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Front Row. Left to Right.--R. C. KING, Superintendent; C. E. SHRADER, Sheriff; JOHN FRERICHS, Commissioner; Wm. HAYWARD, Judge, 1901.
Back Row, Left to Right --C. C. BRANT, Recorder; F. H. COOK, Deputy Treasurer; CARE BEDEEL, Surveyor, 190!; C. N. KARSTENS, Coroner; H. W. KELLY, Treasurer.

In 1885 entered the mercantile business and in 1887 took a course in the Lincoln Business College. He was united in marriage to Minnie A. Stutt in 1888 and in 1889, with his brother, formed the firm of Busch Bros., merchants. Mr. Busch was appointed postmaster in 1894 and in 1899 was appointed Deputy County Clerk. In the spring of 1903 he was appointed County Clerk to fill a vacancy, and in November was elected County Clerk on the Democratic ticket.

      C. N. KARSTENS is an old soldier, having served over three years in the First Nebraska Regiment during the Rebellion. After the war he was married to Miss Katherine Weiss in 1870. They have seven children and, in addition, have brought up four orphans. His present residence is Nebraska City. He was born in Prussia on the 3d of March, 1834. His parents came to the United States in 1857 and have lived in Nebraska City ever since. He is engaged in the furniture and undertaking business and has been Coroner since 1890. Mr. Karstens is a member of the Republican party.

      JOHN FRERICKS is Chairman of the Otoe Board of County Commissioners, and is Republican in politics. His parents, Abraham and Gretje Frericks, came from Germany. He was born in Madison County, Illinois, on the 30th of November, 1857, and at the age of thirteen came with his parents to Nebraska; He received his education in the Ilinois (sic) public schools. In 1885 he was married to Mary L. Ritter and their family consists of eight children.

      L. E. JONES is of Welsh parentage. At the time of his birth, on January 6, 1857, his parents were living in Monroe County, Iowa, They moved to Missouri in 1867 and after a six years' residence there came to Nebraska in 1873. He was married in 1885 and with his wife and three children lives at Palmyra, Nebraska. Mrs. Jones' maiden name was Lillian McNaughton. He is a farmer and now holds the office of Assessor, being a Republican.

      THEODORE WEBERING is at present serving his third term as County Commissioner. He is a baker by profession and a Democrat in politics. He was educated in the public schools of Germany, where his parents died. When he was twenty-three years old he came to America and after living in St. Louis one year in 1881 moved to Nebraska with his wife, whom he married the year before. His wife's maiden name was Catherine Schruender. He was born January 10, 1857, and his present home is Nebraska City. He was Councilman of his town in 1893 and has been Park Commissioner for the past nine years.

      C. H. KRESSEN came to America from Germany when he was twenty years of age. After living in Chicago, Illinois, for a few



months, he removed to Nebraska in the latter part of 1868. The date of his birth is February 12, 1848. His parents, George and Annie Kressen, remained in the old country. He is engaged in the implement business, has been Councilman and is at present serving his first term as Mayor of Nebraska City. He is a Democrat and was married in 1872.

      CHARLES WILDER PIERCE was born in the City of New York, February 21, 1824. In 1849 he came to Nebraska. He was educated in Yates Academy, Orleans County, New York. By profession he is a civil engineer and is the present County Surveyor of Otoe County and City Engineer of Nebraska City, He is a member of the Democratic party.


      The altitude of Pawnee County is from 900 to 1,000 feet above sea level. The greater part of the surface is made up of uplands and bottom lands, which are usually divided by low hills. The soil is exceedingly fertile, and looks like rich garden mould. Ninety per cent of the land is tillable and the remainder makes good orchard and grazing land. Land has increased over one-third in value since 1897, and the highest price is paid for farm land, which sells as high as $70 an acre. The people are engaged in farming, dairying, stock feeding and fruit raising, while the principal resources are in the cereals and tame grasses. There are many orchards and vineyards, and also quite an amount of native timber, which grows along the North and South Nemaha Rivers and other smaller waters. In 1900 live stock amounted to $1,691,721, 38,290 hogs and 7,675 cattle being included in this valuation. Good building stone and a good quality of brick clay are found here. Several coal veins have been worked here quite successfully. The first settlers were Ohio men, who settled at Cincinnati, about fourteen miles from. Pawnee City. They were Judge Christian Bobst, Robert Turner, Jacob Adams and Robert Archer. They experienced all the hardships of pioneer life They were compelled to go a long distance into Missouri for supplies. In the midst of other trials came the severe winter of 1856 and 1857. In the spring of 1856-7 the first buildings were put up in Pawnee City. Hon. David Butler of Indiana moved to Pawnee City in 1858. In 1861 he served in the territorial Legislature, in 1862 as a member of the Senate, and in 1866 as the first Governor of Nebraska. P. Linning, born in 1857, was the first native of Pawnee City. The "jayhawkers," who were bands of men sworn to punish rebels, made all sorts of trouble for the non-unionists and others as well. Horse thieves and rogues of every description claimed to be jayhawkers in self-defense. "Rosin Weed" Seminary, just west of Pawnee City, was the first school in the county, and was taught by Miss Sarah H. Ball.

      OLIVER H. LOCH is a Nebraskan, his birthplace being Pawnee County, the date August 3, 1875. He lived on the farm until eighteen years of age, when he came to Pawnee Academy, pursuing a course there and later engaging in the farming and mercantile business. He has always been an active member of the Republican party and has served his constituents as County Treasurer since 1901.

      GEORGE L. LORE is a native Nebraskan, having been born in Pawnee County, October 25, 1869, where he lived on his home farm until 1893, when he engaged in the hardware business at DuBois, During that same year he married Miss Atkinson, and they have one son and one daughter. He received the foundation of his business education at Western Normal College, Shenandoah, Iowa. He is one of the prominent Republicans of the county and has served the county as Clerk for two terms.

      G. R. MARTIN was born in Washington County, Indiana, January 14, 1845, where he lived until 1851, when he came with his father to Illinois, and fourteen years later to Nebraska, engaging in farming. He received his education in the Illinois and Nebraska public schools, and entered the mercantile business in Pawnee City. From 1889 to 1891 he was a member of the Board of Commissioners and is now serving as Sheriff of Pawnee County.

     FRANK A. BARTON was born December 15, 1861, in Randolph, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of the Northwestern Normal School, Endiboro, Pennsylvania, and also of the Law Department of the University of Nebraska. He came to Pawnee County in 1885, engaging in school teaching until 1889. From 1889 to 1893 he was Superintendent of Pawnee County

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@ 2002 for the NEGenWeb Project by Pam Rietsch, Ted & Carole Miller