NEGenWeb Project - Sherman County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Who's Who |
Charles Beushausen
HE first step toward the organization of Sherman County was in 1871 when Cyrus E. Benschoter, Martin Renschoter and William M. Benschoter left Grand Island, went up the North Loup valley and finally changed their course to a westerly direction across the hills and stopped in the Middle Loup valley. These men camped overnight on the present site of Arcadia and the following day came down the valley to what is now Loup City and found refuge in a little log cabin in the heavy timber west of town.
Everything seemed so favorable to them they determined to organize Sherman County and establish a county seat. Starting back to Grand Island they came upon a band of settlers near Rockville looking for locations. Among the group were Jack Garbet, William Walt, Peter Heitges and Matt Coleman.
After each one selected a quarter section of land, they all returned to Grand Island where they entered pre-emptions. This was the beginning of the real settlement of Sherman County. Walt took the northwest quarter of Section 18 and Benschoter the northeast quarter of Section 18. These two quarters comprise the present townsite of Loup City. These men immediately spread the news to relatives and friends in Iowa and other places that they had "found the garden spot of the world" and immigration started for Sherman County. Many immigrants came as far as 500 miles overland.
In the fall of 1873 organization of the county was perfected and Governor Furnas issued the proclamation declaring the county organized and Loup City the county seat.
Loup City was located fifty miles from a railroad at that time and it was a difficult task to build houses as the only building materials were logs and prairie sod. Most of the homes were constructed of logs and many houses were built in banks with a straw or sod roof. The first frame residence was built by William Benschoter in 1873, and lumber for it was hauled from Grand Island. The house was owned by Charles H. French and is now occupied by Mrs. Lydia Johansen. The house when first built contained the county records for a short period.
The first meeting of the county commissioners was June 28, 1873, with William Walt as clerk and Edward Nelson, Mathew Coleman and Martin W. Benschoter members of the board. The first order of business was a proposal to vote bonds for a bridge across the Middle Loup river and other small streams and also to build a courthouse. At an election held Aug. 11, 1873, a $25,000 bond issue was approved.
Frank Ingraham in 1873 brought in a stock of merchandise valued at $300. His store was a little log hut located near Dead Horse creek. Settlers engaged in various occupations: farming, business, trapping and converting timber into lumber and posts. Hartley took up a claim which is now known as the Tracey farm. He was the first sheriff and when not busy with farming and his official duties would go hunting and bring in deer, elk or antelope which were divided among the little band.
The soil was so fertile that anything pushed into the sod, such as watermelons, pumpkins, sweet corn or any kind of garden truck, would yield a large crop. One profitable occupation for those having horse or ox teams was to go up the river fifty or sixty miles and cut great loads of cedar trees which were hauled to Grand Island. These trees were from 50 to 100 feet long. The first courthouse was constructed in 1874 but before it was completed it burned down. The building had not been accepted by the commissioners and the contractors were compelled to rebuild. They were allowed however, $2,500 for the walls that were left standing. The courthouse was rebuilt in 1878 with brick manufactured in Loup City. A large number of settlers poured into the county between 1878 and 1880. Agriculture received its first real impetus in Sherman County when a group of German citizens from New York City settled at what is known as Wilhelmshohe in the eastern part of the county about half way between Ashton and Rockville. Jacob Albers and Frederick Ehrmann were the leaders. Other members of the group were August Beuhausen, Bernhard Kolbeck, Theodore Ojendyk, John Oltman. Peter, Henry and George Glinsman, Henry Lange, Fritz Schluter, Henry Tangerman and Henry Schwartz.
They built a sod church and a sod school and a few years later held the first county fair at this place. The first two frame houses in this section were built by John Oltman and J. P. Taylor. The first mail route out of Loup City was to Kearney the contract having been obtained by Dryden and Andrews in 1875.
In February, 1874, Nick Harris of Grand Island started a private stage line for the convenience
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of travelers between Loup City and Kearney and was paid $70 per month. Harris ran the line about six weeks, selling out to C. E. Rossiter, who conducted it until the bridges on the Sweetwater and other streams washed away, when it was abandoned.
In 1877 Andrews and Dryden sold out to C. H. French, who continued the stage service from Aug. 20, 1877, to June 30, 1886, when it was discontinued after the arrival of the Union Pacific railroad. C. H. French did a large business carrying express and passengers.
The Burlington Railroad Company in Sherman County owned a great deal of land which was given the line by the government as an inducement to build through the county. In 1878 this land was placed on the market and new settlers came from everywhere. Agriculture and stock raising boomed.
The first marriage ceremony performed in the county was that of Frank Ingraham to Miss Fannie Taylor, the ceremony being performed by John Wesley Eddy on Dec. 18, 1873. The license was issued by Robert Russell, the first county judge. Russell resigned as county judge, and Ingraham was appointed to fill the vacancy. His first official act was to issue a license to Russell, who on April 8, 1874, married Miss Annie Flint. These are the county's first two marriages.
The first birth in the county was that of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Dewoody. The first death in the county was that of Mr. Souls, who lived near the village of Rockville. C. E. Rosseter homesteaded the first farm but before he could get located on his claim it was "Jumped" by Martin Brumbaugh.
Near Loup City is a stream known as "Dead Horse" creek because of the fact that a large number of horses were driven by a blinding three day snowstorm over the banks and were killed. The horses belonged to soldiers who were here on a scouting mission.
Early settlers had many Indian scares and on several occasions took their families to Grand Island for protection. Indians became so numerous that the settlers were given guns and ammunition by the government. Several engagements between the Indians and soldiers took place up the valley in 1874. The first murder in the county was committed in the winter of 1876. Edward Chapman was shot after an argument over a three dollar card game debt.
An outlaw band known as the Olive Gang caused quite a bit of difficulty one day in the spring of 1878. The gang "arrested" Jim Roberts, then residing on Beaver creek, for horse stealing. County Judge Wall was employed to defend Roberts, but the gang at first refused to let him enter the court room during the "trial."
When he did get in, he demanded to see the docket. The clerk, backed up by the gang's drawn revolvers, denied this request. Judge Wall, however, was permitted to talk to the prisoner on the condition he leave after the conversation. This he agreed to do, and withdrew with his client to a corner of the barn where Wall had hitched his team. While they were talking the gang stood guard with weapons in hand.
But the guards grew careless. Judge Wall and Roberts leaped into the carriage and raced towards Loup City, the Olive Gang pursuing them. The two men reached Judge Wall's home in safety, but soon there was a knock on the door. When the judge answered it, he was taken outside the house and immediately surrounded by five members of the gang.
The judge, his back against the wall and encircled by steady guns, was armed with only a pen knife. Despite this, he told the men they were cowards, saying he would battle them single handed, one at a time or all at once, but preferably the whole outfit.
They unsuccessfully attempted to throw a rope over his head, and when they reached for him he slashed at them with his small knife. When he appealed for help, J. C. Swain, a passerby, volunteered, but five revolvers levelled at his head soon dissipated Swain's desire to aid.
Finally Judge Wall agreed to go to the courthouse if officers would protect him. As soon as they reached the court room he called the court to order, and busied himself filling out papers.
The judge was delaying to allow time for his deputies to reach the scene. But the first officer who arrived decided not to arrest the gang when he looked down their revolver barrels. About that time, however, someone dropped a pistol into Judge Wall's pcket (sic), which added tremendously to the prestige of the bench. Then Mart Branbaugh burst into the courtroom, revolver in hand and shouting at the top of his voice. With the judge's co-operation, he soon had the gang subdued.
Judge Wall administered a heavy fine to each of the men and ordered them to leave the county, but the fines were never paid. Judge Wall later had other serious encounters with this Olive Gang in cases of cattle theft and murder.
Cattle rustlers and horse thieves appeared in great numbers the first ten years after 1873 when the county was organized. While there was an element preying on the public in the early days, there was also a class of people who busied themselves in churches and schools. As fast as settlement would warrant it, schools were built. The first school was built in Loup City in 1874. John Eddy was the first teacher. The same year another school was built at Rockville and several years later schoolhouses could be seen all over the county. Schools in those days were also used for church
Who's Who
purposes. The first sermon to be preached in the county was in the Rosseter hotel in the fall of 1873 by Rev. Mr. Willard, Methodist minister whose home was in Kearney. Music was furnished by Mrs. J. D. Gilbert, who had the only organ in the county. Later the county court room was used as a place of worship. The Methodists erected the first church in the county, but other denominations organized and soon there were several churches. The Baptist Church was organized in 1876 and the Catholic Church in 1882. These all were established in Loup City.
In June, 1886, the Union Pacific railroad was completed from Grand Island to Loup City via St. Paul. The event was celebrated by staging a big barbecue which Governor Dawes attended. He addressed more than 5,000 persons who came from Hastings, Grand Island, Kearney, Central City, St. Paul and all the neighboring towns. From that time on Loup City and Sherman County began to boom. Other towns in the county were soon organized and incorporated. Today there are five of them, each on a railroad.
The outstanding advancement made in Sherman County in recent years is the completion of the Middle Loup river public power and irrigation ditch. This ditch originates near Sargent and terminates about eight miles south and east of Loup City. Fifty thousand acres of land can be irrigated by it and approximately 20,000 of them are located in Sherman County. This is one of the outstanding irrigation ditches in the state. The cost of the project is not a lien against the land and the price of water cannot exceed $2.50 per acre annually. The Middle Loup river has an abundance of water, the stream being the most regular of any in the United States, according to government statistics. The ditch was opened in 1939 for the first time and fields of corn yielded as high as 100 bushels an acre, potatoes 350 bushels and even higher.
ADEN, HIYO: Farmer; b Garrison, Neb Oct 3, 1874; s of Mimke Aden-Katie Wilse; ed Butler Co; U of N 1892-93; m Effie Stone Jan 3, 1897 Plainview; s Wesley S, John F, George W, Fred P; 1889-90 with Exchange Bank, Garrison; 1891-92 & 1902-06 farmed near Garrison; 1894-1902 in hdw bus, Garrison; 1906- farmer, Hazard; past Sherman Co supvr 7 years, chmn road com & instrumental in securing many good roads for Sherman Co; JP 24 years; 1937- pres Sherman Co Taxpayers League; during World War mbr twp com, coun of defense; Grange; Farmers Union; Farm Bur; MWA; past grand IOOF; Meth Ch, trustee; Dem, mbr Sherman Co Central Com; hobby, good roads; res Hazard.AMICK, CARL G: Physician & Surgeon; b Grand Island, Neb July 11, 1896; s of John W Amick-Lillian Hall; ed Grand Island; Loup City HS 1915; U of N BSc 1919, MD 1921; Phi Sigma Kappa; Phi Rho Sigma; m Emily C Wanek Nov 10, 1923 Loup City; s Arthur Franklin; d Janet L, Ellen M; 1921-22 Interne City & Co Hosp, St Paul Minn; 1922-30 prac med with Dr A E Wanek, Loup City; 1930- owner & opr hosp, 1936 built present hosp; surg for UP RR past 15 years; mbr sch bd; during World War enl in med reserve corps, U of N; Neb St & AMA; AF&AM; BPOE, Kearney; hobby, saddle horses; res Loup City.
ANDERSON, CARL M: Editor & Publisher; b Mason City, Neb Apr 8, 1885; s of Niels Anderson-Inger M C Nelson; ed Mason City; m Evelyn O'Brien Oct 23, 1909 Mason City; s Alfred W; as youth assisted father on farm; emp by CB&Q RR, Berwyn, later at Edgemont S D until 1904; 1904-06 with brother William A published Mason City Star; 1906-08 published Courier-Tribune, Callaway; 1908 pur Mason City Star; 1909-13 Custer Co dep register of deeds, Broken Bow; 1914-17 owned & published Anselmo Enterprise; 1917-20 with Standard Oil Co of Neb, Scottsbluff; 1920-21 with brother William A estab & oprd comml printing plant, Scottsbluff; 1921-34 farmer & rancher, Mason City; 1934- editor & publisher Litchfield Monitor, Sherman Co legal publication; past mbr village bd 3 years, past chmn 2 years, during time water supply was extended; NPA; Litchfield Monitor mbr Half Century Club of Amer Press Assn; org, chmn Comml Club; past master AF&AM, Mason City; Meth Ch, past mbr finance com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; parents homesteaded land west of present site of Main Street, Mason City in 1882; res Litchfield.
ANDERSTROM, ALBERT: Lumber & Hardware Dealer; b Harads, Sweden Jan 25, 1882; s of Aaron Anderstrom-Fredericka Erickson; ed Harads Sweden; St Paul Bus Coll; m Arlie Corning June 5, 1913 Loup City; s Albert Dale; d Marion, Doris, Mildred; assisted father on farm in Sweden & during winter emp in lbr industry in contracting, cutting & hauling; 1902 came to US, located in Ashton, Sherman Co; 1905- owner & opr lbr & hdw bus, Ashton; Neb Lbr Merchants Assn; past mbr city coun 8 years; past city treas 8 years; MWA; Luth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, football, baseball; res Ashton.
ARCHERD, FREDERIC STANTON: Superintendent of Schools; b Lincoln, Neb Feb 4, 1900; s of Frederic Arthur Archerd-Elizabeth Stanton; ed College Springs Ia HS 1918; Neb Wes, BA 1922; mbr SATC; U of N, MA 1931; grad work Colo St Tchrs Coll, Greeley; Phi Kappa Tau; Phi Delta Kappa; m Mabel Mendell June 3, 1923 Lincoln; s Frederic Mendell; 1922-23 prin St Edward HS; 1923-27 supt Honey Creek consolidated sch, Salem; 1927-31 supt of schs, Dawson; 1931-35 supt of schs, Beaver City; 1935 supt of schs, Loup City; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NSTA, dist 4 pres, past pres supts & prins div & mbr HS activities managing com, dist 5 past pres; NEA; Rotary, pres; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, tennis; Lincoln singles champion 2 years, doubles champion 6 years; Neb St doubles champion 3 years; res Loup City.
BADURA, FRANK A: Postmaster; b Loup City, Neb Mar 23, 1899; s of Frank X Badura-Elenora Badura; ed pub schs, St Francis Parochial Sch & HS, Ashton 1918; LBC 1921; m Theresa Grabowski Aug 25, 1936 Ashton; s Michael; 1922-25 with father in bus, Ashton; 1925-36 oprd dairy farm; 1936 Ashton P M; mbr vol fire dept 4 years, past VP; past mbr, past trustee city coun; during World War, enl in USN Feb19, 1918 stationed at San Francisco, disch Feb 26, 1919 at Great Lakes naval station Chicago, QMC 2nd class; Amer Leg, mbr 20 years, past finance ofcr, past adjt, past comm post 108, mbr post 42 since 1924; KC, St Paul; St Francis Cath Ch; hobbies, baseball, football; res Ashton.
BADURA, FRANK X: Retired; b Poland Mar 28, 1874; s of Stanislaus Badura-Johanna Ugorek; ed parochial schs, Chicago; m Elenora Badura Apr 1890 Chicago (dec Nov 27, 1910); s Stanley E, Peter I, Frank A; d Johanna (Mrs I J Kalkowski, dec), Frances (Mrs Anton Stobbe), Mary, Anna (dec), Josie (dec), Anthony (Mrs Stanley Maiefski); 1866 at close of Civil War was brought to US by parents who located in Chicago; 1892 came to Ashton, worked with father in gen merc store; 1918-39 since father's death owner & opr store; 1939- ret; with Ashton State Bank since orgn 1908, pres & chief stockholder; 1897-1901 Sherman Co treas; past mbr twp bd, city coun & sch bd; St Francis Cath Ch; 1879 father came to Neb, located on Sherman & Howard Co line near Paplin Ch 5 miles NE of present site of Ashton, farmed & oprd store, moved store to Ashton 1887; res Ashton.
BADURA, PETER I: Bank Vice-President; b Ashton, Neb May 20, 1897; s of Frank X Badura-Elenora Badura; ed St Francis Parochial Sch, Ashton; Ashton HS 1912; Creighton U 1913-16; m Anna Kwiatkowski June 13, 1920 Ashton; s Ralph, Gerald, Roman; d Lois; 1918-33 with father in gen merc bus, Ashton; 1933- VP Ashton State Bank, Ashton; 1938- in Badura Grain Co, elevator bus, coal & feeds; 1939- with brother Stanley E in F X Badura
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& Sons, gen merc bus, Ashton; past treas Ashton twp & Ashton; past mayor 6 years; past city clk 2 years; dir & secy bd of edn dist 16, instrumental in bldg of new & modern sch, Ashton; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; Fedn of Neb Retailers; past dep grand knight KC, St Paul; St Francis Cath Ch; hobbies, reading, baseball, football; res Ashton.
BADURA, STANLEY E: Merchant; b Chicago, Ill Nov 23, 1890; s of Frank X Badura-Elenora Badura; ed Ashton HS; m Bertha Jamrog Sept 27, 1914 Ashton; s Donald; d Marie; while in school assisted father in gen merc bus, Ashton; after finishing sch was in bus with father until his retirement 1939; 1939 with brother Peter I in F X Badura & Sons, gen merc bus, Ashton; mbr city coun; dir Ashton State Bank; past mbr bd of edn 12 years; Fedn of Neb Retailers; KC; St Francis Cath Ch; hobbies, fishing, reading; res Ashton.
BARTUNEK, PAUL A: Dentist; b Wolbach, Neb Nov 8, 1896; s of Frank Bartunek-Abina Schachl; ed Wolbach; priv sch, Lincoln; studied music 6 years under Prof August Molzer, Lincoln; Wolbach HS 1917; Creighton U, DDS 1924; Xi Psi Phi; m Lillian Hansen Aug 17, 1929 Logan Ia; d Beverly Jean, Paula Antonette, Sandra Ann; 1919 orchestra dir, Norfolk; 1924-37 prac dentistry, Wolbach; 1937 prac, Loup City; past mbr Wolbach bd of edn; 1st lt dental res corps US army; during World War enl in USN June 1917 at Des Moines Ia, 1st class musician, stationed on USS Prairie, disch July 24, 1919; Amer Leg, mbr 20 years, 4 star mbr, past adjt, past comm at Wolbach, past Greeley Co comm, finance ofcr at Loup City; NW Neb Dist Dental Soc; mbr legislative com Neb; St Dental Assn; ADA; ARC; Neb Safety Coun; Loup City Comm Club; secy-treas Rotary, Loup City; Wolbach & Loup City Golf Clubs; BPOE, Grand Island; AF&AM, past treas, past jr warden; RAM; KT; Tangier Shrine; Luth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, & music; res Loup City.
BENNETT, MRS REBECCA: Clubwoman; b Strawberry Point, Ia; d of Dr H C Chase-Eunice Lyons; ed Strawberry Point Ia HS; m Arthur M Bennett Jan 28, 1884 Loup City (dec Apr 17, 1930); s Charles (dec); d Blanche (Mrs Joe Cording); tchr Strawberry Point Ia schs 2 years; tchr in sod schoolhouse near Loup City 1 year; OES, author of History of Eastern Star in Sherman Co placed in corner stone of Sherman Co courthouse at its dedication; PEO; Meth Ch, past bd mbr, past secy; father located in Loup City 1885; husband resided at Kearney before coming to Loup City 1882; hobby, gardening; res Loup City.
BERZINA, PETER: Feeder; b Sherman Co, Neb June 22, 1882; s of Joseph Berzina-Josephine Hajek; ed Sherman Co; m Mamie J Majer Nov 10, 1908 Ravenna; s Leonard P, Elmer J; as boy helped father on farm; 1897-99 emp by neighbors; 1899-1906 emp by J H Monahan on cattle ranch near Hyannis; 1906-15 emp in saloon, Ravenna; 1917-19 tenant farmer; 1919- owner & opr farm; past dir sch bd; past mbr twp bd; Farmers Union; chmn Sherman Co bd of supvrs, 2 terms; past mbr Grange; Cath Ch; hobbies, hunting, horses, family; parents came to US 1867, moved to Ia after Chicago fire destroyed property; settled in Sherman Co 1887 after further losses in Ia floods; res RFD, Ravenna.
BEUSHAUSEN, CHARLES FREDERICK: Postmaster; b New York City, N Y Aug 23, 1876; s of August Beushausen-Matilda Beck; ed Lincoln Normal, Lincoln; m Nellie Hawk Sept 21, 1904 Loup City; s Maynard R, Donald; d Elizabeth; as youth assisted father on farm, later indep farmer; 3 years tchr in sod school house near Ashton; 1901-04 elevator mgr for E G Taylor Grain Co, Ashton; 1905-08 Sherman Co clk; 1906- owner & publisher Sherman Co Times; 1917-26 & 1934- P M, Loup City; 1923, & 1933 representative Neb St legislature, 1933 active In legislation under which Tri-Co & many other projects were org; candidate for lt gov; past mbr city coun 6 years; past mbr & secy bd of edn 9 years; during World War, Sherman Co chmn War Savings com, chmn 5th Liberty Loan drive; past dir NPA; Sherman Co Times is mbr Half Century Club of Amer Press Assn; Neb Ch Natl Assn of PMs; Comm Club, past pres 4 years, past secy 12 years; AF&AM; RAM; IOOF; Meth Ch, mbr ofcl bd; Dem, past chmn Sherman Co Central Com 23 years, past mbr State Central Com 2 years; parents homesteaded Sherman Co 1879, lived in sod house S of Ashton; res Loup City.
BEUSHAUSEN, EMIL T: Mortician & Furniture Dealer; b New York City, N Y Feb 23, 1872; s of August Beushausen-Matilda Beck; ed sod sch, Ashton; Grand Island Bus Coll; Barnes Embalming Sch, Chicago; m Maude Beliel June 1902 Ashton; d Thelma (Mrs ___ Gilford), Helen (dec); 1878 came with parents to Ashton, helped father on farm; 1900-02 with half-brother A J Beck in hdw bus, Ord; 1903-12 mgr George Fitzsimons Store, hdw & impls, Scotia; 1912-15 with U S reclamation service Strawberry Valley project, Provo Utah; 1915- owner & opr mortuary & furn bus, Loup City; past mayor, during which time Main St was paved, water works & sewer system extended; past mbr twp bd; past mbr village bd; past mgr fed re-employment program, 1917 chmn of labor com, Sherman Co; during Sp-Amer War 1898 enl in US army, Co H, 3rd Neb, 7th army corps under son of Gen Robert E Lee; Comml Club; past mbr Comm Club; past mbr, past dist mgr Ben-Hur lodge; past mbr IOOF; past mbr KP; past mbr Pythian Sisters; AF&AM; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Loup City.
BEUSHAUSEN, MAYNARD R: Editor & Publisher; b Loup City, Neb Oct 8, 1909; s of Charles F Beushausen-Nellie Hawk; ed Loup City HS 1927; Neb Wes; mbr band; Physics Soc; U of N, BA 1933; reporter for Daily Nebraskan; Beta Kappa; m Gertrude Robertson Aug 31, 1934 Oak; d Sandra Ann; 1933- editor, & publisher Sherman Co Times; NPA; Natl Edit Assn; Sherman Co Fair bd; DeMolay; Meth Ch; hobby, photography; res Loup City.
BICHEL, HENRY CARL: Farmer & Stockman; b Mills Co, Ia Mar 1887; s of Fritz Bichel-Dora Ranfeldt; ed Mills Co Ia; Sherman Co; m Katherine Mabel Sheehan Mar 31, 1910 Grand Island; s Frederick John, William Henry, Floyd Alfred; d Blanche Bernice, Frances Irene (Mrs Clair Shuman), Ruth Winifred, Ruby Elinor, Norma, Katherine, Irma Jean; as youth assisted father in farming & stock raising; 1909- opr 1120 A, stock grower & feeder, averages 150 head of cattle & approximately 70 calves per year, specializes in purebred Herefords; past twp chmn fed crop ins; 1933-37 Sherman Co chmn Wheat Program; 1910- dir sch bd; chmn Sherman Co Fair bd; Neb Hereford Breeders Assn; Farm Bur; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobbies, travel, hunting, fishing; parents came to Litchfield 1887, father farmer & stockman; res Litchfield.
BONHAM, ROSS B: Superintendent of Schools; b Smith Center, Kas Apr 12, 1906; s of B R Bonham-Kittie E Rogers; ed Smith Center Kas; Franklin HS 1925; Neb Wes, BA 1930; capt of football team 1930, co-capt of All Conf team 1930; U of N, MA; Phi Kappa Tau, pres 1929-30; m Josephine Givens Aug 5, 1939 Litchfield; emp in various vocations while in sch; 1931-33 prin & coach Litchfield HS, 1933- supt of schs, coach 1 year; 1934 HS football team unscored upon until last game, Loup City vs Litchfield; NSTA; 1936-39 pres Tri-Valley Conf; past master AF&AM 278; hobby, coaching, football, officiating at basketball & boxing contests; res Litchfield.
BROWN, ARCHIE LUPTON: Grain Dealer; b Pilger, Neb Dec 31, 1894; s of Charles Henry Brown-May Lupton; ed Pilger; Farwell; Bradshaw; Sheridan Wyo HS 1913; Spencer Bus Coll, Sheridan Wyo; Hastings Coll 1915-17; mbr football team 3 years, capt & All-State end 1917; m Opal VerValin June 7, 1920 Loup City; s James, Richard, Robert; d Betty Lou; 1919 with uncle, E G Taylor, oprd 7 grain elevators; 1921-29 mgr grain elevators with hdqrs, Loup City; 1929- owner & opr Loup City Elevator; 1937-38 oprd 21 country elevators in Ia & Neb for Bartlett-Frazier Co of Chicago, hdqrs Omaha; past city clk 4 years; past mbr bd of edn 10 years; 1934- mbr drouth advisory coms, several orgns; during World War, enl in U S army Dec 1917, 72nd aero squadron, stationed at Richfield Flying Field, Waco Tex, O/S 1 year, disch June 18, 1919 at Camp Funston Kas; Amer Leg post 48; past secy, past pres Rotary; Presby Ch; hobbies, golf, sports; res Loup City.
CORDING, JOE B: Druggist; b Holland Nov 27, 1878; s of S C Cording-Adriana DeLyster; ed Holland; sch at Loup City to learn English; Creighton U, PhG 1905; m Blanche Bennett Sept 23, 1907 Loup City; s Joe B Jr; d Lucille (Mrs Homer J Diefenderfer), Elaine (Mrs C Burnell Baker); 1893 came with parents to US, assisted father on farm near Loup City until 1899; 1899 worked in copper mine, Wash; 1899-1901 resided in Loup City, later farmed near Ord; 1901-04 clk in W T Chase Drug Store, Loup City; 1905-08 pharm, Mason City, Loup City, Litchfield &
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Fremont; 1908- pharm, owner & opr drug store Litchfield; during World War, 4-min man & in ARC work; past mbr village bd 3 terms; past mbr bd of health; past chmn Comm Club, past secy 2 years; past mbr KP, Loup City; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Litchfield.
CURRY, MRS GLADYS: Chief Operator Telephone Co; b Galva, Ill; d of John Alexander Peugh-Minnie Laura Hurlbutt; ed Fairfield HS 1903; PSTC, summer session 1908; College of Universal Truth, Chicago, PsD; Inst of Metaphysics, Los Angeles, diploma; m Russell White Curry Mar 28, 1909 Loup City; s George Guerdon (dec); d Gladys Belva (Mrs Alfred N Anderson), Julia Elaine (Mrs Rodney Jack Leete); 1903-04 tchr, Clay Center; 1904-05 tchr near Fairfield; 1905-06 studied dressmaking in Modiste Shoppe of Rose M Gregg, Pasadena Cal; 1907-09 tchr, Loup City; 1909-13 with husband oprd farm, Litchfield; 1913 resided at Gunnison Colo; 1915-19 with husband on homestead, Dunning; 1919- 21 with husband oprd farm 7 miles N of Litchfield; 1921 resided at Leesville La, 1922 student opr Northwestern Bell Tele Co at Litchfield, 1924- chief opr; 1923 resided at Loup City; during World War active in ARC; past mbr election bd 3 years; active in work for orgn of Non-partisan League of Neb; Progressive Club, mbr 1929-34; Federated Womans Club, mbr 1921-23; OES, past conductress, 1932- mbr; Meth Ch; hobby, psychology; parents came to Fairfield 1889, father farmed, 1907 came to Loup City; Mr Curry was born in Quitman Mo, brought by parents to St Edward when 11 years old; res Litchfield.
DEPEW, JAMES I: Manufacturer; b Allen Co, Ind Sept 23, 1867; s of William M Depew-Caroline C Freeman; ed Allen Co, Ind; m Elsie G Smith Oct 28, 1892 Loup City; d Florence A (Mrs ___ Knoblock), Mable G (Mrs ___ Laschinsky), Rowena O; prior to 1886 with father in wagon & blacksmith shop, Allen Co Ind; 1886 came to Loup City & farmed; 1886-1901 emp in blacksmith shop; built new shop 1901 & remained there until 1909; traded shop for farm; 1909- estab & inc bus Depew Disc Sharpener Co, owner since 1911; past mbr sch bd; past mayor 2 terms; past mbr city bd; past mbr twp bd; past mbr Sherman Co bd 3 years; mbr Loup City band 51 years; KP; AF&AM; Presby Ch; hobbies, machinery, music; res Loup City.
DOMGARD, CHRISTIAN JENSEN: Electrical Contractor; b Fremont, Neb June 29, 1887; s of Louis Domgard-Hannah Nelson; ed Danish Parochial Sch, Blair; Dana Coll, Blair; m Iva Irene Henry Nov 11, 1913 Riverdale; s Henry, Robert; emp 4 years as pressman in Danish Luth Publishing House, Blair; 1905-11 farmed with father near Loup City; 1911-13 opr Gem Theater, Ord; 1913-15 in real est bus, Loup City; 1916-33 with Loup City Light & Power Co, now Western Pub Service Co, Loup City; 1933-39 owner & opr electrical contracting bus, Loup City; 1939- with Neb St dept of agr & inspection, hdqrs Loup City; mbr Loup City coun; secy Sherman Co Agrl Soc; Meth Ch, past SS tchr 7 years; res Loup City.
ELSNER, ARTHUR FRED: Owner Service Station; b Grand Island, Neb Feb 1, 1884; s of Timothy Henry Elsner-Anna Ott; ed Grand Island; Ill Coll of Photography, Effingham Ill; m Lillian M Lofholm July 1914 Loup City; d Arlene, Marian, Virginia; as a lad newsboy for Grand Island Independent; 1898-99 emp by Odendahl Brothers Drug Store, Loup City, began study of photography; 1899; 1904 with father in retail liquor bus, Loup City; 1904-05 with Heyn Photographic Studio, Omaha; 1905-07, 1909-21 in photographic bus, Loup City; owner & opr Portrait Studio, Grand Island; 1921-24 with father in service station bus, 1924- owner & opr; BPOE; Presby Ch; hobbies, travel, automobiles, home & family; res Loup City.
ELSNER, HENRY M: Jeweler & Optometrist; b Hall Co, Neb Apr 9, 1881; s of T H Elsner-Anna Ott; ed Grand Island HS 1900; Tarbox & Gordon Watchmaking Inst, Omaha 1910, optometric course 1913; m Louise Helen Kathryn Zuelow Sept 1, 1909 Schuyler; s Dr Carl Henry; d Helen (Mrs ___ Zwink); 1900-01 emp in V F Kanert Gun & Bicycle Shop, Grand Island; 1901-02 emp in Mart Rennick Gun & Bicycle Shop; 1902-04 in bus with father, Loup City; 1910- jeweler, optometrist & watchmaker, Loup City; ch mbr Neb St Jewelers Assn; ch mbr Neb Assn of Optometrists; Izaac Walton, past pres; past mbr IOOF; past mbr KP; Presby Ch; hobby, hunting; res Loup City.
ENGLEMAN, GEORGE A: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Litchfield, Neb. June 14, 1880; s of Louis D EngIeman-Ellen Johnson; ed Litchfield HS; St Paul Bus Coll; m Cassie Robinson June 22, 1904 Litchfield; s Keith Allen; d Blanche (Mrs George Burger), Eleanor (Mrs Don Dixon), 1904 asst cash Litchfield State Bank which became First Natl Bank 1907, VP & later cash until Mar 1933, conservator until Dec 1933; 1934- owner & opr Engleman Real Est & Ins Agcy; treas village bd since 1913; mbr sch bd, treas since 1922; past village clk; past mbr Neb Bankers Assn; Neb Real Est Assn; past treas Comml Club; Golf Club; AF&AM; Scot Rite; Tehama Shrine; past mbr IOOF, past grand; hobby, golf; res Litchfield.
ENGLEMAN, LOUIS D: Retired; b Harrison Co, Ind Mar 22, 1844; s of Andrew Engleman-Ann M Eiblesizer; m Ellen Johnson Jan 16, 1868 Petersburg Ind; s George A, Everett, Joseph D. Andy G; d Izora B (Mrs L E Sadler); 1878 brought family to Neb, homesteaded ground now part of Litchfield town site, made hillside cave home; nearest town Fort Kearney 3 day trip; after a few years built sod home, later hauled lbr from Loup City to build frame house; during Civil War Oct 13, 1861 ent Co E 58th Ind vol, disch Jan 24, 1864, re-enl Jan 26, 1864, marched to the sea with Gen Sherman, boasts of having ridden Shermans horse, disch July 25, 1865; one of 2 Civil War veterans in Litchfield vicinity; wife born Pike Co, Ind Feb 26, 1849, d of Joseph M Johnson-Elizabeth Johnson, came with husband to Neb; res Litchfield.
ERAZIM, JAMES: Banker; b Hazard, Neb June 28, 1890, s of Charles Erazim-Josephine Major; ed Hazard; m Alvena Peterson Mar 12, 1918 Grand Island; d Erma, Helen; as youth, assisted father with farming; 1908-13 resided at Wilber, 1912 oprd dray line; 1914 farmer near Hazard; 1916-21 indep farmer near Ravenna; 1921-26 & 1929- indep farmer near Hazard; 1926-27 patrolman in Neb St highway dept, Hazard; 1928-29 with A C Anderson Hdw Store, Hazard; 1935- treas Hazard Co-op Credit Assn; Neb Co-op Credit Assn; mbr village bd; past mbr sch bd; past Hazard twp assessor; Meth Ch, trustee; hobby, fishing; res Hazard.
FARNHAM, ASA J: Druggist; b North Bend, Neb July 22, 1886; s of James A Farnham-Alice Scott; ed North Bend; Babcock Sch of Pharm, Des Moines Ia 1910; m Mary Zinnecker Nov 4, 1915 Columbus; s Asa James Jr; 1907-09, & 1911-12 drug store clk, North Bend; 1912-15 emp as clk by Pollock & Co, drug store, Columbus; 1915-17 drug store clk, David City; 1917- owner & opr drug store, built present bldg 1922; Loup City; Neb & Amer Pharm Assns; AF&AM 106, past master; Presby Ch; hobby, reading; res Loup City.
FARNHAM, MRS MARY: Co-owner Drug Store; b Greenfield, O Jan 24, 1888; d of Jacob Zinnecker-Margaret Becker; ed Columbus HS 1907; nurses training, Wise Memorial Hosp, Omaha 1911; m Asa J Farnham Nov 4, 1915 Columbus; s Asa J Jr; 1912-15 nurse in Columbus, Spalding, Genoa & vicinity; 1917- with husband co-owner drug store; ofcr local bd ARC; Industrial Soc; past mbr Womans Club; ch mbr Open Federated Club; past mbr Delphian Soc; 1922-31 dist supvr OES, past grand matron; Presby Ch; hobbies, etchings, art, flowers; res Loup City.
FLETCHER, GLEN A: Grocer; b Rockville, Neb Mar 3, 1896; s of C W Fletcher-Sarah E Greenwood; ed Loup City HS 1913; m Velma G Rowe July 3, 1939 Norton Kas; 1913-23 bought & sold livestock; 1914-15 with sister Blanche Fletcher Petersen, in shoe bus, Loup City; 1923-33 managed family farm & real est ints; 1933- owner & opr groc bus, supvr real est & farm ints; hobbies, cattle, hunting; res Loup City.
FOX, JOHN WHEELER, SR: Oil Dealer; b Cocke Co, Tenn Nov 3, 1882; s of John Wheeler Fox-Sarah Williams; ed Tenn & Mo; m Fannie E Hallbiesen Feb 21, 1906 Litchfield; s John W Jr, Carl O, Paul Dean, Wayne L; d Beulah J, Wilma L; worked on farms in Mo until 1906; 1906-08 oprd rented farm, Litchfield; 1908-12 owner & opr farm, Mo; 1912-15 oprd rented farm, Neb; 1915-29 owner & opr farm near Litchfield; 1929- owner & opr two gas & oil stations & bulk plant; mbr town bd; mbr sch bd; hobby, business; res Litchfield.
GALLAWAY, HARRIET: Librarian; Loup City, Neb Aug 5, 1906; d of Samuel Gallaway-Jennie L Gibson; ed Loup City HS 1920; Kansas City Mo, Conservatory of Music; Phi Mu Gamma; music tchr, Loup City until 1936; 1931- librarian pub lib, Loup, City; Dramatic Club; Business Girls Club; PEO; OES; Presby Ch. mbr choir; hobby, book-week display; res Loup City.
Part 1 County history, bios: Aden-Gallaway | Part 2 bios: Gdanitz-Ziolkowski)
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