Part 1: |
By Precincts: Adams | Antelope | Boone | Buffalo | Burt | Butler | Cass | Cedar Chase | Cheyenne | Clay | Colfax | Cuming | Custer | Dakota Dawson | Dixon | Dodge | Douglas | Dundy | Fillmore | Franklin Frontier | Furnas | Gage | Gosper | Greeley | Hall | Hamilton Harlan | Hayes | Hitchcock | Holt | Howard | Jefferson | Johnson |
Part 2: |
By Precincts: Kearney | Keith | Knox | Lancaster | Lincoln | Madison | Merrick Nance | Nemaha | Nuckolls | Otoe | Pawnee | Phelps | Pierce Platte | Polk | Red Willow | Richardson | Saline | Sarpy | Saunders Seward | Sherman | Sioux | Stanton | Thayer | Valley | Washington Wayne | Webster | Wheeler | York By Counties |
KEARNEY. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870. 1880. Cosmo Precinct 261 Eaton Precinct 195 Grant Precinct 400 Hayes Precinct 428 Kearney Precinct 142 Liberty Precinct 280 Lincoln Precinct 433 Lowell Precinct 262 May Precinct 192 Mirage Precinct 360 Newark Precinct 384 Oneida Precinct 348 Sherman Precinct 387 KEITH. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Alkali Precinct 46 Ogalalla Precinct, including Ogallalla Town 148 Ogalalla Town 114 KNOX. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Bohemia Precinct 411 Central Precinct 238 Creighton Precinct 795 Eastern Precinct 416 Niobrara Precinct, including Niobrara Village 849 Niobrara Village 475 Verdigris Precinct 536 Western Precinct 421 LANCASTER. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Buda Precinct 565 Centerville Precinct 13 g 601 Denton Precinct 3 g 381 Elk Precinct 5 g 464 Grant Precinct 17 g 623 Highland Precinct 2 g 522 Lancaster Precinct 18 g 667 Lincoln Precinct 2441 250 Little Salt Precinct 7 g 493 Middle Creek Precinct 4 g 467 Midland Precinct, including part of Lincoln City g 4860 Lincoln City (part of) 4421 Mill Precinct 20 g 627 Nemaha Precinct 25 g 1024 North Bluff and Oak Precincts h 1113 Olive Branch Precinct 1 i 749 Panama Precinct 26 i 549 Rock Creek Precinct 22 i 661 Saltillo Precinct i 865 South Pass Precinct 15, including Firth Town i 1013 Firth Town 230 Stevens Creek Precinct 23 i 357 Stockton Precinct 24 i 557 Waverly Precinct 21, including Waverly Village i 652 Waverly Village 132 West Oak Precinct 6 i 337 Yankee Hill Precinct 12 i 1111 Lincoln City (comprises all of Capital Precinct No. 11 and part of Midland Precinct 13003 Ward 1 (in Capital Precinct) 3923 Ward 2 (in Midland Precinct) 4421 Ward 3 (in Capital Precinct) 4659 g In 1873, formed. h Not separately returned. i In 1873, formed. LINCOLN. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Brady Island Precinct 69 Cottonwood Springs Precinct 283 Fox Creek Precinct 32 McPherson Precinct 91 North Platte Precinct, including North Platte City 2873 North Platte City 363 O'Fallon's Precinct 284 MADISON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISONS. 1870.1880. Center Precinct j 518 Deer Creek Precinct k 584 Emerick Precinct l 197 Fairview Precinct m 324 Grove Precinct n 370 Jefferson Precinct o 345 Norfolk Precinct p 593 1216 Schoolcraft Precinct q 533 Shell Creek Precinct r 302 Union Creek Precinct, including Madison Village s 256 1200 Madison Village 417 j In 1874, from part of Norfolk. k In 1874, from part of Battle Creek. l In 1875, from part of Shell Creek. m In 1876, from part of Union Creek. n In 1879, from part of Battle Creek. o In 1879, from part of Battle Creek. p In 1874, part to Center. q In 1874, from part of Shell Creek. r In 1874, part to Schoolcraft; in 1875, part to Emerick. s In 1876, part to Fairview.
t In 1873, from part of Lone Tree. u In 1870, name changed from Precinct No. 3; in 1873, parts to Loup, Prairie Creek and Vieregg; in 1874, part to Midland. v In 1870, from part of Precinct No. 1. w Formerly Precinct No.2; in 1873, parts to Central, Loup, Mead and Prairie Island; in 1874, part to Midland. x In 1873, from part of Lone Tree and Chapman. a In 1873, from part of Lone Tree. b In 1874, from parts of Chapman and Lone Tree. c In 1873, from part of Chapman. d In 1873, from part of Lone Tree. e In 1870, from part of Precinct No.1. f In 1873, from part of Chapman.
g In 1871, part to London. h In 1871, from part of Brownville. i In 1872, from part of Peru. j In 1872, part to Island.
k In 1877, from part of Delaware, and parts to Four-Mile and Nebraska City. l In 1873, from parts of Delaware, North Branch and Wyoming. m In 1873, part to Berlin; in 1877, part to Belmont. n In 1877, from part of Belmont. o In 1874, part to South Branch. p In 1873, part to Rock Creek q In 1877, from part of Belmont. r In 1870, from part of Syracuse; in 1873, part to Berlin. s In 1873, part to Rock Creek. t In 1870, part to Russell. u In 1873, from parts of McWilliams and Otoe. v In 1870, from part of Palmyra. w In 1874, from part of Hendricks. x In 1870, part to North Branch. y In 1873, part to Berlin.
z In 1872, front part of Pierce. aa In 1872, parts to Dry Creek and South Branch; in 1879, parts to Slough and Willow Creek. bb In 1879, from part of Pierce.
cc In 1873, from part of Columbus. dd In 1873, from part of Monroe. ee In 1873, parts to Bismarck, Humphrey, Shell Creek, Sherman and Stearns; in 1875, part to Creston. ff In 1875, from part of Columbus. gg In 1875, from part of Monroe. hh In 1873, parts to Burrows, Looking Glass, Lost Creek, Pleasant Valley, Walker and Woodville; in 1875, part to Granville.
a Since 1870, parts to Falls City and Rulo. b Since 1870, from part of Arago.
c In 1872, from part of Walnut Creek. d In 1871, from part of Camden. e In 1874, from part of Swan City. f In 1874, from part of Camden. g In 1871, from part of Walnut Creek. h In 1871, from part of Swan City. i In 1877, from part of Walnut Creek.
l In 1873, from part of Oak Grove. m In 1873, from part of Seward. n In 1873, from part of Camden. o In 1873, from part of Milford. p In 1873, from part of Beaver Creek.
q In 1873, part to Herman. r In 1873, part to Herman. s In 1873, from parts of Cuming City and Grant.
a In 1875, formed, and embraces Towns 25, 26 and 27, Ranges 2 and 3, and Towns 25 and 26, Range 4. b In 1875, formed, and embraces Towns 25 and 26, Range 5. c In 1875, formed, and embraces Towns 25, 26 and 27, Range 1.
AS SHOWN BY THE CENSUS OF 1860,1870, AND 1880. COUNTIES. 1860. 1870. 1880. REMARKS. Adams 19 10235 Organized in 1871. Antelope 3953 Org. from original ter. in 1871. Blackbird 31 109 Comprises Omaha and Winnebago Indian Reservations. Boone 4170 Org. from original ter. in 1871. Buffalo 114 193 7531 Burt 388 2847 6937 Butler 27 1290 9194 Calhoun 41 Never had a legal existence. Cass 3369 8151 16683 Cedar 246 1032 2899 Chase 70 Formed in 1873; unorg. and at. to Frontier for judicial purposes. Cheyenne 190 1558 Clay 165 54 11294 Organized in 1871. Colfax 1424 6588 Cuming 67 2964 5569 Custer 2211 Org. in 1877 from original ter. Dakota 819 2040 3213 Dawson 16 103 2909 Organized in 1871. Dixon 247 1345 4177 Dodge 309 4212 11263 Douglas 4328 19982 37645 Dundy 37 Formed in 1873 fr. orig. ter.; unor. and at. to Hitchcock for jud. pur. Fillmore 238 10204 Organized in 1871. Fort Randall 353 Franklin 26 5465 Organized in 1871. Frontier 934 Formed in 1872 from original ter. Furnas 6407 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Gage 421 3359 13164 Gosper 1673 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Grant 484 No records by which to account for its disappearance. Greeley 1461 Formed in 1871 from original ter- ritory; organized in 1872. Green 16 Hall 116 1057 8572 Hamilton 130 8267 Harlan 6086 Formed in 1871 from original ter. Harrison 631 Never had a legal existence. Hayes 119 Formed in 1877 fr. orig. ter.; unor. Hitchcock 1012 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Holt 3287 Formed in 1876 from original ter. Howard 4391 Formed in 1871 from original ter. Jackson 9 Never had a legal existence. Jefferson 2440 8096 In 1872, part to Thayer. Johnson 528 3429 7595 Jones 122 Never had a legal existence. Kearney 474 58 4072 Organized in 1872. Keith 194 In 1873, from part of Lincoln. Knox 152 261 3666 In 1873, name changed from L'Eau qui Court. Lancaster 153 7074 28090 Lincoln 17 3632 In 1873, part to Keith. Lyon 78 Never had a legal existence. Madison 1133 5589 Merrick 109 557 5341 Monroe 235 Never had a legal existence. Nance 44 1212 In 1879, fr. what was for. known as the "Pawnee Indian Reserv'n." Nemaha 3139 7593 10451 Nuckolls 22 8 4235 Org. in 1871; prev. at. to Jeffer- son for jud. pur. Otoe 4211 12345 15727 Pawnee 882 4171 6920 Phelps 2447 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Pierce 152 1202 Platte 782 1899 9511 Polk 19 136 6846 Red Willow 3044 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Richardson 2835 9780 15031 Saline 39 3106 14491 Sarpy 1201 2913 4481 Saunders 4547 15810 Seward 2953 11147 Sherman 2061 Formed in 1873 from original ter. Shorter 117 Never had a legal existence. Sioux 699 Formed in 1877 fr. orig. ter.; unorg. Stanton 636 1813 Taylor 97 Never had a legal existence. Thayer 6113 In 1872, from part of Jefferson. Valley 2324 Formed in 1871 from original ter- ritory; organized in 1873. Washington 1249 4452 8631 Wayne 182 813 Webster 16 7104 Organized in 1871. Wheeler 644 Formed in 1877 fr. orig. ter.; unorg. York 604 11170 Unorg'd ter'y* 1765 235 2913 Total 28841 122993 454402* Reduced by formation of Chase, Cheyenne, Dundy, Hayes, Hitchcock, Keith, Lincoln, Sioux, Antelope, Brown, Custer, Greeley, Howard, Knox, Sherman and Valley Counties. |