NEGenWeb Project - Scotts Bluff County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

holdings later, specialized in potato raising & sheep & cattle feeding; 1932 pur int in Gering Lbr Co Inc, became pres & gen mgr; still owner A C Raben Lbr Co yards at Huntley & Lagrange Wyo; has farm & stockfeeding ints in eastern Wyo; during World War in SATC at U of N; AF&AM, Armour S D; Scot Rite, 32o at Cheyenne; Lions; C of C; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Gering Golf Club; Amer Leg; Rep; Hobbies, farming, livestock; off Gering Lbr Co; res Gering Hotel, Gering.

   RASER, FORREST B: Grocer; b Palmer, Neb July 8, 1893; s of J Clay Raser-Alma E Bush; ed Chapman; m Edith L Mignery Sept 18, 1928 Boulder Colo; s Wade Raser; 1921-34 in meat & grocery bus, Gering; 1934 sold stock & leased store; 1935 built livestock sales pavilion & in livestock business until 1937 at Ogallala; 1937- in grocery & meat bus, Gering; AF&AM 239 Chapman; Comml Club; Lions; hobby, stock interests; res 1200 M, Gering.

   RASMUSSEN, NELSON H: Physician & Surgeon; b Ring, Denmark Sept 18, 1881; s of Samuel J Rasmussen-Karen Jensen; ed Winona Minn; Creighton U, MD 1915; Interne St Josephs Hosp, Omaha 1915-16; Phi Rho Sigma; m Theresa C Dzingle July 16, 1917 Ida Grove Ia; s John A; d Betty Ardine; 1882 came with parents to Amer, settled in Minn; 1891-97 worked on farm in Minn; 1897-1900 learned & followed blacksmith trade; 1900-03 prospector & miner in Alaska; 1903-04 with C&NW RR, fireman between Winona & Waseca Minn; 1905 in Alaska 4 mos; 1916-17 with Dr T J Dwyer, Omaha; 1917-26 prac med, Scottsbluff; 1925- with Dr Riddle org & opr Scottsbluff Clinic; CB&Q RR surg; surg for Great Western Sugar Co; past Scotts Bluff Co phys; past city phys; past mbr city coun 2 terms, pres 1 term; Rotary; Scottsbluff Country Club; BPOE 1367; AF&AM 265, Scot Rite, 32o Alliance; Tangier Shrine; Scotts Bluff Co Med, past pres; 12th Dist Neb St Med Assn; AMA; FACS; Episc Ch; Rep hobby, fishing; off 15 E 18th; res 1822 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   RAYMOND, JACK LEWIS: Attorney; b Scottsbluff, Neb Feb 19, 1902; s of Lewis L Raymond-Mabel Shumway; ed Scottsbluff HS; KSTC 1920-21; U of N 1921-22; U of Minn, LLB 1927; Delta Tau Delta; Phi Delta Phi; m Ruth Thaxter Aug 26, 1926 Minneapolis Minn; d Jane, Ann Ruth; 1927 adm to Neb & Minn bars; 1927-32 prac law, Scottsbluff; 1932-35 law ptr of father until his death; 1935 Banner Co atty; 1935- prac law, Scottsbluff; during World War served in US marine corps 1918-19, service in Philippines; Amer Leg; Lions, past dist gov 1936-37; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb, Neb St Bar Assns; Scottsbluff Country Club; Rep; father came to Scotts Bluff Co 1887, served as Scotts Bluff Co supt, Co judge, Co atty, mbr state senate 1909-11, prac law from 1903 until death; off 1610 1st Ave; res 2110 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   REDFIELD, WILLIAM CHANDLER: Retired; b Elmwood, Ill Dec 30, 1860; s of Franklin A Redfield-Mary E Aldrich; ed Johnson Co; m Mary E Barrett June 17, 1885 Pawnee Co; s Franklin B; d Martha (Mrs Willard W Lockwood, dec); 1870 came to Neb & settled in Johnson Co; 1870-85 helped father farm, herded stock & did odd jobs in Johnson Co; 1885-1905 farmed in Johnson & Pawnee Cos; 1905-09 Johnson Co clk at Tecumseh; 1910-15 Johnson Co treas; 1915-17 resided in Lincoln; 1917-34 org & oprd State Bank of Haig; 1934- ret; past mbr Haig sch bd; Meth Ch; Rep, chmn Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; hobby, politics; res Haig.

   REED, FRANK JOHN: Attorney; b Seward Co, Neb Dec 13, 1889; s of John Randolph Reed-Caroline Jensen; ed Milford HS; U of N, LLB 1920; Phi Delta Phi; Pi Kappa Alpha; m Eunice Baros July 27 1920 Milford; s Jules, Randolph; d Louise Jeannette, Adrienne Baros, 1911-20 in ins bus, Lincoln; 1920- prac law, Mitchell; city atty since 1925; city clk 1920-25; during World War, 1917-19 O/S with air service of AEF, recd training in Italy, later participated in patrol work in Italy & on western front under command of Fiorello La Guardia; Amer Leg 119, past comm; AF&AM 263; Kiwanis; Comm Club; Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; hobby, mechanics; mother's parents came to Neb from Milwaukee 1870, settled in Seward Co, father came from Va to Seward Co 1880, Civil War veteran under Confederate Gen John Moseby; off & res Mitchell.

   RIDDELL, TED EUGENE: Physician & Surgeon; b Beatrice, Neb June 17, 1896; s of Fred A Riddell-Ella M Hilton; ed Beatrice HS 1914; U of N BA 1918, BSc, MD 1923, N Club, lettered in football, basketball, baseball, track; interne U of N Hosp 1925; Delta Tau Delta; Nu Sigma Nu; m Miriam Gilligan Aug 18, 1928 O'Neill; d Sandra, Daramis; 1925-26 prac surgery. & diagnosis, Alliance; 1925- prac, Scottsbluff; during World War in US naval aviation, in service 18 mos; Amer Leg 5; Rotary; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; AF&AM 265; Scot Rite, 32o, Alliance; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; FACS; Hole-in-one Club; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting; off 15 E 18th; res 1416 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   ROACH, DAVID J: Assistant General Superintendent of Sugar Company; b Sedalia, Colo Apr 12, 1887; s of Phillip Roach-Louise Cook; ed Sedalia Colo; Regis Coll, Denver 1901-03; Colo St Coll, Fort Collins, BSc 1908; Alpha Kappa Epsilon; m Katherine B Higgins June 14, 1911 Kansas City Mo; d Mary Louise (Mrs John D Edmiston), Betty Ann; 1908- with Great Western Sugar Co, 1908-17 chemist at Fort Collins, 1917-20 in gen offs at Denver & asst to gen supt of Colo dist, 1920-29 mgr Fort Collins & Windsor plants, 1929-35 mgr Scottsbluff & Gering plants, 1935-39 dist mgr of Neb dist; August 1, 1939- asst gen supt Denver; AF&AM, Fort Collins; RAM; Scottsbluff Rotary, past dir; C of C, past pres; Scottsbluff Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, farming; off Great Western Sugar Plant; res 1903 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   ROBB, ALLAN MORRISON: Cashier in Sugar Factory: b Detroit, Mich Aug 8, 1888; s of William Morrison Robb-Margaret Oliver; ed Detroit HS 1907; Detroit Bus U 1907-08; m Sylvia Pace Nov 20, 1920 Denver; s William Allan; d Norma Ann; 1908-09 emp in off work for F A Drexel Whol Jewelry, Detroit; 1909-11 in off work for Lee & Cady Whol Groc at Detroit; 1911-13 in various vocations in Detroit; 1913- in off work for Great Western Sugar Co at various locations, now cash of factory at Minatare; past mbr city coun 6 years; treas & mbr sch bd 5 years, Lions, tress; AF&AM 295; Federated Ch; Rep, off Great Western Sugar Plant; res Minatare.

   RUSSELL, BLANCHE NICHOLS: Homemaker: b Chanute, Kas Feb 24, 1872; d of W A Nichols-Nancy Mitchell; ed Syracuse Ras HS 1889; Syracuse summer sch for tchrs; m Henry E Russell Mar 25, 1896 Gering; s Warren S; d Ruth (Mrs George W Clarke), Doris (Mrs A L Sutton); 1886-90 tchr near Syracuse Kas; 1890-96 lived with brothers & taught first sch in Mitchell, 1893; 1896-1902 with husband homesteaded, S of Morrill; 1902-12 resided in Mitchell: 1912-15 resided in Washington; 1915-16 lived on homestead W of Mitchell Valley; 1916-18 resided in Mitchell; 1918- assists husband in real est bus; has contributed historical articles to Gering Courier; OES 214, past secy; Mitchell Womans Club, ch mbr; Mitchell Bird Club; Chris Ch; hobbies, trout fishing, camping; res 1515 Broadway, Mitchell.

   RUSSELL, HENRY E: Real Estate & Insurance Dealer; b Platteville, Wis Oct 14, 1865; s of Calvin W Russell-Lydia Spargo; ed Richland & Vernon Cos, Wis; m Blanche Nichols Mar 25, 1896 Gering; s Warren; d Ruth (Mrs George W Clark), Doris (Mrs A L Sutton); 1887-1902 homesteaded, farmed near Granger; 1902-12 mgr Carr & Neff Lbr Co, Mitchell; 1912-15 resided in Washington; 1915- 16 farmed near Mitchell; 1916-18 mgr Carr & Neff Lbr Co, Mitchell; 1918- in real est & ins bus, Mitchell; bd mbr of Mitchell Irrigation Dist; AF&AM 263; IOOF 259, past noble grand; Comm Club; mbr sch bd 1906-12; mbr city council 1906-15; pres Half Century Club, part of Oregon Trail Assn; Chris Ch; Rep; hobby trout fishing; off 1273 Center Ave; res 1515 Broadway, Mitchell.

   RYMER, BERNARD EVERETT: Retired; b Lancaster Co, Neb Oct 22, 1882; s of George L Rymer-Mary E Stewart; ed Lancaster Co; ICS 1912, in Mary E Murdock May 26, 1919 Scottsbluff; 1894-98 worked on farms in Lancaster Co; 1898-1904 learned bakers trade, was baker in Lincoln, Davenport la, Ogden Utah, Portland Ore; 1904-18 plumber Lincoln & Omaha; 1918-32 plumber, Scottsbluff; 1932- ret; mayor 1935-39; mbr vol fire dept since 1921, served as chief & in other offs: life mbr Neb St Vol Firemen's Assn; C of C, dir; Kiwanis; AF&AM 263; IOOF, past noble grand; BPOE 1367; Scottsbluff Country Club; Chris Ch, past bd mbr; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting, hunting dogs; parents homesteaded near Lincoln 1875; res 2406 Broadway, Scottsbluff.

   RYMER, EDGAR BENTON: Plumbing & Heating Contractor; b Lincoln, Neb Aug 4, 1894; s of George T Rymer-Mary Etta Stewart; ed Lincoln; Cheney; m Rena Pointer Dec.


in Nebraska

Scotts Bluff

24, 1929 Scottsbluff; 1915-17 appr in plumbing trade in firm of George Wentz, Lincoln; 1919-21 in various plumbing firms in North Platte valley; 1921-27 with brother, Bert, in plumbing co, Scottsbluff; 1927 ptr of brothers, Bert & George, in plumbing bus; 1932- owner & mgr of firm under name of Rymers, plumbing, heating, gas-fitting, air conditioning, pump irrigation; during World War served in QMC railroad supply 802, O/S 1 year; Amer Leg; VFW; sponsor junior baseball team & bowling team, gives annual free Christmas show for children in Scottsbluff theaters; Natl Rifle Assn, Scottsbluff Gun Club; Riverview Rifle Club; Platte Valley Plumbers Assn, past pres; AF&AM, Scot Rite, El Jebel Shrine, Denver; BPOE 1336; LOOM; Lions; C of C; Scottsbluff & Riverview Country Clubs; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; off 16 W 18th; res 2524 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SANDS, CHARLES B: Farmer; b Stanfordville, N Y Oct 30, 1881; s of Charles B Sands-Phena Alice Rogers; ed Gering HS; m Maud Yates July 26, 1911 Gering; s Gordon L, J Donald; 1898-1903 with father on ditch construction, Gering Irrigation Dist; 1903- farmer near Gering, raised sugar beets, potatoes, corn, does some cattle feeding; AF&AM 201; MWA 2591; Gering Irrigation Dist; Dem; hobby, travel; res RFD 2, Gering.

   SANDS, HENRY HASOFF: Farmer; b Alliance, Neb July 5, 1889; s of Frank M Sands-Phene Alice Rogers; ed Gering HS 1907: Packard Bus Coll, N Y 1910; m Marie Rasmussen Jan 10, 1917 Gering; s Henry Rogers, Franklin Peter; d Phene Alice; 1910-17 with father on farm near Gering; 1917- farmer, Scotts Bluff Co; mbr sch bd dist 8, moderator 15 years; AF&AM 201; OES, Farm Bureau; has lived 47 years on same corner of original quarter section bought by father, had first home in Scotts Bluff Co made from ready-cut lumber, timber was from Black Hills & cut in Alliance then freighted to Scottsbluff; Dem; hobby, mechanics; father came from Kas to Neb 1882; was banker & builder, helped org Gering Irrigation Dist; res Gering.

   SANSOM, WILLIAM HENRY: Hatchery Owner, Produce Dealer; b Lafayette, Colo Nov 26, 1897; s of John Sansom-Margaret Wright; ed Johnstown, Colo HS; m Vera M Dawson June 30, 1919 Scottsbluff; d Bessie Mae; with father in groc bus at Johnstown Colo until 1916 & at Scottsbluff 1916-18; 1919-22 owner & opr Sansom Cash Store, Mitchell; 1922-27 with father in groc bus, Scottsbluff; 1927- owner & mgr Sansom Hatchery, Scottsbluff, developed from 24,000 egg capacity to 150,000 capacity 1939; active in child welfare work of Kiwanis, Scottsbluff; Jr C of C; Neb & Internatl Baby Chick Assns; during World War, divisional quartermaster 79th div, O/S 1 year in Meuse-Argonne & other offensives; Amer Leg 5; VFW; Meth Ch; Rep; off 1704 B Ave; res 2526 F Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SCHAEFFLER, ALBERT BARTH: Wholesale Beer Distributor; b Belleville, Ill July 21, 1882; s of Jacob Schaeffler-Therisa ___; ed Belleville Ill; m Francis Lucille Shepard Apr 23, 1905 Denver; s Clarence (dec), Raymond; d Barbara Jean; 1894-99 butcher, Belleville Ill; 1899-1916 druggist, Denver; 1916-35 owner & opr groc at Scottsbluff; 1935- owner & opr wholesale beer bus in Scottsbluff; past mbr city coun 4 years; Kiwanis; LOOM, chaplain; BPOE 1367; hobby, work; off 306 E 12th; res 1602 6th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SCHMODE, HENRY ADOLPH: Master Mechanic; b Breslau, Silesia, Germany Oct 27, 1870; s of Constantin Schmode-Ernestine Bleich; ed Germany 1889; engineering coll at Breslau 1891; m Hulda M Mittelstadt May 4, 1897 Norfolk; s Mart C, Edwin H; d Dorothy Grace Irma (Mrs James W Acton); 1893 came to Amer, settled at Norfolk; 1893-94 with Amer Beet Co at Norfolk as engineer, installed Steffens process, first in US; 1894-99 with same co, installed 2nd Steffens process in Chino, Cal, in chg of process 6 years; 1899-1901 tsfrd to Grand Island as chief engineer; 1901-08 chief engineer Standard Beet Sugar Co at Ames; 1908-10 master mechanic for Great Western Beet Sugar Co at Windsor Colo; 1910-27 supt of Scottsbluff sugar factory for Great Western Co; 1927- master mechanic of Scottsbluff sugar factory; AF&AM 265; Scot Rite; Tangier Shrine, 32o; Technical Soc of Denver; Comm Congl Ch, past trustee & pres finance com of presbytery; Rep; hobbies, reading, raising flowers; off Great Western Sugar Co; res 1510 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SCHROCK, JOSEPH BENSON: Physician & Oculist; b Livingston Co, Ill Mar 10, 1873; s of Christian Schrock-Marie Zimmerman; ed Flanagan Ill HS 1893; Neb Wes 1907-08; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1910; interne St Elizabeth Hosp, Lincoln 1910-11; m Lois Estelle Willsey Dec 2, 1916 Omaha; s Joseph B Jr; 1894-97 clk for John S Murphy Drug Co, Pontiac Ill; 1897-1907 worked in various drug stores in Ill; 1911-14 prac med in Broken Bow; 1914- prac med & oculist, Scottsbluff; past mbr sch bd 6 years; during World War in med corps of US army at Camp Funston Kas, examiner at receiving station, in service 1 year; Amer Leg 5, past comm; C of C; Lions, past pres; AF&AM 265; KT at Gering; Tangier Shrine, Scot Rite, 32o, at Omaha; BPOE 1367, past exalted ruler, trustee; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc, past pres, past secy 5 years; Neb St Med Assn; fellow AMA; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, agriculture; off 1513 1/2 Broadway; res 1611 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SCHROEDER, PAUL WILLIAM: Dentist; b Goehner, Neb Jan. 26, 1895; s of Fred D Schroeder-Flora Imig; ed Eustis HS 1914; U of N DDS 1917; m Hazel Bustard Oct 22, 1919 Eustis; s Paul William Jr; d Elizabeth Ruth; 1919-21 dentist at Eustis; 1921- dentist at Mitchell; during World War, 1st lt dental corps 34th, 36th & 1st divs, O/S 15 mos, recd Croix De Guerre while in France, 27 mos in service, disch as 1st lt; past mbr city coun 2 terms; past mbr vol fire dept several years; active in Jr League baseball past year; Comm Club; AF&AM 167; Scotts Bluff Co Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; Amer Leg 124, past comm; VFW; Federated Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; off 1276 Center Ave; res 1416 17th Ave, Mitchell.

   SCHWAB, HAROLD JAKE: Lumber Dealer; b Herndon, Kas July 24, 1895; s of Fred L Schwab-Louise Suess; ed McCook HS; U of N BA 1916; Delta Tau Delta; m Helen Nieman Sept 8, 1926 Omaha; 1917-19 with L W Cox & Co Inc, lbr & coal yard at Bayard, except for 14 mos in army; 1919 came to Scottsbluff as auditor for L W Cox & Co Inc; 1922-38 VP L W Cox & Co, owners of eight yards, Bridgeport, Bayard, McGrew, Minatare, Scottsbluff, Mitchell, Morrill & Guernsey Wyo; 1938- pres of company; during World War enl in US army AS at Alliance, 4 mos at Kelly Field Tex, 2 mos at Newport News Va, 6 mos in England, disch sgt 1st class; Amer Leg; AF&AM 265, RAM & KT at Gering; BPOE 1367; C of C; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Scottsbluff Country Club, past pres; conservative Dem; off 16 W 16th; res 2405 Ave B. Scottsbluff.

   SCOFIELD, LELAND NYE: Furniture Dealer; b Creston, Ia June 26, 1895; s of Bert M Scofield-Bertha Nye; ed Sterling Colo HS 1914; U of Mich, LLB 1920, M Club, lettered in track; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; m Carolyn Eddlemon July 20, 1925, Sterling Colo; s Jackson Barton; d Ann; 1921-25 prac law, Sterling Colo, dep dist atty 13th judicial dist; 1926-31 head of contract dept of Scofield's stores, Sterling Colo; 1931- mgr Scofield Store, Scottsbluff; during World War, in ambulance service of US army, 19 mos in service, commd 2nd lt, motor transport corps; Amer Leg 5; C of C; Rotary, dir; Natl Retail Furniture Dlrs Assn; Scottsbluff Country Club; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; off 19th & Broadway; res 1931 1st Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SCRIVEN, CLARENCE EDWARD: Elevator Owner, Farmer; b Colfax, Ill Feb 25, 1885; s of John E Scriven-Mary Alice Harrison; ed Mitchell HS 1903, first graduating class; Cotner Col, Lincoln 1903-04; m Gertrude Shoemaker Peirson Jan 11, 1911 Mitchell (dec Feb 5, 1914); s Clarence Eldridge; m Eva Kirkle of Minatare 1917; 1899 worked on railroad grade into Mitchell; 1904-06 rode cattle range in Scotts Bluff Co; 1906-11 Scotts Bluff Co surveyor; 1911- farmer, cattle raiser, sheep feeder in Sunflower Valley near Mitchell; also has farms in Sioux Co & in Ia; specialized in potatoes & alfalfa; ret 1928; 1928- owner & opr Mitchell Elevator; mbr Scotts Bluff Co Fair bd; past mbr Mitchell sch bds; past dir Interstate Canal, Mitchell; AF&AM 263, ch mbr; OES; Comm Club, ch mbr; Federated Ch; Rep; off Mitchell Elevator; res 1320 18th, Mitchell.

   SELZER, MICHAEL: Retired; b Baden, Kork Co, Germany Oct 26, 1858; s of George Selzer-Marie Marz; ed Homestead Ia; m Emma L Muenzenmaier Oct 23, 1884 Des Moines Ia; s Arthur L, Milton R; d Caroline M (Mrs Clyde Leach); 1868 came from Germany to Amer, with parents settled in Homestead Ia; 1872-81 with father on farm in Ia; 1881-84 worked in bottling works at Des Moines Ia; 1884-88 owner & opr bottling works, Carroll Ia; 1888-1914 owner & opr bottling works at Nebraska City; 1914- ptr of son M R in bottling


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

works at Scottsbluff; 1916-20 mgr Scottsbluff Creamery Co; past mbr Nebraska City sch bd 1 term; WOW; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, fancy gardening; so far as known, has only living ever-bearing Black Cap raspberry bushes in existence; res 1928 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SHAVER, HARLEY WAYNE: Insurance Agent; b Elgin, Ill Jan 26, 1890; s of John Pleasant Shaver-Georgia Frisbie; ed Belvidere HS 1906; PSTC 1912, pres senior class, mbr basketball team 1910-12; mbr football team 1909-11, capt 1911, All Neb coll tackle 1911, pres Athletic Assn; m Lora Newell June 1915 (dec Feb 1918); s H Wayne; m Lou Boyes Dec 16, 1930 Denver; 1907-09 tchr near Bruning; 1912-13 tchr at West Point; 1913-14 prin Scottsbluff HS; 1914-15 in real est & ins bus, Mitchell; 1915-18 prin Scottsbluff HS; 1919-21 in ins & real est bus; 1922- dist agt for Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co; has four farms & int in lbr bus; BPOE 1363; AF&AM 231; Rotary; C of C; Neb Life Underwriters Assn; dir Farmers Union; Rep; hobby, golf; res 2110 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SHEFFER, ROY EDWIN: Postmaster; b Neligh, Neb May 12, 1880: s of John A Sheffer-Elnora Z Weber; ed Salem; Creighton U, PhG 1902; m Ada T Campbell May 17, 1908 Gering (dec), believed to have been first white girl born in what is now Scotts Bluff Co; d Cleo L (Mrs J L Chambers); 1889-1901 clk in J E Anderson drug store, Gering; 1902-22 & 1923-33 owner & opr drug store, Gering; 1911-21 P M at McGrew; 1922-23 supt of Spanish labor, Great Western Sugar Co at Scottsbluff; 1926-29 owner & opr Buick sales & service, Gering; 1933-34 with Fed Land Bank of Omaha; 1934- P M at Gering; during World War, chief registrar east one-third of Scotts Bluff Co, chmn all Liberty Loan drives, YMCA drives, assoc mbr legal advisory bd, chmn of food commission during war; mayor of Gering 1931-32; past mbr city councils, Gering & McGrew 20 years; past mbr McGrew sch bd several years; C of C; AF&AM 201, Scot Rite 32o, Alliance; KT, Gering; WOW; Royal Highlanders; Neb ch of Natl Assn of PMs of US: mbr Neb Pharm Assn; Dem; hobbies, autos & travel; off Postoffice; res 1645 9th, Gering.

   SHIKE, WILLIAM EARL: Physician & Surgeon; b Clay Center, Neb Feb 14, 1884; s of William Douglas Shike-Ida Jane Elwood; ed Menlo Ia, HS 1903; Lincoln Med Coll, MD 1911; Tau Alpha Epsilon; m Mary Catherine Grove July 18, 1934 Alliance; stepson Jack Arthur; foster d Mary Katherine (Mrs George Hossack); 1904-11 worked at various vocations while attending coll; 1911-14 prac med, Madison; 1914- prac med, specializes in surgery & obstetrics, Gering; city phys 18 years; Scotts Bluff Co phys 1 term; past mbr city coun; C of C, past pres, past secy; AF&AM 201; Scot Rite 321, Alliance; KT, Tangier Shrine; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc, past pres, past secy of staff; Neb St & AMA; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing: father homesteaded in Clay Co in late 70's; off 1524 10th; res 1305 P, Gering.

   SHULL, LEON FRANCIS: Assistant Sales Manager; b Early, Ia Feb 19, 1901; s of Frank J Shull-Laura Jaynes; ed Early, Ia HS 1918; m Elsie Wolf Nov 14, 1923 Denver; s Leon F Jr, William H; 1918-20 worked on farms in Ia, also played semi-professional baseball in western Ia; 1920-21 clk for Pillsbury Flour Co at Minneapolis Minn; 1921-22 security salesman with Conroy & Co at Minneapolis; 1922 clk with May Co, Denver 4 mos; 1923 salesman 6 mos with Franklin Press & Graham Paper Co, Denver; 1923-31 salesman with Denver Public Service Co; 1931- asst sales manager, North Central Gas Co, Scottsbluff; with E H Plaster org Jr League Baseball in Scottsbluff; past VP Kiwanis; Scottsbluff Country Club; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, jr baseball; off 1714 1st Ave; res 2505 Ave A, Scottsbluff.

   SHUTTLESWORTH, LORIN BENTON: Farmer & Stockfeeder; b Carleton, Neb July 3, 1896; s of Austin Shuttlesworth-Susan Snyder; ed Carleton HS 1913; m Helen Flint Oct 8, 1924 Torrington Wyo; 1913-17 with father farmed near Carleton; 1919-20 Thayer Co dep sheriff 6 mos; 1920-21 oprd wheat ranch near, Akron Colo; 1921-24 clk in Downer Brothers Groc, Lyman; 1924- farmer & stockfeeder near Lyman; during World War, Apr 14, 1917-May 12, 1919, in co M of 4th Neb inf, tsfrd to 127th field arty, 25 mos in service, 6 mos O/S, disch non-commd ofcr; Amer Leg post 124; VFW post 2918, ch mbr post 360, past comm 2 years; AF&AM 322, master; Lions; Rep; hobby, sheep feeding; parents came from Ill & Penn to Neb 1879, settled near Carleton where father lived on same place 41 years, moved to western Neb 1930; celebrated golden wedding anniversary 1939; res Lyman.

   SIMMONS, CHARLES S: Commercial Artist; b Sunflower, Neb May 20, 1887: s of Charles H Simmons-Alice M Sheldon; ed Sunflower; Gering; Scottsbluff; Chicago Art Inst 1909; m Stella M Snyder July 21, 1908 Sterling Colo; s Charles S; d Cleo B (Mrs Lloyd T Jensen); mbr first family to settle in Scottsbluff; brother of Robert G Simmons, chief justice of Supreme Court; past mbr city park bd; AF&AM 265; Comm Congl Ch; hobbies, outdoor life, photography, sketching; res 2511 2nd, Scottsbluff.

   SIMMONS, OTIS WILSON: Merchant; b North Bend, Neb Sept, 16, 1885; s of Charles H Simmons-Alice M Sheldon; ed Scotts Bluff Co; m Nellie G Cline Mar 2, 1907 Scottsbluff; s Harold O; d Helen (Mrs Otis Terhune); 1900-10 carp for Winfield Evans, Scottsbluff; 1910-32 ptr of brother in contracting bus, Scottsbluff; 1932- contr, owner & opr paint store, Scottsbluff; KP, past chancellor comm, only original ch mbr of chapter in Scottsbluff; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; father came to Neb 1882, settled in North Bend, 1887 came to western Neb, settled in Scotts Bluff Co; father was first P M in Scottsbluff, originator oneword name for Scottsbluff; brother of Chief Justice Robert G Simmons; paternal grandmother came to Amer from England 1835, settled in N Y; off 1609 1st Ave; res 1523 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SIMPSON, EDWIN A: Farmer, Rancher; b Cortland, O Apr 30, 1900; s of Fred Simpson-Margaret H Currie; ed Cortland O HS 1916; m Helen Faust June 30, 1926 Jefferson O; s Edwin A; d Patricia; Ann, Sandra Lea; 1917-21 metal worker with F R Graham, sheet metal contr, Cortland O; 1921-30 owner & opr sheet metal contracting bus, Cortland O; 1930- opr farm, 8000 A ranch & feeder of stock, Mitchell; 1937- ptr in Ledingham's, potato dealers, Mitchell; Scotts Bluff Co Fair bd, dir; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; Colo-Neb Lambfeeders Assn; Rep; hobby, sports; res 1444 Center, Mitchell.

   SMITH, TED: Insurance Dealer; b Polk, Neb Aug 31, 1900; s of Morace F Smith-Elizabeth Leonard; ed Polk HS 1916; U of N, BA 1923; N Club; Phi Delta Theta; lettered in track; m Lorraine McCreary, Oct 11, 1923 Scottsbluff; d Patricia, Miriam; 1923 bkkpr 6 mos with Ottawa Co Natl Bank at Miami Okla: 1924-25 teller, Scottsbluff Natl Bank; 1925-28 org & opr ins off with O L Ellerbrock, Scottsbluff; 1929-30 teller Security First Natl Bank at Los Angeles Cal; 1930-31 with McCreary Bros Furn Store, Scottsbluff; 1932- owner & opr ins bus, Scottsbluff; during World War, SATC 3 1/2 mos, Lincoln; Amer Leg 5; Scottsbluff Country Club leading contender with E J Waite; Neb Assn of Ins Agts; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; off 1709 Broadway; res 2019 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   SOUTHWELL, WILLIAM: Stockman, Meat Packer; b Wis Aug 24, 1866; s of Benjamin Southwell-Mary Johnson; ed Ellsworth Co Kas; m Miriam Grimes Nov 1892 Wheeler S D; s Horace C, William Glenn; d Miriam Grace (Mrs Millard Kittell); 11874 drove cattle from Ia to Ellsworth Co Kas; 1874-79 rode cattle for various cattlemen in Kansas; 1879-81 rode cattle for Wes Moyer at Horse Creek in Ragged Top Mountains of Wyo; 1882-84 rode for Converse Cattle Co of Wyo, youngest of 200 riders in big round-up 4 years before settlers began to arrive in North Platte valley; 1884-95 ran own herd of cattle near Wheeler S D, during these years rode range in nearly all parts of western Kas, Colo, Wyo, S D & Neb; 1895-1909 owner & mgr ranch at Lake George, Colo, 1909- resident of Scotts Bluff Co, oprd meat market at Gering until 1920, farmer & owner meat-curing plant on homestead S of Morrill since 1924; LOOM, Scottsbluff 459; Morrill Rotary; Episc Ch; Rep; wife active in club & comm work, now pres Morrill 20th Century Club; Scotts Bluff Co supt of schs 12 years; res Morrill.

   SPRINGER, JOHN M: Farmer & Stock Feeder; b Sullivan Co Mo Sept 9, 1863; s of Elihue Farrington Springer-Holly Ann Jones; ed Sullivan Co Mo; m Lucy J McHenry Dec 8, 1897 Scotts Bluff Co; s Arland E, John Darrell; d Avice (Mrs Louis Perkins), Dorothy Denzil (Mrs E 14 Melling); 1880-83 worked on ranches in Idaho; 1883-1918 dealer in horses in Ore & Idaho, drove them to Neb, sold at Camp Clark, near present site of Bridgeport 1884; 1885- farmed S of Mitchell; 1906-1918 homesteaded & farmed in Wyo; 1918-24 resided in Cal, also resided there various other times since 1924; Rep; hobby, good stock, father mbr state legislature 1908, brother Henry M, served in state senate, active in irrigation projects; res Mitchell.


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   STAFFORD, WILL J: Banker; b Fremont, Neb Nov 9, 1885; s of Peter Stafford-Mary E McDonald; ed Norfolk HS 1904; m Dorothy Testman June 21, 1916 Grand Island; s Peter (dec); d Mary Jo; 1904-05 worked in Battle Creek Valley Bank; 1905-18 asst cash, later cash Citizens Natl Bank, Norfolk: 1918- with Scottsbluff Natl Bank, first cash, now VP & dir; engaged in feeding of sheep & cattle; BPOE 1367, past treas; C of C, past treas; past pres Scottsbluff Country Club; chmn bd of Fairview Cemetery Assn; KC 2681, past grand knight; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, bowling; res 1416 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   STARK, HARRY SANFORD: Real Estate Dealer; b Mystic, Conn June 28, 1875; s of Sanford Stark-Lucy Latham Ransom; ed East Denver HS 1893; m Mary Elizabeth Panushka Aug 30, 1904 Wilmette Ill (dec); 1890-93 carried Rocky Mountain News, Denver; 1893-95 mgr Mutual Bicycle Ins bus, Denver; 1895-1900 in mining industry, Cripple Creek Colo; 1900-05 clk in Barker Merc Co, Fort Collins Colo; 1905-10 teller First Natl Bank, Fort Collins; 1911-20 bkkpr, teller, VP First Natl Bank, Scottsbluff; 1920-25 secy Wilcox & Co retail house furnishings, Scottsbluff; 1925-33 mgr Stark Clothing Co, Scottsbluff; 1934-36 Scottsbluff city clk; 1936-37 cash First State Bank of Scottsbluff; 1937- in real estate bus; past secy C of C; Rotary, ch mbr & secy since 1920; mbr Scottsbluff & Neb Real Estate Assns; Comm Congl Ch; Rep: hobbies, building & plans; res 109 W 20th, Scottsbluff,

   STAUFFER, FRANK F: Farmer; b Wayne Co, O May 14, 1875; s of Daniel H Stauffer-Mary Frase; ed O; sod sch in Banner Co; m Martha D Osborne June 17, 1906 Banner Co; s Henry F, Walter D, Robert S; d Cora May (Mrs Levi Koenig), Mary Margaret; 1897-99 tchr, other work near Kearney; 1899- owner & opr farm NE of Harrisburg; 1913-34 cash, VP Harrisburg State Bank which was liquidated 1934; past Banner Co commr 4 years; Chris Ch; Rep; father homesteaded in Banner Co on site of present farm 1885; res Gering.

   STEEN, CLARENCE GUIDO: Dentist; b Wahoo, Neb Nov 1, 1883; s of John Steen-Marie Louise Hough; ed Wahoo HS 1901; U of N 1902-04; Creighton U, DDS 1908: Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Mabel Melinger May 6, 1908 Burlington Ia; s John F; d Jane (Mrs A C Allen), Virginia L; m Jean Weller Dec 3, 1919 Denver; s William W, Donald M; d Crete Gail; 1908-15 dentist, Scottsbluff; 1915-17 prac with Dr T E Dailey, Omaha; 1917- dentist, Scottsbluff; past mbr city coun; Scotts Bluff Co chmn ARC 1922; mayor of Scottsbluff 1913; Rotary, ch mbr, past pres; Riverview Country Club; AF&AM 265, past master Scot Rite, 32o Tangier Shrine; Western Neb Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; active in Jr League Baseball; played baseball with U of N 1903-04, semi-professional baseball summer 1904 at Beatrice, with Black Hills League at Belle Fourche S D semi-professional 1905, at Kearney 1906 & with Lincoln Club of Western League, 1907; Congl Ch; Rep; hobby, building a historical baseball & football library; off 1705 1/2 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   STONE, EVERETT MARION: High School Principal; b Wilsonville, Neb Aug 21, 1900; s of William A Stone-Mary J Yates; ed Danbury HS 1920; Neb Wes 1920-22; Creighton U 1923-25, PhB; U of Chicago 1933; Colo St Tchrs Coll at Greeley, MA 1937; Theta Phi Sigma; m Thelma E Hoppe June 4, 1929 Stella; s William Steven, Douglas Hoppe; 1922-23 tchr at Danbury; 1925-27 prin & coach at Malta Mont; 1928-35 coach & Jr HS prin, Scottsbluff; 1985- prin Scottsbluff Sr HS; past pres Lions; Scottsbluff Country Club; NSTA, VP Supts & Prins Section 1939-40; NEA, dept of secondary sch prins; Meth Ch: Rep; hobbies, golf, football,. off High School; res 2409 Ave C, Scottsbluff.

   STUVE, PAUL F: Secretary of Board of Education; b Sterling, Neb July 26, 1895; s of Carl William Stuve-Lena Plinke; ed Sterling HS 1913: U of N 191.3-14; LBC 1914-15; m Viva L Dilworth June 1, 1917 Lincoln; 1916-26 with Natl Bank of Commerce, Lincoln & Stockmans Natl Bank, Brush Colo; 1927-32 emp in Platte Valley State Bank, Scottsbluff; 1933- secy Scottsbluff bd of edn; during World War enl in marine corps June 1918, served until May 1919 in 78th Co of 6th marines, from Dec 1918-March 1919 in Germany; 8 years adjt & finance ofcr Amer Leg, Brush Colo; mbr Brush Colo city coun; Lions: AF&AM; Episc Ch, vestryman; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; off HS; res 2222 Ave E, Scottsbluff.

   SWINDELL, WILLIAM B: Retired; b Silver Creek, Ia Oct 26, 1856; s of William Swindell-Isabel Carrothers; ed Delaware Co Ia log school; m Ida Johnston Aug 27, 1882 Manchester Ia; s Earle J, Donald W; farmed with father in Ia before coming to Neb; 1885 homesteaded in Cheyenne Co, 6 mi E of present site of Scottsbluff, was first settler on N side of river in present Scotts Bluff Co, built first settler's house between Torrington Wyo & Camp Clarke; 1886-93 unsuccessful in dryland farming, freighted to & from Sidney, Kimball & later Alliance; 1889-92 managed store & was second P M in old town of Minatare; 1893-94 res Lincoln; 1894 pur 160 A NW of Minatare, under irrigation; 1897-1915 P M reapptd by McKinley in present town of Minatare; holds commissions from 4 presidents, Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt & Taft; managed merc store in Minatare few years: resident of Minatare since 1900; Rep, many years mbr Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; past secy Farmers Irrigation Dist during building of canal, financed first survey 1889; MWA; Indep; res Minatare.

   TALLON, FRED D: Income Tax Consultant; b Union Mills, Ia Feb 7, 1890; s of George M Tallon-H Emma Upton; ed Tobias HS, 11th grade 1908; Basin Wyo HS, 12th grade, 1910; U of N 1908-09; LaSalle ICS; Union Literary Soc; m Mina McDowell July 6, 1914 Ten Sleep Wyo; d Shirley Martin, Virginia Ann: 1909-20 resided in Basin Wyo, first graduate of Big Horn Co HS, worked in P O, Big Horn County clk; 1912-15 ptr of father in sheep bus; 1915-20 indep bus; 1920-21 labor agt for Great Western Sugar Co; 1921- public accountant, Scottsbluff; 1929 erected first public swimming pool in Scottsbluff; mbr city coun 1927-28; AF&AM 265, past master; Rotary, VP; C of C; chmn of first aid & life saving of ARC; mbr sch bd 1926-27, secy bd of edn; Meth, treas Meth hosp 1923-28; Rep; hobbies, golf & hunting; res 2501 Ave A, Scottsbluff.

   TAYLOR, FLOYD CHESTERFIELD: County Treasurer, Owner Investment Company; b Merna, Neb Jan 29, 1895; s of Frank T Taylor-Mayme Kitchen; ed Anselmo; Custer Coll, Broken Bow 1911-12; m Verle Williams Apr 22, 1917 Broken Bow; d Eva Jean; 1912-17 with father in bus at Anselmo; 1917-20 oprd groc & gen store at Anselmo; 1920-24 Scotts Bluff Co dep clk; 1924-30 Scotts Bluff Co assessor; 1931- Scotts Bluff Co treas; 1936- owner Western Investment Co, Scottsbluff; AF&AM 266; BPOE 1367; Neb Assn of Co, Tress; Scottsbluff Country Club; Episc Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; father's family were early residents of Custer Co, settling there in 1880's, mother's parents came from England to Neb; off Courthouse & 11 E 17th; res 1617 6th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   TELL, ARTHUR WILLIAM: Life Insurance Agent; b Dunbar, Neb Feb 5, 1894; s of Francis William Tell-Caroline Hanson; ed Dunbar HS; U of N, BSc 1917; Farmhouse; Sigma Tau; Alpha Zeta: m Faye Lichtenstiger Jan 12, 1918 Omaha; d Barbara Jean (Mrs Charles H Pope); 1917-19 with USDA, came to Scotts Bluff Co Mar 1, 1918 as first Scotts Bluff Co agrl agt: 1919 in potato bus at Scottsbluff; 1919- with Union Central Life Ins Co of Cincinnati O, now gen agt, one of three personal producers with company in US who have qualified as mbrs Half-Million-Dollar Club each year since inception 1930; past VP Neb Life Underwriters Assn; Panhandle Life Underwriters Assn; Comm Congl Ch, past trustee, pres Men's Club past two years; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, flowers; off 1812 Broadway; res 2508 Broadway, Scottsbluff.

   THOMAS, CARL: Farmer & Stockman; b Scotts Bluff Co, Neb June 15, 1894; s of Valentine Thomas-Elizabeth Kamann; ed Morrill HS; U of N 1915-16; Sigma Chi; m Mary Horn May 17, 1919 Gering; s Robert C, Warren R; d Marion L; 1887 family came from Germany, among first families to settle in Dutch Flats near Morrill, did gen ranching until 1908; 1916-19 in farming & stockraising bus with father, Morrill; 1919- farmer, lamb & cattle feeder, on 3 farms near Morrill, specializes in certified seed potatoes & in sheep feeding; chmn bd of edn since 1936; AF&AM 271, past master; Rotary; Comm Club, pres since 1937; Neb Potato Improvement Assn; Neb Certified Potato Growers Assn; Colo-Neb Lambfeeders Assn; Rep; res RFD 1, Morrill.

   THUMANN, ARNOLD HENRY HERMAN: Branch Manager Auto Company; b Clatonia, Neb Jan 9, 1899; s of George Robert Thumann-Wilimena Stubendick; ed Clatonia HS; LBC 1922-23; m Bertha M Mitchel Sept 7, 1924 Lincoln; s Arnold Ted; d Jacqueline Jane; 1915-20 carp, builder, Clatonia; 1920-22 head miller for Farmers Milling Co, Western; 1923-24 with father in impl bus,


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

Clatonia; 1924- with Sidles Co of Lincoln & Scottsbluff, clk, salesman, branch mgr at Scottsbluff; C of C; Riverview Country Club; AF&AM 314; LOOM 459; BPOE 1367; Valley Boat Club, past secy & treas; Neb St Sportsmens Assn; Episc Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, sports; father came from Ill to Neb in middle 70's, settled near Clatonia; off 11 E 19th; res 1910 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   TOWNSEND, STRAIGHT: Attorney; b Riverton, Neb May 27, 1905; s of Adelbert Townsend-Anna L Cook; ed Cook; U of N LLB 1930; Alpha Theta Chi; Phi Alpha Delta; m Margaret Meyers Nov 19, 1927 Manhattan Kas; s Norman Lee; 1930 adm to bar; 1930- prac law Scottsbluff; 1934- city atty; AF&AM 265; BPOE 1367; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb & Neb St Bar Assns; Kiwanis, past pres; Meth Ch; Rep, secy Scotts Bluff Co Central Com; off 7 West 17th; res 2214 Ave D, Scottsbluff.

   TOWSE, CHARLES DENNIS: Superintendent of Sugar Factory; b Cincinnati, O Oct 1, 1884; s of Charles Henry Towse-Lavanda Arbelle Dole; ed Portsmouth O; m Rosa Adelin Graham Aug 18, 1915 Fort Collins Colo; s Charles Robert; d Rosalee Graham, Mary Jane; 1902-04 with Irving Drew Shoe Co, Portsmouth O, factory worker; 1904-07 with Harbison-Walker Refractories Co, Portsmouth O, shipping foreman & inside foreman; 1908-09 floor foreman H D Lee Merc Co at Salina Kas; 1909- with Great Western Sugar Co at Fort Collins until 1916, at Gering 1916-17, at Bayard 1917-20, superintendent at Mitchell since 1920; AF&AM 263; Scot Rite, 14o Omaha; Beet Sugar Tech Soc; Rep; hobby, sports; off Great Western Sugar Factory; res 1444 19th Ave, Mitchell.

   TRUMBULL, WILLIAM SMITH: Sales Manager; b Minden, Neb Dec 23, 1903; s of Robert S Trumbull-Martha A Losee; ed Elwood HS 1921; U of N, LLB 1927; pres senior class 1926; Sigma Chi; Phi Alpha Delta; m Dorothy I Carr Sept 25, 1928 Scottsbluff; s James Carr; 1927-29 mgr city real est dept First Trust Co, Lincoln; 1929-30 in abstract bus, Scottsbluff; 1931-38 clk of dist court of Scotts Bluff Co: 1939- sales mgr Carr & Neff Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; mbr city cemetery bd 4 years; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; AF&AM 265; Neb St Bar Assn; Comm Congl Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, sports; off 1319-21 Broadway; res 2117 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   VENABLE, WILLIAM PETTIT: General Superintendent Public Service Company; b Farinville, Va Dec 12, 1897; s of William P Venable-Bessie Ritnour; ed Farmville Va HS; Va Mil Inst, BSc 1922; Kappa Alpha; m Lucy Wynne Embrey Sept 17, 1927 Fredericksburg Va; s William Pettit Jr; d Eliza E; 1916-17 appr in electricity with Westinghouse Co, Pittsburgh; 1922-23 tester for Westinghouse Electric Mfg Co, East Pittsburgh, Penn; 1923-24 power sales engineer Penn Public Service Co, Johnstown Penn; 1924-25 supt of Spottsylvania Power Co, Fredericksburg Va; 1925-26 supt northern div Virginia Electric & Power Co, Fredericksburg Va; 1926-28 asst supt electric dept of Norfolk div Va Electric & Power Co at Norfolk Va, 1928-30 mgr Williamsburg Va dist; 1930-34 supt western div, Western Public Service Co, Scottsbluff; 1934- gen supt Western Public Service Co, opr in Neb, Colo, Wyo, S D, Mo; during World War enl in USN May 1918-Jan 1919, in training at Newport R I & electrical sch at Hampton Roads naval base; Amer Leg; BPOE 1367; LOOM 459; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; Episc Ch; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; off Western Public Service Co Bldg; res 1823 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WAITE, EDGAR JACOB: Manager Lumber Company; b Saline Co, Neb June 5, 1894; s of Adolph Waite-Barbara Tontz; ed Lincoln HIS 1912; U of N 1913-14; m Leona Mabel Roberts Feb 20, 1920 Chadron; s Edgar Allen, Donald Julius; 1910-27 salesman for Curtis Towle & Paine Co, Lincoln; 1927-36 mgr Cook Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; 1936- ptr of H I Bomgardner, L B Murphy & H W Shaver in Waite Lbr Co, Scottsbluff, mgr; during World War in hdqrs co 355th inf 89th div, tsfrd to co G, 372nd inf, 101/2 mos O/S, 1 year in service, disch lt Mar 11, 1919; Amer Leg 5; VFW; C of C; AF&AM 181; BPOE 1367; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Scottsbluff Country Club; Rep; hobbies, golf, hunting; off 1612 Ave A; res 2213 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WALTERS, FRED H: Farmer; b Trenton, Neb Dec 6, 1896; s of Eugene J Walters-Abilene Seeley; ed Trenton HS 1913; m Jessie V Harrison Nov 27, 1920 Gering: a Eugene L; d Lila Nan; 1913-17 clk, then cash, later receiver First Natl Bank, after consolidation with Farmers & Mchts Bank at Trenton; 1919- farmer, Scotts Bluff Co, also homesteaded in 1928; pres sch bd 4 years; leader 4-H Club in North Platte Valley; mbr review bd for BSA 3 years; Farm Bureau; North Platte Valley Co-op Cheese Co, past secy 7 years; during World War, in QMC of US army at Camp Johnson, Jacksonville Fla 12 mos, Fort Crook 6 mos, 18 mos in service; Meth Ch; Dem, pct chmn Central Com; hobbies, collecting rocks various colors; parents came from York Co to Hitchcock Co 1882, homesteaded; res RFD 2, Gering.

   WARDEN, FRANK RICHARD: General Manager Livestock & Poultry Feeds Co; b Aldrich, Minn Mar 25, 1896; s of Charles L Warden-Ellen Charmley; ed Wadena Minn HS; short courses at U of Minn; m Ida Grace Huffman May 7, 1921 Wadena Minn; d Ruth Ellen, Frances Jean; reared on farm in Minn, ptr of father short time; 1919-29 rented father's farm in Wadena Co Minn, oprd purebred dairy bus with Holstein cattle; judged poultry & cattle shows in Minn, also served as pres of Farm Bureau & pres Wadena Co Minn Fair bd; 1929-37 with Ralston-Purina Co, St Louis, salesman & contact man covering all except Tex areas west of Mississippi; 1937- ptr & gen mgr John R Jirdon twin cities div, mfrs & whol jobbers of complete line of livestock & poultry feeds, originated & registered formulas for 43 lines of feeds; 1917-19 during World War served in USN, left with first ship & was stationed with destroyer flotilla in convoy for duration of war, O/S 25 mos, 1917-19 learned machinist's trade in navy machinists sch, disch as chief machinist; Amer Leg post 37; VFW 1681; Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; Lions; 1939 VP Oregon Trails Commission at Gering; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club; Congl Ch; Dem; res 855 O, Gering.

   WARRICK, STEPHEN KENLY: Farmer, Stock Feeder: b Elk Creek, Va July 2, 1868; s of George W Warrick-Elizabeth Stone; ed Elk Creek Va; Elk Creek Acad; m Lutie M Burton July 20, 1900 Wytheville Va; s Burton (dec), George E, Stephen K Jr; d Virginia (Mrs Philip Carroll); 1888 came from Va to Neb; in banking bus in Neb from 1889-1925; 1889- 6 mos with Farmers & Mchts Bank of Battle Creek; 1889-1900 cash & mgr Battle Creek Valley Bank; 1900-12 cash & mgr Broken Bow State Bank; 1901-12 mgr Bank of Merna, 1904-12 with First Natl Bank of Alliance; 1909-22 with Minatare Bank; 1909-26 with First Natl Bank, Scottsbluff, pres 1912-25; for a time also pres of banks at Minatare & Merna; 1912 consolidated banking ints into latter three banks, closing out all banking ints in 1925; 1900-12 in cattle loan bus in sandhills from Broken Bow to Wyo line; since 1925 has devoted time to agr & livestock feeding; 1936- mbr Neb St Agri Conservation Com; past mayor of Battle Creek 10 years; past mbr Scottsbluff city coun; mbr bd of edn 10 years, instrumental in obtaining sch bldgs prior to 1939 bldg program; KP, mbr 46 years; Farm Bureau; North Platte Valley Lamb Feeders Assn, past secy 20 years; Colo-Neb Lambfeeders Assn, helped org & served as secy- treas 8 years; Neb Potato Improvement Assn; Neb Certified Potato Growers Assn; Natl Beetgrowers Assn, past dir 5 years, mbr exec Com 3 years; Neb Non-Stock Co-op Beetgrowers Assn, pres 1933-38; Rotary; C of C; Meth Ch; Dem; hobbies, reading, studying sugar beets & potatoes; off 1700 1/2 Broadway; res 1806 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WATSON, CLAUDE ROSCOE: Physician & Rancher; b Lebanon, KY Sept 15, 1884; s of Bufford Watson-Margaret Miller; ed Lebanon Ky HS; Purdue U 1901-02; U of Ky, BA & MD 1906; Phi Chi; m Mabel C McDaniel July 6, 1926 Council Bluffs Ia; d Mary Jo; 1906-07 Interns Louisville Ky City Hosp; 1907-08 resident phys Louisville Ky City Hosp; 1908-14 prac med, Miller; 1914-16 with Mayo Clinic, Rochester Minn; 1916- prac med, Mitchell; during past 20 years has built up ext ranch holdings in Sioux Co, now owns one of largest areas of land in one body & under single ownership in Neb, produces Herefords, Belgian horses & pure-bred saddle horses; AF&AM 268; Scot Rite, Tehama Shrine, ch mbr Hastings; ch mbr & past pres Comm Club, chmn road corn, active in promoting highway work in western Neb; Kiwanis, pres 1938; Scotts Bluff Co Med Soc, past pres; Neb St & AMA; dir Sandhill Feeder Cattle Producers Assn; Neb Stockgrowers Assn; dir Scotts Bluff Co Fair bd; Federated Ch; Rep; hobbies, cattle, cattlefeeding, purebred horses, photography; res Mitchell.

   WEAVER, EARL SCHROCK: Plant Manager Telephone Corporation; b Columbus, Neb May 10, 1884; s of Louis William Weaver-Phoebe Grace


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Schrock: ed Columbus HS; m Leona Leota Harbert July 19, 1906 Creston; d Ruth Claire (Mrs John Cardiff), Phoebe Laura (Mrs Bruce Tompkins); 1900-09, 1913-18 wire chief Platte Co Indep Tele Co, Columbus; 1909-13 mgr Humphrey Tele Co, 1918-19 dist wire chief Wyo-Neb Tele Co, Chadron; 1919-29 dist wire chief Platte Valley Tele Corp at Scottsbluff, 1929- plant mgr; 3 years mbr Scottsbluff sch bd; MWA; C of C; Kiwanis; Tele Pioneers of Amer; Meth Ch; Rep; grandfather, Michael Weaver among original settlers of Columbus, coming from Ohio 1858, first J P in Columbus; father L W (dec) 1928 2nd white child b in Columbus, founded Weaver Coal Co; off Tele Co; res 2116 Ave D, Scottsbluff.

   WEETH, MRS DOROTHY WRIGHT: Teacher; b Gering, Neb Aug 19, 1900; d of Fred A Wright-Elizabeth Royer; ed Scottsbluff HS; U of N, BA 1922: Colo St Tchrs Coll at Greeley; U of Omaha 1936; Delta Gamma; m Harold J Weeth Dec 30, 1926 Omaha; s Charles Frederick; d Marian; 1922-24 tchr, Overton; 1925 history tchr, Scottsbluff HS; 1937- tchr of physical edn in Scottsbluff Jr Coll, mathematics in HS; active in Camp Fire & PTA; took course in creative writing for pleasure, author number of short stories; PEO, Ch CP; AAUW; Presby Ch; hobbies, tennis, golf; res 210 E 17th, Scottsbluff.

   WELLS, HARLAN D: Vice-President of Bank; b Maryville, Mo Apr 8, 1894; s of William Wells-Nora Busby; ed Hopkins Mo HS 1913; Maryville Bus Coll; m Grace Michael Dec 4, 1920 Hemingford; 1913-17 bkkpr with Bank of Hopkins; 1919-22 asst cash Amer State Bank at Hemingford, later consolidated with First State Bank of Hemingford; 1922-31 cash First Natl Bank at Alliance, reorganized to Neb Natl Bank; 1932-35 cash Neb Natl Bank; 1935-38 cash Guardian State Bank; 1938- cash, now VP First State Bank at Scottsbluff; during World War in 89th div at Camp Funston, QMC short time, disch from OTC at Camp Pike Ark, in service 14 mos; Amer Leg 5, ch mbr post 9 at Hemingford, past comm; Lions; C of C, past treas at Alliance; BPOE 961, past exalted ruler; AF&AM, Scot Rite at Alliance; Scottsbluff Country Club; Rep; hobbies, golf, sports; off First State Bank; res 302 E 15th, Scottsbluff.

   WERNER, ERNEST RANDOLPH: Store Manager; b Harrisonburg, Va May 11, 1899; s of Joseph P Werner-Anna E Kitchen; ed Carey Idaho HS; m Malena Johnson Jan 10, 1921 Billings Mont; s Kent Johnson, Ernest Richard, Edward; d Inez Irene, Sally Ann; family left Va for Utah 1902, 1906 retd to Va, 1910 back to Utah, then to Brooks Alberta Canada, 1911-12 residents Salem Oregon, 1913 moved to Carey Idaho, traveling because of father's general contracting bus; 1919-21 mgr Golden Rule Store at Lovell Wyo; 1921-23 ptr of father & brother, contrs & builders, built approximately 45 residence structures in Salt Lake City; 1923- with J C Penney Co; at Hailey Idaho & store mgr 1926-27, 1928-31 store mgr at Lusk Wyo; 1932-33 mgr at Gordon; 1934- mgr at Scottsbluff; 1936- dist leader of 10 stores in western Neb & eastern Wyo area; during World war, 1918-19 served in US marine corps stationed on Pacific coast most of time; Amer Leg post 5, adjt, vice comm 1939; BPOE 1367; Lions, past pres, past secy; C of C, mbr retail div; Scottsbluff Country Club; mbr relief com at Lusk Wyo; Latter Day Saints Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing, travel; off J C Penney Co; res 2221 3rd Ave, I Scottsbluff.

   WESTERVELT, EUGENE THEODORE: Retired Publisher; b Greenfield, Mass Jan 16, 1866; s of James H Westervelt-Lorena Day; ed Sheridan Mich; m Laura Belle Amos June 30, 1886 Broken Bow; s J William, John McKinley, Lawrence, Mendel Eli; d Muriel N, Lorane Katherine (Mrs Dale Henderson), Ethel (dec), Florence (dec), Dessie May (dec); 1878 came to Neb, located at Westerville, Custer Co, town named after father; 1885-87 in newspaper work in Ansley; 1887-1900 farmed at Gering, did gen freighting from Alliance, Kimball & other towns; 1896-99 sheriff of Scotts Bluff Co; 1900 founded Scottsbluff Republican May 4, in one of first bldgs occupied in new town; 1909-15 P M of Scottsbluff, instrumental in naming city streets; 1925-31 apptd & served as mbr Neb bd of control under Gov McMullen; 1935- ret from active participation in newspaper bus, leaving oprn of Republican to wife & sons: 1900-06 mbr town coun; mbr sch bd 1900-09; AF&AM 265; Rep; hobbies, politics, irrigation; res 1604 2nd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WESTERVELT, JAMES PHILLIP: Merchant; b Montcalm Co, Mich Mar 12, 1869; s of James H Westervelt-Lorene, Day; ed Mich; Custer Co: m Edith W Sayre Sept 6, 1898 Gering (dec); 1881-84 freighted from Grand Island & Kearney to Westerville; 1884-87 worked at various vocations, Westerville; 1887-89 freighted from Sidney to Gering; 1889-91 owner & opr gen store on Pumpkin Creek, Freeport; 1891-92 studied dentistry with Dr Taylor at Sheridan Wyo; 1892-1905 prac dentistry at Gering; 1905-09 Scotts Bluff Co sheriff; 1909-13 dentist, Gering; 1913- org, mgr Farmers Merc at Gering, owner since 1925; AF&AM 201, past master; Scot Rite, 32o at Omaha; mbr city coun past 40 years at various times; past mbr Gering sch bd several years; past mbr Scotts Bluffs Co Fair bd & gen supt several years; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, work; off 10th & O; res 1050 R, Gering.

   WHITEHEAD, JAMES T: President Motor Company; b Wataga, Ill Nov 17, 1867; s of Abraham Whitehead-Dora C Brunt; ed Concordia Kas HS; m Amelia Shetler Apr 28, 1897 Alliance (dec Apr 10, 1931); s James T Jr, William S; d Mildred (Mrs Joseph C Parnham), Dorothy (Mrs A C Bronson), Helen (Mrs Albert B Wills); m Lilly Ferguson Oct 17, 1933 Denver; 1888-94 rate clk & teleg opr for CB&Q RR, Omaha; 1894-98 CB&Q RR agt at Alliance; 1898-1907 mgr Forest Lbr Co Kansas City Mo; 1907-28 pres Mitchell State Bank; 1928-33 Washington representative in negotiation contracts for Pathfinder Irrigation Dist; 1933- in garage bus, Mitchell; pres & bd mbr Pathfinder Irrigation Dist, 1926-31; pres North Platte Valley Water Users Assn 1910-26; AF&AM 261, past master twice; Tangier Shrine, Scot Rite, Omaha; Comm Club; pres sch bd 1911-24; past mayor several times; pres town bd; hobby, historical reading; res Mitchell.

   WILDY, CLINTON DUEKER: Real Estate & Insurance Dealer; b Malinda, Neb Aug 31, 1890; s of Albert Wildy-Caroline Dueker; ed Scottsbluff HS 1909, 2nd graduating class; U of N 1909-10; m Jewel M Austin Mar 8, 1914 Scottsbluff; d Shirley (Mrs Ross Morgan); 1910-11 tchr, Box Butte Co; 1911-18 with Irrigation Bank at Scottsbluff, cash 1914-18; 1918-27 cash Amer State Bank at Scottsbluff; 1927- opr real est, ins, property management bus at Scottsbluff; contract broker for HOLC properties in Scottsbluff since 1937; past pres Kiwanis; North Platte Valley Real Est Dlrs Assn, pres; mbr & secy Neb Real Est Assn; Meth Ch, treas; hobbies, soft ball, sports; parents came from Ill to Neb 1887, settled in present Box Butte Co, came to Scottsbluff 1900; off 5 W 17th; res 1914 1st Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WIRFEL, RICHARD OTTO: Owner & Operator Meat Business; b Berlin, Germany Dec 29, 1879; s of Frank Wirfel-Bertha Koberstein; ed Germany; m Edith Katzberg Nov 30, 1902 Hastings; s Elmer R; d Flora (Mrs C Bisel), Ora (Mrs Ray David), Leona (Mrs Neil Wallace); 1890 came to Neb, settled in Hastings; 1892-1904 worked at various vocations, Hastings; 1904-24 in meat bus, Prosser; 1924- 26 oprd hotel in Superior; 1926-28 meat cutter at Mitchell & Minatare; 1928-33 meat cutter at N & B market, Scottsbluff; 1933- owner & opr whol meat bus, Scottsbluff; mbr city coun at Prosser 3 years; clk Verona twp, Adams Co 3 years; BPOE 1367; IOOF, past noble grand; Rebekah: Luth Ch; Rep. hobbies, reading, gardening; off S 12th; res 1712 3rd Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WISNER, HARRY JOSEPH: Publisher; b Kilbourn, Wis July 13, 1875; s of Francis O Wisner-Frances C Spencer; ed Kilbourn Wis; Bayard; m Mabel E Cochran Oct 18, 1900 Gering; s Floyd C, Frank H, Harry J; d Dorothy G (Mrs Raymond Richards), Pauline A, Beth L (Mrs Lee A Cover); 1890 came from Wis to Bayard, later moved to Gering, 1901 to Mitchell; 1897-1900 printer with A B Wood on Gering Courier; 1901-05 in merc bus at Mitchell; 1905-12 with L W Cox Lbr Co, Scottsbluff; 1912- editor & mgr Star-Herald Printing Co, Inc, Scottsbluff, publishers of weekly & later semiweekly Star-Herald 1912-24, Daily Star Herald since 1924; mbr bd of edn 20 years; past mbr city coun: AF&AM 265, past master; C of C, pres 4 years, dir since orgn; NPA; Natl Edit Assn; Chris Ch; Rep; off Star-Herald; res 1902 Ave B, Scottsbluff.

   WITSCHY, ROY JENNINGS: Wholesale Oil Dealer; b Fairview, Kas Sept 27, 1900; s of John Witschy-Susan Mehrwein, ed Fairview Kas HS 1918; U of Kas, Lawrence 1918-19; m Maud Evelyn Hole May 30, 1923 Mitchell; d Evelyn Louise, Myra Susan; 1919-24 salesman & traveling auditor for Mutual Oil Co at Fremont; 1924-27 dist representative for Conoco Oil Co at Scottsbluff; 1927- ptr of brother, Fred in whol petroleum, oil heating & ven-


Scotts Bluff

Who's Who

tilating bus, Scottsbluff; during World War in co F of SATC at Lawrence Kas 3 1/2 mos: Amer Leg 5; past scout master, past chmn Court of Honor of BSA several years; mbr city coun, 4th ward; past mbr city park bd; C of C; AF&AM 265, past master; Riverside Rifle Club, pres; Scotts Bluff Sportsmens Assn; Amer Soc of Heating & Ventilating Engineers; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting; off W 19th at RR Ave; res 2017 Ave C, Scottsbluff.

   WITTERS, JOHN LE ROY: Bank Cashier; b Sidney, Neb Nov 22, 1894; s of Simon P Witters-Mary Elizabeth Whistler; ed Sidney HS 1913; Grand Island Bus Coll 1913-14; m Ruth Yaley June 8, 1922 Scottsbluff; s Leroy John, Franklin Milo; 1913-14 worked way thru coll at Grand Island; 1914- with Scottsbluff Natl Bank as bkkpr, teller, cash; during World War in US army 15 mos, sgt in motor transport corps; Amer Leg 5, finance ofcr; C of C; BPOE 1367; city treas 16 years, also treas city schools; Rep; hobbies, travel & golf; parents came to Cheyenne Co 1886, homesteaded NE of Sidney; off Scottsbluff National Bank; res 1933 6th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   WOOD, ASA BUTLER: Editor & Publisher; b Wapello Co, Ia Aug 26, 1865; s of Clay Wood-Jane Warren; ed Agency Ia HS 1883; m Maggie Claypool Oct 11, 1888 Cozad; s Warren Claypool; d Bess Lucile (dec), Jane Marie (Mrs W B Sands), Sarah Dorothy (Mrs J W Ponder), Marjorie Ellen (dec), Alice Lynette (Mrs H R Colbert); 1882-86 printer, Ottumwa Ia; 1886 printer Broken Bow; 1887 estab Gering Courier; 1887- owner, publisher, editor Gering Courier; 1907 estab paper at Torrington Wyo; 1912 estab paper at Scottsbluff, now Star Herald; 1907- pres Star Herald Printing Co; 1924-30 state senator; 1899-1916 P M Gering; past chmn park bd; org & dir Gering B & L Assn; secy & mgr Scotts Bluff Co Fair Assn 15 years; in chg of Chautauqua & lyceum courses 10 years; chmn Courthouse bond com; org North Platte Valley Assoc C of C, successively held all offices; org Oregon Trail Days, past chmn; author: Pioneer Stories of Neb Panhandle 1938; pamphlet on history of Christian Churches of North Platte valley; former contributor to Irrigation Age, Printers Ink, Inland Printer; contributor of feature stories to newspapers; 1922 pres Neb St Irrigation Assn; Neb-Oregon Trail Monument Com; life mbr of Oregon Trail Memorial Assn; Neb St Hist Soc, pres 1936-38; NPA, pres 1911; AF&AM, KT, 32o, Shrine; OES; IOOF; during World War chmn ARC, secy 3 Liberty Loan drives & council of defense; Chris Ch, charter mbr & elder; Rep, 1899-1916 chmn Scotts Bluff Co Central Com, 1892 & 1916 del to natl conv; hobbies, civic affairs & history; off 1050 10th; res 1925 12th, Gering.

   WOOD, LYLE L: Physician & Surgeon; b Haigler, Neb Aug 20, 1895; s of Wilbur Fisk Wood-Anna Duddies; ed Haigler HS 1914; Neb Wes 1914-17; U of N, MD 1924; interne Neb Meth Hosp & Deaconess Home 1925; Phi Beta Pi; m Gladys Hacker Swan May 21, 1918 Haigler; d Anetta Celeste; 1925-26 prac med at Silver Creek; 1926- prac med at Lyman; surg for UP RR; surg for Great Western Sugar Co; during World War in sanitary dept 3 at Fort Riley Kas 13 mos; Neb St Med Assn, 12th dist; 12th Councillor; city phys of Lyman 5 years; past mbr sch bd 2 years; AF&AM 322, past master; Rep; hobby, mechanics; family has lived in Neb 50 years, came from Ill to Aurora, moved to Haigler in late 80's, oprd grain & lbr bus several years; res Lyman.

   WOOD, WARREN CLAYPOOL: Business Manager Newspaper; b Gering, Neb June 28, 1908; s of Asa Butler Wood-Maggie Claypool; ed Gering HS 1926; U of N 1926-29; m Della Reeder July 25, 1929 Cheyenne Wyo; d Carol Ann; 1923-29 in comml art work; 1929- bus mgr Gering Courier; 1924- mbr NNG, 1st lt; publicity mgr Oregon Trail Memorial Assn since 1929; mbr Gering vol fire dept 1935; AF&AM, KT, RAM; IOOF; Lions; C of C, past secy, pres 1939-40; NPA, dir; Chris Ch; Rep; hobbies, comml art, music; off 1050 10th; res 1155 State, Gering.

   WOOLDRIDGE, DANIEL BAILEY: Farmer, Stockman; b Cleveland, O Apr 19, 1851; s of Thomas D Wooldridge-Elizabeth A Bailey; ed Coshocton Co; Youngstown O; 1868-75 with three brothers & mother ptr in Wooldridge Bros Brick & Bldg Co, brick mfrs & contrs, Youngstown O; 1875-76 helped estab & opr brick plant, Eureka Cal; 1876 bricklayer in Kas, Harvard & Kearney Neb & Des Moines Ia; 1882-86 took claim in Custer Co, ent sheep bus; 1887 drove herd of sheep to Scotts Bluff Co after homesteading & bringing cattle in 1886; 1886- farmer, Scotts Bluff Co; 1892- also cattle raiser & feeder near Gering, still lives on original homestead; past VP Gering Natl Bank; has conducted private livestock & loan bus at Gering many years; mbr sch bd dist 26 many years; Rep; hobby, reading; res RFD 2 Gering.

   WRIGHT, CLAUDE WILLIAM: Banker; b Wayne Co, Ia Nov 30, 1884; s of Thomas Reed Wright-Sarah Ann Dunahugh; ed Wayne Co la; m Alta M Atwell Oct 25, 1911 Chariton Ia; s Claude R, James G; 1903-19 with CB&Q RR as opr & agt, various places in Ia, Wyo, & Neb; 1909-14 CB&Q RR agt at Morrill, 1914-19 agt at Mitchell; 1919- in banking bus Mitchell, with First Natl Bank since 1928, 1928-36 asst cash, 1936- cash; int in farming & stock feeding in North Platte valley; 20 years mbr Mitchell bd of edn, pres several years; AF&AM 263, past master 2 terms; Scot Rite, 32o Omaha; OES; IOOF, mbr 26 years; Comm Club; group six, Neb Bankers Assn: Amer Bankers Assn; Dem; hobbies, farming, stock feeding; off First National Bank; res Mitchell.

   WRIGHT, FLOYD EUGENE: Attorney; b Gering, Neb Jan 8, 1899; s of Fred A Wright-Elizabeth Royer; ed Scottsbluff HS; U of N, LLB 1922; Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Delta Phi; m Elsie Vandenberg June 24, 1930 Denver; s Charles Edward; d Marial; 1922 adm to bar; 1922-27 in law offices of Mothersead & York, Scottsbluff; 1927-33 law ptr of brother, William, Scottsbluff; 1927-31 Scotts Bluff Co atty; 1933- prac law, Scottsbluff; during World War, served in coast arty, stationed at Fort Rosencrans, San Diego Cal; Amer Leg 5; Scotts Bluff Co, Western Neb, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Rotary, past pres; C of C; Scottsbluff Country Club, pres 1939; AF&AM 265; BPOE 1367; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; father former dist judge in Douglas Co, came to North Platte valley 1891, prac law & homesteaded; off Murphy Bldg; res 2410 4th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   YENSEN, MABEL CHARLOTTE: Teacher; b Lowell, Neb; d of Harden J Yensen-Ida Frances Gibson; ed Kearney Co; KSTC, life certificate 1914; U of Colo, BA & BE, 1924; U of Cal summer sch 1921; Kappa Delta Pi; 1914-17 prin Jr HS, tchr English & art, Aurora; 1917-19 prin Sr HS, tchr English & history, Bayard; 1919-21 normal training tchr, Gering HS; 1921-22 normal training & English tchr, Bend Oregon: 1924- tchr, political science, Amer history & social problems Scottsbluff HS; has traveled in US, Mexico, Alaska, Canada, 2 summers in Europe; France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Belgium & Holland; B&PW, alternate del to Budapest 1934, state chmn internatl relations; NSTA; AAUW; Meth Ch; Indep; hobbies, travel, art, photography; res 2206 Ave A, Scottsbluff.

   YORK, ROSCOE T: Attorney; b Fort Scott, Kas Mar 16, 1880; s of Alexander M York-Candace Tracy; ed Speers, Denver; Denver U, U of Mich, LLB 1902; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Nina Hadley June 4, 1913 Oklahoma City Okla; d Mary (Mrs Lyman Andrews), Nina (Mrs Richard E Harshman), Henrietta Theresa; 1903 adm to Colo bar; 1903-17 prac law, Denver; 1917- prac law, Scottsbluff, at first with firm of Wright, Mothersead & York, now Mothersead & York; AF&AM 266; BPOE 1367; C of C; Scotts Bluff Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby, reading; res 1612 5th Ave, Scottsbluff.

   YOUNG, ERNEST STEPHEN: Lumber & Coal Dealer; b Cedar Valley, Neb Apr 23, 1889; s of William P Young-Mary Schumacher; ed Scotts Bluff Co; Gering; Scottsbluff HS; U of N 1913-14; m Bess Howard Aug 19, 1919 Strawberry Point Ia; s Frederick H; d Marilyn C; 1907-17 in engineering work, with Tri-State Land Co 1909-13, in various parts of U S & Canada 1913-15; with Swan Land & Cattle Co as ranch boss 1915-17, Chugwater Wyo; 1919-21 with Marsland Lbr Co; 1921- owner & mgr E S Young Lbr Co, Lyman opening bus at founding of town; during World War, 1917-19 served with field arty of 2nd div, in France 19 mos, disch as first lt, receiving recommendation to captaincy 1918; Amer Leg 355, past comm: 1927-30 chmn bd of edn; 1938- mbr town bd of trustees, mbr at incorporation of town, chmn 1929-35; ch mbr, past chief vol fire dept; AF&AM 322, oldest mbr; Lions, Past pres; past pres Comm Club; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; mbr of Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; Grain & Feed Dire Natl Assn; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; family came from LeMars Ia to old Cheyenne Co 1885, hoomesteaded 5 mi SW present site of Gering, father plasterer until retirement 1910; off Young Lumber Co; res Lyman.


Part 1 County history (Adams-Dean) | Part 2 (Dennis-F Johnson)
Part 3 (H Johnson-Raben) | Part 4 (Raser-Young)

Who's Who in Nebraska (introduction & directory)

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