NEGenWeb Project - Sherman County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska
GDANITZ, ISIDORE ALEXANDER: Mayor; b Farwell, Neb May 10, 1896; s of Abdon Gdanitz-Katherine Lorkowski; ed Farwell; Neb Sch of Bus; m Anna Demuth July 31, 1923 Farwell; s Paul Anthony; d Mary Margaret; with father in bus after leaving sch; 1913-17 with First State Bank, Farwell; 1917-18 asst P M, Farwell; 1920-21 with S S Kresge Co, Kalamazoo Mich; 1921 with S S Kresge Co, Springfield Ill; 1921-22 with father in gen merc store, Farwell; 1922 RFD carrier; 1923- mcht, Farwell; mayor, now serving 3rd term; during World War enl May 1918 in US army, first stationed at U of N training detachment, O/S 15 months with 2nd machine gun batt of 1st div taking part in Sedan drive & other major offensives, disch Sept 1919; ARC, chmn membership com 1933-37; chmn Loup City Retailers Assn; Fedn of Neb Retailers; League of Neb Municipalities; KC; Cath Ch; parents located in Howard Co in 1870's, father in merc bus, Farwell; hobbies, gardening, swimming; res Loup City.
GILL, EUGENE W: Veterinarian; b Waukee, Ia Mar 4, 1874; s of Rolf Gill-Sarah Beetem; ed Palmyra; m Emma L Hauck June 3, 1901 Broken Bow; foster s Alfred; foster d Hester (Mrs Pat Flanigan); brought by mother to Palmyra 1881; 1888 resided at Sedgwick Colo; 1889 resided at Sodtown, 10 mi SE of Ravenna, Buffalo Co; 1894 resided at Shelton, later emp on farm by Mrs Murphy, Wood River; 1895- 96 emp on 22 Ranch between Merino & Brush Colo; 1896 returned to Shelton; 1898-1909 farmed with mother, also prac veterinary med; 1909-14 with Dr J A Boyd, veterinarian, Mason City; 1915-26 farmer & veterinarian, Mason City; 1926- veterinarian, Litchfield; past noble grand IOOF 190; Meth Ch, mbr ofcl bd; res Litchfield.
GIVENS, CHARLES HENRY: Farmer & Stockman; b St James, Mo Sept 30, 1883; s of Charles Givens-Sarah Simmons; ed Maries Co Mo; m Fannie Slote April 1907 Grand Island; s Charles Paul; d Ruth (Mrs Walter Nelson), Josephine (Mrs Ross Bonham), Marion (Mrs Frank Ryan); orphan at 7 years of age, reared by older sister; 1894-95 emp in farm work; 1895 emp by Charles Spangler, Murray; 1898-1904 emp by W J Philpott, Murray; 1905-07 farmed on shares for John E Philpott, Litchfield; 1907-12 oprd rented farm, Litchfield; 1912- owner & opr 240 A farm west of Litchfield, 280 A east of Litchfield; feeds approximately 400 cattle & 600 hogs annually; hobby, home & family; res Litchfield.
GORECKI, ALEX Z: Garage Owner; b Howard Co, Neb Oct 29, 1902; s of John Gorecki-Marie Myndik; ed Paplin; St Paul Bus Coll, 1920; assisted father with farming until 1917; 1921- owner & opr auto & garage bus; owner electrical supply & appliance bus; opr whol & retail gas & oil bus; owner Farmers Co-op Creamery, Ashton; past mbr city coun; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; St Izdore; Natl Polish Alliance; St Francis Parish Cath Ch; hobbies, hunting & baseball; res Ashton.
GOWIN, ENOCH W: Retired; b Farmington, N C Nov 12, 1845; s of Thomas Dodson Gowin-Jemima Lowry; self educated; m Elizabeth Butler Feb 25, 1866 Farmington Ill (dec May 20, 1933); s Erskine; d Effa (Mrs Samuel Sweeley), Etta A (Mrs John H Kisling); 1866-71 farmer in Ill; 1872-73 resided in Minn; 1874 homesteaded near Litchfield; 1875 on tree claim near Litchfield, Kearney nearest trading post, oprd store & was P M at Cedarville P O; 1876 crops destroyed by grasshoppers, returned to Ill; 1877-1930 farmed on original tree claim; 1930- ret; with J T Campbell as representative of Lincoln Land Co pur & platted land, sold lots, built residences & store bldgs in Litchfield; has large land holdings near Litchfield; passenger on first train to Litchfield July 4, 1886; during Civil War, enl 1861 in Co A 54th regiment, Ill inf, disch 1864; re-enl & served to end of war; one of two remaining Civil War veterans in Sherman Co; formerly active in GAR, Litchfield; Meth Ch; Socialist; hobby, travel; 1893 with family went in covered wagon to Ore & Wash, 1901 retd via covered wagon to old boyhood home in N C; has made 8 or 10 trips to Cal; res Litchfield.
GROW, FRANK ARTHUR: County Treasurer; b Loup City, Neb Aug 19, 1881; s of Darwin C Grow-Harriett F Reniff; ed Loup City HS 1896; m Emily Steen Mar 21, 1925 Loup City; s Charles; d Lois, Doris; 1905-07 oprd elevator for Omaha Elevator Co, Austin; 1907-09 indep farmer near Loup City; 1909-13 with father in P O, Loup City; 1913-15 with father on farm near Jeffersonville Vt; 1916- 19 Sherman Co dep treas under father; 1919-26 Sherman Co dep treas & treas; 1926-30 oprd 20 A, raised poultry; 1930- Sherman Co treas; Neb Assn of Co Treasurers; KP; Bapt Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; parents settled in Sherman Co 1876; res Loup City.
HALLER, HARRY FRANKLIN: Machine Shop Owner; b Litchfield, Neb Apr 6, 1899; s of Thomas Haller-Carrie Wolf; ed Litchfield; m Lorena Robey June 1, 1927 Shelton; s Wayne; lived in sod house near Litchfield until 1911; 1919 moved with family to Litchfield where he estab machine shop; Neb Blacksmiths & Welders Assn; past mbr IOOF; Meth Ch; hobbies, aviation, travel, has owned 2 airplanes; res Litchfield.
HALLER, THOMAS L: Retired; b Fairbury, Ill Sept 13, 1861; s of John HalIer-Sophia Ackerman; m Carrie Wolf Oct 13, 1889 Litchfield; celebrated golden wedding Oct 13, 1939; s Harry F, John H (dec); d Minnie (Mrs Martin H Burtner), Alpha (Mrs Ernest Hislop); d (dec in infancy); came to Litchfield 1870, lived in sod house; farmed until 1920; 1920- ret; wife's father homesteaded near Litchfield 1872; res Litchfield.
HANCOCK, EARL STANFORD: County Sheriff; b Loup City, Neb Sept 16, 1894; s of William Hancock-Cora Castner; ed Loup City HS; St Paul Bus Coll; m Blanche Winkleman Aug 14, 1925 Loup City; s Earl William; d Sharon Ann; as youth assisted father in farming; 1909-22 emp on farms & in various work; 1922-29 indep farmer; 1929-32 mechanic, Sherman Co road dept, Loup City; 1932-34 night marshal, Loup City; 1934- Sherman Co sheriff; during World War enl Nov 1917 in USSC, stationed at Fort Leavenworth & later in 12 or more camps throughout country, disch Nov 1918; Amer Leg post 48, past adjt, past comm; Neb Sheriffs & Peace Ofcrs Assn; past noble grand, IOOF 166; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Loup City.
HARWOOD, LUTHER MILTON: Clergyman; b Waverly, Tenn Oct 7, 1878; s of Richard D Harwood-Mary Eugenia Pybass; ed Waverly Tenn; McAdoo Seminary & Waverly Coll, Waverly Tenn; theological training, Chicago; m Ruby Hortense Heath Apr 19, 1923 Chicago; s Richard Lee; d Helen Heath (dec); 1923 missionary near Superior Wis; 1923-29 pastor Trinity Presby Ch, Chilton Wis; 1929- pastor First Presby Ch, Loup City; AF&AM; past mbr IOOF; hobbies, travel, baseball, football; res Loup City.
HENDRICKSON, ROLLAN DOLE: Retired; b Franklin Co, Ind Apr 15, 1865; s of Peter Hendrickson-Elizabeth Dawdy; ed Ill; m Katherine Persche Burrowes Apr 15, 1912 Loup City; step-son John B Burrowes (dec); reared Edna Albers (Mrs Floyd Runge), Louise Mendyk (Mrs William Harnish); 1869 brought by parents to Arcola Ill; 1888 came to Sherman Co; 1889-91 tchr, Sherman Co; 1896-1903 tchr & farmer, Sherman Co; 1891-96 Sherman Co sheriff; 1901-05, 1908-12, 1921-34 Sherman Co supt of schs; 1905-07, 1912-19 farmed; 1934- ret; has held various twp offs; mbr cemetery bd; team capt IOOF 166, secy 4th year, mbr since 1900; MWA, mbr 42 years; res Loup City.
HOLECEK, JOE: Merchant; b Kalna, Vlasim, Czechoslovakia Dec 30, 1894; s of John Holecek-Antonie Sisova; ed Sontice, Vlasim, Czechoslovakia; m Anna Jelinek Feb 1917 Dodge; d Anna, Marie; learned meat cutters trade in Czechoslovakia; 1911 came to US to visit sister Anna Luxa, Farwell; emp by various packing houses in Omaha, butcher at Clarkson, Leigh, Dodge; 1919-24 indep farmer, Farwell; 1926-36 oprd meat market, later added groc; 1936- owner & opr gen merc bus; Cath Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, home; res Rockville.
JAMROG, LOUIS: Hardware & Implement Dealer; b Ashton, Neb Nov 25, 1890; s of Thomas Jamrog-Martha Zaworski; ed Ashton; St Paul Bus Coll, St Paul; m Agnes Sobieszcyk June 2, 1914 Ashton; s Jerome; d Adelaide, Dolores; as youth assisted father in hdw bus; 1935- owner & opr hdw & impl bus; past mbr, treas city coun when water system was installed; pres bd of edn, during time new sch was built; Midwest Farm Impl Dlrs Assn; past clk MWA; KC, St Paul; Cath Ch; hobby, hunting; res Ashton.
JANKOWSKI, JOSEPH: Banker; b Grandenz, West Prussia, Germany Dec 19, 1869; s of Francis Jankowski-Frances Pokorski; ed Germany; Howard Co; m Anna Maciejewski Sept 25, 1996 Farwell; s Anton, Alexander, Thomas J, Andrew L; d Clara (Mrs Hubert Topolski), Paulina (Mrs Anton Kalkowlski), Regina (Mrs Roman A Gdanitz); 1881
Who's Who
with parents came to US, assisted father on farm, Howard Co, later indep farmer until 1907; 1908 org & cash Ashton State Bank-, past mbr bd of edn; past mbr village bd; during World War, mbr draft bd, Sherman Co bd of food administration, ARC; Neb & Amer Bankers Assn; Polish Natl Alliance; KC at St Paul, mbr 2 years; St Francis Parish Cath Ch, trustee & mbr ofcl bd; Dem, past chmn Sherman Co Central Com; hobby, fishing; res Ashton.
JARZEMSKI, ALOYSIUS JOHN: Clergyman; b Kowalewo, Pomorze Poland June 22, 1882; s of John Jarzernski-Mary Komiszke; ed govt schs Kowalewo Pomorze Poland; Pelplin & Chelmno Colls, Poland; 2 years philosophy, 1 year theology Graz, Styria Austria; St Cyril & Methodius Seminary, Detroit Mich 1907-10; St Paul Seminary, St Paul Minn; 1907 came to US to visit relatives in Buffalo N Y; 1910 ordained by Bishop Lawler, St Paul-Minn Seminary, first mass at St Stanislaus Ch, Buffalo N Y; 1910-12 asst pastor under late Father Wunibald Wolf, St Marys Ch, Grand Island, also in chg of 2 missions at Rockville & St Josephs Ch, Ravenna; 1912-15 pastor Mt Carmel Ch, Paplin; 1915 pastor St Peters Ch, Stanton; 1915-19 pastor St Peter & Paul Ch, St Paul & St Venceslaus, Warsaw; 1919 pastor St Francis Ch, prin of St Francis Parochial Sch, Ashton; org & first chaplain KC, St Paul; Cath Ch, pres Holy Rosary Soc; Young Ladies Sodality, Children of Mary; Infant Jesus Soc; res Ashton.
JENNER, MRS DOROTHY: Merchant; b Loup City, Neb; d of John Ohlsen-Christine Solms; ed Loup City HS; U of N; m Robert R Jenner May 20, 1927 Grand Island; 1917-25 tchr, Sherman Co, Litchfield & Loup City schs; 1926-38 oprd beauty shop, Loup City; 1935- owner & opr Mode Shop, womens apparel; mbr Dramatic Club since 1922; OES; past pres PEO; Presby Ch; hobby, antiques; res Loup City.
JENNER, HENRY: Owner Amusement Park; b London, England Mar 14, 1861; s of Henry Jenner-Jemima Garcia Bond; ed Eton U, London England; Kings Coll, U of London; studied under Dumpier, Rochester England 2 years; m Laura Lee Smith Sept 18, 1891 Loup City (dec 1911); s Robert Ratcliffe, Henry Bond; d Constance (Mrs Martin L Foley); after finishing sch worked with father in brewing bus, London, until father's retirement 1883; 1883 came to US to study ranching; emp on farm of Alex Bailey near Loup City, 1 year; said to have introduced polo, paper chasing & steeple chasing in US; 1884-88 with brother, Robert Bond, who came from Africa, owned & oprd 1/2 section ranch near Loup City; 1888-92 with H M Matthew in creamery bus, Loup City; 1892-1906 city water commr & engr during which time he acquired tract on east edge of town for park & playground for his children, later became Jenner's Amusement & Educational Park, mummy cave also in park; Rotary; KP, ch mbr, past chancellor & past del to grand lodge; Evolutionist; hobby, antiques; res Loup City.
JONES, ALLEN DENNIS: Farmer & Stockman; b Moccasin, Ill Nov 9, 1878; s of Richard Jones-Elizabeth Wise; ed Beaver Crossing; studied telegraphy with FE&MV RR, now part of C&NW RR, Beaver Crossing 1896; 1896-98 emp by B&M RR, now part of CB&Q RR, Utica; 1898-1913 with FE&MV RR, 1898 at Beaver Crossing, 1900 relief agt at various stations, 1900-01 agt at Sawyer1; 1901-02 agt River Sioux Ia, 1902 relief agt at Fremont & cash York, 1903-05 agt at Able, 1906 agt at Ewing, 1907-13 agt Beaver Crossing; 1913- farmer & stockman, raises Hampshire hogs, Red Polled cattle, exhibits at co & state fairs; past state champion in Nebraska St Fair, past champion of Sherman Co Fair in Hampshire male hog class; past mbr sch bd 12 years; Meth Ch, mbr ofcl bd; hobby, purebred livestock; parents came to Beaver Crossing 1882; wife d of John A Knerr-Mary Ellen Jay who homesteaded at Beaver Crossing 1869; res Litchfield.
1Sawyer on Superior line of C&NW RR between Exeter & Geneva.KISLING, JOHN H: Retired; b West Manchester, O June 7, 1872; s of Henry Kisling-Rachel A Trone; ed Sherman Co; m Etta A Gowin Nov 9, 1904 Litchfield; assisted father on farm until 1904; 1904-11 indep farmer & stockman near Litchfield; 1911-19 owner & opr farm, Litchfield; 1919 traveled in Ohio, Ill & Cal; 1920- ret, mgr farm ints consisting of 1500 A; as youth traveled with parents in covered wagon over 28 states; hobby, farming ints; parents came to Neb 1889; wife's parents homesteaded near Litchfield 1874; res Litchfield.
KOTRC, CARL V: Store Manager; b St Paul, Neb Mar 9, 1911; s of Louis A Kotrc-Mary Lanka; ed St Paul HS 1928; St Paul Bus Coll St Paul; m Nora L Thode Feb 1, 1937 Loup City; s Ronald Fred; while in sch had newspaper route & emp on father's farm during summer; 1928-32 clk in Reiers Dept Store, Sargent; 1932 on tele crew, Steamboat Springs Colo 6 mos, later special investigator for Omaha Street Railway; 1933-34 clk in Food Center Store, Loup City, 1934- mgr; mbr vol fire dept; Loup City Retailers Assn; Meth Ch, past pres Epworth League, past SS tchr; hobbies, woodwork, fishing, hunting; res Loup City.
LANG, HARVE I: Secretary & Treasurer Credit Association; b Custer Co, Neb Jan 13, 1885; s of James R Lang-Rovilla J Foster; ed Custer & Sherman Cos; York & Cotner Colls; m Ora P Brogden, York; s John E; d Enid J (Mrs ___ Brundage), Ruth R (Mrs ____ Rumery); with father on farm until 1906; 1906-10 farmed father's place indep; 1910-29 with First Natl Bank, Litchfield, bkkpr for D W Titus, dir 1917, later asst cash, then VP; 1929-34 org & cash Mason City Bank; 1934- org & secy-treas Co-op Credit Assn, Litchfield; past mbr village bd, Litchfield; past mbr Mason City sch bd; past mbr Harrison twp bd; notary pub 24 years; Neb Farmers Co-op Grain & Livestock Assn; secy Comml Club; AF&AM 170; Scot Rite 32o; Tangier Shrine; IOOF, past mbr; Chris Ch, deacon & treas many years; hobbies, reading, work; res Litchfield.
LINE, WILLIAM H: County Attorney; b Diller, Neb Jan 12, 1893; s of William C Line-Jennie L Weigel; ed Diller HS 1911; PSTC 1914; U of N, BA 1916, LLB 1920; Phi Alpha Delta; m LuIu M Gunderson June 21, 1921 Omaha; s William G; d Marjorie Lou; 1911-12 tchr in rural sch, Diller; 1920- prac law, Loup City; 1922- Sherman Co atty; city atty; pres sch bd; during World War, enl June 12, 1917 in USN, recd commission as ensign in pay corps, disch May 1919; Neb St Bar Assn; Amer Title Assn; Rotary; Country Club; past mbr KP; AF&AM; Presby Ch, bd mbr; hobbies, fishing, hunting, stamp collecting; res Loup City.
LING, KATHRYN: Clerk of District Court; b Prosser, Neb; d of James N Ling-Katie Weedin; ed Loup City HS 1921; KSTC 1923; 1923-25 emp in off of Sherman Co clk; 1923-25 & 1931-32 with First Natl Bank, Loup City; 1925-29 with First Natl Bank, Holyoke Colo; 1929-31 with FlaggTunnicliff Motor Co, Ord; 1932-35 Sherman Co deputy clk; 1934- clk of dist court, 12th judicial dist; secy Neb Assn of Clks of Dist Court; Business Womens Club; Meth Ch; res Loup City.
LOFHOLM, LAWRENCE G: County Clerk & Assessor; b Loup City, Neb June 10, 1887; s of John Lofholm-Mary C Johnson; ed Loup City HS; m Maude T Gilbert Aug 31, 1913 Grand Island; s Lyle G, Jac; on leaving sch emp as clk in gen merc store of C C Cooper, Loup City 4 or 5 years; emp by Felix Makowski in gen merc store, Loup City 2 1/2 years; 1911-17 ptr of O L Swanson in retail drug bus; 1917-34 owner & opr mens furnishings & clothing bus, Loup City; 1934- Sherman Co clk & assessor; past mbr city coun; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; IOOF; hobbies, golf, hunting; res Loup City.
LONG, JOHN R: Real Estate Agent; b Loup City, Neb Dec 18, 1899; s of John W Long-Zella Rawson; ed Loup City HS 1919; U of N; Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Ruth McFadden Jan 19, 1928 Loup City; d Sara R, Zella Marie; 1919-20 bkkpr Loup City State Bank; 1924- in real est bus with father until his death 1931; 1931- owner & opr real est bus; mbr Neb St legislature 1935, special session 1936; past city clk; during World War in SATC U of N, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg 48; Rotary; Loup City Golf Club; past mbr KP; AF&AM 106; Dem, chmn Sherman Co Central Com; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Loup City.
MACA, FRANK A: Railway Station Agent; b Rushville, Neb Oct 6, 1889; s of Frank Maca-Mary Prenosil; ed Bruno; Omaha Comml Coll 1906-08; while in sch, studied telegraphy & railroading during spare time; m Minnie Stepan Sept 10, 1911 Omaha; s Richard, Donald, Clarence; d Mildred, Jaunita, Helen, Marilyn; brought by family to Bruno 1898; 1904-06 with J J Keefe Hdw Co, Bruno; 1908- emp by UP RR, 1908-09 station helper at Loup City, 1909-16 teleg opr at Kansas City Mo & other stations, 1916-19 teleg opr at Lexington, 1919- station agt, Loup City. mbr bd of edn 17 years; ORT; ch mbr Rotary; AF&AM; past noble grand IOOF, Milford Kas; past
in Nebraska
chancellor Miltonvale Kas & Loup City lodges KP; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; res Loup City.
MASCHKA, FRANK ANTON: Grocer; b Wintkow, Poland Apr 141, 1882; s of August Maschka-Rosalia Wesierski; ed Neb; m Helen Jamrog Apr 13, 1913 Ashton; s Richard; 1882 brought by parents to US, came to Neb 1887; emp as farmhand, & carp 1 1/2 years; 1907-14 clk in Lorenz Brothers Store, Ashton; 1915-32 in gen merc bus, Ashton; 1927-32 ptr of G L Polski, Ashton; 1932- owner & opr groc & meat market; past mbr city coun; KC, St Paul; St Francis Cath Ch; hobbies, music, violin & cornet, has family orchestra; res Ashton.
MATHEW, ROBERT H: Attorney; b Loup City, Neb Feb 20, 1884; s of Henry M Mathew-Emily L Clark; ed Loup City HS 1899; Kearney Mil Acad 1899; U of N, LLB 1905; m Elva Zimmerman Mar 16, 1910 Loup City; s Henry Z, Paul, Robert H; 1905-06 prac law with father until his death 1906; 1906 indep prac of law, Loup City; UP RR atty past 2 years; 1906-10 Sherman Co atty; 1915 city atty; 1916 mayor of Loup City; mbr lib bd; during World War mbr draft bd, chmn 4-min men; Sherman Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn, mbr legal advisory com to create permanent coun for simplifying court procedure in Neb; Amer Bar Assn; Neb Title Assn, mbr legal advisory com; Amer Title Assn, mbr law com; Loup City Golf Club; AF&AM 106; IOOF; past mbr KP; Episc Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting, reading; res Loup City.
McFADDEN, MRS SARAH ELIZABETH: Homemaker; b Coshocton, O Apr 1861; d of Emanuel Shaeffer-Elizabeth Baxter; ed Coshocton O; m George W McFadden 1879 Coshocton O (dec June 1924); s Loren (dec), Charles (dec), Ray Shaeffer, Ernest Eugene; d Ruth (Mrs John R Long); 1879-82 with husband on farm in Ohio; 1882- resides on farm near Litchfield; Degree of Honor; Meth Ch; hobbies, reading, crocheting, embroidering, auto trips; husband was stockman; father was Civil War veteran; res Loup City.
MILLER, JERRY R: Manager Telephone Co; b Scotia, Neb Dec 7, 1901; s of Frank M Miller-Ethel Cook; ed Scotia HS 1920; m Gladys P West June 7, 1928 Scotia; 1920-28 lineman for Independent Tele Co, Scotia; 1928-32 lineman Northwestern Bell Tele Co at St Paul, 1932-34 mgr Minden, 1932-35 combination man at Lexington, 1935- mgr Loup City; Rotary, past secy-treas at Minden & mbr Loup City; AF&AM 191, Scotia; Neb St Hist Soc; Presby Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Loup City.
MINSHULL, JOHN WILLIAM: Farmer; b Litchfield, Neb Jan 16, 1888; s of Arthur Minshull-Maria Duck; ed Litchfield; m Myrtle Wiseman May 28, 1913 Grand Island; s Arthur, John W Jr; d Lois; born & att sch in sod house; as youth assisted father in farming; 1909-10 with CB&Q RR, Alliance; 1911-12 fed cattle for Chipp & Slote, Litchfield; 1913-19 oprd transfer bus, Litchfield; 1919 owner & opr 400 A farm; with brothers owner of farm homesteaded by father before coming of RR, & when Kearney was nearest trading post; past mbr city coun; mbr sch bd; Presby Ch; hobbies, fishing & hunting; res Litchfield.
MOEHNERT, ERNEST W: County Judge; b Mills Co, Ia Dec 10, 1891; s of August C Moehnert-Theresa Hulle; ed Madison HS 1911; U of N, LLB 1916; Phi Delta Theta; Phi Delta Phi; m Betty Parker Mar 18, 1924 Julesburg Colo; s Ernest P; 1907 came with parents to Neb; 1911 tchr, Saline Co; 1917-19 prac law, Mitchell; 1919-20 with Neb Mfg Assn, Lincoln; 1922-24 prac law with William Pound, Julesburg Colo; 1924-29 prac law with R H Mathew, Loup City; 1929- indep prac of law; 1929 Sherman Co judge; mbr sch bd; during World War enl in US army Aug 1917, Fort Snelling, Minn, O/S 6 mos with 8th field arty, commd 2nd lt, disch Jan 1919; Amer Leg post 48, past comm, service ofcr; com chmn BSA; Neb St Bar Assn; Rotary; Comml Club; hobbies, books, stamps, hunting & golf; res Loup City.
MOHR, CLARENCE: Dentist; b Lamberton, Minn Feb 13, 1898; s of Henry Mohr-Theodora Nelson; ed Mason City HS 1917; U of N, DDS 1924; Delta Sigma Delta; m Helen Richardson July 2, 1927 Hot Springs S D; s Charles H; 1924- dentist, Loup City; mbr sch bd; past mbr vol fire dept; Neb St & ADA; committeeman BSA; past mbr KP; Presby Ch, trustee, elder; hobbies, hunting & fishIng; res Loup City.
MOHR, MRS HELEN: Homemaker; b Crawford, Neb Nov 24, 1900; d of C L Richardson-Jennie Britton; ed Crawford; Chadron HS 1917; CSTC; Zeta Alpha; m Clarence Mohr July 2, 1927 Hot Springs S D; s Charles H; 1918-19 tchr near Crawford; 1919-20 tchr, Crawford; 1920-21 tchr, Chadron; 1921- 22 tchr, Oshkosh; 1923-24 tchr, Ansley; 1924-28 tchr, Loup City; 1928- homemaker; ARC, mbr 1931-32; Drama League; Womans Club; Dem Club; Presby Ch, mbr industrial soc; hobby, reading; res Loup City.
NORLING, MRS MARY: Merchant; b Madison, Wis; d of Henry Parry-Margaret Jones; ed Buffalo Co; m Andrew D Norling Mar 9, 1904 Litchfield (dec May 10, 1938); s Oscar D, Alfred H; tchr 1 year in Buffalo Co; 1898-1904 emp by A D Norling Gen Merc Store, Litchfield; 1904-38 with husband opr gen merc store at Litchfield, 1938- owner & opr since husband's death; during World War in womens war activities & ARC; past mbr bd of edn; Presby Ch; father homesteaded timber claim at Pleasant Valley Buffalo Co 1880, ret to Wis 1881, back to Neb 1885; husband (dec 1938) came to Litchfield 1881, owned 1000 A ranch SE of Litchfield until 1915, 1896 opr drug store, later in gen merc bus until his death; mbr town coun, & deacon of Presby Ch; res Litchfield.
OLTJENBRUNS, CHRISTIAN: Farmer; b Oldenburg, Germany Apr 2, 1870; s of Christian Oltienbruns-Meta Lubben; ed Germany; m Anna Klamp Feb 6, 1893 Lincoln (dec 1911); s Herbert F; d Minnie L (Mrs Frank Fross), Elsie E (Mrs Jesse Beaver), Edna F (Mrs Claude Courtier); m Elizabeth Luce Feb 14, 1914 Lincoln; 1887 came to Lincoln, emp as farmhand until 1891; 1891-93 farmer, Lancaster Co; 1894-1901 farmer, Seward Co; 1901-04 owner & opr farm, York Co; 1904- owner & opr farm near Loup City; 1925- partially ret; past mbr sch bd, Sherman Co; past mbr twp bd, Meth Ch; hobbies, white faced cattle, stamps, coins; res Loup City.
OUTHOUSE, ALBERT BERNARD: Banker; b Huey, Ill May 22, 1862; s of Oliver Outhouse-Maria Gerdes; ed Clinton Co, Ill; m Mary Rebecca Prather Nov 28, 1887 Huey Ill; s Albert R; d Meroe, Emma (dec), Winifred (Mrs F G Parr), Orpha (Mrs William H Leininger, dec), Alberta (Mrs Milo Daily); 1877-1887 with father in gen merc bus, Huey Ill; 1887-1907 org, treas & mgr Keystone Lbr Co, Loup City; 1907- owner, & pres Keystone Lbr Co, opr lbr yards Loup City, Arcadia, Rockville & Boelus; also owner & opr 14 farms; past dir, past VP, pres First Natl Bank, Loup City; past VP & dir Middle Loup Power & Irrigation Dist; 1893-94 & 1904-09 mbr city coun; 1910-13 mayor; past dir Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Patriarchs Militant; past treas IOOF; hobbies, tree planting, essays; res Loup City.
OUTHOUSE, ALBERT RAYMOND: Manager Lumber Co; b Loup City, Neb Dec 16, 1900; s of Albert Bernard Outhouse-Mary Rebecca Prather; ed Loup City HS 1919; U of N, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; m Louise Carol Goodbrod Feb 13, 1923 Lincoln; s James Raymond; d Shirley Jane; 1923-24 mgr Keystone Lbr Co, Arcadia; 1924- mgr & treas Keystone Lbr Co, Loup City; also opr lbr yards at Loup City, Arcadia, Rockville & Boelus; dir First Natl Bank; past mayor 2 terms; past mbr bd of edn; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; past pres Rotary; KP; Presby Ch; hobbies, sports, fishing, hunting; res LoupCity.
PIERCE, CLARENCE G: Service Station Owner; b Denver, Colo July 24, 1898; s of Guy P Pierce-Itha D Morgan; ed Kearney HS 1917; KSTC 1917-18; Phi Tau Gamma; m Gertrude Garrett June 9, 1925 Glenwood Ia; s Richard; d Dorothy; 1919-27 with father in auto bus, Chevrolet & Buick Sales & Service, Kearney; 1927-32 with Bredenberg Chevrolet Co, Kearney; 1932- owner & opr service station, Loup City; mbr bd of edn; during World War ent US AS 1918, stationed at Kelly Field San Antonio Tex, 869th aero squadron, disch 1919; past comm Amer Leg post 48; com mbr Neb Petroleum Industries Com; Loup City Golf Club; ARC; AF&AM 46; RAM, Kearney; Presby Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; res Loup City.
POLSKI, LAWRENCE B: Banker, Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Loup City, Neb Aug 8, 1887; s of I M Polski-Teckla ___; ed Loup City HS; Shenandoah Ia Comml Inst; m Helen A Froehlich Feb 15, 1915 Loup City; s Larry B; d Maria A (Mrs C A Lewan), Phyllis; 1913-19 Sherman Co clk; 1919- asst cash & dir First Natl Bank, Loup City, also resident management broker for HOLC; during World War, chief clk of draft bd; past pres Loup City Golf Club; hobbies, golf, fishing; res Loup City.
Who's Who
POTTER, MRS ADDIE L: Homemaker; b Muscatine, Ia July 25, 1873; d of Andrew J Thompson-Lora Deming; ed Muscatine Ia; m Charles A Potter Mar 28, 1905 Grand Island; 1887 came with parents to Grand Island, came to Sherman Co 1904; 1905- homemaker, assists husband in drug store & mortuary; during World War active in ARC; Presby Ch; hobbies, stamps, fancywork, baseball, sports; father was Civil War Veteran in Co I 104th Ohio vol inf under Gen Sherman; res Litchfield.
POTTER, CHARLES A: Mortician; b Madison Co, Neb Mar 23, 1873; s of Aden H Potter-Diana E Lawrence; ed Platte Co; Creighton U, PhG 1907; m Addie Thompson Mar 28 1905 Grand Island; as boy helped father on farm & in dairy work, herded cattle, later spent 5 years with father in drug store, Humphrey; 1889-95 with father in drug, hdw, furn & undertaking bus, Litchfield; 1895-1903 farmer in Sherman Co & in cattle bus, Cherry Co; 1903-05 ptr of father, Litchfield; 1905- owner & opr drug, furn & mortuary bus estab by father 1882; 1919 discontinued drugs; mbr town bd; mbr village bd; mbr cemetery bd; past assessor; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn, mbr since 1910; Presby Ch; hobbies, baseball, football; father came to West Point 1869, later homesteaded in Madison Co, was Civil War veteran, Co D 6th N Y vol cavalry, aide-de-camp under Gen Grant, prisoner in Libby prison 5 mos, Andersonville prison 12 1/2 mos; res Litchfield.
RASMUSSEN, FROVIN: Postmaster; b Dannebrog, Neb Mar 25, 1897; s of Jens Rasmussen-Katherine Jensen; ed Rockville; m Rose Tagge Sept 6, 1927 Council Bluffs Ia; d Dorothy, Deloris, Darlene, Donna, Delayne; 1903-27 with father on farm; 1933- P M, Rockville; 1935 pur from Neb St banking dept Rockville State Bank Bldg, now P O; past dir Dannebrog, Ashton & Ravenna bands; 1912- active in orgn & dir Rockville band, many years only band in Sherman Co; past mbr town bd 10 years; Neb League of Dist P Ms; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; Comm Chest, treas 10 years, 1939 secy; 2 terms noble grand IOOF 265; hobbies, beekeeping, music; with brother Elmer & sister Nina has played in orchestras 20 years & over radio stations KFEQ Oak, KFKX Hastings, KMMJ Clay Center; has orchestra composed of his 5 daughters; res Rockville.
REYNOLDS, CLARK S: Farmer & Stockman; b Cedar Rapids, Ia Sept 14, 1890; s of Schuyler S Reynolds-Emma S Kelloway; ed Sherman Co; Loup City HS; San Diego Cal Prep Coll; LBC; assisted father with farming until 1908; 1908-14 with New England Creamery Co, San Diego Cal, later in chg of collections; also in real est bus & owner & opr irrigated land between Tiajuana Mexico & San Diego; 1914-16 emp by Charles Chroniser & Vic Swanson merc bus, Loup City; 1914-39 farmer & livestock feeder with Henry Wilson in Reynolds & Wilson, Loup City; 1914- owner & opr farm, Loup City; 1999- indep opr 480 A farm, feeding approximately 75 head of stock annually, under firm name of Reynolds & Trompke; representative for Farmers Mutual Ins Co, Lincoln; past supt of construction for Sherman Co highway dept 10 years; dir since orgn Middle Loup Irrigation Dist, pur & appraised land 2 years; mgr farming ints for non-resident owners; Comml Club; IOOF; hobbies, fishing, hunting, irrigation in Sherman Co & Neb; father came to Loup City before RR was built; res Loup City.
ROUSH, JAMES E: Farmer; b Letart, W Va Nov 22, 1874; s of Ezra Allen Roush-Margaret Ellen Weaver; ed Letart W Va; Tchrs Training Sch, Hartford W Va; m Etta L Fox Feb 22, 1900 Dunkerton, Ia; s Clifford Allen, Arthur C, J Elsworth; d Elva Alice, Muriel F (Mrs ___ Hughes), Margaret M (Mrs ___ Howard); as youth assisted father on farm; 1894-95 farm hand, Ill; 1895-96 sch tchr, W Va; 1897-1900 farm hand in Ill 2 years, Ia 1 year; 1900-06 indep farmer; 1906-08 in oil refining bus, Kas; 1908-11 farmed, Neb; 1911-12 emp in off of J P Leininger Lbr Co; 1912- owner & opr farm, also livestock feeder, Loup City; past twp treas 8 years; past Sherman Co supvr 4 years; mbr sch bd dist 93; 7 1/2 years mbr sch bd dist 36; pres Sherman Co Agrl Soc; past pres, secy-treas Farm Bur; 4-H Club; Soil Conservation Com, past pres 1 year, mbr Sherman Co com, past mbr dist com; hobbies, hunting, fishing, horses, cattle; res RFD 1, Loup City.
ROY, STANLY F: County Superintendent of Schools; b Loup City, Neb Sept 15, 1908; s of Jake F Roy-Mary Ann Galus; ed Sherman Co; Loup City HS 1927; KSTC, BSc 1933; mbr debate team; Caledonians; U of N 1931-32; Phi Kappa Delta, m Clara Waskowlak Nov 20, 1934 Loup City; s Robert, Larry; 1928-30 sch tchr near Loup City; 1933-34 twp chmn Corn-Hog Program; 1934- Sherman Co supt of pub instruction; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NSTA; KC, St Paul; St Josephat Parish Cath Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting, athletics; res Loup City.
RYAN, CLARENCE H: Banker; b Gresham, Neb Sept 14, 1890; s of George E Ryan-Emma Clem; ed Gresham HS 1906; Neb Wes; m Merle Bond June 15, 1910 York; s Frank; d Lillian (Mrs Steve Makowski); 1907 with Farmers Exchange Bank, Tamora; 1908-13 with First Natl Bank, Gresham, 1911-13 asst cash; 1913 traveled in Cal 6 mos; 1913- with First Natl Bank of Loup City, 1913-18 asst cash, 1918- cash; during World War active in raising funds; Neb Bankers Assn, secy district 5; Amer Bankers Assn; Rotary; AF&AM; Scot Rite, 32o; Sesostris Shrine; Prot; hobby, travel; res Loup City.
RYDBERG, CHARLES G: Physician; b Jankoping, Sweden Feb 11, 1876; s of Gustave Rydberg-Caroline Peterson; ed Stromsburg HS; U of N, MD 1903; grad work Chicago Polyclinic 1916; m Dora F Griffith Sept 16, 1903 Lincoln (dec Aug 12, 1938); d Lillian W (Mrs Fred V Amick); 1894 pharm for Little, Johnson & Little, Stromsburg; 1895 pharm with Andrew Texley Drug Co, St Edward; 1897 pharm, McMillan Drug Co, McCook; 1899 in drug bus, Kenesaw; 1903-04 prac med, Kenesaw; 1904 prac med, Litchfield; during World War med examiner on local advisory bd; past pres Custer Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Litchfield Golf Club; past noble grand IOOF 190; KP; ch mbr, org, first master AF&AM 278; Scot Rite, 32o; Sesostris Shrine; RAM; York Rite; Presby Ch, elder; hobby, golf; res Litchfield.
SMITH, HANFORD NELSON: District Superintendent Public Utility Co; b St Paul, Neb Nov 12, 1882; s of Hanford Nelson Smith-Laura Trester; ed St Paul; m Anna Hansen June 28, 1905 Grand Island; s Harold Nelson, Earl Lamotte; d Opal Addie (Mrs Jack McGhy), Laura; 1897-1905 emp in Northern Milling Co, St Paul; 1905-07 emp in St Paul Milling Co; 1908 with Northern Milling Co, Arcadia; 1908-16 with Loup City Light Co; 1916-20 farmed near St Paul; 1920-25 half-owner Loup City Light & Power Co; 1925-27 pres Neb Electric Power Co, Loup City; 1927- dist supt Western Public Service Co, hdqrs Loup City; mbr of com instrumental in developing highway No 2; Neb Electric Assn; bd mbr Middle Loup Valley Assoc C of C; org, Rotary, Loup City; past pres Comm Club; WOW; IOOF; Presby Ch; father Civil War veteran homesteaded near Dannebrog 1872, & was first Howard Co supt of schs; res Loup City.
SORENSEN, SOREN EDWARD: Banker; b Boelus, Neb Jan 1, 1884; s of Hans Sorensen-Hanna Paulsen; ed Boelus; St Paul Bus Coll; Custer Coll, Broken Bow; m Mary Hehnke Sept 12, 1911 Grand Island; d Dorothy (Mrs Howard Pedersen), Lillian (Mrs Don Weaver); 1908-12 in grain elevator bus, Rockville; 1919-20 in hdw & impl bus; 1920- in banking bus, & cash Rockville Co-op Credit Assn; during World War mbr Sherman Co coun of defense; village clk 6 years; secy-treas Sherman Co ARC, mbr since orgn; Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; Loup City Golf Club; past noble grand IOOF; AF&AM; Comm Ch, past mbr ofcl bd; Dem, mbr Sherman Co Central Com past 12 years, candidate for Sherman CO treas 1938; hobby, golf; res Rockville.
SPELTS, ALVIN: Hotel & Cafe owner; b Minier, Ill Apr 30, 1871; s of Louis Spelts-Lizzie Woods; ed Racine Wis; m Belle Griggs Jan 1, 1900 Schuyler; with father in grain elevator & livestock bus until 1891; 1891-1902 in indep cattle feeding & grain bus, Bellwood; 1902-05 with father in grain bus, built elevators at Ord & Spelts; 1905-17 cattle feeder & farmer near Loup City; 1917-22 oprd milling bus & service station, Loup City; 1922-29 oprd cattle ranch, Burwell; 1929-30 oprd Hotel Bayard, Bayard; 1930- with wife owner & opr Ideal Hotel & Cafe, Loup City; BPOE; Prot; hobbies, fishing, hunting; father came to David City 1879, engaged in grain elevator, & livestock bus; res Loup City.
SPELTS, MRS BELLE: Hotel & Cate Owner; b Ottawa, Ill; d of Allen Grey Griggs-Nancy Lavina Crosson; ed Ottawa Ill HS 1897; m Alvin Spelts Jan 1, 1900 Schuyler; 1897 studied millinery, Des Moines Ia; 1899 emp in millinery store of Mrs M V Snow, David City; 1900- homemaker; 1929-30 with husband oprd Hotel Bayard, Bayard; 1930- with husband owner & opr Ideal Hotel &
in Nebraska
Cafe, Loup City; Comml Club; past pres Womens Unity Club; NFWC, past state chmn of conservation; past pres Burwell Womans Club; active in SS & womens orgns Meth & Presby Chs; hobby, dogs; res Loup City.
STEPHENS, LAMONT LEVERN: Attorney; b Rockville, Neb Dec 8, 1887; s of William Harrison Stephens-Anna Martha Thoresen; ed Rockville; KSTC; U of N, LLB 1914; Order of Coif; m Elizabeth Lucretia Warren May 25, 1915 Ulysses; s Norman E; d Ruth; 1914 adm to Neb bar; 1914- prac law, Loup City; 1916-23 Sherman Co atty; 1925-29 Sherman Co judge; during World War chmn of Sherman Co legal advisory bd & 4-min man; chmn Sherman Co Bar Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; IOOF; AF&AM; Scot Rite 32o; RAM, past dep custodian 9 years; parents came to Sherman Co 1872; grandparents, William Harrison & Ruama Randall Stephens; great grandparents George S & Serah Wood Stephens; res Loup city.
THOMPSON, JAMES WRENWICK: Railway Agent; b Leroy, Ind Sept 19, 1885; s of David H Thompson-Maggie McKnight; ed Crown Point Ind HS; Dodge's Inst of Telegraphy, Valparaiso Ind; m Effie Lamb Aug 17, 1909 Mason City; s Howard, Melvin; d Frances (Mrs Corwin L Enevoldsen), Mildred, Maxine; 1904-05 teleg opr for Penn RR between Chicago & Columbus O; 1906-13 station agt, & teleg opr for CB&Q RR, Mason City & various stations between Sweetwater Neb & Spearfish S D, 1913- station agt at Litchfield; bd of edn, past secy 8 years; ORT; past master AF&AM 278; past noble grand IOOF 208; Meth Ch; hobby, travel; res Litchfield.
THOMPSON, JOE A: Creamery Manager; b Merna, Neb Aug 24, 1883; s of George Newton Thompson-Lovina Trout; ed Merna; Neb Wes; m Gladys O'Bryan Nov 7, 1906 Loup City; s Richard; d Doris (Mrs Frank Dowd), Jeanne, Henrietta, JoAnn; as youth assisted father on farm; 1902 helper in churning room, Beatrice Creamery Co, Lincoln; 1903 with Ravenna Creamery Co, Ravenna; 1904-09 butter maker for Ravenna Creamery Co at Loup City, 1909-29 mgr; 1929- mgr Fairmont Creamery, formerly Ravenna Creamery Co; past mbr bd of edn 6 years, past pres 6 years; ch mbr, past pres Rotary; Loup City Golf Club; hobbies, golf, hunting; parents came by covered wagon to Neb in 1881, homesteaded at Merna; res Loup City.
TRUMBLE, MRS LOTTIE BLANCHE: Postmaster & Merchant; b Leona, Kas; d of David Lester Carpenter-Catherine Eliza Lambert; ed Severance & Marysville Kas; Fairfield; Fremont Normal; PSTC summer sessions; m Clarence Whitman Trimble1 June 24, 1908 Council Bluffs Ia (dec Feb 27, 1933); s Abner Whitman, Albert Lester; d Catherine (Mrs Henry Dock); 1898-1902 tchr, Sarpy Co; 1902-08 tchr, Papillion; 1922- PM, Hazard; 1933- owner & opr groc & merc bus; past mbr sch bd 3 years; Neb League of Dist P Ms; Neb ch Natl Assn of P Ms; past mbr OES; past mbr Rebekah; Meth Ch, past pres ladies aid soc; hobby, home; res Hazard.
1Clarence Whitman Trumble's parents were early Neb pioneers settling 1859 at Bellevue, where father farmed as young man assisted father in farming, later farmed for self, foreman for contractors; 1908 pur John Phillpot hdw & impl bus, Hazard, oprd impl bus until 1928, orpd hdw bus until 1931; 1913-18 mbr Neb legislature, mbr Ins & Power coms, past mbr town & sch bds; AF&AM, Shrine; IOOF; MWA; past trustee Meth Ch many years; father, Abner Trumble, Civil War veteran, pres Packers National Bank, Omaha.WAITE, WILBER S: Real Estate Agent; b Palmyra1, Ia July 22, 1870; s of John Waite-Juliette Roseberry; ed Palmyra Ia; Loup City; m Bertha Sutton Feb 1, 1899 Loup City; s Wilber S Jr; d A Evangeline, Geraldine A, Dorothy J; 1880 came with parents in covered wagon to Arcadia; worked on farm until father's death, then took complete chg of farm; 1893 bought & sold grain, Loup City; 1906-11 mgr & part owner local tele co, sold to Northwestern Bell Tele Co; 1915-31 in auto bus, Dodge agt, Loup City; 1925-26 owner one-third int in Loup City Light & Power Co, sold to Western Pub Service Co; 1926- mgr real est & farm ints; 1911 Neb legislator; past mbr sch bd; past secy Comml Club; Rep, past chmn Sherman Co Central Com 15 years; hobbies, growing trees, flowers, gardening, nature; res Loup City.
1Palmyra Ia 20 miles S E of Des Moines.WANEK, ANTON E: Physician & Surgeon; b Baltimore, Md June 3, 1870; s of Anton Wanek-Eva Kacal; ed Loup City HS; Creighton U, MD 1905; Creighton Med Soc; m Vesta B Jelinek Sept 5, 1893 Crete; s Clarence E, Fredrick H; d Emily C (Mrs Carl G Amick); 1905-17 prac med, Ashton, also owned & oprd drug store; 1917- prac med, Loup City; past Sherman Co phys; city phys; past mbr village bd, Ashton 12 years; past mbr Ashton sch bd 12 years; past mbr Ashton city coun; mbr Loup City band 40 years; during World War, mbr advisory bd, recd award from Secy of War for services; Hall Co Med Soc; past secy Sherman Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; AF&AM 106; RAM; R&SM; KT 33; past mbr KP; org ZCBJ, mbr 41 years; hobbies, music, hunting; res Loup City.
WANEK, MRS VISTA B: Homemaker; b Crete, Neb June 29, 1872; d of Joseph Jelinek-Anna Koslovsky; ed Crete; Fremont Normal; m Anton E Wanek Sept 6, 1893 Crete; s Clarence E., Fredrick H; d Emily C (Mrs Carl G Amick); tchr, Saline Co until 1893; 1893- homemaker; during World War, chmn knitting dept ARC; Unity Club; JCD Club; Cath Ch; hobby, oil & china painting; res Loup City.
WARRICK, MAX A: Store Manager; b Loup City, Neb Jan 21, 1913; s of Myrl A Warrick-Hattie Cox; ed Loup City; Kearney; Ravenna HS 1929; m Mildred Roberg Nov 25, 1934 Albion; s James Myrl; 1929-36 with J P Croff Co, store, Albion; 1936- mgr J P Croff Co, Loup City; Loup City Retailers Assn; Comml Club; Meth Ch; hobby, hunting; res Loup City.
WOLFORD, CHARLES: Merchant; b Mo Mar 6, 1884; s of Paul W Wolford-Clara Moody; ed Ansley HS; m Jessie Waterbury Nov 1911 Litchfield (dec); s Paul Ray; d Lucille B; 1884 brought by parents to Custer Co; as young man assisted father on farm; 1911-12 emp in Joe Cording Drug Store, Litchfield; 1912-18 in jewelry bus, Gothenburg; 1921- in hdw bus, Litchfield; chmn bd of edn, mbr 8 years; past mbr town bd; AF&AM; Meth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting, athletics, sports; res Litchfield.
ZIOLKOWSKI, LEONARD: Clergyman; b Stevens Point, Wis Feb 13. 1894; s of Ignatius Ziolkowski-Mary Przyborski; ed Polonia Wis HS 1909; Sturtevant Wis; St Bonaventrue Minor Seminary, Green Bay Wis; 1920 ordained to priesthood; as boy assisted father on farm while in sch; 1920-28 with St Bonaventure Minor Seminary as professor, vice-rector, dir; 1928-33 in chg of St Marys congregation, Green Bay Wis; 1933 vol for ch work in Neb; 1933-36 apptd to Elyria; 1936- tsfrd to St Josephats Parish, Loup City; KC, chaplain Ord coun 1933; past mbr Loup City Golf Club; hobbies, gardening, swimming, outdoor sports, collecting Indian head pennies; res Loup City.
Part 1 County history, bios: Aden-Gallaway | Part 2 bios: Gdanitz-Ziolkowski)
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