Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Saline County Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Lader, Mr. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, Annie Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, F. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, Lena Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, Maggie Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, Rosie Crete: Biographical Sketches
Laders, Willy Crete: Biographical Sketches
Lane, Archy D. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lane, Byron C. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lane, H. V. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lane, J. T. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lane, John T. Organization
Lane, M. L. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lange, August Crete: Biographical Sketches
Lanham, John Crete: Business Interests
Lanham, John Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Larson, H. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lawson, Jacob Wilber: Secret Societies
Lechleitner, Father F. Crete: Religious
Ledwich, James Organization
Ledwich, James Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Ledwick, James Wilber: Secret Societies
Lee, John S. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Lee, Miss Mira Crete: Schools
Lee, Mrs. John S. Crete: Schools
Leeper, William Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Legg, Mr. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Lemon, J. M. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Little, Charles (Rev.) The Press
Little, Charles (Rev.) Crete: The Press
Little, Mrs. Catherine Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Littlefield, Miss L. M. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Livingston, Miss Emma Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Long, George Crete: Biographical Sketches
Long, Samuel Crete: Secret Orders
Lowe, D. S. Legislative Representation
Lowe, D. S. Crete: Early History
Luce, Rev. Mr. Wilber: Religious
Mack, E. Swan City
Mallat, A. G. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Manley, Mrs. Indian Depredations
Mann, Miss Sophia Crete: Biographical Sketches
Mann, W. H. Wilber: Secret Societies
Mann, William H. Crete: Secret Orders
Mann, William H. Wilber: Manufactories
Mann, William H. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Mark, F. O. Crete: The Press
Mark, F. O. Wilber: The Press
Markland, W. R. Organization
Marples, Charles Organization
Marsh, Frank Crete: Secret Orders
Mason, O. P. Organization
Mattocks, E. E. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
McBreen, T. C. Crete: The Press
McBreen, T. C. Wilber: The Press
McCarn, Miss Crete: Schools
McCollum, Miss Julia Wilber: Biographical Sketches
McCreedy, C. W. Atlanta Precinct
McCreedy, James Organization
McCreedy, James Legislative Representation
McCreedy, James Atlanta Precinct
McCreedy, Viola R. Atlanta Precinct
McDougall, Lillie Caroline Friend: Biographical Sketches
McDougall, Mathew Friend: Biographical Sketches
McEwen, Miss Laura Friend: Biographical Sketches
McGill, Frank Wilber: Secret Societies
McGintie, E. Wilber: Banks
McGrath, T. A. Crete: Secret Orders
McGregor, C. B. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
McGregor, Hester A. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
McGregor, Laura E. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
McGregor, Miney M. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
McIntyre, Edward Dorchester: Early History
McKillip, J. A. Crete: Secret Orders
McKinnie, Miss Nancy Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
McLaughlin, Mary A. Crete: Biographical Sketches
McManus, Lorinda Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
McManus, Miss Rebecca S. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
McManus, R. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
McNamara, Rev. Doctor J. Crete: Religious
McNeal, Thomas Crete: Secret Orders
Meads, W. T. Crete: The Press
Meads, William T. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Meeker, C. W. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Merrick, H. C. Crete: Secret Orders
Merrick, H. C. Crete: The Press
Merrick, H. C. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Merrick, H. L. The Press
Merrill, Miss Crete: Schools
Merrill, O. W. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Merrill, O. W. (Rev.) Crete: Religious
Metcalf, E. W. DeWitt: Local Matters
Meyer, L. H. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Middlekauff, Miss Lillian J. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Miller, A. M. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Bertie Crete: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Henry Crete: Biographical Sketches
Miller, J. G. (Rev.) Crete: Religious
Miller, Jessie Friend: Biographical Sketches
Miller, John Wilber: Secret Societies
Miller, Matilda Crete: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Nelson C. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Oliver Friend: Biographical Sketches
Miller, Rosa Friend: Biographical Sketches
Miller, T. H. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Miller, William Organization
Miller, Willie E. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Misner, M. B. Legislative Representation
Misner, M. B. Crete: Secret Orders
Moffitt, A. Dorchester: Local Matters
Moffitt, J. O. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Monroe, Miss Mary E. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Monson, C. W. Wilber: Secret Societies
Moon, Mrs. Harriet C. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Mooney, E. K. Dorchester: Early History
Mooney, George K. Crete: Secret Orders
Mooney, Jacob Wilber
Mooney, Wilber Wilber
Moore, J. J. Dorchester: Early History
Moore, J. L. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Moore, N. H. Legislative Representation
Morey, Mrs. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Morgan, Mr. Pioneer Events
Morris, Lewis Crete: Secret Orders
Morris, Miss Margaret Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Morris, William Crete: Early History
Morton, C. C. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Morton, Cassie Friend: Biographical Sketches
Morton, Eva Friend: Biographical Sketches
Morton, H. F. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Morton, Joel B. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Mosher, John Wilber: Secret Societies
Mosier, Miss Sadie Friend: Early History
Moulton, Ira DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Moulton, Miss Mary DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Mower, Gen. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Munhall, Mr. Crete: Early History
Munsell, C. H. Wilber: The Press
Murray, Miss Samantha Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Neely, George Wilber: Early History
Neff, Miss Lizze Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Neil, J. R. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Neill, J. R. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Neill, Lillian H. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Neill, Richmond L. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Nelson, J. R. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Nemeck, Mathew Crete: Secret Orders
Newer, Miss Rose Crete: Biographical Sketches
Niehardt, C. J. Crete: Schools
Nokes, G. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Norris, O. P. Wilber: Early History
Norton, J. V. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Novinsky, Joseph Wilber: The Press
Oberlies, John Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Oberlies, John Dorchester: Local Matters
Ohnsted, Miss Wellmina B. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Olmstead, Miss Wellmina B. Friend: Early History
Oppenheimer, Levi Crete: Secret Orders
Outing, Miss Lydia Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Paddock, J. A. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Paddock, James A. Organization
Paddock, James H. Wilber: Secret Societies
Page, Charles F. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Page, L. H. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Page, Raymond H. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Pallett, W. H. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Pallett, W. H. Dorchester: Local Matters
Panter, Dr. J. C. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Panter, S. G. Dorchester: Local Matters
Panter, Samuel G. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Paquain, James Organization
Pardee, H. C. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, B. C. (M.D.) Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, Braman C. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, Charles B. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, Ed. McIntyre Dorchester: Early History
Parker, Edward M. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, George W. Wilber: Religious
Parker, Hon. & Mrs. T. B. Dorchester: Early History
Parker, James W. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Parker, T. B. Organization
Parker, T. B. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Parker, T. B. Dorchester: Early History
Parker, T. B. Dorchester: Local Matters
Parker, T. W. Legislative Representation
Parker, W. C. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Parker, W. C. Dorchester: Local Matters
Parker, W. S. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Patten, F. M. Friend: Societies
Patton, Mrs. Indian Depredations
Pelton, D. R. (M.D.) DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Perry, Brainerd Clark Crete: Biographical Sketches
Perry, D. B. Crete: Doane College
Perry, D. B. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Perry, David Brainerd Crete: Biographical Sketches
Perry, Samuel Crete: Doane College
Perry, Thomas Doane Crete: Biographical Sketches
Peterson, Mr. Crete: Early History
Pfaff, Lewis Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Phebus, James Organization
Phebus, Joseph Wilber: Secret Societies
Pope, Gen. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Porter, Mary Pioneer Events
Porter, William Friend: Biographical Sketches
Prochaska, V. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Proudfit, W. H. Friend: Newspaper
Purcell, E. H. Crete: The Press
Purcell, E. H. Wilber: The Press
Purcell, W. G. Crete: The Press
Purcell, W. G. Wilber: The Press
Purdy, William Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Ramsey, John Wilber: Secret Societies
Ray, Mr. Wilber: Religious
Reckard, B. Dorchester: Local Matters
Record, Wilber Wilber: The Press
Reed, D. J. F. Crete: Early History
Reed, Miss Jesse Crete: Crete Public Library
Remington, T. Swan City
Remington, W. Organization
Remington, William The First Settler
Rhine, Fannie C. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhine, J. W. Crete: Secret Orders
Rhine, James Madison Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhine, James W. Legislative Representation
Rhine, James W. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhine, Nellie V. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhine, Olive May Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhine, S. V. Retta Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rhodance, Miss Minnie Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Richardson, Helen Crete: Biographical Sketches
Richmond, Felicia H. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rider, H. C. Crete: Secret Orders
Rider, Hiram C. Crete: Secret Orders
Rider, Mr. Wilber: Religious
Riggs, Jasper Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Roe, John (Rev.) Crete: Religious
Roe, Miss Lizzie Dorchester: Early History
Rogers, H. D. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Root, A. D. Crete: Secret Orders
Root, A. D. (M.D.) Crete: Biographical Sketches
Root, Miss Emeretta Crete: Biographical Sketches
Rosicky, John Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Ross, George H. Wilber: Secret Societies
Royce, George H. (Prof.) Wilber: Schools
Ruffner, J. W. Crete: Secret Orders
Ryerson, N. C. Dorchester: Local Matters
Ryerson, R. R. Dorchester: Local Matters
Sagel, Carl Wilber: Early History
Sagilek, Frank Wilber: Secret Societies
Sanders, Joseph Friend: Early History
Sanders, Miss Carrie A. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Sanders, Miss Lila J. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Sawyer, Dorchester: Early History
Sawyer, George F. Organization
Sawyer, George F. Friend: Banks
Sawyer, George F. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Sawyer, T. A. Dorchester: Local Matters
Schearer, Miss Nellie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Schestak, Joseph Crete: Secret Orders
Schettley, Miss Ella Crete: Biographical Sketches
Schilling, E. Legislative Representation
Schilling, Eugene Crete: Biographical Sketches
Schilling, Harriott Gustavus Crete: Biographical Sketches
Schriam, Mr. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Schuessler, Miss Anna Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Schuessler, Miss Millie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Scott, Walter Crete: Business Interests
Secord, C. F. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Seeley, Charles Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Seely, James Dorchester: Early History
Segelke, August Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Sehrt, J. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Shabata, F. V. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Shabata, Frank Organization
Shaff, Miss Elvira J. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Shearer, D. H. Wilber: Secret Societies
Shepherd, Miss Catherine DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Sherman, Gen. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Sherman, Gen. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Shestak, W. Wilber: Secret Societies
Shestak, Wencil Wilber: Early History
Shimonek, Anthon Wilber: Secret Societies
Shimonek, Jacob Crete: Secret Orders
Shimonik, Jacob Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Simaneck, Jacob Crete: Secret Orders
Simonek, Jacob Crete: Secret Orders
Simpson, H. B. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, Miss Ella B. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Simpson, Mr. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Skalil, Wancil Crete: Secret Orders
Skeggs, Rev. Mr. Crete: Religious
Skiles, Miss M. W. Pleasant Hill: Biographical Sketches
Slagg, E. Friend: Early History
Slocum, C. H. Organization
Slocum, C. H. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Slocum, Gen. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Smalley, Anna Friend: Biographical Sketches
Smith, A. J. (Gen.) DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Doede Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Smith, G. W. (Elder) Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Guy A. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Smith, H. G. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Smith, H. M. Friend: Newspaper
Smith, J. S. (Rev.) Crete: Religious
Smith, James Crete: Doane College
Smith, James C. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Miss S. E. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Olive L. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Smith, Roland E. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Smith, W. B. Pleasant Hill: Biographical Sketches
Smith, William Organization
Smith, William Pleasant Hill
Smothers, Henry Pioneer Events
South, Miss Cornelia Friend: Biographical Sketches
Southwick, L. E. Friend: Banks
Southwick, L. E. Friend: Early History
Southwick, L. E. Friend: Newspaper
Spirk, J. F. Wilber: Secret Societies
Spirk, John F. Organization
Spirk, John F. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Spirk, Lillie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Spirk, Miss Mary Crete: Biographical Sketches
Springstead, Miss E. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Staley, Charles DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Staley, Florence DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Staley, W. H. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Staley, William H. DeWitt: Local Matters
Staley,James DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Stanley, D. W. Wilber: Secret Societies
Stanten, William Organization
Stanton, William The First Settler
Starkey, Mr. N. H. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Starr, Miss Susan Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Statts, Miss Charlotte DeWitt: Local Matters
Stearns, Mr. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Steidl, S. F. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Stein, R. P. Organization
Stephens, E. F. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stephens, Frank B. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stevens, George D. Crete: Business Interests
Stevens, George D. Crete: Secret Orders
Stevens, George D. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stevens, George D. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stevens, H. H. Legislative Representation
Stevens, Robert Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stevens, Wood Crete: Biographical Sketches
Stone, Athenia M. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Stone, Frances A. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Stone, Harriet J. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Stone, J. D. Friend: Banks
Stone, J. D. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Storms, A. J. South Fork Precinct
Storms, D. W. South Fork Precinct
Storms, Dora A. South Fork Precinct
Storms, Mabel L. South Fork Precinct
Storms, W. H. Organization
Storms, W. H. South Fork Precinct
Stout, George C. DeWitt: Local Matters
Stout, Harry DeWitt: Local Matters
Stout, W. H. Wilber: The Press
Stout, W. H. DeWitt: Local Matters
Stout, Walter DeWitt: Local Matters
Stratton, Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Stuart, Miss Eva Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Stull, Miss M. H. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Stunsky, Miss Mary Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Subet, Steve Crete: Secret Orders
Suiter Bros. DeWitt: Local Matters
Suiter, Addie DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Arthur G. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Clarence DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Clemie DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, F. M. DeWitt: Local Matters
Suiter, Frank M. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, George DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Joseph DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Joseph L. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Laura DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Mary F. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Suiter, Phillip H. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Sutherland, Miss Charity F. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Sutton, Miss Josie Crete: Crete Public Library
Swarts, Daniel Crete: Secret Orders
Talbot, Miss Frances Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tambling, R. G. Crete: Secret Orders
Tatro, W. W. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Taylor, General Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Taylor, President Zach Crete: Biographical Sketches
Taylor, Thomas J. Organization
Tepner, Henry Crete: Secret Orders
Tepner, Miss Libbie Crete: Biographical Sketches
Thayer, Charles Wilber: Manufactories
Thayer, Charles Wilber: Secret Societies
Thayer, O. G. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Thomas, C. F. Dorchester: Local Matters
Thomas, John Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Thompson, A. P. Wilber: Secret Societies
Thorpe, George Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Thurston, Harry Organization
Thurston, J. C. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Thurston, J. C. Dorchester: Local Matters
Tidball, Clayton F. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tidball, J. L. Crete: Secret Orders
Tidball, J. L. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tidball, J. L. Wilber: Banks
Tidball, John L. Crete: Early History
Tidball, John L. Crete: Business Interests
Tidball, John L. Crete: Secret Orders
Tidball, John L. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tidball, Katie L. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tidball, Mary S. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tidwell, Dorchester: Early History
Todd, Miss Louisa Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Toogood, Thomas Crete: Early History
Toogood, Thomas Crete: Biographical Sketches
Toogood, V. C. Crete: Early History
Toogood, V. C. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Toogood, Vincent Crete: Biographical Sketches
Toole, W. R. Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Toole, W. R. Dorchester: Local Matters
Tower, C. M. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Tracy, George Wilber: Religious
Tripp, D. R. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Tripp, D. R. Wilber: Secret Societies
Tripp, D. R. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Tripp, Eva Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Tripp, J. C. Wilber: Secret Societies
Tripp, Leona Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Tripp, Nyness Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Troth, Miss Meriba Wilber: Biographical Sketches
True, M. B. C. Legislative Representation
Tucker, J. I. Organization
Tucker, J. S. Organization
Tucker, John The First Settler
Turnbull, Bertha Friend: Biographical Sketches
Turner, Miss Abbie G. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Turner, W. L. Pleasant Hill: Biographical Sketches
Ubal, G. W. Wilber: Secret Societies
Ubal, George W. Wilber: Secret Societies
Valentine, Dorchester: Early History
Valentine, Miss Katie A. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Valentine, W. Crete: Early History
Van Alstine, C. L. Court House
Van Dayn, J. L. Organization
Van Duyn, J. N. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Van Housen, John H. Friend: Biographical Sketches
VanDuyn, John Organization
Venlemens, John Organization
Vifquain, Victor Organization
Vifquain, Victor The First Settler
Vifquain, Victor Legislative Representation
Vifquain, Victor Schools
Vifquain, Victor (Gen.) Crete: Biographical Sketches
Vifquain, Victor Emanuel Pioneer Events
Vifquin, Victor (Col.) Crete: The Press
Vilda, Wencil Organization
Vore, Miss Mary L. Pleasant Hill: Biographical Sketches
Waldo, H. Organization
Waldorf, Jennie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Waldorf, Lillie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Waldorf, William Wilber: Secret Societies
Waldorf, William Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Waldrof, Peter Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Walker, J. W. Crete: The Press
Wall, William The First Settler
Wall, William DeWitt
Wallace, E. O. Crete: Secret Orders
Ward, Crete: Biographical Sketches
Ward, Miss Mary F. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Warnicke, Fred Wilber: Manufactories
Warren, J. Friend: Societies
Warren, John Dorchester: Early History
Waugh, Miss Mary E. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Way, W. A. Crete: Secret Orders
Weaver, A. J. Organization
Weaver, A. J. (Judge) Organization
Weaver, E. J. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Weaver, E. J. Wilber: Secret Societies
Webb, H. P. DeWitt: Local Matters
Wehn, J. W. Jr Wilber: The Press
Wehn, J. W. Jr DeWitt: Local Matters
Wehn, John H. Wilber: Secret Societies
Weimer, Rev. Mr. Crete: Religious
Wells, Friend: Newspaper
Wells, H. M. Legislative Representation
Wells, H. M. The Press
Wells, H. M. Crete: Secret Orders
Wells, H. M. Crete: The Press
Whipple, L. Wilber: Secret Societies
Whipple, Miss Hannah Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Whitcomb, E. Legislative Representation
Whitcomb, E. Friend: Early History
Whitcomb, E. Friend: Newspaper
Whitcomb, Edward Legislative Representation
Whitcomb, Edward Friend: Biographical Sketches
White, A. G. (Capt.) DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
White, Robert Wilber: Religious
White, W. H. (Dr.) Friend: Biographical Sketches
Whitney, Wilber: Schools
Whitney, Charles Friend: Biographical Sketches
Whitten, A. T. (Rev.) Crete: Religious
Whittlesey, Emma C. Crete: Biographical Sketches
Wilber, A. G. Wilber: Secret Societies
Wilber, A. G. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wilber, Annie R. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wilber, C. D. Wilber: Manufactories
Wilber, C. D. Wilber
Wilber, C. D. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wilber, George Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wilber, W. Crete: Manufacturing Interests
Wilber, Willie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wild, Fred DeWitt
Wild, Mr. and Mrs. William DeWitt
Wild, William DeWitt
Wilsey, Myron Crete: Secret Orders
Wilson, Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Wilson, Deloss (Rev.) Wilber: Religious
Winans, Louisa Friend: Biographical Sketches
Winck, Miss Mary M. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Windrem, Burke Dorchester: Early History
Windrem, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dorchester: Early History
Windrem, Samuel Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Wolf, W. Crete: Religious
Woodedge, Harriet Crete: Biographical Sketches
Woodman, Miss Mary Crete: Biographical Sketches
Woodruff, Francis M. Friend: Biographical Sketches
Woodruff, Miss Laura Dorchester: Biographical Sketches
Woods, Nelson S. Organization
Woolf, I. M. Crete: Secret Orders
Wright, J. H. Organization
Wright, Miss Lydia A. DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Wunderlich, F. W. (Dr.) DeWitt: Biographical Sketches
Yorick, Miss Mary E. Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Zwonechek, Annie Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Zwonechek, Bertha Wilber: Biographical Sketches
Zwonechek, JOHN Wilber: Biographical Sketches
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