Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska

Nebraska as a Territory Names
Produced by Ted & Carole Miller and Connie Snyder.
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Neleigh, J. D. The State Legislature
Neleigh, John D. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Neville, George W. Election of Delegate
Newman, Henry A. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Noel, Jesse The Death of Secretary Cuming
Noel, Jesse The Sixth Session
Norwood, Charles C. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Nuckolls, Houston The Sixth Session
Nuckolls, Luke The First Legislature
Nuckolls, Luke The Second Legislature
Nuckolls, Stephen F. The Sixth Session
O'Connor, C. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
O'Connor, Cornelius Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
O'Neil, James The Machinery in Motion
Paddock Senator Gere's Sketch
Paddock, Algernon S. Gov. Alvin Saunders
Paddock, Algernon S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Paddock, J. W. The First Legislature
Paddock, J. W. The Fourth Session
Paddock, J. W. The Florence Secession
Paddock, J. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Paddock, J. W. Vote on the Constitution
Paddock, Joe Senator Gere's Sketch
Paddock, Mr. The Florence Secession
Paddock, S. Official Roster of the Territory
Palmer, Thomas P. The Machinery in Motion
Parchen, William Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Parchen, William Vote on the Constitution
Pardee, H. O. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Parker, Hiram W. Attempt to Create a State
Parker, John P. The Sixth Session
Parmelee, D. S. The State Legislature
Parmelee, Dan Senator Gere's Sketch
Patricks Senator Gere's Sketch
Pattee, Dr. The Machinery in Motion
Petit, Samuel Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Phillips, William B. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Pickard, James W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Pierce, C. W. The Second Legislature
Pierce, Charles W. The Machinery in Motion
Pierce, Franklin Erection of Nebraska
Pierce, Franklin Acting Governor Cuming
Pierce, Franklin The Death of Secretary Cuming
Pierce, President Erection of Nebraska
Pierce, President Organization of the Territory
Pollock, Speaker Senator Gere's Sketch
Pollock, W. A. Attempt to Create a State
Pollock, W. A. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Pollock, W. A. Vote on the Constitution
Poppleton Senator Gere's Sketch
Poppleton, A. J. The First Legislature
Poppleton, A. J. The Fourth Session
Poppleton, Mr The Florence Secession
Poppleton, Mr. Gov. M. W. Izard
Poppleton, Mr. The Florence Secession
Porter Senator Gere's Sketch
Porter, H. B. Attempt to Create a State
Porter, H. B. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Porter, J. R. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Porter, John H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Porter, John R. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Porter, N. S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Porter, Nathan S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Porter, Nathas S. Vote on the Constitution
Presson, R. B. Senator Gere's Sketch
Presson, W. A. The State Legislature
Puett, A. W. The Third Session
Puett, A. W. The Florence Secession
Purket, John The Machinery in Motion
Purket, John M. Election of Delegate
Purple, A. C. The First Legislature
Purple, N. C. The Machinery in Motion
Queen, James Vote on the Constitution
Ramsey, J. D. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Rankin, B. P. Official Roster of the Territory
Rankin, Benjamin P. Official Roster of the Territory
Reck, John The Fourth Session
Reck, John The Death of Secretary Cuming
Reck, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Reddick, John I. Attempt to Create a State
Redick, John I. Senator Gere's Sketch
Reed, D. E. The Machinery in Motion
Reed, E. S. Vote on the Constitution
Reed, R. E. Traders and Missionaries
Reed, William Attempt to Create a State
Reed, William Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Reeling, W. W. The Sixth Session
Reeves, M. S. The State Legislature
Reeves, Mills S. The Third Session
Reeves, Mills S. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Reeves, Mills S. Senator Gere's Sketch
Reeves, Mr. The Florence Secession
Renner, F. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Reynolds, H. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Reynolds, M. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Reynolds, Milton W. The Sixth Session
Rice, Lorenzo Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Rich Senator Gere's Sketch
Rich, S. M. Vote on the Constitution
Richardson, Gov. Repeal of the Criminal Code
Richardson, Gov. Gov. S. W. Black
Richardson, Gov. Attempt to Create a State
Richardson, J. W. The First Legislature
Richardson, O. D. The First Legislature
Richardson, William A. Erection of Nebraska
Richardson, William A. The Florence Secession
Richardson, William A. Official Roster of the Territory
Riden, M. W. The Second Legislature
Rising, Anson Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Ritchie, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Robb, D. B. The Fourth Session
Roberts, J. W. Election of Delegate
Roberts, James M. The Machinery in Motion
Robertson, J. B. The First Legislature
Robertson, Lieut. The Sixth Session
Robertson, Mr. Senator Gere's Sketch
Robertson, T. H. The Third Session
Robertson, T. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Robertson, T. H. Vote on the Constitution
Robiaux, Joseph Traders and Missionaries
Robinson, James Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Robinson, John B. The Machinery in Motion
Rockwell, Austin Senator Gere's Sketch
Roeder, Augustus The Death of Secretary Cuming
Rogers, E. H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Rogers, E. H. Senator Gere's Sketch
Rogers, E. H. The State Legislature
Rogers, S. E. The First Legislature
Rogers, S. E. The Third Session
Rogers, S. E. The Florence Secession
Rohwer, H. J. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Roin, Francis De Traders and Missionaries
Rolfe, D. P. Senator Gere's Sketch
Rose, A. M. The Second Legislature
Ross, Hugh M. The State Legislature
Rowles, W. D. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Rust, George W. The Sixth Session
Safford, Jacob The Third Session
Safford, Jacob Attempted Removal of the Capital
Safford, Jacob Judiciary
Safford, W. The Florence Secession
Safford, Washburn The Fourth Session
Salisbury, A. F. The Third Session
Salisbury, A. F. The Florence Secession
Salisbury, Alonzo F. The Second Legislature
Salisbury, Charles S. Judiciary
Sanders, Daniel C. Vote on the Constitution
Sapp, F. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Sarpy, Col. The Mormon Exodus
Sarpy, P. A. Acting Governor Cuming
Sarpy, Peter A. Traders and Missionaries
Sarpy, Peter A. Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Saunders, Alvin Gov. Alvin Saunders
Saunders, Alvin Formal Admission of the State
Saunders, Alvin The State Legislature
Saunders, Alvin Official Roster of the Territory
Saunders, Gov. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Saunders, Gov. Constitution of 1866
Saunders, Gov. Senator Gere's Sketch
Saunders, Gov. President Johnson's Veto
Scott, George E. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Seeley, Silas E. The Third Session
Seely, Jonas The Third Session
Seward, Wm. H. Formal Admission of the State
Seybolt, George L. Attempt to Create a State
Seybolt, George L. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Seymour, C. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Seymour, James H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Seymour, James H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Sharp, J. L. The First Legislature
Sharp, Joseph L. The Machinery in Motion
Sharp, N. J. The Third Session
Sharp, N. J. The Sixth Session
Sharp, Neil J. Election of Delegate
Sheldon, L. The Fourth Session
Sheldon, Lawson The State Legislature
Shellabarger Senator Gere's Sketch
Shelley, Dr. The Machinery in Motion
Shellhorn, Henry The Machinery in Motion
Sherman, William The Machinery in Motion
Shields, Matthew J. The Sixth Session
Shinn, Jonathan The First Legislature
Sibley, Samuel P. Attempt to Create a State
Siecer, Christian Election of Delegate
Sim, Francis Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Singleton, J. A. The First Legislature
Singleton, John A. The Machinery in Motion
Slader, D. Senator Gere's Sketch
Slader, D. C. Attempt to Create a State
Slaughter, W. A. The Third Session
Sloan, Stephen The Machinery in Motion
Sloan, Stephen H. Election of Delegate
Smith, A. J. The First Legislature
Smith, Charles B. The Machinery in Motion
Smith, Charles B. Official Roster of the Territory
Smith, J. D. Vote on the Constitution
Smith, J. G. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Smith, Joel S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Smith, Jonathan H. Judiciary
Sollenberger, Jacob Attempt to Create a State
Soper, W. L. The Machinery in Motion
Soper, William V. The Machinery in Motion
Springer, Henry The Machinery in Motion
Steele, R. W. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Steinberger, J. The Third Session
Steinberger, J. The Fourth Session
Steinberger, John A. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Stephenson, J. N. The Sixth Session
Stevens, A. H. Erection of Nebraska
Stevenson Senator Gere's Sketch
Stevenson, Oliver Vote on the Constitution
Stewart Senator Gere's Sketch
Stewart, A. S. Vote on the Constitution
Stewart, A. S. The State Legislature
Stewart, J. A. The Third Session
Stewart, J. A. The Fourth Session
Stewart, J. S. The Fourth Session
Stewart, James The Death of Secretary Cuming
Stewart, James S. The Sixth Session
Stout, E. P. Election of Delegate
Stout, E. P. The Third Session
Streeter, Joseph E. Judiciary
Streeter, R. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Strickland, Mr. The Florence Secession
Strickland, S. A. The Third Session
Strickland, S. A. The Fourth Session
Strickland, S. A. Judiciary
Strickland, Silas A. The Machinery in Motion
Strickland, Silas A. The Sixth Session
Stuefer, Martin The State Legislature
Sullivan, P. C. The Second Legislature
Sullivan, P. C. The Fourth Session
Symmes, F. W. The Machinery in Motion
Symmes, Willie Arrival and Death of Gov. Burt
Taffe, John The Death of Secretary Cuming
Taffe, John Attempt to Create a State
Taffe, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Taffe, John Senator Gere's Sketch
Taggart, J. M. The Fourth Session
Tallis, Ezra Vote on the Constitution
Tartan, George J. Vote on the Constitution
Taylor, E. B. Senator Gere's Sketch
Taylor, J. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Taylor, W. H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Taylor, W. H. Attempt to Create a State
Taylor, William The Machinery in Motion
Taylor, William H. Attempt to Create a State
Thayer, Gen. Senator Gere's Sketch
Thayer, John M. The Sixth Session
Thayer, John M. Attempt to Create a State
Thayer, John M. Official Roster of the Territory
Thomas, G. P. Vote on the Constitution
Thome, James Vote on the Constitution
Thompson, B. B. The First Legislature
Thompson, Benjamin Election of Delegate
Thompson, Benjamin B. The Machinery in Motion
Thompson, J. D. H. The First Legislature
Thompson, J. D. N. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Thorn, James Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Thorne, Jim Senator Gere's Sketch
Thrall, Dr. The Florence Secession
Thrall, W. R. The Fourth Session
Tipton Senator Gere's Sketch
Tipton, T. W. Attempt to Create a State
Tisdale Senator Gere's Sketch
Tisdale, F. D. Vote on the Constitution
Tisdel, F. A. Attempt to Create a State
Tisdel, F. A. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Todd, D. G. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Todd, Levi G. The Machinery in Motion
Todd, Levi S. Election of Delegate
Towle, E. S. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Towner, Abraham Election of Delegate
Townsend, Martin I. Senator Gere's Sketch
Tracy Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Tredway, John G. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Trumble, A. W. Senator Gere's Sketch
Trumble, A. W. The State Legislature
Tufts, James The Sixth Session
Turner, Robert Election of Delegate
Tuxberry, Col. Senator Gere's Sketch
Tuxburv, Albert Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Tuxbury, A. Vote on the Constitution
Tyson, Jonathan The First Legislature
Ulry, Charles Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Unthank, J. A. Senator Gere's Sketch
Unthank, John A. Attempt to Create a State
Valentine, E. K. Vote on the Constitution
Van Horn, J. The Florence Secession
Virden, F. M. Attempt to Create a State
Virtue, J. W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Waldter, Lewis The State Legislature
Walker Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Walldter, Louis Senator Gere's Sketch
Wallichs, John The State Legislature
Walther, Charles F. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wardell, W. W. Senator Gere's Sketch
Wardell, W. W. The State Legislature
Warner, A. J. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Warwick, S. The State Legislature
Watson, William W. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wattles, Stephen H. The Death of Secretary Cuming
Wattles, Stephen H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Welch, F. Vote on the Constitution
Welch, Frank Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Welch, Frank Senator Gere's Sketch
Welch, Frank Vote on the Constitution
West, George P. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Whalen, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wheeler, D. H. Attempt to Create a State
White, I. D. The Third Session
Whitted, Robert The First Legislature
Wilber Senator Gere's Sketch
Wilbur, M. C. Vote on the Constitution
Wilbur, R. H. Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wilbur, R. H. Vote on the Constitution
Wilds, Isaac Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wiles, Isaac Senator Gere's Sketch
Wiles, Isaac The State Legislature
Willes, Stephen The Machinery in Motion
Williams Senator Gere's Sketch
Wolfue, John Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Sessions
Wolph, H. C. The Third Session
Wood, J. M. The First Legislature
Woolworth, Jim Senator Gere's Sketch
Wyman, William W. Official Roster of the Territory
Yost, C. E. Vote on the Constitution
Yost, Casper E. Official Roster of the Territory
Young, Brigham The Mormon Exodus
Young, L. The Machinery in Motion
Young, William J. The Death of Secretary Cuming
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