![]() [PLATTSMOUTH.] Plattsmouth, the county seat of Cass County, is located on the west bank of the Missouri, a few miles below the mouth of the Platte River, twenty-one miles south of Omaha and thirty miles north of Nebraska City, its situation being particularly favorable to its material growth and permanent prosperity. It rests, like Rome, upon its seven hills, but, unlike its ancient prototype, no pestilential marshes lie within its borders, the entire city being at all times above high water, and secured from the ill effects of stagnant pools and streams by the natural drainage which its slopes afford. A narrative of the early settlement of Plattsmouth will be found in part in the history of the county, the first settler being, as has been said, Samuel Martin, who, under a special permit from the Secretary of War, crossed the Missouri early in the spring of 1853 for the purpose of establishing a trading post below the mouth of the Platte River. Martin brought with him from Iowa, on the ice of the Missouri, the logs of a house which he had erected in that State, using the material in the construction of a substantial two-story building on the north side of Main street, on Lots 6 and 7, Block 31, of the present town site. In this work he was assisted by James O'Neil, Col. J. L. Sharp, and possibly others. In the fall of the same year, a second house was erected, a short distance from the first, by James O'Neil, working in Martin's employ. The Plattsmouth Town Company was organized October 26, 1854, by Samuel Martin, James O'Neil, C. Nuckolls, J. L. Sharp, Manly Green and Lafayette Nuckolls. In November, 1854, the city was laid out and platted by O. N. Tyson, the surveyor of the company, and on March 14, 1855, a special act of the Legislature was approved, defining the boundaries of Cass County and establishing the seat of justice, duly incorporating the city of Plattsmouth. At this time, the formidable rival of Plattsmouth was Kenosha, situated about twelve miles farther south. upon the Missouri River, and considerable feeling existed as to which of the two towns would secure the county seat, the disadvantage under which the former labored being its location in the extreme northeastern corner of the county. It is related in this connection that a self-constituted committee of Plattsmouth citizens, going to Omaha as lobbyists, had a map of Cass County, prepared by one Henry Coulson, showing the mouth of the Platte to be nearly ten miles farther north than it actually was, as respects its vicinity to Plattsmouth. This map, being laid before the committee having the matter in charge, was regarded as answering conclusively the only argument on the question, and Plattsmouth was accordingly made the county seat. About this time, a ferry was established across the Missouri, under a charter granted to Wheatley Mickelwait, James O'Neil, J. L. Sharp, J. G. Palmer, Lafayette Nuckolls and their associates, this being one of the seventy acts of incorporation of the first Territorial Legislature, being approved March 1, 1855. Until 1857, a flat-boat was run, followed by the Emma, and by the Survivor in 1859, the latter sinking while in passage in 1860. Then came the Paul Wilcox, that struck a snag and went down; then the Mary McGee, cut to pieces by the ice on April 8, 1877; then a wire cable ferry, succeeded by the Luella; and finally the Belle Morgan, still in active use. The Survivor was first put on early in 1859, by Peter A. Sarpy, and run in opposition to the Emma for about a year, before a compromise was effected by which it succeeded the former boat. The contest was a warm one, both ferries carrying passengers and teams free of charge for a good portion of the time, and frequently offering a bonus for patronage, it being related of Sarpy that, upon one occasion, he offered to take one wagon of a train over the river for nothing, or, as he told the leader, if they would all go by his boat, he would give them a dollar and a gallon of whisky. Peter A. Sarpy, so closely identified with the early history of the State, and of Sarpy County, was a man of whom many incidents are related indicative of strong character. A brusque and fearless trader with the Indians, over whom he had the control of a king; a leader of civilization, who yet left it behind him to a great extent when he turned his back to the rising sun; a man stern and unyielding in the discipline which he exercised over his French and half-breed employes, and yet, withal, a polished, suave, punctilious French gentleman. The story of his direct connection with the history of Cass County can be told in a few words. At the time he placed the Survivor upon the river, he was living at St. Mary's, Iowa. He removed from that point to Plattsmouth in 1861, engaging in the mercantile business with Henry Kahl, and removing from St. Mary's to Plattsmouth a steam flouring-mill, which he continued to run for several years, when it was sold to Campbell & Wethely, subsequently changing hands several times, until it was removed to Kearney, Neb. For many years, he had been suffering with an incurable disease, and, during the fall of 1864, continued to grow weaker and weaker, until, in January, 1865, in the early morning following a cold winter night, during which he had several times gotten up from the bed on which he lay, and, putting on coat and hat, gone out into the bitter air--he died. He had said, an hour before, "I shall not last much longer," and, as the faintness of death began to come upon him, asked help of his faithful nurse, who alone was with him, in moving from the bed to the sofa in the room, breathing his last before it was reached. He was buried in the old cemetery west of the high school building and subsequently his remains were removed by his relatives to St. Louis, where they now rest. Plattsmouth was made a post office in the fall of 1855, Wheatley Mickelwait being the first Postmaster. It is said that for a time all the mail matter received was carried upon the person of the Postmaster, there being no regular depository until at least a year later. At the time of incorporation, the new town contained six houses, there being, in addition to those mentioned as erected by and for Martin, three log houses on Main street, between Third and Sixth, built by T. G. Palmer, Wheatley Mickelwait and William Garrison, respectively; and a frame building, the first in Plattsmouth, bearing upon its front the legend, "Farmers' Hotel." The first merchant was, as has been said, Samuel Martin, who enjoyed a monopoly in the business until he died, December 15, 1854. He was succeeded in the "Old Barracks" by Slaughter & Worley, who occupied the building until the fall of 1856, when the one afterward known as the "Old New York Store" was built, this being used, in addition to the purpose for which it was intended, as the first regular post office, with John A. Worley as Deputy Postmaster. During the summer of this year, Garrison, Griffith & Co. put up another frame store building on Main street. where they remained for some years, the firm changing, however, in course of time, to Nuckolls, Garrison & Co., and then to Garrison & Jones. Joseph Harper also went to merchandising, on the corner of Main and Sixth streets, within a few months. During the same summer, Wheatley Mickelwait erected three other frame buildings, one of which was the Nebraska House, or City Hotel, built for the Town Company, and which was destroyed by fire January 2, 1882. The other two buildings were residences for himself and T. G. Palmer, in the latter of which Col. P. A. Sarpy died in 1865. Two saw-mills were built in Plattsmouth during the year--the first by Heisel & Rauth, the latter soon withdrawing from the firm, however, and a number of buhrs put in by Conrad Heisel. The other mill was erected by Enos Williams, on the south half of Block 36, the land being donated by the Town Company. The earliest physicians in Plattsmouth were Drs. E. A. and W. E. Donelan, who opened an office and the first drug store during the summer of 1856. J. H. Brown, attorney at law, began business a year earlier, and A. H. Townsend, Willet Pottinger and T. M. Marquette, of the same profession, at various times during 1856. The same year also saw the first school in Plattsmouth, taught by Miss Mary Stocking on Gospel Hill. The organization of the city under the charter of March, 1855, was effected December 29, 1856, by the election of Wheatley Mickelwait to the Mayoralty, and Enos Williams, W. M. Slaughter and Jacob Vallery, Aldermen. This Council met and proceeded to business January 29, 1857, their first ordinance, approved by the Mayor March 2, 1857, levying a tax of one-half of 1 per cent on all taxable property within the corporate limits of the city of Plattsmouth, the amount collected to be expended in the improvement of the streets and alleys and steamboat landings at and in the city. On December 7, 1857, the Council voted each member an annual salary of $100, being something over $16 apiece for each session held during the year. This is a noticeable fact, in view of the action taken by the succeeding Council on December 30, 1858, in ordaining that the Mayor and Alderman receive for their services during that year the sum of 5 cents each, payable in city scrip; the Assessor, Recorder and Treasurer being paid $25 apiece for the same term. This latter Council assumed its duties through an election held January 4, 1858, and consisted of E. A. Donelan, Mayor; J. D. Simpson, T. M. Marquette and Joseph Harper, Aldermen. The last of these, resigning his position on December 18, was succeeded by J. W. Marshall. The third election, held on January 7, 1859, resulted in the continuance in office of E. A. Donelan, J. D. Simpson and J W. Marshall, there being, in addition to the last two, David Sampson, W. E. Donelan, F. Clements and J. C. Cummins, elected as Aldermen, the increase in number being due to an amendment of the city charter. The records, under date of March 19, 1859, show the following entry: "The laws of the Territory were received last week, and, by the act relating to the number of Councilmen in Plattsmouth, it was found that there should be but five members in the place of six." The error that had been made occasioned a special election, held April 6, 1859, the new board consisting of W. B. Warbritton, John Pattison, F. Clements, D. Sampson and T. M. Marquette. In January, 1860, W. B. Warbritton assumed the Mayoralty, and, after the regular election of 1861, was again declared successful. The Council, however, after due investigation, at a meeting held in April, 1861, declared the election null and void, by reason of fraud, in which there was no suspicion of any incumbent having had a part, and a new election, held during the same month, placed W. E. Donelan in the chair. His successors have been as follows: 1862, T. K. Hanna; 1863, W. H. Spratlin and M. L. White, the latter officiating from September until the end of the term, W. H. Spratlin having left the city; 1864, M. L. White; 1865, C. L. Cooper; 1866, C. L. Cooper and J. N. Wise, the latter from January to April of the official year; 1867, Willett Pottenger; 1868, Willett Pottenger; 1869, D. H. Wheeler; 1870, Ambrose Lazenby; 1871, M. L. White; 1872, M. L. White; 1873, R. R. Livingston; 1874, R. R. Livingston; 1875, R. R. Livingston; 1876, R. R. Livingston; 1877, J. W. Johnson; 1878, J. W. Johnson; 1879, J. W. Johnson; 1880, J. W. Johnson. The present city officers, elected in April, 1881, are: John O'Rourke, Mayor; J. D. Simpson, Clerk; J. M. Patterson, Treasurer; R. Vivian, Police Judge. The Board of Aldermen consists of Fred Gorder, J. M. Schnelbacher, J. V. Wechbach, Jerry D. Hartman, D. Miller, Alva Drew, P. McCallum and C. S. Dawson. The first school in Plattsmouth was taught by Mary Stocking, in a frame building then standing on Gospel Hill. This was in 1856. A year previous, Charles West held a short session in a log house just west of the city--a fact to be recorded as part of the county history, rather than that of Plattsmouth. In 1857, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gorrell assumed charge of the city school, occupying a building located on the present site of Carruth's Block, the school being subsequently removed to the north side of Main street, and, in 1859, returned to its former location. It was at this time under the management of Mr. Dana Pearson. In 1860, the city had two schools, both primary, with two female teachers and an enrollment of ninety scholars. In 1861, the attendance had increased to 214 scholars taught by two male and two female teachers, the former receiving $37.50 and the latter $20.50 a month. In 1862, the larger school was removed to the site of Fitzgerald's Block, where it remained until 1871, under various teachers. In 1872, it became established as a graded school, under the charge of Mr. Wales, the room over F. S. White's store on Main street being occupied for the purposes of the school. On July 2, 1872, the proposition of issuing city bonds to the amount of $25,000 was submitted by the Council to the voters of Plattsmouth, a majority thereof deciding in favor of such issue at a special election held July 22. In February, 1873, these proceedings were legalized by the Legislature. Mr. C. F. Driscoll and Mr. M. L. White were appointed supervising architects of the structure, which was completed in the spring of 1873, being occupied for the first time on April 14. It is a large, well-built, four-story brick building, centrally located, and containing seven rooms of a size well adapted to the purposes for which they are intended. The entire structure is well lighted and well ventilated, and is heated by hot-air furnaces and hard-coal stoves, so that the right temperature can always be secured. Upon entering the new building, the schools were placed in charge of Prof. A. E. Ross, who remained only until January 19, 1874, when he was succeeded by Mr. Starbird. Since this gentleman's retirement, in June, 1874, at the completion of the school year, the Principals of the city schools have been as follows: Prof. H. A. Sturges, September, 1874, to June, 1875; Prof. A. R. Wightman, September, 1875, to June, 1876; Miss Gertrude Johnson, September, 1876, to March, 1877; Prof. W. W. Drummond, April, 1877, to June, 1878; Prof. J. W. Love, September, 1878, to June, 1881. The present incumbent is Prof. Wellington W. Drummond, who assumed charge in September, 1881. He has control, under supervision of the School Board, of all the public schools of Plattsmouth, including those taught in the high school building and in the four ward buildings, erected in suitable locations in 1872 and 1873 and 1882. There are employed in these schools, in addition to the Principal, seventeen female teachers; the former receives a monthly salary of $65, and the latter $30 to $55 each. The entire enrollment of pupils numbers 1069, divided as follows: High school, 56; grammar departments, 140; primary, 873. The course is divided into eleven grades, each requiring a year's attendance and study; eight of these constitute the primary and grammar school course, the remaining three belonging to the high school. The course of study is thorough and practical, comprising, in addition to the common school branches, the higher mathematics, the natural sciences, civil government and bookkeeping. The schools of Plattsmouth rank to-day with the best in the State. The churches of a country are to a great extent the citadels of its morals, and, to a certain degree, the standing of a community, as regards progressive civilization, can be accurately judged of by the number and condition of the religious organizations in its midst. Plattsmouth can stand the test with pride, for, ever since the first settlement of the territory which she now covers, the religious element has been pronounced and efficient in gathering to itself the best men and women of the community. The first sermon preached in the county was in October, 1854, at the house of Thomas Ashley, by Abraham Towner, appointed Probate Judge by Gov. Cuming on the 30th of the succeeding March. Religious services were held at various times and places during 1855 and the early part of 1856, by Judge Towner and various evangelists and missionaries, accurate data of which efforts to build up the church have been lost. The First Baptist Church was organized October 17, 1856, with ten members, the first meetings being held in a school building erected on Gospel Hill, by James O'Neil. For about fifteen years, the society experienced the usual tribulations of the early church, being strong enough in 1872 to erect a church building of their own, at a cost of $1,800. The first pastor was Rev. Elias Gibbs, succeeded successively by R. L. Brenton, E. W. Hall, C. A. Miller, P. McCleod, T. J. Arnold and J. H. Storms. The present membership is thirty-two. The Sunday school in connection with this church is in a prosperous condition, under the superintendency of W. H. McKnew. The First Methodist Episcopal Church was organized June 29, 1857, with twenty members, under the pastorate of Rev. Hiram Burch. The first Trustees were L. G. Jeffries, Ezra Bradford and William McCarty, the first two of these being succeeded, in 1860, by B. Spurlock and S. Duke. Succeeding Mr. Burch, the church has been under the spiritual charge of the following ministers: Rev. Philo Gorton, Rev. J. Spelman, Rev. M. Amsbury, Rev. J. G. Miller, Rev. David Hart, Rev. J. B. Maxfield, Rev. J. J. Roberts, Rev. J. W. Presson, Rev. Charles MacKelvey, Rev. M. Adair, Rev. J. S. Orr, Rev. George De La Matyr, Rev. John Gallagher, and the present Pastor, Rev. C. P. Wilson. A commodious church structure was erected in 1869, on the west side of Sixth street, between Main and Pearl. As has been said, the original membership was twenty. In 1869, it had increased to ninety, decreasing to eighty in 1876, fourteen being added in 1880, and, under the stimulus of protracted meetings and earnest pastoral effort, a large number of accessions were received during 1881, the present membership being about one hundred and fifty. The records of the Sunday school in connection with the church cannot now be found. It was organized early in the history of the society, and has now an average attendance of about two hundred, under the superintendency of W. H Newell. The First Presbyterian Church was instituted in May, 1858, through the earnest efforts of the Rev. John Hughes, who had been endeavoring to gather the scattered members of the denomination together for some time previous. The first services were held in the schoolhouse on Gospel Hill, and the original membership was sixteen. Mr. Hughes remained in pastoral charge of the society until 1864, being succeeded at that time by Rev. J. V. Demorest. In March, 1866, the ministry was assumed by the Rev. Mr. Cole, followed, in September, 1867, by Rev. C. D. Roberts. Rev. D. W. Cameron, the first settled rector, assumed the duties of his office in 1870, and was succeeded, in 1872, by Rev. W. T. Bartle, followed, in May, 1875, by the present incumbent, Rev. W. T. Baird. The society afterward erected a fine brick church building on Main street, near Sixth, with twenty-eight feet front and a depth of sixty feet, and with a seating capacity for 300 persons. The actual membership is ninety. The Sabbath school, with an enrollment of 176, is under the charge of Thomas Pollock. The German Presbyterian Church was instituted September 10, 1876, under the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Swartz, who remained with the church for about two years, and was succeeded, in 1878, by Rev. Joseph Steinhartt, followed, in the spring of 1880, by Rev. F. S. W. Bruechart, who retained charge until the spring of 1881, from which time, for a full year, a vacancy existed, filled, in January, 1882, by Rev. Joseph Wittenberger. The society, since its organization, has worshiped in the German schoolhouse in the northwestern part of Plattsmouth, and has at present a membership of thirty. The Christian Church was organized in May, 1858, through the instrumentality of Elder Thomas J. Todd and visiting Elder Charles Evans. The ministers of the church since its institution have been as follows: Rev. J. Conoren, Rev. D. R. Dungan, Rev. P. Vogel, Rev. M. Comes, Rev. G. B. Mullis, Rev. C. Alton, Rev. S. B. Bass, Rev. A. P. Aton, and the present pastor, Rev. C. L. Crowther. Thomas J. Todd has acted as Elder since the organization of the church, Thomas Wiles still occupying his original duties as clerk. In 1874, upon the dissolution of the Congregational society, the Christian organization made arrangements by which they were allowed to use the church structure erected by the former institution, located on the corner of Locust and Eighth streets. The present membership is sixty-four. St. Luke's Church.--The first services of the Protestant Episcopal Church held in Plattsmouth were in the old Masonic Hall, on Main street, on Aug. 3, 1860, under charge of Bishop Talbot. For about ten months, the congregation was visited by irregular supplies, using the Masonic Hall, and a warehouse, also used for school purposes, on Main, above Fourth street. The first regular supply which they enjoyed was that of Rev. Isaac A. Hagar, who commenced his work June 16, 1861, remaining until the early part of 1865, the church organizing under the name of St. John's, November 27, 1864, with Wardens and Vestry as follows: John Black, John Pattimer, William H. Anderson, D. H. Wheeler and William Ford. On March 19, 1865, Rev. George C. Betts assumed the rectorship, coming to it from the Methodist Church, over which he had been officiating in Denver, Colo. A donation of about $11,000, made in 1866, by Mrs. Edmund Murray Young, of New York City, induced a change of name to St. Luke's, this being a condition of the gift, and enabled the congregation to erect a church building, a handsome gothic structure, on the Corner of Third and Vine streets, in the fall of the same year and spring of the year succeeding. The first services were held in the new church May 12, 1867, its dedication taking place on June 16 of the same year, under charge of Bishop Clarkson and assistant clergy. On the 15th of July following, Rev. Henry St. George Young became settled as rector, succeeded, in November, 1871, by Rev. H. C. Shaw, who remained with the church one year. Rev. A. R. Graves took charge in November, 1872, and Rev. H. B. Burgess, formerly Professor in a theological college, in June, 1874. During Mr. Betts' rectorship, a pleasant frame parsonage was built, by means of individual contributions from the leading men of the church. The present Vestry is as follows: Senior Warden, Walter J. White; Junior Warden, Fred Latham; Vestrymen, M. H. Smith, William Balance, J. D. Cox, E. B. Lewis and D. H. Wheeler. There is an active working guild in connection with the church, of which Mrs. R. R. Livingston is President. St. John's Catholic Church.--As early as 1860, an irregular organization was effected among the adherents to the Catholic faith, a church building being erected in 1861, and the believers ministered to at uncertain intervals by various supplies until 1862, when Father Tekachet assumed the pastorate, remaining with the church until 1864, and succeeded by Father Emanuel. No further change was made until the spring of 1870, when Father Hays assumed spiritual charge, which he retained for about two years, and being followed by Father Bobal. In 1874, Father Jennett commenced ministering to the society, leaving it in May, 1876. Under his directions, and, to a great extent, through his efforts, a new and more commodious church building was erected, situated on the north side of Oak street, near Fifth. For a time after Father Jennett's withdrawal, the church was without regular priestly service, Father P. Lynch, the present pastoral incumbent coming in the early part of 1880. The present membership is 430. During 1881, the church building was repaired and repainted, and a fine brick building, occupied by a parochial school, erected at a cost of $3,000. A church of the Congregational denomination was organized in 1870, with five members, under the pastorate of Rev. Frederick Allen. Soon after, a place of worship was erected and finished clear of debt. The second incumbent was Rev. Roswell Foster, who came in 1872, and remained one year, when he was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Manwell. In 1874, the church was disbanded, having then a total membership of thirty-five. Early in 1857, the Plattsmouth Jeffersonian, the first paper in Plattsmouth, made its appearance, under the charge of L. D. Jeffries, assisted by J. D. Ingalls to the latter of whom L. D. Jeffries soon after sold his interest. The paper soon died a natural death, and no files or more accurate data regarding it than the foregoing are known to be in existence. Soon after its dissolution, in the latter part of 1858, Alfred Townsend removed the material with which he had been publishing the Platte Valley Times, at Pacific City, Iowa, to Plattsmouth, issuing the Platte Valley Herald, an old paper under a new name, for about a year, when he moved again, still farther west. In the spring of 1859, the Cass County Sentinel, published at Rock Bluffs, was removed to Plattsmouth by its editor and publisher, E. Giles, who continued to issue it for a few months; when he sold his material to Joseph I. Early, who started the Democratic Times, a paper which shared the fate of its predecessors. In February, 1865, the first number of the Nebraska Herald was published, by H. D. Hathaway, who continued in proprietorship until March, 1872, when he went to the Lincoln Journal, where he has remained since. The purchaser was John A. MacMurphy, formerly of the Blair Times, and later a correspondent for Omaha and other papers under the pseudonym of "Tiptop." No change has since been made in the ownership. In 1871, under the management of H. D. Hathaway, the Herald was issued as a daily, discontinuing this for a weekly issue soon after J. A. MacMurphy assumed charge. The experiment of a daily journal was again made during the campaign of 1876, and possibly for a short period at other times. The Herald is now issued every Thursday morning, an eight-column folio, Republican in politics, as it has always been. It was first published on the northeast corner of Main and Second streets, thence being removed to a substantial brick building erected in 1875 by its proprietor. In November, 1870, Fox & Fullilove commenced the publication of the Cass County Sentinel, the material of which was purchased by F. M. McDonagh in the fall of 1872, who originated the Nebraska Watchman, which he continued in Plattsmouth until 1878 when it was removed to Council Bluffs, Iowa, and thence to Omaha, where it still exists, under the original proprietorship. In October, 1875, J. B. Pieper started the Deutsche Wacht, a German weekly, which ceased publication early in 1877, the material being purchased by J. A. MacMurphy, of the Herald, who contemplated running a German column in his own journal--a project that was subsequently abandoned. In 1877, M. L. Thomas, now of the Red Cloud Chief, moved a newspaper outfit which he had from Sarpy Center to Louisville, commencing the publication of the Cass County Chronicle. A few months after, he removed the paper to Plattsmouth, and, during the summer of 1878, received H. M. Bushnell into partnership. In January, 1879, the paper, which had been Republican in politics, was sold to J. S. Gregory, and, under the editorship of George W. Thompson, and the name of the Cass County Sentinel, furthered the Greenback movement for about one year, when it died a natural death. In June, 1879, H. M. Bushnell commenced the publication of the Plattsmouth Enterprise, a daily edition being issued until January, 1881, when it was changed to a weekly. The Enterprise is a six-column quarto, Republican in politics, and is issued every Saturday morning. In the spring of 1880, Crites & Wentworth started the Plattsmouth Courant, of which a few numbers only appeared, when the material was divided between the partners and the paper discontinued. Z. C. Wentworth at once commenced the publication of the Plattsmouth Independent, which lived through the campaign of 1880. The first issue of the Plattsmouth Journal as a daily publication appeared November 5, 1881, under the proprietorship of C. W. Sherman, who had been conducting the Mills County Times at Glenwood, Iowa. A weekly edition was commenced December 5, 1881. The paper is devoted to Free Trade Democracy, the daily appearing every day in the week except Sunday, the weekly issued Friday morning. |