NEGenWeb Project - Scotts Bluff County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
Scotts Bluff
prac law, Minatare; has been engaged in law prac, banking & agr in western Neb 30 years; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; off Minatare; res 1624 7th Ave, Scottsbluff.
JOHNSON, HARRY POLLOCK: Credit & Collection Manager; b Valparaiso, Neb Aug 13, 1876; s of Rodney K Johnson-Elvina L Carter; ed Valparaiso HS 1892; LBC 1892; m Hazel C Cosner June 19, 1908 Clarks; 1892-1907 with father in grain & gen mdse bus, Valparaiso; 1907-12 ptr of brother, Edgar P, in mill & elevator at Carson Ia; 1913-22 mgr & ptr in Indep Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; 1922-27 owner & opr Idlewild Dairy Farm at Scottsbluff; 1926-27 with Great Western Sugar Co at Scottsbluff as purchaser of right of way for beet spurs; 1927-31 asst receiver for failed banks in western Neb, receivership div, state dept of trade & commerce; 1931-33 ptr of brother, Edgar in livestock bus, Scottsbluff; 1933- with Western Public Service Co as credit & collection mgr, Scottsbluff; C of C, past pres, past secy; Rotary, ch mbr; Scottsbluff Country Club, ch mbr; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; 1865 father came from Wis to Neb after Civil War; homesteaded in present Saunders Co, hauled lbr from Nebraska City 65 mi with oxen to build first frame house in that part of country; Valparaiso now built on original homestead, early day politician; off Western Public Service; res 1509 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.
JOHNSON, HARRY T: Auto Dealer; b Valley, Neb July 25, 1878; s of Charles T Johnson-Hannah Maus; ed Wahoo; Scotts Bluff Co; m Kate Fulton May 15, 1899 Minatare; d Ruth (Mrs Louise Aliuch), Edna (Mrs Vern Breeden); 1886-98 with father on farm; 1898- rancher, stock feeder in Scotts Bluff Co; 1919- owner & opr Ford Agcy at Minatare; past dir First Natl Bank at Minatare 10 years; past Scotts Bluff Co commr 12 years; mayor of Minatare 1932-36; past mbr sch bd: past secy Minatare Canal & Irrigation Co 20 years; Lions, pres several years; IOOF, past noble grand; Dem, chmn Central Com several terms; father came to North Platte valley 1885, homesteaded near present site of Minatare, former Scotts Bluff Co supt of schs; res Minatare.
JONES, HOWARD O: Dentist: b Memphis, Mo Aug 29, 1894; s of Harry Jones-Ida Sullinger; ed Memphis Mo HS 1913; Denver U, DDS 1916; Delta Sigma Delta; m Alta M Steele Apr 10, 1920 Gering; d June LaVaughn; 1916- dentist at Gering; past city & sch bd treas 12 years; C of C, past pres; Gering Country Club; Scottsbluff Country Club; AF&AM 201, RAM, KT; W Neb Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; during World War in dental corps at Camp Logan, Houston Tex, served 7 mos; Amer Leg post 36, 2nd comm; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, golf; off 10th & O; res 1445 N, Gering.
JUERGENS, FRITZ: Farmer & Stock Raiser; b Louisville, Neb Aug 13, 1879; s of Otto Juergens Sr-Anna Kah; ed Scotts Bluff Co; 1900- with father & brothers in farming, ranching, raising & feeding stock, Minatare; 1902- homesteader & farmer 5 mi N of Minatare; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Farm Bureau; Rep; hobbies, gardening, good stock; maternal grandfather & father came to North Platte valley May 6, 1886, settled near present site of Minatare, drove from Sidney first herd of individually owned stock cattle in the valley; res Minatare.
JUERGENS, HERMAN: Manager Sugar Co; b Minatare, Neb Jan 15, 1894: s of Otto Juergens-Anna Kah; ed Scottsbluff HS 1910; U of N, BSc 1915; m Cecile Hull July 21, 1925 Scottsbluff; s Kenneth Dwain; d Joan; 1917- with Great Western Sugar Co in territory east of Minatare, field man in Gering & Minatare, asst mgr, now mgr, Lyman; during World War, ARD 323 of US army at Camp Funston, 15 mos in service; Amer Leg 350; past mbr Gering sch bd 3 years; mbr Lyman sch bd; mbr Scotts Bluff Co Fair bd, supt Agr Hall; Lions, pres; Comm Club; AF&AM 295, RAM at Gering; Rep; father came to North Platte valley & homesteaded 1886; off Great Western Sugar Co Factory; res Lyman.
JUERGENS, OTTO JR: Farmer & Stock Raiser: b Seward Co, Neb Aug 28, 1881; s of Otto Juergens Sr-Anna Kah; ed Scotts Bluff Co; 1900- with father & brothers in farming, stock raising, ranching, feeding stock, Minatare; 1902 homesteaded 10 mi NE of present site of Minatare; mbr dist 22 sch bd 8 years; mbr cemetery bd; AF&AM; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; mbr bd Minatare Irrigation Dist; Farm Bureau; Rep; hobbies, reading, good stock; maternal grandfather & father came to North Platte valley May 6, 1886, settled near present site of Minatare; drove from Sidney first herd of individually owned stock cattle in the valley; res Minatare.
JUERGENS, WILLIAM: Farmer & Rancher; b Staplehurst, Neb May 12, 1885; s of Otto Juergens Sr-Anna Kah; ed Scotts Bluff Co; with brothers owns 1640 A farm land; ranch consists of 29 sections, 18,560 A; father was 1st mail carrier from Camp Clark to Minatare 1887-89; he & brother have owned cattle since; hobby, raising Hereford cattle; maternal grandfather & father came to North Platte valley May 6, 1886, settled near present site of Minatare; drove from Sidney first herd of individually owned stock cattle in the valley; res Minatare.
KARPF, HENRY CHARLES: Banker & Stockman; b Conneaut, O July 22, 1893; s of Charles Karpf-Hattie Daniels; ed Conneaut O; m Lodicea Ann Babcock Aug 23, 1916 Santa Ana Cal; s Charles Tiffany; 1907- with First Natl Banks of Mitchell & Morrill, cash at Mitchell 5 years, Morrill 25 years, now dir; 1936- executive VP Livestock Natl Bank of Omaha; ext int in livestock feeding & ranching in Scotts Bluff Co, Sioux Co & Goshen Co Wyo; past mayor of Morrill 10 years; Omaha Field Club; Omaha C of C; Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; Neb Sheepfeeders Assn; AF&AM, 271; Scot Rite, 32o; Tangier Shrine; Presby Ch; Rep; off 4840 S 24th, Omaha; res 203 N 62nd, Omaha; off First National Bank; res Morrill.
KINNAMON, JOSEPH W: Retired; b Sabina, O Mar 16, 1861; s of James Kinnamon-Louisa Whery; ed Ohio; Ill; LBC 1888; m Annie Wallace Dec 18, 1928 Scottsbluff; s Joseph Karl; 1878-83 worked on farms in Ill; 1883-88 on farm with brother at Wymore; 1888- resident of Gering past 51 years, helped org Gering Natl Bank 1910, VP since; 1920- ret from active farming, still owns 4 farms near Gering; AF&AM; dir Gering Irrigation Dist; dir of Gering Natl Bank; past dep sheriff Scotts Bluff Co; Meth Ch; Dem; wife b in Nova Scotia, Rebekah, stockholder in bank since 1911; res 1155 Q, Gering.
KLEMKE, ERICH H: Manager Lumber Company; b Scribner, Neb Jan 9, 1896; s of Emil H Klemke-Oline Munderloh; ad Scribner;. m Hazel Vanatta Oct 21, 1919 Bridgeport; s Donald James; d Frances Irene; 1910-17 worked on father's farm, Bayard; 1916 worked for L W Cox Lbr Co at Bayard; 1917-19 enl in US army, 127th heavy field arty battery D 34th div, located at Fort Crook, Camp Cody, Fort Sill Okla, 4 mos O/S, disch Jan 22, 1919; 1919- with L W Cox Lbr Co, Minatare, mgr since Jan 1, 1920; AF&AM 296, past master; Lions: mbr sch bd 1929-39; Amer Leg 139, past comm; Math Ch; Rep: hobby, golf; res Minatare.
KNOX, JOHN S: Hardware & Lumber Dealer; b Exira, Ia July 26, 1882; s of Xerxes Knox-Nancy Smith; ed Exira Ia; m Bonnie M Beard Sept 27, 1905 Exira Ia; d Nadine (Mrs Ernest Capek), Norma Lou; 1901-10 with Fullerton Lbr CO, made mgr at Exira Ia 1904, 1910-15 in gen off in Minneapolis, 1915-19 tsfrd to Glenwood Ia as mgr; 1919-20 ptr of J F Hinshaw, Gering; 1920- owner & opr J S Knox Lbr Co, Lyman; AF&AM 32o; Comm Club; band dir; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, music; res Lyman.
KUXHAUSEN, J C: Grocer; b Rosenberg, Russia Dec 30, 1891; s of Heinrich Kuxhausen-Anna Deines; ed Rosenberg Russia; Redfield Coll Seminary S D, STB, ordained Congl minister 1924; m Mary H Heilburn Mar 29, 1914 Scottsbluff; s Elmer Henry, Johann C, Leopold, Paul; 1906-12 clk in dry goods store Kamischin Russia; 1913 came to U S, Scottsbluff; 1914-20 in groc & meat bus, Scottsbluff; 1924- 26 minister, Elliott N D Congl Ch; 1926-27 minister Congl Ch, Mitchell; 1927- grocer, in meat bus, Mitchell; 1932 added store in Morrill; 1934-37 oprd store in Gering; 1937 oprd store in Scottsbluff; active in cattle raising & feeding; has own packing plant; Comm Club; Kiwanis; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, cattle, golf; res Mitchell.
LANE, JAMES AUSTIN: Jeweler; b Slater, Mo Jan 20, 1895; s of Adelbert Lane-Ella Ann Reeves; ed Grand Island HS; Grand Island Coll 1912; Bradley Polytechnic Institute, horology 1913, engraving & jewelry mfg 1914; Beta Sigma Nu; Sigma Nu; m Isabelle Esther Smith Apr 4, 1920 Fremont; s James Austin Jr; 1907-10 carried paper route, Fremont; 1910-12 usher & gen workman with Michelson Theater, Grand Island; 1913-14 watchmaker for Lowell Tallman Jewelry Store, Ames Ia; 1914-16 watchmaker & engraver for Smith & Bryant Jewelers, Cherokee Ia;
Scotts Bluff
Who's Who
1916-17 with Gus Woelful, jeweler, Mitchell SD; 1919-20 head watchmaker & engraver for Grover Spangler, Fremont; 1920- owner & opr Lane Jewelry, Mitchell; active in Scotts Bluff Co fair work since 1922; AF&AM 263, Scot Rite, 32o, Santa Fe, N M; during World War in 2nd Ia NG inf, tsfrd to co D of 127th machine gun battery, tsfrd to co D 109th ammunition train, O/S 11 mos, in service 25 mos, disch truck master sgt; Amer Leg 124, past Comm, chmn Com on Amer Leg dance 15 years, this post dance one of outstanding in state; Comm Club; Federated Ch; Rep; hobby, sports, 1913-14 outstanding in track, holding record in 880 & 440 at Bradley Inst; off 1263 Center Ave; res 1442 18th Ave, Mitchell.
LANNING, MRS DOROTHE ANDERSON: Music Teacher; b Guthrie Center, Ia Jan 10, 1896; d of Walter Teft Anderson-Mabel Thayer; ed Clarinda Ia HS 1914; Simpson Coll, Indianola Ia; Columbia Sch of Music, Chicago; Northwestern U; Pi Beta Phi; m Wayne J Lanning May 4, 1927 Clarinda Ia;. contralto soloist in operas at college 1914-16; soloist with glee club on concert tours; professional accompanist; org & dir glee club 1918-19; theater organist 2 years in Clarinda; maintains studio for piano & voice instruction in Scottsbluff; 3 years music dir in HS & jr Coll; director of home talent productions; trained contestants for dist, state & natl music contests; sponsors program for C of C Armistice Day & Decoration Day; accompanist for Lions Club 10 years, Rotary 6 years; 1936 dir musical numbers of own composition at Navy Soc Benefit Play at San Diego; Meth Ch, sponsor of Epworth League 10 years, dean of girls at Epworth League Institute, dir choir 13 years, mbr ofcl bd, dir Childrens Glee Club, W Neb Meth Hosp Nurses Glee Club; Dem; hobby, composing music; off & res 101 E 19th, Scottsbluff.
LEDINGHAM, HAROLD: Farmer & Rancher; b Fort Collins, Colo Jan 23, 1906; s of William Ledingham Sr-Isabella Harper; ed Mitchell HS 1924: Colo St Coll, Fort Collins BSc 1928; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Phi Kappa Phi; Euclidean; m Lucille Olive Lind May 31, 1930 Fort Collins; s Tommy Max; d Shirley Joan; 1928 farmer & rancher, Mitchell, now farming SW of Mitchell; dir sch bd dist 45; dir Kiwanis; Mitchell Valley Comm Club, secy; hobbies, hunting, sports; res Mitchell.
LEDINGHAM, WILLIAM JR: Farmer & Rancher; b Aberdeen, Scotland Aug 16, 1901: s of William Ledingham Sr-Isabella Harper; ed Scotland: m Margaret Viola Spurr July 17, 1927 Torrington Wyo; s Jerry Bruce; d Sandra Jean; 1919 came to Amer from Scotland, settled in North Platte valley; 1919- farmer & rancher in Scotts Bluff & Sioux Cos; mbr sch bd dist 7 several years; Mitchell Valley Comm Club, pres; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, sports; Ledingham family ranch includes approximately 7500 A; also opr 480 A irrigated land; father came to Amer from Scotland 1902, settled in Fort Collins Colo, moved to North Platte valley 1909; res Mitchell.
LEDINGHAM, WILLIAM SR: Farmer & Stock Feeder; b Aberdeenshire, Scotland Dec 18, 1879; s of James Ledingham-Sophia Perry; ed Scotland; m Isabella Harper Apr 4, 1904 Fort Collins Colo; s William Jr, Harold; d Mary (Mrs Harold Newton); worked on farms in Scotland after leaving school at an early age; 1901 came to U S. settled near Loveland Colo, farmed until 1910; 1910- farmer, cattle & sheep feeder, Mitchell, in bus with two sons past 15 years; 1921-28 owner & mgr Mitchell elevator; 1937- co-owner Ledingham & Simpson Potato Co, 120 carload capacity cellar at S Mitchell; dir Colo-Neb Lambfeeders Assn; Rep; res Mitchell.
LEROY, JOHN FORLINE: Merchant; b Downs, Kansas Apr 9, 1897; s of Luther D LeRoy-Ollie Forline; ed Downs Kas; Marysville Kas HS; Kansas City Sch of Horology, Kansas City, Mo 1915-16; m Sara Price June 9, 1920 Beattie Kas; s John Price, William Lee; 1916-17 in jewelry store at Seneca Kas; 1919-25 with father in LeRoy Jewelry Store, Washington Kas; 1925-27 with LeRoy Jewelry Store, Fairbury; 1927- ptr of brother in LeRoy Bros Jewelry & Stationery, Scottsbluff; 1931- mbr sch bd, Scottsbluff; during World War served in 130th field arty 35th div, 15th field artillery 2nd div, in France 1918-19; VFW; Amer Leg, past post comm & past dist comm at Washington Kas, past co comm at Scottsbluff; Lions, Past pres at Scottsbluff, past state secy; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; AF&AM 265; RAM, Gering; KT, Marysville Kas; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies hunting, fishing; off 1522 Broadway: res 2415 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.
LINDSAY, GEORGE SPEERS: Editor; b Waucoma, Ia Aug 5, 1907; s of Robert H Lindsay-Ann Speers; ed Waucoma Ia HS; Ia St Tchrs Coll, Cedar Falls Ia, BA 1932; Sigma Tau Delta; m Geneva Davis Aug 11, 1939 Laramie; emp 2 years in job printing shop, Woolverton Printing Co at Cedar Falls Ia while attending Coll; news reporter in Coll news bureau Ia St Tchrs Coll, Cedar Falls 1931-32; 1933-34 news editor Northwest Neb News, Crawford; 1934-36 news editor Flagstaff Ariz Journal, later reporter Coconino Sun, Flagstaff & AP representative for northern Ariz; 1936-37 city editor, Scottsbluff Daily Senator; 1937-38 reporter, Scottsbluff Daily Star-Herald; Feb 1938- editor & mgr Mitchell Index: secy Kiwanis; past chmn publicity Com Assoc C of C of North Platte valley: NPA, Past United Press representative for western Neb; 1935 dir of publicity for Southwestern Indian Pow-Wow, Flagstaff Ariz; Comm Club; Natl Rifle Assn; Federated Ch: Indep; hobbies, rifle target shooting, early valley history; res Mitchell.
LIVENGOOD, EARL: Chief of Police; b Atwood, Ill May 3, 1889; s of Athen A Livengood-Ella Dotson; ed Atwood, Ill; m Lucille Laura Troxell Oct 31, 1920 Rushville; s Earl Livengood Jr; d Charlotte Lucille: 1910-11 worked on Triangle Ranch, Hyannis; 1912-13 worked on ranch in Wyo; 1914-15 on farms in Ia, 1916-17 worked in sugar beet factory at Bayard; 1919-22 with C&NW RR, Chadron; 1922-26 chief of police, Chadron; 1926-28 special agt for CB&Q RR, Chadron; 1928-31 police ofcr at Alliance; 1931-33 in sugar beet factory; 1933- with Scottsbluff police force, chief since 1935; during World War, in US army 1st field arty, battery A, 3rd div, unassigned, disch Apr 1919 Fort Sill Okla & Scofield Barracks, Hawaii; Amer Leb (sic) 5: Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Chris Ch; Dem; hobby, landscaping; res 14 W 24th, Scottsbluff.
LUPHER, LEON PEARL: Elevator Owner; b DeWitt, Neb July 17, 1893; s of James Ralph Lupher-Mary E Pine; ed Fairfield; m Elsie V Nagel Apr 12, 1914 Clay Center; s Marvin Ralph, Leon P Jr, Kermit Lareau, Jack; 1913-15 owner & opr cleaning & pressing bus at Fairfield; 1916-17 with Neb Elevator Co as mgr, David City; 1917- with Central Granaries Co at Minatare as mgr until 1921, owner & opr since; 1922- owner & opr Farmers Union Elevator, Minatare; 1939- owner & opr Farmers Union Elevator at Melbeta; 1936- owner & opr bean cleaning & processing plant, Minatare; past mbr city coun 2 years; Colo Grain Dlrs: Assn; Colo Bean Dlrs Assn; Meth Ch: Rep; hobby, fishing; res Minatare.
LYDA, CURTIS OWEN: County Judge; b Atlanta, Mo Jan 17, 1891; s of Thomas H Lyda-Sarah Williams; ed Fall River Co, S D; Spearfish, S D State Normal, 1908-12; U of N, BA 1915, LLB 1917; Phi Alpha Delta; m Iva Eastman Aug 1917 Sturgis S D; s Robert E, Curtis Rodney; 1917 came to Gering & began prac of law; 1919-28 prac law at Gering, with W W White 1924-28; 1928- Scotts Bluff Co judge, elected 3 consecutive terms; has farm ints near Gering, 1920-24 mayor; 1937 apptd by Gov Cochran as mbr Neb Old Oregon & Mormon Trails commission, re-apptd 1939; AF&AM 201, past master; RAM; KT 18, recorder; past comm KT 26, Alliance; Neb Assn of Co Judges: Scottsbluff Kiwanis, past pres, past lt gov 1st div, Rocky Mtn dist; C of C, past pres: West Neb Sportsmens Assn, first pres; during World War enl in inf, trained at Camp Dodge; Amer Leg, service ofcr; Meth Ch: hobby, hunting; off Courthouse; res 1825 12th, Gering.
McALLISTER, MRS EVANGELINE S: Life Insurance Agent; b Catlin, Ill Feb 15, 1893; d of Christopher Shortall-Mary English; ed Danville Ill HS 1909, valedictorian: U of Colo 1922-23; m James E McAllister Dec 22, 1914 Fort Morgan Colo; s James Earl Jr; d Winifred, Marion Virginia, Jean, Nell, Nancy Ann; 1910-14 tchr in country schs; 1914-15 tchr in Wakita Okla HS; 1914 homesteaded in eastern Colo; 1918-19 supt of schs at Ignacio Colo; now writes for Gering Courier From My House by the Side of the Road, & Minatare Free Press under pen name The Sage-Hen, also North Plattetudes, in Scottsbluffs Star Herald; now working on a biography of William Allen White; Minatare Womans Club; B&PW; Scottsbluff; OES; Natl Life Underwriters; Neb Writers Guild; Amer Fedn of Women; Meth Ch; Rep; off 1407 Broadway, Scottsbluff; res Minatare.
McCAFFREE, MRS F J STRATTON: Retired; b Barton, N Y Aug 3, 1851; d of John Stratton-Elizabeth Keeler; ed Janesville Ia Acad; m Floyd Jefferson McCaffree Apr 8, 1873 Janesville Ia; s Charles, Floyd, Harry
in Nebraska
Scotts Bluff
(dec), Rolfe; d Grace (Mrs H Smith), Alice (Mrs George Grove), Mattie (Mrs O C Smith): 1867-73 tchr Breemer Co, Ia; 1873-1937 housewife & homemaker in Ia & Neb; 1937- retired; Rebekah, past noble grand; WCTU; OES; WHMS; WFMS; Loyal Temperance League, org & supvr in Scottsbluff; Meth Ch, ladies aid; hobby, WCTU; grandfather was an Episc minister, husband Meth minister, one of first in this part of Neb, in conference in Ia, served western Neb 30 years; res 505 W Overland, Scottsbluff.
McCAFFREE, FLOYD STRATTON: Executive; b Spirit Lake, Ia Nov 15, 1882; s of Floyd Jefferson McCaffree-Rachel E Stratton; ed Ireton Ia HS; Morningside Coll, Sioux City Ia, 1899; m Esther Scott 1905 Marathon Ia (dec 1906); m Gertrude D McDowell 1909 Scottsbluff; s Robert Harvey, Edwin Charles; d Ruth (Mrs D G Klas); 1901-03 editor Havelock Ia Item; 1905 came to Scottsbluff overland in covered wagon from York, 30-day trip, homesteaded on farm which he still owns; 1907 estab bus of locating homesteaders, developed into present real est & loan bus; 1912-32 secy-treas Sams-McCaffree Co, Inc, real est & loans, 1932- pres; 1932 elec dir 8th dist Federal Land Bank of Omaha, covering 4 states, merged into Farm Credit Board of Omaha, re-elected dir 1935-1938; 1922 org Scottsbluff Nail Farm Loan Assn, secy-treas; 1939 elec secy-treas Gering Natl Farm Loan Assn; 1932- pres Wyo Land & Water Co opr Carey Act Irrigation Project: Rock Springs Wyo; int in oil development in western Neb, has leased 100,000 A in Sioux Co, has induced Union Oil Co of Cal to drill test hole 6850 feet deep & Felmont Corp of Houston Tex & Cal Oil Co to drill another test of 6500 feet, both tests showed oil, now awaiting further development; has cattle & farm ints in Scotts Bluff Co; 1912-16 Scotts Bluff Co assessor; 1913-14 mayor of Scottsbluff; past mbr Scottsbluff Cemetery Bd many years; AF&AM 265; Scot Rite, Alliance; Tangier Shrine; Omaha Athletic Club; mbr Neb Real Estate Assn; Rotary, ch mbr; Farm Bureau; C of C, past dir; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, photography, camping, fishing; father retired after 30 years of service as Meth minister in Ia, later resided in Scottsbluff, filling charges & officiating at weddings & funerals until death Dec 28, 1937, mother, 88 years of age, still lives in Scottsbluff; off 13 W 16th; res 1912 1st Ave, Scottsbluff.
McCAIN, WILLIAM ARTHUR: Manager Finance Company; b Rush, Penn Apr 22, 1882; s of W W McCain-Orpha A Granger; ed Penn; m Leda A Ross June 7, 1908 Scottsbluff; s William Ross, Jack L, James A; worked in sawmill Bradford Co, Penn, later in store at Stevensville Penn; 1906-08 with J A Smith & Co Scottsbluff; 1908 opened first garage in western Neb, at Scottsbluff, owner 3rd auto in district, a 2-cylinder Reo; 1909-27 Overland dlr, also sold other autos; 1927- opr first auto finance co in western Neb; BPOE 1367, treas 9 years; Scottsbluff Country Club; Izaak Walton; treas Comm Congl Ch, Scottsbluff, Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; res Scottsbluff.
McCOSH, THEODORE HERBERT: Pharmacist; b Litchfield, Neb Jan 4, 1904; s of Marshal Herbert McCosh-Emma Wind; ed Litchfield HS; Oasis Utah; U of N, PhG 1928; m Helen Howe Aug 5, 1930 Syracuse; s Donald Eugene; d Joyce Lorraine, Eunice Mae; 1915-24 while attending sch worked part time for Litchfield Monitor; 1928-31 worked for Kellam & Kellam Drug Firm, Torrington Wyo, registered pharm in Wyo; 1931- owner & opr drug bus, Gering; mbr city park bd; mbr Neb Pharm Assn, past dist pres; AF&AM 201; IOOF; OES; Lions, past pres & zone chmn of dist; C of C, past pres; Oregon Trail Days Assn of Gering, past pres & treas; Meth Ch bd; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res 1441 10th, Gering..
McCREARY, FRANK ANSON: Real Estate Agent: b Ashtabula, O Mar 23, 1868; s of James McCreary-Katherine Creig; ed Shelton; m Addle G Robb June 26, 1901 Scottsbluff; d Lorraine (Mrs Ted Smith); 1893-99 in gen store bus, Shelton; 1899-1900 clk in Sayer & Wolt Gen Store, Gering; 1900-01 with George Luft estab & opr hdw store, one of first in Scottsbluff; 1901-03 owner & opr hdw store; 1903-31 ptr of brother Craig in same store; 1931- in real est & rental bus, Scottsbluff: chmn first city bd in Scottsbluff; mayor 1920; AF&AM 266, Scot Rite 32o, Tangier Shrine; C of C, dir; BPOE 1367; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; parents came from Penn to Neb 1873, settled at Shelton; off 1709 Broadway; res 1802 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.
McCUBBIN, ELLIS RHODES: Dry Cleaner; b Cherry Co, Neb Mar 31, 1902; s of George O McCubbin-Nellie Babcock; ed Scottsbluff HS 1920; U of N, 1921-23; m Lela Kays May 26, 1930 Cheyenne Wyo; s Dudley Kays; 1929- owner & opr Fashion Cleaners & Dyers, Scottsbluff; past dir Kiwanis; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; father ranch foreman in Cherry Co on 101 Ranch which ran approximately 40,000 cattle, came to Scottsbluff 1907; off 2107 Broadway; res 1511 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.
McELWEE, HARVEY R: Assistant Water Superintendent Irrigation District; b Columbus, O Oct 14, 1870; s of Jackson McElwee-Josephine Hubbell; ed Center Village O; m Charlotte Ford Dec 22, 1894 Center Village O; s Manford H, Theodore R, Leo Jackson; d Florence Marie, Verna Beth (Mrs ___ Wilson); 1899-1900 worked on ranch in Box Butte Co; 1900-05 homesteaded & farmed near Lake Minatare; 1906- in butcher shop, cafe & later in contracting bus; 1918- with US Reclamation Service has worked on Pathfinder, Northfort, Gering, Fort Laramie construction work; 1926 tsfrd to construction Lake Minatare; asst water supt of Pathfinder Irrigation Dist since 1927; past Scotts Bluff Co, deputy sheriff; IOOF, past grand; Lions; mbr town coun 1930-39; sch bd dir dist 33, helped org school; past town marshal; US game warden, North Platte reserve; special state game warden; past constable; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, trees; res Minatare.
McGRIFF, WILLARD FRANCIS: Attorney; b Adel, Ia Apr 24, 1904: s of Harvey Nelson McGriff-Mabel Leeper; ed Scottsbluff; Gering HS; U of N, LLB 1929; Phi Alpha Delta; 1929 adm to Neb bar; 1934- prac law, Gering; since Jan 6, 1939 Scotts Bluff Co asst atty; 1936- Gering city atty; 1939- pres Gering vol fire dept; 1936- mgr Gering Valley Rural Public Power Dist; Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; 1936- secy C of C; five terms secy Oregon Trail Days Commission, Gering; AF&AM 201; IOOF 229; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby, stamp collecting; off 1020 O; res 810 P, Gering.
McILWAIN, DAN V: Research Drainage Specialist; b Jennings Co, Ind Dec 19, 1879; s of Simeon M McIlwain-Mary Shaw; ed Jennings Co Ind; m Edna Meredith Feb 18, 1915 Arkansas Pass Tex; 1900- 06 farmed, Fort Collins Colo; 1907, marshall, Mitchell; 1907-10 ranch work near Greeley & Fort Collins Colo; 1910 with U S Reclamation Service, Mitchell; 1910-17 millwright at Great Western Sugar Beet Co factory, Scottsbluff; 1917-29 farmed N of Minatare; 1929 worked on road construction & at sugar beet factory; 1930- research drainage man for Pathfinder Irrigation Dist, North Side Project; ch mbr Scottsbluff Sugar Mill Union; past VP Hope Local Farm Bureau; 1918 apptd by Gov Neville as ofcl representative for state & fed govt in all activities in Scotts Bluff Co; Dem; hobby, inventions; res 1820 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.
MACK, JACK HASKELL: owner Investment Company; b Coffeyville, Kas Nov 29, 18913; s of William H Mack-Mary Louiza Hughey; ed Coffeyville Kas, 7th grade; m Eulah Ellsworth June 21, 1914 Fairbury; s Jack E, Bernard H, Patrick K; d Geraldine (Mrs Kenneth Harbour); 1913-20 mgr Western Union Teleg Co offs at various places in Kas & Neb, also traveling auditor; 1921-22 exec secy, Scottsbluff C of C; owner & 1922-31 & mgr Mchts Credit Bureau of Scottsbluff, also active in ins adjusting, dist mgr for western Neb dist of Comml Investment Co of Denver; 1931- owner & mgr Mack Investment Co, personal loans & ins, Scottsbluff; AF&AM 50, Hastings; dir & ch mbr of Neb Assn of Personal Finance Cos; Indep; hobbies, fishing, collecting old guns; off 1812 Broadway; res 2614 Broadway, Scottsbluff.
McLOUD, WILLIAM SIDNEY: Real Estate Agent; b London, Ontario, Canada Jan 13. 1886; s of William McLoud-Sarah Coglan; ed London Canada HS 1902; m Julia Benda June 5, 1913 Denver; s William Clifton; 1903-05 timekeeper at C R Summerville Paper Box & Chewing Gum Factory, London Ontario; 1905-08 system man for Hart Schaeffner & Marx Clothing Co, Chicago; 1908-13, 1915-16 in clothing bus, Chicago; 1913-15 mgr Wonder Clothes Shop, Denver; 1916-19 in tailoring bus, Scottsbluff; 1919-31 owner & opr clothing store; 1931- in real est bus; city clk 1933; BPOE 1367, chmn crippled childrens com; AF&AM 265, Scot Rite, 32o, Alliance; mbr Western Neb & Neb Real Estate assns; Scottsbluff Country Club; Episc Ch: Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; res 123 W 21st, Scottsbluff.
McSPADDEN, ROBERT WASHINGTON: Chief Dispatcher; b Pleasant, Ark Apr 30, 1896; s of Lowry C McSpadden-Emma Fulks; ed Brinkley
Scotts Bluff
Who's Who
Ark; Batesville Ark HS 1916; Springfield Bus Coll 1919-20; m Fannie Grace Wayland June 18, 1923 Mountain Home Ark; s Richard Wayne; d Marynell; 1920- with UP RR at various locations, chief dispatcher at Gering; during World War in co F 3rd Ark NG 39th div attached to 42nd div while in signal sch O/S, 89th div until Armistice, tsfrd to 6th US cavalry, O/S 12 mos, in service 24 mos; Amer Leg 36; VFW 1681; Lions; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, guns; wife's great grandfather, David Morrow, Presby minister, came to Ark from Tenn 1863, first settler in foothills of Ozarks, outstanding citizen & pioneer; off UP Depot; res 1630 N, Gering.
MANSFIELD, IRA SILLIMAN: Managing Partner Glass & Paint Co; b Atwater, O Dec 16, 1883; s of Samuel Silliman Mansfield-Margaret Wright Goss; ed Hastings HS 1903; m Lottie B Ashmore June 24, 1915 Juniata; 1893-1902 carried newspapers, Hastings; 1903-19 emp by Mansfield Paint & Glass Co, Hastings; 1919- managing ptr of Mansfield Bros, dlrs in paint & glass, Scottsbluff; C of C; Neb Master Painters Assn, past mbr advisory bd; Internatl Master Painters Assn; Presby Ch; Dem; hobbies, travel & outdoor life; off 19 E 15th; res 1512 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.
MARK, ELBRIDGE D: Contractor & Merchant; b Mitchell, Neb Dec 20, 1903; s of George E Mark- ___ Wells; ed Mitchell HS; electrical schooling in Chicago; m Jane Lindsay June 22, 1938 Minatare; prior to 1930 electrician in construction of 5 sugar mills in Neb, Wyo & S D; 1930- owner Mark Electric Service, Mitchell; 1937 was made mbr of Frigidaire BTU Club in recognition of sales volume; off 1265 Center Ave; res 1551 17th, Mitchell.
MARK, MRS GEORGE E: Publisher; b Atchison Co, Mo; d of Elbridge H Wells-Mary Smith; ed Adel Ia; Warrensburg Mo St Tchrs Coll 1891-93; m George Ellsworth Mark Sept 1, 1902 Bayard; s Elbridge D, George E Jr; d Margaret (Mrs LaMar Jones); 1893-98 tchr Atchison Co Mo; 1898-1900 tchr, Alliance; 1900-01 tchr, Gering; 1901-02 tchr, Bayard; 1896-1901 husband published Nebr Homestead at Gering, paper moved from Gering to Mitchell 1901, changed name to Mitchell Index; 1929 at husband's death assumed management of newspaper, publisher to date: active in hist research on western Neb; presettlement history North Platte Valley; assisted in locating important historic points on routes and old trails through county and getting them suitably marked; wrote and published articles on these subjects in Mitchell Index; NPA; DAR, past vice regent, several terms historian Katahdin Ch; Mitchell Chris Ch; helped org Mitchell Woman's Club; Dem; hobby, hist research; res Mitchell.
MASEK, FRED FRANK: Auto Parts Dealer; b David City, Neb Oct 8, 1904; s of Joseph P Masek-Mary Kopecky; ed Butler Co; m Dessa Margaret Allison June 27, 1933 Scottsbluff; s Alan Ferdinand; d Marjorie; 1920-26 with father in Butler Co; 1926-27 worked on farm near Gering; 1927-29 farmer, livestock feeder, Gering; 1929-30 farmer, livestock feeder in Sioux & Banner Cos; 1930-35 ptr of Paul Shafer in retail auto parts bus, Gering; 1935- owner & opr whol & retail auto parts bus & filling station; past mbr Oregon Trail Days of Gering, chmn parade com 2 years; C of C, past pres, past dir, chmn of highway com; Federal B & L Assn, dir; Natl Indep Tire Dlrs Assn; Dixie Distributors Inc; mbr vol fire dept; KC; Cath Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; father came to US from Bohemia, settled in Butler Co in late 70's; off 10th & M; res 1430 14th, Gering.
MATHERS, ALBERT N: Rancher, Bank President; b Otoe Co, Neb Feb 9, 1882; s of J C Mathers-M Mary Cowles; ed Douglas HS; Neb Wes; U of N; m Fern Johnston Nov 11, 1907 Douglas; s Albert Lowell; d Elizabeth; 3 years in father's bus, Douglas; 1910 emp in & stockholder Scottsbluff Natl Bank, rancher & cattle raiser; 1913 pur controlling int in Gering Natl Bank, pres & chmn of bd since; 1914-16 first mayor of Gering; instrumental in getting Washington approval for Gering Fort Laramie Irrigation District project, mbr bd of dirs; with other representatives obtained for Pathfinder & Gering Fort Laramie land owners over $600,000 in accumulative power profits; 1922 elec on both Rep & Dem tickets to state legislature, unanimously chosen speaker of the house; during World War co chmn in various bond drives & ARC, 4-min speaker, served on livestock food commission, Washington, mbr Advisory Defense Council; past bd mbr, past chmn, pres Neb Bankers Assn; one of orgs & pres West Neb Meth Hosp, Scottsbluff, past VP; org & first pres Gering vol fire dept; mbr Neb Dairy Development Assn; mbr exec bd of Missouri River Navigation Assn; Natl Farm Congress; on several occasions selected to represent the Fed Farm Bur & Natl Beet Growers Assn at Washington D C; 15 years mbr legislative com of Neb St Irrigation Assn, past pres; pres Scotts Bluff Co Agri Exhibit Assn; 1924 chosen to represent western sugar beet states in conf with President Coolidge urging retention of present sugar tariffs; mbr Natl Tariff Assn; Neb's mbr bd of dirs Natl Reclamation Assn, mbr of legislative Com; mbr Gering bd of edn 10 years, pres 6 years; owner town property & 9 irrigated farms & ranches; past pres North Platte Valley C of C; past pres Scottsbluff Rotary; life mbr U of N Alumni Assn; org Scottsbluff Country Club, VP & dir many years; Uni Club, Lincoln; Assoc Industries of Neb; Neb Com of 100; Neb St Hist Soc: AF&AM, 32o; Scot Rite; KT; Tangier Shrine; Episc Ch, warden; Rep; father b in Germany, came to us at age of 6 years, vol for service in Civil War, served 3 years in 4th Ill Cavalry; hobby, irrigation; past mbr NPA & Natl Edit Assn; res, country home between Scottsbluff & Gering on Country Club Road near Scottsbluff Natl Monument, of which he was for many years government custodian, address Gering.
MEAD, JOHN HOGOBOOM: Miller, Stockman, Oil Dealer; b Glens Falls, N Y Mar 13, 1873; s of Albert H Mead-Lucy J Murray; ed Sherman Co; m Margaret Heslop Dec 25, 1895 Litchfield; s Earl I, John H; d Hazel (Mrs Leonard Schildt); 1894-1919 farmed in Sherman Co; 1920- owner Mead Milling Co, Scottsbluff; 1924, expanded to include oil & gas whol & retail, now has bulk stations at Morrill & Scottsbluff & 3 retail stations; 1930- cattle feeder, Scottsbluff; 1934- owner & opr 10,000 A Airedale Ranch in Banner Co, runs approximately 1000 cattle; 1937 enlarged & modernized mill from 50 barrel short system to 125 barrel long system mill; past mbr, past pres Rotary; MWA; C of C; Meth Ch; Rep, nominee for state legislature from Sherman Co 1919; hobby, ranching, off 1415 Ave B; res 2301 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.
MICKLICH, FRITZ CARL: Baker; b Dresden, Germany July 1, 1902; s of Bernhard Micklich-Anna Koerner; ed Germany; Bus Coll at Dresden, Germany; m Frida Malinke Mar 25, 1928 Norfolk; d Donna Mae, Margaret Ann; May 4, 1925 came to US, then to Norfolk; 1926-34 baker, shop foreman at Norfolk Steam Bakery; 1934-35 worked at bakery bus in various places; 1935-36 with Braun Bakery, Columbus; 1936-37 with Wigwam Bakery, Cheyenne; 1937- mgr Dutch Maid Bakery, whol & retail, Scottsbluff; C of C; Lions; BPOE 1367; Neb Bakers Assn; Luth Ch; Dem; hobbies, fishing, sports; off 23rd & Broadway; res 918 E Overland, Scottsbluff.
MILLER, S T: Superintendent Sugar Company; b Paulsboro, N J Jan 21, 1889; s of John Bourghs Miller-Louisa G Locke; ed Paulsboro N J HS 1906; Drexel Inst, Philadelphia, BSc 1910: in Marguerite Ward June 21, 1915 Denver; s Tyler Ward; 1910 played professional baseball with Connie Mack as mgr; 1910-11 with US Steel Co, Gary Ind; 1911 traveled thru south & worked for DuPont & Co, Denver; 1911-12 assistant chemist for Great Western Sugar Co at Fort Collins, 1912-16 chief chemist at Eaton Colo, 1915-17 tsfrd to Loveland, 1917-19 traveling chemist in chg 4 factories at Greeley Colo, 1919-20 asst supt at Fort Collins Colo, 1920-22 traveling supt in Denver, 1922-26 special asst to supt at Brighton & Fort Lupton Colo, 1926-30 supt at Brush Colo, 1930- supt of Great Western Sugar factory, Lyman; AF&AM 20, Greeley Colo; RAM; KT, Fort Collins; Scot Rite 32o, Denver, El-Jebel Shrine; honorary mbr Cordova Shrine Club, Cordova Alaska; past patron OES; Lions; past pres Comm Club; Presby Ch: Rep; hobby, radio work,, res Lyman.
MILLER, TED BURT: Farm Equipment Dealer: b Superior Wis Nov 14, 1891; s of Frank J Miller-Jessie Lyon; ed Wis; Mich; Ia; Mo; Oklahoma City; m Ora H Sigler Aug 18, 1915 Schuyler; s Jack Quentin, Gerald Carl, Ted B Jr; d Keitha Virginia; 1909-24 traveled over various parts of US installing machinery for large flour & cereal mills & cotton gins; 1924- co-owner & gen mgr of Gering Farm Equipment Co; dir Midwest Impl Dlrs Assn; past pres bd of edn, Gering; AF&AM 201, master; OES, past patron; C of C; Meth Ch; Indep; hobby, fishing; res 1705 12th, Gering.
MOODY, LEO W: Musician; b Bedford, Ia, May 16, 1899; s of Edward Moody-Augusta Fulton; ed Bedford
in Nebraska
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Ia HS 1914; Vandercook Sch of Music, Chicago, BMus; grad work at Sherwood Music Sch, Chicago; private study in NY, Philadelphia, Chicago; m Evelyn Cederholm Dec 22, 1920 Chicago; s Billy; d Phyllis; while attending HS spent 3 summer vacations with circus; played in professional orgns until World War; traveled in all states in US before 18 years of age; 1917-19 in USN 26 mos, enl Mar 26, 1917 Great Lakes Ill as musician 3rd class, disch as bandmaster; 1919-21 studied & played in theaters in Chicago; 1921 came to Scottsbluff, org HS band, dir 16 years; also dir city band since 1921; 1932-35 oprd music store in Scottsbluff; 1938-39 dir Chadron Coll band; was first to help org & hold dist music contest, produced winning contestants in dist, state & natl contests; guest conductor at Western State Coll Band Camp, Gunnison Colo; judge of contests in Colo, Wyo, S D, Kas, Mont, Utah; conducts music clinics; writer of articles for music magazines; composer band & orchestra music; past mbr city park bd; ofcr in Lions; AP&AM 265, RAM; KT; North Central Music Educators; Neb Bandmasters Assn; NSTA; Neb Music Educators Assn; Amer Leg; VFW; chmn BSA movement; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Scottsbluff.
MOORE, ORIN WESLEY: Farmer, Dairyman; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb May 1, 1892; s of James L Moore-Ella Todd; ed Gering HS 1912; John Fletchers Coll at Oskaloosa Ia 1912-13; Neb Wes 1914-17; U of N 1915-17; Delta Omega Phi; W Club, baseball; m Amy Baker June 4, 1919 Gering; s Donald L, Francis L; d Evelyn L; 1917- farmer Scotts Bluff Co; 1920- in dairy bus near Gering; North Platte Valley Co-op Cheese Co, dir; North Platte Valley Dairy Improvement Assn, past pres, dir; Farm Bureau; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, sports; father came from Ia to western Neb, homesteaded N of present site of Minatare, farmed; res Gering.
MORGAN, CECIL: Superintendent of Schools; b Crofton, Ky Feb 2, 1902; s of J W Morgan-Mary Blount; ed Minco Okla HS; Central State Tchrs Coll, Okla 1920; U of Wyo 13A 1928, MA 1936; m Doris Baskett May 26, 1926 LaJunta Colo; d Mary Lou, Janice, Ellen, Constance Jean; 1923-24 prin consolidated sch near Marlow Okla; 1924-25 prin Pocasset Okla HS: 1925-27 supt of schs Binger Okla; 1928-29 supt schs, Marble Colo; 1929-30 supt, New Castle Colo; 1930-34 prin, branch of Logan Co HS, Sterling Colo; 1934-36 mathematics tchr, Torrington Wyo HS; 1936- Supt of schs, Lyman: pres supts & principals div NSTA in western Neb; ch mbr Lions; Comm Club; AF&AM 29 Torrington Wye; NSTA; NEA; North Platte Valley School Administrators Club; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobby, fishing; res Lyman,
MORGAN, MAHLON CLARENCE: Sheriff: b Furnas Co, Neb July 12, 1891; s of Frank B Morgan-Mary E Martin; ed Fort Collins Colo HS 1907; m Pearl McNeal Dec 12, 1911 Scotts Bluff Co; s Maynard C, Donald O, Martin E; d Mary Lou; 1907-30 carp & builder, Scotts Bluff Co; 1931-39 dep sheriff Scotts Bluff Co; 1939- Scotts Bluff Co sheriff; past mbr city coun, Lyman; past mbr sch bd, Henry 2 terms; Kiwanis; AF&AM 322, past master KT; BPOE 1367; IOOF; mbr Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; Rep; hobby, keeping record of gas, towns, mileage, etc on trips; off & res Courthouse, Gering.
MORRELL, GEORGE SQUIRE: Clergyman; b Brierfield, Lancashire, England Mar 14, 1889; s of William Fawcett Morrell-Emma Sanders; ed Meth day schs of Nelson, England; Neb Wes Acad 1916; Neb Wes, 13A 1922; Boston U Sch of Theology, grad work 1919-22, STB; Neb Wes, DD 1934; m Sarah Jeanette Ditchfield Apr 17, 1909 Trenton N J; s Douglas Willard; d Margaret Emma (Mrs Ray P Anderson); 1916-19 pastor Meth Ch, Douglas; 1918-19 HS prin at Douglas; 1919-23 pastor at Manchester N H; 1923-26 pastor at Stratton, 1926-32 Holdrege, 1932-35 Norfolk, 1935- Meth minister at Scottsbluff; dean in chg of summer institutes of young people; active in BSA work at various places; Rotary: AF&AM 265; Neb Wes trustee; trustee W Neb Meth, Hosp at Scottsbluff; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, amateur photography; res 201 E 20th, Scottsbluff.
MORROW, THOMAS MICHAEL: Attorney; b Lewis Co, N Y Oct 25, 1868; s of Thomas Morrow-Mary McDonald: ed Holt Co; Fremont Normal 1892; m Lizzie Carlon 1895 O'Neill (dec 1900); s William; d Mary (Mrs J P Dixon), Lettie, Catherine (Mrs Paul Miller); m Margaret L Rank 1907 Denver (dec 1931) studied law in off of M F Harrington, O'Neill; 1894 adm to bar by Judge M P Kincaid at O'Neill; 1894-99 prac law, Gering; 1897-98 Scotts Bluff Co atty; 1899-1900 prac law at Omaha: 1900-15 prac law at Denver; 1915- prac law at Scottsbluff, 1915-38 mbr firm of Morrow & Morrow, since 1938 firm of Morrow & Miller; sr lawyer of 17th Judicial dist; during Colo prac engaged chiefly in irrigation litigation; MWA; C of C; Scottsbluff Co, Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Scottsbluff Country Club; KC, past district deputy; Cath Ch; Dem, active in state & natl politics; hobby, golf; res 1917 Ave A, Scottsbluff.
MORROW, WILLIAM: Attorney; b Constableville, NY Apr 10, 1874; s of Thomas Morrow-Mary McDonald; ed Atkinson HS; U of N, LLB 1903: m Philomena Congdon Sept 18, 1912 Scottsbluff; s John P; d Helen (Mrs A J Haggle), Mary Louise; 1903 adm to Neb & Colo bars, prac law in Denver 1903-06; 1906- prac law, Scottsbluff; past city atty; 1907-11 Scotts Bluff Co atty; org & first pres Scotts Bluff Co ARC; org & 2nd pres Scottsbluff C of C; WOW; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; past pres Western Neb Bar Assn; during World War, served on Liberty Loan com, war savings & stamps com, cc coun of defense, chmn local coun of defense at Scottsbluff, served on YMCA & KC war drives; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; active in political circles 36 years, Dem, past chmn Scotts Bluff Co Central Com, del to natl conv in Chicago 1932; hobbies, farming, stockfeeding, golf; off Scottsbluff Natl Bank Bldg; res 117 E 20th, Scottsbluff.
MORTON, GEORGE WILLIAM: Lumber Merchant; b Winfield, Kas Feb 16, 1900; s of Samuel George Morton-Sadie Bliss; ed Kendrick Okla; m Arliene Blanchard Sept 5, 1922 Alliance; s George R, Richard N, Robert D, Billy D, Roger; 1915-16 worked for Long Bell Lbr Co, Kendrick Okla; 1916-18 worked on farm near Winfield Kas; 1918-20 worked in oil fields in Okla; 1920-21 worked for George Parkins & Roy Bowser on farm in Box Butte Co, 1921-22 farmed in Box Butte Co; 1922-23 worked on farm & for Potmessell Ranch in Box Butte Co; 1923-26 worked for Farmers Lbr yard, Hemingford: 1926- mgr L W Cox Lbr Co at Melbeta & Mitchell; past mbr city coun at Melbeta; Comm Club; hobby, archery; res 1615 17th, Mitchell.
MOTHERSEAD, JAMES G: Attorney; b Wallace, Neb May 6, 1889; s of Andrew J Mothersead-Mary Slade; ed Wallace; Lincoln Acad; U of N, LLB 1908; Theta Kappa Nu; m Lucille Bruce Dec 20, 1923 Scottsbluff; s Robert B; 1908-09 with John M Stewart law off, Lincoln, also editorial work for Callahan Co during same period; 1910 adm to Neb bar, 1910-13 prac law, North Platte in firm of Wilcox & Halligan; 1913- prac law, Scottsbluff, 1913-18 as ptr of former Judge F A Wright, 1920 to date sr ptr in firm of Mothersead & York; during World War, served in 72nd coast arty corps in France 1918-19; Amer Leg 5, past post comm; past pres Western Neb Bar Assn; mbr Scotts Bluff Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; mbr Neb state planning bd since formation; Rotary; C of C; Episc Ch; Dem; off Murphy Bldg; res 1524 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.
MURPHY, LESLIE BARNETT: Merchant, Farmer, Stockman; b Humansville, Mo Oct 24, 1884; s of David A Murphy-Emma I Barnett; ed Boulder Colo; Bozeman Mont; Blees Mil Acad, Macon Mo; William Jewell Coll, Liberty Mo 1902-04; Kappa Sigma; m Stella Burchill (dec); m Lille B Dippel Dec 12, 1912 Blackfoot Ida; s David A; 1905-16 owner & opr Golden Rule Stores, Idaho Falls, Ida; 1916- owner & mgr L B Murphy Co, Scottsbluff, dry goods & gen mdse, has eight stores in western Neb & eastern Wyo; 1929- int in ranching & cattle feeding in Scotts Bluff Co: 1937-39 senator from 42nd dist, Scotts Bluff Co in Neb unicameral legislature, chmn com on committees, mbr appropriations com; C of C, dir past 20 years; Scottsbluff Country Club: AF &AM, past master Eagle Rock Lodge, Idaho Falls Ida; RAM; KT Idaho Falls, Scot Rite, El Korah Shrine, Boise Ida; BPOE 1367, first exalted ruler of local lodge; Rep; hobbies, cattle & cattle feeding; res 1808 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.
MYERS, RAYMON HAGLER: Superintendent of Sugar Factory; b Oneida, Kas Aug 29, 1887: s of Edward Harrison Myers-Anna Hagler; ed Grand Island HS 1907; m Vera Kussy June 10, 1914 Loveland Colo; s Billy Ray; d Betty Sue; 1907-09 express messenger, Adams Express Co, Grand Island & Lincoln; 1909-10 with Amer Crystal Sugar Co at Grand Island, bench chemist in laboratory; 1910- with Great Western Sugar Co at various places, now supt
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Who's Who
of factory at Minatare; Lions; AF& AM 201; Technical Soc of Denver; Scottsbluff Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golfing, hunting, collecting Indian artifacts; res Minatare.
NEELEY, FRANKLIN EARL: Bank Cashier; b Fremont, Neb Aug 21, 1890; s of Robert F Neeley-Mary Bergers; ed Gering HS 1907; Omaha Comml Coll 1908-09, m Ruth Carroll June 15, 1916 Niles Mich; d Barbara Ann; 1909-10 with Scottsbluff Natl Bank in summers as bkpr; 1910 with father org Gering Natl Bank, 1910- cash; past mbr city coun 10 years, pres several years, city treas 12 years; past treas Gering sch bd several terms; past mbr Oregon Trail Days several years; Central Irrigation Ditch treas several years; C of C, ch mbr, past secy, past treas, past VP; ch mbr Lions; Country Club; AF&AM 201, RAM; mbr Neb Assn of Ins Agts, Old Guard; Dem; hobbies, hunting, sports; father came to Mitchell valley 1883, org Mitchell Irrigation Dist, also instrumental in Orgn of Gering Irrigation Dist & Gering-Fort Laramie Irrigation Dist: off Gering National Bank; res 1405 O, Gering.
NEFF, HENRY W: Lumber Dealer; b Alexandria, Penn Jan 19, 1879; s of Benjamin Landis Neff-Mary Ann McMurtry; ed Sidney; Lexington; Denver U 1897; m Elizabeth Johnson (dec 1910); s Kenneth L; m Anna Burnham Aug 22, 1912 Denver; s Charles W; d Marguerite Ann, Nancy Caroline; 1892-94 worked for UP RR at Lexington; 1894-1900 worked for brother's lbr co while attending sch; 1900- ptr in Carr & Neff Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; IOOF 261, ch mbr; C of C; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Comm Congl Ch, mbr choir 1902-36; Rep; hobby, golf; res 207 E 20th, Scottsbluff.
NEIGHBORS, JOSEPH GRANT: Retired; b Putnam Co, Mo Sept 21, 1863; s of Joseph F Neighbors-Nancy Carter; ed Mo; Ill; m Carrie Alice Franklin Feb 22, 1886 Milan Mo; s Thomas F, Melvin W; d Grace A (Mrs Shove); 1872-86 worked on farms, did odd jobs in Mo, Ia & Ill; 1886-87 farmed in Mo; 1886 preempted & proved up on claim, Broken Bow; 1887- homesteader in western Neb, farmer, stock feeder; helped org Castle Rock Irrigation Ditch 1889; past mbr Bayard sch bd 10 years pct assessor 19 years; MWA; Neb Beetgrowers Assn; Bapt Ch; Rep; hobbies, travel, gardening; res McGrew.
NEIGHBORS, THOMAS FRANKLIN: Attorney; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb Jan 16, 1891; s of Joseph G Neighbors-Carrie A Franklin; ed Bayard HS; Neb Wes 1908-12; U of N LLB 1915; Alpha Tau Omega; m Irene Welsher Sept 4, 1918 Des Moines Ia; 1916 adm to bar; 1915-25 prac law at Bridgeport in firm of Williams, Hurd & Neighbors; 1925-28 mbr Neb Supreme Court Commission, Lincoln, resigned during 2nd term to reassume private prac; 1928-30 prac law, Bridgeport; 1930- prac law at Scottsbluff with firm of Neighbors & Danielson; 1928-30 special asst to atty gen in charge of irrigation legal matters for state; past chmn Neb commission during interstate negotiations on irrigation matters between Wyo, Neb & Colo; during World War commd as 2nd lt of first OTC, served 21 mos with 19th & 88th divs, disch as capt; AF&AM 265: Scot Rite; C of C; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Amer Leg: trustee of West Neb Meth Hosp, also trustee of Clarkson Hosp, Omaha; Episc Ch; Rep, past Morrill Co chmn Central Com, past mbr state advisory Com; off Scottsbluff National Bank Bldg; res 2015 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.
NEWELL, WILLIAM W: Retired; b Louisa Co, Ia June 7, 1858; s of Robert F Newell-Christina Newell; ed Louisa Co; bus Coll at Iowa City Ia; m Sarah Parkin Nov 1, 1883 Old Cliffton Ia; s Fred, Lewis, William D; d Maggie (dec), Vinnie (Mrs Fred Meyer), Caroline (Mrs John K Rohrer), Edith (Mrs Hobert Perkins), Nellie Annette (Mrs Earl Hatch); 1883-86 farmed in Ia; 1886-97 in cattle bus & rancher Albany Co, Wyo; 1897-1906 stock feeder & farmer near Mitchell; 1905-39 in cattle bus, rancher in Sioux CO: 1939- ret: began ranching in Sioux Co with 160 A, at time of retirement oprd 17000 A; dir First Natl Bank of Mitchell since 1925; dir First Natl Bank of Morrill since 1925; Dem; hobbies, ranching, reading; res 1430 19th Ave, Mitchell.
NIBLER, CRANFORD WILSON: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Boise, Idaho Mar 6, 1905; s of George Nibler-Harriett A Wilson; ed Boise Idaho HS 1923; U of Idaho BSc in Agr; mbr judging teams 1925-26; U of Mo, MA in Agr, mgr judging teams 1927; U of N; Colo St Coll, Ft Collins; Alpha Gamma Rho; Sigma Xi; Gamma Sigma Delta, m Helen Martenis June 22, 1921 Minneapolis Minn; s John Cranford; 1929-32 instr in dairy husbandry dept at U of N; 1932-36 Kimball Co agrl agt; 1936- Scotts Bluff Co agrl agt; int in 4-H Club work, improvement of potato industry & dairy herds, new crops suited to the valley; Lions; AF&AM 294; Meth Ch; Rep; off P O Bldg; res 1821 7th Ave, Scottsbluff.
OGILVY, ALLAN CLOVA: Engineer & Draftsman; b Blantyre, Lanarkshire, Scotland Sept 20, 1885; s of John Ogilvy-Elspth McGregor; ed Blantyre; Airdrie Acad 1901; Costbridge Technical Coll 1904; m Margaret Reid July 12, 1911 Clarkston Airdrie, Scotland; d Christina McGregor; 1901-11 appr draftsman, later draftsman & engineer for Inglis & Co of Airdrie, Scotland; 1911-12 draftsman for Watrous Engine Co. Brantford, Ontario, Canada; 1912-13 asst mgr Citadel Ornamental Iron Co, Calgary Alberta; 1913-14 with Amer Bridge Co at Gary Ind, chief draftsman in mechanical dept 6 mos; 1914-15 asst mgr Citadel Ornamental Iron Co Calgary Alberta Canada; 1915-31 with Great Western Sugar Co, engineer & draftsman at Denver & Scottsbluff; 1931-32 indep engineer in Scottsbluff; 1932-36 Scottsbluff city engineer; 1936-38 chief draftsman for Holly Sugar Co at Colo Springs; 1938- engineer & draftsman with Great Western Sugar Co at Denver & Scottsbluff; past BSA scout master 7 years; Scottsbluff Country Club; ch mbr; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, stamp collecting; off Great Western Sugar Co; res 1809 7th Ave, Scottsbluff.
OLSEN, HOWARTH NILES: Attorney; b Chicago, Ill Jan 11, 1908; s of Niles E Olsen-EvangeIine R Roberts; ed Kearney HS; U of Colo; m Ralene L Marquiss Nov 14, 1921 Sedgwick Colo; d Marian Ralene; 1922-29 teleg opr UP RR, Old Wyo. div; 1925-26 studied law in firm of Rolfson & Hendricks, Julesburg Colo; 1928 adm to Neb bar; 1928- prac with father in firm of Olsen & Olsen at Gering; local atty for UP RR; past Gering city atty; mbr Scotts Bluff Co insanity commission; AF&AM 201, past master; C of C, pres 1938-39; past pres Scotts Bluff Co Bar Assn; past secy Western Neb Bar Assn: Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; UP Jr Old-Timers Club; Episc Ch; Dem, past mbr Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off 1327 10th Ave-, res 1415 P, Gering.
OSTENBERG, HARVEY HOWELL: Banker; b Fremont, Neb June 16, 1878; s of Otto Ostenberg-Rosa Jones; ed Wahoo HS; Doane Coll 1897-98; U of N 1898-99; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Marie Lisbeth Moyer June 28, 1905 Syracuse NY (dec 1926); d Dorothy Jane; 1905-10 cash Farmers & Mchts Bank at Malmo; 1910 with brother W H org Scottsbluff Natl Bank, 1910-19 cashier, 1919-29 VP, 1929- pres; 1925 bank absorbed old First Natl Bank of Scottsbluff; 1910 org First Natl Bank of Bayard, now pres; 1910 org Gering Natl Bank, later sold; BPOE 1367; LOOM; C of C, dir many years; Neb Bankers Assn, past pres of Group 7; Amer Bankers Assn; Rep; off Scottsbluff National Bank; res 1401 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.
OVERSTREET, MRS JENNIE C: Operator Outdoor Advertising Business; b Geneva, Neb Jan 31, 1880; d of George W Plants-Mary Van Slyke; ed Geneva HS 1899; m Robert Edward Overstreet June 18, 1903 Eureka Springs Ark (dec); s Harlan Edward, Fred Lee; 1897-1900 tchr Fillmore CO; 1900-03 in nurses training at Everett Sanatorium, Lincoln; 1903-06 private nurse in Ozark Mountain resorts, Ark; 1908-19 husband owner & opr Overstreet Sign Co, Lincoln; 1919 husband owner & opr outdoor advertising co at Scottsbluff until death in 1922, Mrs Overstreet mgr since; past mbr bd of edn 6 years; helped org PTA of Scottsbluff, 2nd pres, pres city coun 1 year; B&PW, past pres, past state health chmn 1 year: Scottsbluff Womans Club, past pres; NFWC, treas 6th dist; Federated Garden Clubs of Neb, 5th dist dir; Rebekah, left support to vice grand; during World War gave more than 800 hours service to ARC, capt surgical dressings, later nurse during flu epidemic, has ARC pin for service rendered; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; parents came from Ind to Neb 1875, father taught first graded sch, Fairmont, mother's parentage has been traced back to Mayflower; hobby, flowers; res 1816 6th Ave, Scottsbluff.
PARKER, EDWIN MARION: Editor: b Jamesport, Mo June 6, 1891; s of Francis Marion Parker-Martha Melton; ed Gallatin Mo HS; m Sarah Thomas Carter Oct 30, 1912 Trenton Mo; s Carter Francis, Edwin Marion; 1909-10 appr with C M Harrison on Gallatin North Missourian at Gallatin Mo; 1910-12 linotype opr
in Nebraska
Scotts Bluff
in Mo; 1912-15 linotype opr & gen foreman DeKalb Co Herald at Maysville Mo; 1915-25 printer for A B Wood on Gering Courier; 1925-27 ptr of J P Entrekin on Minatare Free Press; 1927- owner & opr Minatare Free Press; past mbr city coun at Gering & Minatare; past mbr Minatare sch bd; mbr vol fire dept; ch mbr Gering vol fire dept; Lions, past pres; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM 295; BPOE 1367; NPA; Rep; hobby, sports; res Minatare.
PARRY, THOMAS WILLIAM: Manager Irrigation District; b Ogden, Utah Oct 18, 1879; s of Joseph Parry-Alice K Allen; ed Shoshone, Idaho HS; m Nelle Pierce Feb 18, 1918 Twin Falls Idaho; d Mima Nell; 1900-07 with various merc firms in Idaho; 1907-16 surveyor & hydrographer with U S Bureau of Reclamation on Minidoka Project in Idaho, 1913-16 supt of irrigation & construction; 1917 mgr Beaver Irrigation Dist, built several dams & canals, Milford Utah; 1918-23 with U S Bureau of Reclamation on Rio Grande Project at El Paso Tex, irrigation mgr & asst project mgr; 1923-26 irrigation mgr for North Platte Project in western Neb under U S Bur of Reclamation & located at Mitchell; 1926- mgr Pathfinder Irrigation Dist, Mitchell, in chg of construction & maintenance; during Sp-Amer War served 1 year in Philippine Islands with first Idaho vol inf, total service approximately 2 years; mbr bd of edn 4 years; 1 term mbr city coun; AF&AM 263, past master Rupert, Idaho; Comm Club, past VP; Mitchell Golf Club; Neb Irrigation Assn, pres 1937; mbr Neb Engineering Soc; USWV at Scottsbluff; Rep; off Pathfinder Bldg; res 1457 19th Ave, Mitchell.
PERKINS, HENRY CLAY: Farmer; b Farragut, Ia Dec 13, 1884; s of Samuel Little Perkins-Hester Hough; ed Ord HS 1901; m Esther Chilcoat Jan 26, 1918 Lincoln; d Maxine (Mrs William Miche), Floyce; 1900-05 farmed in Valley Co; 1905- farmer, Scotts Bluff Co; AF&AM 263; Scot Rite, 32o, Tangier Shrine; Federated Ch, past mbr finance bd; Rep; hobby, sports; res Mitchell.
PERRIN, WILLIAM ROSCOE: Land Appraiser; b Roca, Neb Dec 16, 1893; s of Amos E Perrin-Grace A McAllister; ed Lancaster Co; Temple HS, Lincoln 1912; U of N, BSc 1923; Farm House; m Genevieve Clark June 14, 1930 Gibbon; d Jean; 1916-18 farmed in Lancaster Co; 1923-24 in land appraisal work, Lincoln; 1924- land appraisal & farm management, Scottsbluff; during World War in 23rd machine gun battery 8th div at Camp Fremont Cal, disch Des Moines Ia, 10 mos in service; Amer Leg 5; BPOE 1367; Scottsbluff Country Club; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, cattle ranching; father came from Ohio to Neb 1872, settled in Lancaster Co; off 1709 Broadway; res 1702 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.
PERRY, CLAIBOURNE GORDON: District Judge; b Wahoo, Neb Nov 27, 1889; s of Thomas S Perry-Sarah A Watkins; ed Lincoln HS 1907; U of N LLB 1914; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; m Hazel M Putman Mar 10, 1923 Golden Colo; foster d June; 1915-17 prac law at Bridgeport; 1919-39 prac law, Bridgeport; 1939- 17th judicial dist judge; Morrill Co atty 1927-35; Bridgeport city atty 4 years at different times; mayor 1920-21; city coun mbr at Bridgeport 1924-25; asst atty gen 1983-38; during World War in 351st inf, 88th div, AEF O/S 9 mos, in service Aug 27, 1917-June 23, 1919 commd 1st lt; Amer Leg post 36 & ch mbr post 29, past comm VFW 1681; past pres Western Neb Bar Assn; past VP Neb St Bar Assn; AF&AM 285, past master, Scot Rite, 32o, Sesostris Shrine; Scottsbluff Country Club; past pres Lions; Episc Ch; hobby, hunting; off Courthouse; res 1320 O, Gering.
PETITE, ALBERT M: Hotel Owner & Manager; b Fond du Lac, Wis June 13, 1863; s of John E Petite-Nancy Stephens; ed Atlantic Ia; m Almeda D Curtis Sept 22, 1884 Atlantic Ia (dec); m Ruby L Wildy Nov 23, 1910 Scottsbluff (dec Aug 20, 1939); s Albert C, William C (dec); d Grace (Mrs Donald McGiffin); 1879 worked in Theo G Steinke Gen Clothiers, Atlantic Ia; 1891 entered tailoring bus in Hastings; 1894-98 in ins bus at Atlantic Ia; 1901-09 real est & ins agt, Atlantic Ia; 1909 in real est bus, Scottsbluff & later with Payne Investment Co; 1910- owner & mgr hotel; during Sp-Amer War enl US army; Omaha, June 27, 1898 sgt assigned to co H 2nd regiment US engineers for service in Cuba, honorable disch at Havana Cuba Apr 15, 1899; during Philippine Insurrection 1st lt co A 39th US Inf, enl Aug 17, 1899 at Havana Cuba, saw service in Philippines & was quartermaster of US transport Port Stephens, disch at San Francisco Mar 25, 1901; after war took part in reconstruction work, for some time in chg of old fortress Moro Castle & Cabanas which guard entrance to Havana harbor; wounded twice in battle near Manila, interior Luzon; during World War, commd capt QMC Feb 14, 1918 at Scottsbluff, in transportation service port of embarkation, N Y, disch at N Y Oct 30, 1919; VFW 1681; USWV 14, past Comm Theodore Roosevelt Camp; Amer Leg 5, chmn; AF&AM 265; Episc Ch: Rep; res 1512 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.
PLEHN, FRANK WALLACE: Physician & Surgeon; b Davenport, Ia Jan 8, 1865; s of Godfrey Plehn-Nancy Ann Luesley; ed Rock Island Ill HS 1881; Natl Normal U at Lebanon O 1885; Ensworth Med Coll at St Joseph Mo 1892; Uni Med coll at Kansas City Mo, MD 1898; m Adell Gehman 1886 Chicago; s Wallace Gehman, Donald Dorn, Kenneth Karl, Frank Adair; d Nanadell (Mrs James Westervelt), Ruby Ruth (Mrs Daniel Schwerin), Marjorie (Mrs Phillip Burnham), Lois May (dec); m Elipha Peters 1920 Omaha; s James Godfrey, Robert Vernon; 1882-84 worked at various vocations; 1885-89 tchr, Corning & Baileyville Kas; 1889-90 clk in drug store at Hiawatha Kas; 1892-95 prac med at Broughton Kas; 1895-98 prac med Blue Rapids Kas; 1898-1907 prac med in Pawnee Co; 1907- prac med, Scottsbluff; mbr sch bd 12 years, pres 7 years; mbr Kas state bd of health 1897-98; during World War in med corps, radiologist at Gerstner Field, Lake Charles, La, 12 mos; Episc Ch, past warden; Dem; off 1818 1/2 Broadway; res 2020 Ave C, Scottsbluff.
PONDER, JAMES WESLEY: Bookkeeper; b Campbell, Mo July 6, 1893; s of Thomas G Ponder-Ellen Snider; ed Campbell HS 1914; m Dorothy Wood June 5, 1920 Gering; s James Wood; d Marjorie Ellen, Polly Ann, Virginia Lou; 1915-16 with UP RR as appr in teleg at Gering; 1916-18 timekeeper for Great Western Sugar Co, Gering; 1919- with Great Western Sugar Co, Gering; 1929- opr ins agcy, Gering; past mbr city coun several terms; mbr swmming pool com since orgn; mbr vol fire dept 15 years; AF&AM 201; Neb Assn of Ins Agts; Natl Assn of Ins Agts; Gering Golf Club; during World War in co G 355th inf, 11 mos O/S, 13 mos in service, holder of DSC; Amer Leg 86, past comm; VFW; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; off Great Western Sugar Factory; res 2025 12th, Gering.
PROHS, OTTO JULIUS: Merchant; b Juniata, Neb Oct 14, 1887; s of Louis Prohs-Emma Doll; ed Peru Ill; Brown's Bus Coll, Ottawa Ill; m Flora West June 21, 1913 Princeton Ill; s Wesley Richard; 1901 appr in newspaper off at Peru Ill; 1901-13 with Big Ben Clock Works, Peru Ill; 1913 with brother, Edwin S came to Gering, estab & oprd hdw, furn & undertaking bus; 1921- mgr Prohs Bros Furn & Undertaking, Gering; mbr city coun Gering 8 years; helped org vol fire dept, past chief, past pres; Platte Valley Fed B & L Assn, pres since orgn 1934; Western Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, VP 1939; AF& AM 201; RAM at Alliance; Scottsbluff Rotary; Gering C of C, past pres; Assoc C of C of North Platte Valley, past pres; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; Rep, mbr Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; hobbies, hunting, travel; off 1517 10th; res 1405 Penn Ave, Gering.
PUMPHREY, FLOYD DOUGLAS: Farmer & Stock Feeder; b Upland, Neb June 7, 1893; s of Douglas Pumphrey-Mary Wernimont; ed Ohiowa HS 1911; U of N Sch of Agr 1911-13; m Mable Metcalf June 16, 1916 Sargent; s Walter Douglas, Dwight Ivan, Floyd Vance, Paul Harvey; d Mary Edith; 1913-23 farmed in Fillmore Co; 1923-27 steel worker, Boulder Colo; 1927-28 mechanic for Great Western Sugar Co at Lyman; 1928-29 farmed near Lyman; 1929-33 farmed at Idaho Falls Idaho; 1939- farmer near Lyman; past mbr sch bd dist 1; active in 4-H work; IOOF; Neb Sheepfeeders Assn; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, good stock; father came to Neb from Ia in early 70's, settled in Filmore Co; res Lyman.
QUIVEY, M B: Investment Dealer; b Hamlin, N Y Jan 14, 1872: s of Ruben Quivey-Martha Hovey; ed normal school, Brockport N Y; m Louise M Heimann July 25, 1928 Denver Colo; d Margaret (Mrs Albert H Hauret); mcht, banker, farmer; AF&AM, Mitchell; Scot Rite 32o, Omaha; Scottsbluff Country Club; life mbr New England Hist Genealogical Soc; res Bay State Ranch, Mitchell.
RABEN, ROY CHARLES: Lumber Dealer, Stock Feeder: b Armour, S D July 7, 1899; s of Dayton C Raben-Minnie Ritt; ed Armour S D HS; U of N 1919-21; 1922 estab lbr bus at Huntley, Yoder & Veterans Wyo, 1929 at Lagrange Wyo; 1929 homesteaded near Huntley, increased land
Part 1 County history (Adams-Dean) | Part 2 (Dennis-F Johnson)
Part 3 (H Johnson-Raben) | Part 4 (Raser-Young)Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory)
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