of said bonds, the creating of said special tax to be levied, collected and expended as above set forth, shall write or print on their ballots.

"For the special bridge fund and special tax."

And all those opposed to said fund and tax as above set forth shall write or print on their ballots:

"Against the special bridge fund and special tax."

By order of the commissioners of Platte county done at Columbus on the 5th day of March A. D. 1872

H. J. Hudson
Co. Clerk.

There being no further business before the Board, adjourned till the 19th day of March A. D. 187 2 at 10 o'clock A. M.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerClerk SpacerChairman Board of Commissioners


At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the court house on the 19th day of March c872.

George W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, Geo. W. Galley, John W. Early, and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Annals of County Organization

Minutes of last meeting read and resolution calling for an election to issue 75,000 dollars in county bonds as amended so as to read not to exceed six mills on the dollar of valuation. Approved as amended.

Petition of Wurdemann and others asking for a bridge across Wurdemann Creek was read and placed file.

Petition of Martin Regan and others for a road commencing at the southwest corner of see: 16, T 17, R east thence east on section line and terminating at the east boundary line of the county.

Motion of Com. Galley, Jas. E. North was appointed to locate the same.

Bill of Hy. Gass for a pair of steps $4.00 Allowed out of poor fund.

Bond of Antony Swearson, constable for Monroe precinct, was approved.

Motion of Com. Early, the Clerk was ordered to draw on the poor fund and transfer the same to the General Fund.

Motion to adjourn till the 2nd day of April 1872 at 10 o'clock A. M.

H. J. Hudson, George W. Galley, Chairman
Clerk. Board Commissioners

The following receipt was ordered to be spread on the Record.

Columbus, Nebr.
March 18th 1872

Received of the County Commissioners of Platte County one hundred and twenty-three and 40/100 dollars being in full of all demands for building and constructing six aprons to the three bridges built by me on Shell Creek in Platte County, Nebraska,

$123.40. SpacerWm. Gerhold.


Board of county Commissioners met in the court house April 2nd 1872. Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, Guy C. Barnum, J. W. Early and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Com. of Wm. Ripp, Supervisor in Shell Creek precinct, asking for help to build 20 bridges was laid on the table.

Report of overseer of the poor for Columbus precinct Was read and allowed.

Report of Dr. E. Hohen, county physician, was read and filed.

Report of Jacob Ernst, road supervisor, in Columbus precinct, and the bills for materials and labor in rePlacing the Loup Fork bridge was read. Bills allowed and report filed.

Motion of Com. Early the Clerk was ordered to publish in Platte journal, notice of the meeting of Board Equalization on the 15, 16 and 17th days of April 1872 .

The following bills were audited and allowed.

General Fund.
G. W. Galley, ser. as Co. Com. to March 31st, 8 days $3.40
G. W. Galley to signing 87 warrants 10 days
J. W. Early to signing 87 warrants 8 days@ $4.00
G. C. Barnum signing 87 warrants 4 days
H. J. Hudson, ser. Co. Clerk, 3 mos.

Poor Fund
John Rickly to interest due on goods
Gerrard and Reed, cash for R. R. Tickets
Pat Murray, one load of wood, Blizzard
Ch. Whaley to care and boad (sic) of pest house
F. Fields, to boarding poor

Shell Creek Road Fund.
F. G. Becher, lumber for bridges

General Bridge and Road Fund
L. M. Beebe, labor, L. F. bridge 7 1/4 days
John Bennett, labor L. F. bridge 4 days
F. Krzycki labor, L. F. bridge 4 1/2 days
Nick Blaser, labor on L. F. Bridge 7 1/2 days
W. Kurt labor on L. F. bridge days
Ch. Boss, labor on L. F. bridge 6 1/4 days
Chrs. Geisen, labor on L. F. bridge 6 3/4 da.
J. Muller, labor on L. F. bridge, team 3 1/2 da.
G. W. Lawrence, labor on L. F. bridge, team 2 da.
J. L. McNew, labor on L. F. bridge, 2 3/4 da.
Jacob Ernst, labor on L. F. bridge, 11 da.
L. Bamgartner, labor on L. F. bridge, 3 1/2 da. 2 men
Jacob Ernst, labor on L. F. bridge, 2 men & team
Jacob Ernst, materials for boat
Jacob Ernst, making report and collecting bills
H. P. Coolidge, hardware for bridge
Fisher and Schneider, blacksmithing
Wm. Hoeffelman, blacksmithing
Turner and Hulst, lumber for bridge
Telegraphing to recover stolen boat

Motion of Com. Early that orders be drawn on the respective funds for the several amounts audited.

Motion of Com. Barnum, the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund to Jno. A. Norris the amount of purchase money and interest on lands sold at tax sale by mistake being the W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 1, T17, R1E.

Motion to adjourn till Monday the 15th day of April to meet as Board of Equalization.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerClerk SpacerChairman Board of Commissioners


At a Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held Tuesday, April 16th 1872, Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, J. W. Early, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The sheriff presented the names of Geo. W. Brown, H. Compton, L. M. Beebe and M. Maher as bondsmen in accordance with the resolution of Com. board at last meeting when the same were approved and the Clerk ordered to obtain their signatures to the bond of the Sheriff.

The Clerk presented the certificate of the canvassers of the special election ordered to be spread in the record.

Columbus, Nebr.
April 10th 1872

We the undersigned citizens of Platte County do hereby certify that we canvassed the returns of the several precincts of a special election held in Platte County, Nebraska on Tuesday the 9th day of April 1872 for the purpose of voting upon the question of issuing bonds for a "special bridge fund and special tax," and find the following results:

For the Bonds:
Against the Bonds:
Columbus precinct
Columbus precinct
Butler precinct
Butler precinct
Bismark precinct
Bismark precinct
Shell Creek precinct
Shell Creek precinct
Monroe precinct
Monroe precinct

Walker precinct, rejected returns. Total vote for bonds 159. Total vote against bonds 151. Majority 8 for the bonds.

(seal) SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerH. P. Coolidge, Canvassers
SpacerCo. Clerk SpacerA. J. Arnold

To the Board of County Commissioners:

Upon the canvass of the returns of the special election held in Platte County, April 9th 1872, the board of canvassers rejected the returns of Walker precinct, there being no tally list or statement of number of votes cast either for, or against the bonds so voted on, no certificate was attached as required by law, even if the returns had shown the purpose for which said votes were cast. All of which is very respectfully submitted to your consideration and action.

H. J. Hudson
Co. Clerk.

Petition of Joseph Burrows and others for a county road from Scully's bridge in Sec. 13, T 18, R 2 west, to Sec. 30, T 19, R 2 west, was accepted and James E. North appointed to view and locate the same.

Petition of R. S. Walpole and others for a county road from SW corner of Sec. 16, T 19, R 1 east to meridian line thence north to county line was accepted and John G. Routson appointed to view and locate the same if practicable.

Motion of G. C. Barnum that C. A. Speice, the County School Superintendent, be allowed $4.00 per day for office work.

Report of John G. Routson, commissioner to locate school section road, was read and approved and ordered to be recorded.

Chas. A. Speice, attorney, filed the claims for damages by the locating of school section road, Chris Yeiter $135.00 and Wm. Gerhold $100.00.

The following bills were allowed:

General Fund.
Chas. A. Speice, ser. as school superintendent
J. W. Early, ser. as register for S. C. precinct
Chs. A. Speice, fees for legal opinion
Jno. A. Norris, refunded purchase money, tax sale

Poor Fund
F. Fields, board for poor to April 15th
F. Fields, nursing James Welsh, 5 days @ $3.00

General Road Fund
L. M. Beebe, repairing L. F. bridge 2 3/4 days
N. Blaser, repairing L. F. bridge 2 3/4 days
M. Kurt, repairing L. F. bridge 2 3/4 days
Ch. Boss, repairing L. F. bridge 2 3/4 days
Ch. Giesen, repairing L. F. bridge 2 3/4 days
John Miller, repairing L. F. bridge and team 2 3/4 days.
Fisher and Schneider, blacksmithing
Coolidge, H. P. nails etc.
J. Earnst, ser. on L.F.B. $19.50; less overcharge last bill $5.00

Shell Creek Road Fund
Turner and Hulst, lumber for bridges

General Bridge Fund
Turner & Hulst, lumber for L. F. B. and boat

Bond of Michael Mason, constable for Walker precinct was opposed.

Motion to adjourn till May 7th 1872

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley
SpacerClerk SpacerChairman Board of Commissioners



Meeting of the Board of Equalization was held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 15, 16 and 17, 1872.

First day, April 15, 1870

Co. Commissioners met and organized as a Board of Equalization, as provided by law.

The following changes were made:

On complaint of H. T. Spoerry $50.00 was deducted on Lot 3 in Blk. C. on Columbia Square.

On motion, a deduction of 10 acres be made on the lands of John Handy in Sec. 1, T 16, R 1 E. Said land being washed away.

Also the following deductions were made from the lists:

Deduct $300 from list of Mrs. G. W. Galley of

Annals of County Organization

Columbus precinct; $254 of Michael Maher's list of Shell Creek precinct.

Land in S 1/2 of NE 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of Sec. 20, T 17, R 1 E to be assessed at $10 per acre.

To list of John Macken of Columbus precinct, two dogs to be added. Com. Barnum certifying to same.

The Board then made following addition to amounts on personal property to list of persons named below all in Columbus precinct:

Mrs. M. Brady
G. C. Barnum
G. W. Brown
R. Brandl
F. Gottschalk
P. Goodwin
J. H. and L. Galley
James Hallows
Louis Jacob
J. B. Senecal
E. C. Kavanaugh
Martin Regan
L. Phillipps
including 2 cows omitted to list.

No other business, the Board adjourned until next day.

Second day, April 16, 1872.

Board met and proceeded to make following changes:

L. Gerrard appeared and made complaint as to assessment of land and asked to have price increased.

The commissioners thereupon made increase upon the following lands:

NE of NW 1/4 Sec 19 T 17 R1E to $50 per acre
NW of NW Sec 19 T 17 R1E to $o per acre
SW of NW Sec 19 T 17 R1E to 100 per acre
SW of NE Sec 19 T 17 R1 E to 100 per acre
SE of NE Sec 19 T 17 R1E to 50 per acre
NW of NE Sec 19 T 17 R1E to 50 per acre
NE of NE Sec 19 T 17 R1 E to 50 per acre

Com. Early suggested an increase to the lists of following named persons in Shell Creek precinct.

add to J. Rickly $1,000
add to J. W. Early 40
add to Ed. Hayes 40
add to C. W. Ziegler 40

Also the Co. Clerk be and is hereby ordered to add to assessment roll the property of U. P. R. R. and West U. Tel. at following rates: For W. U. Tel. Co.: Poles at 60ç piece, wire at $20 per mile. For U. P. R. R.: Roadbed at $12,000 per mile; i depot $2,000; I water station or tank $1,000; bridges $20,000; Telegraph poles 60ç

Piece; wire $20.00 per mile; all other movable property at $41,000.

No other business, the board adjourned to meet again tomorrow.

Third day, April 17, 1872.

Board met and organized. All the commissioners being present.

The assessors of Bismark and Butler precinct explained omission made in those precincts on personal Property not enumerated, and recommended following addition to amounts of persons named in Butler precinct:

Jos. Gardner
Peter Meyer
J. W. Witchey
M. Keller
H. Hurlburt
Wm. Davis
Jos. Rosno
John Rosno
S. O. Raymond
Geo. P. Eisenhauer
John Blaser
Peter W.
D. G. Stewart
Geo. W. Stewart
H. Ludwig
Geo. Berney
S. E. Cushing
in Bismark Precinct
Ahrens, Herman
$ 50
Ahrens, Edwin
Asche, Gerh. J.
Backenhus, Herman
Barjenbruch, Henry
Benning, Joachim
Brock, John
Buss, Segelke
Engelbart, Henry
Gerhold, Wm.
Held, John
Loseke, Herman
Loseke, Henry
Lusche, Henry
Lutjeharms, H. J.
Mathias, Andy
Reinke, Chas.
Rickert, Henry
Schroeder, G. A.
Schroder, Chas.
Wurdeman, John

There being no other corrections to be made, and the assessment rolls fully examined, the Board instructed the Clerk to prepare the tax lists for the year 1872 from the corrected assessment rolls.

Motion that this board now adjourn. Sine die.

SpacerH. J. Hudson SpacerGeorge W. Galley, Chairman
SpacerClerk Spacer Board of Commissioners


Board of County Commissioners held their regular meeting in the court house on the 7th day of May A. D. 1872. Geo. W. Galley in the chair.

Roll called. Present, G. W. Galley, John W. Early, Guy C. Barnum and H. J. Hudson, clerk.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Petition of Chris. Yeiter for damages by location of county road, was amended claiming $60.00 as damage.

The commissioners took into consideration the several claims for damage by reason of the location of certain county roads.

The History of Platte County Nebraska

Motion of Com. Barnum that $15.00 per acre be allowed to Chris. Yeiter and Wm. Gerhold each having lost about two acres to be paid out of Bismark precinct road fund.

Mr. Maillard's claim of 600 dollars damage by location of a county road up the Loup Fork valley was considered and the Clerk ordered to issue an order for 200 dollars on the Butler precinct road fund.

Communication of Wm. Ripp, asking for another scraper for the use of Shell Creek precinct was filed and ordered to purchase one as estimated in communication.

Communication of Wm. Ripp asking for a bridge over ravine between Sec. 11 and 12, T 17, R1 west was referred to Jacob Ernst, supervisor of Columbus District.

Communication of I. N. Taylor on the cost of map and pamphlet of Platte Co. was read and allowed and on motion of Com. Early, $15.00 was allowed for postage of said pamphlets.

Claim of C. F. Shaeffer damage by location of Lost Creek road, whereby 3 acres of his land was taken.

Motion of G. C. Barnum, $25.00 be allowed to C. F. Shaffer damage to be paid out of the Shell Creek Road Fund.

Claims of Chris. Meedel $75.00; Chris Mahler $25.00; John Gerber and Fred Gerber $15.00 each for damage by location of county road on west side of Loup Fork, known as the Jackson road was taken up and considered and upon motion of J. W. Early, Chas. Meedel was allowed $60.00 damage and Chris. Mahler 25 dollars damage, and upon motion of Com. Barnum, the claims of John and Fred Gerber were laid over for further consideration.

A lengthy and general discussion on the relative merits of Star and Cable lightning rods with a view to protect the court house, and on motion of Com. Early, the Star rod be adopted for the court house.
Motion of Com. Barnum that said company erect the lightning rods at 15 cents per foot as per his proposition including 5 conducting points and two discharge points.

Motion to adjourn till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.


Wednesday morning, May 8th, 1872, roll called. Full board present.

Report of County Physician was read for the month of April and bill for 3 months salary allowed.

Report of James E. North overseer of the poor was read for the month of April and bills allowed.

Motion of Com. Barnum, that the cable lightning rod be substituted for the "Star" and that 22 1/2 cents per foot be allowed.

Report of J. G. Routson, commissioner to locate south Looking Glass road was accepted and ordered recorded and bills allowed. $14.00 out of Monroe Rd. Fund.

Report of J. E. North, commissioner to locate the Becher Road, was accepted and ordered recorded. Bills allowed $12.00 out of Columbus Rd. Fund.

Report of J. E. North, commissioner to locate the Jackson Road and vacate a portion of said road was accepted and ordered recorded. Bills allowed $11.00 out of Butler Road Fund.

Report of John G. Routson, commissioner to locate Central Division Road, was rejected, the commissioner not having located as petitioned for.

Report of John G. Routson, commisioner (sic) to locate Union Creek and Pleasant Valley Road, was accepted and ordered recorded. Bills allowed $14.00 out of Shell Creek Road Fund.

Report of John G. Routson, commissioner to vacate a portion of Looking Glass Road and to locate a portion of Ridge Road, was accepted and ordered recorded. No fees allowed.

The Clerk was ordered to remit excess of tax assessed against A. J. Arnold's store on Lot 8, Blk. 85.

Report of John G. Routson, commissioner to locate the Stearns Road, was accepted and ordered recorded. Bills allowed $14.00 out of Shell Creek Road fund.

The bills of judges and clerks for the special election held April 9th was ordered allowed when duly audited and certified to as required by law.

The following bills were allowed.

Poor Fund
Dr. E. Hohen, 3 mos. salary, Co. physician
Frank Fields, boarding paupers
North and Kummer, clothing for Harris

Bismark Road Fund
John G. Routson, surveyor
H. Asche, chainman
F. Henggeler, chainman

Monroe Road Fund
J. G. Routson, surveying
Wm. Matzen, chainman
Charles Starron, Chainman

Butler Road Fund
J. E. North, surveying
Luther North, chainman and team
M. Keller, chainman

Columbus Road Fund
J. E. North, surveyor
Lute North, chainman and team
M. Regan, chainman and team

Shell Creek Road Fund
Michael Upton, pauper
j. G. Routson, survey two roads
0. E. Stearns, chainman
John Wolf, chainman
James Burrows, chainman
Joseph Burrows, chainman

The following bills were allowed out of the poor fund as per overseer's report:

Hugh Compton, supplies for poor
J. P. Becker, supplies for poor
P. Murray, wood for poor, Blizzard
L. J. Marmoy meat for poor
E. Dodge, moving poor, Blizzard
Geo. Lehman, moving poor, Blizzard
Geo. Murie, hauling wood
J. E. North, cash advanced
Bonesteel Bro., material for jail

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