NEGenWeb Project - Lincoln County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Lincoln |
Who's Who |
DIXON, HARRY: Jeweler; b Hooks Point, Ia Apr 2, 1871; s of Ben C Dixon-Janet A Robinson; ed North Platte HS; Needles Optical Coll, Kansas City Mo; m Claire Austin Jan 10, 1893 North Platte; s Charles S (dec); d Harriet (Mrs Frank Conlin); 1886-99 jeweler & optician in North Platte; 1899 estab Dixon Jewelry Co & Dixon Optical Co, pres; watch inspector UP RR since 1900; has complete lens grinding plant; named Master Mcht 1932, selected by bus administration dept U of N, only jeweler in Neb thus named; past pres C of C; Booster Club; past pres Rotary; past treas BPOE; past pres Temple Craft AF&AM; RAM; past comm York Rite; Tangier Shrine; Sr warden, mbr vestry Ch of Our Saviour; Rep; hobby, mountain travel, sea shore vacations; off 518 Dewey; res 402 W 5th, North Platte.
DOLAN, FRANCIS FARRELL: Veterinarian; b Maxwell, Neb Oct 22, 1884; s of Peter Farrell Dolan-Anna G Kelleher; ad Lansing Ia HS; Chicago Veterinary Coill, MDC 1910; Alpha Psi; m Rose Cathleen Conmy Sept 7, 1916 Pemblna N D; s Edward Farrell, William Joseph, Peter Francis; d Anna Mary (Mrs Arthur L Wallace), Cathleen Mae; spent boyhood on ranch near Maxwell; 1910-11 asst to pres of Chicago Veterinary Coll; 1911-20 veterinarian in Willow City N D; during World War joined army in Oct 1918 as 2nd lt in veterinary corps, disch June 1919; past adjt, past comm, past co Comm Amer Leg, service ofcr more than 18 years; 1920- veterinarian in Maxwell; 1922-30 opr of farm near Brady; mbr town bd 1937-38; Neb Veterinary Med Assn; contributes articles to veterinary journals, was Maxwell correspondent for North Platte Daily Telegraph several years, now editor Maxwell Telepost dept of Lincoln County Tribune; K C ch mbr; Cath Ch of North Platte; Dem; hobbies, hunting, writing; res Brady,
DONNELL, MRS UNA W: Owner Dress Shop; b Fairfax, Mo; d of E C Witford-Emma C Strickler; ed Fairfax Mo HS; Cotner Coll; Baird Coll, Clinton Mo: m Junius S Donnell Jan 30. 1901 Fairfax Mo; s Francis W; d Marian; 1901-04 lived in Craig Mo; 1911-13 resident Kearney Mo until 1931; 1931- owner & mgr Paramount Dress Shop, North Platte; was mbr PEO, Shakespeare Club, Delphian & Womans Club in Kearney Mo; mbr North Platte Altrusa Club & PEO Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res 314 S Vine, North Platte.
DRESSLAR, CARY W: Loan Firm Officer; b Martinsville, Ind July 6, 1897; s of Thomas B Dresslar-Sarah J Leachman; ed Kearney Normal HS; KSTC; LaSalle Extn U, Chicago; m Viola E Anderson Nov 8, 1935 North Platte; 1917-22 in gen store, Brule; 1922-26 cash in comml dept & combination man in plant of Northwestern Bell Tele Co, North Platte; 1926-30 asst cash Union State Bank, North Platte; 1928-36 priv acct; 1930- treas & asst secy Mutual B & L Assn; mbr Neb St League of B & L Assns; US B & L League; secy municipal airport bd; C of C; past master AF&AM, treas since 1937; RAM; Meth Ch. auditor & steward; Rep; hobbies, hunting, athletics; res 414 North Poplar. North Platte.
DROST, E BERNARD: Osteopath; b North Platte, Neb Apr 13, 1909; s of Dr L C Drost-Margaret Feehan; ed North Platte HS; Colo St Tchrs Coll 1927-28, mbr track team; Kirksville Mo Coll of Osteopathy & Surgery, DO 1932; Atlas Club; m Josephine Brown Oct 30, 1930 Kirksville Mo; s Jerry V. Larry A; d Betty Anne; 1932- osteo surg North Platte; 1936- staff rnbr Penner Hosp, prac in North Platte; past secy & treas S W Neb Osteopathic Assn; chmn mbr-ship com Neb St Osteopathic Assn; C of C; Pioneer Ad Club; grand knight KC, dist dep; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, athletics; res 516 Lincoln Ave. North Platte.
DUNN, WILLIAM MARTIN: Editor; b Warren Co Ia Jan 12, 1867; s of James B Dunn-Maria Haitt; ed Greenfield Ia; m Nancy K Wilson Apr 20, 1892 Sheldon Ia; s Frank Jackson. Harold LeRoy, William Martin Jr; d Ethel Marie, Doris M, Lillian Irene; 1880-81 appr in printing shop, Primghar Ia; 1881-87 newspaper work Sutherland Ia; 1887-89 editor newspaper Hartley la; 1889-1894 newspaper work, Bedford la; 1894-98 newspaper work, Mary-vile Mo; 1904-08 editor Ray Co Republican, Richmond Mo; 1908-09 editor Custer Co Republican; 190913 editor Courier-Tribune, Callaway; 1913-18 newspaper work, Tryon; 1918- owner & pub newspaper, Sutherland; past grand master IOOF; MWA; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, flower gardening; res Sutherland.
DUNN, WILLIAM MARTIN JR: Newspaper Business Manager; b Tryon, Neb Dec 4, 1914; s of William M Dunn-Nancy K Wilson; ed Sutherland HS 1933; 1933- bus mgr Sutherland Courier; NPA; secy Comml Club; secy vol fire dept; secy Lincoln County Legal Newspaper Assn; hobby, sail boating; res Sutherland.
ELDER, MRS MARY HELEN: Homemaker; b Fort Ripley, Minn Apr 2, 1861; d of William Sweeney-Rohana Fine; ed private schs; St Louis Cath Convent; m Henry Clark Jan 25, 1877 Fort Russell Wyo (dec Oct 10, 1894); s Henry Clark; d Anna (Mrs Louis LaBumbard), Lillian (Mrs _____ Sturgis), Katherine (Mrs Arthur J Salisbury), Inda (Mrs _____ Tucker), Henrietta A (Mrs Otto H Thoelecke), Margaret (Mrs _____ Flateroy); m William Elder Jan 5, 1897 (dec Mar 11, 1910); s William C Elder (dec World War) ; first white child in Fort Ripley Minn, reared among Blackfoot Indians; Mr Clark was first sgt Co L 5th cavalry during Indian uprisings; came to Lincoln Co Oct 19, 1877 & lived in Fort McPherson for 1 year. Fort Washakie Wyo 1 year, retd to Fort McPherson, made home in North Platte in 1880, husband emp on RR; Mr Elder was clk of dist court & later co judge. Mrs Elder 1st state pres American War Mothers; past sr VP of WRC; first & only woman apptd chum welfare bd; ARC; past historian DAR; state pres DUV; past pres Womans Protective Assn, chaplain; father regimental bandmaster & US army phys; mother nurse during Civil War; brother William was first band leader of Buffalo Bill's wild west show; res 505 W 6th, North Platte.
ELDER, WILLIAM J: Abstractor; b North Platte, Neb June 25, 1902; s of O E Elder-Emma Richiger; ed North Platte HS; U of N; m Mildred Oliver June 11, 1930 North Platte; d Marian Mildred; 1923- opr Elder Abstract Co since death of father who came to Lincoln Co in 1880; mbr Neb Title & Amer Title Assns; ch mbr DeMolay, North Platte; secy North Platte Cemetery Assn; past secy Lincoln Fair & Agrl See; bd of trustees Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 416 1/2 Dewey; res 317 Sycamore, North Platte.
ELLYSON, WILLIAM WALLACE: Store Manager; b Newcastle, Neb Jan 15, 1898; s of A H Ellyson-Doshia Beldin; ed Newcastle HS; m Nada G Addison July 2, 1921 Newcastle; d Nadine G, Geraldine M. Donna Mae; during World War served in SATC at Morningside Coll, Sioux City Ia; Jan 1919-July 1921 with S P Mlksell dept store Newcastle; July 1921-23 opr meat mkt & groc in Newcastle; 1923-27 dept mgr Davidson Bros Dept Store, Sioux City Ia; Mar 1927-Dec 1930 salesman & asst mgr J C Penney Co, Columbus; Jan 1931-Mar 1939 mgr J C Penney Co. West Point; Mar 1939- mgr J C Penney Co. North Platte; 1935 secy Lions, 1936 pres C of C. 1937 pres Izaak Waltons in West Point; mbrship corn Neb St Izaak Walton League, elected VP 1939; 1937 secy & treas Neb Dead Timber Park Project; C of C; Rotary; Amer Leg; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; Country Club; AF&AM; Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing, photography, all sports; off J C Penney Co; res 420 S Vine, North Platte.
EVANS, EVERETT H: Attorney; b Lincoln Co. Neb Apr 1, 1882; s of John B Evans-Marion Hall; ed North Platte HS; U of N 1899-1902; U of Mich, LLB 1906; Delta Chi; 1907-08 prac law in Yerington & Rawhide Nev; 1908- prac in North Platte; 1913-17, 1921-23 mayor North Platte; Lincoln Co, Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; dir First NatI Bank; during World War in USN June 1917-Apr 1919; Amer Leg past vice comm of Neb, past comm North Platte post; 40 & 8; VFW; C of C; IOOF; Rep; father came to Lincoln Co in 1868, was an atty & registrar in North Platte land off, also co clk, dep secy of state as well as comm of Neb GAR; P M in North Platte & mbr state legislature; off Keith Theater Bldg; res 102 E 3rd, North Platte.
EXSTROM, PAUL E: County Superintendent of Schools; b Kearaey Co. Neb Oct 6, 1898; s of Swan A Exstrom-Hilda C Gustafson; ed Kearney Co; KSTC, BA 1927; U of N; Xi Phi; m Thurza A Almquist July 3, 1924 Smith Center Kas; s Paul Neil, Donald Leon, Ralph Dean; d Mildred Mardell; 1916-17 rural sch tchr in Kearney Co; May 1919-Sept 1920 salesman William A Berkman Clothing Co. Axtell; 1920-23 rural sch tchr in Keamey Co; 1925-28 supt of Riverdale schs; 192831 supt of schs Brady; 1931-32 att U of N; 1933-34 supt of Wallace schs; Jan 1935- supt of Lincoln Co schs; 1937- mbr reading circle corn NSTA, treas dist 4; NEA; secy Lincoln Co Rural
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Sch Bds Assn; during World War enl in U S N Sept 15, 1917, disch Feb 1919, tsfrd to A S. disch as 1st class machinists mate; past Comm & past adjt Amer Leg; Natl Rifle Assn; past grand IOOF; Chief Patriarch Colfax encampment 23; Cosmopolitan; Luth Ch; hobbies, mechanics, hunting; res 507 E 4th, North Platte.
FENNER, HAROLD A: Osteopath; b Almond, N Y Jan 5, 1894; a of Andrew J Fenner-Alveretta Barrett; ed Bosnell N Y HS; Coll of Osteopathic Phys & Surgs, Los Angeles; Pacific Med Coll, Los Angeles, DO & MD; Denver Post Grad & Polytechnic Coil, MSc 1939; in Lola Swancutt July 6, 1933 Denver; sHarold A Jr, Don Garey; 1916- prac in North Platte; 1917 estab North Platte Osteopathic Hosp & Sanitarium, later named Fenner Hosp, now has 3 story brick bldg containing 65 beds; joined US army July 25, 1918 during World War & served in med corps at Camp Dodge, disch Jan 15, 1919; pres Neb Osteopathic Assn; VP Amer Coll of Osteopathic Surge; past pres S W Neb Osteopathic Assn; secy Neb Osteopathic Hosp Assn; Amer Osteopathic Assn; C of C; past pres Pioneer Ad Club; mbr corn pub relations & com of Interclub relations Kiwanis; keeper of records & seals KP; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, mechanics; off Fenner Hosp; res 715 S Jeffers, North Platte.
FETTER, EARL WILLIAMS: Physician & Surgeon; b Oakland Ia Dec 10, 1886; s of William Lawrence Fetter-Millie E German; ed Oakland Ia HS; U of Mo, BSc 1906; Creighton U, MD 1909; Cornell U; U of Vienna, Austria; grad work Rush Med Coll, Chicago Post Grad Hosp & Hotel Dieu in Paris France; interne St Joseph Hosp Omaha 1909; m Hazel P. Ellsworth May 29, 1914 North Platte; d Jeanne. B; 1910-16 prac in Brady; 1916- prac in North Platte; past city phys; past co phys; staff mbr North Platte Gen Hosp; staff mbr St Mary's Hosp; past pres Lincoln Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; during World War capt of med corps serving in army Aug 1917-July 1919, O/S 14 mos; Amer Leg; 40 & 8; VFW; C of C; BPOE; Rep; off 112 Dewey; res 1204 E 4th, North Platte,
FORBES, MILTON J: Funeral Director; b Nora Springs, Ia Dec 23, 1875; s of Fletcher Forbes-Lora Henry; ed Nora Springs Ia HS; Nora Springs Seminary, BA 1895; Barnes Sch of Embalming 1903; in Mae Bitterman Nov 2, 1898 (dec); m Agnes Van Butsel May 8, 1930 Lexington; d Trulie (Mrs Darwin Elder), Madeline; 1896-1900 teleg opr CMStP&RI RR; 1900-03 embalmer for Worsham Eros of Chicago, also with Postlewaite Undertaking establishment; 1903-04 in furn & undertaking bus in Nora Springs Ia; 1905-07 mgr of Wallace-Birdwood Ranch in Lincoln Co, owned by Wallace's Farmer of Des Moines; 1907-08 salesman for Workman & Derryberry Hdw Furn & Impl; 1908 sales mgr Lincoln Impl & Transfer Co, Lincoln; 1909-25 secy & gen mgr Derryberry & Forbes Hdw, furn & impls, 1912 added undertaking bus; 1925- owner Forbes Funeral Rome, North Platte; 1935- owner Wonder Insulation Mfg Co; pres dist 5 Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; Natl Funeral Dirs Assn; 1915- dir of Mutual B & L Assn; secy & custodian Temple Craft AF&AM 20 years; RAM; York Rite; Tehama Shrine; MWA; IOOF; Kiwanis; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; off & res 422 W 6th, North Platte,
FREDRICK, DAVID J: Signalman; b Fayette Co, Ia Aug 10, 1831; a of Chris Fredrick-Millie C Price; ed Strawberry Point Ia HS; m Lillian V Addie Oct 22, 1906 West Union Ia; s Lynn H, David Jr; 1902-03 pipe fitter C&GW HR Oelwein Ia, Walter P Chrysler later supt of shops; 1904-05 wireman UP RR in Cheyenne Wyo; 1905-06 foreman in signal dept, Omaha; 1906-07 signal man Bitter Creek Wyo; 1907-08 signal man Sidney; 1908- asst signal supvr UP RR North Platte; supervising ofcr signal work Lexington to Sidney, including branch lines; dir C of C; past pres UP Old Timers Club; past mbr UP Athletic Club; past master AF&AM; past high priest RAM; past comm York Rite; past patron OES; Chris Ch; Dem; hobbies, gardening, flowers, woodwork; off UP Depot; res 812 E 5th, North Platte.
     GENTLEMAN, GERALD: Power District General Manager; b Platte Center, Neb Nov 14, 1894; s of N J Gentleman-Katherine Carrig; ed Kearney HS; m Aileen J Harrity May 10, 1922 Minneapolis; 1911-21 buyer & window trimmer Kaufmann & Wernert, Kearney; during World War in field arty OTS, Camp Taylor Ky; 1921-25 with D W Reuter Ladies Ready-to-Wear Store, York; 1925-33 mgr O'Connor's Dept Store, North Platte; 1933-34 dep collector of internal revenue; Jan 1934 apptd secy Platte Valley Public Power & Irrigation Dist; 1937 apptd acting gen mgr & secy; 1939- gen mgr & secy; C of C; Amer Leg; past grand knight KC; Cath Ch; Dem; father emp by city of Kearney, formerly in livestock bus; off 5171/2 Dewey; res 805 W 3rd, North Platte.
     GEORGE, GWENDOLYN JONES: Homemaker; b Gove, Kas Sept 6, 1895; d of Greeley Albert Jones-Esther Royer; ed Kansas City Kas HS; Normal Sch, Kansas City; U of N; m Henry George Oct 6, 1920 Denver; d Gwendolyn Jane, Marcia Jean; prin in Vesper Kas schs 3 years; Brady HS prin 1 year; supt of schs Lewellen 1 year; past noble grand Rebekah; DAR; Woman's Benefit Assn; past co chain of Extn Clubs; past pres Lincoln Co Fedn of Womens Clubs; Federated Womens Club of North Platte, 2nd VP, chmn Amer home dept, only woman to hold both offices; Chris Ch, SS tchr, active in ch music circles; mbr Rep Co Central Com; hobbies, collecting paintings, music; father was banker & landowner in Kas; res Brady.
GEORGE, HENRY: Rancher; b Crete, Neb Dec 4, 1886; s of Frederick George-Mary Prachel; ed Brady HS; m Gwendolyn Jones Oct 6, 1920 Denver; d Gwendolyn Jane, Marcia Jean; 1912- rancher on land known as Chester Island S of Brady; specializes in Hereford cattle, one of most extensive land holders in co; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, hunting; father came to Lincoln Co early 1880's, pur land in Platte Valley near Brady, helped estab churches in Brady; res Brady.
GILFOYL, ELIZABETH KAAR: Voice Instructor; b Princeton, Ill; d of Ira J Kaar-Erma Wolfersberger; ed Havelock HS; Neb Wes, Conservatory of Music, BMus; Chicago Musical Coll; New York City, various' instrs; m M Henry Gilfoyl Jan 10, 1918 Lincoln; s Maurice C Langston (by former marriage); pioneer tchr of voice in Great Plains area; came to Kearney 1907, moved to North Platte 1918; pupils have won recognition in state HS contests, several awarded scholarships; instr in correction of defective speech; has toured Europe, British Isles, Canada, Alaska, Cuba & retd recently from trip to Colombia SA, has flown over Andes Mountains; gives travel lectures before local clubs & study groups, addressed Spanish classes in Jefferson HS in Portland Ore on native Colombian life; contralto soloist & choir dir in Meth Ch, Kearney 3 years, in First Presby Ch of North Platte 10 years & Luth Ch 6 years; Monday Musicale; Columbia Co-op Concert Assn of North Platte. China artists com; Altrusa Club, past pres, publicity chmn & press correspondent; article entitled Andean Woman published in Altrusa Club magazine; name included in 'Who's Who column of Altrusa Internatl; Neb Writers Guild; studio & res 108 W 3rd, North Platte.
HALL, STANLEY M: Insurance Agent; b Bladen, Neb Aug 29, 1890 s of Vaughn S Hall-Nettie B Arnold; ed Blue Hill HS; Neb Wes; m Orice M Gaudreault Aug 2, 1911 (dec); s Stanley M Jr, Allan F; d Eileen M, Mary Jane; m Gladys V Snodgrass June 11, 1929 Glenwood Springs Colo 1910-16 asst cash & cash Exchange Bank in Bladen; 1916-18 Neb state bank examiner, hdqrs in Hastings; 1918-28 pres state bank in Maywood; 1930- gen agt Kansas City Life Ins Co. North Platte; past pres North Platte Life Underwriters Assn; past secy Maywood sch bd; C of C; Country Club; BPOE; KC; Cath Ch; 1934-36 chmn Lincoln Co Dem Central Com; hobby, golf; off Western Union Bldg; res 422 S Chestnut, North Platte.
HALLIGAN, VICTOR H: Attorney; b Omaha, Neb Nov 22, 1892; s of John J Halligan-Carrie Swenson; ed North Platte HS; U of N, BA 1915, LLB 1917; mbr U of N football team, capt 1914, All-Amer tackle; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; m Louise Ottenstein May 19, 1920 North Platte; d Marcia Ann, Jean Lucile; 1919 adm to Neb bar; 1919-37 prac with Halligan, Beatty & Halligan In North Platte, 1937- sr ptr Halligan, McIntosh & Halligan; capt field arty during World War; Amer Leg; atty Mutual B & L Assn; mbr Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; Country Club; BPOE, past exalted ruler; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting, football; res 804 W 3rd, North Platte.
HANSEN, ANNA MARIE; Teacher & Artist; b Esbjerg, Denmark June 16, 1877; d of Rasmus Hansen-Agnethe Marie Jensen; 1879 came to Amer with parents; ed HS; LaVerne CoIl, grad in expression 1907; Los Angeles CoIl of Fine Arts 1903-05; grad work Columbia Coll of Expression 1913; Chicago Art Inst 1913; U of N 1934; 1902-07 art tchr La Verne Coll; 1907-08 opr priv studio. Curtis: 1908-12:
Who's Who
tchr expression & art, Franklin Acad; 1912-13 in priv studio, Curtis; 1913-15 head of expression & art dept, also phys edn, Bridgewater Coll; 1915-16 special instr of art, expression & phys edn Georgiana HS; 1916-18 tchr of English, phys edn & lib, Chandler Normal Sch; 1918-20 head of English dept, also librarian Tillotson Coll; 1920-22 tchr of English & phys edn, Chandler Normal Sch 1922-23 tchr English, Straight Coil, head of speech & arts dept 1927-35; 1923-26 mission worker, English tchr, Mexico; 1926-27 tchr English & dramatics, Ballard Normal Sch; 1935- acting librarian, Tougaloo Coll, Miss; Amer Missionary Soc, tchr & worker 16 years; special instr in art, writing, human social & mission work; writer of early hist of western Neb & articles on the country & people when traveling or working; Congl Ch; hobby, collecting antiques & Indian relies for museum res near Curtis.
HANSEN, HENRY PETER; Rancher & Stockman; b Lincoln Co, Neb Sept 28, 1887; s of Hans J Hansen-Anna F Jensen; ed North Platte HS 1907; Boyles Bus CoIl, Omaha 1908; m Gertrude Minshall Nov 6, 1914 North Platte; s Wesley Frederick; d Katherine (Mrs Paul Loomis), Helen Laurine; 1908- rancher, Lincoln Co. ranch of 18000 A in Lincoln & Keith Cos includes original homestead of mother filed in 1881. runs 1200 cattle; in recent years has won several prizes on feeder cattle & baby beef at Ak-Sar-Ben and Internatl Livestock Exposition, Chicago; 1925-32 & 1935-37 mbr state legislature; pres Neb Stockgrowers Assn; AF&AM 32°, Scot Rite, Hastings, York Rite, Tangier Shrine; BPOE; IOOF; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; res RFD 3, North Platte.
HARSHFIELD, JOHN: Rancher; b Osage Mission, Kas May 4, 1875; s of John Harshfield-Caroline Shoptaw; ed Coffeyville Kas; m Etta Carrico Apr 11, 1898 North Platte; s Walter Theodore, Alva Perry, Wilbert Edward; d Olive May (dec), Gladys Velma (Mrs Merle Bruce); 1877 came to Sutherland with parents; 1877-98 with father on homestead; 1892-94 emp as horse wrangler for Western Union Beef Co. Cheyenne; 1896 cow puncher with Fiddle Back ranch in Wye; 1897 cow puncher with Standard Cattle Co, also cow puncher with Bar FS&T 7 ranch, both in Wyo; 1898- owner & opr 30,000 acres N of Sutherland, running 2,500 cattle under Diamond X brand; 1937 discovered & tapped underground stream on ranch, apparently unlimited supply, is working with govt to use water for Irrigation in Neb; 1908- dir dist sch; backed construction of Birdwood Bridge over Platte N of Sutherland; induced UP RE to build stockyards at Coker Station, also to build stockmans holdout station 20 mi N of Sutherland; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; IOOF; hobbies, historical reading, writing; grandfather came to Kentucky with Daniel Boone; father born in Ind & came to Kas in 1866; res RFD, Sutherland.
HARTMAN, NELL: Principal of School; b Glens Falls, N Y Apr 30, 1877; d of Sanford Hartman-Ella Murray; ed North Platte HS; 1898-tchr in North Platte pub schs, except 2 years as bkkpr for Brook's Photographic Studio; 1923- prin Washington sch, North Platte; has taught all grades, kindergarten thru seventh; past pres dist 4 NSTA, past treas; pres lib bd; B&PW; past S5 tchr Meth Ch; hobby, flowers. Parents came to Neb in 1880, father RR man in Grand Island; res 310 W 6th, North Platte.
HElDER, CHARLES FRANK: Physician & Surgeon; b Elm Creek. Neb Aug 17, 1894; s of Joseph Heider-Anna Streit; ed Elm Creek HS; KSTC; U of N, BSc & MD; Phi Rho Sigma; Alpha Omega Alpha; m Bonnie Crane Aug 26, 1922 Ogallala; s Charles Frank Jr; 1921-27 prac in Sutherland; 1928- prac in North Platte; staff mbr Gen Hosp; pres 11th Dist Med See; mbr Neb St & AMA; C of C; Rotary; trustee Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting: off 516 1/2 Dewey; res 1207 W 4th, North Platte.
HENDY, MAUDE MOLYNEAUX: Homemaker; b Sutton, Neb May 20, 1880; d of John T Molyneaux-Margaret Allen; ed Sutton HS; PSTC, U of N; m William J Hendy Jan 1, 1913 North Platte; s William J Jr. Frederick Charles; d Katherine Louise; 1900-04 tchr, Sutton; 1904-05 tchr, Gandy; 190613 kindergarten tchr, North Platte; DAR; past state pres PEO, past chrm ednl loan fund; mbr AAUW; Luth Ch; hobby, gardening; father born in Ky. mother in Canada; 1879 came to Sutton, father pioneer in hotel bus; res 21 Bryan, North Platte.
HENDY, WILLIAM J: Retired; b Fort McPherson, Neb July 11, 1873; s of Charles Hendy-Katie Janette; ed North Platte HS; m Maude Molyneaux Jan 1, 1913 North Platte; s William J, Fredrick C; d Katherine L; 1891-95 with UP RR; 1895-1900 machinist with UP & D&RG RR at Cheyenne Wyo, Sidney Neb, Salida & Leadville Cole; 190002 UP RR roundhouse foreman North Platte; 1902-11 opr ranch, Maxwell; 1911-88 opr Ford Agcy, North Platte; 1912-38 pres Hendy-Ogier Auto Co; has land & real est in North Platte & Lincoln Co; dir North Platte Mutual B & L Assn; past pres C of C; past mbr coun Lincoln Highway Assn; past pres sch bd; pres Lincoln Co Hist See; AF&AM; RAM; Country Club; IOOF; Rotary, past pres; UCT; past councilman Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; res 219 Bryan, North Platte.
HICKMAN, IRL WRIGHT: Lumber Dealer; b Marquette, Neb Feb 3, 1894; s of A W Hickman-Hattie Eichelberger; ed Aurora HS; U of N; Kappa Sigma; m Mae Youngquest Dec 21, 1922 Wahoo; s Arthur Wright II; d Helen Mae; 1915 with CB&Q RR; 1916 clk First Natl Bank, Aurora; 1919 clk Eichelberger Lbr Co, Norfolk; 1923- owner & mgr Hickman Lbr Co, North Platte; during World War enl 1917 in 34th div sch of gas defense at Camp Cody N W; O/S 8 mos, disch June 12. 1919; past mbr 40 & 8; Amer Leg; VFW; dir C of C; dir Neb Lbr Merchants Assn; past mbr Kiwanis; BPOE; AF&AM; York Rite; Tehama Shrine; Prot; hobbies, sports, hunting, fishing; res 502 W 3rd, North Platte.
HINMAN, YORK A JR: Gasoline Dealer; b North Platte, Neb Jan 9. 1903; s of York A Hinman Sr-Daisy C Crusen; ed North Platte US; U of N, BA; Phi Gamma Delta; in Helen Wurl Sept 10, 1932 Plattsmouth; s Robert York; d H Diane, Clara E; 1926 tool dresser, producers-refiners, Parco Wyo; 1928 substation mgr Natl Refiners Co. North Platte; 1930- owner & mgr Mobilgas Service Station; dir C of C; past pres & past mbr Kiwanis; AF&AM; RAM; BPOE, Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; off 301 E 4th; res 814 W 2nd, North Platte.
HOAGLAND, HATTIE SINGLETON; Homemaker; b Allegheny, Penn Feb 10, 1872; d of John Henry Singleton-Tillie Scott; ed North Platte HS; m Walter Van Fleete Hoaglund Aug 17, 1898 North Platte; s Robert Van Fleete; d Hazel Marie (dec); Eva; 1879 came to North Platte, father emp by UP RR; during World War active in ARC work; past pres Rcbekah assembly IOOF, chaplain; Neb representative to Internatl Assn of Rebekah Assemblies; VP Internatl Assn of Ladies aux to Patriarchs Militant IOOF, att 22 consecutive sessions Sovereign Grand Lodge; PEO; WRC; past pres North Platte Fed Womens Clubs; UP Old Timers Club aux; 1911 org Ladies Legislative League of Neb; pres ladies aid soc 6 terms Presby Ch, church historian; hobby, fancy work, linens; res 1202 W 5th, North Platte.
     HOAGLAND, ROBERT V: Attorney; b North Platte, Neb May 7, 1905; s of Walter V Hoagland-Hattle Singleton; ed North Platte HS; U of N, BA 1927; Innocents & Kosmet Club, publications bd; Harvard Law Sch, LLB 1930; Acacia; m Nellie Lee Brccht Aug 19, 1934 Falls City; 1930 adm to Neb bar; 1930- prac law in North Platte with Hoagland, Carr & Hoagland; 1931-35 referee in bankruptcy in North Platte div US dist court; Lincoln Co. Western Neb & Neb State Bar Assns; C of C; past exalted ruler BPOE; LOOF; AF&AM; Country Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; Presby Ch; mbr state exec com Rep State Central Com; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off 5081/2 Dewey; res 617 S Chestnut, North Platte.
HOAGLAND, WALTER V: Attorney; b Ridgley, Ill Nov 30, 1870; s of Joseph S Hoagland-Maria L Waples; ed North Platte HS; U of N, BA 1895, LLB 1896; m Hattie S Singleton Aug 17. 1898 North Platte; s Robert B; d Marie (dec), Eva; 1896 adm Neb bar, prac in North Platte with father Joseph S until 1920; 1920-30 Hoagland & Carr; 1930 son entered firm & it became Hoagland, Carr & Hoagland; 191115 & 1917-21 state senator from western Neb; 1898-1933 referee in bankruptcy, fed dist court for western Neb; maintains farm & ranch interests in western Neb; past pres Western Neb Bar Assn; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; life mbr BPOE; Sons of Veterans; past grand master of state IOOF, past dept comm Patriarchs Militant in IOOF, since 1918 - grand representative to Sovereign Grand lodge; past climn bd of trustees Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, farms & ranches; off 5081/2 Dewey; res 1202 W 5th, North Platte.
HOLLMAN, JOHN CARL: Attorney; b North Platte, Neb Sept 15, 1887; s of John D Hollman-Hattie M Welch; ed Ia City HS; U of Ia, BA
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1909, LLB 1911; Phi Alpha Delta; m Clarie L Neiman Nov 26, 1913 Tipton Ia; d Ruth Louise, Dorothy M; 1911 adm to Ia & Neb bars; 1911-13 prac in off of J G Beeler, North Platte: 1913- in Indep prac, adm to prac in US dist courts;. secy-treas Lincoln Co Bar Assn; mbr Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; secy-treas North Platte group Nati Farm Loan Assns of Lincoln, Logan & Mcpherson Cos; commr BSA North Platte 4 years, scoutmaster 8 years, org 1st troop 1916; past pres Kiwanis; past lt gov Neb-Ia dist Kiwanis: AF&AM; IOOF; KP; Country Club; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; past chrm. bd trustees Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off B & L Bldg; res 1106 W 5th, North Platte.
HOPKINS, HOWARD C: Manager Public Service Co; b Berne, Ind Dec 22, 1894; s of Theodore G Hopkins-Myra L Conn; ed Union City Ind HS; Bus Coll, Columbus O; m Clara M Shreev Sept 26, 1919 Union City Ind; s Donald S; 1914-20 off mgr, 1920-24 comml mgr Union City md Electric Co; during World War Sept 1917-Feb 1919 with hdqrs detachment 38th div AEF, O/S 4 1/2 mos; past adjt Ind Amer Leg; 1924-27 comml mgr Kas Electric Power Co, Lawrence Kas; 1927-29 div mgr Northwestern Pub Service Co, Armour S D; 1929-31 in gen off of Northwestern Pub Service Co, Huron S D; 1931- div mgr in North Platte; Neb Electric Assn; C of C; Rotary; BPOE Country Club; past pres Armour S D Lions; past dir North Platte Kiwanis; AF&AM, Union City Ind; trustee Presby Ch; off 6th & Jeffers; res 909 W 4th, North Platte.
HOUSTON, JOSEPH A: Clergyman; b Council Bluffs, Ia Sept 18, 1905; a of George E Houston-Florence Estelle Carley; ed Council Bluffs HS; Omaha U, BA 1926, mbr Mens Glee Club; Drake U, BD 1931, mbr Mens Glee Club; m Esther Pearl Hatch Jan 4, 1926 Roekport Mo; s Dennis Alan; d Barbara Jo; 1926-28 pastor Redfield Ia Chris Ch; 1928-36 pastor Mondamin Ave Chris Ch, Des Moines; 1936- FIrst Chris Ch, North Platte; past pres North Platte Ministerial Assn; st bd NCMS; Natl Adult Ednl Assn; Rotary; Rep; hobbies, tennis, music; off 3rd & Vine; res 118 S Willow, North Platte.
JANDEBEUR, ROBERT HENRY: Hatchery Owner; b Alma, Neb Mar 9, 1896; s of Daniel A Jandebeur-Carrie Fuchs; ed Alma HS; m Ruth Anderson Aug 12, 1929 Denver; s Douglas Benjamin, Leland Erle; began raising purebred poultry when 10 years old; exhibited in shows at Kansas City, Chicago,, Denver & Omaha; emp part time in produce work until enlistment in marines June 1918 during World War, stationed at Quantico Va, disch Feb 22, 1919; 1919-22 poultryman U of N experimental farm, North Platte; 1922 with father estab P V Hatcheries, one of 3 comml hatcheries in Neb at the time; 1928 estab Western Electric Hatcheries in Alma Neb, Denver & Julesburg Colo; ptr in hatcheries at Scottsbluff & Gothenburg; 1928- owner & mgr of 5 hatcheries breeding turkeys; owns 160 A turkey farm raises 5,000 annually; Neb Poultry Improvement Assn; past pres Neb Baby Chick Assn; C of C; Past VP Rotary; hobbies, Holstein cattle, fishing; off & res 1520 E 4th, North - Platte.
JOHNSON, ORVAL A: Insurance Agent; b College View, Neb Jan 26, 1891; s of Lincoln E Johnson-Alice M Allen; Union Coll HS; m Bertha M Downs May 10, 1910 Ringgold; s Lloyd B; d Alice (Mrs Russell McMichael); 1912-13, 1914-16 tchr McPherson Co schs; 191623 supt McPherson Co schs, pur ins & abstracting bus in Tryon; 1923- gen ins agt in North Platte; 1923- attendance ofcr in North Platte schs; 1925- J P, Lincoln Co; 1938- police magistrate; C of C; Kiwanis; MWA; Rep; hobby, gardening; off 516 1/2 Dewey; res 1906 W 3rd, North Platte.
JONES, WELLS C: Attorney; b Waldo, Ark June 26, 1898; s of W Clark Jones-Almina Carpenter; ed Farnam HS; U of N, LLB 1921; m Jessie Maye Jones Dec 27, 1922 Council Bluffs Ia; d Beatrice Glenn; 1921 adm Neb bar; 1921- prac in North Platte; 1923-27 Lincoln Co atty; Lincoln Cc, Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; past pres Kiwanis; during World War with SATC in Lincoln; Meth Ch; Rep; off 5171/2 N Dewey; res 1310 W 3rd, North Platte.
KELLOGG, GEORGE H: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Cato, N. Y. Apr 28, 1881; s of O S Kellogg-Mary J Shannon; ed Kas St Coll, Manhattan, BSc 1905; also student in agr Jan-June 1913; Epsilon Sigma Phi; m Wilma Lundt Sept 9, 1916 Blair; s George E, Dean L, Kenneth H; 1905-06 tchr Wakefield Kas; 1906-07 tchr Leonardville Kas; 1907-08 tchr science dept, Junction City Kas; 1908-10 summers in forestry service, asst land examiner, Albuquerque N M, Ogden Utah, Missoula Mont; Feb-June 1909 prin Wilson Kas HS; 1909-10 in chg science dept Ogden Utah HS; summer 1910-Feb 1911 reclamation work, Joyce Land & Reclamation Co in New Orleans; completed sch year as mathematics & science tchr in Cottonwood Falls Kas; 1911-1913 tchr Southern Kas Acad, Eureka Kas; 1913 farmed near Manhattan Kas; 1913-16 tchr Blair HS; 1916-17 agr tchr Mapleton la HS; 1917-18 tchr Kimball Co HS; 1918-21 agrl extn agt, Keith CO; Mar 1921- agrl extn agt in Lincoln Co; pres Neb Assn of Co Agrl Agts 1930; Rotary; res 1108 W 6th, North Platte.
KELLY, ALBERT P: Retired; b Gentry Co. Mo Mar 14, 1871; s of James D Kelly-Elizabeth Hinman; ed Caldwell Kas; m Alderando Otto Sept 1895 Lincoln; s Louis A; d Sarah (Mrs V R Taylor), Esther (Mrs R E Neff); 1884-97 printer in Caldwell Kas; cowboy in Okla Indian territory; printer Wichita Kas Beacon; printer Kansas City Mo, Reese Printing Co, Omaha; Neb St Journal; opr paper in Elsie 1 year; opr of papers at Seward & York; 1898-1935 owner & publisher North Platte Telegraph; 1935 ret; maintains ranch in Lincoln Co, raises Hereford cattle; BPOE; Highlanders; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, hunting; off North Platte Telegraph; res 519 W 5th, North Platte.
KELLY, LOUIS A: Publisher; b York, Neb Nov 5, 1898; s of Albert P Kelly-Aldorado Otto; ed North Platte HS 1916; U of N 1916-17; Phi Delta Theta; m Willa Mary Rauch Feb 11 1920 North Platte; learned newspaper work on Daily Telegraph while att sch; during World War enl in U S N June 1917, disch Dec 1918; Jan 1919 learned linotype on North Platte Telegraph while attr sch; 1919-27 reporter, 1928-34 bus mgr, 1935- publisher upon retirement of father; opr ranch in Lincoln Co; C of C; Cath Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, raising cattle & saddle horses; off 116 W Front; res 602 W 5th, North Platte.
KERR, THEODORE JOSEPH: Physician & Surgeon; b Union Co. S D Sept 8, 1879; s of John R Kerr-Sarah A Clark; ed Union Co S D; Akron Ia HS 1901; Highland Park Coll, Des Moines; U of N, MD 1908; m Selma A Anderson Aug 31, 1911 Vermillion SD (divorced); 1901-04 chief electrician, Omaha Light & Power Co; 1908-09 interne Meth Hosp, Omaha; 1909- phys & surg in North Platte; past secy, past pres Lincoln Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; past pres & mbr of staff, St Mary's Hosp; during World War enl Apr 15, 1917 OTC at Fort Snelling Minn, capt in med corps Fort Riley Kas & Camp Humphreys Va, disch capt Mar 25, 1919; Amer Leg; past pres Rotary; pres Rifle Club; AF&AM; RAM; past Comm York Rite, past inspector gen Grand Commandery of Neb, also grand standard bearer, grand representative of Grand Commandery of Ariz in Neb; assoc guardian Job's Daughters; BPOE; Rep; hobbies, big game hunting, outdoor life; off First National Bank Bldg; res 209 W 6th, North Platte.
KOCH, SERPHENE JACOB: Rancher; b Schenectady, N Y Feb 4, 1869; s of Jacob Koch-Regina Schwilk; ed Lincoln CO; m Margaret Belle Mason Oct 30, 1892 Hershey; s Frank Jacob, George Leslie; d Florence Belle (Mrs John Kracht), Mabelle Alice, Grace Maude (Mrs B E Taylor); 1878 came to Lancaster Co with parents & farmed; 1886 moved to Lincoln Co & worked on ranch owned by F D Nowell; 1891-93 Worked leased farm S of Hershey; 1893 homesteaded S W of Hershey; 1893- owner & opr ranch including homesite & consisting of 3,500 A in Platte Valley, runs an average of 400 head of purebred Herefords under S J brand; 175 A of land is under pump irrigation; recd Master Farmer award 1926; 4 years Lincoln Co commr; 40 years dir sch dist 38; helped promote bridge over South Platte River at Hershey; dir Southside Irrigation Dist; dir Bank of Lincoln Co; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; IOOF; MWA; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32°; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; res RFD Hershey.
KRAMPH, ANNIE C: Assistant Bank Cashier; b North Platte, Neb Apr 21, 1873; d of J F E Kramph-Mary Eddy Hubbard; ed North Platte HS; 1888-92 P O clk & dep P M; 1893-94 gm utility clk with North Platte Tribune, semi-weekly; 1895 clk in off of east supt UP RR; 1896- with First Natl Bank of North Platte, first as clk, auditor & later asst cash; exec corn mbr & ch mbr B&PW Club; past secy & ch mbr OES, bishop & counsel dist of western Neb; mbr city lib bd; Neb lib commission; Neb St & Amer Bankers Assus; C of C; Rebekah; Our Savior Episc Ch; Indep; hobbies, lib work, work with young people; off First National Bank; res 315 W 5th, North Plaits
Who's Who
KRAUSE, LEROY J: Dentist; b West Point, Neb May 29, 1895; a of Joseph H Krause-Birdie Schultz; ed West Point HS 1914; Creighton U. DDS 1918; Delta Sigma Delta; in Grace Ethel Burke Jan 1, 1920 North Platte; d Joan, Marilyn; 1918- prac in North Platte; during World War in med res corps 2 years, stationed at Omaha; past pres N W Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; C of C; dir Rotary: West Point AF &AM; Scot Rite; Tehama Shrine; past exalted ruler BPOE; Luth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents came to West Point 1885; off 112 Dewey; res 816 W 4th, North Platte.
KUGLER, ELMER: Bank Cashier; b Dawson Co, Neb Jan 30, 1898; s of Christ Kugler-Mary Boeekel; ed Dawson Co; LBC; m Martha Koch Oct 5, 1930 Eustis; s Gordon, Don, Dean; d Mary; 1923-24 bkkpr & asst cash in Citizens Security Bank of Wallace; 1925- cash Bank of Wellfleet; instrumental in promotion of Wellfleet Lake, 1931; mbr sch bd, treas 15 years; past mbr town bd; Neb Bankers Assn; IOOF 401; Lath Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, horseback; off Bank of Wellfleet; res Wellfleet.
LANGFORD, HAROLD A: Postmaster; b North Platte, Neb Jan 12, 1898; s of Renick H Langford-Amy Bee; ed North Platte; North Platte Bus Coll; m Marjorie Den Dec 20, 1917 Deming N M; s Raymond Harold, John Den; 1912-25 salesman for Star Clothing House, North Platte; enl May 10, 1917 in Co E, US army during World War, 134th US inf, disch Dec 23, 1918; 1925-32 owner & mgr Clothes Shop, North Platte; 1933- P M, North Platte; ch mbr Amer Leg, mgr Amer Leg Jr League Baseball Team; 40 & 8; mbr North Platte Baseball Club 15 years; Neb Western open golf champion 1926-27; committeeman ARC; past pres C of C; past noble grand IOOF; BPOE; Country Club; Episc Ch; hobbies, golf, baseball, football; parents born in Canada, father prin North Platte HS & author of 4 books, also former police chief of North Platte; off Postoffice; res 714 W 4th, North Platte.
LANGFORD, RAY C Banker; b Leamington, Ontario Canada Oct 1, 1875; s of R H Langford-Amy Bee; ed North Platte H5; in Mayme Watts Dec 27, 1889 North Platte: s Russell R, Lester W; 1888 clk in P O; 1889-97 McDonald Groc, elk & bkkpr; 1898 started groc store; 1899 started ranching; 1907 apptd dep cc tress; 1908-10 Lincoln Co tress; 1912- First Natl Bank exec, VP; past dir C of C; mbr dlst 5 Neb Bankers Assn; Past exec coun of Amer Bankers Assn; IOOF; ch mbr BPOE, northern dist dep. past pres State Assn of Elks; past pres North Platte Ball Club in Neb St Baseball League; Meth Ch; past mbr Lincoln Co Rep Com; hobbies, baseball, football, saddle horses, flowers, golf, fishing; off First National Bank; res 306 W 5th, North Platte.
LANGFORD, RUSSELL RAYMOND: Manager Wholesale Grocery; b North Platte, Neb Nov 17, 1900; s of Raymond C Langford-Mayme Watts; ed North Platte HS; Stanford U, BA 1923; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; m Mabel Getty Feb 13, 1925 Denver; s Hal, Dale; during World War, enl June 1918 in 45th CAC, O/S Oct 1918-Mar 1919, disch Mar 1919; 1925-32 bkkpr, city desk salesman, traveling salesman, fruit mgr, Nash Finch Co. North Platte; gen mgr North Platte branch; mbr sch bd; mbr Amer Archeological Soc; has one of largest & most complete collections of Folsom & Yuma artifacts used by prehistoric man in what is now Neb; C of C; Rotary; Pioneer Ad Club; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; UCT; Amer Leg; VFW; 40 & 8; Neb St Hist Soc; Meth Ch Rep; hobby, archeology; off 710 N Jeffers; res 303 W 4th, North Platte.
LANNIN, MRS ESTHER ANTONIDES: Clubwoman; b Hardy Ia Nov 28, 1886; d of D J Antonides-Phoebe Depew; ed North Platte HS; Neb Wes; U of N; Boston U; Chicago Musical Coll; KSTC; m George Lannin Feb 12, 1930 North Platte: 1906-16 tchr in Lexington, Hershey & Brady schs; 1917-18 asst music supvr, Lincoln pub schs: 1918-30 with father in Antonides Hdw Co, North Platte; active in choir work & North Platte musical programs; Jr past pres North Platte Womans Club, mbr poetry div press dept of Womans Club; Natl Fedn Women's Clubs; state treas DAR, past local regent, 1935 del to natl congress, past state chmn of Correct Use of Amer Flag, arranged lecture on evolution of US flag & made set of 18 flags for talk, sent to DAR chapters in Nab, has given lecture 40 times; soloist OES; past chaplain, soloist Rebekahs: Monday Musicale; past pres PEO; Grand Internatl aux to B of LE; WBA; Garden Club; Moth Ch; hobbies, music, travel; res 304 W 9th, North Platte,
LARKIN, GEORGE H: Finance Agent: b Escondido, Cal May 11, 1898; s of G Leland Larkin-May Bancroft; ed North Loup HS; in Dulcie M Swancutt June 17, 1923 Colorado Springs; s George Stanford; d Shirley Jean; May 1917 enl in USN during World War, assigned to US submarine base in New London Conn, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg; 1919-20 PBX installation & switchboard man, Northwestern Bell Tele Co, North Platte: 1920-26 air brake machinist UP RR, Green River Wyo; 1926-29 owner & mgr Brady Tele Co; 1929-33 org & VP North Platte Loan & Finance Co; 1929- pres & dir Neb Assn of Personal Finance Cos; dir & past pres Neb Assn of Discount Cos; past dir C of C; past pres & dir Country Club; past dir Kiwanis; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Korlin Shrine, Rawlins Wyo; Presby Ch; hobby, golf; off 111 E 5th; res 717 W 1st, North Platte.
LeBARRON, WILLIAM I: Radio Station Owner; b Shenandoah, Ia Mar 4, 1876; s of C L LeBarron-Martha Chapman; ed Shenandoah; m Vida Joy Bardshar Sept 6, 1928 Holdrege; 1891-98 worked on farms near Shenandoah; 1898-1900 did construction work on exposition grounds in Omaha & construction work for St Louis firm during fair; 1900-05 clk Hayden Brothers Store, Omaha; 1905-06 estab LeBarron Bakery, Omaha; 1906-10 with various cafes in Cheyenne Wye, owner & opr Becker Hotel Cafe; 1910-18 owner & opr LeBarron Cafe, Cheyenne Wyo; 1918 ptr Pawnee Springs Ranch CO; 1919- mgr Pawnee Springs Ranch in North Platte; 1926-28 traveling representative Tropical Paint & Oil Co of Ohio; 1928- dep co sheriff, North Platte; 1930- owner & mgr radio station KGNF in North Platte; past dir & VP Neb Broadcasters Assn; Internail Radio Club; C of C: past dir Rotary; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Tehama Shrine; Chris Set Ch; Rep; hobby, gardening; off Radio Station; res 1521 W 12th, North Platte.
LEWIS, MERRITT: Advertising Manager; b Ault, Colo June 12, 1907: s of Stephen G Lewis-Bertha Kathryn McLeod; ed Fort Collins, Colo HS; U of N; Lambda Chi Alpha; m Suzanne Woodring Mar 27, 1937 Fort Collins Colo; d Lyn Suzanne; 1927-28 in advertising dept Express Courier, Fort Collins Colo; 1929-30 emp part time in Lincoln Star, att U of N; 1930-32 with Loveland Colo Reporter-Herald; 1932-37 advertising mgr Sterling Colo Advocate; 1937- advertising dept. Cheyenne Wyo Tribune; 1938 advertising mgr Rock Springs Wyo Rocket; 1939- mgr & part owner North Platte Daily Bulletin; NPA; C of C; Country Club; hobbies, golf, photography: off 519 North Jeffers; res 321 S Jeffers, North Platte.
LEWIS, VIRGIL D: County Clerk & Assessor; b Gallatin, Mo Oct 19, 1898; s of Jasper N Lewis-Louvinia M Bobbitt; ed Gothenburg HS; m Martha I Kuhns June 12, 1919 North Platte; s Dell Kay, Virgil Dell Jr; d Martha Virgene, Beverley Ann; 1919-24 with Novak Clothing Store of Gothenburg. UP RR clk in North Platte, local mgr tele co in Maxwell. Leader Merc Co of North Platte; mail tsfr dept Ogden Union Rwy & Depot Co of Ogden Utah; Samuelson Clothing Co of North Platte, US field clk in air mail service, mgr S & R Service Station in North Platte; salesman Dutton & Sons of Hastings; 192431 station mgr Hendy-Ogler Auto Co in North Platte; 1932-33 salesman S & R Service Inc; 1933-34 Lincoln Co motor vehicle registration clk; 1935- Lincoln Co clk & assessor; Pioneer Ad Club; Meth Ch; Dem; off Courthouse: res 1019 West 3rd, North Platte,
LOWE, THEO JR: Real Estate Dealer; b North Platte, Neb Mar 30, 1886; s of Theodor Lowe-Mary Sehwerdt; ed North Platte HS; in Lena Wangen June 21, 1914 Rawlins Wyo; s Donald V. Robert B; 1901-22 UP RR messenger boy, yard clk, bill clk. North Platte; 1918-22 asst yard master & yard master; 1922-35 Lincoln Co clk; 1935- real eat & ins agt; secy Lincoln Co Hist Soc; life mbr of Ore Trail Memorial Assn; instrumental in marking Ore, Mormon & Pony Express Trails & in erecting soldier's monument at Fort Mcpherson also Indian monument, Sioux Lookout: C of C; AF&AM; past comm York Rite; past grand IOOF; Loth Ch; Dean; hobbies, tree planting, hunting, fishing; off 114 E Front; father came to North Platte in 1873 as mbr US army & fighting Indians, later in bus, now ret; mother born in Penn & father in Germany; res 218 S Maple, North Platte.
in Nebraska
McCORMICK, CHRISTIE M: Station Manager Air Lines; b Marseilles, Ill Nov 25, 1895; s of Edward J McCormick-Nora Ellen Fenton; ed Marseills Ill HS; Air Corps Training Sch, Kelly Field, San Antonio Tex; m Mary Irene Hanusek Nov 25, 1920 Marseilles Ill; s Edward John, Robert Andrew, Christopher Paul; d Anna Marie, Dolores Helen; 1920-25 mechanic US air mail service, Rantoul Ill & Chicago; 1925-27 chief mechanic NatI Air Transport Inc, Chicago; 1927-30 station mgr NatI Air Transport Inc, Dallas; 1930-34 station mgr United Air Lines, Dallas; 1934-35 station mgr United Air Lines, Chicago; 1935-37 station mgr United Air Lines, Des Moines; 1937- station mgr United Air Lines, North Platte, mgr municipal airport; during World War Dec 15, 1917-Apr 25, 1919 in ASSC Jefferson Barracks Mo; Camp Grant Ill; Kelly Field Tex; Chanute Field Ill; Southern Field Ga; Rotary; Amer Leg; KC; Cath Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, music, collecting Indian relics; off Airport; res 1002 E 5th, North Platte.
McDONALD, HAL HARDWICK: Store Manager; b Colfax, Wash Dec 30, 1907; s of John C McDonald-Orpha E Rounds; ed Ithaca N Y H5; St Johns Coll, Annapolis Md; Armstrong Bus Coll, Berkeley Cal; Phi Sigma Kappa; m Hazel I Peterson June 10, 1937 Hastings; s Dan Hardwick; 1929-31 shoe dept mgr Sears Roebuck & Co, Oakland Cal; 1931-32 with Montgomery Ward & Co, Auburn Cal; 1932-33 service station opr, Standard Station mc, San Francisco; 1933-34 with Brown McDonald Co, Hastings & Concordia Kas; 1934- mgr Brown McDonald Co, North Platte; Cosmopolitan; C of C; Pioneer Ad Club; Country Club; secy Lincoln Co ARC; hobbies, fishing, golf; off 414 N Dewey; res 210 S Maple, North Platte.
McDONALD, WILLIAM H: Banker; b Cottonwood Springs, Neb June 14, 1861; s of Charles McDonald-Orra B Henry; ed North Platte HS; Lincoln Ill U; Bailey's Comml Coll, Keokuk la; m Mary Belton June 16, 1886 North Platte; d Janet; was first white child born in Lincoln Co. then called Shorter Co; 1882 with father in banking house of Charles McDonaid, inc 1902 as McDonald State Bank, 1902-19 cash & VP; 1919-26 pres of bank; 1926- chrm bd of dirs; 1905pres Bank of Stapleton; 1884-98 receiver US land off; past VP Transcontinental Highway Assn; Great Plains Highway Assn; dir Mutual B & L Assn; past pres C of C; Rotary; was close friend of William F Cody, represented Masonic Lodge of North Platte at his funeral; AF&AM; past high priest RAM; past comm York Rite; Tangier Shrine; RPM Country Club; father was mbr of 2nd, 3rd, & 4th territorial legislatures also was first & only judge of Shorter Co; off McDonald State Bank; res North Platte.
McINTOSH, JAMES G; Attorney; b Sidney, Neb Mar 13, 1906; s of James L McIntosh-Rose M Paulat; ed St Patrick's Acad, Sidney; Georgetown U, LLB 1932; m Edith R Ward Feb 11, 1934 Sidney; s James J; 1932 adm to Neb bar; 1932-37 prac in Sidney; 1937- prac in North Platte, mbr firm Haulgan, McIntosh & Halligan; Lincoln Co, Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; Cath Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, fishing, hunting; off Mutual Building & Loan Bldg; res 115 N Grant, North Platte.
MALONEY, WILLIAM R: Executive; b Jefferson, Ia Sept 18, 1883; s of William Maloney-Hanora Barrow; ed Ia; Coll Mortuary Science, St Louis Mo; m Erma Dye Nov 16, 1910 Salina Kas; d Maureen M (Mrs Phillip Wolber); 1898 came to North Platte, worked as clk in store 2 years; brakeman UP RR 2 years; clk in furn store North Platte; 1907-12 with furn & undertaking bus Howe & Maloney; 1912-30 owner & mgr W R Maloney Co; 1930- pres W R Maloney Co, Inc, owners Maloney-Cox-Kuhns Funeral Home; dir, org & VP Platte Valley Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; VP & dir First NatI Bank; 1914- dir Mutual B & L Assn; dir North Platte Cemetery Ed, chrm 18 years; Neb advisory com 1939 N Y Worlds Fair; 22 years mbr state examining bd for embalmers; 1930 selected Master Mcht of Neb by Neb Fedn of Retailers; 1937 named as outstanding funeral dir by Natl Funeral Dire Assn; Sept 1939 chosen King of Lincoln Co Fall Festival by popular vote; an Incorporator of Great Plains Hosp bd which built St Mary's Hosp; past dir C of C; ch mbr & past pres Rotary; ch mbr BPOE; UCT; Yeoman; ch mbr Country Club; Lincoln County Wildlife Club; past dist dep KC, past pres; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, travel; off 214-18 E 5th; res 504 W 4th, North Platte.
MAUPIN, MURL M: Attorney; b Stanberry, Mo Feb 21, 1901; s of Charles Maupin-Minnie Shattuck; ed North Platte HS 1919; U of N, LLB 1923; Phi Gamma Delta; m Viola Dierks Feb 25, 1925 Ewing; s Myron Murt; d Myra Myrl; 1923 adm Neb bar; 1924-27 prac law Ogallala, mbr Halligan-Beatty-Hailigan & Maupin; 1937- prac law North Platte, mbr Beatty-Maupin-Murphy & Davis; atty for Central Neb Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; ally UP RR; 1927-31 Keith Co atty; 1927-37 Ogallala city atty; Lincoln Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn, exec coun; Western Neb & Amer Bar Assns; past pres Rotary, Ogallala; Amer Aced Political Science; Amer Judicature See; C of C; AF&AM; BPOE; Country Club; Uni Club, Lincoln; Rep; off Beatty Bldg; res North Platte.
MEHLMANN, LEROY E: City Treasurer; b Massena, Ia, Apr 1, 1886; s of Henry Mehlmann-Katie Krause; ed Massena Ia HS; Grand Island Bus Coll; m Theresa Barrowcliff Sept 10, 1913 Creston Ia; s Forrest E Karl W; 1904-06 emp French's gen store, Wallace; 1907-11 asst cash Citizens Security Bank, Wallace; 1911-27 asst cash Platte Valley State Bank, North Platte; 1927- with O H Thoelecke real est & ins bus; 1917- city treas North Platte; Pioneer Ad Club; KP; BPOE; AF&AM; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; parents came to Neb 1901, father was rancher, banker, grain & stock dir in Lincoln Co; off 516 1/2 N Dewey; res .408 W 2nd, North Platte
MILES, GEORGE L: Manager Cleaning Establishment; b Maryville, Mo July 16, 196; s of Milton R Miles-Arasaha Kenney; ed Maryville Mo; m Olga Sadi Dec 24, 1938 Beatrice; foster d Marjery Lou; during World War served 18 mos 4th co coast arty Fort Kamahamaha Honolulu; 1921-23 mgr Superior Cleaners, Eldorado Kas; 1923-35 owner & mgr Miles Cleaners, Beatrice; 1935- owner & mgr Miles Cleaners, North Platte; Neb Assn of Cleaners & Dyers; NatI Assn of Cleaners & Dyers; Amer Inst of Refrigeration for Fur Storage; Amer Leg: 40 & 8; AF&AM; RAM; R&SM; BPOE; Pioneer Ad Club; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; Episc Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, hunting, golf; off 510 Jeffers; res 608 W 5th, North Platte.
MUNGER, WILLIAM HORTON; Banker; b Fremont, Neb Aug 1, 1827; s of William Henry Munger-Jennie Fowler; ed Central H5 Omaha; Culver Ind Mil Acad; m Geraldine Bare May 21, 1912 North Platte; d Mary Jane (Mrs James D McClary); 1905-08 with Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co, Fremont; 1909-24 with First Natl Bank of North Platte, , started as errand boy, later bkkpr, teller, asst cash, 1925- cash, 1930- dir; during World War in OTC at Little Rock Ark; Amer Leg; C of C; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; AF&AM; RAM; KT; past exalted ruler BPOE; Country Club; Episc Ch, mbr of vestry; Dem; hobbies, hunting, golf; off First National Bank; res 1013 W 4th, North Platte.
MURPHY, MILTON C: Attorney; b Brady, Neb Mar 1, 1901; s of E D Murphy-Molly M Carleton; ed Brady HS; U of Colo, LLB; Phi Alpha Delta; m Opal Palmer May 17, 1920 North Platte; s E Palmer; 192837 with Halligan-Beatty-Halligan law firm; 1937- with Beatty-Maupin-Murphy-Davis; 1937 special counsel for legislature 1st session of uni-cameral; 1935-37 asst ally gen of Neb; past pres Western Neb Bar Assn, dist churn complaint corn of Neb St Bar Assn; June 22, 1918 during World War joined US army 40th arty CAC, disch Dec 24, 1918; C of C; BPOE; Amer Leg; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, sports; off 212 Dewey; res 916 W 2nd, North Platte.
NEVILLE, KEITH: Banker; b North Platte, Neb Feb 25, 1884; s of William Neville-Mary Ann Keith; ed St Johns Acad, Annapolis Md St Johns Coll, Annapolis Md BA 1905; m Mary Virginia Neill Oct 21, 1908 Charles Town W Va; d Mary Nelson (Mrs Fred Sieman), Frances Elizabeth (Mrs W D Newberry), Virginia Neill (Mrs Donald F Robertson), Irene Moroll; 1906- mgr family ranch & farm; 1910-31 dir First Natl Bank, North Platte; 1916-18 gov of Neb; 1922 receiver for Skinner Packing Co, Omaha; 1931- pres First Natl Bank, North Platte; 1933-39 dir Platte Valley Pub Power & Irrigation Dist; past mbr sch bd; past mbr city coun; chrm Neb Advertising Commission; Pershing Memorial Commission; past pres Neb St Sportsmens Assn; Lincoln Co Wildlife Club; C of C; BPOE; AF &AM 32°, Scot Rite of Hastings; York Rite, North Platte, Tangier Shrine; 1929 awarded cup by Rotary Club for outstanding performance in civic leadership; Dem. past natl
Who's Who in Nebraska
(introduction & directory, list of abbreviations)
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