NEGenWeb Project
Kansas Collection Books

Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Cass County
Produced by
Connie Snyder.


Topography and General Features | Produce | Early Settlement
Indian Troubles | Club Law | Early Schools


Organization | County Seat Troubles | Official Roster | War History
Court House and Jail | Railroads | Ferries
Cass County Agricultural Society | Cass County Medical Society
Pioneer Association of Cass County | Hard Winters and Storms


Plattsmouth:  Early Settlement | City Government | Educational
Religious | The Press


Plattsmouth (cont.):   The Medical Profession | The Bar
Government Offices | Missouri River Improvement | Societies | Banks
Hotels | Public Halls | Manufactories | General Business Interests

 5 ~ 8:

Biographical Sketches:


Weeping Water:  Early Settlement | Organization | Educational
Religious | Societies | The Press | Business Interests | Railroads
Biographical Sketches

PART 10:

Louisville:  Religious | Educational | Manufactories | Business Houses
Railroads | Biographical Sketches
Greenwood:  Religious | General Matters
Rock Bluff City

PART 11:

Biographical Sketches:  Rock Bluff Precinct
South Bend:  Religious | Educational | Biographical Sketches

PART 12:

Factoryville:  Biographical Sketches
Avoca:  Biographical Sketches
Other Towns
Biographical Sketches:  Eight-Mile Grove Precinct

PART 13:

Biographical Sketches:  
Mt. Pleasant Precinct | Elmwood Precinct | Center Precinct

List of Illustrations in Cass County Chapter

Part 6

   MICHAEL A. HARTIGAN, attorney at law, Plattsmouth, was born in Luzerne County, Penn., July 12, 1849; was educated at St. Joseph's College, Penn. Graduated in 1867, intending to pursue the Catholic ministry. He, however, went to Owego, N. Y., and read law with Judge J. E. Parker, of the Supreme Court of New York, till the end of 1869, and in July, 1870, was admitted to the bar at Kansas City, Mo., but on account of ill health did not practice for some two years. He began the practice of his profession at Big Rapids, Mich., in 1872, continuing there for two years; afterward at Reed City, Mich., till he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., October 20, 1879, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of law at this place.


   J. S. HARTMAN, contractor, builder and manufacturer of brick, Plattsmouth, was born in York County, Penn., in 1845. Resided on farm with parents until twenty years of age. He enlisted in the spring of 1865 in One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Infantry, and served three months, after which he learned the trade of brick-mason, at Galion, Ohio, serving as an apprentice some three years. He then went to Sedalia, Mo., and was employed in a wagon-shop for a year. Mr. Hartman came to Nebraska, 1871, located in Omaha, and was employed as a brick-mason until he came to Plattsmouth in 1872. He then worked as a carpenter for two years. In 1874, he began business as a contractor and builder, and in 1879 he opened a brick-yard. Manufactures about 550,000 bricks per annum, and gives employment to twenty-two men. Mr. Hartman was elected Alderman of Second Ward in spring of 1881. He was married at Plattsmouth, Neb., in October, 1874, to Susan Cook, a native of Nebraska. They have three children--Lilly, Etta and Mamie.

   DAVID HAWKSWORTH, Master Mechanic of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company, Plattsmouth, was born in England in 1831; was employed there in the machine department of the Manchester Southern & Liverpool Railroad Company and other companies. He came to America in 1849, residing at Burlington, Iowa. He was engaged as Engineer, on Mississippi River ferry boats, several months; then in the machine-shops of the Michigan Southern Railroad Company, located at Toledo, Ohio, for a few months; afterward ran an engine in a saw-mill for a short time; returning to Burlington, Iowa, was employed in machine-shops for three years. In the spring of 1854, was employed by the Omaha Town Site Company as engineer on ferry boat between Omaha, Neb., and Council Bluffs, Iowa, until July of that year. He was then employed as engineer and machinist on railroads and in conducting a saw-mill until the fall of 1859, when he entered the employ of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company as machinist, at Burlington, Iowa. He remained in that capacity until June, 1862, when he enlisted in the United States Navy, and was appointed Second Assistant Engineer on the United States gun-boat, "Indianola," serving until captured below Vicksburg, in February, 1863. He was detained as a prisoner three months, then released, and shortly afterward was appointed Second Assistant Engineer on the United States gun-boat, "Marmora," serving until mustered out in July, 1864. He then again entered the machine-shops of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad, at Burlington, Iowa. Was appointed general foreman of the shops in 1868, holding the position until he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in September, 1875, since which time he has held the position of Master Mechanic of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad in Nebraska. Mr. Hawksworth was married, at Burlington, Iowa, in 1863, to Kate Schaffer, a native of Germany. They have five children--Frank, Mary, Joseph, David, Jr., and one infant son.

   HANSEN & CHASSOT, groceries, provisions and commission, also insurance agents. P. J. Hansen, of this firm, was born in Germany in 1840. He was employed in mercantile business from 1855 to 1861; then in the employ of the Judiciary Government of Germany as Secretary until 1876. In October of that year, he came to America and located at Plattsmouth, Neb., was employed as clerk in mercantile business until January 1, 1881, when, in company with Mr. Chassot, he purchased the grocery stock of F. Herrmann, and commenced his present business. He is also a Notary Public, having been appointed November 1, 1881. C. E. Chassot, the junior member of the firm, was born in Germany in 1846. Came to America in 1868, and was engaged in farming in the States of Iowa and Michigan for some years. He came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in 1874, and was in the employ of the B. & M. R. R. Co., until he entered into partnership with Mr. Hansen in this business. The firm are agents for several insurance companies, including that of the Western Horse and Cattle Insurance Company, Omaha, Neb., and are also agents for two European steamship companies.

   HARRIS & UNRUH, furniture and undertakers. Charles L. Harris, of this firm, was born in West Virginia in 1833. He learned the trade of carpenter and builder at Rochester, N. Y., serving as an apprentice some two years; was then employed at it in various places in the State of Michigan. In 1861, he enlisted in Grady's Sharpshooters attached to the Sixteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and served three years; after which he was employed at his trade and engaged in contracting for building works in Michigan until 1867, when he began business at Richmond, Mich., as an undertaker and dealer in furniture, remaining there until the spring of 1879, when he removed to Galion, Mich., and continued the same business there for two years. He came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in August, 1881, and commenced his present business in company with John Unruh, who has had considerable experience as a practical cabinet-maker.

   FREDERICK HERRMANN, dry goods, etc., was born in Watertown, Wis., in 1856. He was employed as clerk in mercantile business there for three and one-half years. In 1874, he went to San Francisco, Cal., and was engaged in the same capacity for two years; returning to Watertown, Wis., in 1876, he was again employed as clerk in the mercantile business till he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in 1877, remaining only a short time. He was then employed in conducting the branch store of Messrs. Schnasse & Gramberg, at Rapid City, Dak., for six months. Returning to Plattsmouth January 1, 1878, he, in company with F. J. Maldaner, purchased the general merchandise of Schnasse & Gramberg, at Plattsmouth, and they conducted the business together till in 1880, when Mr. Herrmann purchased his partner's interest in the concern; one year later, he sold out his stock of groceries, crockery, etc., and now confines himself to dry goods, gentlemen's furnishings. etc.

   CHRISTIAN G. HEROLD, dealer in clothing, hats, caps, etc., Plattsmouth, was born in Germany, in 1833. He served two years at the trade of locksmith and machinist; was then employed in "Needle Gun" factory, under his uncle, for about a year; came to America in 1849, resided at Peru, Ill., and was employed in a carriage factory for two years; then at Iowa City, Iowa, as clerk in a mercantile business, till the fall of 1854, when he was sent by his employers to open a branch business at Council Bluffs, Iowa, where he remained, managing the business for some two years. In 1856, he commenced mercantile business on his own account, at Glenwood, Iowa, in company with A. Lesard, they opened a branch business at Plattsmouth, Neb. in the fall of that year, and ran both stores till some time in 1858, when the firm dissolved and the Glenwood business was closed out. Mr. Herold then ran the business at Plattsmouth alone till 1861, when he was joined by his brother William. This firm dissolved in 1864, since which time C. G. Herold has carried on the business alone. He was married at St. Joe, Mo., in 1865, to Elizabeth Balsingar, a native of Switzerland. They have three children--Charles, Edward and Ernest.

   WILLIAM HEROLD, dry goods, groceries, etc., Plattsmouth, was born in Germany in 1831; was employed as butcher there for several years. Came to America in 1849, residing in Peru, Ill.; was engaged as a butcher till 1851, when he went to California, and was employed in the butchering business for several years. He came to Nebraska in 1855, located at Plattsmouth, and during that year and 1856, was engaged in trading with the Indians at Louisville, Neb.; then carried on a general merchandise business at Glenwood, Iowa, for two years, in company with his brother, Christian G. Herold. Returning to Plattsmouth, he engaged in farming, for a year or so, and in 1860, entered into mercantile business and has been engaged in it since. He was married in Plattsmouth, in 1858, to Elizabeth O'Neil, oldest daughter of James O'Neil, one of the earliest settlers in this part of the State. They have four children--James, Emma, Henry and Dora.

   NICHOLAS HOLMES, farmer, P. O. Plattsmouth, was born in Germany, in 1831, and was employed in farming for some years. He came to America in 1855, and was for two years employed as a laborer in Ozaukee County, Wis. In 1857, he came to Nebraska, and pre-empted 160 acres in Weeping Water, Cass Co., on which he resided for six years, after which he moved on to his present premises in Plattsmouth Precinct. He is a very large farmer and stock-raiser, and owns some 640 acres of land. Mr. H. was married in Plattsmouth, in the fall of 1860, to Miss Henrietta Obernotte; they have seven children--Mary, Nicholas, Peter, Lena, Rose, George and Joseph.

   HENRY HOWLAND, carriage and wagon maker, Plattsmouth, was born in Montgomery County, Penn., in August, 1826. He learned the trade of wagon-maker with his father; subsequently he went to Philadelphia, Penn., where he was for six years employed in distillery, until January 4, 1854, when he came West, into Mills County, Iowa, and was employed at his trade there for some three years. Coming to Nebraska in May, 1857, he located in Plattsmouth and engaged in his present business, and has carried it on since; he has also been engaged in introducing an oscillating coupling, his own patent, for buggies and spring wagons. He owns 150 acres of land north of Plattsmouth, which he pre-empted April 1, 1861, and resides on the same. He was married, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, May, 1857, to Catharine Kuntz, a native of Pennsylvania. They have four children--Jasper N., Frederick G., William I. and Annie Belle.

   REUBEN W. HYERS, Sheriff of Cass County, Plattsmouth, was born at West Point, Iowa, September 17, 1843; removed with parents, when quite young, to Pekin, Tazewell Co., Ill., and resided on a farm till 1862, when he enlisted in the One Hundred and Eighth Illinois Infantry, serving some three years. He was taken prisoner June 10, 1864, on the Struges raid in Northern Mississippi, being confined in Andersonville Prison till the close of the war, in all some ten months. After the war, he returned to Tazewell County, Ill., and was engaged in farming till he came to Nebraska in 1870. He located in Cass County, and was engaged in farming for some seven years. Mr. Hyers was elected Sheriff of Cass County, in the fall of 1877, he came to Plattsmouth in January, 1878, and entered upon the duties of his office; was re-elected in 1879, and again elected-in 1881, term of office two years. He was married in Tazewell County, Ill., March 13, 1867, to Martha King, a native of Jerseyville, Ill. They have four children--Alberta, Wilbur, Gustave and Rosa.

   NELSON JEAN, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Plattsmouth, was born in Owen County, Ind., in 1820. He resided on a farm with his parents until eighteen years of age, when he learned the trade of cabinet-maker, serving an apprenticeship of three years, after which he was employed at it as a journeyman, and also did considerable job work in that line and carpentering. He came to Nebraska in August, 1856; located on his present farm in Plattsmouth Precinct, and has been engaged in conducting the same since. He owns 175 acres of land and does considerable in raising and feeding stock. Mr. Jean was married in Greene County, Ind., August 4, 1844, to Mary J. Goldy, a native of Palestine, Lawrence Co., Ind.; they have five children--Harriet J., Sarah, Mary, Charles L. and Alice.

   JOSEPH W. JOHNSON, ex-Sheriff of Cass County, was born in Leesburg, Highland County, January 19, 1835. He learned the trade of blacksmith there, serving as an apprentice three years, and was then employed at it till he came to Nebraska in 1857, and took up a land claim of 160 acres at Cedar Creek, Cass County, and was employed some three months in clearing; then went to Mills County, Iowa, and conducted a saw-mill in company with Clark Bros. till the spring of 1878; then for a year engaged in general trading through Kansas and Indian Territory. His next trip was to Pike's Peak, Colo. Taking a saw-mill with him, he erected it near Canon City, but ran it only a short time, there being no market for his lumber. Returning to Plattsmouth, he enlisted early in the spring of 1861, and was mustered into Company A, First Nebraska Infantry, and served till August, 1864, and when mustered out held the rank of First Sergeant of the company. In the spring of 1865, he opened a blacksmith shop at Plattsmouth in company with C. E. Forgy. In the spring following, he purchased the interest of his partner and conducted the business alone till the autumn of 1867. He was elected Sheriff of Cass County about this time, and entered upon the duties of his office in November of the same year; was re-elected in 1869, and again elected in 1871, holding the office in all six years. Since the latter part of 1873, he has been engaged in farming and dealing in real estate. He was elected Marshal of the city of Plattsmouth in 1867, and held the office one term. Was Deputy Treasurer of Cass County and Tax Collector during 1874, Mayor of Plattsmouth during 1877 to 1880, and was elected President of the Board of Directors of Plattsmouth in January, 1882. He was married in Plattsmouth, in the spring of 1865, to Mary Henton, an early resident of the place, They have five children--John J., James E., Mary A., Frank and Algernon.

[Portrait of J. W. Jennings.]

   JOHN W. JENNINGS, County Clerk, Plattsmouth, was born in New Jersey, 1839; when quite young, he removed with his parents to Schuylkill County, Penn. In 1855, he came to Nebraska; located at Omaha; was engaged in real estate business for some two years. Removing to Bellevue, Neb., in 1857, he engaged in the lumber business, continuing in it till 1861, when he enlisted in the Second Iowa Cavalry, serving till October, 1865; when he mustered out, he held the rank of Adjutant of the regiment, having been promoted through the various grades in regular order. Mr. Jennings was then engaged in mercantile business at Factoryville, Cass Co., Neb., till 1869; from then till 1872 he was employed as a miller in flour-mill, afterward in various capacities till he came to Plattsmouth; in 1875, was appointed Deputy County Clerk and occupied the position up to January 5, 1882, when he resigned to enter upon his duties as County Clerk, having been elected to that office November 8, 1881.

   OSCAR F. JOHNSON, druggist, was born in Jamestown, N. Y., July 4, 1824. When twelve years of age, he began to learn this business. Removing to Buffalo at an early age, he was for some years employed in the mercantile business, and during that period he studied and perfected himself in this business, after which he followed the drug business as a clerk, and was for three years in the business for himself in the State of New York. He came to Nebraska September 10, 1856, and resided in Plattsmouth Precinct on a farm. In 1857, he was appointed Postmaster of Plattsmouth, which position he held for some years, and during that time also carried a stock of drugs, and was for several years engaged in freighting across the plains. He then farmed in Plattsmouth for a few years. In the fall of 1864, he entered into the drug business in company with E. A. Donelan. In April, 1868, he began on his own account, and a year later he was joined by E. B. Lewis, who continued with him for one year, since which time Mr. Johnson has carried on business alone. He carries a stock of about $2,500, and has been engaged in this business, off and on, for about forty years. Mr. Johnson was married in Omaha in 1858, to Letitia Klepser. They have three children--Letitia, Kate and Oscar K.

   FREDERICK LATHAM, agent for the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company, was born in England July 27, 1837. He was educated as a chemist, but did not engage in that profession. Was employed in farming until he came to America in 1864. He then followed farming in Canada, coming to the United States in 1870, being employed in the Engineer Corps of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, located in Iowa, for several months. Mr. L. came to Plattsmouth, Neb., January 1,1871; was employed three months in the drug business; was then appointed Cashier of the freight department of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company at this place. Four years later, he was also appointed Cashier for the same department of the Burlington & Missouri Railway Company, and during 1881 was also Cashier for the K. C. R. R. Co. at this place, holding all three positions until January 1, 1882, when he was appointed agent for the Burlington & Missouri Railway Company at Plattsmouth. Mr. L. was married at Rice Lake, Can., May 24, 1866, to Elizabeth S. Bird, a native of Canada. They have one daughter--Hattie Gore, born at Osceola, Iowa.

   ANSON A. LAVERTY, County Judge, Plattsmouth, was born in Jackson, Mich., in 1833, and educated at Ann Arbor University, Michigan. Afterward he engaged in teaching schools in Eaton County, Michigan, having removed there in 1844; he also farmed some and held the office of Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of Highways and Inspector of schools, at various times in that county. In 1867, he went to Black Hawk County, Iowa, and held the office of Justice of the Peace there for six years, and also practiced law in the Justice Courts. He came to Nebraska in April, 1872, located in Cass County; traveled for a short time, in this State and Kansas, and then settled on his farm in Cass County, and was engaged in conducting it until he came to Plattsmouth, and entered upon his duties as Judge of Cass County, January 5,1882, having been elected in the fall preceding. He held the office of Justice of the Peace in this county for some six years or more. He was married in Eaton County, Michigan, in 1852, his wife dying in 1858, leaving two children--Alexander and Alvin. He was married a second time at Eaton County, Michigan, to Mary McClintic, a native of Ohio. They have six children--J., Guy, Jessie, Richard, Clyde and Cora. Mr. Laverty's family still reside on the farm.

   FREDERICK D. LEHNHOFF, of Lehnhoff & Speck, manufacturers of brick, was born in Germany in 1831; came to America in 1847, and resided on a farm with his parents, in Jefferson County, Wis., until he came to Nebraska in 1859; located in Cass County. He was engaged in farming up to the spring of 1864, when he came to Plattsmouth; was engaged in conducting a saloon for seventeen years; in connection with this he was also engaged in general merchandise business from 1869 to 1874, and also carried on a wood yard from 1869 to 1878. He has been engaged in the manufacture of brick since 1874. He associated himself with Claus Speck in present brick yard, at 9 and 10 Washington avenue, in 1880. In the spring of 1881, they manufactured about 700,000 brick. He served this city as a Councilman in 1865. Mr. Lehnhoff was married in Cass County, Neb., in 1862, to Kate Reichert, an early settler in the State. They have four children--Matilda, George D., Frederick and Henry.

   EUGENE B. LEWIS, of Bennett & Lewis, dealers in groceries, fruits, etc., was born in Kalamazoo County, Mich., in July, 1851; came to Nebraska in 1863, located at Plattsmouth, and two years later was employed in learning telegraphy, being engaged at it altogether some four years. He was then in the employ of the United States Mail Service for ten years, two years of which were spent on the Burlington & Missouri Railroad, and eight years on the Union Pacific Railroad. In June, 1880, he entered into present business in company with J. D. Bennett. Mr. Lewis was married at La Porte, Ind., September 22, 1880, to Miss D. Searles, of that place.

[Portrait of Robt. R. Livingston.]

   ROBERT RAMSAY LIVINGSTON, physician and surgeon, was born at Montreal, Canada East, August 10, 1827, and received his early education at the Royal Grammar School, under Alexander Skakel, LL. D., and graduated in medicine at Magill College in 1849, after which he attended lectures at College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Subsequently he became interested in copper mines and went to Lake Superior. In 1859, the Doctor came to Plattsmouth, and at once began the practice of his profession. In 1861, he had charge of the Platte Valley Herald, during the absence of the proprietor. While editing this journal, the war of the rebellion broke out, and Dr. Livingston took a prominent and active part in sustaining the Union. The same day on which the news of the firing on the Star of the West arrived at Plattsmouth, he stopped his press, then working off the weekly issue, and had a large number of posters printed calling on all the loyal men of Cass County to meet in the hall over the printing office. That night he organized a full company of infantry and headed the list of enrolled privates with his own name, but was immediately and unanimously elected Captain. This occurred prior to any call for troops, and he maintained that company until the 11th day of June of the same year, when it was mustered in as Company A of the First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, and to him is due the credit of having raised and organized the first military company in the Territory for the suppression of the rebellion. In December of 1861, he was promoted Major, in June, 1862, to Lieutenant Colonel and to Colonel in the fall of the same year. The regiment served principally in the South, participating in the engagements of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth and many others. In the summer of 1863, the subject of our sketch was appointed commanding officer of the post at St. Louis, Mo., and a few months later commanding officer of the District of St. Louis. He also served with distinction in Arkansas, and, for his services in that State, the Arkansas Legislature passed a joint resolution of thanks. In 1863, the First Nebraska Infantry re-enlisted as veterans, and were changed to cavalry, and while on veteran furlough in 1864, were assigned to duty in Nebraska in the war with the hostile Sioux. Here also he, by untiring energy, soon rid the Territory of these savage bands. In the spring of 1865, he was promoted to Brevet Brigadier General, and mustered out in July of the same year, after which he returned to the practice of his profession at Plattsmouth. The Doctor was appointed Surveyor General for Nebraska and Iowa in the spring of 1868, and held the office for two years. About this time he became interested in the building of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad in Nebraska, and was appointed Chief Surgeon of the road in 1869, and is the present incumbent. He was instrumental in organizing the Nebraska State Medical Society; was elected President of the same, and filled that office one year; was subsequently elected Corresponding Secretary, and filled that position for a number of years; is President of the Faculty of the Omaha Medical College and Lecturer on principles and practice of surgery for that institution. The Doctor was for several years Mayor of Plattsmouth. He is a leading member of the Masonic order; was Master of Plattsmouth Lodge, No. 6, for four years, High Priest of Nebraska Chapter, R. A. M., for three years, and Grand High Priest of the R. A. M. of the State of Nebraska for eighteen months; has also been Eminent Commander of Mount Zion Commandery, No. 5, K. T., since its organization in 1873, and is a member of the Board of Fish Commissioners for the State of Nebraska.

   REV. P. LYNCH, of St. John's Catholic Church, was born in Ireland and educated at All Hallow's College, Dublin, Ireland, graduating in 1873; was consecrated by Bishop Whelan. He came to America in 1873, and was Assistant Priest at St. Philomena Cathedral, Omaha, Neb., for eighteen months; then Assistant Priest at St. John's Catholic Church, Columbus, Neb, for six months; afterward in charge of Catholic Mission at North Platte, Neb., until he came to Plattsmouth in 1880.

   PATRICK McCALLAN, Foreman of boiler shops of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company, Plattsmouth, was born in Ireland, in April, 1840, coming to America with parents in the same year; resided on a farm in Des Moines County, Iowa, for some years. He learned the trade of boiler maker at Burlington, Iowa, serving as an apprentice some three years; then employed as a journeyman for three years. In 1865, he entered the employ of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad Company, at that place as a boiler maker, and was employed in that capacity until he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in September, 1875, entered upon his present duties. He was elected to represent the Fourth Ward in the City Council in 1878, and re-elected in 1880. Mr. McCallan was married at Burlington, Iowa. in April, 1874, to Catherine Ward, a native of Ireland. They have two children, Daniel and Catherine.

   DR. JOHN L. McCREA, dentist, was born in Butler, Ohio, in July, 1827. He was engaged in mercantile business at Pella, Iowa, for three years; afterward at Oskaloosa, Iowa, for a few years. He also studied medicine at that place for several years, and afterward dentistry, and began the practice of the latter in 1866, at Oskaloosa, remaining there some two years engaged in that capacity, after which he practiced dentistry at Albia, Iowa, until he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in March, 1870, and has been engaged in the practice of his profession. He has also practiced medicine (homoeopathy) for several years past.

   MARSHALL McELWAIN, house and sign painter, Plattsmouth, was born in Portage County, Ohio, August 18, 1835. He learned the trade of painter at fifteen years of age, and was employed at it there some years. He came to Nebraska, April, 1857, located at Plattsmouth, and has been engaged in his present business during his residence in this State. In 1862, he enlisted in the Second Nebraska Cavalry, as Quartermaster Sergeant, serving in that capacity thirteen months. He then re-enlisted in the Nebraska State Militia, as Orderly Sergeant, serving some seven months. Mr. McElwain was Assessor of Plattsmouth City Precinct during 1872-73. He was appointed Deputy Sheriff in 1877-79, and re-appointed in 1882. He was married in Plattsmouth, May 15, 1866 to Sarah E. Harper, a native of Illinois; they have four children--Bertie A., Myron A., Roy L. and Rena J.

   ANDREW W. McLAUGHLIN, Cashier of First National Bank, was born in Morgan County, Ohio, in 1883. He was for four years employed as Superintendent of Cambridge Coal Mining Company, in Guernsey County, Ohio; in 1860, he removed to the Pacific slope, remaining there some seven years, during which time he was engaged in mining, freighting, etc., and was also engaged some four years of the time in mercantile business at Centerville, Idaho. Returning to Cambridge, Ohio, he was employed in mercantile business for a year; in 1869, he removed to Council Bluffs, Iowa; was employed for some ten months by the St. Joe & Council Bluffs Railroad, as Chief Clerk in the freight office; afterward in the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, in the same capacity until he came to Nebraska, in the spring of 1873. He located at Plattsmouth, and was variously engaged until April, 1874, when he was appointed Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank. In the following November, he was appointed Cashier, and has occupied the position since.

   WILLIAM NELSON McLENNAN, of the firm of Chapman, McLennan & Beeson, attorneys at law, was born at Steubenville, Ohio, October, 1854. He graduated at Oberlin College, Ohio; in the class of 1879, and came to Nebraska in the same year, locating at Nebraska City, where he was shortly afterward admitted to the bar; was then engaged in the practice of his profession at that place for some months, coming to Plattsmouth in the early part of 1881, and entering into the present firm.

   WILLIAM H. MARTIN, farmer and stock-raiser, Plattsmouth, was born in Goochland, Va., October 14, 1824, and resided there until nineteen years of age, when he removed into Giles County, and was engaged in farming for some twenty years. He came to Nebraska in 1865, and located in Plattsmouth, since which time he has been engaged in farming. In March, 1877, he moved on to his present farm, in Plattsmouth Precinct. Mr. Martin cultivates 200 acres of land, and raises considerable live stock. He was married in Monroe County, Va., to Nancy J. Saylor, of that place.

   JAMES S. MATHEWS, attorney at law, Notary Public, Plattsmouth, was born in Alleghany County, Md., February 3, 1841; removed with his parents eight years later, to Jefferson County, Iowa, residing on a farm until July 18, 1862, when he enlisted in the Fifth Iowa Infantry; was discharged July 30, 1864; re-enlisted February 2, 1865, in the Second Regiment United States Veteran Volunteers, serving until mustered out, March 5, 1866; subsequently he attended the commercial college of Bryant & Stratton, at Burlington, Iowa, graduating in August, 1866. He then taught school for several months, at Richland, Iowa. Mr. M. came to Nebraska in 1867; homesteaded eighty acres of land in Cass County; he was engaged in farming until 1876, when he came to Plattsmouth, and entered the employ of the Hon. S. M. Chapman, attorney at law, as clerk, remaining in that capacity some five years, during which time he read law, and was admitted to the bar, at Plattsmouth, May 1, 1879, and in August 9, 1881, he opened his present law office; was appointed Notary Public in 1878. Mr. Mathews was married in Cass County, January 1, 1868, to Martha I. Rouse, a native of Illinois. They have five children--Olive, Luella, Susie, Lillie and Ernest.

[Portrait of J. W. Marshall.]

   JOHN WESLEY MARSHALL, Plattsmouth, was born March 8, 1832, in Hendricks County, Ind.; was the eldest son of Rev. Joshua and Mary Marshall, who were born in North Carolina of Quaker parents, and raised in that church, but for the sin of marrying "out of meeting" they were "disowned," and soon after joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Marshall is now over seventy-four years of age, is hale and vigorous; has been for over fifty years a zealous minister and worker in the church--twenty years in Indiana. and some thirty-three years in Wapello County, Iowa. J. W. Marshall, with his parents, in 1847 emigrated to Iowa, and settled in Wapello County, at a point now known as Kirkville. He was, on the 3d of April, 1851, married to Margaret Maria, daughter of Dr. H. Kirkpatrick; Mrs. Marshall was born in Guernsey County, Ohio. They opened a farm and lived on it until the fall of 1855, when they moved to Mills County, Iowa, then a very wild country. In the spring of 1856, he built a house on his land, which is now the site of the flourishing town of Malvern, and aspires to be the county seat of Mills County. His house was built of hewed cottonwood logs, which he hauled fourteen miles, from a point opposite Rock Bluff, Neb. The winter of 1856-57 was the most severe ever known in this great valley. Snow fell the first week in December three and one-half feet on the level, which, with a crust on the top of it strong enough to bear a man, but not sufficient for beasts, made it impossible to travel with teams only on the very few roads that were kept open at great cost of time and labor. This snow continued all winter, the thermometer ranging much of the time twenty and as low as forty degrees below zero. The deer, of which there were hundreds on the prairies, were driven by the severe storms into the timber for shelter, where, breaking through the crust on the deep snow, they became an easy prey to men and dogs, seventy-six being killed in one week in Cutler's Grove, just above Malvern. Selling his farm to Judge Tubbs, then, as now, one of the most enterprising and best-known business men in the county, he moved to Plattsmouth May 1, 1857, where he has since resided. In the fall of 1857 came the great crash. In a few days' time, men with their pockets full of State and Territorial bank paper found themselves penniless. The banks had all failed. (The United States was not then in the money business.) Cottonwood lumber was the circulating medium. Mr. Marshall was engaged at carpenter work and farming for three years. In 1865, he engaged in general merchandise with one Joseph Harper, a very active, energetic business man. The following year the business was closed out, Mr. Harper going to Colorado. In June, 1861, Mr. Marshall was appointed Postmaster, and has now served twenty-one years. In the meantime he has filled various important positions; was one of the charter members in the organization of Plattsmouth Lodge, No. 6, A., F. & A. M.; served the lodge as its second Master, and for six years as Treasurer. In the fall of 1862, was commissioned by Gov. Saunders to raise a company of cavalry for the Indian service, the Indians at that time being very hostile on our northwestern frontier. He soon raised a company of one hundred men; was elected Captain, Isaac Wiles, First Lieutenant, and A. Deyo, Second Lieutenant; ordered to Omaha, where, with three other companies, they encamped in the woods in the snow and rain for a week or so, where the men suffered greatly, as they had not yet been supplied with blankets or clothing by the Government. Finally, were regularly mustered in for nine months, as Company H, Second Nebraska Volunteer Cavalry, and were quartered in the Territorial capitol building for the winter, there being no session of the Legislature that year. Starting out in April with his company, he made the campaign with Gen. Sully during the summer of 1863, which extended north and west some five hundred or six hundred miles to White Stone Hills near Devil's Lake, where the only battle with the Indians occurred; thence, returning, reached home about the middle of October, and were mustered out in December, 1863. The campaign was a very severe one, not so much on account of the hostile Indians, as because the country was literally parched with the drought and exceeding hot weather, the thermometer indicating for days at a time 108 to as high as 116 degrees in the shade, and much of the time alkaline water in small lakes or pools was all that could be had, and for hundreds of miles the grass, only two inches long, was as dry as in January. Quitting the military, Mr. Marshall took personal charge of the post office, which during his absence had been filled by Milo Fellows, his Deputy. In 1865, was elected as County Judge, and served two years, filling the two offices at the same time; has also served as a member of the City Council; was from 1865 to 1867 Chairman of the County Republican Central Committee; was several times urged to become a candidate for the Legislature, but declined, preferring to attend strictly and singly to the duties of his office as Postmaster, and for many years has given no attention to any other business. His wife died in November, 1865. He now lives with his daughter, Mrs. Hays, the widow of the late J. Newt. Hays, the founder of the Fremont Tribune, and well known throughout the State as one of the foremost journalists of his time. Like the Omaha Herald (strictly religious) a sketch of this man Marshall's character would hardly be complete without touching this feature of it. Born and raised a Methodist, after some four years of research and deep study, at the age of thirty years, he became a Unitarian in belief, and now, at the end of twenty years, is of the same faith, being a firm believer in One God, and of the religion of character, truth and justice.

   HAMILTON MEADE, M. D., Plattsmouth, was born at Charleston, S. C., in February, 1853; was educated at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, graduating there in 1874; he then practiced medicine at Boston and Worcester, Mass., for about three years, afterward at Malvern, Iowa, till he came to Plattsmouth, in January, 1880, since which time he has been engaged in the practice of his profession.

   PETER MERGES, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes, Plattsmouth, was born in Germany in 1844; came to America in 1856; resided at Oshkosh, Wis., and while there learned the trade of marble cutter, serving an apprenticeship of some four years. In 1861, he enlisted in the Third Wisconsin Cavalry, serving three years and three months; returning to Oshkosh, Wis., he was for two years employed at his trade; he then attended school at Chicago, Ill., for six months, after which he was employed as salesman in marble business at Fond du Lac, Wis., till he came to Plattsmouth, Neb., in 1869. Engaged in marble and stone cutting business in company with his brother, N. C. Menges, for two years, and at the same time he was engaged in the manufacture of brick. In 1871, he purchased an interest in the boot and shoe business of J. S. O'Brien, and carried on business with him some nine months, when he purchased the entire business and has conducted it alone since. In January, 1880, his entire stock was destroyed by fire, and he lost nearly everything he had accumulated in business, but not discouraged, he began again, shortly afterward, and is now the largest exclusive boot and shoe dealer in this city.

   WILLIAM MERTENS, farmer and stock-raiser, P. O. Plattsmouth, was born in Prussia, in 1827; was engaged in farming in that country, and came to America in 1849, locating in Jefferson County, Wis. He was for six years engaged as clerk in mercantile business, and then for some years in general speculation. Coming to Nebraska in 1866, he located on his present farm, in Plattsmouth Precinct, and has since been engaged in conducting the same and raising stock. He owns some ninety acres of land.

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