Part 1: |
Adams | Antelope | Boone | Buffalo | Burt | Butler | Cass | Cedar Chase | Cheyenne | Clay | Colfax | Cuming | Custer | Dakota Dawson | Dixon | Dodge | Douglas | Dundy | Fillmore | Franklin Frontier | Furnas | Gage | Gosper | Greeley | Hall | Hamilton Harlan | Hayes | Hitchcock | Holt | Howard | Jefferson | Johnson |
Part 2: |
By Precincts: Kearney | Keith | Knox | Lancaster | Lincoln | Madison | Merrick Nance | Nemaha | Nuckolls | Otoe | Pawnee | Phelps | Pierce Platte | Polk | Red Willow | Richardson | Saline | Sarpy | Saunders Seward | Sherman | Sioux | Stanton | Thayer | Valley | Washington Wayne | Webster | Wheeler | York By Counties |
Transcriber's note:The footnotes for these tables were difficult to carry over to the web, and still have them where they would be easy to find for each county. Therefore, I've split them up, and put the footnotes for each county directly below that county's population table. ADAMS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Ayr Precinct 1123 Cottonwood Precinct 761 Denver Precinct, including Hastings City 3830 Hastings City 2817 Juniata Precinct, including Juniata Village 1440 Juniata Village 494 Kenesaw Precinct 738 Little Blue Precinct 841 Silver Lake Precinct 584 West Blue Precinct 918 ANTELOPE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Cedar Precinct 530 Center Precinct 864 Elm Grove Precinct 892 Mills Precinct 534 Sherman Precinct 295 Twin Grove Precinct 838 BOONE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Ashland Precinct 250 Beaver Precinct 603 Boone Precinct 382 Cedar Precinct 673 Dublin Precinct 190 Manchester Precinct 816 Oakland Precinct 377 Plum Creek Precinct 284 Shell Creek Precinct 595 BUFFALO. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Beaver Precinct 141 Buffalo Precinct 182 Cedar Precinct 170 Center Precinct 955 Divide Precinct 407 Gardner Precinct 377 Gibbon Precinct 743 Grant Precinct 262 Kearney Precinct, including Kearney City. 2123 Kearney City 1782 Loup Precinct 257 Odessa Precinct 234 Schneider Precinct 244 Shelton Precinct 917 Taylor Precinct 159 Western Precinct 360 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. BURT. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Arizona Precinct 534 626 Bell Creek Precinct 287 646 Decatur Precinct, including Decatur Village 614 1035 Decatur Village 533 Everett Precinct 277 915 Oakland Precinct 227 1455 Riverside Precinct 139 325 Silver Creek Precinct 271 476 Summit Precinct a 377 Tekamah Precinct, including Tekamah Village b 498 1082 Tekamah Village 776 a In 1880, from part of Tekamah. b In 1880, part to Summit. BUTLER. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Alexis Precinct c 197 566 Bone Creek Precinct d 384 603 Center Precinct e 501 Franklin Precinct, including David City Village 1513 David City Village 1000 Linwood Precinct g 1078 Oak Creek Precinct h 119 524 Olive Precinct i 501 Read Precinct j 382 Reading Precinct k 805 Richardson Precinct l 91 Savannah Precinct m 401 Skull Creek Precinct n 238 659 Spurk Precinct o 53 Summit Precinct p 435 Ulysses Precinct q 352 569 Union Precinct r 513 c In 1874, parts to Savannah, Summit and Olive; in 1878, name changed from Pepperville. d In 1874, parts to Linwood, Franklin, and Skull Creek. e In 1874, from part of Oak Creek. f In 1874, from part of Bone Creek. g In 1874, from part of Bone Creek. h In 1874, parts to Center, Richardson and Spurk. i In 1874, from part of of Alexis. j In 1874, from part of Ulysses. k In 1874, from part of Ulysses. l In 1874, from part of Oak Creek. m In 1874, from part of Alexis. n In 1874, from part of Bone Creek. o In 1874, from part of Oak Creek. p In 1874, from part of of Alexis. q In 1874, parts to Read, Reading and Union. r In 1874, from part of Ulysses. CASS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Avoca Precinct 480 572 Center Precinct, incl. part of Weeping Water town s 702 Weeping Water Town (part of) 90 Eight-Mile Grove Precinct t 480 851 Elmwood Precinct 317 769 Greenwood Precinct u 883 Liberty Precinct 400 1281 Louisville Precinct v 636 749 Mount Pleasant Precinct 320 568 Plattsmouth City and Precinct (co-extensive in 1880) 1944 4175 Plattsmouth Precinct w 1208 Rock Bluffs Precinct 756 1211 Salt Creek Precinct x 478 653 South Bend Precinct 311 741 Stove Creek Precinct 480 785 Tipton Precinct 315 717 Weeping Water Precinct, including part of Weeping Water Town y 481 818 Weeping Water Town (part of) 227 Weeping Water Town (in Center and Weeping Water Precincts) 317 s In 1874, from parts of Louisville and Weeping Water. t In 1874, from part of Oreopolis. u In 1874, from part of Salt Creek. v In 1874, part to Center. w In 1874, from part of Oreopolis. x In 1874, part to Greenwood. y In 1874, part to Center. CEDAR. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Precinct 1--St. James 327 316 Precinct 2 (including St. Helena Village) 616 St. Helena Village 200 Precinct 3 503 Precinct 4--Wacapona 194 Precinct 5 388 Precinct 6 129 Precinct 7 139 Precinct 8 159 Precinct 9 109 Precinct 10 116 Precinct 11--Lime Creek 230 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. CHASE. (Unorganized.) (Not divided into precincts.) CHEYENNE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Antelope Precinct 38 Big Springs Precinct 99 Court House Rock Precinct 85 Lodge Pole Precinct 97 Potter Precinct 66 Sidney Precinct 1173 CLAY. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Edgar Precinct, including Edgar Town 1080 Edgar Town 577 Fairfield Precinct, including Fairfield Town 919 Fairfield Town 400 Glenville Precinct 504 Harvard Precinct, including Harvard Town 1384 Harvard Town 768 Leicester Precinct 508 Lewis Precinct 503 Lincoln Precinct 621 Logan Precinct 438 Lone Tree Precinct 544 Lynn Precinct 600 Marshall Precinct 408 School Creek Precinct 803 Scott Precinct 500 Sheridan Precinct 405 Spring Ranch Precinct 447 Sutton Precinct 1630 COLFAX. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Adams Precinct 517 Colfax Precinct 652 Grant Precinct 585 Lincoln Precinct 592 Maple Creek Precinct 527 Midland Precinct 651 Richland Precinct 409 Schuyler Precinct, including Schuyler Village 1377 Schuyler Village 1017 Shell Creek Precinct 448 Stanton Precinct 333 Wilson Precinct 497 CUMING. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Bismarck Precinct 641 Cuming Precinct 499 Lincoln Precinct 324 Logan Precinct 668 St. Charles Precinct 760 West Point Precinct 1543 Wisner Precinct 1134 Not published by precincts in 1870. CUSTER. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Precinct 1 154 Precinct 2 419 Precinct 3 133 Precinct 4 89 Precinct 5 361 Precinct 6 343 Precinct 7 330 Precinct 8 179 Precinct 9 203 DAKOTA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Covington Precinct, including Covington Village 225 315 Covington Village 194 224 Dakota Precinct, including Dakota City Village 595 830 Dakota City Village 300 364 Omadi Precinct a 552 915 St. John's, Summit and Pigeon Creek Precincts b 1153 a In 1874, part to Pigeon Creek. b Not separately returned. DAWSON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Coyote Precinct 313 Cozad Precinct 292 Platte Precinct 400 Precinct 1 326 Precinct 2, including Plum Creek Village 968 Plum Creek Village 344 Precinct 3 265 Wood River Precinct 345 DIXON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Clark Precinct 129 Daily Precinct 296 Galena Precinct 181 Hooker Precinct 335 Ionia Precinct 334 162 Logan Precinct 186 New Castle Precinct 244 North Bend Precinct 122 Otter Creek Precinct 200 Ponca Precinct, including Ponca City Village 843 1167 Ponca City Village 594 Silver Creek Precinct 402 South Creek Precinct 163 Springbank Precinct 408 Summerhill Precinct 182 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. DODGE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Cuming Precinct 594 Elkhorn Precinct 346 Everett Precinct 915 Fremont City and Fremont Precinct (co-extensive in 1880) 1195 3013 Logan Precinct c 723 1012 Maple Precinct, including Hooper Village 456 942 Hooper Village 204 North Bend Precinct, including North Bend Village 809 996 North Bend Village 415 Pebble Precinct 521 1101 Platte Precinct 686 Union Precinct 766 Webster Precinct 892 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. c In 1870, published as Logan Creek. DOUGLAS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Chicago Precinct d 260 656 Douglas Precinct e 174 918 Elkhorn Precinct f 296 376 Florence Precinct g 395 564 Jefferson Precinct h 325 McCardle Precinct i 440 609 Millard Precinct j 520 Omaha City and Omaha Precinct (co-extensive in 1880) k 16083 30518 Ward 1 6300 Ward 2 5932 Ward 3 2912 Ward 4 4285 Ward 5 3537 Ward 6 7552 Platte Valley Precinct 631 997 Saratoga Precinct l 878 Union Precinct m 217 610 West Omaha Precinct n 674 d In 1874, part to Millard. e In 1872, part to West Omaha. f In 1874, part to Jefferson. g In 1872, part to Saratoga. h In 1874, from parts of Elkhorn and Union. i In 1872, part to West Omaha; in 1874, part to Millard. j In 1874, from parts of Chicago and McCardle. k In 1872, part to Saratoga. l In 1872, from parts of Florence and Omaha. m In 1874, part to Jefferson. n In 1872, from parts of Douglas and McCardle. DUNDY. (Unorganized.) (Not divided into precincts.) FILLMORE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Belle Prairie Precinct 472 Bennett Precinct 502 Bryant Precinct 499 Chelsea Precinct 577 Exeter Precinct, including Exeter Town 993 Exeter Town 412 Fairmont Precinct, including Fairmont Town 1137 Fairmont Town 600 Franklin Precinct 540 Geneva Precinct, including Geneva Town 945 Geneva Town 376 Glengary Precinct 588 Grafton Precinct 725 Hamilton Precinct 440 Liberty Precinct 695 Madison Precinct 583 Momence Precinct 502 Stanton Precinct 403 West Blue Precinct 603 FRANKLIN. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Antelope Precinct 158 Ash Grove Precinct 271 Bloomington Precinct, including Bloomington Town 858 Bloomington Town 524 Buffalo Precinct 242 Franklin Precinct 597 Grant Precinct, including Riverton Town 681 Riverton Town 426 Lincoln Precinct 331 Macon Precinct 346 Marion Precinct 155 North Franklin Precinct 403 Oak Grove Precinct 221 Salem Precinct 239 Turkey Creek Precinct 668 Washington Precinct 295 FRONTIER. Details cannot be given, as the Precincts were not separately returned. FURNAS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Arapahoe Precinct, including Arapahoe Town 1130 Arapahoe Town 470 Beaver City Precinct, including Beaver City Town 591 Beaver City Town 153 Burton's Bend Precinct 303 Dexter Precinct 349 Edison Precinct 306 Eureka Precinct 440 Lincoln Precinct 400 Lyndon Precinct 429 Maple Creek Precinct 346 Medicine Creek Precinct 463 New Era Precinct 320 Richmond Precinct 453 Rockton Precinct 184 Sherman Precinct 144 Spring Green Precinct 267 Wilsonville Precinct 282 GAGE. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Adams Precinct 507 Beatrice Precinct, including Beatrice City 624 3386 Beatrice City 2447 Blakely Precinct 579 Blue Springs Precinct, including Blue Springs Village 354 1297 Blue Springs Village 513 Clatonia Precinct 696 Elm Precinct 305 Glenwood Precinct 530 Grant Precinct 488 Hanover Precinct 267 Highland Precinct 592 Holt Precinct 277 Hooker Precinct 179 Liberty Precinct 770 764 Lincoln Precinct 165 Logan Precinct 379 Mud Creek Precinct 364 Nemaha Precinct 413 Paddock Precinct 712 Rockford Precinct 569 Sherman Precinct 171 Sicily Precinct 524 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. GOSPER. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. East Muddy Precinct 225 Elk Creek Precinct 224 Robb Precinct 233 Turkey Creek Precinct 700 West Muddy Precinct 291 GREELEY. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Adell Precinct 114 Cedar Valley Precinct 302 O'Connor Precinct 284 Scotia Precinct 518 Spring Creek Precinct 243 HALL. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Alda Precinct a 1037 Cameron Precinct b 506 Grand Island Precinct, including Grand Island City c 3549 Grand Island City 2963 Ward 1 1722 Ward 2 1241 Lake Precinct d 317 Martinsville Precinct e 320 Prairie Creek Precinct f 245 South Loup Precinct g 456 South Platte Precinct h 948 Wood River Precinct i 1194 a In 1874, from parts of the 1st, 2d and 3d precincts. b In 1880, from part of South Loup. c In 1874, from parts of the 1st and 2d precincts. d In 1879, from part of Prairie Creek. e In 1874, from part of the 3d precinct. f In 1874, from parts of the 1st, 2d and 3d precincts; in 1879, part to Lake. g In 1874, from part of the 3d precinct; in 1880, part to Cameron. h In 1874, from parts of the 1st and 2d precincts. i In 1874, from part of the 3d precinct. HAMILTON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Aurora Precinct 1232 Beaver Precinct 725 Bluff Precinct 425 Cedar Valley Precinct 82 Deep Well Precinct 449 Farmers' Valley Precinct 621 Grant Precinct 492 Hamilton Precinct 439 Monroe Precinct 664 Orville Precinct 485 Otis Precinct 546 Platte Precinct 452 Scoville Precinct 461 Union Precinct 496 Valley Precinct 698 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. HARLAN. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Albany Precinct 260 Alma Precinct 720 Antelope Precinct 597 Fairfield Precinct 222 Mullally Precinct 376 Orleans Precinct 970 Prairie Dog Precinct 337 Republican Precinct 604 Sappa Precinct 295 Springbrook Precinct 400 Spring Creek Precinct 602 Turkey Creek Precinct 227 Washington Precinct 476 HAYES. (Unorganized.) (Not divided into precincts.) HITCHCOCK. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Culbertson Precinct 704 Driftwood Precinct 308 HOLT. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Atkinson Precinct 417 Center Precinct 1063 Ford Precinct 277 Inman Grove Precinct 242 Keya Paha Precinct 338 Paddock Precinct 477 Steel Creek Precinct 473 Unorganized Territory 291 HOWARD. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Cotesfield Precinct 608 Dannebrog Precinct 1083 Fairdale Precinct 241 Kelso Precinct 570 Saint Labory Precinct 341 Saint Paul Precinct 1322 Spring Creek Precinct 226 JEFFERSON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Antelope Precinct 296 436 Buckley Precinct 762 Cub Creek Precinct 261 590 Eureka Precinct 302 Fairbury Precinct, including Fairbury Village 370 1581 Fairbury Village 1251 Gibson Precinct 356 Jefferson Precinct 236 Lincoln Precinct 196 Meridian Precinct 507 Newton Precinct, including Steel City Village a 442 1215 Steel City Village 375 Pleasant Precinct b 227 Plymouth Precinct 443 Richland Precinct 523 Rock Creek Precinct 352 Washington Precinct 370 Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. a Since 1870, name changed from Jenkins, and part to Pleasant. b Since 1870, from part of Newton. JOHNSON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Helena Precinct 333 722 Lincoln Precinct c 568 Nemaha Precinct, including Tecumseh Town d 722 2177 Tecumseh Town 1268 Spring Creek Precinct e 521 546 Sterling Precinct, including Sterling Town f 480 1378 Sterling Town 560 Todd Creek Precinct 542 1190 Vesta Precinct 639 1014 c Since 1870, from part of Spring Creek. d Since 1870, name changed from Tecumseh. e Since 1870, part to Lincoln. f Since 1870, all of Weston annexed. |