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Front Row, Left to Right--FRANK A. BARTON, Judge; O. R. MARTIN, Sheriff; V. M. BABITT, Surveyor; C. W HARRIS. Commissioner; J. M. HURD, Commissioner.
Back Row, Left to Right.--J. B. BROOKS, Clerk District Court; CHARLES A. SCHAPPEL, Coroner; OLIVER H. LOCH, Treasurer; J. CLYDE WADDELL, Superintendent; J. R. GOSSIN, Assessor; GEORGE L. LORE, Clerk.

Picture or sketchand from 1895 to 1897 was Deputy State Superintendent of Nebraska. He was married to Miss Hanna G. Turner in 1888 and they have four children. Mr. Barton is a member of the Republican party and is now serving as Judge of Pawnee County.

      J. B. BROOKS was born in Hillsboro, Ohio, June 1, 1841. Mr. Brooks served over four years in the Civil War, engaging in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and was then transferred to the Army of Tennessee, where he served under General Sherman until the close of the war. He came to Iowa in 1870 and then was engaged in the drug business in Kansas from 1872 to 1881. He then came to Pawnee City. He has been twice married and has one son and one daughter. Mr. Brooks is a Republican, and has been Clerk of the District Court of Pawnee County for seventeen years.

      J. CLYDE WADDELL was born in Christian County, Illinois, July 14, 1876. He came to Pawnee County in 1882 and lived with his father on the farm and taught school. He is a graduate of the Pawnee Academy and has taken work in the University of Nebraska and in Tokio College, Missouri. In 1901 he was married to Miss E. Josephine Gifford of Lincoln, Nebraska. He is a member of the Republican party and is now serving his second term as Superintendent of Pawnee County.

      C. F. NYE was born in Highgate, Vermont, December 17, 1838. He attended the University of Vermont until he entered the War of the Rebellion, and studied law in St. Allans, Vermont, two years. He came to Pawnee City in 1867 and practiced law for four years and then engaged in farming and stock raising. He was married in 1870 and has five children. Mr. Nye is a member of the Republican



party and served as County Treasurer from 1894 to 1898.

      CHARLES A. SCHAPPEL was born in Brooklyn, New York, November 5, 1853. Four years later he removed to Glenwood, Iowa, with his parents, thence to Chicago, and settled in Pawnee City in 1883. He received his education in the common schools of Iowa and Illinois. He married Miss Florence Kinsey of Chicago in 1881. Mr. Schappel has been representative in the Legislature for two successive sessions and Mayor of Pawnee City four terms.



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     Perkins County was organized in 1887 with an area of 882 square miles. Its county seat is Grant. Prairie land makes up the most of the surface, although there are a few high ridges. Eighty-five per cent of the soil is tillable, and yet the greater part of the county is given over to stock ranges on account of the good supply of grass and water. Cattle, horses, and sheep are the principal live stock, and in 1900 the valuation of stock was $605,610, including 1,375 cattle and 231 hogs. A flour and grist mill is located at Elsie. The population of the county is 1,702, of which number 563 are children of school age. There are seventy-one school districts and eleven square miles of unorganized territory, of which nine square miles are government land. Of the forty-eight schoolhouses forty-two are well furnished with supplies. The county supports one graded school, and the entire school property is valued at $20,733.25.

      A. SOFTLEY was born in England June 26, 1868, and came to Michigan in 1883 and to Dodge County, Nebraska, in 1885. He is a graduate of the Business, Teachers' and Scientic (sic) Courses of the Fremont Normal College and holds a life certificate. He has been an instructor in the institutes of Stanton, Perkins, Keith, Chase, Hayes and Buffalo Counties, and was married to Miss Cleophine Fauquet at Wahoo, Nebraska, August 25, 1890. He was once appointed and four times elected Superintendent of Perkins County.

     JOHN T. MONTGOMERY was born in Morton County, Indiana, where he received his education and remained until 1882, when he came to Nebraska. He has since resided in the State and has been engaged in farming until the last four years. Mr. Montgomery is a member of the Populist party and is now holding the office of County Judge of Perkins County.

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@ 2002 for the NEGenWeb Project by Pam Rietsch, Ted & Carole Miller