NEGenWeb Project - Franklin County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Who's Who
Mrs. Mamie Humphreys
RANKLIN County is in the southern tier of counties. It is twenty-four miles square and contains 360,640 acres. The Republican river flows through the county from west to east about six miles from the southern boundary. On both sides are a number of smaller streams. The larger of these on the north are Thompson, Center, Cottonwood, and Turkey creeks. The valley of the Republican varies from four to eight miles in width. Each of its tributaries has a valley of its own, making many terraced bottom lands. On the south side of the Republican the uplands are frequently reached by steep, abrupt bluffs which afford picturesque scenery.
This valley was the favorite hunting ground of the Indians who resented and resisted the invasion of the white men for many years. Trappers, hunters and adventurers returning from this region reported a fine country, well watered and timbered, full of game, buffalo, anteolpe (sic) and wild turkeys. In 1866 an attempt at settlement was made in the western part of the county but the Indians drove the people away. In 1870 James W. and William C. Thompson, Richard Beckwith, Barnett Ashburn, John Corbin, and Isaac Chappel, an exploring party from Omaha, discovered, thirteen miles west of the new settlement at Red Cloud, a creek with water enough for mill purposes in a region well adapted for stock grazing. This was afterwards called Thompson creek. They saw no Indians and the report they took back led to a number of homestead entries. Among those filing in 1870 were Malcolm Shaw, J. P. Morrison, Watson D. Carver, Gilbert C. and Oscar W. Moulton, W. C. Thompson, Bedford Oney, Michael O'Sullivan, Barnett Ashburn and Joseph F. Pugsley.
In November, 1870, a colony sent out by the Republican Land Claim Association of Omaha, under the leadership of C. J. Van Laningham settled on Center creek and chose a town site, which they called Franklin City. This company is sometimes called the Knight colony.
Late in 1870 a settlement began on Turkey creek, near where Naponee is now located. This was in a fertile valley and was called Turkey creek because so many wild turkeys fed there. This settlement was made by Richard and A. Walther and R. B. Werner.
In May or June 1871 a Negro colony located on a small stream which they named Lovely creek about half way between the two colonies just mentioned. They laid out a town which they called the "City of Grant," but the leader lost his pocket book, containing $15, and the resulting depression caused the abandonment of the site, which was later taken as a homestead by Thomas Shoemaker.
Members of the Thompson Colony set out from Omaha for their claims on Thompson creek in the spring of 1871. With T. S. Butler as captain, they organized themselves as a militia company in order to obtain weapons to protect themselves against the Indians. Equipped with arms they set out for Franklin County, many of them walking the entire distance, as they had only teams enough to haul their provisions. They made their settlement in the eastern part of the county near where Riverton now stands.
The settlers in the summer of 1871 built their houses of logs or sod and planted their crops, sod corn, which made 30 bushels to the acre, watermelons, citron, squash and tomatoes. Rains were frequent and everything grew well in the virgin soil. There were a few prairie fires and an Indian scare or two in the summer and fall; otherwise the first twelve months passed quietly.
During this season, a company of soldiers was stationed at Camp Cameron about two miles above the mouth of Turkey creek, to guard against Indian attacks. Pat Leonard and Colin McRea, members of this company, liked the country so well that they staked homesteads and remained. A stockade was also built by the settlers at Riverton. It was a log house with seven rooms, each 14x14 with dirt floors and one window each, designed to be used as a port hole in event of an Indian attack.
A herd of 1500 Texas cattle was driven in about the last of October to winter in the Republican valley. Vicious and ravenous, they ate everything they could find, stripping the settlers of their stock feed. During the unusually severe winter nine hundred of these cattle died of hunger and exposure. Carcasses were scattered everywhere, bait for wolves and wild cats.
After Franklin City had been located the colony sent a surveyor to Beatrice to file it as a townsite. Instead he filed on it as a homestead and a squabble followed that resulted in a change of location.
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In May 1871 the Plattsmouth Land Company founded Waterloo, just one mile east of Franklin City. Joseph A. Perry, newly appointed postmaster at Franklin City was interested in Waterloo and moved the postoffice to that place, taking the name with him. A mail route was established between Franklin City and Fort Kearny in January 1872; neither of these towns was ever platted or filed in the county records.
Travel was mostly by stage coach. Passengers were charged ten cents per mile. The routes were up the valley or across from Lowell to the different settlements. Stops were made at Macon, Robb's Ranch, Walker's Ranch (near Wilcox) and at Dirty Man's ranch.
The county was organized in 1871. Ernest Arnold, a young man who had walked all the way from Omaha to take a claim west of the present fair ground site, was enthusiastic about organization. Through his efforts a meeting was held at the home of C. J. Van Laningham in the fall of 1870. A petition for county organization was drawn up and signed. Arnold then carried it to Kearney station and mailed it to Governor Butler
In accordance with the governors proclamation made Feb. 14, 1871, a meeting was called for March 3, to choose temporary officers. There was no room large enough to hold the crowd of more than 100 so the assembly was held under a large cottonwood tree on the Ashby homestead on Center creek. In memory of this event the local council of D. A. R. chose as their name, Cottonwood Council. The folowing (sic) officers were named to serve until January 1872:
Matthew Lynch
J. E. Simmons
Sheriff and Surveyor
Ernest Arnold
Richard Walters
C. J. Van Laningham
Board of Commissioners Charles Vining, Chairman--Barnett Ashburn and James Knight.
Walters resigned and the vacancy was filled by J. F. Pugsley.
Shortly after the election, the county was divided into three voting precincts, each extending the entire length of the county north and south. In their order, from east to west, they were Grant, Franklin, and Sheridan. The following officers were named:
William McBride
Commissioner of First District
John Hutchinson
Commissioner of Second District
J. F. Pugsley
Commissioner of Third District
Joseph A. Peery (sic)
J. E. Simmons
A. S. Martin
G. J. Cooper
T. F. Ashby
Barnett Ashburn
O. Utter
Justice of Peace
Each stream of the county had its group of settlers. On Center creek were Messrs. Hager, Hainie Buster, Ashby, Hunt, Harman, Hutchinson, Perry, Van Laningham. Van Etten, Hayes and Thompson. On Vining creek were Durant, Blackledge, Ham, Betts and Vining. Pugsley creek had Thomas, Pogte, Clay Morton, Steward, Rev. C. R. Townsend and Charles H. Townsend. On Turkey creek were Brown, Burley, Ray, Bush, Edgerton, Walther brothers and Phillips. On Crow creek were Messrs. Gage, Brown, Stover, Hawkes and Kent. On Rebecca creek were L. M. Moulton, J. F. Jediker, Mrs. Douglas, Dowd, James Douglas, Elam Douglas, Dr. N. L. Whitney and G. L. Cooper.
In the spring of 1872 a steady stream of covered wagons came along the valley or across from Lowell the nearest railroad point. Merchandise was freighted from Lowell and postoffices were established in each settlement. By the end of the year population of the county had grown to 2,000.
In the summer of 1872 some thirty families settled in Macon. They drove across from Lowell and settled beside a lake, as they thought, seven miles north of Franklin. The lake, however, was the product of a wet season and did not prove permanent. Macon hoped to become the leading city of the county, if the railroad went through there. Among the settlers were W. E. Austin, F. J. Austin, Burton, Clapp, Hayes, Grout, Melindy, Blanden, Blauvelt, Foster, Yelkin, Lynch, Davis, Colver, Gorham, Chitwood, Chamberlain, Bisbee, Dake and Horton.
Bloomington was founded in 1872 by a company from Plattsmouth. Here J. D. Calhoun started the first newspaper in the county, the Bloomington Guard, and here the first school district was organized in 1872, one mile west of the present town. The first teacher was Miss Maria Peery, later known as Mrs. Jesse Davis. A postoffice was established here in 1873, with Mrs. Helen M. Males as postmaster.
Bloomington at once became a rival for the county seat which had been located at Franklin City when the county was organized. In April, 1872, E. H. Kirkpatrick tendered the use of the upper story of his two-frame building in Franklin City, free of rent for one year, to the county board for use as a courthouse and the offer was accepted. Upon petition a vote was taken July 27, 1872, to relocate the county seat. Apparently Bloomington received a majority but in some way the ballots of one precinct were lost, so the county seat stayed at Franklin City.
In the spring of 1873, after a long hard winter, the cattle had been turned out on the range, the grass was ankle high and the plum trees were in
Who's Who
bloom when on April 13 an unexpected three day blizzard came. This has been called the great Easter storm. The settlers took some cattle into their dugouts or sod houses until the storm was over. Livestock on the range perished by the hundred. The prairies wire dotted with skeletons and the settlers made some money by gathering and shipping these bones.
A settlement was made south of Campbell in the spring of 1873 by parties from Decorah, Iowa. Erick Erickson and J. Lee had located the sites the year before and returned to guide the party, which included Mr. and Mrs. Lee and six children, Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Swatbergen and one child, and Mr. and Mrs. Erick Ellefson. Peter Ellifson and others who came with the party settled a little further east in Webster County. Mrs. Andrew Erickson, daughter of Hans Toffelson, came with this party. She was then fourteen years old. She relates how she and her sixteen-year-old sister walked all the way and drove the livestock.
These families met for religious services at the Old North Star schoolhouse.
Bonds were voted in 1874 to build bridges across the Republican at Bloomington and Riverton. James Kinney from Lincoln built a dugout near where Campbell now stands. He and his family have remained to help build up the town of Campbell.
A French colony came to the vicinity of Campbell in the early seventies. They settled near the Little Blue river where wood and water were plentiful; their descendants are still active in the life of the community. Among these were the LaPortes, Heberts, Bronillettes, Soucies and Choquettes.
Another interesting colony was composed of Russian-Germans who settled west of Campbell. Kochs, Rutts and Brunkes were the leaders. Their village was called Russia Town. Their descendants own a large part of the land in North Franklin and Buffalo townships.
The settlers in Marion township were Stevens, S. H. Williams, Reynolds, A. A. Peak, Ewing, Phipps, Coates, Doher, Chapman, Scheuneman and Hyers, who took claims on Simmons and Coates creeks.
The Indians caused no serious trouble although the settlers were often frightened. The Pawnees passed through the county in 1872. In 1873 the Omahas and in 1874 the Otoes went through, pursued by the Sioux. In 1880 the Pawnees spent the winter southeast of Franklin but did no damage.
In 1874 the United States Land Office was moved from Lowell to Bloomington. Franklin acquiesced in this on condition that it should retain the county seat but this question was again submitted that summer and Bloomington won. During the moving of the records to Bloomington the wagon in which they were being hauled broke down and the books were left out all night. A rainstorm soaked a number of them so that they had to be replaced.
When the county seat was moved to Bloomington in 1874, Franklin was wiped off the map for the second time.
The postoffice at Riverton, in the oldest settled section of the county, was established in 1871; that at Naponee about the same time. Isaac Shepherdson built a flour mill at Riverton in 1874. It was called "Old Rough and Ready." A year or two later Samuel Gillard and Richard Walter started a mill which was destroyed by flood. It was rebuilt and purchased by Gage and Yard. Wilt and Polly owned it later and now it belongs to Fred Buising. It is at present the only mill in the county.
Each settlement soon had its school, often in a home or some vacant dugout. Among the first teachers were Mrs. George Rowland (Ella Reed), Miss Nellie Cook, C. B. Childs (who later was county superintendent), Frank Fish, W. J. Wynings, Van Laningham, A. A. Peak, Miss Malana Conoway, Ada Delano, Frank and Henry Austin, R. F. Miller, Miss Maria Peery, Sarah Jane Bonner, Austin Warriner, F. M. Vancil, Emma Hammond, Frances. Briggs and Mary Randolph.
The first religious services were conducted by itinerant ministers at Riverton, Bloomington, Macon and Franklin. Soon churches were organized at these points. Early Methodist preachers were C. R. Townsend, Charles Brockway and H. C. Harman. In the summer of 1873 the first sermon in Bloomington was preached in an old blacksmith shop by Rev. S. N. Grout, a Congregational minister. Congregational Churches were organized at Franklin and Macon in 1874 under the leadership of S. N. Grout, J. M. Strong, W. S. Hampton and C. S. Harrison.
This story is told of S. N. Grout, that he was so afraid of imposing on the people as poor as himself, that when visiting his church people, he carried a piece of corn bread in his pocket so he could say he had eaten his dinner.
Baptist Churches were organized in the seventies at Franklin and Macon. The early ministers were Thomas Muxley, Lemuel Jones and Rev. Mr. Shanafelt.
Visiting priests who traveled about among the Catholic communities in the early days included Fathers Glauber, Eugene Roulier and Fanning. There are now Catholic Churches at Riverton, Naponee, Bloomington and Campbell.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church held services at Bloomington and Franklin from 1880 to 1895. Mrs. Mary Randolph Patterson, still living at Bloomington, was a charter member of that body.
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Rev. J. W. Kimmel organized the Evangelical Lutheran Churches at Franklin and Macon. The Evangelical Lutheran Church at Hildreth was organized through efforts of Rev. Messrs. Kerns, Scheibel and Meyer. Rev. F. W. Herz was their first resident pastor. There are now Lutheran Churches at Naponee, Bloomington, Hildreth, Macon, Upland and Campbell. The church at Hildreth, destroyed by a tornado in 1939, has been rebuilt.
A German Methodist Church was organized at Macon in 1885 by German settlers who had come to the vicinity several years before. Later they bought the Congregational Church and absorbed a small body of English Methodists. Other denominations in Franklin County are Mennonite at Franklin and Bloomington, United Brethren at Upland, Assembly of God at Riverton, and German Presbyterian at Campbell.
Among the early churches of the county was the Moline Congregational. Among its members were the Westons, Beitels, Wilmots and Skiles. Frank Barber, the first pastor, later became a teacher in the academy. The church was later sold to the Mennonites and is not now in use.
On July 20-22, 1874, a scourge of grasshoppers swept the county. Billions of these insects darkened the sky as an eclipse. All vegetation was eaten in a single day, including the settlers corn, potatoes, and onions.
During dry seasons prairie fires were a serious menace. Fire guards were made around the settlements by plowing two furrows fifty feet apart and then burning between the furrows.
The Burlington railroad was completed from Red Cloud to Bloomington March 10, 1879. This was the first railroad to enter the county, and Bloomington remained the terminus for about a year. The coming of the land office in 1874 and the location of the county seat the same year had made Bloomington boom for a time. The coming of the railroad helped still more but when the road moved on to Indianola it took a part of the business life with it. A courthouse was completed at Bloomington Sept. 1, 1878.
When the railroad came, it located a new town named Franklin halfway between the two former sites. Thus for the third time Franklin was put on the map, each time in a different place. At one time the railroad company laid out a new town on the east side of the river opposite Naponee and tried to pull that town over there, but the settlement resisted and the depot was brought back to Naponee.
Many rural postoffices were established in the early eighties, among them Moline, Osage, Ash Grove, Amazon, Leota, Rush, Freewater, Stockton, and Brooklyn.
The winter of 1880-81 was very severe, and when the snow began to melt in the spring, ice gorges did much damage to bridges.
The people of the Republican valley displayed their faith in its future by the establishment of a Christian academy at Franklin. Franklin Academy Association was organized and a charter secured in the winter of 1880-81. Under the management of W. S. Hampton, who did a splendid work, the academy was sponsored by the General Association of Congregational Churches of Nebraska. During its early period the academy owed much of its success to the tireless efforts of Rev. Amos Dresser and Father Frasser who worked hard for funds to keep it going through many difficulties. Another faithful worker was Rev. C. S. Harrison, for whom the ladies' dormitory was named. On the academy's first board were the following: E. B. James, president; W. H. Austin, Rev. S. N. Grant, W. H. Byerly, E. A. Fletcher and A. E. Rise, treasurer.
Soon after the main building was erected, Stuart Hall was built for housing students. Then Harrison Hall was built for the girls. The boys used Stuart Hall until it burned in 1900. W. S. Hampton was followed by C. H. Dye, a graduate of Oberlin, who did much to broaden the work of the school. Upon his resignation in 1888, Alexis C. Hart of Grinnell College was elected principal. When he resigned in 1908 someone said, "It will be a long time before the influuence (sic) of that man's life is lost."
Dupre Music Hall was built in. 1902. Other principals in their order were Fred W. Leavitt, Morton M. Newcomb, Rev. G. W. Mitchell and R. W. Kretsinger.
The academy closed in 1922 and the campus was converted into a city park. Harrison Hall and the academy building were torn down. Dupre Music Hall is used as a community center. A museum has been built of native rock near the site of Harrison HalL More than one hundred alumni of the academy hold an annual dinner in the basement of the Congregational Church to renew old acquaintances.
On Jan. 12, 1888, was the storm which has been called the "school children's blizzard," because it hit between three and four in the afternoon when children were going home from school, and many of them perished in the blinding snow and bitter cold.
In 1886, a branch of the Burlington was built through the northern part of the county. Settlement was slower than in the south. Some postoffices were established, but the town of Hildreth was not incorporated until 1887. Early settlers here were the Glens and Hoffmans, M. H. Wolfe, James M. Moore, J. F. Koop, J. F. Rose and Woodson Ashby. The town was named for Carson Hildreth who once owned the land on which it is located.
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Between Hildreth and Campbell, another town was located on a high elevation of land and incorporated under the name of Upland. Its petition was signed by Anton Hausen and thirty-six others. The first town board was made up of Anton Hausen, John Parker, M. L. Doyle, Frank Osterland and Frank Wilsey.
Andrew Bruce who came to Franklin from Iowa in 1881 has the distinction of establishing the first woolen mill in Nebraska, located on Center creek, a half mile from town; the venture proved unsuccessful.
In 1920 an election was held for removal of the county seat. Franklin won and the present courthouse was built.
Dust storms and floods in 1935 gave this region a severe setback, but representatives in Washington are working for flood control and irrigation. If these become realities, Franklin County will again prosper.
The first white child born in Franklin County was Maud Perry Furrey, born Sept. 26, 1871. The first boy born in the county was William Oney, Nov. 16, 1871. The first physician was Dr. W. H. Byerly. The first marriage was solemnized by P. W. Townsend who united Charles Townsend and Elizabeth J. Perry on Aug. 2, 1872. The first death was that of Sarah O'Sullivan. The first Fourth of July celebration was held in 1872 in Cottonwood Grove on the farm of J. F. Pugsley. The first store was opened by George O'Bannon on Sept. 1, 1871, in Franklin City. The first sermon was preached in June, 1871, by Rev. John A. Whitney, an ex-soldier. The first newspaper was the Bloomington Guard. The first claim was entered by Barnett Ashburn in September, 1870.BIBLIOGRAPHY Heart of Continent ............ Printed by Nathan Cole at Bloomington Bloomington Guard ................................ By J. D. Calhoun History of Franklin County .................. By M. O'Sullivan, 1873 Leading Industries of the West ......... H. S. Reed and Company, 1883 History of Beginnings of Franklin County ....... Josephine Peck, 1925 Franklin County News ......................Printed by Karl L. Spence Bloomington Advocate ........................Printed by H. M. Crafte Commissioners Records .........................At County Court-house
ARNUP, GEORGE DUNN: Lumber Merchant; b Tecumseh, Neb May 3, 1882; s of Joseph S Arnup-Jennie Dunn; ed Tecumseh HS 1900; Quincy Ill Comml Coll 1901; m Clara Zutaern July 1907 Broken Bow; d Laura Virginia; 1901-02 clk in Arnup & Hedrick Groc, Tecumseh; 1902-07 with Hassett Lbr Yard, Tecumseh: 1908-14 mgr & ptr Malone & Arnup Lbr Co at Dubois, 1914- mgr & ptr at Riverton; past mbr village bd 5 years; past mbr sch bd 4 years; hobby, reading; father came to Johnson Co in 1880; res Riverton.
AUSTIN, GEORGE EDWARD: Merchant; b Macon, Neb June 13, 1878: s of Franklin J Austin-Katherine Dake; ed Franklin Acad 1896; m Belle Gould June 6, 1900 Alma: s Estle D; 1898-1933 at Franklin with father in gen store, estab in 1872, oldest in Franklin Co & one of oldest in state, 1933- owner & opr groc dept of this store; past mbr city coun 6 years; C of C; AF&AM 264; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, mechanical tools & work shop; father (dec 1938) came to Franklin Co 1872; res Franklin.
BACH, WILLIAM J: Farmer & Stockman, b Oketa, Kas Nov 2, 1898; s of Theodore Bach-Mary M Fossenberger; ed Stamford; m Bess Riggins June 5, 1925 Denver; 1916-21 in various vocations; 1921-24 oprd corn sheller, Franklin Co; 1924 oprd threshing machines; 1925 oprd truck line; 1926- farm impl dlr, Riverton: 1930- farmer & hog raiser; Certified Seed Assn; Dem; hobby, good machinery; parents early Kas settlers; res Riverton.
BLANK, HARRY WALTER: Implement, Auto Dealer & Farmer-Stockman; b Macon, Neb Nov 23, 1892; s of Thomas T Blank-Rachel Dirks; ed Franklin Co; m Lena C Steinkruger May 15, 1912 Macon; s Walter L, Raymond F; d Martha C; 1912- farmer & stock raiser, Franklin Co, has raised purebred Shorthorn cattle since 1908 & has exhibited at fairs for 25 years; 1935-36 ptr of C G Joy in Chevrolet & Internatl Harvester Agcy, Franklin; 1936- owner & opr Pontiac & Internatl Harvester Agencies; past mbr sch bd dist 67 several years; org, past mgr & past secy Neb-Kas Shorthorn Breeders Assn; mbr Franklin Co Corn-Hog Program 1934-36; pres, past pres & past secy Franklin Co Fair bd, mbr 20 years; mbr Neb State Fair bd 4 years; C of C; Meth Ch, SS supt at Franklin, past SS supt at Macon; Rep; hobbies, music, reading; res Franklin.
BLANK, THOMAS R: President Gas & Oil Co; b Springfield, Ill Feb 12, 1881; s of Thomas T Blank-Rachel Dirks; ed Franklin Co; m Tillie U Kleen Jan 28, 1903 Macon; s Alfred T (dec), Walter G (dec); d Bertha E, Louella; 1903-12 owner & opr gen store, Macon; 1909-19 Ford dlr, Macon; 1919-34 Ford dlr, Franklin; 1934-37 Chevrolet dlr; 1920- pres Sunflower Gas & Oil Co, Franklin; 1926- overseer of Franklin Co farm, handles purebred stock, sold 6 mos old calf for $1000, largest amount to be recd for calf in Franklin Co; dir since orgn & pres since 1938 Franklin State Bank; helped org well irrigation project, Franklin Co; past mbr bd of edn 4 years; Rotary; C of C; Meth Ch, steward, past SS supt & choir dir at Macon & Franklin; Rep; hobbies, music, photography; father homesteaded in Neb 1885; res 16th & M, Franklin.
BRADSHAW, GEORGE FREDRICK: Merchant; b Webster Co, Neb Jan 16, 1884; s of Charles Bradshaw-Mary Ann Emery; ed Red Cloud; m Winnifred Putman Apr 3, 1912 Red Cloud; d Phyllis Irene (Mrs L C Greenfield); 1899-1906 farmed for mother in Jewell Co, Kas; 1906-07, ptr of brother in meat market, Superior; 1907-09 in flour & feed bus, Red Cloud; 1909-14 ptr of brother in meat market, Bloomington; 1914-16 in gen mdse bus, Naponee; 1916-36 mgr Bloomington Equity Exchange; 1936- owner & opr groc & meat market, Bloomington; past mbr sch bd; past mbr city coun; Comm Club, mbr coun MWA; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; parents came from England to Guide Rock in early 1870s; res Bloomington.
BUNNEY, ROLLIE A: Superintendent of Schools: b Harlan Co. Neb Sept 14, 1897; s of Frank Bunney-Emma Zeiger; ed KSTC HS 1918; KSTC 1921; U of N, BSc 1928, MA 1928; m Wilma Durrie June 18, 1932 Nebraska City; s Rodlin Elliott, Gary Eldon; d Janet Ann: 1914-15 tchr, Harlan Co: 1916-21 emp in
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various vocations, Kearney; 1921-22 HS tchr, Wood River; 1923-24 HS prin, Wisner; 1924-31 prin & supt of schs, West Point; 1931-34 HS prin & tchr in jr coll, McCook; 1934- supt of schs, Franklin; during World War in SATC, Kearney, 3 mos; Amer Leg 209; Assn of Neb Sch Bds & Execs; NSTA; C of C; exec BSA 3 years; AF&AM, West Point; Congl Ch; hobbies, hunting, sports; parents came in covered wagon to Neb in early 1880's, homesteaded in Chase Co, later moved to Harlan Co; res Franklin.
BUTLER, WALTER ALBERT: County Treasurer; b Atwood, Kas June 29, 1889; s of Calvin A Butler-Mary Olson; ed Atwood Kas HS 1908; U of Kas, BA 1913: Baker U, Baldwin Kas 1908-09: m Janet Elizabeth Mackie July 28, 1918 Washington D C; s Robert W, Walter Dean, John C; d Marjorie Ann; 1913-14 clk Natl Bank of Commerce, Kansas City MO; 1914-30 cash Franklin State Bank; 1930-32 salesman, Los Angeles Cal; 1932-39 salesman in Neb, Franklin; 1939- Franklin Co treas; during World War in 437th engrs detachment, 12 mos in service; Amer Leg 209, adjt; past city clk 4 years; past chmn bd of edn 6 years; Neb Co Treas Assn; secy Franklin Co Fair bd; Meth Ch: Rep; hobby, reading; father, bank cash, homesteaded at Atwood Kas 1884; off Courthouse; res Franklin.
CARTER, MRS DELLA: Librarian; b Bostwick, Neb Mar 17, 1890; d of Warren J McBee-Missouri Ann McBee; ed Franklin Acad 1908; KSTC; m George A Carter Dec 26, 1915 Harlan Co; s George A Jr; d Carley Ruth; 1908-09 tchr, Harlan Co: 1909-11 tchr, Naponee; 1911-13 tchr, Franklin Co; 1913- 16 tchr, Hildreth: 1916-20 homemaker, Bloomington; Jan 1917-May 1917, 1920-21 tchr; 1921- 22 tchr, Franklin; 1922-31 homemaker, Franklin; 1931- librarian; winner of grand prize of nationwide slogan contest 1939; NFWC: PEO; OES; RNA; Congl Ch, treas 3 years; Dem; hobbies, reading, fancywork; parents came to Neb in early 1880s & settled near Bostwick; res Franklin.
CLOPINE, LOGAN A: Dentist; b Cortland, Neb Sept 27, 1886; s of George A Clopine-Elizabeth Frey; ed Franklin Acad 1909; Franklin Acad of Music 1912; U of N, DDS 1916; Xi Psi Phi; m Vera Sauter June 30, 1916 Burlington Ia; s Raymond L; m Marjorie Porter Becker Mar 10, 1926 Franklin; step-s Brainerd R Becker; step-d Dorothy Ione Becker; 1900-16 with father on Franklin Co farm; 1916-18 dental prac, Guide Rock; 1918-24 prac, Grand Island; 1924- prac, Franklin; mbr bd of edn 6 years; 6th Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; C of C; Travel Club; AF&AM 33; Congl Ch, trustee & past treas; hobbies, gardening, sports; father, Civil War veteran, homesteaded in Gage Co in 1867; off 1541 K; res Franklin.
COLE, WILLIAM ALFONZO: Abstractor; b Coldwater, Mich 1856; s of John Cole-Mary Card; ed Mich; m Mollie Shires Bloomington; m Fannis Burns Belleville Kas; d Fonzo (Mrs C W Nobiling), Ilow (Mrs George Soker), Elizabeth (Mrs Reuben Bolz); 1876-81 clk in Buck & Greenwood Gen Store, Bloomington; 1881-87 Franklin Co clk; 1887-1914 & 1917- abstracter, Bloomington; 1914-17 receiver of First Natl Bank, Superior; past mbr city coun; during World War Franklin Co food administrator; past secy Franklin Co Fair bd 2 years; Neb & Natl Title Assns; South Platte Assoc C of C; Dem, past chmn Franklin Co Central Com; hobby, horses; res Bloomington.
COLLISON, OLIVER EARL: Miller; b Fort Hartsford1, Neb June 28, 1906; s of John S Collison-Tillie Linquist; ed Ord HS 1926; Siebel Inst of Technology, Chicago 1980; m Elsie I Fredrickson June 2, 1932 McCook; s Gaynor John, Larry O, Robert Lester, Lenny Kenneth; d Verlou; 1932- mgr & owner Campbell Mills; mbr sch bd 4 years; past dir Neb Millers Assn; past pres C of C; Campbell-Bladen Golf Club; IOOF; MWA; Bapt Ch; hobby, golf; father homesteaded in Polk Co 1878, opr Ord Milling Co; & 1890 pur Fort Hartsford from govt & oprd as farmer & cattle feeder; res Campbell.
1Fort Hartsford N of Elyria in Valley Co.CRANE, HERBERT M: Publisher; b Vassar, Mich Feb 23, 1861; s of Rufus H Crane-Laura Hubbard; ed Juniata; Orleans; m Ida J Barker Nov 1882, Franklin Co (dec); s Laird J; d Queens, (dec); 1875-81 studied newspaper bus, Republican City, Alma & Wilber; 1881-85 emp in R E P Valley Echo, Franklin, later owner & opr; 1885-96 owner & opr Borealis, newspaper at Norden; 1886-88 owner & opr Borealis, Franklin; 1889-90 owner & opr Argus at Bloomington; 1890- owner & opr R E P Valley Echo, Bloomington, consolidated with Prickly Pear & name changed to Advocate, pur Tribune & consolidated with Advocate & changed name to AdvocateTribune; 1914-19 P M, Bloomington; past mbr city coun; past mbr sch bd; has Franklin Co records of past 58 years; NPA; past pres Comm Club; AF&AM 264, past master; past patron 10 years OES; ARC, past Franklin Co chmn 2 years; Rep; hobbies, sports, travel; parents came to Neb 1871; res Bloomington.
DAVISSON, LLOYD V: County Sheriff; b Byron, Neb Mar 7, 1891; s of John David Davisson-Lucy Reddinger: ed Nuckolls Co; m Clara Dooley Feb 15, 1912 Webster Co; s Lloyd Dwight, John Wilfred, Delbert Wesley: d Olive Pearl (dec); 1909-14 farmer, Webster Co; 1914-18 homesteader & farmer in Washington Co Colo; 1918 farmer, Webster Co: 1919-20 distributor Natl Refining Co, Hastings; 1920-21 emp on farm, Webster Co; 1921-22 emp in various vocations, Bloomington; 1922-24 service man, A H Jones Co, Hastings; 1924-26 owner & opr radiator shop, Hastings; 1926-28 electrical specialist McClellan Dunn Motor Co, Hastings; 1928-29 foreman service dept A H Jones Co, Hastings; 1929-35 owned & oprd Davisson Garage, Bloomington; 1935- Franklin County Sheriff; Neb Sheriffs & Peace offers Assn; AF&AM 264; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; parents settlers near Lawrence in 1880's, father emp by MoP RR when it was built from Concordia Kas to Prosser; off Courthouse; res Franklin.
DEARY, WILLIAM ARTHUR: Attorney; b Brownville, Neb Aug 16, 1866: s of John W Deary-Eliza Banks; ed Bloomington HS: U of N, BA 1895, LLB 1896; Phi Kappa Psi, ch mbr; m Blanche Waldo Condone June 10, 1901 Bloomington; foster d Phyllis Gwendolyn (Mrs Clifford Siebert); 1900-01 emp in real est off, Bloomington: 1901-03 Franklin Co atty; 1903-05 Franklin Co dep clk; 1905-08 Franklin Co dep treas; 1910-28 cash Farmers State Bank, Bloomington; 1928- atty & ins agt, Bloomington; past mbr town bd; past mbr sch bd; Neb St Bar Assn; ch mbr KP; Dem; father settled at Brownville in 1865, homesteaded in Franklin Co in 1872; res Bloomington.
DECKER, KATIE MAGDALINE: Manager Mercantile Company; b Franklin Co, Neb Sept 10, 1910; d of John Decker-Grace Forden; ed Bloomington HS 1927; 1928-30 emp in priv homes, Bloomington; 1930-38 clk Equity Exchange, Bloomington; 1938- mgr; Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; parents lived in Franklin Co 50 years; res Bloomington.
ELLIS, HARRY EUGENE: Contractor & Builder; b Franklin Co, Neb Dec 17, 1889; s of Ira J Ellis-Adeline Garvin; ed Riverton HS 1910; 1910-17, 1919-23 farmer, Franklin Co; 1923-25 emp in various vocations; 1926-33 with McInerney in contractIng & bldg bus, Riverton; 1933-36 asst receiver, Neb St banking dept, Riverton, Inavale & Guide Rock: 1936- contracting & bldg bus, Riverton; during World War in field hosp 38 in 6th sanitary train of 6th div, 18 mos in service, 12 mos O/S; Amer Leg 328, past adjt: hobbies, radio, photography; father homesteaded in Redwillow Co in late 1870's, later moved to Franklin Co; off Riverton Review; res Riverton.
ELY, RANSOM EUGENE: Manager Hardware & Lumber Co; b Guide Rock, Neb July 14, 1901; s of John Benjamin Ely-May Sawyer; ed Guide Rock HS 1920; m Velma Younger June 28, 1929 Havana Ill; with father in lbr bus, Guide Rock until 1921; 1921-29 emp by Decatur Lbr Co, Decatur Ill; 1929- mgr Ely Lbr & Hdw Co, Bloomington; mbr city coun 4 years; Meth Ch; hobby, baseball; father came to Neb in 1874; mother one of first white children born in Webster Co; res Bloomington.
ERICKSON, HENRY: Lumber Merchant; b Franklin Co, Neb Oct 23, 1885; s of Andrew Erickson-Helena Tollefson; ed Franklin Co; Hastings Bus Coll 1907; m Hazel Vivian South Sept 12, 1916 Strang; with father on Franklin Co farm until 1908; 1908-11 emp by Citizens Lbr Co, Campbell; 1911- mgr Citizens Lbr Yards at Campbell, Maywood & Edgemont S D; past mbr city coun; past mbr vol fire dept; past secy sch bd; during World War chmn local com 4-min men; past pres C of C; past mbr Franklin Co Fair bd 2 terms: Campbell-Bladen Golf Club; AF&AM 319, ch mbr & past master at Bladen; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Tehama Shrine; OES 170, patron 12 years; IOOF 243, past noble grand; Rebekah 272, ch mbr; Presby Ch, secy-treas; Rep; hobbies, golf, flowers, shrubbery; father born in Norway, homesteaded in Franklin Co, in early 1870's, state legislator & estab Citizens Lbr Co in 1905; res Campbell.
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