Dean of Women
twenty-six hundred undergraduate and one hundred
graduate women are registered in the University this
year. The office of the Dean of Women looks after
their needs and assists them in their adjustment to
the college environment and college demands. A housing
bureau and an employment bureau assist the young women
in finding suitable lodging and gainful employment.
The office stands ready at all times to render such
service as the needs of the college women may require.
Counsel and information dealing with the varied
problems and perplexities of women students will be
gladly given.
The training received in the
intra and extra-activities should prepare the student
for proper college citizenship and for the larger and
more effective citizenship in after-college life. The
attitude towards opinions, traditions, and principles
of the college world may determine one's attitude
towards life in the larger world. The scholastic,
ethical, moral, and spiritual standards will, in a
measure, be responsible for the nature of the precepts
and of the character of the maturer individual. The
majority of the college women maintain fine standards
and ideals, and are amenable to further suggestions
which will guide them towards a higher goal.
There has been a steady and
notable improvement in the desire to promote superior
scholarship. In spite of the fact that the
requirements have been made severer, the number of
recipients of Phi Beta Kappa honors has been
increased. With the enlarged enrollment, the
high-minded and right-thinking leaders will need to
stress constantly the importance of excellent grades
honestly obtained, and help to direct their more
confused or misguided classmates towards the
worthwhile achievements which represent the real
meaning and purpose of University life.
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