NEGenWeb Project
Kansas Collection Books

Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Adams County
Produced by
Diane Dietl and Connie Snyder.


Adams County | Early Settlement | Indian Troubles | Organization
Criminal | First Things | Railroads


Manufactures | County Seat Removals | County Poor Farm
Grasshoppers | Agricultural Society | Farmer's Alliance
Public Schools | Towns

Hastings:  Banks | Manufactures | The Press

Hastings (cont.):   Societies | Religious | Liberal Hall | Schools
Fire Department | Telephone Exchange

 5 ~ 8:

Biographical Sketches:


Juniata:  Banks | Flouring Mill | Societies | Religious
The Press | Schools

PART 10:
Juniata:  Biographical Sketches
PART 11:
Ayr:  Biographical Sketches
PART 12:

Kenesaw:  First Things | Religious | Educational | The Press
Biographical Sketches
Hansen:   Biographical Sketches
Other Towns

List of Illustrations in Adams County Chapter

Part 3



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   The history of the city of Hastings is one of continuous and unremitting growth. But a few years back and the place she now occupies was an uninhabited and tenantless prairie. Not later than the year 1870, the land upon which the city stands belonged to the Government, subject to the rights of homestead and pre-emption. At that time, no thought was for a moment entertained that here, in a few years, would stand a live, flourishing and prosperous city, numbering a population of thousands of thrifty, intelligent and industrious people. But such in reality is the fact, however marvelous may seem the story, or whatever strides of advancement and progress the city may have made, in springing from a contemplated town site, having existence on paper and marked by only the surveyors' stakes, driven in the prairie sod, to a place with the population of 3,000 people; yet, in truth, such is the fact to record.

   In 1871, Walter Micklen, with the idea of opening up for himself a farm upon the wide prairie, entered as a homestead the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 12, Town 7, Range 10 west. Here he hoped, as was his purpose, to secure for himself an existence in the calling of an humble farmer and tiller of the soil. But, as in all ages and among all classes, fortune smiles on those who least expect to be the favored recipient of her gracious blandishments, in the following year Micklen "proved up" on his claim and received a patent from the Government for his land.

   New prospects and projects now presented themselves, and the idea was conceived that it would be a feasible plan to establish a town site somewhere in the neighborhood of Micklen's homestead. This idea, no doubt, took its origin and was fostered from the prospects of a line of railroad being run through the place at an early day. As it was, there was only the one section of land subject to entry by settlers, the surrounding sections being included in the grant of lands made by the Government to the railroad company. A company was formed called the "Hastings Town Site company," and was composed of Walter Micklen, W. L. Smith, T. E. Farrell, W. B. Slosson, Samuel Slosson and J. D. Carl. The company then laid off Micklen's land into town lots and this formed the original town of Hastings. Micklen was the first to break the monotonous prairie scene by the erection of a sod house, at a point near where H. G. Newsom's residence has since been erected.

   Others now began to come in and make entry and settlement of the adjoining land. In 1872, Samuel Alexander came here from Lincoln, took a homestead and also built the first business house in the city, putting in a small stock of general merchandise. The railroad was not constructed to Hastings, at that time, and Alexander was obligated to haul his goods from the town of Inland, a small station and the then terminus of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, about six miles east of Hastings. The first town lot was bought by E. Steinan, in October 1872. A post office was established in the fall of 1872, and Samuel Alexander was appointed Postmaster, for which he received as a salary the paltry sum of $1 per month. Alexander and Capt. Wheeler entered into a partnership, built store room and opened a merchandising house, on the corner of Second street and Hastings avenue, the present location of Morledge & McWade's store. This firm continued for about a month and dissolved, the business passing into the hands of Wheeler alone.

   C. C. Ingalls erected the second store-room, and, in connection with F. J. Benedict, commenced business, dealing in agricultural implements. B. H. Brown & Son were also dealers in farm implements, grain, lumber, etc., and erected the third business house. In 1871, J. G. Moore located a homestead adjoining the original town site, and, in the year following, it was laid off into town lots and annexed to the original site as Moore's addition. The store-room erected by C. C. Ingalls was occupied by George H. Pratt and C. K. Lawson, with a general stock of goods. E. Steinan also built store-room in the fall of 1872, in which he put a stock of dry goods, the business being run in the interest of a merchant by the name of Levy, living at Quincy, Ill. The first meat market was opened in the spring of 1873, by T. M. Gregory, and, in the same spring, Charles Kohl sought to pander to the baser appetites of the settlers in the sale of liquors. Joseph Ross started a blacksmith shop in 1872, in Moore's stable, where he remained till the following year, when he removed his shop to a more central part of the place. The first hotel was built by Alexander & W. Linton, and was familiarly known as the "Roaring Gimlet." Another public house, called the Denver House, was built in 1873 by the town company, and it is still run as a hotel. The next public house, the Burlington House, was built in 1873 by J. G. Moore. The growth of the city began now to be more rapid. At the end of the first six months from the time it was laid out, there were between forty and fifty houses in the place. The Burlington & Missouri River Railroad was located in the county in 1871, and, by the month of July of the next year, regular trains were run through the town. The town, being started by private parties in no way connected with the company, found little encouragement or advantage from that source. By their terms of the contract by which the grant of land was made to the railroad company, they were required to locate a town site at every twelve miles of the road constructed. The first town in the county on the line established by the company was Inland, and Juniata, located at the proper interval on the line of the road, became the next point established. Juniata was the point most favored by the company, and Hastings, being located between these points and by private individuals, was considerably impeded in its growth by the efforts of the company to build up their own town. Destiny, however, seemed to favor Hastings, and, despite the attempts of the railroad influence to the contrary, was absolutely certain to obtain and retain the ascendancy, in point of business importance and size, above that of any other town in the county. Another point of advantage gained by Hastings was in the establishment of the St. Joseph & Western Railroad, formerly called the St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad, which was built in 1872. The line was projected to run to Denver, Colo., and located to cross the Burlington & Missouri River road at Hastings. In September of 1872, regular trains on this road were run into the place. A farther construction of the road was made beyond Hastings, but the idea of its construction to the city of Denver was abandoned, and the part of the road that had been built beyond the town was taken up, and this made Hastings the terminus of the line and it remained so until the year 1879. The construction of this line gave Hastings absolute superiority over the other towns in the county. That, with such advantage and growth and pre-eminence of the town was certain was now well understood, and the bulk of settlement turned in this direction. The railroad company, seeing also their impotence to distract its progress in favor of their own town, began to interest themselves in Hastings, with a view of securing a share of the profits that were to be derived from this rising city of the plains. The effort was now made to draw the town aside from the private settlements to the property adjoining and belonging to the company. This move was thought likely to prove effectual, and not until the company were made interested in the present site by a deeding to them of a share of the lands held by the original owners of the site, did the movement cease and the town settled to hold its original location.

   These spirited competitions made Hastings the central point of attraction and from this she obtained a controlling prominence, operating to reduce the values of property and inducing new-comers to settle in the town. Indeed, so zealous were the company to oppose the town that for a time, after the road was constructed, they refused to stop their trains at Hastings altogether, and goods had to be hauled on wagons from Juniata. But fate, that ever-silent and unaccountable, yet all-powerful and uncontrollable force, works out results least anticipated. So was it with the building up of Hastings. Its ascendancy was inevitable and its importance invincible. With the month of October, 1873, ended the first year in the history of Hastings. A review of the business at this time exhibits the following number of houses and institutions: One exclusive dry goods clothing store; one exclusive boot and shoe store; one drug store; six houses dealing in general merchandise and provisions; one book store; two hardware, stove and tinware stores; on furniture store; one harness shop; one bakery; two restaurants; two meat markets; two agricultural implement dealers; three lumber yards; one tailor; two blacksmiths; one wagon-shop; two livery stables; five hotels; two painters; two milliners; one barber; two physicians; four lawyers; one saloon; eight land offices; one printing office; four church organizations.

   On the 2d of April, 1874, the County commissioners declared Hastings an incorporated town, and M. K. Lewis, A. D. Buckworth, J. G. B. Smith, A. W. Cox and A. H. Forcht were appointed a Board of Trustees. A meeting of the Trustees was held May 4, 1874, and M. K. Lewis was chosen Chairman for the ensuing year, and the following officers were duly elected: W. F. J. Comley, Clerk; W. A. Smith, Treasurer; T. E. Farrell, Collector; G. W. Mowery, Marshal; G. D. Pierce, Town Attorney; L. C. Gould, Police Justice; C. K. Lawson and R. V. Shockey, Flue Inspectors. The first regular meeting of the Trustees was held May 11, 1874, and three ordinances passed--one relating to the place of meeting, another regulating sanitary matter, and a third taking precautionary measures against defective flues.

   It will thus be seen that it was but a short time following the incipiency of Hastings till it became incorporated as a town, under the control of its own officers, neither did it occupy this intermediate stage for only a very brief period. It was but a few months after the incorporation as a town until the dignified little place was ready to assume city airs, and on the 22d day of September of 1874, an election was held for the choosing of officers under the organization of a city of the second class. John E. Wood was elected Mayor; G. D. Pierce, Clerk; A. L. Wigton, Police Judge; A. Berg, Marshal; Samuel Alexander, Treasurer; T. E. Farrell, Engineer; J. L. Parrott, A. W. Cox, Councilmen from First Ward; J. G. B. Smith, H. A. Forcht, Second Ward; T. E. Farrell, J. M. Smith, Third Ward.

   Since the organization as a city of the second class, the office of Mayor has been held by the following named men, with dates of office: John E. Wood, 1874; C. H. Paul, 1875; M. K. Lewis, 1876; A. D. Yocum, 1877; R. A. Batty, 1878; J. S. McIntyre, 1879; F. Forcht, 1879-80, and D. M. McElhinney, 1881.

   The present Board of Officers are: D. M. McElhinney, Mayor; Councilmen - First Ward, William Breed, I. W. Cramer; Second Ward, C. L. Stone, O. Oliver; Third Ward, W. A. Camp, C. K. Lawson; J. A. Vanatta, Police Judge; J. H. Fleming, City Clerk; J. B. Heartwell, City Treasurer; T. E. Farrell, City Engineer.

   The year 1878 witnessed a revival of the enterprise of constructing railroads. An extension of the Burlington & Missouri River road was made during this year, in the construction of a branch running south from Hastings, making connection with the line of the same road leading westward toward Denver. In the following year, the Union Pacific road also made some extensions, building a short line from Hastings northward, connecting with the main line of that road at Grand Island. The material growth of the city, from the time it started up to the present, has been far too marvelous and rapid to warrant particular mention of the various business houses and institutions which were established from time to time, in almost immediate and unbroken succession. Suffice it to mention, that in a period of only about ten years of existence, it has grown to be a city of considerable size, containing a large number of business houses of various sorts and sizes. The city at present contains four banks, eight churches, seven dry goods stores, seven grocery, seven hardware, tinware and stove stores, four drug, three boot and shoe, three jewelry, two book and stationery, four millinery, and two furniture stores, two harness and saddle shops, five meat markets, two merchant tailoring establishments, four saloons, eight bakeries and confectioneries, three coal yards, four lumber yards, five grain elevators, three agricultural implement establishments, six hotels, six manufactories, and three news journals. As a business point, Hastings takes equal rank with the others in the State, excepting the cities of Lincoln and Omaha. Her merchants are live, energetic, and prosperous, and her trade extends over a wide territory of excellent farming country thickly settled with industrious and enterprising people. Already large business blocks of brick and stone have supplanted the temporary frame buildings incident to new towns, exhibiting the prosperity, not only of the traffickers in goods and wares, but also that of the farmer and those with whom they deal.

   As a shipping point, Hastings maintains considerable prominence among the leading towns of the State. There were shipped from this point, in 1881, 1,300 car loads of various kinds of merchandise, stock, etc. Of this the shipment of grain, consisting of wheat, oats and corn was 907 cars; live stock, 165 cars, and 270 car loads of miscellaneous merchandise.

   The receipts of freight were 102 cars of live stock, 635 of coal, 365 of lumber, 280 of general merchandise, ten of salt, twenty-five of lime, and eighteen cars of emigrant movables, household goods, etc. The total number of cars of freight shipped into the place is 1,435. But this includes only such as was shipped in carload lots, and is but small compared with the amounts of freight forwarded and received in smaller quantities.

   Dr. Morgan was the first man to establish himself in Hastings purporting to minister to the ills of suffering humanity. Morgan came to Hastings in 1873, and entered upon the practice of medicine. Others soon followed, E. H. Wright coming in 1873, as did also A. D. Buckworth and Thomas A. Urquhart, who had formerly been a surgeon in the Confederate army at Richmond, Va. The prospects of obtaining a livelihood in the dosing of physic in the rapidly growing town attracted the attention of members of the profession, who began to flock into the place, speaking in comparative terms, in countless numbers. At this date, the profession has a representation in the city of nearly a dozen, many of them being able and successful practitioners. The legal profession, too, has its quota. The lawyer (owing, perhaps, to the vast number of the starving hordes of them), by a sort of inspiration, sees the town before it is even laid out, and in cool complacency sits himself down and patiently waits, sly as the wolf that hides behind the clump, for the coming of the client and the victim.

   It was even so with Hastings. A. H. Bowen was on the ground in 1871 to give counsel and advice for pay in that most important and well-attended branch of scientific learning, the law.

   But the law is best administered when there are two to do it, and directly after Bowen came James Laird, also learned in the law. In 1872, George Donahay and J. H. Darnell came, and the following year found an addition to the ranks of the profession in the persons of B. F. Smith, A. T. Ash and R. A. Batty. The profession at this date numbers eighteen members. Many of those who early established themselves in the law at Hastings still remain, and are reinforced by numerous additions coming in from time to time. Naturally, and by the force of her size and importance, Hastings was made the seat of government for Adams County. The county seat was at first at Juniata. An attempt was made to remove it in 1875. An election for this purpose was held and a vote taken, Juniata and Hastings being the places voted upon. The result of this election was a failure to remove the county seat from the town of Juniata. The effort, however, was again made in 1878, and resulted successfully for the city of Hastings, which thereby became the location of the county seat for Adams County. This, too, was not without its benefits in assisting to build up the city. The county has as yet not provided buildings in which to establish its offices, these being at present located in the Farrell stone block.

   Several additions have been made to the original town site, and from the eighty acre lot, which was at first embraced in the site, it has spread over a wide area, covering about eight hundred and eighty acres, or eleven times its original size. The additions are known as Moore's Addition, Johnston's, Haines', Alexander's, Palmer's, McIntyre's, Kerr's Burlington & Missouri River Railroad's, St. Joseph Railroad's, Ghost's, Nelson's, Balange's, Buswell's, and Grouse's Additions.

   The city is now divided into three wards, each of which contains a school building, and each having a representative in the City Council of two members. In 1880, the values of property in Hastings, as shown by the assessor's report for that year, were as follows: Personal property, $139,978; real estate, $158,371; railroad property, there being about six miles of road within the city limits, valued at $16,961; making a total valuation of city property of $315,310.

   In appearance the city is neat and attractive. Many fine, long brick business blocks hem in the business streets, while on the backgrounds are to be found numerous elegant, tasty and refined dwellings, and the churches are neat and showy in architecture. The streets are regularly laid out, wide and long, and along these are a profusion of shade trees.


   The first banking institution started in Hastings was the Adams County Bank, which began operation in 1873, under the proprietorship of J. S. McIntyre. In 1877, it was turned into a stock company, and George Wilkins, Samuel Alexander and Oswald Oliver became interested parties.

   The concern changed hands in 1878, being purchased by A. L. Clark and G. H. Pratt. In July, 1881, it became incorporated as the First National Bank, and has a capital of $60,000.

   The officers are: A. L. Clark, President, G. H. Pratt, Cashier; Oswald Oliver, F. J. Benedict, Samuel Alexander, A. L. Clark and G. H. Pratt, Directors.

   A bank building was erected in January, 1879, a two-story brick, 22x80 feet, in which is constructed a fire-proof vault. The building cost about $8,000, and the banking furniture about $2,000, the total capital invested in appliances being about $10,000.

   Exchange Bank.--This bank was started in October, 1877, by I. M. Raymond, A. S. Raymond and A. Yeazel. It is a private institution, and is engaged in general banking business, with a cash capital of $10,000, and a reserve capital of $40,000.

   Farmers' and Merchants' Bank.--This bank, also a private institution, was established December, 1881, by A. H. Cramer and H. Bostwick. The institution does business on a capital of $30,000.

   A banking house was erected in the fall of 1881, costing, including building and lot, about $9,000. It is a solid brick structure, two stories high, 22x76 feet. The value of the bank furniture is estimated at about $1,800.

   City Bank of Hastings.--The City Bank of Hastings was established August 15, 1881. It is a State concern, being incorporated under the State banking laws. The institution has a capital of $50,000, with a paid up capital of $25,000. The officers of the bank are: L. H. Tower, President; J. M. Ferguson, Teller; E. S. Fowler, Cashier; Edwin C. Allen, Chester Hard, Ephraim Fowler, Lyman H. Tower and John M. Furguson, Directors. Edwin C. Allen and Chester Hard are residents of the city of Ottawa, Ill., Allen being President of the national City Bank of that place, and Hard a practicing physician. The remaining members of the company are residents of the city of Hastings. They do a general banking business, buy and sell foreign and domestic exchange, make collections, loan money, etc.

   The Nebraska Loan and Trust Company was regularly organized under the laws of the State. Capital stock, $100,000. The officers are: President, James B. Heartwell; Vice President, A. L. Clarke; Treasurer, E. C. Webster.


   As yet the manufacturing industry of Hastings has not attained any very considerable proportions. The absence of water-power facilities is rather against this interest, as is also the scarcity of fuel and raw material. There are, however, a few manufacturing establishments now in successful operation, which promise from indications to attain considerable magnitude.

   The leading manufactory is that of the Lewis Header Works. This enterprise began in 1878, under the proprietorship of M. K. Lewis. The progress of the institution from the first has been that of unchecked growth and prosperity.

   The result of the first year's operation was the production of only thirty machines, and the work gave employment to a force of only fifteen men. Since then the growth has been great, and during the past year there were manufactured 150 machines, requiring a force of thirty men. The works are engaged in the manufacture of a grain heading machine, called the Lewis Header. This machine is said to present point of excellence superior to all other similar machines.

   Improvements are also being made to the machine. Instead of having a gearing in which seven cog-wheels were used, there are now but two, most of the gearing being dispensed with in the use of the chain drive. This method has been attempted by others, but with moderate success. The difficulty, however, is in this instance removed and overcome by using what is called the adjustable sprocket.

   Another improvement and point of excellence is that of the chain apron. The canvas, instead of being run by friction rollers, is run by chain apron on sprocket wheels, which avoids all friction and binding on the journals, and consequently lessens the draft of the machine.

   In September, 1881, a change was made in the firm, in the addition of other members, the firm becoming M. K. Lewis, Sons & Co., the individual members being M. K. Lewis, F. S. Lewis, E. L. Lewis and W. B. Everett.

   The manufactory is a large, frame structure, 62x100 feet, two and one-half stories high, and contains foundry, machine shop, paint shop, blacksmith shop, woodwork department and storage room. The establishment is fitted out with all the necessary machinery necessary for the manufacture of the machine, and a twenty-horse power engine is used to propel the works. The value of the machinery made use of is about $6,000, and the total value of the works, including machinery employed, lots, building, etc. is about $10,000.

   The popularity of this machine is rapidly increasing, and it finds a market in Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota. With the present increasing demand for the article manufactured, and a corresponding enlargement of the establishment, this is certain to become one of the leading manufactories in the State.

   The next most important manufactory is that of the
   Hastings City Mills.--This establishment for the production of flour, was begun January, 1881, by M. W. Freeman. A mill building was erected, 30x40 feet in dimensions, and two-stories high, with elevator, and is a solid frame structure. The mill contains four runs of the stone buhrs, and is fitted out with all the necessary machinery of the most improved patterns. It has also the new patent La Croix purifier, and is constructed with all the machinery needed in the product of the patent process flour.

   The mill has a capacity for grinding 400 bushels of grain per day.

   The engine used for propelling purposes is a thirty-five horse power. Arrangements, however, are being made to put in a sixty-horse power engine at an early day.

   The machinery was put in by Nordyke, Marmon & Co., of Indianapolis, Ind.

   The flour made is of an excellent quality, and the popularity of the institution is steadily on the increase.

   Wire Fence Factory.--This enterprise was begun in the city of Hastings, in May, 1880, by T. M. Foulks and N. V. Stein, under the firm name of Foulks & Stein.

   The article made is the Acme fence, double strand, untwisted wire and steel barb. This fence is said to present points of excellence over other makes, in that it is lighter, stronger, and is more visible to stock. The works are yet in their infancy, the work being all done by hand, in which two men are employed. The producing capacity is 500 pounds, or about five hundred rods of fence per day.

   The establishment is increasing steadily with the increase of the demand for this article of fencing. The entire value of the establishment is about $500.

   Carriage Factory.--J. J. Anstrom and J. G. Iddials, under the firm name of Anstrom & Iddials, began the manufacture of carriages at this place in June, 1881. They make all kinds of vehicles, and do all sorts of repairing. The value of the establishment is about $1,500.

   Brick Yards.--Prominent among the manufactories of the city of Hastings is that of brick making. Two brick yards are now in successful operation, which have proven a lucrative source of profit to those engaged in the business. The leading of these is that of D. M. McElhinney and S. Johnson. This yard was started in the spring of 1878. During the first year's operation they made 500,000 bricks. The demand for brick was large, and the enlargement of the works was correspondingly great. During the second year, they made about seven hundred thousand brick, and last year turned out nearly one million one hundred thousand brick. The product of the last year amounted to about $8,000. Large shipments of brick are made to other points. About two hundred thousand were shipped to Grand Island alone last year, and also a large number to Kearney and other places.

   The average number of men employed the first year was eight, while last season there was employed a force of eighteen in the yards alone.

   Another brick yard was started in the spring of 1880 by the firm of Millett & Mulford. The firm soon after dissolved, A. J. Millett becoming sole proprietor. The yard is just getting in fair running shape, much time having been employed in attempting to make use of a patent brick machine, but without satisfactory results.

   During the year 1881, the yard turned out about two hundred thousand brick, all of which were used in the erection of buildings in this city.

   Sash and Door Factory.--In 1874, Burdick Button opened a carpenter shop in Hastings. He continued the trade of carpenter and builder merely up to last year. He then fitted out his shop with the necessary machinery for the manufacture of sash, doors, blinds, screens and general house-finishing work. The value of the machinery used is about $350 and includes a molding-machine, sticker and mortiser, tenon-maker, scroll-saws and circular, rip and cross-cut saws. The building occupied is a one and a half story frame, 18x24 feet, to which an addition is to be made in the spring. The value of the building and lot is about $800. During the past year, the shop turned out work to the value of about $5,000, the work being first-class in every particular. The machinery at present is propelled by horse-power, which will be replaced by an engine as soon as the demand for the work renders it justifiable.


   But few attempts have been made at journalism in the city of Hastings, nearly all of which have proven successful. At present, the city boasts of three live and ably-edited papers, viz., the Gazette-Journal, the Hastings Central Nebraskan and the Adams County Democrat.


   The Gazette-Journal.--This paper was started May 24, 1873, by A. L. Wigton; at that time, the paper had a circulation of about 300. In January, 1874, Wigton sold the paper and went East, but returned again in the fall of the year, and, in October of the same season, obtained possession of the paper by purchase. The entire establishment was burned, September 15, 1879. Previous to this, in January, 1879, J. W. Wigton, brother to the editor, became interested in the concern. The proprietors did not long lament over the ashes of the conflagration, and, in thirty days after the fire, new apartments were duly completed and the journal again put in operation. The new building is a one-story brick, twenty-two feet wide by forty feet in depth. A second change was made in the firm by the addition of George Wigton, who became a part owner on the 1st day of December, 1881, the style of the firm being that of the Wigton Bros. An addition was made to the paper by the purchase, by the owners, of the Adams County Gazette. The two papers were then combined and the name changed to that which it now bears. Previous to this, however, the paper was run under the name of the Journal. At the time the combination was effected, the Journal had a circulation of about 800 copies and that of the Gazette was 700, making the united circulation of the new organ about 1,500 copies. The paper is a six-column quarto, eight pages, and is Republican in political principles. Recently, an enlargement was made in the business of the concern in the addition of a book-bindery.

   The Hastings Central Nebraskan.--On the 8th day of June, 1876, A. D. Williams began the publication of a news journal at the town of Kenesaw, called the Kenesaw Times. The paper was continued at that place for nearly two years, after which, on the 8th of February, 1878, the editor changed his location, removing to Hastings. Here he began anew the editorial work, publishing a paper called the Central Nebraskan. About two years after establishing himself at this point, a change was made in the name of the paper, being now called the Hastings Central Nebraskan. It was also nearly about this time when he began the publication of a daily edition, which continued about six months and suspended issue. This journal is also Republican in its political affiliation, and was a stanch supporter of the Grant movement in 1880. It also gives special attention to home and farm interests, the editor himself being a practical farmer, naturally harmonizes his sympathies with that class. The paper is a six-column quarto in size and has a circulation of 1,008 copies, and is issued on Wednesday of each week.

   Adams County Democrat.--Until recently, the Democracy of Adams County suffered for the want of a local journal to advocate their cause and publicly promulgate the doctrines which they espoused. This demand, however, was supplied by the establishing of a paper at the city of Hastings called the Adams County Democrat, by Richard Thompson, on July 10, 1880. After two issues of the paper were made, L. D. Dent purchased an interest in the concern and became associate editor. This management, however, did not long continue, and, in November of that year, the matter was returned in statu quo, and Thompson again became sole proprietor, having bought back the interest which had been disposed of to Dent. The size of the sheet is an eight-column folio and it has a regular circulation of about 900 copies. The paper is awake to the spirit and interest of the times, is decidedly anti-monopoly and advocates the strict doctrine of government by the people. It also advocates and gives support to all matters of local interest and improvement. Under the energy and ability of its editors, the circulation and influence of the paper are being rapidly enlarged and it is a potent influence in educating the sentiment of the people of Adams County, both politically and morally, and aids materially in the advancement and progress of the interests of the county generally.

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