NEGenWeb Project - Franklin County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940



Who's Who

   GARDNER, CHARLES D: Farmer & Stockman; b Capron, Ill June 17, 1878; s of Alfred Gardner-Sophia Bassett; ed Bloomington; m Rose Zulauf Oct 14, 1903 Bloomington; s Paul, Charles Jr, Raymond, Glen, Lindy; d Viola, Evelyn; 1889-1903 oprd farm for mother, Bloomington; 1903- farmer, stockman, Franklin Co; built & oprd own irrigation project since 1922; mbr Franklin Co Fair bd 5 years; past mbr sch bd; Rep; parents came to Franklin Co 1886; res Bloomington.

   GARTIN, JESSE BURR: Merchant; b Ringgold Co, Ia July 16, 1881; s of Anderson Gartin-Catherine Selders; ed Neb; m Minnie Kirste Feb 4, 1913 Beaver City; s Laverne, Dean; 1900-01 emp in drug store, Ashland Ore; 1901-13 emp in various vocations; 1913-18 owned & oprd butcher shop, Danbury; 1918- owner & opr creamery, groc store, ice & cold storage bus, Franklin; mbr sch bd 15 years; AF&AM 264, past master; York Rite; KT; Meth Ch; Rep; res Franklin.

   GHARST, JONATHAN: Retired; b Douglas Co, Ill Nov 8, 1867; s of John Gharst-Susan Jane Varner; ed Douglas Co, Ill; m Flora M Glass Nov 23, 1898 Kimball (dec Dec 11, 1937); d Ruby Eldine; 1889-93 homesteaded in old Cheyenne Co; 1893-1904 emp in construction work for UP RR, Kimball; 1904-39 farmer & stockman, Franklin Co, prize winner at Franklin Co Fair; 1939- ret; past village clk; past mbr sch bds dist 11 & dist 20: MWA; Dem; hobby, reading; res Riverton.

   GILGEN, ELMER E: Farmer; b Franklin Co, Neb Nov 7, 1908; s of Benjamin Gilgen-Nancy Zern; ed Upland HS 1926; 1927-29 farmer, Upland; 1929-33 served in USN on USS New Mexico, 2 years on each coast; 1933- farmer, Franklin Co; 1934 started 1st pump irrigation project in Franklin Co; mbr AAA Program; Comml Club; U B Ch; hobby, sports, played baseball in service & in Upland since 1925, mgr Upland baseball team 2 years; res Upland.

   GOEBEL, GEORGE SR: Garage owner & Town Marshal; b Carroll Co, Ill May 13, 1878; s of Henry Goebel-Katherine Marbutt; ed Franklin Co; m Blanche Bush Feb 2, 1899 Webster Co; s Herman, George Jr; d Alice (Mrs L McDowell), Lyda (Mrs Frank Allen); 1898-1927 farmed & oprd blacksmith shop, Franklin Co; 1927- in garage bus, Riverton, oprd truck line 1 year; 1937- town marshal; past mbr sch bd dist 28 several years; past twp constable; Luth Ch; hobby, work; parents came from Ill to Franklin Co in 1887; res Riverton.

   GOLDSBURY, LESLIE LEWIS: Baker; b Afton, Ia Mar 5, 1895; s of John Roach Goldsbury-Sarah Lenora Davis; ed Afton Ia; m Grace Allen Apr 16, 1921 Superior; s Erroll, Robert D, John A, Neil G; d Grace Darlene; 1911-13 farmer, Franklin Co; 1913-16 field foreman govt experimental farm, Scotts Bluff Co; 1916-18 & 1919-20 power house engr, Franklin; 1920-23 Franklin Co highway engr; 1923- 32 owned & oprd bakery, Franklin; 1932-34 farmer, Buffalo Co; 1934- owner & opr bakery & cafe, Franklin; past mbr sch bd 2 years; cooking instr BSA; helped org Franklin Co Hist Museum, Franklin; during World War in Co D 342nd machine gun battery of 89th Inf, 14 mos in service, 13 mos O/S; Amer Leg 209; C of C; Rotary, chmn entertainment com; AF&AM 264, past master; Scot Rite 30o, Hastings; IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, collecting Indian artifacts, fishing; res Franklin.

   HALE, MRS BULA PEARL: Treasurer of Co-op Credit Association; b Smith Co, Kas Oct 6, 1906; d of Lou David Carpenter-Elva Morrison; ed Smith Center Kas HS 1926; m Claude Hale Dec 25, 1927 Thornburg1 Kas; 1926-28 tchr, Smith Co Kas; 1928-35 homemaker, Kas & Neb; 1935- clk in Equity store; 1937- treas Co-op Credit Assn; U B Ch; Rep; res Bloomington.

   1Thornburg Kas has no postoffice.

   HANSEN, ANTON: Hardware Dealer; b Thisted Amt, Denmark Apr 24, 1865; s of Nels Hansen-Karen Jensen; ed Denmark; m Catherine Schachtler Oct 15, 1889 Adams Co; s Herbert C, Edward L, Wilfred J; m Cynthia Webster 1937 Franklin Co; 1888 came to Amer & settled in Mich, came to Neb 1884; 1884-86 emp in various vocations, Hastings; 1886-91 with father in blacksmith shop, Upland, later added farm equipment & hdw; 1892-1919 ptr of brother, N P Hansen, in hdw & farm impl bus, Upland; 1919- owner & opr hdw & farm equipment bus; during World War served as 4-min man; past mbr city coun, mbr 1st coun; past mbr sch bd 3 years; Neb Retail Hdw Assn, mbr since orgn; IOOF; Meth Ch, mbr gen conf 1920; Dem; hobby, reading; res Upland.

   HARRINGTON, BENJAMIN W: Manager Serum Co; b Clarksdale, Mo Nov 30, 1893; s of William L Harrington-Grace Alexander; ed Bloomington HS 1913; m Grace Grey Long Oct 25, 1913 Hastings; s Harold W, E Douglas; d Benita (Mrs J L Yates), Betty J, Helen L; 1913-15 adjuster, Michelin Tire Co, Kansas City Mo; 1915-17 owner & opr truckIng bus, Kansas City; 1917-18 emp in various vocations, Neb; 1918-21 branch mgr Michelin Tire Co, Omaha; 1921-30 Franklin Co clk; 1930-32 salesman for Hevner Serum Co, Franklin, 1932- mgr & part owner; past mbr city coun several years; past city clk several terms; past mbr vol fire dept; dir Hog Cholera Serum Marketing Assn; dir Rotary; C of C; AF&AM 264, KT, Tehama Shrine; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, outdoor sports; res 1873 F, Franklin.

   HARRIS, LYLE ALFRED: Grain & Feed Dealer; b Webster Co, Neb Nov 13, 1900; s of Alfred Edgar Harris-Alice McCartney; ed Guide Rock HS 1919; LBC 1920; m Edna Cummings July 15, 1923 Mankato Kas; 1920-21 farmer, Webster Co; 1921-24 emp by Farmers Equity Elevator, Wheeler Kas; 1924-36 mgr Farmers Co-op Elevator, Guide Rock; 1934- stock feeder, hog raiser; 1936- owner & opr L A Harris Grain Co, Franklin; 1938- ptr of Connie Rasser in elevator, Red Cloud; Rotary; C of C; AF&AM 128; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Franklin.

   HARRISON, CHARLES BERTRAND: Farmer; b Franklin Co, Neb Jan 11, 1886; s of John Harrison-Laura Brown; ed Franklin Co; m Floss L Barnes June 11, 1918 Bloomington; d Winifred Albertis; 1907-16 homesteader & farmer, McPherson Co; 1916-24 farmer, Harlan Co; 1924-30 rice farmer, Matagorda Co Tex: 1930- farmer & stockman, Franklin Co; 1934- Franklin Co supvr; mbr sch bd; AF&AM, Republican City; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; father homesteaded in Franklin Co in 1878, was Franklin Co commr before co was divided into twps; mother came with parents from Harrison Co Mo & settled in Franklin Co 1878; res Naponee.

   HENDERSON, RAYMOND A: Hardware Dealer; b Narka, Kas Nov 12, 1891; s of Robert Eugene Henderson-Lillian Rose Smith; ed Smith Center Kas HS 1912; m Pauline Dorothy Haberly June 24, 1915 Smith Center Kas; s Raymond A Jr: d Phyllis Ruth; 1911-22 with R E Henderson & Son Hdw Store, Smith Center Kas; 1922-24 secy-treas Imo Oil & Gas Co, Garfield Co Okla; 1924-25 owned & oprd groc store, Denver; 1925- mgr R E Henderson & Son Hdw Store, Franklin; past mbr sch bd; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Rotary; C of C; AF &AM, past master in Kas; Scot Rite 32o, Hastings; Meth Ch; res Franklin.

   HENDRICKS, MRS PEARL WAGOR: Editor; b Republic Co, Kas Apr 17, 1893; d of Lester LaVern Wagor- Fannie Simmons; ed Chester HS 1913; PSTC 1915; U of Colo; KSTC; m Jyles Clair Hendricks June 7, 1922 Munden Kas; s Dwaine Clair; 1913-14 tchr, Box Butte Co; 1915-16 HS tchr, Giltner; 1916-17 HS tchr, Western; 1917-19 HS tchr, & supt. Clearwater; 1919-20 HS prin, 1920-22 supt of schs, Upland; 1923 substitute HS tchr; 1923-24 HS prin; 1924-29 homemaker & substitute tchr, Franklin Co; 1930 tchr Franklin Co rural sch; 1930-35 homemaker, Upland; 1935- editor Upland Eagle; reporter for Hastings & Franklin Co newspapers; NPA; Friendship Quilting Club, past chmn; chmn local ARC; Amer Leg aux, past treas & past VP; Upland Comm Chorus; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; res Upland.

   HENNING, JOHN ALBERT: Merchant & Mayor; b Champaign Co, Ill Sept 22, 1900; s of Fred John Henning-Whipka Adan; ed Ross Minn parochial sch 1915; m Sadie M Voehl June 17, 1934 Jackson Co Minn; s Walter John, Lloyd Fred; 1915-34 with father on farm & in country store, Lakefield Minn; 1934-39 ptr of H Henning in service station & store, Franklin; 1939- mgr & opr Midway Service Station, Franklin; 1938- mayor; mbr vol fire dept since 1935; C of C; German Luth Ch, chmn; hobby, sports; off Mid-Way Service Station; res Franklin.

   HERMANSON, CHARLES: Grocer; b Campbell, Neb May 29, 1893; s of Andrew Hermanson-Carrie Erickson; ed Franklin Co; m Clara Crilly Apr 29, 1920 Campbell; s Charles Maurice, Donald Wayne, Frederick Hugh; 1914-22 farmer; 1922- grocer, Campbell; mbr town bd 1922-26; dir bd of edn; C of C; Norwegian Luth Ch; Rep; parents came from Norway to Franklin Co in early 1880's; res Campbell.

   HEVNER, MRS CARRIE: President Serum Co; b Minneota, Minn May 25, 1883; d of William Mansfield Bayard-Mina Emmerson; ed Lincoln HS 1902; U of N, 1906; m Clyde W Hevner Sept 28, 1910 Lincoln (dec


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June 15, 1936); 1906-08 tchr, Franklin HS; 1908 HS tchr, Rokeby; 1908-09 tchr, Lincoln; 1910-35 homemaker; 1935- pres Hevner Serum Co, Franklin; 1936- VP Neb Pub Lib Commission; past state secy NFWC; 1935-38 dept chmn lib service, GFWC; 1935- secy Neb Safety Coun; Womans Club; DAR, past state secy & past regent; OES, past matron & past dist supvr; Episc Ch; Dem; hobby, reading; husband came from Mo to Neb in 1906 as stockman, settled in Franklin, org & estab Hevner Serum Co 1912; res Franklin.

   HUMPHREYS, MRS MAMIE E: Homemaker; b Tama, Ia Nov 22, 1878; d of William Henry Austin-Mary Frances Browne; ed Franklin Acad 1891; Doane Coll, BA 1896; m William Francis Humphreys July 21, 1898 Franklin; 1896-97 tchr, Franklin Co; 1897-98 HS prin, Cambridge; 1898-1908 homemaker, Franklin; 1907-16 Franklin HS prin; 1916-21 emp in various vocations including teaching: 1921-22 tchr in normal training inst at Franklin; 1923-35 Franklin Co supt, of schs; 1936-37 HS tchr, Spring Valley; 1937-38 tchr, Naponee; 1938- homemaker, Franklin; Neb Womens Ednl Club, secy 5th dist; Womans Club; NFWC; Dramatic Club; ch mbr & 1st worthy matron, OES; ch mbr & past pres. PEO; ch mbr & past regent DAR; Congl Ch, SS supt, SE tchr 25 years & past clk 5 years; hobby, history data; parents homesteaded in Franklin Co 1874, father in grain & stock bus; res Franklin.

   HUTCHINSON, MRS FLORENCE: Homemaker; b Thayer, Kas; d of Samuel Wheeler Brewster-Hattie Margaret Mills; ed Thayer Kas HS; U of Kas; Kas Wes, Salina Kas; m Raymond Pickering Hutchinson Dec 17, 1919 Denver; 1910-11 rural sch tchr; 1911-17 tchr, Kanopolis Kas; 1917-19 steno, Trans Canadian Sanitarium, Dalhart Tex; 1919 steno, CRI&P RR, Dalhart Tex; 1920-22 steno & bkkpr for J B Byers, Denver; 1922- homemaker in Colo & Neb; in co-operation with DAR & other civic groups org Franklin Co Hist Museum; pres of Girls Club, sponsored bldg of gateway to city park; regent DAR; VP & past pres PEO; Franklin Co chmn ARC 6 years; chmn civic com Franklin Womans Club; pres Franklin Co SS Assn; Congl Ch; pres S Neb Congl Womans Work, past SS supt & tchr; Rep, mbr Franklin Co Central Com; hobbies, civic enterprises, birds, pottery, flowers, interior decorating; father came from Ind to Kas in early 1870's & homesteaded at Thayer Kas, started 1st newspaper & prac law; Brewster family are direct descendants of Elder William Brewster of Mayflower; res Franklin.

   JOY, CHESTER GEORGE: Merchant; b Anderson Co, Kas Sept 24, 1882; s of Edwin Jesse Joy-Sarah Ann Vandevost; ed Smith Co Kas; Kas St Coll 1902-03; m Ella M Erdman Nov 25, 1912 Smith Center Kas; s Donald Chester; d Clarice Ellen, Julia Ann; 1905-12 owner & opr first auto repair shop, Smith Center Kas; 1912-30 with T R Blank in Ford Agcy, Franklin; 1930- opr Chevrolet Agcy; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; chmn game refuge & restoration, Rotary; C of C; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, sports; res Franklin.

   JUDKINS, CALEB RESSEGUE: Lumber Merchant; b Fort Wayne, Ind Sept 16, 1867; s of James T Judkins-Sally Jane Ressegue; ed Syracuse; m Vinnie Amelia Moore Jan 29, 1895 Pawnee City; d Jennie Milrae (Mrs Michael D Nolan); 1886-1900 mgr at Table Rock for E G Dey & Co, lbr mchts of Syracuse; 1900-04 mgr Foster & Smith Lbr Co, Broken Bow; 1904-10 mgr E G Dey & Co, Upland; 1910-15 mgr R S Proudflt Lbr Co; 1915- owner & opr C R Judkins Lbr Co; active in bringing in wildcat oil wells in Kas & Wyo 4 years; past dir & treas 25 years Neb Lbr Ins Assn; org & past pres 3 years Neb St Water Conservation Congress; chmn city coun; city treas 25 years; past dir Franklin Co Fair bd 3 years; past pres Comml Club; past noble grand IOOF; AF&AM 252, past master at Table Rock; RAM; KT 19; Rep, past chmn Franklin Co Central Com; hobby, travel; res Upland.

   LARSON, ELMER ALBIN: County Clerk, Register of Deeds & County Assessor; b Campbell, Neb Jan 28, 1904; s of Andrew Otto Larson-Marie Katherine Weber; ed Upland HS 1923; KSTC 1924-25; U of N 1925-26; PSTC, BA 1933, bus mgr Peruvian; bus mgr Pedagogian; Epsilon Pi Tau; Kappa Delta Pi; Pi Gamma Mu; m Edna Cornelia Van Steenberg Nov 17, 1934 Hildreth; 1923-24 emp in merc store, Upland; 1926-31 clk, Upland Banking Co; 1933-34 emp by Franklin Co treas; 1935- Franklin Co clk, register of deeds & assessor; Central Neb Dist Co Ofcrs Assn; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; C of C: IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch, bd mbr & past SS supt; hobbies, drawing, woodwork, gardening, beautifying home; parents came from Ill to Furnas Co in 1872, grandfather homesteaded in Furnas Co 1871; off Courthouse; res Franklin.

   L'HEUREUX, ARSENE J: Banker; b L'Acadie, Quebec, Canada Mar 9, 1864; s of Moise L'Heureux-Hermine Remillard: ed Canada; Kansas City Veterinary Coll, Kansas City Me; m Clara Choquette Mar 1, 1886 Webster Co (dec 1925); s Horace M, Roland J, Oscar A, Leopold E, Armand W, Victor H, Alfred O (dec 1903), Alfred L, Oreil L; d Olive (Mrs Arthur Genereux), Orise A (Mrs Albert Heinrich), Alice E (Mrs Robert Mailliard); emp on farm on present site of Campbell, cultivated corn with a mule & 2 shovel cultivator, recd $13 per mo; 1885-86 clk in Chicago Store, Riverton; 1886-87 farmer, stock raiser, Franklin Co; 1887-88 clk in City Hotel, Campbell; 1888- farmer & stock raiser, owns 4 sections of land; 1906- dir First Natl Bank, 1913- pres, bank changed to Farmers State Bank, one of two in Franklin Co to reopen after bank moratorium; past pres Peoples Bank, Upland; pres Peoples Elevator, Upland; past pres & past dir Farmers Elevator, Campbell; org & estab 1st tele co, Campbell, dir & mbr constitution & by laws com; past mbr dist 31 sch bd 20 years; past mbr Campbell sch bd; mbr village bd 15 years; mayor 4 years; C of C; Farmers Mutual Assn; IOOF, past noble grand & past dist grand master; Dem, past chmn Franklin Co Central Com; hobbies, travel, reading; res Campbell.

   LINDGREN, CARL REUBEN: Real Estate & Insurance Dealer; b Webster Co, Neb July 8, 1883; s of Charles W Lindgren-Charlotte Lundberg; ed Webster Co; Red Cloud Bus Coll; m Bertha Erickson June 2, 1909 Webster Co; s Charles R; d Ellen Ruby (Mrs Fred L Brunke); 1905-36 farmer & stock raiser, Franklin Co; 1936- in real est & ins bus, Campbell; pres Campbell Tele Co 2 years; Franklin Co supvr 5 years, chmn since 1938; mbr sch bd dist 47 several years; chmn Campbell sch bd 3 years; Farmers Bus Assn, pres 20 years; VP C of C; AF&AM 319; Rep; hobby, reading; parents came from Ill to Webster Co in late 1870s; res Campbell.

   LINDGREN, MRS CHARLES: Homemaker; b Upland, Neb Mar 24, 1889; d of John Erastis Howell-Mary Elizabeth Linder; ed Upland HS 1905; PSTC; m Charles Lindgren Feb 15, 1911 Minden; 1905-21 tchr, Franklin Co, at Upland 3 years; 1921- homemaker, Upland; hobby, reading; during World War husband was in 48th Co of 161st depot brigade, in service 2 1/2 mos; parents came in immigrant wagon from Ill to Neb in 1878 & homesteaded near Upland, as father was in ill health mother carried mail on pony to different comm stores & over regular route; res Upland.

   LINDLEY, BURT G: Pharmacist; b Mason City, Ill Sept 30, 1870; s of S P Lindley-Anna Dobson; ed Long Island Kas HS 1888; Natl Pharm Coll of Chicago, PhG 1890; m Minnie Carl June 1891 Phillipsburg Kas; s Samuel Paul; d Erma M (Mrs N A Christenson); 1891- owner & opr drug store, Riverton; mbr town bd 12 years, chmn 6 years; hobbies, reading, travel; res Riverton.

   LONG, HAROLD B: Attorney; b Wilcox, Neb Nov 12, 1897; s of Steven D Long-Nina Glenn; ed Bloomington HS 1916; LBC 1916-17; U of N 1918; m Hazel Hirsch Nov 13, 1921 Bloomington; s Billy B, James S; d Lois Lee, Patty Mae, Mary Lou; 1917 bkkpr City Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1918 asst cash First Natl Bank, Syracuse; 1919-20 Franklin Co dep clk; 1920-24 clk of dist court; 1924 adm to Neb bar; 1924-36 Franklin Co judge; 1936- gen law prac, Franklin; dir Republican Valley Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; 1928-30 mbr city coun; 1930-34 & 1936- city clk; 1935- mbr bd of edn; past mbr vol fire dept; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; MWA; AF&AM 264, past master; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, reading, sports; res Franklin.

   LONG, STEVEN DOUGLAS: Retired; b Brown Co, Ill Feb 28, 1859; s of Jacob R Long-Sarah Jane Pyle; ed Ill; Neb; m Nina Glenn Sept 14, 1880 Minden; s Ralph (dec), Stanley Douglas, Billy, Harold Bradford; d Sadie (Mrs E S Murray), Iva (dec), Grace Grey (Mrs B W Harrington); 1874-80 emp on farms & ranches, Neb; 1876 with party locating water holes for stage between Kearney & Deadwood, S D, took 104 days to complete work; 1880-90 farmer, Franklin Co; 1890-1925 owner & opr well drilling outfit, Franklin Co: 1925-31 farmer near Franklin; 1931- ret; past mbr Hildreth sch bd & city coun several years; past bldg supt of Franklin Co Fair grounds 11 years; IOOF, past noble grand & ch mbr Wilcox, mbr 45 years; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, flowers & gardening; parents came from Ill to Neb in 1874 & homesteaded near present site of Hildreth; res 1873 F, Franklin.



Who's Who

   McAVOY, MAURICE FRANCIS: County Superintendent of Schools; b Beatrice, Neb Jan 8, 1906; s of W S McAvoy-Anna L Thompson: ed Fairmont HS 1924: Hastings Coll; U of N; U of Colo; m Welcome L Shively Aug 18, 1932 York; s Francis Lee, 1924-26 tchr, Fillmore Co; 1926-35 tchr, Strang & Campbell; 1935- Franklin Co supt of schs; NSTA; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NEA; secy Rotary; C of C; AF&AM 264; IOOF, past noble grand; Meth Ch; hobbles, sports, amateur movies; 1929 with Kenneth Feese state tennis collegiate doubles champions, S W doubles champion, S E singles champion, has number of cups & trophies; maternal grandparents homesteaded in Fillmore Co in late 1860's; off Courthouse; res Franklin.

   McINERNEY, JOHN DAVID: Editor; b Franklin Co, Neb May 18, 1885; s of John David McInerney Sr-Bridget Leyden; ed Franklin Co., Epiphany Sch, Baltimore Md 1909-11; 1907-17 carp in various locations; 1917-18 editor Wilsonville Review; 1918-19 carp; 1919-23 owner & opr Harlan Co Ranger, Republican City; 1923-25 emp in various vocations; 1925-38 in contracting & bldg bus, Riverton; 1938- assoc editor Riverton Review; 1939- editor; hobbies, writing, outdoor life; parents came from Ohio to Neb in middle 1870's & homesteaded in Franklin Co; res Riverton.

   McINTIRE, HARRY M: Funeral Director; b Nelson, Neb July 14, 1898; s of George P McIntire-Laura Byrley; ed Hastings HS; m Verna Stover July 3, 1917 Grand Island; s Robert Harry; 1911-13 delivery boy for Pickens Store, Hastings; 1913-16 clk in Webster Groc, Hastings; 1916-20 dist mgr & claim adjuster at Hastings for Great Western Accident & Ins Co of Des Moines, youngest dist mgr in company; 1920-25 appr & lic embalmer, Volland Funeral Home, Hastings; 1925- owner & opr 1st funeral home in Franklin Co, Campbell; past mbr sch bd; Neb St & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; past pres C of C; MWA; AF&AM 319; IOOF; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, sports; parents came from Ind to Neb in 1896 & settled at Nelson, father was trainer & driver of race horses; res Campbell.

   MASSINGER, FRED F: Farmer & Stockman; b Guide Rock, Neb May 30, 1892; s of Mathias Massinger-Mary Konzack; ed Guide Rock HS 1909; Grand Island Coll 1911-12; m Alice V Averhoff June 26, 1916 Franklin; 1916-20 farmer & stockman on Albert M Averhoff ranch near Riverton; 1920-24 homesteaded in Natrona Co Wyo & still owns 223 A under Casper Alcova Irrigation Project; 1921-22 emp by Amer Steel & Bridge Co, Casper Wyo; 1922-24 boiler maker for Standard Oil Refinery, Casper Wyo; 1924- farmer on Averhoff ranch, Franklin Co & raises purebred Hereford cattle; treas dist 24 sch bd 10 years; OES: AF&AM 63; Dem: hobbies, hunting, sports, purebred stock; father came from Germany to America in 1884 & settled near Guide Rock; wife's father came from Germany to Iowa in 1869, homesteaded in Franklin Co in 1876; res Riverton.

   MOORE, WALTER MILTON: Retired; b Sidney, Ia Aug 15, 1875; s of Joseph Henry Moore-Hattie Richards; ed Ia; m Jeannie Irvin Nov 4, 1904 Franklin Co; 1900-08 farmer & rancher, Franklin Co; 1908-13 owner & opr grain elevator, Riverton; 1913-17 rancher, Wyo; 1917-21 pres Riverton State Bank; 1921-25 farmer & rancher, Franklin Co; 1925-30 in real est & ins bus, Riverton; 1930-32 pres Riverton State Bank; 1932- farm owner & ins agt; past mbr city coun 10 years; past mbr sch bd 22 years; past mayor 2 terms; pct committeeman Soil Conservation Com; NPA; AF&AM 63, past master; Rep; hobby, reading; res Riverton.

   NIELSEN, EMERALD RAYMOND: Farmer; b Kearney Co, Neb Jan 9, 1905; s of Wilhelm C C Nielsen-Ingeborg Christensen; ed Upland HS 1924; Dana Coll 1924-26; m Olga Severine Petersen June 6, 1928 Dannebrog; s Elliott Raymond; d Delores Ann, Alyce Kathleen; 1928- farmer, Franklin Co; 1932 started tree planting as windbreak; Farm Bur; Upland HS Alumni Assn, chmn 1940; Fredricksburg Luth Ch, SS supt & choir dir; Rep; hobby, tree planting; res Upland.

   OLSON, ELLERY GARFIELD: Farmer; b Sheboygan, Wis Nov 7, 1884; s of George Olson-Ella Taplin; ed Grand Island HS 1900; 1900-15 emp in various vocations; 1909 homesteaded in Colo; 1915- farmer, Franklin Co; 1935- turkey raiser & breeder, raised 1600 head 1939; past mbr dist 8 sch bd 3 terms; past Franklin Co committeeman AAA; Franklin Co Benefit Assn; hobbies, travel, reading; mother came from Wis to Franklin Co 1888; res Riverton.

   PAYNE, MRS EVELYN PEARL: Telephone Exchange & Beauty Shop Operator; b Fremont Co, Ia Dec 15, 1879; d of Joseph Henry Moore-Harriet Maude Richards; ed Riverton Ia HS 1899; Liberty Female Coll, Liberty Mo 1899-1901; m Arro Linden Payne Feb 26, 1903 Sheridan Wyo (dec); d Lois Aleen; 1903- 32 homemaker & asst to husband in off, Okla; 1932- opr tele exchange & beauty shop, Riverton; past music dir Homemakers Project Club; VP Clio Club; RNA, chancellor 4 years: Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, flowers; husband was in livestock bus in Okla; res Riverton.

   PETERSEN, J HENRY: Drayman & Mail Carrier; b Franklin Co, Neb May 10, 1875; s of Louis Petersen-Anne Arneson: ed Upland; m Esther M Burrows Sept 24, 1902 Minden; 1896-1902 farmer, Franklin Co; 1902-08 mail carrier, Upland; 1908- dep mail carrier, Upland; 1908-14 emp in various vocations, Upland; 1914-24 emp in Farmers Union Cream Station: 1924-36 emp in various vocations; 1936- owner & opr dray line; 1938- town marshal; past mbr town bd 3 years; IOOF, past noble grand; MWA; Rep; hobby, travel; parents came from Wis to Franklin Co in 1874 & homesteaded; res Upland.

   PETERSEN, ROY CORNELIUS: Manager Telephone Co & Mayor; b Franklin Co, Neb Feb 13, 1901; s of Nels C Petersen-Clausine Anderson; ed Upland HS; m Bessie Kelly Feb 23, 1921 Minden; d Elizabeth Katherine; 1922-28 farmer, Kearney Co; 1928- mgr Upland Tele Co; mbr city coun 5 years, chmn 4 years; Comml Club; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, sports; parents born in Denmark, came from Ill to Neb in 1886 & settled near Upland; res Upland.

   PLATT, HEMAN: Farmer & Stockman; b Macoupin Co, Ill Nov 13, 1863; s of Rev Henry Dutton Platt-Sarah Eliza Stratton; ed Ill; Brighton Ill Acad 1877-81; m Rhoda Elizabeth Beitel Dec 25, 1889 De Kalb Co Ill; s Arthur Henry (dec 1926), Howard Julius: 1881-85 tchr, Macoupin Co Ill; 1885- 86 tchr, Woodburn Ill; 1886-90 & 1893-94 tchr in winters, farmer in summers, Franklin Co; 1890-91 tchr, Franklin; 1891-1920 farmer, Franklin Co: 1920- ret; 1921- compiler govt rain gauge & weather reports; past mbr dist 15 sch bd 30 years; past mbr sch bd at Franklin 9 years; past trustee & mbr exec com Franklin Acad 30 years; trustee lib bd past 12 years; pres & trustee cemetery bd several terms; past Franklin co supvr; past twp clk 8 years; past city assessor 5 years; Congl Ch, past treas, deacon 45 years, past SS supt & tchr 15 years; Rep; hobby, reading; father (dec 1903) born in Conn, came with parents to Ill in 1833, came to Franklin 1886, Congl pastor at Cowles 1889-93; res Franklin.

   PORTER, ANNIE: Homemaker; b Old Plymouth, Neb Jan 7, 1877: d of Nelson Brainard Porter-Mary Russell Bates; ed Franklin Acad 1895; Doane Coll, BA 1900; U of N, MA 1906: Stanford U, grad work 1916; 1895-96 tchr, Franklin Co; 1900-03 dean of women, Weeping Water Acad; 1907-17 HS tchr, Albany N Y; 1919-22 tchr, Franklin Acad; 1925-28 dean of women Pacific U, Forest Grove Ore; 1928- homemaker for father, Franklin; mbr lib bd 8 years; treas Franklin Hist Museum; treas & past pres Girls Comm Club; secy DAR; 1st VP Womans Club; NFWC: past pres PEO; past pres Franklin Acad Alumni Assn; Congl Ch, chmn religious edn; SS tchr; past pres S W Assn of Congl Chs; hobbies, antiques, literature; parents came from N Y & settled at Old Plymouth in early 1870's, father was mcht; res Franklin.

   RICHMOND, LEWIS: Publisher; b Seward, Neb May 19, 1876; s of Galen John Richmond-Martha Ellen Springer; ed Minden HS; Concordia Kas Bus Coll; m Mable Pierce May 14, 1907 York; m Mary Anna Work Nov 20, 1911 Mankato Kas; s Ganis J; d Naomi (Mrs Wayne Domingo), Lewanna; 1887-1907 with father on Venango Argus, Minden Workman & Minden Courier; 1907-12 owner & opr Upland Eagle; 1912-19 ptr of brother in publishing Minden Courier; 1919-27 farmer, Kearney Co; 1928- publisher Campbell Citizen; NPA; C of C; MWA, coun mbr; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem; hobby, music; father (dec 1912) came from Ohio in 1869 & homesteaded in Seward Co, was blacksmith until 1887 when he entered newspaper bus; res Campbell.

   RUDD, PAUL WILLIAM: Clerk of District Court; b Ong, Neb July 17, 1907; s of Axel William Rudd-Johanna Amelia Venell; ed Upland HS 1925; KSTC, BA 1930; Phi Mu Alpha; m Helen E Waldron May 22, 1933 Upland; s John William; 1930-33 HS tchr, Paxton; 1933- farmer, Franklin; 1935- clk of dist court, Franklin Co; Neb Assn of Clks of Dist Court; C of C; past scout master BSA; IOOF; Meth Ch, steward; Dem; grandparents settled in Fillmore Co 1875; off Courthouse; res Franklin.


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   SAMUELSON, LEON: Attorney; b Guide Rock, Neb Apr 22, 1893; s of Charles E Samuelson-Gladys Harris; ed Franklin Acad 1911; U of N, LLB 1915; Cornhusker editor 1915; Sigma Nu; Sigma Delta Chi; m Velma Satchell Jan 4, 1916 Glenwood Ia; s C Firman, Ronald, Ransom; 1915-17 with Judge W C Dorsey, Hildreth; 1922- prac law, Franklin; 1927-39 Franklin Co atty; mbr city coun 9 years; during World War in A S in 3rd Co of 164th depot brigade, 10 mos in service; Amer Leg 209; 10th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; past dir Rotary; C of C; AF&AM 252; Congl Ch; Dem; hobby, farming; off Exchange Bank Bldg; res Franklin.

   SLOCUM, PERRY LEVI: Bank Cashier; b Herndon, Kas Nov 24, 1898; s of William P Slocum-Iva Frances McKnight; ed Oberlin, Kas HS 1917; U of Kas 1918-19; m Mabel E Chilson June 8, 1920 Lincoln; s William P 2nd; d Geraldine M; 1919-30 asst cash State Bank of Herndon, Kas; 1930- cash, Franklin State Bank, 1937- cash & exec VP; past mbr city coun 2 terms, Herndon Kas; during World War in SATC 4 mos, U of Kas; Amer Leg 209, past comm; C of C; Rotary, pres; BSA, asst scoutmaster, Herndon Kas 2 years, past mbr advisory bd: AF&AM 264, treas; Congl Ch: Rep; hobby, hunting; res Franklin.

   SMITH, HAL CLARKE: Physician & Surgeon; b Perry, Ill Aug 19, 1882; s of John T Smith-Anna Clarke; ed Nebraska City HS 1900; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1904; grad work Chicago Post Grad Sch 1906: Polyclinic of Chicago 1908; Columbia U 1916; St Marks of London; U of Edinburgh, Scotland 1927; U of Oslo, Norway; U of Uppsala, Stockholm, Sweden; Heidelberg Germany 1927; m Kezzie M McGirts Dec 25, 1908 Hastings; s Hal H, Robert C; 1904-06 med prac, Brownville; 1906- prac, Franklin; 1912- phys & surg for CB&Q RR; sch examiner; past city phys 30 years; during World War capt med corps of US army, surgical staff, chief of proctology, Camp Pike, commd capt July 1918; Amer Leg 209; 40 & 8, Hastings; secy & past pres Franklin Co Med Soc; past pres Republican Valley Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Amer Assn of Railway Surgs; past pres C of C; AF&AM 264, ch mbr; KT; York Rite; Sesostris Shrine; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, attending med soc meetings, entertaining; res Franklin.

   SMITH, RILEY WALKUP: Publisher; b Rockport, Mo Aug 21, 1895; s of Henry W Smith-Rachel A Gahman; ed Emporia Kas HS 1916; linotype sch, Macon, Ga 1921-22; m Elsie Burgett July 2, 1927 Manhattan Kas; 1916-17 farmer, Lyon Co Kas; 1917-20 teleg opr Santa Fe RR, Okla; 1920-21 auto mechanic for Schropp Motor Co, Washington Kas; 1922-23 emp in newspaper work, Kas; 1923-25 with William Allen White on Emporia Kas Gazette; 1925-38 linotype opr, Manhattan Kas; 1938-39 with brother on cattle ranch, Baker Ore; 1939- owner & opr Franklin Sentinel, ofcl Franklin Co, newspaper; NPA; Amer Press Assn; C of C; Rotary; hobby, electrical work; res Franklin.

   SMITH, WILLIAM HOWARD: County Judge; b Cedar Bluffs, Kas June 22, 1912; s of Daniel J Smith-Minnie Dees; ed Naponee HS 1930; U of N, BA 1935, LLB 1936; Delta Theta Phi; Phi Sigma Alpha; Pi Epsilon Pi; m Grace Wekesser Dec 29, 1936 Lincoln; d Sharon Lee; 1936- Franklin Co judge; Neb Assn of Co Judges; 10th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; C of C; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting; paternal grandparents early settlers in Franklin Co, came from Va; off Courthouse; res Franklin.

   SPARKS, MARTIN L: Retired; b Lawrence Co, Ky Apr 4, 1863; s of Levi J Sparks-Polly Gambill; ed Blaine Ky HS 1884; U of Louisville Ky, MD 1905; m Vessie Rice Feb 18, 1886 Lawrence Co Ky; s Roy A, Herbert R (dec), Alonzo A, Henry W, Hilman T; d Sarah (Mrs L L Watkins); 1905-11 phys, Denton Ky; 1911-12 prac med, Carlock Ill; 1912- prac med, Bloomington; past chmn village bd; mbr Franklin Co health bd several years; during World War mbr med advisory bd, Franklin Co; past chmn Franklin Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Rep; hobby, hunting; res Bloomington.

   SPENCE, GENE PAUL: County Attorney; b Bladen, Neb Mar 13, 1903; s of Charles Spence-Jennie E McBride; ed Franklin Acad 1922; Neb Wes 1922; m Mattie E Danker June 3, 1922 Tecumseh; s Gene Paul Jr; 1918-22 emp in Karl L Spence newspaper off, Franklin; 1922-23 tchr, Lowell; 1923-25 Franklin Co dep clk; 1925-35 clk of dist court, studied law & passed bar examination; 1935- prac law, Franklin; 1939- Franklin Co atty; VP & dir Republican Valley Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; helped org Franklin Co Museum; 10th Judicial Dist & Neb St Bar Assns; ch mbr & past pres Rotary: C of C; AF&AM 264, past master; Scot Rite 14o; Tehama Shrine: Congl Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbies, Indian lore & collecting stamps; parents settled in Webster Co 1888, father was instrumental in bldg Bladen & in bringing new settlers from Ill; res Franklin.

   STRANGMAN, JOHN THOMAS: Farmer & Stockman; b Franklin Co, Neb Apr 13, 1885; s of George W Strangman-Anna Jennings; ed Bloomington HS; m Daisy B Travis June 3, 1908 Franklin Co; s Paul Jennings, Estel George, John L, Oren Clifford; d Fern Alta (Mrs Tony Krist), Pansy Jewel (dec); 1908- farmer & raiser Aberdeen-Angus cattle, Franklin Co, has lived on same section entire life; 1930-34 Franklin Co supvr; mbr AAA bd; pres since orgn Franklin Co Water & Soil Conservation Dist; past dir Equity Co-op Exchange; secy-treas Ashgrove Tele Co; 1914- treas sch bd dist 72; MWA; Meth Ch, steward several years; Dem, mbr Franklin Co Central Com; hobby, good stock; res Bloomington.

   TECKER, HARM MANNING: Production Manager Serum Co: b Franklin, Neb Aug 8, 1887; s of Harmon Elliott Tecker-Mary Marfiding; ed Franklin Acad 1907; m Hempe Osterbuhr Apr 23, 1920 Franklin; 1907-12 farmer, cattle feeder, carp, Franklin; 1912- production mgr Hevner Serum Co, Franklin; mbr city coun 9 years; ch mbr vol fire dept, mbr 15 years, chief 2 years, trustee 3 years; during World War in Co B 313th ammunition train, 88th div MTC; 10 1/2 mos in service; Amer Leg 209, past 1st comm; 40 & 8; VFW; Franklin Golf Club; AF&AM 264, past master; Scot Rite 32o; Sesostris Shrine; Congl Ch; Rep; parents came from Ill to Gage Co in 1872, to Franklin Co, in 1878; res Franklin.

   TOWNSEND, GEORGE WARREN: Farmer; b Livingston Co, Ill Jan 6, 1869; s of George William Townsend-Sarah Harper; ed Franklin Acad; m Anna Harman Apr 25, 1899 Franklin Co; s Dan Harman; d Nellie (Mrs Joe Carson), Georganna Ruth (Mrs Ernest Worman); 1887-89 rode range for cattle ranch, Colo: 1889-96 emp by Newhall Ranch, southern Cal; 1896- farmer, Franklin Co; twp assessor 9 years; past mbr sch bd dist 68 several years; past treas Franklin Co Fair bd 20 years; org of Neb Townsend Club; Congl Ch; brother, Dr F E Townsend, originator of Townsend Natl Recovery Plan, Inc; res Franklin.

   WALDO, WILLARD HENRY: Agricultural Extension Agent; b DeWitt, Neb Apr 2, 1912; s of Harmon O Waldo-Louise Marie Damkroger; ed DeWitt HS 1930; U of N, BSc 1934; Alpha Gamma Rho, Alpha Zeta; Phi Delta Kappa; m Beulah Plucknett June 2, 1933 Plattsmouth; s Arlie Dean, Max Leon; d Willa Jean; 1923-34 raised & sold dogs to pay sch expenses; 1934-36 Smith Hughes agr tchr, Stapleton; 1936- Franklin Co agrl agt; Neb Assn of Co Agrl Agts; BSA scoutmaster; VP Rotary; C of C; Meth Ch; hobbies, sports, farming, livestock; paternal grandfather came to Neb in late 1860's, was blacksmith in Beatrice & Lincoln, later settled in Swan City; maternal grandparents came from Germany to Neb in late 1870's & homesteaded near present site of DeWitt; off Courthouse; res Franklin.




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