PART 1: |
Adams County | Early Settlement | Indian Troubles | Organization Criminal | First Things | Railroads |
PART 2: |
Manufactures | County Seat Removals | County Poor Farm Grasshoppers | Agricultural Society | Farmer's Alliance Public Schools | Towns |
PART 3: |
Hastings: Banks | Manufactures | The Press |
PART 4: |
Hastings (cont.): Societies | Religious | Liberal Hall | Schools Fire Department | Telephone Exchange |
PARTS 5 ~ 8: |
PART 9: |
Juniata: Banks | Flouring Mill | Societies | Religious The Press | Schools |
PART 10: |
Juniata: Biographical Sketches |
PART 11: |
Ayr: Biographical Sketches |
PART 12: |
Kenesaw: First Things | Religious | Educational | The Press Biographical Sketches Hansen: Biographical Sketches Other Towns List of Illustrations in Adams County Chapter |
McCULLY ~ SAMPLE WILLIAM R. McCULLY, farmer and stock-raiser, was born in Washington County, Ind., in 1834, and at four years of age removed, with his parents, to Washington County, Iowa, and in 1855 to Newton, Jasper County, Iowa, where he farmed until he enlisted, in August, 1862, in the Fifth Iowa Infantry, serving two years and two months. He received a gunshot in the head at the battle of Champion Hills, Miss., on May 16,1863. After his service in the war, he returned to his farming in Newton, and about a year or so later entered into mercantile business, as clerk in a grocery; was employed in that capacity two years. In 1868, Mr. McCully was elected Clerk of the District Court of Jasper County, Iowa; re-elected in 1870, 1872 and 1874, making a term of office of eight years. He came to Nebraska in the fall of 1876, and prospected in the neighborhood of Hastings, and in the spring of 1877, he purchased ninety acres of land adjoining the city, and moved his family here in September of the same year, since which time he has been engaged in farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of Poland-China hogs and Holstein cattle. He now cultivates about one hundred and seventy-five acres. Mr. McCully was elected a member of Hastings School Board in April, 1879, term of office one year, and again elected in April, 1881, and April, 1882. He was married at Newton, Iowa, June 13, 1861, to Mary E. Vanatta, a native of Pennsylvania. They have five children--Mary, Thomas J., Clarence W., Carrie Bell and Grace Blanche. DAVID M. McELHINNEY, of the firm of McElHinney & Johnson, manufacturers of brick and builders, was born January 9, 1834, in Washington County, Ohio, his early life being spent on a farm. At the age of eighteen years, he commenced to learn the trade of brick-mason at Marietta, Ohio. He followed his trade as a journeyman until 1861, teaching school during the winters of 1859-60. He then engaged in photographing at Pittsburgh, Penn. In 1862, he formed a partnership with his brother, A. M. ElHinney, in general merchandise and photographing along the Ohio River, by boat, for some years. He moved to Wellsburg, W. Va., in 1867, and opened a photograph gallery. He removed to Nebraska in April, 1869, and located at Nebraska City, Otoe County, where he formed a partnership with C. H. Roselius and engaged in the manufacture of brick and building. The firm dissolved in 1876, when he associated with him Mr. S. Johnson, and continued the same business. In the following year, they changed their base of operations to Hastings, where they have been financially successful. Mr. McElHinney was elected Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. of Nebraska in 1873, and was Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. in 1875 and 1876; was elected Mayor of the city of Hastings in 1881. He was married, in June, 1862, to Miss Harriet Barnes, of Pittsburgh, Penn., and has two children. MISS LUCY A. McFADDEN, County Superintendent of Public Instruction, was born at Ogdensburg, N. Y., and educated at the State University, in that city, and University College, Canton, N. Y. She taught her first school at Lisbon, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., in 1868, and was employed as teacher in various schools in that city for five years. Miss McFadden came to Nebraska in June, 1872; was for three years employed as Principal of graded school at Harvard, Clay County. Then at Juniata, Neb., in same capacity in graded school of that place, resigning that position to enter upon the duties of County Superintendent January 1, 1880, having been elected in November previous, and was re-elected to the office for a term of two years in November, 1881. M. M. McGREW & BROTHER, dealers in wind-mills, sewing machines, pumps, etc. This business was established by Mr. Cassell in 1875, and in 1878 purchased by R. T. McGrew. In March, 1880, M. M. McGrew purchased a half interest in the business, and January 1, 1882, R. T. sold out to his brother, J. T. McGrew, so that the above firm is composed of M. M. and J. T. McGrew. This firm are Western agents for the Eclipse Wind-Mill; also represent the Domestic and White Sewing Machine Companies, Fairbanks' scales, etc., and do an annual business of $l5,000. M. M. McGrew, senior member of this firm, was born in Sullivan County, Ind., in 1844, and began business life at twenty-five years of age, at Assumption, Ill., entering the mercantile business as a clerk. In 1866, he began drug business on his own account at Assumption, and several years later removed to Oconee, Shelby Co., Ill., remaining in business there until he sold out to come to Hastings, Neb., in March, 1880. REV. JOHN H. MIZE, pastor of the Baptist Church, was born in North Carolina in 1828, removing, with his parents, to Edwardsville, Ill., when quite young. He was educated at Shurtleff College, being a student there for five years, and was ordained at Troy, Madison Co., Ill., in 1860, and labored in the Baptist Church there for some eight years; afterward at Pinckneyville, Perry Co., Ill., for four years. Mr. M. was also a Trustee of Elmira College, Greenville, Bond Co., Ill., for some twelve years, and during the last year of that period was also Financial Secretary, traveling in the interest of that institution for some twelve months. He was also G. D. W. Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance for Southern Illinois for six years, during which time he was principally engaged in traveling and establishing lodges. Mr. Mize came to Nebraska in February, 1881, locating in Hastings, and at once entering upon his duties as pastor of the Baptist Church. He came here to build a church edifice for this denomination, and work was begun on the same September 22, 1881, and it was dedicated January 29,1882. He has been Second Vice President of the Nebraska Board of Home Missions since October, 1881. JOHN G. MOORE, dealer in wind-mills, pumps, pipes, etc., was born in England, December 14, 1842. He went to sea at the age of ten years. Passing through all grades, he reached the rank of captain of sailing vessel in 1865. He was then employed as chief officer on the steamers of the Maltese Cross Line for some years. Mr. Moore emigrated to America in 1871, and located at Hastings, Neb., in April of that year, homesteading eighty acres of land. In the following May, he opened a small store and carried it on for a few months; after which he was engaged in farming until the fall of 1872, when he opened the Continental Hotel at this place, and conducted the same until the spring of 1873, when he built the Burlington Hotel, which he leased. He then opened a real estate office, continuing in that business until the spring of 1874; after which he purchased eighty acres of land in Denver Precinct and farmed the same for about two years. Selling his land in 1876, he removed into Hastings, and began draying and also supplying the city with water, selling the same by the barrel. He discontinued the draying business in 1878, but still continues the selling of water. In 1878, he built the Denver sale and feed stables, and carried them on until May, 1880, after which he entered into his present business. He is the proprietor of the Hastings Wind-Mill Company. Mr. Moore was married in Hastings, November 24, 1874, to Jane Wallace, a native of Scotland. They have three children--William, Mary G. and Joseph Garfield. R. R. MORLEDGE, of Morledge & McWade, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Jefferson County, Ind., in 1840, residing there with his father, who was engaged in mercantile business. At seventeen years of age, he went to Bethany, Mo., and was for eighteen months employed in the office of the County Recorder. Subsequently removing to Clarinda, Iowa, he farmed until August, 1861, when he enlisted in the Fourth Iowa Infantry. After serving in the ranks for eighteen months, he was appointed clerk in the commissary department, which position he held until the close of the war. Returning to Clarinda, he engaged in the grocery business, remaining in that business for some seven years, selling out on account of ill-health. Two years later, he came to Nebraska, locating in Hastings in August, 1874, and at once engaged in general merchandise business, in company with J. S. McIntyre. Nine months later, Mr. McIntyre sold out his interest to James McWade, and the style has since been as above. The firm began business with a stock of some $3,000, which has, owing to increase in business, been enlarged until they now carry $12,000 to $15,000, and do an annual business of some $40,000. They have also, for the past five years, been engaged in dealing in grain, etc., this branch being under the management of James McWade, the store being managed by Mr. Morledge. The subject of our sketch represented the Second Ward in the City Council during the years 1876, 1877 and 1878. He was married at Clarinda, Iowa, in 1863, to Jennie McMullen, a native of Ohio. They have four children--Bertie, Edgar M., Lula and Ina E. EDWIN N. NOYES, proprietor of New England House, was born in Caledonia County, Vt., in 1827. He learned the trade of stone-mason, and was employed at his trade in that neighborhood until 1851, when he moved to Beloit, Wis., and followed his trade there for seven years. He then removed to Poweshiek County, Iowa, where he still followed his trade, adding also the trade of bricklaying and plastering, was also City Marshal for three years and until he came to Adams County, Neb., in the fall of 1872, at which time he took a homestead and timber claim, and resided on the same for three years; he then conducted the Lecleed House, of Red Cloud, in connection with the farm for a year; he then came to Hastings and kept a boarding-house for two years; he then rented his farm and built the New England House, which he is still conducting; has accommodations for thirty guests, with satisfaction to them and profit to himself. ISAAC M. NORTON, dealer in grain and live stock, was born in Litchfield, Conn., August 21, 1802, and at fifteen years of age removed to Ontario County, N. Y., where he was engaged in general merchandising business, and also in dealing in grain and produce until 1846, when he changed his base of operations to Janesville, Wis., where he was engaged in the same business for about twenty-six years. He came to Nebraska in 1872, locating at Humboldt, Richardson County, and engaged in dealing in grain and live stock, which business he carried on at that place until 1875, when he gave it to his son John T. Norton, who still conducts it. Mr. Norton, Sr., then came to Hastings and engaged in the same business at this point. He has had an experience in this business of over sixty years, and is the oldest grain-buyer in this place. He ships about 180,000 bushels of grain per annum, fifty carloads of live stock, besides considerable wool, hides and pelts. OSWALD OLIVER, proprietor of Chicago Lumber Yard, was born in Ireland in 1849, and educated there and in England. He emigrated to America in 1869, and resided in Chicago, Ill., where he was employed as clerk in the lumber business until he came to Nebraska, locating at Hastings, April 1, 1874. He at once established this business, and has conducted it since. In 1878, he opened a branch yard at Glenville, Neb., and another one at Central City, Neb., in 1879. Mr. Oliver was elected Alderman of the First Ward in 1876, and of the Second Ward in 1881. F. L. PADE, wagon, scroll work, etc., was born in Germany in 1836. He learned the trade of wood turner there, serving as an apprentice some two years. Emigrating to America in 1852, he located in Fond du Lac, Wis., and learned the trade of wagon-maker, serving some four years; after which he was employed as a journeyman wagon-maker for two years. He then worked as a wood turner until 1864, when he opened a wood-turning establishment and conducted it for four years. Subsequently he entered the employ of C. J. L. Myer, sash, door and blind factory, as foreman of wood-turning department, and in 1876 he took charge of Mr. Myers' planing mills, and was engaged in that capacity until he resigned to come to Hastings, Neb., in January, 1878, at which time he opened a wagon repair shop. In the spring of 1880, he added machinery run by horsepower, and since then has done considerable in plain and fancy scroll work; also makes patterns for castings. He was married, at Fond du Lac, Wis., in 1858, to Anna Tonner, a native of Germany. They have five children--Dora, Lena, Louis, Annie and Alfred. L. B. PALMER, undertaker and dealer in furniture, was born at Iowa City, Iowa, May 17, 1845, and when five years of age removed, with his parents, to Sabula, Iowa; three years later, to Knox County, Ill.; and some time afterward to Monmouth, Ill. On February 1, 1862, he enlisted in the Sixty-second Illinois Infantry, and served four years and two months. Subsequently he was employed as a clerk in mercantile business at Kewanee, Ill., for three and a half years. Afterward farmed in Poweshiek County, Iowa, until he came to Nebraska in October, 1872. Locating in West Blue Precinct, Adams County, he engaged in farming 160 acres of land which he had homesteaded. In the spring of 1877, he came to Hastings, and engaged, in company with A. L. Wigton, in publishing the Hastings, Journal for one year, and also conducted a real estate office. He was appointed, about that time, Land Agent for the U. P. R. R. Co., which position he still holds. On February 26, 1881, he purchased his present business from A. Veith. Mr. Palmer is also a Notary Public, having been appointed in 1878. He was married, at Malcolm, Iowa, in 1870, to Lucinda M. Spooner, a native of Delaware County, Ohio. They have two living children (Elsie and Grove) and two deceased. C. H. PAUL, Postmaster, was born at Sanford, York County, Maine, April 11, 1847. At eight years of age, he moved, with his parents, to Manchester, N. H.; resided there until he enlisted, October 21,1862, in Company A, Seventh Regiment New Hampshire Infantry, being, at that time only fourteen years of age, serving until the close of the war. He was mustered out of service at Goldsboro, N. C., August 5, 1865. At that time, he was Sergeant of Company A. He returned to Manchester, N. H., and entered the post office as clerk; remained there about two and one half years, then removed to Great Falls, N. H., where he was engaged, with his father, in the manufacture of boots and shoes. He remained there about one and one half years; then went to Lynn, Mass., in the same business. In August, 1872, he homesteaded 160 acres of land in Denver Precinct, Adams County, Neb. In the following spring, he commenced the erection of a store building in Hastings, and in May, 1873, opened an exclusive boot and shoe store; continued in that business until 1880, from which time until his appointment as Postmaster, he was variously engaged until he entered upon his duties as Postmaster. ![]() [CITY LIVERY, PHILLIPS BROS. PROPRIETORS.] PHILLIPS BROTHERS, livery, feed and sale stables. This business was originally established by Alexander Brothers in the fall of 1872. The business was purchased by the Phillips Brothers in April, 1880. They do a fine livery business and deal quite extensively in buying and selling horses. Frank Phillips, the senior partner of this firm, was born in Fond du Lac County, Wis., in October, 1853, and removed, with his parents, to Nemaha County, Neb., in 1865; resided on a farm with them for some six years, when he went to Peru, Neb., and attended the State Normal School for a year. He came to Hastings, May 18, 1872, and was, for some five years, employed as a clerk in mercantile business. In 1877, he engaged in grocery business, in company with Carson Harnot, remaining in partnership with him some two and a half years; after which he engaged in his present business, in company with his brother, Clark W. Phillips. The junior member of the firm, Clark W. Phillips, came, with his parents to Nebraska in 1865, and resided with them on a farm in Nemaha County until he entered into the present firm. GUSTAVUS D. PIERCE, attorney at law, was born in Orleans County, N. Y., in 1841. He enlisted, in May, 1861, in the First Michigan Infantry, served three months, and shortly afterward re-enlisted in the Twentieth Michigan Infantry, serving until mustered out, September 30, 1865, at which time he held the rank of First Lieutenant of Company A. Mr. Pierce took an academic course of three years at Ypsilanti, Mich., and a literary course at Albion College, Mich., of nearly two years. Subsequently he studied law at Ann Arbor University, Mich., graduating there March 29, 1871, and on April 4 following was admitted to the bar at Detroit, Mich., after which he practiced law at Howell, Mich., until he came to Nebraska, in the fall of 1872. He taught school for six months at La Platte, Sarpy Co., and came to Hastings in the spring of 1873, and at once opened a law office in company with A. T. Ash. This firm dissolved about a year later. Since then Mr. Pierce has practiced his profession alone, making a specialty of commercial law, collections, etc. JOHN PLANK, farmer and stock-raiser, was born in Windom County, Conn., February 18, 1820, and twelve years later, moved to Monroe County, Mich.; was engaged in farming and also in mercantile business at Dundee, that county, for eight years, and for three years conducted a saw-mill. On June 9, 1862, he enlisted in the Eighteenth Michigan Infantry, and served until discharged on account of disability, December 21, 1862. Returning to Dundee, was engaged in farming there until he came to Nebraska, in the fall of 1871, homesteading 160 acres in Denver Precinct. He resided on the same until the fall of 1880, when he sold out and purchased his present farm of eighty acres, in the same precinct. In connection with his farming pursuits, Mr. Plank intends to raise stock and hogs. He was married in Dundee, Mich., July 4, 1844, to Nancy Miller, a native of New York. They have four children--Jasper N., George W., Francis C. and Florence A. Mr. Plank has held the office of Township Clerk, in Dundee, Monroe Co., Mich., and has been School Director and Treasurer, also a prominent worker in the Sabbath school and church. He has been a teacher of the Bible class and of smaller scholars. He has also held the office of Trustee to church property and also a Deacon in the First Congregational Church, in Dundee, Mich. Since he came to Nebraska, he has held the office of School Director and Treasurer. In connection with farming, is also engaged in breeding cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. Mr. P. was married, in Dundee, Mich., July 4, 1844, to Nancy Miller, a native of New York. They have four children--Jasper N., George W., Frances C., Florence A. CHARLES R. POWERS, farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Hastings, West Blue Precinct, was born in La Salle County, Ill., in 1837. He resided with his father, and assisted him in farming until he reached the age of twenty-four years. About this time his father died, and Charles took the land and farmed it until he sold out to come to Nebraska in June, 1874. He purchased 290 acres of land, and took up his residence in the precinct of West Blue, Adams County. Mr. Powers ranks among the largest farmers in the county; has some 320 acres under cultivation, and is also extensively engaged in breeding stock. He makes a specialty of the Durham Short-Horn cattle, of which he has about 140 head, and the Poland-China hog. Mr. P. was married, in La Salle County, Ill., in 1860, to Phoebe R. Greenlees, a native of Clinton County, N. Y. They have five children--Clara R., Mary A., Luella R., Robert N. and Arthur H. GEORGE H. PRATT, Cashier of the First National Bank of Adams County, was born in Collinsville, Lewis Co., N. Y., in December, 1849. He removed some years later with his parents to Oneida, Knox Co., Ill., and was for several years engaged as clerk in mercantile business. In 1867, he purchased the business in company with Charles K. Lawson. They carried on the business at that place until July, 1872, when they came to Hastings, Neb., and opened out in the same line, and continued together in business, off and on, until the fall of 1877. In November, 1877, Mr. Pratt, in company with A. L. Clarke, purchased the Adams County Bank. They conducted the same as a private concern until July, 1881, when it was incorporated into the First National Bank of Adams County. Mr. P. being elected cashier, he owns considerable land in this county, and has at times devoted his attention to farming. RICHARD RAINFORTH, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Hastings, was born in Yorkshire, England, July 4, 1847, and was brought up on a farm, emigrating to America in May, 1872. He came to Nebraska in the following June, locating in Denver Precinct, Adams County, where he homesteaded eighty acres, on which he has since resided. He now owns 160 acres, and is connected with his farm pursuits. Is also engaged in raising stock, making a specialty of Berkshire hogs. He was married, in England, April, 1872, to Elizabeth Rainforth, a native of that county. They have six children--Miles C., Thomas R., William H., John E., Albert P. and Arthur H. JOHN J. RAYMAKER, meat market, and dealer in live stock, etc.; was born at Keokuk, Iowa, in 1848, and learned the butcher business with his father. He then went to Chicago, Ill., where he was for three years employed as a butcher, and carried on business for himself for about one year. After which he came to Nebraska, locating in Lincoln in 1868. He entered the employ of W. H. Boyer, butcher, remaining with him some four years, part of which time he was a partner in the concern. In 1872, he joined George Gerrans, and they conducted a meat market, in partnership, until 1875, when Mr. Raymaker disposed of his interest in the firm, and removed to Marshalltown, Iowa, where he established a meat market in company with George Doyen. This firm, in September, 1878, moved their base of operations to Hastings, Neb., and carried on business together until May, 1879, when Mr. Raymaker sold out to his partner, and in the following June established himself in the present business. In January, 1880, he admitted John F. Montgomery as partner. This firm lasted only a short time, Montgomery selling out his interest in June following to F. H. Blake. Messrs. Raymaker & Blake built a packing house, and, in connection with this, a meat market. Also carried on business as dealers in live stock, poultry, hides and steam sausage manufacturers. In April, 1882, they dissolved partnership in the live stock and meat market business; but continue to jointly conduct the packing house. Mr. Raymaker retained the market and business stand of the firm, and conducts business as above. C. B. RIGGS, dentist, was born in Knightstown, Ind., in 1855. He began the study of dentistry in the summer of 1870, at Rushville, Ind., with Webb Hays, remaining with him, as a student, until 1875, when he went to Manilla, Ind., and practiced his profession for one year. Subsequently returning to Rushville, in 1876, he managed an office for his former employer about one year, afterward remaining with him as a partner for a year longer. He then went to Indianapolis, Ind., and practiced as an assistant to Merritt Wells, of that place, for a short time. He came to Hastings, Neb., in October, 1879, at which time he opened an office and began the practice of his profession, remaining here until the following June, when he again went to Indianapolis, and practiced in the office of Dr. Ball, of that place. In January, 1881, he returned to Hastings, and in the following April, again began practicing at this place. He also has a branch office at Howard, Neb. CHARLES C. RITTENHOUSE, architect and builder, was born in Van Wert, August 16, 1852. At eighteen years of age, he learned the trade of carpenter, serving as an apprentice some three years, after which he was, for two years, engaged as a journeyman and contractor. Mr. Rittenhouse then went to Fort Wayne, Ind., and for two years studied architectural drawing, etc., with T. J. Tolin & Son, of that place. He came to Hastings, Neb., August 20, 1877, since which time he has been engaged at his present occupation. Among the principal buildings of which he has drawn the plans, etc., are the First National Bank and Farrell's block, at this place, and public schools at Edgar, Fairfield and Friendville, Neb. L. A. ROYCE, general real estate and loan agent, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, in 1835, and resided with his parents, on a farm, until twenty years of age. He then went to De Kalb County, Ind., and engaged in mercantile business, remaining there until he changed his base of operations, in 1868, to Victor County, Iowa, where he carried on business for four years. He was subsequently employed, for some years, as cashier of the Iowa County Bank at Victor. During that period, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and held the office four years. Mr. R. then went to Brooklyn, Iowa, and was engaged as cashier of Poweshiek County Bank until he came to Nebraska, August, 1878, locating at Hastings. He became associated with the Wigton Brothers, publishers of the Hastings Journal, remaining in partnership with them until May 1, 1879. He then joined L. B. Palmer in real estate business. They dissolved September 1,1880, since which time Mr. Royce has conducted the business alone. He has also been local agent for Hartwell & Co., of this place, since January 1, 1881, and is now local agent for the Nebraska Loan and Trust Company, successors to Hartwell & Co. JAMES K. SAMPLE, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Hastings, was born in Clinton County, Ind., in 1837. At seven years of age, removed to Franklin County, Ind. He was employed at farming there until he enlisted, August 6, 1862, in the Fiftieth Ohio Infantry, serving until mustered out, July 1, 1865, after which he farmed in Butler County for about a year, then in Shelby County, Ohio, until he came to Nebraska, in March, 1873. He homesteaded 160 acres of land in Silver Lake Precinct, Adams County, and resided on the same until 1878, when he moved on to his present farm, in Denver Precinct, consisting of 320 acres; is now the owner of 480 acres of land. In connection with his farming pursuits, is also engaged in raising stock, cattle, and Poland and Berkshire hogs. Mr. Sample was married, in Shelby County, Ohio, in January, 1867, to Abby B. Wright, a native of that county. They have four children--Alva C., Harry W., Ethel M. and an infant son not named. |