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Letter/Sketch or doodle



   I am a thing of beauty and a joy forever; I am a sure cure for the blues, and the dispeller of gloom; gout, indigestion and rheumatism flee at my approach; I am a creature of impulse and an ecstasy of delight; I am the joiner and breaker of hearts; I am the cause of the morning of sorrow; I am the admiration of a debutante and the exercise of the tired business man; like Heinz's, I have 57 varieties; I inhabit the Ritz and the Barbary Coast; princes and lords embrace me and the common people receive me sub rosa; millions of devotees worship before my shrine; I am irresistible; I am the originator of the the dansant.

   I am the tango.


Reason One
   Is this the Cornhusker Office?
Reason Two
    Why haven't you been to class lately?
Reason Three
    Will the book be out in time like you say it will?
Reason Four
    Don't you dare put my picture in in that that bathing suit!



Tonight I'm silting dreaming
   Of the days gone by,
When I, a kid at college,
    Was living fast and high.
Instead of selling cabbage
    To old hens hard to please,
I strolled with lovely maidens
    Beneath the, leafy trees.
I cared not 'twas raining
    Or if the sun shone hot:
I was a happy youngster,
    Whether school kept or not.
If I were but a poet
    And had the proper wit,
I'd tell you all my troubles,
    Why, Clara, I'd do it.
But since my muse has left me,
    My roommate has gone too,
Leaving me by my lonesome-
    I needs must think of you!
I wonder what you're doing
    Tonight, so far away?
For you have surely left us
    And said that you would stay.
Bring back those girl companions
    And have a happy time,
For when you kids get noisy
    I'll put your noise to rhyme;
The jingle will be funny,
    Because you girls are cute,
"Especially the smallest,
    She looks to me 'sehr gut'!"
But now I hear the chiming
    Of the late hour bell,
Which seems to whisper softly
    "This is your bed-time knell!"

Letter/Sketch or doodle



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